*temp revealintention false *temp timer 0 *temp standing false Life will have to change. As you sit contemplating *if vice = "coffee" your morning coffee *elseif vice = "beer" whether to add something stronger to your morning coffee *elseif vice = "sugar" your morning donuts *else the smoke drifting off your first cigarette for the day that is the one thing you are sure of. You no longer have access to your puppet. ${puppet_name} was badly injured in the crash, and while you are sure ${phe} will heal with time and effort, that will take weeks, if not months. And what's more troubling is the fact that ${phe} is compromised. Ortega knows too much, you can't be sure to what extent ${he} has kept track on ${puppet_name}, or how much ${he} knows. The anonymity of your second body is no more. How much can be salvaged from that mess? *if puppetmortum *goto puppet_mortum *else *goto puppet_caught *label puppet_caught *fake_choice #We'll see. No need to make a decision now. Some decisions are fine to put off for the future, and this is one of them. There is no need to make any decisions before you have more information. Let the Rangers foot the bill for now, and once your puppet is put back together, you can see whether you still have a use for that body. Even if ${puppet_name} would register as comatose, you have no doubt Ortega would keep ${phim} on life support. $!{he}'s not one for giving up. #I'll get ${puppet_name} back, just not right now. You'll get ${puppet_name} back, of course you will. You put too much effort into that body to let it go to waste because of an accident. But right now you are too busy to play nursemaid, especially with the Rangers able to do it for you. Even if ${phe} would register as comatose, you have no doubt Ortega would keep ${phim} on life support. $!{he}'s not one for giving up. #Nothing. It's not worth the risk, it's just an empty body. It might gall you to give up something of yours, but your puppet have played ${phis} part. $!{phe} was vital in the days before your debut as ${villain_name}, but now that you are established you can do this alone. You started this by stealing brain-dead body from a hospital, there's a certain logic to going full circle and leave ${phim} at one. The only loose end is Ortega. You have a nagging suspicion that ${he} wouldn't pull the plug, even if the puppet registered as brain-dead. $!{he}'s not one for giving up. *set puppetexpendable true ${puppet_name} saw Hollow Ground's face. There's no way Ortega can give up on that kind of clue. Can Hollow Ground? *if puppetexpendable Would ${hghe} make a move for the puppet? Try to kill ${phim} for good? It's possible, and if you had any suspicion Hollow Ground might get ${hghis} own hands dirty, that would have been good bait. However, you doubt it. You didn't get the impression of someone willing to take personal risks. $!{swear}. You don't like it, but Hollow Ground is turning into a problem you need to deal with sooner rather than in your own good time. *else $!{swear}. That might complicate things. There was already one attempt on ${puppet_name}'s life, what's to say there won't be another? Ortega will make sure ${phe} is secure, but you know how hard it is to foresee all the angles. You might have to admit Ortega is more clever than you thought, but Hollow Ground can hire the best assassins in the city. That settles it. Looks like you have to deal with Hollow Ground sooner rather than later. *goto dealwithhg *label puppet_mortum *comment CHECK IF YOU CAN HAVE THE PUPPET WITH MORTUM AND NOT BE SEDATED *goto dealwithhg *label dealwithhg *if hghome You know where ${hghe} @{hgsv lives|live}. That's an advantage. Hollow Ground has survived so long because of ${hghis} secrecy, now you are holding it in your hands. What to do... *goto hgchoice *elseif hghomemaybe You know the area where ${hghe} @{hgsv lives|live}. You're certain you could narrow it down further with a bit of work. Hollow Ground has survived so long because of ${hghis} secrecy, now you have the potential to ruin that. What to do... *set timer + 1 *goto hgchoice *else You doubt ${hghe} will return to Parkfield any time soon. Hollow Ground has survived so long because of ${hghis} secrecy, and right now that place is anything but. No, you need to find out where ${hghe} @{hgsv lives|live}, that way you can hit ${hghim} when ${ghhis} guard is down. *set timer + 4 *goto findhg *label hgchoice *fake_choice *hide_reuse #Ortega might find this information useful... Your first thought is to fight fire with fire. Ortega would find this kind of information very useful, and if you didn't want to be involved personally you could always feed it to one of ${his} informants. Problem solved, let them fight it out and leave you to your business. Except... that's about as precise as lobbing a grenade into a gas station and hoping it only blows the car up. The more you think about it, the more you can see things escalating. Would Ortega want your help? Would ${he} bring in the rest of the Rangers? Would ${he} snoop around to make sure and blow everything by being careless? You don't like this. Ortega is a wind card. Hollow Ground have already made a mess of your plans once. Combining those two will not be worth the risk. At least not at this stage. No. You need a new plan. *goto hgchoice *if (hghomemaybe) #I need to find out exactly where HG lives, the area is not enough. Whatever you decide to do later, the first step is finding out exactly where Hollow Ground lives. The area you tracked ${hghim} to is filled with grand villas and compounds, giving space and privacy for the very rich. You could take the time to scout around, read the mind of staff and servants, or follow security guards around to see what they know. Safe. Secretive. Slow. It's not the speed or the effort that gives you pause, though. If it was this easy to find where Hollow Ground hangs ${hghis} hat, why haven't Ortega done it already? No. Chances are none of the staff knows who lives there. They might not even see who passes through the gate, a car with tinted windows hides everyone but the driver. Tracking Jake might be an option, people would recognize him, but how many pay attention to other staff? Faces blend together, it's not like anyone would care to recognize a driver or a bodyguard. *if ((thief) or (streetwise)) *goto dsnippet1 *else *goto whoknows *if (hghome)#I know where HG lives, but not what to expect inside... Knowing where Hollow Ground lives is only step one. You have no idea what kind of security ${hghe} @{hgsv has|have}. Will there be dampeners? Boosted or modded guards? High tech security systems? *if thief You're not worried about getting in, but you don't think it will be as easy to find out information about this property as about some others. *else You doubt your normal research avenues will yield any information, not with someone as through as Hollow Ground. If this was easy, Ortega would have raided the place years ago. No. You need to think outside the box on this one, strike while the iron is hot. Before Hollow Ground might get spooked and move. You don't know how paranoid ${hghe} @{hgsv is|are}, *if ((thief) or (streetwise)) *goto dsnippet1 *else *goto whoknows #Can I really do this alone? I need allies. *if hghome You know where Hollow Ground lives, but that's only step one. *else Finding out exactly where Hollow ground lives is only step one. You doubt the kingpin of Los Diablos would be without bodyguards. You've already met Jake Manalo, and there's bound to be more. Possibly defensive systems too. Going at this alone would be risky. It would be better to have some allies on your side, if nothing else to take some hits for you. *if boss You don't want to risk losing part of your team, they were not hired for a frontal assault. *if rosie Rosie might be tough, but there's a reason she never made it to the top. Useful. But you need more. You've never trusted mercenaries, too easy to be overbid. But you've got an advantage with your telepathic powers, you can detect treachery before it happens. *if ((thief) or (streetwise)) *goto dsnippet1 *else *goto whoknows *label findhg *fake_choice *hide_reuse #Ortega might be able to help... Your first thought is to fight fire with fire. Ortega might be able to help, you have no doubt that ${he} has amassed quite a wealth of information over the years. Unfortunately you can't read ${his} mind and find out, you would have to work together. Which would be problematic. How to explain your sudden interest in Hollow Ground? And how ${villain_name} might suddenly become involved? No. Too risky. Involving Ortega is about as precise as lobbing a grenade into a gas station and hoping it only blows the car up. The more you think about it, the more you can see things escalating beyond your control. You don't like the unexpected. Ortega is a wind card. Hollow Ground have already made a mess of your plans once. Combining those two will not be worth the risk. At least not at this stage. No. You need a new plan. *goto findhg #I need to find out where HG lives first. Whatever you decide to do later, the first step is finding out where Hollow Ground lives. While you don't want to undersell your investigative powers, you wonder how long time that might take. If it was easy to find where Hollow Ground hangs ${hghis} hat, why haven't Ortega done it already? The interior decoration choices in the meeting room at Parkfield was opulent, almost decadent. You doubt that someone with that sense of style would be willing to hide in a sewer or something. No, it would either be a luxury apartment or one of the large villas on the outskirts of town. Enough space to have privacy, enough money to make sure nobody would come looking. That complicates things. You doubt your usual tactics of going through city officials or filing clerks will help much, Hollow Ground's tracks are probably buried under layers of seemingly innocent millionaires. *if ((thief) or (streetwise)) *goto dsnippet2 *else *goto whoknows #Can I really do this alone? I need allies. Finding out where Hollow ground lives is only step one. You doubt the kingpin of Los Diablos would be without bodyguards. You've already met Jake Manalo, and there's bound to be more. Possibly defensive systems too. Going at this alone would be risky. It would be better to have some allies on your side, if nothing else to take some hits for you. *if boss You don't want to risk losing part of your team, they were not hired for a frontal assault. *if rosie Rosie might be tough, but there's a reason she never made it to the top. Useful. But you need more. You've never trusted mercenaries, too easy to be overbid. But you've got an advantage with your telepathic powers, you can detect treachery before it happens. Worth thinking about. However, need to figure out where to find Hollow Ground before you start planning what to do about ${hghim}. You doubt your usual tactics of going through city officials or filing clerks will help much, Hollow Ground's tracks are probably buried under layers of seemingly innocent millionaires liking their privacy. *if ((thief) or (streetwise)) *goto dsnippet2 *else *goto whoknows *label dsnippet1 What you need is someone who might already have done this legwork for you. Those houses are some of the most expensive real estate in Los Diablos, *if lupin and they would have been on your list of possible targets sooner or later. And if they are on your list, you know someone who might know more. Your fellow thief, and annoying competitor. Dove. *elseif thief and if you were interested in jewelry or art, they would have been juicy targets. However, while you are not, you know someone who is into stealing exactly those things. Dove. *else perfect targets for any self-respecting thief. While you do the occasional heist, you prefer cash rather than artwork or jewelry, but there are thieves in the city specializing in that kind