In another world to stop the demon lord… By becoming his bride? 3 They waited a few minutes before beginning to walk down the hall. John trailing behind Amelia cautiously, hiding behind his cloth, while Amelia walked with her arms outstretched to help hide him from any onlookers who might have ignored Jacqueline’s command to stay out of the hall. Eventually, Amelia stopped at a door and quietly gestured to it before opening it, and leading John inside. “This is where you will be staying” she said softly “I’m sorry it’s not much, but we have food and water in here for you. Jacqueline or I will restock your room for you nightly.” “How long will I be staying in here?” John asked, curious now about the nightly comment. “We don’t know” Amelia admitted, “You might be taken as early as tonight, or it may take some time. We don’t know how long it will take the Dark Lord to find us.” “Wait, wait!” He exclaimed, “Tonight?!” Amelia looked down sheepishly “He is actively searching for you. If you are seen by anyone, it will make it easier for him to find you.” “You trust everyone in here, right?” John said, cautiously “This is your secret base or whatever?” “We trust everyone here, but some of the Dark Lord’s minions can read minds. It’s why we couldn’t do this plan with someone from our world.” she explained “You may not be strong, but the blessing of light will shield your mind. It will prevent them from realizing what you really are, and will give some protection from his corruption.” Amelia walked to the bed and sat down on it, “Jacqueline is practiced enough to shield her own mind from being read as well. But… I am not. When they find us, I will need to be escorted to safety so they do not learn of your secret.” “So…” John began as he pondered the implications of the situation “They are looking for a pure maiden, and when they find me in here, they will assume I must be her.” “That’s right. They will then take you away to the Dark Lord’s realm and work to corrupt you.” Amelia looked down, her gaze growing distant “Jacqueline says that the Dark Lord’s perverse desires make him… Predictable. He will end his conquest, only to focus on corrupting you.” She paused for a moment, her hands pressed onto her knees as she took a few breaths before continuing “Once he’s succeeded… He will lead the final assault against our kingdom… With you at the front of his army. Or maybe by his side… Either way, you won’t be yourself anymore. You’ll… You’ll just be another demon…” “Th-That’s why I need to hurry with my studies. I need to gain the power to summon a real hero before that happens!” Amelia looked up at John, making eye contact with him. “If you can just hold on until then, I’ll make sure to save you.” “I don’t have much choice other than to hold on” John said. “I guess… It will be too bad if the demon lord attacks tonight. We won’t get a chance to…” He trailed off, but Amelia nodded her head in understanding. “Yeah. Well…” she unbuttoned the top of her dress, and pulled it down over her shoulders, exposing her pink bra. “I can’t stay long, Jacqueline is expecting me to finish soon but…” John froze, his eyes locking on Amelia’s breasts. Aside from his own, which were somewhat of an awkward view, these were the first real pair of breasts he had seen in person. Amelia blushed harshly, and closed her eyes. “Touch them once.” she said quickly, and softly “At least you’ll have something if we don’t get a chance tonight.” John stepped forward awkwardly, almost grateful that she couldn’t see how awkward he looked with her eyes closed like that. He reached down to her breasts and pulled the bra up, allowing her breasts to fall free from their bounds. Amelia was surprised by this and opened one eye, but let out a soft gasp as his hands gripped her soft breasts. The skin was so smooth, and the flesh soft and warm. Giving in to the soft pressure from his hands as he squeezed them, then pinched a nipple gently between his index finger and thumb. Amelia’s gasp soon turned into a moan as her eyes opened and she looked up at him. Her eyes seemed to be sad, but also filled with desire. As he looked into them, he could hear her breathing growing heavy and hot. She opened her mouth as though to say something, but instead her lips pursed into a kiss she closed her eyes again and leaned towards John. He leaned down and kissed her on the lips. They were soft, warm… And something… Else… It felt like a brilliant light in the back of his mind as they connected, and he hardly noticed as she pulled him down onto the bed. Their kiss deepened and the two of them grabbed at each other tightly, pressing their bodies together, and squirming as the light radiated between them. In a moment though, the Princess pushed him away, gasping loudly. “I…” She panted for a moment “I’m sorry, I… I didn’t realize it would be so… Intense. I need to go!” She rolled