Confronted with the debauchery that is Lezveioan culture, Amelia has so many feelings that she hardly knows what to do. But she soon finds she wants something from Captain Aeidou, something Aeidou is happy to give. Remiel's Enlightenment - Chapter 9 by Zmeydros (Edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk) As I left the metro station and entered Glamour Street, I felt lighter than air. The moment I'd seen my face in the mirror, I'd felt beautiful. My purple eyeshadow, the blush on my cheeks, the bit of shading to de-emphasize the squareness of my chin, all of it was elevated by Ezzie's tremendous sense of aesthetics and Cuber's precision. To top it off, the frilly, greenish-white dress I was wearing fit my surroundings perfectly. Mosaics of iridescent broken glass depicting a vast array of different flowers from pomegranates to poppies to pansies were spread out over the street and even the walls of buildings. It was like stepping into a blooming garden made of glass that changed color as I walked past it. Directly ahead of me was a voluptuous mesh of glowing threads that comprised the entrance to Tev Auritoa'i. The mesh's flowing shapes reminded me of flower petals and, well, things that made me blush. Three humans, two of them with mods, and six Lezveioans were hovering near the entrance. Everyone was in oddly little clothing. In fact, four of the Lezveioans and one human with cat ears and a tail were in something between a kimono and a beautifully-patterned bathrobe. These garments had triangles randomly cut out of them to expose bare flesh and it seemed the way you were supposed to wear them was exposing most of your chest, barely even hiding your nipples. I shivered as I imagined myself wearing one of those fancy bathrobes while having these breasts on. God this felt strange, and good, and scary. And I was still processing all this when a Lezveioan in a shiny light blue low-V neck blouse, and tight-fitting white flared pants that showed off her bulge, waved at me. The moment I saw her raspberry red eyes and pink scales with red splotches, I knew it was Captain Aeidou. Her wave wasn't typical because she was opening and closing her hand instead of waving her arm back and forth. As I approached, her fan-like ears opened more and more. "Hello Captain," I said. The moment I was in front of her, she looked me up and down. "R-Remiel?" she asked. "You can call me Amelia," I said. "Ooh, I like that name," her ears relaxed, closing a bit. "You can just call me Aeidou. It's actually my first name. Lezveioan culture is far more casual than most Earth cultures." "Oh, okay," I said. "For a moment, I thought you'd sent your twin sister over to meet me or something." "R-really?" I asked, feeling incredible. "Yes, you make a rather beautiful woman," she said. "Are you transitioning now?" "Nope, just trying this out while I can." My voice didn't match my look and my stomach was suddenly unhappy about that. "While you can?" she asked, her right ear fanning. "My work is going to make me cut my hair sometime soon," I said, wishing my voice wasn't so harsh. She dipped her head, frowning. "That is severely unfortunate." "Yeah," I said, looking at a tree behind and to the right of Aeidou. "Can we go over there for a sec? I need help with something." I pointed at the tree. "Sure!" Aeidou said, turning and walking to the tree. I followed her and then said, "So, uhh..." "Go on," she said. "It's no bother for me to hear what's bothering you." "My voice just doesn't fit my look at all and I'm feeling really off hearing it," I said. "Mind if I touch you?" she asked. "No, I don't think so," I said, wondering where she was going with this. She put her hands on the sides of my shoulders firmly and looked in my eyes. "Just breathe and try to find any muscles you're clenching. Then try to release them. Especially in your neck." As I looked at her smiling shark-like alien face, she moved her hands across my shoulders and to my neck, massaging any tightness she found. Then she found big knots where my neck met my shoulders. I closed my eyes and groaned as her strong hands and blunt claws kneaded my flesh. The moment my shoulders were just kinda hanging at my sides, she put her fingers on the sides of my neck and said, "Now speak, but don't allow yourself to tense up." I started to speak, but she put a finger to my lips, saying, "You're tensing up. Try again." "Is this right?" My voice was a bit softer. She leaned in, puckering her lips lightly. Her movement was slow, giving me plenty of time to avoid her kiss, but I didn't. Something about her just drew me in, like I was getting hypnotized. There was this look in her eyes, desire, confidence, and kindness that reminded me of Ezzie and Ramda. But there was something else too, a calmness, as if kissing me was as natural as a firm handshake when one made a new friend. When our lips touched, she ran her forked tongue