-Mini story - Sunset, my wife! - by Colonist! [Tallying playthrough choices…] [Joined Princess Twilight in offering hand of friendship to Sunset in Chapter 1…] [Offered “barely audible” rapper verse in final track against the Dazzlings in Chapter 2…] [Won on behalf of Canterlot High during the Friendship Games gaming portion in Chapter 3…] [Told to Flash to check up on Sunset at Camp Everfree in Chapter 4…] [Believed Sunset’s explanation during one of the Starswirled looped days in Chapter 4…] *Four years later…* Sunset: Hey, did you remember to pack the last box from the kitchen? You: Yeah, it’s in the van already. *You were telling a half-truth with that one. The calendar from the kitchen wall was yet to join the rest of the items in the kitchen-labeled cardboard box. No worries, you’ll toss it in and run the box out the door before Sunset comes down from the loft stairs. You grab the calendar, and the month’s page catches your eye.* You: Huh, it’s been four years to the month since all of us graduated Canterlot High. *In that time, you and Sunset ended up choosing the same university: Canterlot Univesity - coincidentally with a lot of the Canterlot High alumna. The two of you always made it a regular tradition to keep up with and meet the other Humane girls whenever possible between studies and internships, but you found yourselves growing closer over time, more so than with the others. Study dates became actual dates, and you found that half of your social time was one on one with your favorite…no…your only bacon-haired former she-demon girl.* Sunset: If the kitchen is the van, then you’d be spot-on in your earlier statement regarding the last packed box… *Busted. You’re halfway around in your turn to face Sunset with a stammering explanation before you feel her familiar knuckles connecting with your physical face. Only this time, it wasn’t the fast, brutal sort that you recalled from your high school days. Nope, this one was just like the ones you’ve been received since the two of you decided to become exclusive and eventually married as of the previous month - the soft, glancing ones that teased at the older memories.* You: Ouch, haha! *You mockingly rub your cheek and laugh along with her. You toss the calendar into the box.* You: There, now it’s an official half-truth! Sunset: Still a technical half-lie as Pinkie’s brother-in-law would say! You: Semantics. Sunset: As Sci-Twi would likely say… You: Gosh, this is why I married you! Sunset: You sure it wasn’t my “sweet ass and cute face?” You: Ugh, you’re never going to let that leaked chat log between Flash and me go, are you? Sunset: Dunno, I kinda like it, hehe. You: Lol, eww, you’re…like…twenty-five? Remember when you used to think that was ancient? Sunset: That was pony - horse years! I - You: Liar! *Sunset laughs and gives you a wink before turning around and going back up the loft stairs. Only this time, she waves at you to follow her. A surprise? Not that much coming from a girl who’s full of them, but it’d still be enjoyable. You follow her up the stairs.* You: Am I going to get clotheslined by another surprise knuckle sandwich or - *You stop in your tracks when you see those familiar earrings hanging off your wife’s ears.* You: Sunset…haha…I thought our engagement was concluded after the official knot-tying ceremony last month. Sunset: I know, but don’t you think it’d be a waste for them to be stuck in a box somewhere afterward? You: Certainly! But I married for the wearer! *You remember making a special trip to the other side of the portal to visit Jared, the official Ponyville jeweler that was highly recommended by Princess Twilight. The quoted price for such simple-looking engagement earrings was astronomical given the weaker dollar to Equestrian bit currency conversion rate, but Princess Celestia left a note to the jeweler to give them to you on the house. “For one of her dearest students,” as the note stated.* Sunset: I thought you liked it better when the wearer wasn’t wearing as much, huh? *You snap out of your reminiscing and look up. Much to your very pleasant surprise, Sunset’s lacy black bra was out in view, and her blouse was now on the bed next to her.* Sunset: Hehe, remember the first time you saw me without a shirt on? You: I remember the knuckle sandwich afterward! Sunset: How about - *Sunset’s skirt joins the blouse on the bed. Black undies - your freakin’ weakness!* Sunset: - the time you first saw me without bottoms on? You: Nope, still the knuckle sandwich right afterward! So what’s the surprise, dear? Sunset: The house that we’re about to move into? You: Yeah? Sunset: There’s no mortgage to speak of. You: …what!? Sunset: Yep. It’s all paid off. I paid it all off. You: You…what!? Sunset: Ugh, didn’t you read the deed you signed? You: I remember that it looked somewhat like…Equestrian parchment? Sunset: Magical parchment, dummy head! You: As Pinkie would say… Sunset: It wasn’t enchante d though. There was a stipulation written on the back. You didn’t flip over the parchment to read it? You: …no? *Sunset mock facepalms and chuckles. It hits you much later than you thought it would. Of course! Mrs. Bacon-Hair here always had a stash of gems that made her fairly rich in this world!* You: Wait then, why’d you have me scrimp and save all of that cash from my part-time job during university? I know that your old mentor covered all of our tuition, so - Sunset: To leave you…us…a surprise head start. I rather we try and live as normally as possible without resorting to magical means whenever possible - gems included. You: Goodness knows if Equestrian magic will ever strike - Sunset: Don’t jinx us! Anyways… *Sunset’s undies joins the rest of her clothes on the bed.* Sunset: The “mortgage” stipulation was that you’d gladly accept my lump sum payment for the house in exchange for a certain “repeat transaction.” You: Oh yeah? Hehe, what “repeat transaction” might that be, dear? *Sunset jumps on to the bed, and you jump right in with her. If life was an ongoing game, you couldn’t have asked for a better ending. Here’s to more fun sequels!* [x] Withstood fifty knuckle sandwiches from your current wife during the high school years… [S Rank Ending Unlocked: Into the Sunset!]