of thing. One in particular has become known for her daring raids at the homes of the very rich. Dove. An innocent name for a devious woman. If you are lucky she might already have scoped the area and might have information you need. It's at least worth a talk. *goto maskoff *label dsnippet2 What you need is someone who might already have done this legwork for you. Someone with a vested interest in expensive real estate, and the secrets it holds. *if lupin You've scoped out enough of them in your day, but you've never done a comprehensive survey. However, some people have been at this game longer than you, and it's possible they have picked up clues you've overlooked. One person in particular comes to mind, your fellow thief, art connoisseur, and annoying competitor. Dove. *elseif thief You've scoped out enough of them in your day, but you're not really interested in jewelry or art. However, other thieves are, and you happen to know someone who robs the mansions of the rich and powerful on a regular basis. Dove. *else Places like that makes perfect targets for any self-respecting thief. While you do the occasional heist, you prefer cash rather than artwork or jewelry, but there are thieves in the city specializing in that kind of thing. One in particular has become known for her daring raids at the homes of the very rich. Dove. An innocent name for a devious woman. If you are lucky she might have information you need. It's at least worth a talk. *goto maskoff *label maskoff *if ((thief) or (streetwise)) You let out a long sigh, then finishes up your breakfast. Looks like it's time for a little chat with Dove, and without your puppet to slip into that job is up to you. *else You let out a long sigh, then finishes up your breakfast. You're going to have to find the right person to talk to, and without your puppet to slip into that job is up to you. That's when it hits you. Your face. You. For years you relied on someone else's face when interacting with people. Going to Joes. Hiring help. Sure, you can meet with people as ${villain_name} but wearing your armor is not always the most subtle option. *if boss_secret Not even @{boss Pelayo|${hench_name}} knows your face. ${puppet_name} was your main way to interact with @{boss him|${hhim}}. What will happen if you get injured? Who can you trust? *fake_choice #Nobody. I'll make this work and keep my secret. You can't trust anybody. If things go bad, you'll deal with that when it comes to it. You can't trust people like that, it's too great a risk. The helmet stays on. #I guess it's time to show my face to @{boss Pelayo|${hench_name}}. You don't have a choice. If something goes bad, you need to be able to trust @{boss Pelayo|${hench_name}} to help you. And a first step in that is to show your face. Even though the risk makes your skin crawl. *set revealintention true #I am ${villain_name}. I need to be comfortable showing my face in private. You are ${villain_name}. In armor, or without. While you have no plans on taking stupid risks, or revealing your identity, on occasion you suppose you need to show your face. @{boss Pelayo|${hench_name}} need to know, and so might other people. Sure it is a risk, but without ${puppet_name}, one you might have to take. You can always adjust their memory of you afterward, if you think the situation requires it. The only question is when would be a good time. *set revealintention true *set mask_off true *else At least @{boss Pelayo|${hench_name}} has seen you without your helmet on. That makes things easier. But can you trust @{boss him|${hhim}} to negotiate for you? Probably not. But you will end up in situations where you can't rely on remaining in your armor. You need to decide how to deal with that. *fake_choice #Secrecy above all, the helmet stays on. You've chosen to trust @{boss Pelayo and the others|${hench_name}}. That will have to be enough. When you're ${villain_name}, you'll remain in armor. The helmet stays on. #I am ${villain_name}. I need to be comfortable showing my face in private. You are ${villain_name}. In armor, or without. While you have no plans on taking stupid risks, or revealing your identity, on occasion you suppose you need to show your face. Sure it is a risk, but without ${puppet_name}, one you might have to take. You can always adjust their memory of you afterward, if you think the situation requires it. *set mask_off true *if not(hench_hired) You also need to make sure to hire ${hench_name} permanently. You allowed ${hhim} to say no last time, but now you will give ${hhim} an offer ${hhe} can't refuse. *set timer + 1 Annoying. Losing your puppet is not a major blow, but it sure means some extra work and adjustment of your plans. Another thing Hollow Ground will pay for. *if ((thief) or (streetwise)) At least you can easily deal with Dove in armor, she's a creature of alleys and rooftops, not fine restaurants or boardrooms. It won't be hard to reach out and arrange a meeting. With her and her many pigeons, the very thing that lets her have eyes in so many places. After that, you'll play it by ear. *goto dovemeeting *else You suppose you should check in with @{boss Pelayo|${hench_name}} and see if @{boss he|${hhe}} has any ideas on who to contact if you want to find someone who does not want to be found. *if boss *set timer + 1 *goto bossquestion *elseif *set timer + 2 *goto rosiequestion *else *set timer + 2 *goto boquestion *label bossquestion *page_break Hopefully He Will. [b]Later.[/b] *if boss_secret_base You do not trust your crew enough to show them your base, so as always you meet in another abandoned building. This one is a warehouse between renters, in a week from now a new business might be moving in, but right now it's yours. A single building spotlight casts stark shadows on the wall, you wouldn't do this during daytime. Too many people around. This time of the night you can easily urge any patrolling security guards to go elsewhere. *elseif base = "ruin" After what happened at Parkfield, you know you need to move your base of operation. It's times like this you're glad to have a crew, they have already packed up most of the smaller things, and were arguing about how to easiest transport them out of the tunnels. Looks like they are ready for a break. They pause as they enter, all faces turned to you. *elseif base = "waterplant" After what happened at Parkfield, you've made sure to increase security around your base. It's times like this you're glad to have a crew, they have just returned from checking the perimeter and making sure that the new cameras and sensors can't be spotted. Good work, you can see it in their minds, they are satisfied with how things are looking. You'll have another look later for yourself, but now you have other business. *elseif base ="luxury" After what happened at Parkfield, you're glad to have your base in a secure location. Money is a great insulator from most threats, and the place is large enough that your crew can stay for a while until things are safer. *else The back room smells of chili, you suspect Marcia has been bringing leftovers again. Technically neither of your crew are working here, but she knows they are your friend and have some business next door so you suspect she makes extra. However, this is no time for relaxation. *if revealintention For a moment, you entertain the notion of pulling your helmet off to reveal your identity, but this isn't the right moment. It would distract from matters at hand and you need to move fast. Later. When you've got the time. *if crew_relationship = "with fear and trepidation" You can feel the tension radiating off everyone, though they keep their faces professional. Good. You don't have to try to read them to feel they are worried about ${puppet_name}. $!{phe} was the nice one. You are... *if ((not(boss_secret)) and (not(boss_secret_base))) Scary. Nehal's thoughts are loud enough to make you smirk beneath the helmet. *else Scary even without the armor. Nehal's thoughts are loud enough to make you smirk. "Don't concern yourself with ${puppet_name}," you say, watching as they do their best to stay calm. "The Rangers can pay for ${phis} care, when the time comes, we'll break ${phim} out." Will you? That part is less important than letting them believe you will. "Any news?" Nehal can't keep quiet, though ZaZa hisses in her direction. "No. And there is nothing we could do about it if there were. Are either of you accomplished surgeons?" Your voice hardens and Nehal looks down. "No, of course not, sorry Boss." "We will move on to deal with the reason why ${phe} is in the hospital." You can feel their minds react to that. Revenge, good. Only a little worry about what Hollow Ground can do. "And, speaking of that..." You let your voice drift off, leaving them waiting for your next word. "Pelayo?" "Yes, Boss?" He straightens his back, military demeanor quick and obedient. "What do you need?" You bite back the urge to point out that you do not [i]need[/i] anything. The phrasing is not important right now, the urge to please and obey is. "I need a name. Someone who is familiar with the wealthy districts of Los Diablos. Who lives where, and what secrets that might be hiding under each roof." "I see." Pelayo is adding things up, this must be connected to Hollow Ground. "Dove." He speaks the word with surety, the first one that came to mind. "A thief and occasional mercenary. She should keep tabs on places like that." "Interesting." You see images of a woman in a skinsuit, running across a roof followed by a flock of pigeons. A boost. Birds? A good way to have eyes in many places. Useful. "What are your orders?" ${hench_name} looks tense, not fond of the waiting game. "Lay low for now. Hollow Ground might seek to retaliate against you as well. I'll contact you once it's time to..." *if ((not(boss_secret)) and (not(boss_secret_base))) the smirk on your face deepens to a vicious smile *else you pause for effect, your vocal distorters deepening "...repay what happened to ${puppet_name}." *if ((not(boss_secret)) and (not(boss_secret_base))) You take a moment to look each and every one of them in the eyes, making sure they understand the seriousness of the situation before you turn and leave. You can't afford mistakes. *goto dovemeeting *elseif boss_secret_base *if suit_cape You make sure to swirl your cape on the way out, not bothering to wait for a reply. *else You turn and walk towards the exit, not bothering to wait for a reply. *if suit_terrifying Your distorted shadow crawling over the wall leaves no room for arguments. *elseif suit_imposing The sound of your heavy footsteps against a concrete leaves no room for arguments. *elseif suit_mysterious You'll be gone before they can think of one, a shadow fading in the darkness. *else There's nothing more to say. Your business here is over, time to move forward. *goto dovemeeting *else *if suit_cape You make sure to swirl your cape on the way out, not bothering to wait for a reply. *else You turn and walk towards the exit, not bothering to wait for a reply. They'll finish up and see themselves out in their own time. Your business here is over, time to move forward. *goto dovemeeting *elseif crew_relationship = "as a competent and professional boss" You can feel the tension radiating off everyone, though they keep their faces professional. Good. You don't have to try to read them to feel they are worried about ${puppet_name}. Their anxious thoughts put you on edge. "Don't worry about ${puppet_name}," you say, watching as they do their best to stay calm. *if ((not(boss_secret)) and (not(boss_secret_base))) You being out of your armor helps, putting a more human face to your persona, as ironic as that is. "The Rangers can pay for ${phis} care, when the time comes, we'll break ${phim} out." You need to sound confident. Like you have everything under control. "Any news?" Nehal can't keep quiet, though ZaZa rolls his