off the bed quickly, falling into the floor and then hopping to her feet quickly, pulling her bra down, and her dress up. Re-buttoning and straightening it in front of a mirror on the wall. “What… Was that?” John asked, confused and still somewhat dazed. “It’s…” Amelia sounded like she was about to explain, but paused for a moment and shook her head. “I don’t know. Call me tonight, okay?” she said, before she quickly rushed out of the room. With that, he was alone for the first time. He could still feel an odd glow in the back of his mind, but distracting as that was, he felt compelled to check the mirror. He had to see what he had become. He slowly stood from the bed and stepped in front of the mirror. The woman looking back at him was utterly alien to him. She had pink hair, that fell almost to her breasts, and pink eyes as well, though there was a light within them that seemed almost supernatural. As though they were radiating a gentle light. The body seemed to be in it’s early twenties, with massive breasts and thick thighs. Her hips were wide, and her waist narrow. It wasn’t as though he had simply been turned into a woman… It was as though the princess had sculpted the most attractive female body she could imagine. Was that part of the plan to attract the Dark Lord’s attention? Or… Thinking back to that brief tussle on the bed… Did she have more interest in women than she initially let on…? He looked over his new body, lifting his breasts and giving them a few bounces, watching them in the mirror as he felt the soft pleasure of his own touch. Was this how all women’s breasts felt, or were his more sensitive than normal? He had no idea… He considered his new body carefully, turning around to get a look at his ass, the woman in the mirror moving identically to him as he shook his hips and watched her ass jiggle. Well… At least he had some entertainment until the evening... Slowly, he passed the hours. Examining and playing with his body in the mirror, laying in bed, trying out the food in the cupboard. It was tempting to just masturbate, but with the promise of actual sex coming soon, he wanted to wait. His first orgasm in this body wouldn’t be by his own hand. Even if his hands weren’t exactly his own. John’s eyes frequently went to the wooden clock sitting on a small table next to his bed. As the day dragged on, it seemed to progress agonizingly slowly. His room had no window, so the clock was the only way he could guess when Dusk actually was. It was never something he had to think about before, and now he didn’t have any way to look it up. Eventually though, the clock reached nine and he decided that was late enough. He sat up on the bed and looked down at the floor where the two stones had fallen when the Princess had dragged him into bed with her. He wanted to try that again with her. But he also wanted to know what that light he felt was… Jacqueline would probably know, but he couldn’t tell her that he and Amelia had already kissed… He looked back and forth between the two stones. Should he call Jacqueline and try to explain it in a roundabout way… Or call Amelia and go in blind on the light… Or… He picked both stones up and held them, on in each hand. Nobody said he couldn’t call them both. Maybe then, Jacqueline could witness the light thing first hand and he wouldn’t have to explain anything. He closed his eyes and gripped both stones, thinking to them “Come here?” uncertain exactly how they work. The stones felt warm in his hands, and he thought “I’m on my way.” in Jacqueline’s voice… Then he thought “Coming!” in Amelia’s. That must have been their reply. He set the stones down on the table and watched the door with anticipation. He had no idea how far away they were, so every moment, his heart pounded with excitement that the door would open. Finally, the door did open. In the doorway stood Amelia, struggling to hide a smile, and Jacqueline with her arms crossed and a sharp glare. The two of them walked into the room together, and Amelia turned to close the door as Jacqueline stepped into the center of the room. “Really?” She said, looking daggers into him “You are rather greedy, aren’t you.” “I-I mean, you never said I-” John began, but Jacqueline cut him off. “Yes, yes. You were never SPECIFICALLY told not to do this.” she said, her arms still crossed as she huffed. Amelia meanwhile, seemed to try to stay outside of Jacqueline’s line of sight. “Still I expected you would have some level of decency.” “I aught to shatter those stones here and now and leave.” She threatened, before Amelia crept closer to her and tugged gently at Jacqueline’s robe. “M-Maybe you can let him off with just a warning this time” she suggested “I mean… This way there’s no chance he’ll keep me up too late right?” Jacqueline rolled her eyes and sighed. “If that is the Princess’s wish.” she said with a still annoyed