Remiel’s religious upbringing on a puritanical space colony has left him wholly unprepared for Captain Ramda Uweko’s stunning herm wolf hybrid beauty. On his journey to earth, Remiel struggles with his extreme attraction to her and all the things he thought he knew about himself. Enticed by Remiel’s shy lust, Ramda gives chase. And things only get hotter and heavier from there. Remiel's Fall From Grace - Chapter 10 by Zmeydros (edited by Tiliquain and Sheera Castellar) The oranges, pinks, and reds mixed with wispy clouds in the biome's morning sky matched the giant orchids on either side of the bench Hosanna, Luke, and I were sitting on. Diagonally to my right was the biome's rustic outdoor, cafe-like galley. Big balls of grass-like leaves with numerous magenta flowers hung from slender lamp posts above pressed bamboo-wood tables and chairs strewn throughout the outdoor eating area. That eating area had been bustling twenty minutes ago, but now it was empty because most of the MiraManna employees had left to explore the Biome while waiting for the morning Bible study. Luke, Hosanna, and I had already spent more time in the Biome than most and were just relaxing with full stomachs. When Ramda wasn't running past us on the track that went around the Biome, I stared at the simulated sunrise. The colors and clouds were too crisp because there was no atmospheric haze, but it was still gorgeous and lifted my spirits. This morning had not gone well. I’d had a vivid dream where I was sleeping in Ramda's bed. When I woke up to find she wasn't there, I got a tight chest along with an intense sense of wrongness. And that feeling clung to me all the way through breakfast. It was stupid, but I could hardly get myself to say a word to Luke or Hosanna. Especially right now, because Ramda was running toward us again. I tried to look at her face this time, but the bounce of her big package brought my eyes right back between her legs. "Remiel, if you want to talk to her, why don't you wave her over instead of staring at her?" Luke asked. "She seems to like you, I'm sure she'd be happy to chat for a bit," Hosanna said. I immediately looked away from Ramda, unable to remember anything Luke and Hosanna had been talking about before they mentioned her. "No, I'm sure she's busy," I said. If they saw me and Ramda together, they might figure out that we were doing more than hanging out. "She doesn't seem all that busy." Luke waved at her, saying, "Hey, Captain." I steeled myself, remembering the last time Luke and Ramda were in the same place. Ramda jogged over, her gray and red workout outfit leaving almost nothing to the imagination. Her tongue stuck out as she leaned on her knees, working to catch her breath before she said, "Hello, you three." "Hi, Captain Uweko," Hosanna said. "Just call me Ramda," she said. "It's faster and far more personable." "How's your day been so far?" Hosanna asked. "Pretty good, though I may have had a bit too much carnitas. That breakfast burrito bar is temptation made manifest," she said. "I wish we had it every day," I said. "Are you trying to destroy my diet?" Ramda asked. I chuckled, glad the conversation was being pretty normal. Hosannah asked Ramda, "Do things taste different now that you're a hybrid?" "I can catch nuances I didn't before. You'd think it would make me a picky eater, but being able to smell better just gives me more options in finding things to appreciate about an entree. And no one can trick me with cheap flavorings or preparation steps anymore." Ramda looked at me. "I can pick up even the faintest scents." I shifted slightly on the bench, I could smell her cinnamon and turmeric scents clearly since she'd been running. Luke nodded like he was a scientist conducting a study on hybrids. "I hear on Earth, they use dogs to diagnose medical conditions. Can you smell if people are ill?" "Well, since they've invented machines that do what dogs do, they don't really need me. But, yes, I can smell when people are ill. Someone with an immune disorder smells different than someone who has hypertension, for instance," Ramda said. Luke thought for a moment. "What about sexual need? Usually dogs seem to know when other dogs are in heat," he said, matter of factly, as though he had just asked about the weather. My face burned as I looked at Ramda's feet, trying to shrink into the bench so no one would ever see me again. As Hosanna started to object, Ramda said, "Of course, pheromones are something even humans notice if they concentrate. But I don't just smell it, my ears can pick up differences in breathing and, if I'm close enough, heart rate." "So it's not just other canines? If, say, Remiel was getting aroused, you could tell?" Luke asked. My eyes widened as my heart