eyes at her outburst. "Not yet," you admit. "Right now we can't do anything for ${phim}. And snooping around is liable to attract Ranger attention." "Or worse." Ward flexes the claw impatiently. "You think they'll try to take out ${puppet_name}?" "I'm not sure," you say, pondering the situation. "Antagonizing Charge might not be in Hollow Ground's interests. If anyone can keep ${puppet_name} safe it's ${him}." "And in the meantime, we...?" Pelayo doesn't finish the sentence, but he knows you have called them here for a reason. "I need to find a particular person. Someone who is familiar with the wealthy districts of Los Diablos. Who lives where, and what secrets that might be hiding under each roof." You look around, hoping this might have sparked some ideas. *if rosie "Oh, yeah, I know who you want to talk to." Rosie almost raises her hand, then looks a bit embarrassed at her own enthusiasm once everybody turns to look at her. "Dove. She's a thief, sometimes a mercenary, you know? Does a little this and that. I worked with her a few times back when I was the Riveter. When she needed muscle. Think she's got a new guy now. Big armor." "I don't care about the muscle, but thieves tend to be well informed." You can see the image in her head, a lanky woman with an infectious smile surrounded by pigeons. Bird control? Would be handy for someone who needs to scout places unseen. "She might be suitable. Anything else I need to know about her?" "She likes money." Rosie starts counting on her fingers. "Kinda funny if you can stand it. Likes to pretend she's a lot harder than she is. One of those types who's almost a hero to her local community, you know? Spends a lot of money there. Takes stupid risks. That's why we don't work together anymore." *if daring >= 70 "And instead you're working for me." You can't resist an amused chuckle. "Ironic." "I trust you, boss." The undertone is clear. She hadn't trusted Dove. "And I like being part of a team." *elseif daring <= 30 "And yet she's still in business. She must be competent." You're not one who appreciates risks. Risk-takers, however, can be very useful. "She is. And good at getting away. Which sucks for the people with her who might not be as good at it." An annoyed sigh. "I like being part of a team, we can have each other's back." *else "Good to know." People who likes risks can be useful, until their antics burns you. "I'll keep that in mind." "She likes a challenge." She smiles, fondly. "Good way of getting her to do things." "And what should the rest of us do?" Pelayo seems pleased with Rosie's initiative, you can feel that he agrees with her assessment. *else "I think I've got a suggestion." Pelayo is adding things up, this must be connected to Hollow Ground. "You might want to have a chat with Dove." He speaks the name with surety, the first one that came to mind. "She's a thief and occasional mercenary. She whould keep tabs on places like that." "A thief. Of course." You see images of a woman in a skinsuit, running across a roof followed by a flock of pigeons. A boost. Birds? Interesting. A good way to have eyes in many places. Useful. "What are we going to do?" *if rosie Rosie looks eager to get started, not fond of the waiting game. *else Bo looks anxious, too aware of everything that can go wrong. "You all will lay low for now. Hollow Ground might seek to retaliate against you as well. I'll contact you once it's time to..." you pause for effect, your vocal distorters deepening "...repay what happened to ${puppet_name}." "Roger." Ward nods in agreement, quickly joined by the others. "Better stick together then." ${hench_name} looks around, focusing on Nehal, who looks innocent. "Just to stay safe." *if ((not(boss_secret)) and (not(boss_secret_base))) "You can stay here for as long as you need to. Hopefully this will get resolved fast." You don't know how interested Hollow Ground is in retaliating further against you for disobeying instructions, but you'd rather not take any chances. "Just let us know when you need us." Zaza sketches a salute, you're glad to see he's taking things seriously this time. "I will." You take a moment to look each and every one of them in the eyes, making sure they understand the seriousness of the situation before you turn and leave. You can't afford mistakes. *goto dovemeeting *elseif boss_secret_base "Focus on that. Hopefully this will get resolved fast." You don't know how interested Hollow Ground is in retaliating further against you for disobeying instructions, but you'd rather not take any chances. "Now find some place to lay low. I'll be in touch." *if suit_cape You turn fast enough that your cape swirls on the way out, *else You turn and walk decisively towards the exit, *if suit_terrifying your distorted shadow crawling over the wall. *elseif suit_imposing the sound of your heavy footsteps echoing in the empty space. *elseif suit_mysterious a shadow fading in the darkness. *else your business here is over. Time to get get some work done. *goto dovemeeting *else "Hopefully this will get resolved fast." You don't know how interested Hollow Ground is in retaliating further against you for disobeying instructions, but you'd rather not take any chances. "Stay here until you've found a place to lay low. No unnecessary risks." *if suit_cape You make sure to swirl your cape on the way out, *else You turn and walk towards the exit, already thinking of your next step. They'll finish up and see themselves out in their own time. Your business here is over, time to move forward. *goto dovemeeting *else You listen to their nervous chatter, though they try to avoid the subject of their worry. ${puppet_name}. *if boss_secret You don't blame them, ${phe} was their main contact with you. And now ${phe}'s gone. *else You pull off your helmet, the faint hiss of air causing them to fall silent. It's as if your naked face helps calm them, reminding them that beneath your armor you're just like them. *if suit_terrifying Not some kind of monstrous abomination. *elseif suit_imposing You've even been known to smile on occasion. *elseif suit_mysterious No longer faceless. *else Just dressed for the part. "Don't worry about ${puppet_name}," you say, *if boss_secret watching as they do their best to quiet down. *else your voice quiet without the vocal distorters. "The Rangers will take good care of ${phim} for now. When the time comes, we'll break ${phim} out." *elseif hench_relationship = "friend" You allow yourself to sound worried. ${puppet_name} is their friend, you need them to know you won't leave anybody behind. *else You don't leave any of your people behind. "What a clusterfuck." Zaza grimaces, looking like he's wishing for a solution he could just shoot in the face and be done in it. No such luck. "Any news yet?" Nehal keeps fidgeting, unable to sit still, yet with nowhere to go. "Not yet," you admit. "But I haven't dug around too deeply. With what happened to Charge, all the Rangers are on high alert. And I don't want to risk alerting you know who to ${phis} presence. Or how important ${phe} is." "Makes sense." Ward flexes the claw, the metallic sound echoes in the empty building. "You think they'll try to take out ${puppet_name} if they can?" "Hopefully not," you say, juggling probabilities. "And even if Hollow Ground wanted to wrap up loose ends, antagonizing Charge might not be in their interest. I hate to admit it, but if anyone can keep ${puppet_name} safe it's Charge. ${puppet_name} has information ${he} might need." "Keeping witnesses alive, huh?" Pelayo crosses his arms, considering his options. "You didn't call us here for no reason, though. What do you want us to do?" "We need to prepare to strike back." Your voice hardens. "But we'll need information first. And for that, I need someone who is familiar with the wealthy districts of Los Diablos. Who lives where, and what secrets that might be hiding under each roof." You look around, hoping this might have sparked some ideas. "I think I've got a suggestion." Pelayo is adding things up, this must be connected to Hollow Ground. He likes that idea. Striking where they don't expect it. "You might want to have a chat with Dove." He speaks the name with surety, the first one that came to mind. "She's a thief and occasional mercenary. She whould keep tabs on places like that." "A thief wouldn't be a bad idea, at least as a first step." They tend to be informed, both when it comes to places where you can make money, and where you should stay away. In his mind, you see images of a woman in a skinsuit, running across a roof followed by a flock of pigeons. A boost. Birds? Interesting. A good way to have eyes in many places. Useful. "You want us to bring her in?" Ward looks eager, not fond of the waiting game. "No. I'll deal with her. I want you to keep your heads down for now. Hollow Ground might target you. I'll contact you once it's time to get ${hghim} back for what happened to ${puppet_name}." *if not(boss_secret) You put your helmet back on, a sign that this meeting is coming to an end. "Can't say I like it, but I get it." Ward sighs. "Just make sure you let us get out shot in once it gets time for payback?" "Don't worry about that." You slowly pan around the room. "I'm going to need all of you for this once we know where to strike." "Better stick together until then." ${hench_name} looks around, focusing on Nehal, who looks nervous. "Just to stay safe." "A good idea. Make sure to take care of each other. I don't want to lose either of you." The last is an order, and you make sure they understand it. The last you need is anybody letting their feelings get the better of them. Right now, this is about damage control and preparation. Everything else comes later. *if suit_cape You turn fast enough that your cape swirls on the way out, *else You turn and walk decisively towards the exit, *if suit_terrifying your distorted shadow crawling over the wall. *elseif suit_imposing the sound of your heavy footsteps echoing in the empty space. *elseif suit_mysterious a shadow fading in the darkness. *else your business here is over. Time to get get some work done. *goto dovemeeting *label rosiequestion *page_break Hopefully She Will. [b]Later.