-mini story - Trixie after school date! by Colonist!- *You close your locker and were about to head home after the school day only to run squarely into the chest of…Trixie? Damn it, how did she appear so quickly without you noticing!? Also, why does she have a habit of standing so close to people? Still, you take catching her nice tits at face value…literally.* You: Oh, sorry! Excuse me. *You try to sidestep the semi-competent magician only to find her matching your step to block you. Oh no, that means she wants something from you! You pray that it doesn’t involve becoming another “involuntarily voluntary volunteer” in a test magic trick. Those often turned out worse than being a test mannequin for Rarity…or a test anything with any of the other girls! You sigh and hear out Trixie - not that she’s known for giving you much of a choice without targeting you with an ambush trick down the line.* You: What do you need, Trixie? Did you already forget which pages we’re supposed to cover in today’s calculus work? Trixie: Not at all. Trixie can call up any of her assistants to cover that. Ah, good old Fuchsia and Lavender! *“Those poor girls,” you think until you remember that they seem to be pretty content being Trixie’s assistants. Well, this isn’t good; Trixie’s not here for anything school-related.* Trixie: *clicks tongue* You know, your name escapes me at the moment, but Trixie need your assistance for something. She shall make it worth your while…and will pay for the luncheon meeting! That new place that opened up recently is heard to be great, especially after they dropped the controversial grand opening “rock soup” chef’s special - You: Oh, no thanks! I, um, have schoolwork to catch up on, and I’ve been procrastinating for way too long! *You’re ready to congratulate yourself for the quickly improvised excuse which would’ve usually saved you until you watch Trixie’s otherwise mischievous eyes narrow and become more annoyed.* Trixie: Trixie doesn’t buy your story. Even on nights that you procrastinate, you don’t start until 2000. You: I swear! Trixie: Don’t swear. That’d be bad. You’d lose. *ahem* MCTehMainGuy, right? Gosh, there really isn’t a day that the first thing you do when you get home is boot up you account and get some games in, huh? Hmm hmm, MCTehMainGuy…last active on - You: How would you even - *You stop when you remember a series of instances when another gamer username kept entering and exiting the lobbies that you were in. That name…Gr8NPwrflTXI…oh no. You didn’t notice the connection until you mouthed it out!* You: That’s stalking, lady! Trixie: Hmph, I’m not that old! Legal enough for most purposes though, Trixie loves to reiterate! Besides, what stalking? She didn’t engage you, that game doesn’t have that many active lobbies, and she could be having connection issues. So, ha! You: Glad I got that on tape. Thank goodness for cell phone technology! *You curse yourself for the nervous sweating, and hope that Trixie falls for it. She doesn’t. She grins as she holds up your phone that she just lifted from your pocket without you noticing. Damn, when did she get to be such a good pickpocket too!?* Trixie: Trixie calls…your bluff. Hehe, she just loves it when a pun comes together! *ahem* Well, that was a pleasant waste of time. Did you forget how many classes you share with her? Trixie knows your workload inside out! Now come along, assistant of the afternoon! *You attempt one last defense against the “Trixie’s tactics of ensnaring poor guys like you” situation.* You: I dunno, I’m trying to incorporate healthier habits - you know, like not dining out as often. Trixie: Oh hush, Trixie’s seen all those carryout receipts that are pretty much spilling out of your locker! You: I have at least one vegetable with every meal, I swear! Trixie: Hmph. And do you keep track of how much fat, oil, and salt goes into every dish? Do you…*mock gasp*…you don’t cook? You: … *You lower your head in defeat. You swear that your head stayed lowered the entire way to The New Sweet Snacks Cafe. Now that you think about it, the restaurant went through a couple name changes during its soft opening days until the owner settled for this one. Smart, considering that openly establishing a connection to the already-established retro diner brought many more previous loyal customers to the place.* Trixie: Hey, water man! She’s asking you for your order. *You snap back to attention and look up at the grumbling waitress. Hey, it’s that Limestone girl! She still has her trademark scowl, but at least she’s wearing a conventional waitress uniform instead of that bunny suit from before.