-Mini story Sci-Twi Power Pony! - by Colonist!- Canter: Hmm. Tastes like bitter bean juice…who made the coffee today? *Canter Zoom, one of Canterlot City’s resident and well-known movie directors, spoke to no one in particular as he sipped the lounge coffee at the movie set where he usually was. It was the afternoon, shortly after the time where broad daylight movie scenes were shot, and he among other directors had a couple hours to kill before resuming work with the actors and production for the evening and night scenes.* Canter: Whoever made this batch of coffee either didn’t put enough scoops of the grind or set the water to run too quickly. All the same, it’s enough caffeine to help me wrap up the day - ???: Mr. Zoom! *Canter paused mid-sip in his second sip of the watery coffee to see who entered the director’s lounge. It was the other director, a recent transfer, one who he recognized as the one tasked with directing the “Power Ponies” project. The name escaped him though.* ???: When I found this script prompt on my set, I could’ve sworn that I walked into the wrong studio. You never told me that we filmed adult videos on these premises too! Canter: We…don’t? ???: Maybe it’s just a prank on the new director, but I figured that you might be able to help me. Could you tell me if you recognize who may have wrote this? I already fired that bumbling production assistant a week ago for his mismatch of the Power Ponies actresses, and I know that it’s not his writing - can’t be him. Here. *The man holds out about five pages filled front to back with what looked to Canter to be somewhat feminine manuscript. It only took a moment for him to make a connection, but the director in him pushed it to the side as he analyzed the script prompt to try and see what exactly had the other director so worked up.* ***Scene 1*** Mane-iac: Muahahaha! My goodness, Matterhorn, how many times are we going to find ourselves in this same situation? Masked: Augh, just let me go, Mane-iac! You know how it always ends. I look helpless and backed into a corner, and just when you’re about to end me, my allies come in to help or something else goes wrong on your end! *The Mane-iac pauses for a moment, not letting her grip loosen any around Masked Matterhorn in the meantime. Indeed such sequence of events was routine, predictable…boring, even? Evil was consistent, but the methods could use some changing up every now and then.* Mane-iac: Hmph. I must give due credit to you as one of my archenemies: my methods need something refreshing, not just for you…but for your audience! Masked: Audience? *The Mane-iac whips another strand of hair into her pocket and pulls out a cameraphone.* Mane-iac: It’s such a shame that our confrontation happened indoors in this faux movie set tonight. I would’ve much rather done this atop a rooftop where all the soon to be eagerly watching citizens would’ve been watching. Masked: You’re talking madness! Mane-iac: Of course I am! I’m the Mane-iac! But this madness has a method, Matterhorn! Oh yes, a method indeed. Masked: It’s too bad that I’m not going to hear it. My allies will come to my aid in three…two…one… *The camera catches a glimpse of Masked Matterhorn’s smug expressions right before it pans over to the door at the entrance. Observant viewers would have noticed that the Mane-iac wears the same identical expression as Matterhorn’s and would react with certain worry at the now apparent incoming twist as the door remains unopened.* Mane-iac: Oh, you mean those other Power Ponies that you cavort with? Masked: Yes…who else? Mane-iac: Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm, muahahaha! Oh, I’m afraid none of them will be joining us at the moment. *The progression of time combined with the non-opening of the door starts to sink in with the bound heroine, and she begins to sweat and act with increasing worry.* Masked: Wha - what did you do to them!? Mane-iac: Nothing too harmful, I assure you. Why end the fun so quickly by leading them to what you imagine would’ve been their untimely demise? No, no, no, I wouldn’t dream of doing so! Masked: Liar! What did you do!? Mane-iac: Simple really, I left notes on all of their doors telling of an emergency meeting on the other side of town right around now. They won’t notice your absence for the next hour since I made sure to add the detail to the notes that you had an appointment to fulfill before said meeting. More than enough time for me to… *Another one of the Mane-iac’s strands of hair slips into the pocket of the bound heroine and extracts said heroine’s phone. The Mane-iac holds the phone to Matterhorn’s face, and it amazingly unlocks.* Mane-iac: And we are a go! Goodness, I love technology. It’s there where you need it, yet there where you don’t…want it. Muahahaha! Masked: Hey, give that back! Mane-iac: Eventually. See, I respect the idea of keeping one’s identity as secret. I mean, who’d want to know that when I’m not wreaking havoc with my hair that I’m jus t some lowly secretary in an office somewhere? Masked: …wat? Mane-iac: And I’ve said too much! Anyway… *Several more of the Mane-iac’s whip around and begin to tear away at Masked Matterhorn’s suit. The latter yelps as the strands get closer to the more critical parts of the outfit.* Mane-iac: The mask may stay on, but no one said anything about the rest of the heroine’s body, muahahaha! Masked: H-hey, let’s not do anything rash! Let’s talk about this! Mane-iac: Rash is a villainous virtue; I love it! Plus we’ve been talking, but let’s continue! You are going to take my cues and perform for me. Masked: P-perform? Mane-iac: You’ll know it when you see…feel it. Be a good little actress, and the mask stays on. Go anywhere off-script, and you’ll be making not just an identity reveal, but a porn debut to your phone’s entire contacts list! Masked: You wouldn’t! You - *Masked Matterhorn yelps as the rest of her outfit gets torn away. She had taken some nudes before for a steady civilian boyfriend a long time ago, but having your archenemy capture the scene was something else entirely. She was about to shout once more before an errant strand of Mane-iac’s hair inserted itself in her, and said shout melted into a now more than suggestive moan.* Mane-iac: Hang on while you can, slut, but I want to hear you degrade yourself! Now! *Masked Matterhorn gives in far faster than she’d like to admit, whether it was due to the pleasure or just wanting to get out of this situation as quickly as possible was the audience’s call.* Masked: Oh, yes! I love being defeated! Mane-iac: Go on! Masked: I never get time to myself! I need something to satisfy me! I love showing off my body on camera to strangers! Mane-iac: More! Masked: The town should know the nitty gritty details of their heroine slut! The - ***Canter Zoom drops the script to the floor at this point.*** Canter: Juniper! ???: Who? Canter: *sigh* My niece. She’s still on probation after the incident during the production of that Daring Do film, but it looks like she’s turned to scriptwriting on her own time. No doubt she left that script around hoping that someone would pick it up and get back to her. ???: No kidding! Sounds like I just missed her then. Canter: She’s hard to otherwise miss. *Canter pulls out his phone and swipes through his own collection until he gets to the right headshot. He show it to the other director, and the reaction is one of utmost surprise.* ???: …Berry Reel?! Canter: Wait, who - what are you talking about? ???: I’m sorry, I’m probably mistaken. She looks like another actress that I’ve followed elsewhere… *Elsewhere in another studio, Berry Reel rests on all fours on a black couch as she’s being taken by three offscreen dudes. The dudes coordinate in the final moments, blowing their loads into all of the girl’s holes and leaving her panting in the afterglow.* Unknown Sound Engineer: Another fine performance! Unknown Cameraman: I think we’ll need a third one to truly gauge your acting abilities. Unknown Director: How is next week for you, Berry? *Berry sits up on the couch, cum running down her mouth, as she gives a wink to the camera lens and speaks.* Berry/Juniper: I’ll be coming again, Mr. Director! Hehe… *Back at Canter Zoom’s movie set.* Canter: No way. She wouldn’t do that! Would...she?