skipped a beat. Hosanna slapped Luke's thigh. "Luke! Can't you see you're making Remiel nervous? Why not use yourself as the example if you're gonna be so perverted?" Ramda laughed, "It doesn't matter who's aroused, I can tell it as easily as I can tell whether someone drank a bit too much the night before." I kept my thighs firmly against each other and blushed so severely I got lightheaded. Hosannah put her head in her hands, "You don't have to keep encouraging him." Ramda shrugged, "I find just about everyone wonders these sorts of things. Every group needs at least one person who asks the questions on everyone's minds." Luke said, "It's not like Remiel and Ramda are sleeping together. That would be very inappropriate. Oh, speaking of spending time with the Captain, Remiel, you have been with her a lot recently. Have you two done anything fun together?" The sensation of Ramda's cum raining down on me in the shower was all I could think about for a good two seconds, but then I managed to stutter out, "We've been together, I mean, like in the engine room and stuff... And, uhh, she showed me things, t-technical things." Hosannah raised an eyebrow, looking at Ramda and then me. "Alone together in the engine room? Her showing you things?" My breakfast sat poorly in my stomach as I cringed. This was it, both of them were about to figure it out and there was nothing I could do. Ramda shook her head, "You two are giving Remiel a heart attack. I was being quiet about this to respect his privacy, but I think I should set the record straight. Remiel knows more about space travel and spaceships than anyone in your group. So I've decided to teach him as much as possible about the ship's systems while he's here and I've enjoyed his company immensely." Hosannah nodded. "Better him than me. Learning about spaceship systems just makes me more nervous. I like pretending it's all just magic and infallible." I closed my eyes for a moment, letting go of some of the tension. This was good, Ramda had saved me again. I said, "Ship systems and procedures are very complex, but in a way that makes them safer. There's a lot of redundancy and checklists so everyone gets stuff done perfectly the first time. I bet you're more likely to make a mistake tying your shoelaces than a space crew is while repairing a life support system." Not to be dissuaded from his original line of questioning, Luke said, "Every ship has complex systems. This is the only ship that has Ramda and this is a great opportunity to learn about people from outside our colony." He looked Ramda in the eye. "Have you ever had thoughts about sleeping with someone you're not married to? And do you prefer other hybrids like yourself as partners or humans?" If Ramda hadn't been directly in front of me, I would've run back to my room and locked the door. Luke's one track mind was going to be the death of me. "As far as my views on coupling and sex, I'm an Earther. Marriage is more about life partnership than sexual exclusivity and sex is more about having fun with someone you enjoy being around than making babies. That said, I don't want to impinge on your religious views. My views are just that: views, and I have no wish to influence you beyond letting you know that other points of view exist and what they are," Ramda said. Hosannah said, "I respect your view, Ramda, but I don't see the point of marriage if there's no actual promise being made. Like, if there's no exclusivity, why marry in the first place? Sharing a tax bracket isn't all that romantic." Ramda tilted her head. "I mean, I'm sure some people role-play being tax collectors and collecting their taxes via sexual favors. So, even taxes can be romantic and sexy. But I do see your point. Honestly, marriage is not nearly as important on Earth as it used to be, but that's led people to not be trapped in relationships that are abusive and hurtful and exist just because of financial interdependence. For me, marriage is more about a promise to share your life with someone while keeping open and honest communication with them so you can work through relationship problems and continually do what's best for both parties." "So, a promise is still involved, huh." Hosanna looked off in the distance. Ramda turned to Luke, "To answer your question, I'm interested in anyone who I find attractive and is also attracted to me regardless of species, gender, or creed." She glanced at me with a slight smile on her muzzle as she said the last part. No matter what I did, no matter how much I thought I was screwing up, she just kept liking me. The throbbing in my pants just wouldn't quit. Why all this embarrassment wasn't killing my erection, I had no idea. It seemed to be making it worse. Luke leaned forward as he