I’d always found Jack’s mom to be extremely attractive, and made no attempt at making this secret. All my friend’s knew this, and would tease Jack and I about it constantly. Sometimes even in front of his mom! She didn’t react ever, but I could tell she understood the innuendos.

One day we were playing basketball in Jack’s driveway, and she came out, “I need Jack inside right now, it’s an emergency!!” She exclaimed.

We looked around out of instinct, before telling her that Jack had told us we could use the court while he was in class.

“Well I need a strong set of arms inside, could you help me, Greg?” Jack’s mom asked temptingly.

The rest of the guys’ silence was deafening, and I could hear my heartbeat thump in my eardrums.

“If it’s an emergency…” I said enthusiastically, trying to ease the tension.

Jack’s mom giggled in delight, grabbed my arm and quickly dragged me around the house to the front door. I had never been to the front door, I’ve only seen Jack’s family use the side door.

“What’s going on?? How can I help?” I asked earnestly.

Jack’s mom smirked and giggled, “Silly boy!” She hit my arm playfully, and I could feel a rush in my pants.

“You know I could see every pulse through those loose shorts, darling?” Jack’s mom said seductively.

I looked down to my crotch, but before I could even make out whether I had an erection, her hand grabbed for it. I stiffened in her hand, whimpering as she stared into my eyes.

“This is amazing! What an awesome cock!!”

I jumped back, surprised and shocked to be felt up by Jack’s mom.

“What’s happening?? I’m Jack’s best friend!! We can’t be doing this!”

She responded by moaning orgasmically, and stripping out of her outfit.

“Wait, you can’t…” I looked around and saw nobody, how had I never been to this part of the house??

When I looked back, Jack’s mom was panting and posing sexually. She clearly wanted it bad, and I could no longer control my erection.

My legs walked in time with each beat of my heart, making it feel like my dick was pulling me forward; which it probably was…

Jack’s mom jumped me right before I reached her, and we tumbled into the open door. I tried avoiding her face, but her soft lips caught mine and sucked. I tried with minimum effort to release my mouth, moaning while our tongues danced.

Jack’s mom got up, and only then I noticed she had a thinner, lace bra under her purple one.

I gawked in awe as she squeezed her massive breasts together, shivering as the throbbing in my pants began to travel through my entire body.

I felt my vision glaze, and my arms wrapped around her waist without me telling them. We kissed for a few more minutes while Jack’s mom teased me, stroking my underwear but not letting me touch her.

“You’re still the same?? What’s going on? You definitely swallowed the gum…” Jack’s mom trailed off as she squeezed my shaft between two fingers. “Same girth too…”

I could now recall swallowing gum at some point during the make out session, but kind of ignored it in the heat of the moment.

I looked back to the milf sitting next to me, and she was now beaming.

“O it’s starting!!” She exclaimed, clapping.

“Starting? What’s starting??”  I asked, feeling my voice begin to crack.

“Wait… it’s getting more high pitch!

You’re turning me into a woman!!

O fuck…” I said, now sounding like a copy of my sister.

“You’re gonna become a woman alright, but not just any woman, Marko…”

I looked up into Jack’s mom’s eyes; Marko? Only one person on the planet called me Marko!!

“Jack!!! What’s going on!!??” I screamed, the room shrinking around me as I did.

“I got a couple of these magic gum thingies, they’ll turn you into a horny version of your biological mom for twenty four hours!

My mom’s gone for the weekend, so I ate a piece this morning. I told you guys I wasn’t home, but thought it would be suspicious if I didn’t let you use the court…

I’ve been hearing you guys play, and just imagining that huge cock of yours swinging back and forth! I know how big it is from all those gym showers, after all…

So I got you alone from the other guys and went for the kill, but I quickly realized I wasn’t so into cock after I felt yours.

I wanted to make that giant thing vanish! I could've just offered you the gum casually I guess, but I’m pretty horny...

The guy that gave them to me said they won’t really affect you past the one piece, so you don’t have to worry about me changing more From having it in my mouth.”

I almost fell over, and had to take a seat. I could feel more changes happening while Jack spoke, and by the time he was done I looked like an exact replica of my sister. The magic changed my clothes too, making me wish I could express the emotions I felt. Hannah’s heavily-botoxed lips and extremely tiny bikini made me want to hide, but then I began to feel her slutty confidence and vanity.

An unfamiliar feeling started tingling through me, and I knew right away it was arousal. It was stronger than when I was a guy, and felt otherworldly. I couldn’t stop my hand from softly stroking the outside of my panties, and my eyes closed as the feeling grew stronger.

“Interesting… I became my mom, but I don’t have a sister. Magic works in mysterious ways, huh Marko?” Jack tried embracing me, but at the same moment I felt my legs give out.