along my lips. This lazy kiss continued as she pulled me into her arms. Soon our breasts were touching, then our bulges as she pressed against me firmer and firmer. Her hands massaged my back and then my buttocks. Eventually, she broke the kiss and rested her chin on my shoulder. "I could tell you were attracted to me from the moment we met, so I figured letting our bodies break the ice would be easier than trying to do it with words." She gave me a squeeze. "No matter how feminine or masculine your voice sounds, I'll see you as a woman. A woman who is sexy, inexperienced, and deserving of respect. Tonight, you will be in a place where your voice cannot invalidate your gender expression. We believe humans are whatever gender they assign to themselves, no questions asked. In fact, most Lezveioans don't even know how to differentiate between human genders." Tears welled up in my eyes. I believed every word and I couldn't figure out what to do with that. So I just grabbed tightly onto her while I teetered on the edge of tears. She just stood there for what seemed like hours, holding me against her as she swayed from side to side. It took a while for the urge to cry to get soft enough that I started noticing things. Her breasts were more firm than anyone I'd been with, but they still had a nice give to them. Her abdominal muscles were firm even though her belly had some roundness to it and her balls were bigger than mine. Damn it! Now all I could think about was her balls and then her sheath as my prick throbbed to life, pressing against it. "Mmm," she pressed her bulge against the stiffening situation in my panties. "Okay, girl, let's see if we can coax out your feminine voice. Seduce me." "S-seduce you?" I asked, my whole body warming up. She nodded. "Take all that feminine desire inside you and put it into your voice." "You feel so good against me that I just want to stay like this forever." It was the truth, and it came out of my mouth resonant and deep, but cooing, like I'd heard women do in VR games when they were trying to use their sex appeal to get something. "Yes, good! Keep going," she said. "Your arms are so strong. I feel really safe in them," I said. She held me tighter. "You are safe in them. Ever since I saw you on Ramda's ship, I've wanted to hold you." "Is your species always this...uhh..." "Quick with physical affection? Yes." She lifted her head and loosened her grip. "Is it bothering you?" "No, I just can't believe we're doing this already." I grabbed her and held her tight, gasping at my breasts being squished against hers. "You needed a hug," she said. "Can you hear how relaxed your voice is now?" "Yeah," I said. "Just hang on to that. Most of the trans women I've met learned a more masculine way of speaking due to outside pressure. And when they relax and speak naturally, they sound far more feminine. Lots of cis women have low voices, after all," she said. "But if you want to go farther than that, modding your larynx can be done pretty easily. Voice training can lead to great success as well." "Do you know lots of trans women?" I asked. She let me go and stood back a bit. Grabbing my hands, she said, "I was adopted by human parents who had trouble thinking outside binary human gender roles and treated me like a boy my whole childhood. Ramda and I met when both of us were discovering we were trans herms." "They really raised you like a human boy?" I asked. She nodded. "It was a small asteroid mining colony and I was the only Lezveioan." "But now you see yourself as a herm?" She nodded and then smiled wide, showing she had four pointy canine teeth instead of two. "Yep, I feel like a full member of my species now and I have Lezveioan citizenship." "I'm so glad," I said. "Ezzie and Ramda probably know more in depth what you're going through, but I think you'll find I'm quite sensitive to your situation," she said. "Now, Amelia, are you ready to witness the sort of debauchery your employer frowns upon?" My eyes widened. "What do you mean by that?" Her grin made my knees weak. "I think you already know. Otherwise, you wouldn't be blushing so hard," she said before leading me toward the entrance. As we walked past the people outside, Aeidou held my hand. The moment the door to the entryway opened, I stopped in my tracks, yanking Aeidou back a bit. To my left was a clear semicircular floor to ceiling window and pressed up against the glass was a naked light yellow Lezveioan getting fucked from behind. Her small breasts and large balls were smooshed up against the glass as her two pink prehensile cocks writhed, leaving twin trails of pre. I gasped as my prick started to throb. That Lezveioan looked like she was having the time of her life. Aeidou said, "You look like you wish you could be in her place." I quickly muffled my moan with my free hand. With a chuckle, Aeidou brought us closer to the glass. My heart started pounding while my