said, "Have you seen anyone from our planet you would like to sleep with? Josiah maybe?" Ramda busted out laughing and it took her a moment to recover. "You already know the answer to the second part. But about the first part, I'm going to surprise you. I grew up on your planet, living as a man until I was twenty-two. I had many girlfriends during my time there, always looking forward to marriage, never having things work out because I had gender dysphoria." "Gender dysphoria?" Luke asked. Ramda paused for a moment. "All three of you now have files with information on it. If you read through some of them tonight, I'm happy to chat about it tomorrow before you disembark or through messages once you're settled in on Earth." "Thanks!" Luke said, "Have you ever been with someone from our planet?" Ramda took a step forward and then spoke quietly. "Since it's not safe for me to mention specifics, I'll just say that I recently had an incredibly satisfying fling with someone from Trinity Stronghold. People from our homeland are just as fun in bed as people from elsewhere. It just takes a lot more effort to get things started because of the strong views on human sexuality." How could she have liked what we did enough to compliment me in front of them like that? My hands went to my lap, gripping my uniform pants as I tried to get images of her naked body out of my head. Luke said, "You can't just say something like that without at least giving us a hint." Looking Luke straight in the eye, Ramda said, "Luke, honey, are you meaning to say you don't remember last night?" I smiled at the joke while Hosannah laughed so hard she nearly fell off the bench. Ramda's eyes darted to me and she pointed at her nose for a brief second. I swallowed a moan and squirmed a bit. "I did no such thing!" Luke said before nudging Hosanna. "Hey! Stop laughing." As Hosanna's laughter trailed off, Josiah left the cafe and stormed across the cobblestones of the outdoor eating area, heading straight for us. Hosanna said, "What's his problem?" Ramda turned around and called out to him, "Hey, Josiah, something wrong?" Getting up to us, he said, "Ramda, I apologize for my employees' behavior. You've already done such a good job accommodating us on this trip and I'd be embarrassed telling headquarters that we took up so much of your personal time." "I'm an educator at heart, Josiah. Surely someone with as much leadership experience and talent as you can understand my desire to see that they get proper guidance. I'm happy--no, honored--to help you steer them in the right direction," Ramda said. Sweat beaded on Josiah's forehead. "Well, that's all fine and good, but I don't want you to overwork yourself." Ramda's ears fell slightly as she somehow managed to sound completely sincere despite me knowing she didn't mean it. "I'm touched by your concern. But you don't need to worry about me. I've been at this a very long time and know how to take R&R when I need it." Josiah looked like he wanted to set Ramda on fire just so he could watch her burn. "Well, morning Bible study starts in ten minutes so we won't be bothering you much longer." Then he got a twinkle in his eye, "That is, unless you want to join us." "Oh, that reminds me. I need to borrow Remiel for a bit. There's a problem with the plumbing in the Biome that I could use his help with." Ramda said. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to give you any forewarning, the problem just popped up a few minutes ago." "I didn't realize he was skilled in that." Josiah furrowed his brow and then looked at me. "Just try to be back ASAP, okay?" I nodded, purposefully trying not to work out what Ramda was implying. Luke said, "Ramda has been teaching him a lot about the ship. Wouldn't surprise me if plumbing was part of it." "Ship systems have nothing to do with his office assistant job, but I'll let him decide how best to spend his free time." Josiah narrowed his eyes at me. "I just hope you look back and feel you spent it wisely." "Oh, I can assure you, his love of spaceships guarantees every minute of his training will be a cherished moment." Ramda motioned for me to follow her. "Hosanna, Luke, I have Bible readings I'd like each of you to do. Follow me," Josiah said. The moment they got up off the bench and walked toward him, Josiah set out toward the amphitheater. I couldn't help feeling that he was trying to punish them for talking to Ramda. Josiah had killed most of my excitement, but not all. I stood up sheepishly, interlocking my fingers in front of my crotch, hoping it looked like a natural way to hold my hands. Ramda smelled wonderful and the way she was grinning told me exactly what she'd meant by "plumbing." Ramda's tail wagged as she led me into the outdoor galley