[/b] You have not trusted Rosie enough to show her your base, so as always you meet in another abandoned building. This one is a warehouse between renters, in a week from now a new business might be moving in, but right now it's yours. A single building spotlight casts stark shadows on the wall, you wouldn't do this during daytime. Too many people around. This time of the night you can easily urge any patrolling security guards to go elsewhere. *if hench_hired At this point, ${hench_name} should be used to places like this. And yet... *else You hope ${hench_name} will be there, though you doubt ${hhe} could resist the amount of money you're offering. Ah. Speak of the devil. *if crew_relationship = "with fear and trepidation" "Are you there, boss?" Rosie's voice cracks slightly, mouth dry. She sounds nervous, as if not sure what to expect. You've kept her on her toes, so it's no wonder she's afraid of you. Good. A little fear is useful, just enough to stay in line, but not enough to run for the hills. *elseif crew_relationship = "as likable and friendly" "Hope I'm not late, boss?" Rosie's smiling nervously, but her eyes keep darting around. The spotlight is blinding her. "Boss?" *else "I came as fast as I could." Rosie looks around, but the spotlight is blinding her. "You here, boss?" *if suit_terrifying You don't reply immediately, instead you step into the light, your armor casting distorted shadows over the wall. "I am," you rasp, your vocal distorters making your voice reverberate in the empty space. Rosie gasps and takes a step back in fear, hands up in a defensive position. *if crew_relationship = "with fear and trepidation" "Ah!" She slowly lowers her hands, straightening her back into a more professional stance. "Sorry, boss, but you're damn creepy when you do that." "I know," you say, daring her to protest. Of course she doesn't, you both know that she's afraid of you. "I have a use for you." *else "I hate it when you do that." Rosie lowers her hands, wiping them on her thighs in a nervous gesture. "One day you're going to give me a heart attack." "You're a big girl, you can handle it," you say, pleased that her heartrate goes back to normal this fast. Professional. You're going to need that. "I called you here for a reason." *elseif suit_imposing You don't reply immediately, instead you step into the light, the shadow of your armor striking an imposing figure on the wall. Larger than you. Larger than life. "I am," you say, your vocal distorters making your voice fill the empty space. Rosie gasps and takes a step back, hands up in a defensive position. A natural reaction. *if crew_relationship = "with fear and trepidation" "Ah!" She slowly lowers her hands, straightening her back into a more professional stance. She almost bows, then thinks better of it. "Sorry, boss. Reflexes." "A good thing to have," you say, your helmet visor an unblinking gaze she can't meet. "I have a use for you." *elseif crew_relationship = "as likable and friendly" "God dammit boss." Rosie lowers her hands, unclenching her fists with a smile. "One day you're going to get accidentally punched if you keep this up." "I can handle that," you say, pleased at her reaction. Professional. Ready for anything. You're going to need that. "But never mind my manners, I called you here for a reason." *else "Oh, it's you." Rosie lowers her hands, unclenching her fists with a grim smile. "One day you're going to give me a heart attack." "You're a big girl, you can handle it," you say, pleased at her reaction. Professional. Ready for anything. You're going to need that. "I called you here for a reason." *elseif suit_mysterious You don't reply immediately, instead you step out of the darkness, just enough to let the light catch you, throwing shadows everywhere. "Keep your voice down," you say, your vocal distorters a quiet hiss in the empty space. Rosie gasps and takes a step back in surprise, hands up in a defensive position. *if crew_relationship = "with fear and trepidation" "Ah!" She slowly lowers her hands, straightening her back into a more professional stance. She looks embarrassed. "Sorry, boss. Reflexes." "A good thing to have," you say, staying in the shadows where she can only half see you. "I have a use for you." *elseif crew_relationship = "as likable and friendly" "God dammit boss." Rosie lowers her hands, unclenching her fists with a smile. "One day you're going to get accidentally punched if you keep appearing out of nowhere like that." "Assuming you could hit me," you say, pleased at her reaction. Professional. Ready for anything. You're going to need that. "But never mind my manners, I called you here for a reason." *else "Oh, it's you." Rosie lowers her hands, unclenching her fists with a grim smile. "One day you're going to give me a heart attack." "You're a big girl, you can handle it," you say, pleased at her reaction. Professional. Ready for anything. You're going to need that. "I called you here for a reason." *else "I am." You step into the light at last, your HUD adjusting to the glare as you look around. You're alone, the only company your shadows on the wall, slightly twisted compared to the ones who cast them. *if crew_relationship = "with fear and trepidation" "Dammit!" Rosie almost raises her fists in defense, on edge already and the shadows doesn't make it better. She immediately lowers them with a hint of a bow. "Sorry, boss. Reflexes." "A good thing to have," you say, your helmet visor an unblinking gaze she can't meet. "I have a use for you." *else "Finally." Rosie takes a step forward, eager for news. "I was beginning to wonder if I was in the right place." "I wanted to make sure we had some privacy," you say, looking around the empty space. "Don't want to be overheard. Especially not now." You lower your voice. "I called you here for a reason." "What do you need?" Straight to business as always, but then her brow furrows. "Is this about ${puppet_name}?" *if hench_relationship = "friend" She's worried about her friend. Naturally. *else For her it's the only logical conclusion. "No," you say, but quickly continues as you see the look on her face. "Right now ${puppet_name} is secure where ${phe} is. Let the Rangers pay for ${phis} hospital bill. Charge is a better bodyguard than either of us, especially when it comes to wanting information." *if revealintention For a moment, you entertain the notion of pulling your helmet off to reveal your identity, but this isn't the right moment. It would distract from matters at hand and you need to move fast. Later. When you've got the time. "I suppose." Rosie sighs. "Just doesn't sit right with me to stand here and do nothing." "You're here for a reson," you remind her. "And that reason is why ${puppet_name} ended up in the hospital in the first place." *if not(hench_hired) You sift through her thoughts, finding the right one to pull. "But first, I have a question for you." "I'm listening?" "With ${puppet_name} out of the picture, I need someone I can rely on for certain tasks. The position comes with a raise and a steady paycheck." "I would work for you?" "Yes. No freelancing on the side. I trust that is agreeable?" You nudge her mind, just the tiniest amount. No need for doubts, she wants to say yes. *set hench_hired true "Just let me know what you need, boss." Her voice is sharp, eager. *if crew_relationship = "with fear and trepidation" You bite back the urge to point out that you do not [i]need[/i] anything. The phrasing is not important right now, the urge to please and obey is. "I need a name. Someone who is familiar with the wealthy districts of Los Diablos. Who lives where, and what secrets that might be hiding under each roof." *else "I need a name. Someone who is familiar with the wealthy districts of Los Diablos. Who lives where, and what secrets that might be hiding under each roof." Rosie's been around for a while. She's friendly and outgoing. She must know people. "Oh, yeah, I know who you want to talk to." She talks fast, but you can already see the image forming in her head. "Dove. She's a thief, sometimes a mercenary, you know? Does a little this and that. I worked with her a few times back when I was the Riveter. When she needed muscle. Think she's got a new guy now. Big armor." "I don't care about the muscle, but thieves tend to be well informed." You can see the image in her head, a lanky woman with an infectious smile surrounded by pigeons. Bird control? Would be handy for someone who needs to scout places unseen. "She might be suitable. Anything else I need to know about her?" "She likes money." Rosie starts counting on her fingers. "Kinda funny if you can stand it. Likes to pretend she's a lot harder than she is. One of those types who's almost a hero to her local community, you know? Spends a lot of money there. Takes stupid risks. That's why we don't work together anymore." *if daring >= 70 "And instead you're working for me." You can't resist an amused chuckle. "Ironic." "I trust you, boss." The undertone is clear. She hadn't trusted Dove. *elseif daring <= 30 "And yet she's still in business. She must be competent." You're not one who appreciates risks. Risk-takers, however, can be very useful. "She is. And good at getting away. Which sucks for the people with her who might not be as good at it." An annoyed sigh. *else "Good to know." People who likes risks can be useful, until their antics burns you. "I'll keep that in mind." "She likes a challenge." She smiles, fondly. "Good way of getting her to do things." *if crew_relationship = "with fear and trepidation" "We'll see how useful she can be." You can't judge that until you meet her. In either case, it's a first lead, which was what you needed. "I'll let you know when you're needed." *if suit_cape You make sure to swirl your cape on the way out, not bothering to wait for a reply. *else You turn and walk towards the exit, not bothering to wait for a reply. *if suit_terrifying Your distorted shadow crawling over the wall leaves no room for arguments. *elseif suit_imposing The sound of your heavy footsteps against a concrete leaves no room for arguments. *elseif suit_mysterious You'll be gone before they can think of one, a shadow fading in the darkness. *else There's nothing more to say. Your business here is over, time to move forward. *goto dovemeeting *else "Hopefully she can supply me with what I need to know." You can't judge that until you meet her. In either case, it's a first lead, which was what you needed. "I'll let you know once it's time for our next step. Stay safe into then." "Sure will, boss." Rosie throws you a sloppy salute. You don't reply, instead *if suit_cape you turn fast enough that your cape swirls on the way out, *else you turn and walk decisively towards the exit, *if suit_terrifying your distorted shadow crawling over the wall. *elseif suit_imposing the sound of your heavy footsteps echoing in the empty space. *elseif suit_mysterious a shadow fading in the darkness. *else your business here is over. Time to get get some work done. *goto dovemeeting *label boquestion *page_break Hopefully He Will. [b]Later.[/b] You have not trusted Boris enough to show him your base, so as always you meet in another abandoned building. This one is a warehouse between renters, in a week from now a new business might be moving in, but right now it's yours. A single building spotlight casts stark shadows on the wall, you wouldn't do this during daytime. Too many people around. This time of the night you can easily urge any patrolling security guards to go elsewhere. *if hench_hired At this point, ${hench_name} should be used to places like this. And yet... *else You hope ${hench_name} will be there, though you doubt ${hhe} could resist the amount of money you're offering. Ah. Speak of the devil. "I've arrived, boss." *if crew_relationship = "with fear and trepidation" Bo sounds calm, but you can feel his tension. Nervous. Doesn't like the surroundings. Afraid of you. Afraid of what you'd do if he showed it. Not the first time he's worked for people that terrified him, but it never gets better. *elseif crew_relationship = "as likable and friendly" Bo looks around, as relaxed as he can be in these kind of surroundings. Not the first time he meets people in a weird place, and he trusts you. Well, as much as he ever trusts people. *else Bo squints at the light until his mods adjust. Darkvision, or something close to it. Handy. You can see how that would be useful as a driver. *if suit_terrifying You don't reply immediately, instead you step into the light, your armor casting distorted shadows over the wall. "So am I," you rasp, your vocal distorters making your voice reverberate in the empty space. Bo gasps and takes a step back in fear, hands reaching for his gun. He doesn't pull it. *if crew_relationship = "with fear and trepidation" "I'm sorry." He slowly holds up his hand, away from the gun. "You startled me." "I know," you say, daring him to protest. Of course he doesn't, what should he say? "I have a use for you." *else "One day I might fire before I notice it's you." Bo relaxes his stance slightly. "You remind me of too many monsters I've seen." "I won't be bothered by bullets," you say, pleased with the speed of his reflexes. Professional. You're going to need that. "But enough about that, I called you here for a reason." *elseif suit_imposing You don't reply immediately, instead you step into the light, the shadow of your armor striking an imposing figure on the wall. Larger than you. Larger than life. "So am I," you say, your vocal distorters making your voice fill the empty space. Bo gasps and