Milking the Dogs the other day i simply couldnt help myself and i blagged an early leave from work by saying i felt sick, when in reality, i simply had to get back to my dogs and their hot meaty cocks... just couldnt stop myself, the need was so great and wow, my boys were soooo overjoyed to see me back home early! Rover virtually shoved his cock at me the second i opened the front door i skipped the lingerie and merely went for some stockings and a suspender belt, but the palpitations i felt in the flurry of activity i went through to get prepared for my pets was so delicious, my body began trembling at the knowledge of what i was about to do this time i decided our encounter would be in the kitchen (cleaning the bed linen was becoming a real pain!) and whilst there i knew what i had to start with and seeing as my boys were so ecstatic to see me i wasted no time in 'milking' my pet dogs their libidos stoked to the maximum i took it in turn to wank my boys off to spray their love juice everywhere, first all over myself, then the kitchen and then i began to collect it all in a large glass bowl, seeing as i knew they both could go for hours, i took my time in making sure i could obtain every drop they had and sure enough they did not disappoint the heady stink of dog's sperm was rampant, and one way or another i had managed to spray literally every inch of my body with the stuff, and after a very joyous time for both my boys the bowl was a hefty weight of swirling doggy spunk and the compulsion could not be contained any longer, i simply had to had their semen inside me and so with my faithful Rover by my side, STILL wildly ejaculating as he sat, i lifted my bowl of desire, placed it to my lips and began to drink the sum total of my pet dog's salty sperm its aroma was intoxicating, almost overpowering as i began to gulp it down my throat with the eagerness of a thirsty wanderer, lost in the desert, feeling its nourishing vitality filling my very being with every gulp the sticky mixure had coagulated into two distinct sections in the bowl with a cold watery solution around the outer edges of the glass to a thicker, milkier, warmer section fresh in the middle but it didnt matter to me which was sliding down my gullet as the taste sensation was beginning to warm a very needy centre of my soul i had long since become accustomed to my dogs ejaculations and recently i had cravings for their sperm that overided everything it's more than a craving or lust, more than a kinky fetish, its a need, a tangible necessity, a physical requirement on my part to ingest my beautiful dog's semen, to have the taste in my mouth, the sticky consistancy trickling down my throat, and to have as much as i possibly can..i want it all, and as Rover sniffed around me looking for a way for fuck me again, his well wanked cock STILL eager for more action, i tipped the bowl up to the max to feel its last remaining drops empty into my mouth, for me to greedily gulp them down with a lip smacking 'ahhhh' of dirty satisfaction i'm not sure how much jizz i had drunk but i could feel my belly bloat at the volume, smell the heady cocktail with every burp, feel its sticky coating over every inch of my skin, hair and stockings, i was literally a puddle of doggy spunk and as i sat there reveling in the sensation of drop after drop of sperm dripping off my body, my Rover placed a hefty paw across my lap with a big yawm as if to say, "thats my good bitch!" i hadnt had sex with the boys up until that point, i'd merely milked them both for their cum but Rover had other thoughts as he lifted me over onto my front with a swift swish of his ever so strong snout, his neck muscles lifting me with sheer ease, he then pushed me down and forward onto the counter and as my face settled into a cold puddle of spilt sperm, Rover had tippy toed his way right up my ass again and as i began to relish the butt fucking i was about to recieve, my pet forced me down hard onto the counter top with his front paws, using all of his body weight to force me to lick up the mess i could feel his drool splashing at my shoulder blades as my tongue lapped up the very last of his prized love juice from the counter, almost as if he was hungry to witness his bitch do what was right and to 'not miss a drop' and so with my Rover's entire length firmly shoved up my ass, he wriggled away to some deep satisfaction, forcing his prized bitch to drink every morsel of his precious sperm, wasting nothing and all i could think of doing between each gulp of cold stale dog jizz was to pant frantically, like a well owned bitch should his cock grew in my rectum and i basked in the warm glow of delight at the anticipation of a good few hours of hard fucking at the paws of my beloved masters, my belly still sloshing with the full collective weight of both their semen suddenly, Max burst into the kitchen with a 'friend', this absolute 'skank' of a stray dog, covered in mud, utterly filthy and the whole room went nuts! Rover pulled out of my ass to confront this stranger which left my anus open for attack, before i or even Rover could stop it, the intruder was on the counter and fucking me up the butt like his life depended on it, Rover, baffled and out of his league but still determined to fuck something barged in and somehow managed to get his entire shaft AND knot up my cunt whilst Max went into savage mode by fucking at my mouth and attacking his friend at the same time..the snarls, cries and barks were furious as was the fucking and i found myself well and truly pinned in a full doggy sandwhich..