cafe, which had an interior full of blonde, steam-bent wood. Every piece of wood had a curve to it, flowing like a river across walls, floors, and ceilings. We went through the archway that led to the restrooms, past the door to the kitchen, and then Ramda waved her hand in front of the back door and it popped open. She took my hand as she stepped through it, leading me to the service path that was hidden by a ring of bamboo that went around the entire biome. The cafe was one of a few buildings that broke up that ring of bamboo. The textured composite plates that made up the path sounded hollow as we stepped onto them, but I figured it was just a property of the material. Lots of stuff in starships was specially made to be lightweight because every bit of extra weight cost money. As I was trying to decide what the plates were made of, Ramda grabbed me and pushed me up against the back wall, licking all the way up my neck before biting my ear and growling. "Your scent is driving me crazy." When I tried to suppress my groan, it came out as a squeak and my dick reached full hardness in an instant. I was shivering in her grasp as I said, "Do you think Luke knows?" "Nah, he tried to pair me up with Josiah." She chuckled, pulling off her fitness top and six-cupped sports bra. The end of her dick was sticking out above the waist of her tight workout shorts. "If people do more than just make blind guesses about us, I'll send out a message saying that I'm tutoring you on space systems." Pushing her front against me, she sniffed the top of my head. Her naked prick throbbed against my clothed belly as she ran her claw-tipped fingers down my sides. She let out a deep murr that vibrated both of us before she kissed me on the lips. Her whiskers tickled the corners of my mouth as her wet canine nose nuzzled my boring human one. Dominating my tongue with hers, she chuckled into the kiss. Only after I made a good try to get mine free did she let up so I could explore her muzzle. My hands quivered as I reached up to embrace her. The pulsing of her dick made me hesitate for a moment before interlocking my fingers behind her. I felt so warm and smiling was so easy. Why did her cock make me so happy even when I was nervous? She grabbed my ass, digging her clawtips in as she pulled my lower half against her so her shaft and balls were firmly against mine. As she moved her hips in little circles, her prick pressed further and further up my belly, between her lowest set of breasts. At the first touch of her equipment against mine, I flinched, but then I surprised myself by grinding against her. Standing on my tiptoes, I tried to get my crotch better lined up with hers. My enjoyment might've just been because pressing my dick against something hard felt good and not because I actually liked frotting. Bucking her hips, she thrust her prick against mine as it advanced further into her cleavage. She was feeling around my mouth, sending tingles down my spine as her tail wagged furiously. Her fingers kneaded my ass while all six of her nipples got stiff enough I could feel them through my uniform. With a growl, she lifted me off to ground, bringing our waists to the same height. Shocked at being lifted up for a moment, I gripped her fur tightly while continuing to make quiet moans into her muzzle. Since I had no idea what to do with my tongue, I let hers chaperone mine. I avoided thinking about what we were doing as I pushed my fingers into her fur to get a more secure hold on her. Her knot made a rigid bump that was digging into the base of my prick. The thing felt amazing pressed up against me and I was panting through my nose as we continued kissing. When her shaft started throbbing rhythmically, she broke the kiss to say, "Fuck, I'm cumming already." As I looked at the tip of her lurching dick, I clamped down on my impulse to lean forward and wrap my lips around it. Did I really want to do that? Why? I hesitated just long enough for it to be too late and she put her muzzle around it instead. Then she slurped around her massive dick as she worked to swallow her load and not spill any on my uniform. The bigger her knot swelled, the more amazing it felt as I ground against it. But I couldn't cum. Her whines of delight, her shaft contracting against me, and her whole body trembling in orgasm still weren't enough because my brain wouldn't cooperate. All I could feel was a mountain of regret. If I'd just gotten over myself, I could've shown her that I liked all of her, dick included. I wanted that to be true so bad. And it hurt even more that it might have been true, but I was just too fucking good at doubting myself to ever be sure. No, I had to do it, I had to taste...I couldn't even say it to myself. The moment she