takes a step back in fear, hands reaching for his gun. He doesn't pull it. Smart. *if crew_relationship = "with fear and trepidation" "I'm sorry." He slowly holds up his hand, away from the gun. "You startled me." "I know," you say, daring him to protest. Of course he doesn't, what should he say? "I have a use for you." *elseif crew_relationship = "as likable and friendly" "Shit." Bo swears loudly, not bothering to hide how rattled he was. "One day you're going to get accidentally shot if you keep this up." "I can handle bullets," you say, pleased at his reaction. Professional. Ready for anything. You're going to need that. "But never mind my manners, I called you here for a reason." *else "One day I might fire before I notice it's you." Bo relaxes his stance slightly. "Not that it will do either of us any good." "A little thing like bullets won't bother me," you say, pleased with the speed of his reflexes. Professional. You're going to need that. "But enough about that, I called you here for a reason." *elseif suit_mysterious You don't reply immediately, instead you step out of the darkness, just enough to let the light catch you, throwing shadows everywhere. "Keep your voice down," you say, your vocal distorters a quiet hiss in the empty space. Bo gasps and takes a step back in fear, hands reaching for his gun. He doesn't pull it. *if crew_relationship = "with fear and trepidation" "I'm sorry." He slowly holds up his hand, away from the gun. "You startled me." "I know," you say, daring him to protest. Of course he doesn't, what should he say? "I have a use for you." *elseif crew_relationship = "as likable and friendly" "Shit." Bo swears loudly, not bothering to hide how rattled he was. "One day you're going to get accidentally shot if you keep this up." "Assuming you could even hit me," you say, pleased at his reaction. Professional. Ready for anything. You're going to need that. "It would be loud though, so let's avoid that and get down to business. I called you here for a reason." *else "One day I might fire before I notice it's you." Bo relaxes his stance slightly. "I still can't get over how quiet you can be when you want to." "You wouldn't hit me anyway," you say, pleased with the speed of his reflexes. Professional. You're going to need that. "But enough about that, I called you here for a reason." *else "I am." You step into the light at last, your HUD adjusting to the glare as you look around. You're alone, the only company your shadows on the wall, slightly twisted compared to the ones who cast them. "Lower your voice." *if crew_relationship = "with fear and trepidation" "Sorry." Bo remains tense, making sure he has his eyes on you. "Wasn't sure I was in the right place." "Good for you that you are." You give him a steely look. "Because I have a use for you." *else "Sorry." Bo relaxes slightly, looking sheepish. "I just wasn't sure if I was in the right place." "You are. I just wanted to make sure we wouldn't be disturbed." You give him a steely look. "I need to talk to you about something and wouldn't want to be overheard." *if not(hench_hired) "I'm all ears." He's intrigued, and you fuel that thought. "With ${puppet_name} out of the picture, I need someone I can rely on for certain tasks. The position comes with a raise and a steady paycheck." "I would work for you directly?" "Yes. No freelancing on the side. I trust that is agreeable?" You nudge his mind, just the tiniest amount. No need for doubts, he wants to say yes. "It's a good offer. I would be stupid not to say yes." Straight to business as always, but then his brow furrows. "I don't like cutting out ${puppet_name} though. We are going to help ${phim}, right?" *if hench_relationship = "friend" He's worried about his friend. Naturally. *else For him it's the only logical conclusion. "Eventually. But right now ${puppet_name} is secure where ${phe} is. Let the Rangers pay for ${phis} hospital bill. Charge is a better bodyguard than either of us, especially when it comes to wanting information." *set hench_hired true *else "What's this about?" Straight to business as always, but then his brow furrows. "Is this about ${puppet_name}?" *if hench_relationship = "friend" He's worried about his friend. Naturally. *else For him it's the only logical conclusion. "No," you say, but quickly continues as you see the look on his face. "Right now ${puppet_name} is secure where ${phe} is. Let the Rangers pay for ${phis} hospital bill. Charge is a better bodyguard than either of us, especially when it comes to wanting information." "Unfortunately that makes sense." Bo sighs. "Sometimes the safest place to be is under guard. And it's not like I've got a private hospital lined up or anything. So what's the next step? What do you need me to do?" *if crew_relationship = "with fear and trepidation" You bite back the urge to point out that you do not [i]need[/i] anything. The phrasing is not important right now, the urge to please and obey is. "I need a name. Someone who is familiar with the wealthy districts of Los Diablos. Who lives where, and what secrets that might be hiding under each roof." *else "I need a name. Someone who is familiar with the wealthy districts of Los Diablos. Who lives where, and what secrets that might be hiding under each roof." Boris have been working in the Los Diablos underworld for years. He must have some useful contacts there. "I think I know someone." Bo rubs his chin, quickly dismissing some before arriving on a suitable candidate. "She's a boost that goes by the name Dove. Her main business is thieving, but she's been known to do anything as long as it pays well. And, she likes rich targets and art. Might someone you can use?" "Perhaps. Thieves tend to be well informed." You can see the image in his head, a lanky woman in a skinsuit running across a roof surrounded by pigeons. Bird control? Would be handy for someone who needs to scout places unseen. "She might be suitable. Anything else I need to know about her?" "I've..." Boris breaks off, then starts again. "We have worked for the same people on occasion." He suddenly sounds less sure that this was a good idea, but you have a hard time ferreting out why, so you mentally urge him to keep talking. "She's a good scout. Can do a lot with those birds of hers, really useful when you want to see but not be seen. Nobody ever thinks about the pigeons. She's greedy though. Won't be cheap." "Money won't be any object if she's got what I need." That's easier to get hold of than information. *if crew_relationship = "with fear and trepidation" "But we'll see how useful she can be." You can't judge that until you meet her. In either case, it's a first lead, which was what you needed. "I'll let you know when you're needed." *if suit_cape You make sure to swirl your cape on the way out, not bothering to wait for a reply. *else You turn and walk towards the exit, not bothering to wait for a reply. *if suit_terrifying Your distorted shadow crawling over the wall leaves no room for arguments. *elseif suit_imposing The sound of your heavy footsteps against a concrete leaves no room for arguments. *elseif suit_mysterious You'll be gone before they can think of one, a shadow fading in the darkness. *else There's nothing more to say. Your business here is over, time to move forward. *goto dovemeeting *else "Hopefully she can supply me with what I need to know." You can't judge that until you meet her. In either case, it's a first lead, which was what you needed. "I'll let you know once it's time for our next step. Stay safe until then." "Sure thing, boss." Bo nods in acknowledgment. You don't reply, instead *if suit_cape you turn fast enough that your cape swirls on the way out, *else you turn and walk decisively towards the exit, *if suit_terrifying your distorted shadow crawling over the wall. *elseif suit_imposing the sound of your heavy footsteps echoing in the empty space. *elseif suit_mysterious a shadow fading in the darkness. *else your business here is over. Time to get get some work done. *goto dovemeeting *label dovemeeting *page_break The baseball stadium stands empty this time of the night, bleachers devoid of anything but trash. Someone has done a bad job cleaning after the last game, not that anybody in the top seats will care. If they did, they would have enough money to pay for better seats. You remember coming here once, years ago. The stadium had been new then, the paint still fresh and the seats without stains. Ortega had invited you all, free tickets from some sponsor or another, though Sentinel had laughed and asked if the rumors that ${he} had been out drinking with the pitcher of the Los Diablos Devils were true. What had Ortega answered? Anathema had made another joke you can't remember, and Sunstream had pulled her cap down low, embarrassed to be in their company. Or maybe she had been like you, too self-conscious to be seen at all. You didn't skim minds back then unless you were fighting, people's thoughts were private in a way none of them are now. You know this place is empty with the same surety you know you sabotaged the cameras earlier. Not hard, they're made to discourage drunken kids wanting to break in for fun, not someone who knows what they are doing. Nothing to steal here. *fake_choice #I sit down in one of the seats to wait comfortably. *if ((tall) or (suit_armor)) After a final scan around the empty stadium, you look down at the tiny chairs. This is the top row, right under the roof, deep in shadows this time of the night. Tiny. You had forgotten how much your armor adds to your bulk, *if tall even without it you have issues sitting comfortably in cramped seats. *else you're so much bigger than you're used to. Can you even fit? You make a cautious attempt then realize how ridiculous it must look. This is the section code you sent to Dove, you had wanted one out of the way, but hadn't counted on logistics. Cheap seats mean small seats. $!{swear}. You look around again, then quickly lets your nanovores devour two seats in front of yours. Aah, that's better. Finally some leg room. *else After a final scan around the empty stadium, you sink down in one of the end seats. You're at the top row, under the roof, nearly one with the shadows. It's the section whose code you sent to Dove, hopefully she'll be clever enough to know what it meant. If she's not, she's useless to you. *set arrogance %+ 5 #I sit down on the stairs leading down, to have room to move. After a final scan around the empty stadium, you sit down on the stairs. Less cramped than a seat, especially in armor. Easier to move in case you have to, not that the seats would be an obstacle, but they might slow you down. You picked this spot for a reason, near one of the end seats, right under the roof. The shadows are heavy, and as long as Dove is clever enough to decipher what the section code and time you sent her meant, this should be a nice place for a private chat. If she doesn't, she's useless to you. *set daring %- 5 #I remain standing in the shadows, arms crossed. After a final scan around the empty stadium, you find a spot within the shadows where you can wait. You're at the top row of the bleachers, right under the roof. The shadows are heavy here, obscuring your form. As long as Dove is clever enough to decipher what the section code and time you sent her meant, this should be a nice place for a private chat. If she doesn't, she's useless to you. *set standing true Your thoughts doesn't pick up any mental chatter, despite the hour of your meeting approaching, and your HUD remains blank. Disappointment? Perhaps. Or perhaps you need to think outside the box. Your HUD shows birds roosting under the rafters, it's possible that you've been watched for a while. Making sure you are safe? Birds are... strange. These are not seagulls but ordinary city pigeons, flying rats as some would call them. A bit unfair really, their minds are