panties felt far too tight. The yellow Lezveioan's moans had this warble to them, like there was a purr under her voice or singing a low note with her diaphragm. I could feel it in the soles of the cute pink shoes Ezzie had given me. The source of her cries of ecstasy was a giraffe hybrid with full breasts that bounced every time she thrust into the Lezveioan. Just as I was trying to pull my eyes away from the spectacle, the giraffe bellowed and shoved forward one last time. The Lezveioan yelled something in her native language while her dicks twisted around each other and let loose a torrent of thick seed that slowly slid down the glass. I bit my finger to avoid moaning more as I felt a rush of heat through my entire body. When I finally turned away, I saw twitching in the front of Aeidou's blouse. The outline of her shafts went all the way up to the low V in her blouse where I could see the slender orange tips of her twin cocks. She said, "I was going to keep our anatomy a secret until later, but, as they say, the cocks are out of the bag now." I laughed, caught completely off guard by her quip. "At first, I was worried this place might be too much for you, but I'm no longer concerned." She grabbed my hand and started tugging me toward the second set of doors. A sharp gasp from the Lezveioan behind the glass got me craning my neck to look back. The giraffe hybrid was pulling out and when her thick horsecock came free, cum rushed out of the Lezveioan's snatch and made a pool on the floor. A mostly-nude Lezveioan attendant gave the giraffe a stack of pre-moistened hand towels. "Let's get some food and then we can roam around and do whatever you like," Aeidou said in a way that made me squirm before gently tugging me through the second set of doors. A punk band against the far wall was playing something fast and frantic that slowed down into a sensual, pulsing rhythm for the chorus. Alternately singing and screaming the lyrics was a dragon-tailed tiger who also played lead guitar, the light blue Lezveioan drummer twirled her drumsticks in intricate patterns whenever the percussion got especially complex, the beefy hyena bassist was providing some backup vocals while getting hard when she got to do her bass solo, and the fennec fox on the keyboard was controlling the sound system. All of them were nude, all of them were herms, and all of them were so deep into their music that they were a flurry of movement and sound. I knew they were herms because the chorus of the song they were playing was "Herm orgy in the airlock, thrusting into you with my cock, putting cream in your tight box. And the seconds count da-ow-own, and the seconds count da-ow-own..." In front of the stage was a vast seating area surrounding a circular dance floor where the flowery tile mosaic that covered the floor switched from wine-colored, tarnished gold, and orange to cyan, gold, and hot pink. The long diamond-shaped tiles that made up the mosaic depicted dazzling cubes and flowers in a random pattern that never seemed to do the same thing twice. The tables and chairs were all wicker made of light-orange-hued grass. The tables had glass tops and the chairs all had cushions with white towel-like covers wrapped around them. The cushion covers made sense since about a quarter of the people dining were nude. Not that the people wearing clothes were leaving much to the imagination. There were so many women with bulges that I could hardly keep track of it all, especially since a lot of them were on the dance floor. As two Leveioans not four meters from me went from making out to one of them bending the other over and shoving inside, I moaned. Watching her balls swing below her pussy made me tingle from head to toe. Then a hybrid fox herm got behind that Lezveioan and made her the filling of a herm sandwich. I gasped in both pain and delight as my panties got unbearably tight. Aeidou stopped talking to a tall Lezveioan server who'd come up while I was distracted and sniffed the air. Leaning in and speaking into my right ear, she said, "You might want to take off your panties. Girls with tents in their skirts are more than welcome here." I didn't really have a choice, but my heart still pounded as I reached under my skirt and pulled down my panties. As my prick flipped up and freed itself, I groaned. Then I had my panties in my hand while my skirt jutted out where my dick was. Seeing my clothed erection while feeling the weight of my breasts on my chest compounded my embarrassment while also making me want to dance in joy. Aeidou made eye contact with the server and pointed at my panties. I hid them behind my back immediately, having no idea what was going on, but before I could ask, the server pulled out a simple drawstring bag that had thin straps for wearing as a backpack. Taking the bag, I put my panties in it, saying, "Thank you." The server glanced at my erection and