“Good morning!” Your stepmom exclaims, cheerfully walking into the living room as get ready to leave for the day.

“That’s a lot of makeup.” You sneer, not even making eye contact with the bitch that tricked your dad into marrying her.

“Are you serious, or just being mean?” She laughs, brushing off your criticism as you walk toward the door.

“No seriously, you look like the fucking clown you are.” You reply, seething with anger from just having a conversation with the dumb blonde.

“You actually love this much makeup…” Your stepmom giggles, “You think it’s really attractive.”

Suddenly your heart stops, and you feel immense arousal from looking at your stepmom.

“What’d you just do??” You exclaim, voice quivering as your stepmom seductively closes into your personal space.

“I did what I always do.

Whatever I want.

I thought my life would be perfect when I turned your filthy rich dad into my perfect hubby, but I never thought you could be so annoying!” Your stepmom opines as she caresses your jaw, “You’re even cuter than him though…”

“You… turned my dad… into what??” You ask perplexed, “And get off me, you’re still ugly!”

“This cock of yours says otherwise…” She trails off as you throb in her hand, “Let me feel that thing real quick!”

“No way!!” You exclaim as your stepmom grabs your arm, and you try to step away from her as she presses her ass into your crotch.

You try walking away, but your body disobeys you. Suddenly your hips are gyrating in a way your virgin pelvis never practiced, erection sliding atop the tight valley of your stepmom’s behind. Your grip pulls her closer as she squeals and grinds into you, the smell of sex filling your nostrils as you throb against your polyester shorts.

“I don’t want you wasting that load on your pants!” You suddenly hear your stepmom giggle, but she rubs even more intensely into you.

Even after several minutes of being on the edge, manhood so full it almost weighs you down; you’re unable to finsih. Not that you’d want to anyway…

“This is fun, but I don’t think you deserve such a good time after how you’ve treated me. I deserve a loving step child who doesn’t treat me like an enemy, and you deserve at least some type of punishment from me…” You hear your stepmom rationalize, her words broken by your humping as you’re forced to continue pleasuring her.

You really want to run away, but your body is planted as your stepmom dry humps you. The retention of cum starts to hurt, and your pained expression quickly informs your stepmom.

“Sorry dear, I know how hard those things can be…” Your stepmom giggles at the double entendre about your penis, “I’ll help get rid of all that junk, I think it’ll really improve our relationship…”

Before you can even process her words, you feel sweet relief soak your bones- and your shorts. Jizz erupts like a geyser, more liquid than even some of your urine streams. The euphoria drains you of strength, legs straining as you barely manage to balance yourself.

You can only raise an eyebrow when you notice your stepmom several inches taller than you, and your torso feels like it’s tightening…

“What’s hap- My voice!” You suddenly shout, “I sound like a girl!!”

Your voice audibly rises in pitch even in just the few words you said, making the pace of your transformation become the forefront of your worry. You don’t need a moment to think about it, you’re definitely being turned into a girl. You don’t even bother checking between your legs, forming breasts swelling to C cups and rubbing your sensitive nipples into your tank top.

Your cheekbones rise as your eyelashes lengthen, and a floral scent pervades as hair tickles your slender shoulders. Your panting feminine breaths become increasingly lustful as fat pours into your ass, toned belly flexing as your widening hips are forced to bend over. Your waist cinches in as your plump lips open with a pop, smooth thighs touching as you bite your bottom lip and let your new folds pulsate.

“What did you… just do?” You ask with utter confusion, sounding no older than eighteen as you turn toward your buxom mom.

I changed things so I met your dad before you were born, and now you’re my daughter! I had to make us y’all a bit younger though, cuz I was too young for your dad when you were born- and I definitely don’t wanna be old!

I mean, thirty nine is pretty old already, these things are killing my back!” Your mom pouts, pulling away her dress to let her plush breasts spill out.

You can only stare as she sighs, crossing her arms with a smile before bouncing her bosom around playfully. You want to be excited for the large breasts, but feel repulsed by the sight of your mother’s nudity.

“Yeah, this isn’t fun if we’re related, and I definitely don’t wanna be an old lady!” Your mom laughs, squeezing her jellowy boobs as her wrinkles fade.

You feel the weight on your own chest grow heavier, the strain on your shoulders quickly increasing as your pert breasts balloon.

“Since you’re not my daughter anymore, our ages dont have to be correlated. So you can be be older and more developed, while I can be young and sexy again!” Your stepmom laughs, voice rising in pitch as her body tightens and supplely firms up.

Your own body softens immensely, hips and breasts spilling out at a constant pace. You’re exhausted by the pulsating transformation, and collapse into the soft leather of your computer chair. It almost feels like you’re melting as your hips spread, ass inflating and pouring down either side of the cushion beneath you.

You jump up in surprise as your jeans shrink up your smooth legs, the soft skin of your tender thighs making you blush as they touch each other.

“I think my powers have been made clear by now, but I’ll explain nonetheless. I can control any man that’s attracted to me, and basically use them as a slave, puppet, or even transform them to my whim!” Your stepmom laughs, rubbing her flat stomach as she stares at your pudge.

But I’m not attracted to you at all!!” You protest, pouting at the lithe tone of your feminine shouts.

Perhaps true, if not a bit of an overstatement…

But once your father, or any blood relative gives in to the desire- I attain full control!” Your stepmom cackles maniacally, sounding like a witch from an old movie as her crooning laugh hurts your sensitive ears.

You feel her turn to you with a disapproving expression on her face, and you somehow know she wants you to look happy as she slowly smiles. You try to smile back, but you’re too distressed to even muster a grin. This makes your stepmom laugh again, and suddenly your hands are reaching up on their own.

“This isn’t making me any happier…” You you mutter in response to your stepmom’s “attempt” at cheering you up, though your thighs twist as your folds flare with arousal from the sensational feeling of cool air on your pillowy breasts.

“I don’t know about that…” Your stepmom giggles to herself, licking her lips as you begrudgingly moan and use your shoulder straps to play with your bosom.

A few seconds later your clothes disappear, even the damp panties you’d let wedgie into your virginity.

Your hefty breasts drop between your outstretched arms, straps of your sleeveless shirt no longer there to hold up your now bouncing boobs. You don’t take a moment to even think though, your chest begging for relief as you willingly cup the large hanging mammaries.

The warmth of your palm stimulates the cool skin of your breasts, and you shiver ecstatically as your curves jiggle. You almost forget about the evil woman standing before you as dainty hands struggle to maintain the spilling heft you hold, unyielding breasts tricking you into playing with them as they continuously overflow from your grasp.

“Are you happy now?” Your stepmom asks snarkily, having to raise her voice to be heard over your loud moans of ecstasy.

“I’m home!” You suddenly hear your dad announce, walking through the front door as you approach climax.

Your stepmom snaps, and suddenly the lust is gone. Your hands fall at your side, bubble butt settling as your large breasts slap against your solar plexus.

“Please don’t tell me…” You trail off in your dainty affect, fear making you tremble as heavy footsteps climb the stairs.