more friendly towards people than rats. Bred in captivity originally, at ease being around people. Much harder to read than mammals. You don't know what it is, but since you grew skilled enough to start to pick them up, there's always been an undertone of fear. Yours? Theirs? A feeling of vertigo, of reading small text with the wrong glasses on. Distorted, yet familiar. You breathe through your nose and lean back into the Rat-King. Their familiar presence is soothing, forming a barrier between you and the strangeness. Is it flight? Maybe. You've felt hints of the same vertigo from Herald's mind, but not in the same way. You know that the brains of birds are physically different than yours, maybe that's it. A language you're not equipped to process. But you can process it enough to know not all of them are sleeping. Some are watching, and you sketch them a salute and waits. It doesn't take long. A few minutes at most, and then a woman shimmers into being on the roof above you. Your HUD picks up the faintest trace of heat, and your mind can feel the outline of thoughts. Had they been hidden until now? Possibly, you're not familiar with all scramblers, which is disconcerting. There's still something weird about them, skewed sideways and hard to focus on. Might fool other telepaths, but you are you. *fake_choice #I pretend I have not noticed, reveal nothing. No need to reveal you have already spotted Dove, if she thinks her tricks are working she's less likely to invent new ones. So, you quietly track her as she moves soundlessly across the roof, no mean feet, then drops down, far enough to be out of reach. *if (((suit_terrifying) or (suit_imposing)) or (villainy >= 75)) Heh. Looks like she's worried about you lashing out if you'd think it was an attack. Good. Let her be worried. "$!{villain_name} I presume?" She touches her chest, and the distortion field that has surrounded her fades. *set arrogance %- 10 #I speak first to greet her, a power play. Dove thinks she's clever. Moving oh so soundlessly across the roof, preparing to— "I was beginning to think you would never show." You picked exactly the right moment to speak, right before her chosen reveal, almost making her stumble as she drops down to your level. Almost. But you notice, and so does she. She straightens her back all the same, sticking to the script regardless of your interruption. "$!{villain_name} I presume?" She touches her chest, and the distortion field that has surrounded her fades. You catch a hint of annoyance that you spotted her regardless, and a note to do better next time. *set arrogance %+ 10 #I make a show of being very relaxed as I wait. Dove is clever and skittish, afraid of making the first move. You know the drill, you've spent enough time quietly watching wildlife to make yourself comfortable as you wait. A good way of practicing shields, birds are far more likely to be skittish than people, always ready to take flight. It's alright. You won't hurt her. It's not projected thoughts, not exactly. It's more about your attitude, and the way you hold yourself. It seems to work, and after a few very quiet footsteps over the rooftop, no mean feat, she warily drops down some distance away. You don't move. "$!{villain_name} I presume?" She touches her chest, and the distortion field that has surrounded her fades. There's something almost bird-like in the way she cocks her head as she looks at you, slightly to the side, as if judging whether she should fly away or approach for crumbs. No helmet. Narrow face. Black, wavy hair pulled back in a messy bun. A body all angles and limbs. The large glasses frame her, but you don't make the mistake of seeing them as a fashion accessory. They look as high-tech as Dr. Mortum's, and the skinsuit has the telltale shimmer of adaptive camouflage not currently in use. *if thief "So formal all of a sudden?" Your vocal distorters turn the words neutral enough that they could be perceived as mocking or concerned. In the eye of the beholder. "I mean, you did send me an invitation," her smile is a quick flash of white. "I felt that needed a bit more formality than running into each other on the job." "Or running from each other." You're in the same business, you've competed for the same target on occasion. She's always run, which makes sense. You're built for destruction, she's anything but. Doesn't even carry a gun. "Hopefully it won't come to that this time." She's curious why you reached out, you can feel it. Is this an opportunity? A target too big for you to handle on your own? "So why am I here?" *if streetwise "The same. I've heard a lot about you." Your vocal distorters turn the words neutral enough that she has to struggle for tone. Good. Keep her guessing. "Likewise." *if infamy >= 80 Her voice is filled with nervous caution. Of course she knows who you are, who wouldn't? Your rise to fame has been quick enough to make smart people sit up and take notice. "Didn't expect someone like you to to take an interest in me." *elseif infamy <= 50 She had to look you up before coming here, that's the impression you get. You don't run in the same circles, but that doesn't mean she's ready to underestimate you. "Have to admmit I'm curious what we can do for each other." *else She knows who you are, and that makes her curious. She hasn't been following your career in detail, but you've made a splash too loud to ignore. "Which makes me wonder why you reached out to me." *else "Yes." Your answer is brief and to the point as you look her over, wondering if she's really all you've been told she is. "You come highly recommended." "Really?" Her smile widens to a flash of white, and her stance relaxes slightly though you can tell that is for show. "Dare I ask who?" *if boss *if rosie "An old partner of yours. Rosie the Riveter." "Oh, Rosie? It's been years since I heard from her, I thought she had retired." The lie is effortless. "Hope she told you good things." *else "Does it matter? I've got competent people working for me, and I trust their judgement." "I suppose that's true, as long as they didn't sell me as something I'm not." She's curious, but that is for later. *elseif rosie "An old partner of yours. Rosie the Riveter." "Oh, Rosie? It's been years since I heard from her, I thought she had retired." The lie is effortless. "Hope she told you good things." *else "My driver has worked with you before. Thought you could be trusted to be clever and informed." "Your driver...?" She pauses, but you don't supply her with a name. "I suppose it doesn't matter who it is, as long as they didn't sell me as something I'm not." She's curious, but that is for later. "I wouldn't have invited you here if I didn't think we could help each other." "Well, normally I would have said no to shitty seats like this," she jokes, gesturing to the distant baseball diamond below. "If you just wanted a view, a rooftop would have been better." *fake_choice *if shint (<= 10) #"I don't trust the way the skies feel lately." "I don't trust the way the skies feels lately." You look up. The sky is covered by the roof, and you can't feel any trace of thoughts up there. Are you being paranoid? "Too many eyes." "Can't say I blame you." Dove echoes your look, and several of the pigeons up there moves restlessly. None take flight, they are not at their best in the dark you suppose. "Thought I was seeing things, but..." You were expecting derision, but instead you get shared worry. She's felt something too. "Seeing what?" Your question is too quick, revealing your worries. Luckily she doesn't seem to pick up on it, the vocal distorters doing their job. #"I prefer the shadows," I say grimly. "I prefer the shadows," you say, perhaps slightly dramatic but though your vocal distorters it works. "Probably for the best." Dove looks up, and several of the pigeons roosting there moves restlessly. None take flight, they are not at their best in the dark you suppose. "The skies have been... weird lately." *if shint >= 10 The look on her face sends a shiver down your spine. She's not the only one who has found themselves looking to the skies with worry recently. "What do you mean?" She's unsettled. You can feel it. #"Are you calling me a cheap date," I joke. "Are you calling me a cheap date?" You phrase it like a joke, hoping she can read your vocal distorters enough to get it. "If there had been a game on, I absolutely would have." Dove smiles, standing a little more confidently. "As it is, you're just a sugger for the dramatic I suppose." "It's practical." You gesture to the empty field. "Lots of room. Many avenues escape. Great parking." The last makes her laugh, a surprised sputter as if she hadn't expected your sense of humor. "Add a roof to keep the rain off, I don't know what more you could ask." "The roof was a good idea, and not just for the rain." She looks up, and several of the pigeons roosting there moves restlessly. None take flight, they are not at their best in the dark you suppose. "The skies have been... weird lately." *if shint >= 10 The look on her face sends a shiver down your spine. She's not the only one who has found themselves looking to the skies with worry recently. "What do you mean?" She's unsettled. You can feel it. #"I needed a place where nobody would expect me to show up." "I needed a place where nobody would expect me to show up." You shrug, looking around the empty arena. "And where we could stay out of sight. Rooftops are too exposed for that." "Smart thinking." Dove looks up, and several of the pigeons roosting there moves restlessly. None take flight, they are not at their best in the dark you suppose. "The skies have been... weird lately." *if shint >= 10 The look on her face sends a shiver down your spine. She's not the only one who has found themselves looking to the skies with worry recently. "What do you mean?" She's unsettled. You can feel it. "My birds pick things up when they fly around." She looks back at you, and they settle down once more. "The winds have been erratic. Not the way they should be. Too chaotic." *if shint < 10 *set shint 10 "$!{swear}." The curse slips out before you can stop it. *if shint >= 20 "I was hoping I was wrong." You hard refused to think that thought, even though you feared it was true. One complication you do not need. "Looks like we've had the same thought." She hugs herself as if she's suddenly feeling exposed. "If that's true, that's going to be bad news." *else "You don't think...?" A name comes to mind. Immediately dismissed as if the name would summon the man. "I don't think. I fear." She hugs herself as if she's suddenly feeling exposed. "If Sentinel has returned it would be bad news for everyone." "$!