New emotions and sensations steamrolled me, leaving me forming puddles on the floor as my body changed some more.

I tried speaking, but couldn’t even open my eyes as I orgasmed while my body sensually stretched and filled with fat.

I felt my cheeks begin to wrinkle a bit as the skin on my face loosened slightly, and then my breasts lost some of their firmness. They were now pulling on my back a lot more, but then a massive bra wrapped around my chest and lifted them back up for me.

My hearing came back as the orgasms slowed down, and when my vision returned I realized I was sitting in a chair.

“It was hard with all that extra weight, but I managed to get you in a chair and off the ground. I tried to not grope or touch you, but the sounds you were making and all those changes…

I’m sorry…”

“It’s no problem Sherise, how’s my son been acting when he comes over?

I hope he’s not as much of a nuisance as he is at home! He could be so loud and abrasive!” I felt my mom’s words spill out my mouth, but couldn’t stop them.

I didn’t even know Jack’s mom’s name!! Why are my legs crossed like this, and my back’s so straight!

Jack looked at me with concerned eyes, but they quickly brightened up.

“I must’ve absorbed too much juice and left you half transformed, you need a second piece of gum!!

You’re so lucky I bought extra!!!”

I was forced to watch patiently from my mom’s body as Jack ran away in his mom’s body, and I could only hope Jack was trying to bring me back and not just dig me down deeper.

He didn’t even ask when he came back, and just shoved the gum in my mouth.

“Sherise!! Are you crazy!!” Acting like my mom, I tried spitting the gum out, but Jack grabbed my jaw and held it down.

The candy shell burst open, and my mouth filled with the familiar flavor from kissing Jack before. He continued to hold my jaw, and forced me to chew a few times. He stopped when my jaw began moving on its own, chewing the delicious gum and absorbing all the magical juices.

I felt a tightening in my womanhood, and could swear my ass was growing. Everything was very subtle, and it took a few minutes before I noticed my boobs had inflated a bit as well.

“Sherri, did you just force feed me?

I’m like, gonna have to put something in your mouth now…” I teased, stripping out of my mom’s unchanged clothes as the second piece of gum took effect.

My movements felt more pronounced now, slutty and sensual. I tried keeping track of all the changes, but my new slutty personality began enveloping my own thoughts. I can’t tell where mine end and her’s begin!

I gotta take this bra off, these boobs look incredible! No! I don’t wanna see my mom’s boobs!! Supersized!!! No!!!!!!

I tried fighting hard, but what was I fighting again? Why am I in Mark’s friend’s house- O! Sherise looks amazing!!

I got up to taste her inviting lips, but almost fell over under the new weight on my chest.

“These things are like, so heavy!!

Like, fuck! Am I turning into a bimbo??” I can’t believe that gum’s having such drastic effects!

Jack stared at me like a guy would, which totally turned me on! I felt my pussy drool as we grabbed each other, and could barely keep my knees straight when our lips touched.

I don’t know if it was the gum or Jack’s body, but I was just about ready to pop! I swallowed the gum, shivering as I felt the tingling candy ooze down my throat and practically soak it in arousal. My body tried speaking, but my throat was numb.

Jack giggled before reaching behind me, and releasing the clasp on my giant bra. “It’s time you really felt the weight of those things.”


I tried holding my bra up, but it was too big with too much weight. It didn't take long for my bliss-soaked mind to go elsewhere, and my bra fell in a big pile on the floor. Jack watched as it dropped, then beckoned for me to come closer.

He flipped me around when I reached him, making me giggle and get more turned on.

“Let me help you with those, Mark.”

“Wai…” I could feel the old me start to resurface when my name was mentioned, but then Jack began playing with my boobs.

My body melted into a puddle in Jack’s lap, and that’s the least you could say for my mind. The last thought I had was hoping two pieces of gum didn’t take longer to wear off than one, then my nipples became the focus.

“Could you like… my nipples please…” The words barely made their way out of my mouth, Jack must’ve been wrong about the gum, cuz it was really beginning to show its power on the second piece.

Jack placed me down on his lap as he sat down, and I felt his breast fall into my mouth. Then I remembered that Jack had been chewing a second piece of gum for a while before I swallowed it, he must be changing like me!!

I looked into Jack’s eyes and knew he was experiencing the same waves of arousal and fear I was. Then the bimbo took over again, and I began sucking on Jack’s nipples. Jack’s face went from surprised to turned on, and he grabbed my nipples hard.

I let out a yelp into his breast, but my body didn’t seem to wanna stop. We continued in this position for almost half an hour before snapping out of it, and we both agreed that it was too risky with the guys right in the driveway.

We sat and tried figuring out what we should do, but then the slutty personalities took back control. We locked the doors and ran upstairs, eager to have some more lesbian milf fun!

“You said you had like, extra gum?”