pulled her muzzle off her prick, I leaned in and kissed her. I moaned at the layers of curry-like, salty and tangy flavors left over from the cream she'd just drank down. The head of my prick and my prostate tingled as I got right up to the edge, imagining tasting her cum from the source. But at the same time, there were butterflies in my stomach. How could I like cum this much? Why did the bit of jizz that was leaking onto my chin make me so giddy? When the kiss ended, we were just staring into each other's eyes, panting. Her question didn't even register the first time she asked it, so she had to ask again. "Remiel? Do you want me to help you get off? I can spare a couple more minutes if you like." My chest was tight while my shaft ached. I wanted to hold her close and I also wanted to flee. "I, uh, I'll be fine." "Are you sure?" she said, lowering me to my feet. "Yeah," I said, reaching down to grab her uniform top and bra. Handing them to her, I added, "My... parts... are being stubborn." Putting her sports bra on over her slowly-receding prick, she said, "Yeah, I get that sometimes too." "It's okay, I should get to Bible study anyway. Josiah's only going to get more angry the longer I'm gone," I said. After licking her cum off my chin, she said, "Yeah, sorry about pouncing on you." I gasped at the feeling of her tongue and then stumbled over my words as I said, "I l-liked it." "You seem really anxious," she said, putting on her uniform top. "It's not your fault, I'm just a mess," I said, looking at my feet. She pulled my chin up, kissed me on the lips, and then said, "A beautiful mess." I smiled despite myself. There's no way I deserved her. "If you want to talk about whatever's bothering you, come find me later today or tomorrow," she said. "Okay, I will," I said. Taking my hand in hers, she waved her other hand in front of the back door of the cafe and it swung open. Then she led me back inside. Before I could say goodbye she tugged me into the second restroom, saying, "We got one thing to deal with before I let you go." She grabbed a washcloth off the little wooden shelf set into the wall next to the sink and got it wet. "Oh?" I said, looking at the washcloth with a raised eyebrow. "I got a bit of cum on you, but your uniforms are stain-repellant, so it should come right off." She rubbed at the trail of cum leading down from the cross in the neck of my uniform. Then she nudged me over to the high-velocity hand dryer and put my front under it. "Thanks," I said. A few seconds later, I stepped away from the dryer while trying to think about anything other than her cum. "I know you could've done it yourself, but I feel a bit dumb about not getting you out of your uniform. That was an unnecessary risk," she said. "I wouldn't have changed a thing," I said. She chuckled as she booped me on the nose. "I gotta take a shower and then send out a bunch of messages. Hope the Bible study isn't too boring." I shrugged. "It's probably going to be half over by the time I get there." "True. See you later, hon," she said before turning around. "See you," I said. Her ears turned to the sides so far they were pointing a bit backwards when my voice came from behind her. I watched her leave, taking in her shapely backside while feeling warm. As if I'd just been told fantastic news. Was this what it felt like to fall for someone? I shook my head. She'd be gone from my life soon and getting too attached would only lead to pain. I had to get to my Bible study and not think about her for a while. Despite my determination to distract myself, I thought about her during the entire Bible study. It was to the point that Josiah said my name twice to get my attention during it. Then I was walking back to my room without remembering leaving the Biome. That moment I'd nearly put my lips on Ramda's prick wouldn't stop playing through my mind. And every time, I scolded myself for holding back. By the time I was near my room, I was clenching my fists. Why couldn't I just let go of all the crap I'd been taught and put her pleasure first for once? Why couldn't I--why was Cuber in Daniel's room? It wasn't just Cuber, there were three slightly smaller robots that shared Cuber's cube-shaped body design with thin spidery limbs. They were all helping Cuber put a floor panel back down. But something was off, they all had magnetic zero-g attachments to their legs and Daniel's luggage was floating above his luggage rack. They'd shut off the gravity to Daniel's room! This was bad. Daniel was only a few minutes behind me. I ran toward Cuber and her helpers, my heart nearly bursting in my chest. END OF CHAPTER 10 I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, UBA, and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!