grinned. Joy, fear, embarrassment, doubt, and arousal. Chaos. I started crying, feeling all and none of those emotions at the same time. The server said, "Sorry, I'm so sorry!" "I doubt it's your fault." Aeidou pulled me into a hug carefully to avoid getting poked by my length. "Are you overwhelmed? Do you need us to go somewhere else?" "No, I love this," I said, bawling. "But it still could be too much," Aeidou said. "I'll be okay," I said, still crying. It didn't feel normal, it felt like I was on the edge of laughing because I was so happy, but I just couldn't quite get there. Aeidou hooked an arm around me and guided me toward the right-hand wall. Then we entered a shower room which had group stalls and individual stalls and a nice tiled floor with bumps that made my shoes grip it extra well. Passing a couple trans women that were having sex up against the wall, Aeidou pulled me into one of the small shower stalls. "Are you sure you don't need to go somewhere else?" "I don't want to leave, but..." My crying got in the way of my speech. "But, I don't know what to do." "You don't have to do anything." Aeidou hugged me. Her small breasts were just soft enough to make the embrace feel cozy. Aeidou held me close while I cried a bit more. I felt stupid for crying in front of someone I'd only known for a half hour, but she was handling it so well I trusted her as much as Ezzie or Ramda by the time my tears stopped. "I know this might be tangential to what you were crying about, but I want you to know that I think you're beautiful," Aeidou said. That almost got me crying again. Instead, I grabbed her and pulled her against me, my half hard cock poking at her balls though the fabric separating us. After I relaxed a bit, she asked, "You still overwhelmed?" "No, crying helped a lot," I said. "Still feel weird, though." "Weird?" she asked. "Yeah, when I see herms having sex in real life it's incredible, but I also feel like crying." I sighed. "I'm making no sense." "Mind if I chat with Ezzie? She understands a lot of human emotions and trans stuff better than me," Aeidou said. "I have an idea of what I think is going on, but I want to check with her." "Sure, I just want my brain to stop being stupid," I said. "It's not stupid, emotions are just prohibitively complex," she said. I just stood there for a few minutes, resting my head on her shoulder. "We think you're jealous," she said. "Jealous?" I moved my head back to look her in the eye. "Not in a bad way, more like you want to be a herm so bad that seeing them makes you feel frustrated. And women often cry when really frustrated or angry." "I don't know if it's jealousy, but when I see them I feel empty inside," I said. "You ever been penetrated?" Aeidou asked. I blushed, hiding my face against her shoulder. "N-no." "Well, maybe you're feeling literally empty," she said. "You seemed the most fixated on the herms who were getting fucked." It was impossible for me to avoid squirming against her. I didn't have words. I was too embarrassed and too horny. She kissed my forehead and said, "It's perfectly natural to want someone inside you. You're a woman, after all." Good butterflies were back in my belly. "Say that again," I said. "The last part." "You're a woman, Amelia. A woman I want to play with tonight," she said. "You want to do, uh...stuff with me?" She chuckled. "The fact that your erection hasn't gone down fully ever since I started hugging you makes me want to be intimate with you because I love being desired. When I add in you being adorable and sexy, I can't resist." My stomach growled while I was trying to form a reply. Which was just as well since I had no idea what to say to her compliment anyway. "How about we get some food and then I show you what my species does to relax?" She rubbed her balls against my half-hard shaft, making my skirt slide against my length. That sent a hot shiver up my spine and got me to moan so loud that I was afraid I'd been overheard by the two lesbians still going at it in the entryway. "Was that a yes?" she asked. I nodded shyly. "You just saw people having sex in the open, I think you can give me more than that," she grinned, her ears fanning wide with interest. "Do you want to have me inside you tonight? It's something I'm happy to do if you want to experience it." "Yes," I said, blushing and hiding my face against her neck. Oh God, I was such a slut. I'd just met an actual extraterrestrial in person for the first time and I'd just asked her to fuck me. Maybe I'd find out I didn't need to get modded to be happy. Maybe dressing up and going out and getting someone inside me was all I needed. Was that too much to hope for? END OF CHAPTER 9 I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ supporters, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Skrime, UBA, Warialinth, Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other supporters as well. Every one of you rocks!