Finally all caught up on coursework for his summer session class, Sam's hoping to chill while enjoying some porn. His dorm's AC is out of commission, so he's had to retreat to the library to hide from the summer heat. Unfortunately, his efforts to hide his NSFW browsing from prying eyes aren't enough to stop Fayth from peeking over his shoulder. When she notices he's looking at anthro cow TF porn, she thinks she's found a kindred spirit. Someone who'd greatly enjoy her witchy magic. Confronted by Fayth about his excellent taste in porn, Sam is incredibly embarrassed. But that embarrassment soon becomes arousal as Fayth's magic changes them both into voluptuous cow herms in the middle of the library. Library Moos By Zmeydros (Co-written by Secretskunk) (Edited by WolfLeah and Sarahvixen) Outside, it was hot enough to make highways buckle, airports consider closing the runways, and campus-wide dorm AC outages. On the other side of the window to Sam's right, the grass outside The Bioinformatics Library was being roasted to death. If Sam had stayed in his dorm and not sought refuge in the library, he would've shared the grass's fate. If anything, the air in the library was a bit too chilly for his loose, blue-gray synthetic shorts and muted green T-shirt. Other than the students hiding from the heat, the rest were scrambling to work on papers and studying for quizzes and tests that just didn't seem to quit. The accelerated pace turned summer session into a gauntlet and finding time to just relax and enjoy some quality porn was difficult. The little study pods that lined the balcony, overlooking the all-glass entrance area, were full of students. The study tables between the rows of book stacks had two corners cut out of them to make them look interesting, but the practicality of this was very questionable. White stripes of marble streaked through the sage green walls, limestone floor, and even through the wood of the bookstacks that faced the common areas. Who knew how much all this decor cost, but colleges couldn't resist showing off their ability to waste their students' money. This morning, just before he went to class, someone posted a stream of hot cow TF porn to a Telegram group he followed. After three hours of class, and finding his dorm was now an AC-less deathtrap, he couldn't wait any longer. Middle of a library or not, his curiosity needed to be sated. Looking to make sure no one was paying attention to him, he scooted closer to the study table and unlocked his phone. He kept it directly in front of him as he scrolled through image after image of shiveringly good porn. He paused on a sequence that started with a woman reading an incantation from a spellbook while a guy and a girl in front of her were both transforming into anthro female cows. Then this brown-haired woman milked their teat-like nipples and ended up drinking some of the milk. After an "uh-oh" moment where she felt tingling all over, she turned into a herm cow, completely destroying her clothes. "I've never met anyone else who's into that. Well, no one that I've known is into it." A voice came from behind him. It was feminine and high, but with an assertive edge to it. "WHAT?!" He slammed his phone down on the tabletop hard enough to worry he damaged the screen and whipped his head around. Behind him was a woman with a petite-but-fit physique and honey-colored skin. The purple streaks in her wavy dark-brown hair beautifully framed the pristine arches of her eyebrows and her dark brown eyes. Her modest tits were contained by a fishnet top and a too-thin white sports bra that showed the darker color of her areolas and nipples. Her fishnet pants covered shorts that looked a lot like dark gray female boxers. She'd found the absolute limit of the College's dress code. As he sat stunned, she turned her phone toward him and said, "This is my favorite cow TF image. I love it when they're a herm at the end, don't you?" The image had a four-part sequence of an olive-skinned woman with some nice curves drinking a boba tea and then busting out of her clothes as she turned into a cow herm. By the end of the TF, she was extremely voluptuous including big tits, a nice full udder, and a huge horsecock and balls. In the last image in the sequence, she was cumming from her cock as milk was squirted from her nipples and teats. "Uhh, hello? Do you need this seat?" Making the mistake of actually looking at the flaming hot sequence on her phone, he became mesmerized. "I don't know what you're..." He'd never seen this sequence and it was pressing all of his buttons. His face turned red as he bit his lip and his cock twitched in his boxers. "You know exactly what I'm talking about." Pulling out the chair next to him and plopping down, she unlocked her phone and opened the same lewd Telegram group he'd been scrolling through. "I really like this Angrboda one you had on your phone." She swiped to another image where a guy was transforming into an anthro cow while being fucked in her new pussy by a huge anthro bull. Her right leg was hooked over a humongous horsecock sported by a gigantic, buff, herm anthro cow. Her belly was full-to-looking-pregnant with cum while her udder teats and nipples were squirting milk. "It's a shame Fasttrack has done only one cow herm piece. I think he does a great job with milk squirts and udders." As his blush worsened