{swear}," you repeat. She said the name out loud and you can no longer ignore the possibility. "That's something I need to confirm before it becomes a problem." If old Rangers are going to come crawling out of the woodwork, you need to know about it. Sooner rather than later. "I've been thinking about doing the same," she admits. "I really want to know if he's just a visit with old friends, or if he's getting out of retirement." You can feel her thoughts churn, the rooftops are hers, someone controlling wind would change that. "Perhaps we should pool our resources?" It might be safer for everyone if you did not go digging around. Plausible deniability. No reason for ${villain_name} to be interested in this. Look as if you had not caught on. "Might not be a bad idea." She doesn't want to touch this either. Flying too high for her pigeons, some flying heroes she can pester, this one would swat her out of the sky. "I know someone who can poke around for us, if you're willing to split the bill." *fake_choice *selectable_if ((wealth != "poor") and (wealth != "comfortable")) #"Who?" I might as well hear her out. "Who?" You could pick the name out of her head, but if you're going to work together you might as well do it the old-fashioned way. *selectable_if ((wealth = "rich") or (wealth = "wealthy")) #"Don't worry about money, I've got this." "Don't worry about money," you say confidently. This is a necessary expense, and you doubt a scout can be very expensive. "Who do you have in mind?" #"As long as they're not too expensive," I warn. "As long as they are not too expensive," you warn. *if ((wealth = "poor") or (wealth = "comfortable")) It's not like you've got massive amounts of free cash laying around, you operate on a hand-to-mouth basis. *else You didn't get this much money by spending it needlessly. "Who did you have in mind?" #"I've got a lot of money tied up in projects right now," I start. "I've got a lot of money tied up in projects right now," you start. *if ((wealth = "poor") or (wealth = "comfortable")) It sounds better than admitting you've emptied your coffers to be prepared to pay her. It's not like you've got massive amounts of free cash laying around, you operate on a hand-to-mouth basis. "But as long as it's the right person I'll see what I can do." "It's a fellow named Sky-Raider." Dove touches her wrist, and a small hologram of a massive flying armor appears in the air between you. *if streetwise "The air pirate?" Of course you know who he is, you've just never had any need to talk to him. Loud and brash, the kind of villain who would probably be delighted to have his own cereal in some sad sponsor deal. "I thought he was just a buffoon, are you telling me he's actually competent?" Hiding in plain sight. Interesting. You had thought his flying armor was the secret for his success. *else "The air pirate?" He's famous enough that even you've heard of him, he's not exactly a man that keeps a low profile. "I thought he was just a buffoon, are you telling me he's actually competent?" Up until now you had been content on blaming his success on the military armor he had liberated. State of the art. Probably modified as well. "He's ex-military, he knows his stuff." She shuts down the hologram, looking around. "He just likes to play the pirate. Thinks it's fun." "Guess you can't blame the man for having a hobby." You, if anybody, understands the worth of having a mask to hide your real face behind. "You said he's military, that means access to equipment?" "Enough to ferret out our target. If he's up there." "Looks like that's on our future agenda then." You sigh, it's a relief to be able to scratch this itch, but you've got more pressing matters. "But that's not why I wanted to meet you." "Color me intrigued." Dove sits down on one of the chairs, not properly, the wrong way around. Perched like a bird of prey, watching you through those faintly tinted glasses. *if tech_savvy Her own version of your HUD display? You pause, considering your options. How much do you want to reveal to her? Her mind is not protected against the likes of you, though you don't doubt she'd be a puzzle to most minor telepaths. If you need to, you can always reach in and adjust according to her reactions. The question is what your end goal is. Payback against Hollow Ground, sure, but what would that entail? Having a talk and see where it goes is not a bad idea, but you want it on your terms. You're not going to be pushed around. And if that ends in violence... well, that won't be your fault now, will it? But in order to do that, you need to know where to strike. Where to find ${hghim}. *if fighter So the bastard doesn't run before you know where the exits are. *else Knowing the battlefield. That's how you win. Outthink the bastard. *if (hghome) You know the address. You don't know what surprises awaits you in there. *elseif (hghomemaybe) You know the neighborhood, but not the exact address. If she knows anything that can narrow down your options, you'll save precious time. And that's not factoring in that you don't know what surprises awaits you in there. *else You need to find someone most people believe to be a myth. Whom Ortega has been hunting for as long as you have known ${him}. And then, you need to break in, without any idea of what security systems might await you in there. *if thief It wouldn't be a bad idea to have a second pair of eyes, even if they belong to the competition. *else It wouldn't be a bad idea to have an expert consultant in the art of breaking in. This is too important to bungle. *fake_choice *if (hghome) #"I need your input on the defenses of a particular house." "I need your input on something important," you begin, gently sifting through her surface thoughts. Nothing deep, just seeing where the wind blows. "The defenses of a particular home. What kind of security I can expect if I go in." *if thief "I'm all ears, must be a nasty place if you're asking me for help." Dove likes that, the feeling that you respect her expertise enough to humble yourself and speak to her. "So who are you planning on hitting now?" *else "You've come to the right person. If I can't get in there, it can't be done. So who are you planning on visiting?" Dove is intrigued, that you would have known without your powers. The way her smile widens, she can smell a challenge and she likes it. "Hollow Ground." You decide to be blunt, you can't hide the truth here so you might as well see how she reacts. "Oh." She blinks, smile widening. "That's interesting." *if (not(hghome)) #"I need you to find someone who doesn't want to be found." "There is someone I need to find," you begin, gently sifting through her surface thoughts. Nothing deep, just seeing where the wind blows. "Someone who doesn't want to be found. Someone who most people don't believe exist." "Who?" Dove is intrigued, that you would have known without your powers. The way her smile widens, she can smell a challenge and she likes it. "Hollow Ground." You decide to be blunt, you can't hide the truth here so you might as well see how she reacts. "Oh." She blinks, smile widening. "That's interesting." #"Someone crossed me recently, and for payback I need your expertise." "Someone crossed me recently," you growl, feeling the anger you've been suppressing so far bubble towards the surface. "And for payback, I need your expertise." *if thief "Really? You? Asking me?" Dove is intrigued and flattered, her thoughts easy enough to pick up. It must have been hard for you to reach out to her, and yet here you are. "So what do you need?" *else "Really? I'm all ears, tell me what you need." Dove is intrigued, that you would have known without your powers. The way her smile widens, she can smell a challenge and she likes it. *if hghome "The defense systems of a particular home. What kind of security I can expect if I go in." *else "To find someone who doesn't want to be found. Someone who most people don't believe exist." "Even more intriguing. Who are we talking about here?" "Hollow Ground." You decide to be blunt, you can't hide the truth here so you might as well see how she reacts. "Oh." She blinks, smile widening. "Didn't expect that." #"How do you feel about our resident Kingpin, Hollow Ground?" "How do you feel about our resident Kingpin, Hollow Ground?" You sift gently through her surface thoughts, no deeper readings, just seeing where the wind blows for now. "Oh that's a loaded question if I've ever heard one." Dove nearly laughs, then looks at you and seems to decide that you're serious. "You're going to need to tell me why you're asking." Cautious. Tense. *if hghome "I'm planning to pay ${hghim} a visit, and in order to do so safely, I need someone to assist me with the defense systems. What they are, what to expect and so on." *else "I need to find where ${hghe} @{hgsv sleeps|sleep}. $!{hghe} wanted to meet me, and I'd rather do it on my terms." "Hollow Ground." She repeats the name as if she's not sure she didn't mishear it the first time. "I take it you don't believe they are a ghost then?" *if steelrtcut There is none of the blankness and reflexive denial you noticed with Chen. She knows Hollow ground is real, which makes this a lot easier. *else You hadn't been sure if she would, you know how Ortega has struggled to make others believe ${him}. "I take it you don't either?" Her words are cautious, as if she also is used to being disbelieved. "Oh I know ${hghis} face." She can't see your smile, but you hope it comes through in your voice. The sense of anticipation. Of knowing more than you should. "So do I." A nervous smile flits across her face. She's not used to admitting that. "Not that ${hghe} @{hgsv knows|know}. Things tend to happen to people that do." *fake_choice #"I would rather that things happened to ${hghim}." "I would rather that things happened to ${hghim}." It's not a threat. Not exactly. You're not sure what you are going to do yet, but what Hollow Ground did has derailed your entire week and landed your puppet in the hospital. For that someone will pay. "Can I ask the reason?" Dove's question is light and airy, easy enough to sidestep if you wanted to. She's curious, but she doesn't want to dig. "$!{hghe} hurt someone who worked for me." She would be able to find that out with some research, and it might make her friendlier to your cause. "I think that's at least cause for a conversation." "You do know I've worked for ${hghim} in the past?" She tilts her head, watching you more like a hawk than a pigeon. "As far as I know, you work for money. Or yourself." Her thoughts does another little runaround. No errand girl. "Or are there more permanent ties I should know about?" "Nothing permanent," she assures with a shrug. Beneath her confidence you can sense worry building. Hollow Ground is dangerous. "It's just money." "What I want is information. No risk to you." She's mainly a thief, you can see why she'd avoid politics. Though there is something else, bubbling underneath that you can't put your finger on. "Or do you think ${hghe}'d know?" "No. Don't worry. I'm not as easily ensnared as others." Her confidence spikes, her thoughts doing another roll but you follow their flow easier. She knows something. About Hollow Ground. *if steelrtcut Does she know about threads? What you found and cut in Chen's mind? #"Nobody needs to know you were involved. I only need information." "Nobody needs to know you were involved," you assure. You can sense nervousness stirring beneath Dove's confident exterior. "I only need information." "I'm normally not that trusting when people assure me nobody needs to know, but this sounds like an awfully convoluted way to test my loyalties. Such as they are. You're probably legit." Her smile is brief and tense. "As far as I've heard you're loyal to yourself." How involved is she with Hollow Ground? "Or was I mistaken?" "No." The word tastes like truth. "I'm not one of ${hghis}. Just the occasional job. Never hurts to be useful to powerful people." "Usefullness sometimes comes with a leash." "Don't worry. I'm not as easily ensnared as others." Her thoughts does another roll but you follow their flow easily. She knows something. About Hollow Ground. *if steelrtcut Does she know about threads? What you found and cut in Chen's mind? #"Don't tell me you're worried?" "Don't tell me you're worried?" *if thief You can't help the slightly mocking tone. "You? Dove? You've ripped off people who would have killed you for slighting them in the past." *else You try to read her, but her thoughts are buzzing and uncertain. "From what I've heard you haven't been afraid of tangling with the rich and powerful in the past." *if tech_savvy An exaggeration, you don't know enough of her career to know that. But she's not privy to your ignorance. "Careful is not the same as afraid." Dove's voice turns hard. "And I have people I need to take care of. I need to manage my risks." "Ah, I was worried it was loyalty that made you pause." You don't feel any towards Hollow Ground in her mind, which is a relief. It's not a bad thing that she's cautious. *if daring >= 70 You can take risks enough for both of