tone “I will consider this a chance to make sure our boundaries are clear.” She then began to loosen the cord at the top of her robe, allowing the collar to widen until it slid down her body, revealing a black bra and panties underneath. “Let’s get this over with.” she said, stepping out from the robe on the floor before reaching behind her back to undo her bra. The Princess remained behind Jacqueline, her face now fully beaming with an intense grin as she hastily unbuttoned her dress, pulling it down to reveal her bra again, and then sliding it down past her hips to reveal a complete lack of panties. John’s eyes passed back and forth between the two women. Jacqueline had unhooked her bra and pulled it off, so now she was topless, wearing only panties while Amelia had her breasts covered, but her pussy revealed. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he had a chance to, Amelia dashed past Jacqueline and tackled him to the bed, her lips meeting his as that strange light began to burn in the back of his mind once more. He could swear he could hear a muffled noise that sounded like Jacqueline speaking in the distance, but he couldn’t seem to make out the words, as he returned the kiss. Her tongue and his met as it deepened and his hand reached around behind the Princess’s back to unhook her bra. It took a few attempts but eventually he got it, and felt the fabric between his breasts and hers loosen. That seemed to be a tipping point for them. The bare flesh of their breasts pressing into each other intensified the light and the pleasure rushing through each of their bodies. He wasn’t sure how he knew it, but he somehow could tell Amelia felt the same way he was… Then, the light began to fade, as he realized suddenly that Amelia was no longer in his arms. He blinked a few times and the image came into focus of Jacqueline holding Amelia, having pulled her off of him. Then voices came into focus next… “-go of me! What are you doing?!” Amelia shouted, squirming in Jacqueline’s grip, as Jacqueline backed a step or two away from the bed. “Stop it!” Jacqueline replied harshly, “You can’t handle any more exposure!” John blinked a few times, struggling to understand the situation. His body still felt hot… So intense… Then he noticed a glow coming from his peripheral vision. He looked down and saw his own body glowing lightly. Growing dimmer with each moment. “Wh-What’s going on?” he asked, his mind still foggy from the pleasure. Amelia gave up the struggle and let herself flop to the floor while Jacqueline leaned over her, looking down at her as though to make sure she didn’t use this position just to rush back onto the bed. “It’s the gift of light.” Jacqueline said, focusing on Amelia as she spoke. “I didn’t expect this to be an issue.” Amelia huffed “Its not an issue! We were having fun!” Jacqueline slowly walked around her, getting between John and the Princess. “If I didn’t stop you, the two of you would be thoughtlessly making love all night.” she said sternly “Then you wouldn’t have any energy left for your studies. “What exactly happened?” John asked, finally getting his bearings. Jacqueline sat at the edge of the bed, still using her body as an obstacle between the two of them. “It’s a special blessing that binds summoner and hero.” she began to explain. “When the two unite in a common goal, it ignites a holy light within each of them, granting them each power greater than what either could summon on their own.” She turned to the side, keeping her body between Amelia and John as she turned to look at John. “Legends tell of heroes uniting with their summoner to cast incredible magics, or to fight side by side with skill and strength far beyond either of their means.” Jacqueline sighed and shook her head. “Of course, they don’t write legends about what goes on in the bedroom. I had no idea making love would also trigger the united power like this…” John raised a hand slowly in reflex from his school days. “So, if we have a united power, can’t we use that to fight the Dark Lord?” Jacqueline scoffed in response. “Of course not. I knew about the United power when I judged your chances of success. I just didn’t know it would apply to sex.” “For now, I think it would be safer if Amelia sits this out.” Jacqueline said, lifting her breasts for emphasis “I can take care of all your needs tonight.” His eyes were immediately drawn to Jacqueline’s breasts but then he noticed Amelia behind her. Mouthing something. He never knew how to read lips but somehow he could understand her. “We could unite on her.” she silently said “Then you’ll get that threesome you wanted!” “I know it’s disappointing” Jacqueline said firmly “But am I not appealing enough for you?” Behind her, he could see Amelia continuing to mouth to him. “Kiss her and I’ll do the rest” she silently spoke to him “Or… If you don’t want to… I’ll go.”