to a bright tomato red, he looked away. "Oh... Ah, I... uh... heh..." His cock was pounding hard against the underside of the table, pre wetting his boxers. He was speaking quietly, hoping only she could hear him. "Honestly though, I really enjoy the sort of teasing angle that some other artists do. The 'you are turned on by this, clearly you want more' kinda teasing... Wh-what's your name? I'm Sam." "The teasing angle, huh?" She grinned for a moment. "My name's Fayth." He lifted an eyebrow at her name, but . "Hi, Fayth, nice to meet you." This was starting to feel more like a normal conversation, easing his nerves a bit. "You ever thought about what it would feel like to have such a voluptuous feminine form while sporting a nice big horsedick?" She leaned in closer. "Because I can tell you from experience, having your dick rub against the satiny smooth flesh of your udder is divine." "N-No!" he said a little too loud. Uncertain whether he was asking her to stop teasing him or trying to convince her he wasn't as kinky as she thought, he just sat there stewing in arousal and embarrassment. It felt like she was starting a verbal RP with him or something. She was really hot, fascinating, and had amazing taste in artists too. He really didn't want to blow it by making her think he was some kinda slut or something. But he also didn't want to be dishonest. His face scrunched up as if he was trying to solve differential equations in his head while looking at her. He had no idea what his next move was. Sitting there like she had all the time in the world, she just met his gaze, a little knowing smirk at the corner of her mouth. Finally, he put up a verbal smoke screen. "I mean, I like the art a lot, but I'm not a freak and I don't actually wanna like--" "You don't want to have huge balls tugging on the front of your pussy so that when your clit gets hard, it gets trapped between your sac and your huge equine pussy lips?" She leaned back and stretched, her abdomen looking oddly pink just below her belly button. His eyes dawdled just a bit too long on her belly. "No, of course not. I'm a boring straight guy and I don't want to be a cow girl, let alone a herm!" The pre soaking his boxers was likely causing a dark spot on his shorts now. "What if you only got an udder? Just to try it out? The flesh is the smoothest there is and when someone milks one of your teats? Heaven." She ran her hands over that pink area and he swore to God it was plumper than before. He made a fist, sure she was testing him somehow. He had to really sell not being a freak. "No, I don't want a giant swollen udder, even if it feels nice. That would be weird!" "I can smell how hard you are." Her nose flattened into her face, making her look animalistic. "I don't like being lied to." Reaching under the table, she grabbed his dick and squeezed. "Only way you can make it up to me is if you moo for me. Just a little, tiny moo will do." She stroked his dick through the fabric, rubbing her thumb on the wet spot. As she reached for his cock, he tried to push his seat back, but the legs were caught in the decorative rug that ran under the table and his seat didn't even budge. Her firm grip got a moan out of him, one he stifled as best he could. The result was an odd croak. "What the hell? What the fuck are you?" His throat felt odd, like some sort of sound was trying to get out as he spoke. Shivering at her continued slow stroking of his cock, his reeling mind tried to understand what was going on. "You think you can just command people to moo-ooh--" He covered his mouth with a hand. Stroking his dick faster, she said, "That's it, moo for me you dumb, horny cow." His eyes bulged as the urge to moo overwhelmed him. He threw his head back and bellowed. "MOOOooooOOOOO!" Shivering and thrusting into her hand, his cum spurted right through his shorts, splattering on the underside of the table. His cum started dripping to the floor as he let loose the biggest load of his life. Cum was all over his boxers, his balls, and was even streaming down the inside of his thighs. With each spurt, his cock and balls enlarged, putting strain on the seams of his boxers and baggy shorts. Along with this, his cock head flattened against the underside of the table, taking on a bestial shape. A skinny guy with a long nose dropped his phone, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. Next to him, a woman with curly hair had her hands clasped tightly together as she surveyed the still-expanding puddle of cum under his chair. Two other onlookers swiftly walked away, horrified looks on their faces. At least five more heads had been turned in the general vicinity and Sam thought he was going to die of embarrassment as he panted. "Good girl!" Fayth said with all the enthusiasm of a cheerleader calling out her team's name. Being called a "good girl" made him indescribably euphoric. Sam's dick was nearly too big for her hand now and his cum was all over it. As he noticed a tingle below his belly button, she pulled up his shirt and rubbed her cum-soaked hand on his belly. He moaned and shivered, the area she was rubbing got more tender, smoother, and quite erogenous. He thrust his prick against the tabletop, suppressing a sound deep in his throat which he suspected was an alarmingly loud moo. "OOOH YES!" She squirmed as her pants tore, exposing her black-cow-fur-covered thighs. Her ass and hips kept expanding and hanging just above the waist of her pants was a growing udder with four teats. She let loose a long moo as her pants and panties ripped to shreds, falling to the floor. Between her legs was a two-inch, very thick clit. She stroked that clit openly in the middle of the library, using his cum as lube. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped as her udder got heavier and heavier, swiftly approaching the size of the ones in the images they'd bonded over. With a gasp and a squeak, she had a small orgasm, her clit throbbing visibly as milk beaded on her teats. Two of the onlookers were recording video of her transformation while others were in various stages of shock and/or arousal. The moment her orgasm was over, she licked her hand clean of his cum and dried it on his shirt. Then she moved her hand through the air like a magician producing a rose during their act, but instead of a rose, she prestidigitated a six-inch-wide mauve box, tied up with a pretty dark purple bow. She untied the bow and opened the box to reveal a dark purple collar with a copper cowbell hanging from it. Snapping the collar around his neck, she pulled out a layer of tissue paper and grabbed the matching purple leash underneath. Once she clipped the leash to the collar, she tossed the box onto the tabletop. "Get on your knees and drink some milk." She tugged him down toward the ground. The collar suddenly being around his neck and her tugging on the leash broke him out of his aroused stupor. There were so many people watching! He stood up, his dick barely restrained by his pants. "N-No. Listen, Whatever the fuck you are, I am not--OH FUCK!" He shivered as his cock finally burst through his pants and exposed a large, pink area on his belly. She chuckled. After a couple deep breaths, he collected himself and put on his best serious face. He didn't know whether it was drugs, a dream, or what, but something was off. "I'm not into this. You can't just put me on a leash and expect me to obey." "Oh, you're loving this. Just look at how hard your cock is throbbing while you show it off. Remember when I asked you if you wanted to feel your dick rub against your udder?" "My what?" He looked down as she pressed his dick up against his burgeoning udder and moved it slowly side to side. Just feeling the warmth of his rock hard dick against that soft, sensitive flesh was enough to make him pre all over himself. But there was texture too, the pre-and-cum soaked slickness of his dick against the satin of his udder. That sound he'd been suppressing, his whole body was shaking as he tried to hold it in. For a moment he thought he was going to make it, but then his cock pulsed from base to tip as the head flared. "HAAAH, I'm gonna--CUH--MOOoooOOOO!" He clenched his legs together as he came. She leaned down and drank his cum like his dick was a water fountain. More and more of his shaft fit in her mouth as her jaws cracked and her cow muzzle started coming in. Somehow, it made her even more beautiful. Pulling his dick out of her half-formed muzzle, she stood back up. "Bull cum is fucking delicious, let me show you." She grabbed him by the collar to drag him close enough to her that her pert breasts were pressing against his chest. Then she wrapped her left arm around him and grabbed the back of his head with her right hand. Pressing her flattening nose against his face, she shoved her cum-coated, bovine tongue in. He mooed softly, wrapping his arms around her and pressing his balls against her gigantic clit. The world melted away as he became fascinated by the dexterity of her tongue and was assaulted by the deliciousness of his cum. It had just the right amount of sweet with a vegital bitterness and a salty finish. As his desire for cum grew, so did his tongue. The kiss got deeper and deeper as he explored her maw, trying to get every drop of cum he could. His gums and jaws were soon buzzing with what felt like a static charge. He got even more into the kiss when his pointy human nose started receding into his face. Not only did his cum taste better as his nose changed, it had felt weird to have his human nose pressed up against her flat bovine one. Fur tickled his cheeks as her head took on the same black cow fur as the rest of her. His tongue felt too big for his mouth, but as his jaws cracked, he started getting a muzzle like hers. She pulled out of the kiss and looked into his eyes while tugging the leash downwards. "On your knees, girl. Drink my milk." Still lightheaded from the kiss, his legs were jelly and he fell to his knees easily. His hands moved to her udder and massaged it. He couldn't stop staring at it and his jaw dropped open a bit. It was so smooth and taut with milk. Wrapping his lips around her top left teat, he sucked. The jet of milk that hit his tongue was more than just good, it was otherworldly! Creamy, sweet, fatty, and had a peachy-honey flavor that made him desperately thirsty for more. His free hand went down to his belly, gently rubbing his forming udder. A throbbing behind his balls got him to spread his legs while his cock oozed pre, fully hard again. His ballsac felt tight as his balls got plumper, but the tension wasn't long lasting and his sac fell lower and lower. Four sensitive spots formed on his udder. She held his head against her and kept