* You: S-soup… Limestone: *grumble* I need more details, sir. Trixie: Hehe, just get the boy your soup of the day. So some chicken tendies and an iced tea for Trixie, and a soup of the day and a water for him. Limestone: Cup or bowl, sir? You: Cu- Trixie: Bowl! He needs his nutrients and is a growing boy. You: (sarcastically) Yes , mom. Trixie: And don’t forget Trixie’s complimentary cupcake afterward! Trixie’s been a regular since opening day, after all. *Limestone turns and leaves with your recorded orders. Trixie turns to you and grins.* You: You’re a regular? It’s only been a week. Trixie: Anything longer than two days in a row counts! Plus, she knows where Trixie likes to sit every time! You: That explains why we got this booth seat all the way in the back without any prompting. So, what do you want to talk about? When’s the magic happening? Trixie: You know that I’ve been experimenting with some other things on the side aside from the school and party magic shows, right? You: Right. I remember your stripper days, Miss Trixie “Smoke Bomb” Lulamoon. That is, until you got let go for punching the DJ. Trixie: Trixie was paid to do that! That guy went to Crystal Prep, and Vinyl promised a tidy sum to punch him the next time he worked. Trixie also did enjoy the show of impassioned rivalry! You: Surprised your dad took it well, and well, no surprise the rest of our school found it rather hot. Too bad they found out after you were let go. *Limestone’s back to drop off your meals. Service is fast and no-nonsense indeed.* Trixie: But now! Trixie’s been giving magic shows to a purely adult audience. Up-close and personal in addition to the usual clothes disappearing tricks - but now some of her loyal fans have expressed a desire for possible…one-on-one time with compensation. You: Hey, that’s your business, but don’t go doing anything outright - Trixie: Oh, Trixie’s no prostitute! See, all she has to do is take them out to a public venue, much like this one, and give them the show they so want. They pay the bill at the end of the meal/event, and that’s exactly what they paid for. I just get the, well, generous tip, hehe. In the end, they’ve paid for a good date! You: That works, I suppose - *You drop your soup spoon when you feet someones un-shoed foot rubbing against your crotch under the booth. You look up to see Trixie grinning with a chicken tender in her mouth, her shirt now lifted and exposing her bra. Either she’s really that fast, or she’s just that good at redirecting your attention. You try not to draw attention to this risky risqué act in public, and you stay the conversational course.* You: So becoming a regular here and having a regular out of the way booth is part of that plan? Trixie: Yes, you’re catching on very quickly! You: Well, I have noticed that your sleight of hand has gotten better lately, so it’s not completely implausible - *Damn, when did her skirt and stockings come - she’s topless now!?* Trixie: I figured I’d work on my technique under the table until I get more confident with the “open booth” tricks. That way - Limestone: Your cupcake, miss. *When did she show up!? Now it’s Trixie’s turn to look surprised.* Trixie: Oh! It’s…okay it’s sort of what it looks like, but - ???: Beatrix! *Limestone, Trixie, and you all turn to the other voice. It’s none other than Trixie’s dad, stage magician Jack Pot, home and in town grabbing a quick cup of coffee to-go at the new place.* Jack and Limestone: No surprise. *Limestone drops off the cupcake and walks away while Jack quickly grabs his paper coffee cup before making a quick egress with an awkward nod toward his daughter. Trixie’s still a little stunned as she stops rubbing your balls with her foot.* You: That could’ve been more awkward. Glad to see you’ve got supportive supporters though. Trixie: As long as Limestone gets tipped, she doesn’t seem to care. Dad’s already gone through the whole “daughter works in a strip club acceptance” arc already. You: Still cracks me up when I remember you calling him out for visiting a strip club in the first place. You know, with your quick improvisation, good observation skills, and sweet tits, I think you’ve got everything in place for this intimate audience member arrangement. Trixie: Aww, Trixie is grateful! You: With your concern about my schedule and nutrition, you’d make a good mom someday! Trixie: Whoa whoa, let’s not go that far! Just sit back and enjoy the magic. You: Your foot rubs against my balls, and I’m stimulated as such. Not magic, haha. Trixie: You know what I meant! And stop giving away magic secrets!