you. "Not to Hollow Ground, if that's what you're implyng." She's angry now, which is good. Ready to prove herself. "Good. I hope it stays that way." "Don't worry." She's smiling now. "I'm not as easily ensnared as others." The words are heavy with cryptic allusions. "Ensnared?" *if steelrtcut You think you know exactly what she's talking about. But does she? *elseif (redstreak) An image comes to mind, of red threads tangled in thoughts where they should not belong. You've seen that. *else You don't like the sound of that. Is there a reason why Hollow Ground was so insistent on meeting in person and out of armor? "Huh." You can feel Dove's thoughts turn, slowly, clicking into gear. How much to tell? "Consider this a freebie then." Too big a risk not telling you, that might come back to bite her. *if known_telepath "You're a telepath, right?" *goto telepathtalk *else "I'm pretty sure Hollow Ground is a telepath." *goto basictalk *label telepathtalk *fake_choice #"If you are to trust the news," I joke. "If you are to trust the news," you joke. #"Yes," I answer, short and succinct. "Yes," you answer, short and succinct. #"That's not exactly a secret," I say cautiously. "That's not exactly a secret," you say cautiously, wondering what she's getting at. You had been wondering if Dove knew. There's been no trace of anxiety in her thoughts as you have been talking, usually people become very self-conscious when it comes to telepaths. Or take precautions. She has done neither. "Hollow Ground's got something similar." She waves her hand. "I don't know the details, but there are too many people that change their minds around ${hghim}. Something weird is going on there." "And you're not worried?" You need to ask, because this is atypical. You are missing something. *goto fusedovetalk *label basictalk *fake_choice #"Really? Rumor has it ${hghe} @{hgsv has|have} earthquake powers." "Really? Rumor has it ${hghe} @{hgsv has|have} earthquake powers." At least that is the story, but you know all too well that the best way for a telepath to be efficient is if people have no clue what you are. Could Hollow Ground have done the same? "Maybe it's both. Or maybe they got someone doing the quake stuff for them. Or the telepath stuff." Dove freely admits that she's not certain, just suspicious. #"A telepath. That makes far too much sense." "A telepath." You pause, looking out over the distant field. Nobody else here. Just you two. "That makes far too much sense." Keeping people in line. Staying secret. Why Ortega is the only one who keeps looking. $!{swear}. You should have realized that yourself. "Either that or they have one working for them. Can't be sure which," Dove admits. "Not that it matters who's doing it." #"$!{swear}," I swear. I should have guessed. Should have known. "$!{swear}," you swear, kicking yourself. You should have guessed. Should have known. It all makes sense how. How Hollow Ground keeps people in line and stays secret. Why Ortega is the only one who keeps looking. Immune. "Yeah. That was pretty much my reaction when I realized." Dove grimaces, and the pigeons above move restlessly. "Either that or Hollow Ground's got one working for ${hghim}. Same result." #"Are you sure?" I press for details, sifting through her mind. "Are you sure?" Your voice turns sharp as you press her for details. Is she lying to you? Or mistaken? A fellow telepath means you need to modify your approach. "Pretty sure. Either that or they have one working for them. Can't be sure which," Dove admits. "Not that it matters who's doing it." "True. From what I have seen, Hollow Ground have a few trusted associates." It's not Jake Manalo, that is obvious. But what about the woman? Nocturne? You don't know what, if any, of her powers are. "Why do you suspect a telepath?" "Because things doesn't add up. I've been dealing with Hollow Ground as a freelancer for years, and so have others in my business." She looks legitimately worried, as if this is something that has bothered her for a while. "I don't know the details, but too many people change their minds around ${hghim}. Something weird is going on there." "And you're not worried that you might be affected?" The description is vague, might also be pheromones or something similar. But that is something you do not be concerned about in your armor. Was that why Hollow Ground wanted to meet you in person without it? *goto fusedovetalk *label fusedovetalk "Oh lots of people have tried to put the whammy on me." She gestures with one hand, the smirk filled with confident. "Doesn't work. Apparently I've got weird brains, as one telepath told me." "I see." Now that she mentions it, she does. There's an odd disjointed slipperyness to her thoughts, nothing you can't handle, but it's definitely not standard human. It reminds you more of... birds? No. Not exactly. But something else. Something familiar. Would that be enough to stop telepaths from reading her mind? "I didn't know you had experience with telepaths." "Had a run-in with Locus before she disappeared. Should have seen the look on her face. Almost threw up when she tried to tell me to stop." "Locus is rather powerful," you admit. At least that was what people said. You never met her. Young but experienced. Ran with the Long Beach Heroes as a teen before they broke up. Half of them, Blaze and Zephyr went on to join the Guardians, Locus and Porphyry went independent heroes. *if argent_mindmeld She was a good patsy for puppeting Lady Argent, she had gone missing long beforehand. Probably dead. "And you think Hollow Ground is a telepath?" "I'm not sure," she admits. "Just that most freelancers doesn't remember either where they meet ${hghim} or how ${hghe} @{hgsv looks|look}. But I do. So, the math adds up." *fake_choice *if (known_telepath) #"This will be an interesting challenge." "This will be an interesting challenge." *if ((arrogance > 60) or (daring > 60)) You smile to yourself, you have no doubt you're more of a match for ${hghim}. *else Your frown deepens. Good to know, you need to be cautious. You have no idea how strong ${hghe} would be. "It has been a while since I encountered one." "I figured you might apprechiate a heads up. Even if you're good, it can't hurt to have time to prepare, right?" Dove smiles, she's betting on you in this. That you might be strong enough to navigate this mess and resist whatever Hollow Ground does to people. *if (not(known_telepath)) #"This means I need to take precautions." "This means I need to take precautions." You need to keep up the act that you are not a telepath, so you fake a hint of worry. "There are ways," Dove says, tilting her head in an unspoken question. Do you need her to hit you up? "I know. I've got experience dealing with telepaths." Give her that nugget of a fact and see what she does with it. "That makes me happy to hear." Her smile widens, and you can see how pleased she is. Not an act. She sees possibilities in this that intrigues you. #"I guess I will find out when we meet." "I guess I will find out when we meet." *if ((arrogance > 60) or (daring > 60)) You smile to yourself, you have no doubt you're more of a match for ${hghim}. *else Your frown deepens. Good to know, you need to be cautious. You have no idea how strong ${hghe} would be. "You don't sound too worried." Dove is fishing for facts, you can sense it in the careful way she words her statement. *if known_telepath "I think I am more than up for this challenge," you say, because you need to trust her to give you truthful information. And, even if you didn't have to out up a front, you think there are few local telepaths skilled enough to match you. Not these days. *else "There are ways to deal with telepaths." You make sure to sound dismissive, as if this wasn't anything new. It's not, but not for the reasons she thinks. Her mind immediately leaps to your armor, or possibly drugs. Let her think that, in case she would let something slip it can be useful. "That makes me happy to hear." Her smile widens, and you can see how pleased she is. Not an act. She sees possibilities in this that intrigues you. #"Your theory makes sense," I admit. "Your theory makes sense," you admit. The details might still be vague, but it would explain much. *if ((arrogance > 60) or (daring > 60)) Not that it worries you, you have no doubt you're more of a match for ${hghim}. *else This means you need to be cautious. You have no idea how strong ${hghe} would be. "Part of me had hoped you'd laugh and say I was wrong." Dove does, her laugh has a slightly nervous tinge to it. "You think you can do whatever you plan to anyway?" *if known_telepath "Oc course," you say, because you need to trust her to give you truthful information. And, even if you didn't have to out up a front, you think there are few local telepaths skilled enough to match you. Not these days. "This changes nothing." *else "Of course, there are ways to deal with telepaths." You make sure to sound dismissive, as if this wasn't anything new. It's not, but not for the reasons she thinks. Her mind immediately leaps to your armor, or possibly drugs. Let her think that, in case she would let something slip it can be useful. "That's a relief." Her smile widens, and you can see how pleased she is. Not an act. She sees possibilities in this that intrigues you. "Are you hoping I'll take ${hghim} down?" You ask the question carelessly, fishing for a revealing reply. "Just hedging my bets." Not friend. Not enemy, Possibility? "I don't mind the status quo, but I could do better." "So could we all." *if known_telepath If you fail, she's betting that Hollow Ground wouldn't blame her for being manipulated by a telepath. It would establish her as susceptible and safe. Clever. In either case she wins, and that's before you pay her. *else She told you because she wants you to have the best odds possible to do something about Hollow Ground. Too powerful. That rubs her the wrong way. "Is giving me this information for free your way of opening up further negotiations?" "Like I said, I like to keep my options open. You don't get rich by reacting after things have already happened." *if thief Her eyes narrow slightly. "You've been enough of a thorn in my side so far that I have to admit you know what you're doing." "Flattery?" You place your hand over your chest in mock surprise. "Now I know you're buttering me up for something." "Maybe," she admits. "We'll see what happens once you're done with your current project. Sounds like that will keep you busy for a while." *elseif boss She looks you over, as if she was calculating future revenue. "If you're going places, I wouldn't mind hitching a ride. I can be a team player when I have to." "As long as you remain independant." Keeping all options open. "Got it in one." The smile is sharp. "Can't bet on a horse until I know how ${che} @{sv runs|run}." *elseif hunter She looks you over, as if judging your chances. "You like picking fights. Can't say I don't sympathize trying to pick one with the top dog." "The top dog who never fights." Hollow Ground is a coward, at least if your impression is correct. Having others fight for ${hghim}. "Makes me wonder why." "Would have loved to be there to see it," she chuckles. "But I plan to be far away." *else She rubs her chin, looking you over. Thinking. "Our goals might be more alike than you think." "What makes you say that?" Curious. You didn't picture her as politically interested, but there's more to her underneath the surface than you thought. "Just a feeling. Maybe we'll talk if you're still in one piece after your little venture." "Speaking of which. Let's talk business." The reason why you originally came here. Information. "Let's talk price first." "Of course." What she's told you so far, both in words and in thoughts tells you that she's exactly what you need right now. An in. An edge. Hollow Ground will never know what hit ${hghim}. *page_break Later.