tension on his leash to keep him focused. Her moans and soft moos were music to Sam's ears. An odd tugging in his abdomen accompanied a wave of pleasure originating from behind his balls. Mooing into her udder, he wiggled his hips. There was lots of sensation back there,a twitching along with a building need he couldn't quite put words to yet. The more that need rose, the more he smelled a heavy, honey-and-straw like musk coming from her. Something poked at and then slid along the underside of his chin as his face finished pushing out into a bovine muzzle. Just as that something throbbed and got thicker, he felt prickles all over his chest as fur grew in. His shirt was starting to get tight and his nipples were getting overstimulated. "Sucking on my udder is always the fastest way to get me hard." Her bra and top popped some threads as her breasts swelled larger. He gasped before suckling on the next teat, slurping her milk down and letting his eyes wander. Her cock was getting longer and longer with each second and that musk was getting very distracting. He huffed as he pulled off her other teat, exploring his udder as his teats started coming in. Ever since his face became more of a muzzle, things had felt different... He blushed again as he sniffed the air, his nose an inch from her flared cock head. Now he was drooling, his eyes unable to look away from her prick. "Ever since you kissed me, I feel so... So... What did you do to mooOOOoeee?" He whimpered and sniffed even deeper. "Kissing you did nothing. The fact that you liked tasting your own bull seed is what made you my plaything. Every time you can't resist your bovine instincts, you turn more into one of the herms you jack off to. Don't blame me, it's just how the magic works." She spoke at a normal conversational volume, ignoring this was a library. Her dick swelled as big as his forearm and there was a fleshy sac hanging below it. She looked like she was concentrating on something, her brows furrowed and her gaze far away for a moment. A librarian who had a curly-haired male student in tow walked in front of them. "Hey! You can't do that in here!" "Only people with dicks bigger than mine are allowed to speak,"she announced loudly to the ten or more people watching. Blue concentric circles burst out of her, hitting everyone in the vicinity. Their gasps of shock and awe, including Sam's, were muffled to a pristine silence. Her eyes widened as she looked back at him. "Whoops." Grabbing Sam's dick, she gave it a growth spurt that added four inches in seconds. It was now two inches longer than hers and reached up into his forming cleavage. "There, didn't mean to silence you, sweetie." He moaned as his cock grew, his breasts ballooning to be large enough that they were touching the head of his dick. His shirt ripped, not made with a bust in mind at all. The scent of her cock was irresistible. He grabbed her medial ring as he wrapped his tongue around it. Shoving it into his maw, he was rewarded by the honey and hay flavor of her pre. His breasts pushed against Fayth's udder as they grew even larger. A loud rip was the last cry of his shirt as his tits defeated their containment. Behind his balls, a contraction was followed by an unbearable emptiness. Pulling his maw off of her massive cock, he looked up at her with needy eyes. "P-Please. I need something. Something MooOOORRREEEE!" He struggled to understand his new instincts. "I need to smell like you all over. I... Please!" He moaned, brushing the side of his muzzle against her dick. Dark reddish-brown fur erupted all over his body as horns pushed out above his temples. His jaws cracked and the pinching in his gums was relieved as his muzzle became fully formed. She turned around and bent over, a fleshy sac just in front of her puffy equine pussy dangling loosely. "If you want more, you gotta encourage my balls to drop. You'll get a bunch of my scent on you, especially if you stick your whole arm in me." With a gasp, he lunged forward and reached under her empty sac before plunging a finger into her hot depths. Finding her very stretchy back there, he put two fingers in, then three, then his whole hand. "Yes! Oh yes! Fuck mooOOOooeeee this is so good!" She arched her back. He shoved his fist deeper into her. He could feel her balls in there, sliding down the front of her vaginal wall. As she pushed them toward their exit, he felt her whole cunt contract around his arm. Waiting for another push, he got his fist behind them. With his help, when she pushed, they slid all the way out, plopping into her sac as she mooed loudly and stomped her hooves. A tail burst out of her tailbone in a flash and then whacked him as she continued to gasp and moan. Within seconds, her balls grew to the size of softballs, making her sac hang beautifully between her legs. "Nuahh! Not enough!" Shoving his entire bovine muzzle against her pussy, he stretched it open and licked as deeply as he could. His tits brushed against her balls while he hungrily worshiped her snatch. With a sharp moo, she came, drenching his entire furry head with fem juice. While this was happening, a dam broke between his legs, fem juice spilling out of him as his vaginal canal opened for business. Once she stopped gyrating and moaning, she stood back up and lorded over him with her giant cock. She leaned down, putting tension on the leash. "I know exactly what you need. Lay back on the study table and spread your pussy and give everyone a good look at your soaked cunt. Then moo like a cow in heat! Let everyone know how desperate you are for bull cock." He gasped as he looked down at the puddle under him. With a soft moo, he got on the study table like a good girl. As he moved, the cow bell on his collar jangled. His long prick slapped his udder as he did so, dribbling pre between his tits. Spreading his legs wide, his heavy balls flopped down to cover his pussy, getting his fem juices all over the backside. From this new perspective, he noticed the twenty people that were now watching. Embarrassment crept in. "I..." He swallowed hard. "I can't just--" His eyes found her beautiful, horsecock as he spoke and that embarrassment was overwhelmed by how much he wanted her inside him. "MOOOOOOOO! I'M A COW IN HEAT! MOOOOOO!" His udder leaked some milk. When she didn't budge, he lifted his balls out of the way of his voluptuous equine pussy to give everyone a clear view. "Everybody look at my soaked cunt! I am in heat! Won't a handsome bull please come along and pump me so full of sticky bull cum that I am swollen and satisfied?!" He spread his legs wider. "You're such a good girl! It didn't even take that much encouragement and now look at you. Just spreading your pussy for an audience while begging for my cock." She was the hottest cow herm he'd ever seen now, covered in black fur that had got a bluish tinge to it as the light reflected off of it. It almost shimmered. Long, curved, ram-like horns protected the sides of her head while making her look a bit demonic. Her prick was the perfect size for his wide-hipped bovine hybrid body. Her udder was full and ready to be miked again while her breasts and balls hung low. And despite the size of her dick, she looked so fucking motherly with those amazing hips. She grabbed his legs and pulled them apart as his toes melded into two groups on each foot, his feet becoming cow hooves. While fur spread down his ankles, she drove her length into him. "Fuck, you have an amazing pussy!" she hollered. He felt himself stretch and stretch, excess wetness flooding out of him as she entered. The sensation was so intimate, so wonderful. The blunt head of her dick stretched him as much as her medial ring and he could feel both sliding deeper. Whenever he clenched a bit too much, she stroked his dick to get him to relax and she was balls deep in him in no time. She was so lengthy and girthy that he had an obvious bulge in his abdomen that made his udder look even bigger. Once she was fully in, his pussy clenched along her length and he held his prick against his front. "MOOOORRREEEE!" She fucked him hard, so hard that the cow bell around his neck clanged over and over while the table under him rocked. People had to grab their tablets and laptops for fear of them falling. Her breasts and balls swung wildly as she grunted and groaned, extracting as much pleasure as she could. Something snapped in him as his balls clenched atop her dick and his cock lurched against his udder and abdomen. Then, with a roaring moo, his cock erupted all over his muzzle and tits, spraying cow jizz everywhere. He opened his maw and caught some, getting a rush from the incredible flavor. Right in the middle of his cock going off, his snatch followed suit, milking her cock as she continued to fuck him. It felt like pleasure was flooding out from every point where their bodies touched. He felt dizzy, happier than ever, but he needed... "Bull cumMMOOoooo! I need bull cum in mooooeeeeeeeeee!" After a solid five minutes of pounding him, her shaft was harder than ever "You're such a beautiful slut!" He was in a daze, delighted to be used like this. Being able to have a passage that was muscular and sensitive and could be used like this was fantastically gratifying. Gratifying to the point he came three more times from his pussy while waiting for her to finish inside him. His eyes were unfocused, his tongue was lolling out the side of his mouth as he mooed, panted, and moaned. Even in this state, the excitement was building. Her flare was wider, dragging on his hot wet tunnel. "HERE. TAKE IT ALL!" she screamed as her cock lurched and then exploded inside him, making his belly swell dramatically in seconds. She just kept cumming and thrusting, not caring when her cum started spilling out and splattering on the floor. Streams of milk squirted from her nipples and teats as her orgasm reached an even higher peak, getting her scent all over him. His breasts and udder squirted milk right along with her, his pussy cumming again. As he saw onlookers getting splashed from his cock going off yet again, white hot pleasure took his vision from him and he departed from the conscious world, happier and more sated than he'd ever been before. When he came to, she was still inside him. "Hey Sam, your herm slut energy was so strong that our little library fuckfest has already gone viral." She turned her phone toward him, showing a video from one of the onlookers. In the video, he was lifting his balls out of the way to show off his pussy. Her face was beaming with a huge smile. "You're such a good girl. Welcome to my were-cow harem!" THE END I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons: AJ, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!