“Brian!! The movie starts at three, not six. We gotta go n- Whoa…”

Brian tried to cover up, but his friend had caught him red handed.

“You can’t call before you come over??” Brian felt embarrassed in his petite body, and shamed from the intense stares of his friend.

“Wait, you’re Brian???”

Brian couldn’t make eye contact with Rob, his silence answering any future questions.

“What?? How?? Why… o my god! So many questions!! Are you still...”

“Yes I’m still straight!” Brian quickly realized what he had just said. “I’m into girls!!” He yelled at his snickering friend.

“You gotta tell me how you look like this, what’d you do???”

Brian pulled out his phone, “This app lets me change my body and emotions, I was just trying it out…”

“Trying it out? I see a history log going back over a year! Let me see this thing…”

“No!! Stop!!”

The two friends fought over Brian’s phone, but his feminine body soon lost the tug of war.

“Aha!! Let’s just freeze you…” Rob managed to keep Brian at arm’s length while he searched through the phone, “This looks like it would do something…”

Rob hit a random button in the app, and a flash instantly took over Brian’s body. Rob could now read ‘Frozen in Flirty Shyness’ in the ‘Personality’ column in the app.

Shy was an understatement of what Brian felt, and he couldn’t ignore the intense fluttering in his stomach. He looked up from the floor into Rob’s eyes, blushing when contact was made.

“Hey Brian… What are you thinking?”

Brian giggled sexily, “I’m thinking about you, and how cute you are! No wait sorry, you’re not cute, you’re- No! I keep embarrassing myself…” Brian now spoke with a more sexual-feminine defect, and couldn’t say anything he actually wanted to.

Meanwhile, Rob had found the outfit section and was getting Brian ready for a show.

“...Am i still talking? Are you even listening? Omg this is sooooo embarrassing I-”

Rob interrupted the ditzy ramblings, “Hey Brian?”

Brian shut his mouth and gave Rob a flirtatious smile and wave, What’s u- Ahhh Choo” Brian sneezed as Rob hit the button. His sweater instantly became a onesie, and zipped down his chest as bunny ears grew out of his head. Cuffs and a collar appeared, and a bow tie clipped onto his neck as his little pert boobs finished jiggling.

A sexy feeling tickled him, and Brian couldn’t help but give a sexy pose for Rob.

“I love that outfit Brian! Why are you wearing it though?”

Again, Brian was almost too embarrassed to talk, “Outfit? What Outf- OMG! I’m sorry Rob! Shit! This is so awkward! I’m sorry! I don’t remember putting this on, I-”

“Don’t worry! I love it!” Brian giggled at the compliment, playing with his hair while Rob entered a new outfit into the app.

“Whoa, I could make you dance and act sexy too?” Rob went into a furious session of tapping and typing, slowing down as he hit the last button to submit the transformation, “Aaaaaaand done.”

Rob firmly pressed down, and Brian disappeared in a flash of light again.

When the light dissipated, Rob watched as Brian sexily swayed his hips from side to side. He had kept Brian’s emotions the same, so the shyness was now hidden behind provocative and outgoing actions.

The full body bunny suit slowly shrunk down, dividing into a top and panties that fluttered out into a mini skirt. Rob was torn between watching the frills of Brian’s skirt bounce with his hips, and watching the schoolgirl top slowly cut deeper while squeezing Brian’s cleavage tighter.

Brian tried pleading with his eyes, but even they betrayed him; giving equal attention to Rob’s crotch, and giving him ‘fuck-me’ eyes. His desire to stop dancing and go back to normal was only overshadowed by his intense feelings of not wanting to make a fool of himself trying to act sexy in front of Rob, but neither of those could overpower the app’s command to dance. Brian’s old mind started coming back to him, something that would’ve scared Rob had he not just figured out new ways to control and transform his friend.

I… I feel so embarrassed… No. No… Rob you… you’re changing me… I-”

Another flash of light interrupted Brian, and he no longer had anything to say about being embarrassed.

OMG. Why am i wearing this sexy schoolgirl outfit?? I mean, it's hawt. But I have to like, have to go to work soon! Or something like that… Why am I, like, totally blanking on the name of the bar?? Robby… You ready to go?”

“Go where??”

“Brian giggled sexily, playfully slapping Rob’s shoulder, “Stop being silly! You totes said you would give me a ride to work today!”

“What do you need a ride for?”

“Well I’m not really sure where to go, and I was hoping you would want me to… You know, like, pay you back for the ride. I’ll probably get too drunk to drive back anyway, and I just love spending time with you!!” Brian tied his hair into a ponytail behind him, hopping and bouncing with excitement while his outfit slowly changed.

His top slowly morphed into a white tank top, the neckline closing up over his cleavage before quickly dropping back down once the material had changed. The frilly mini skirt tightened around and squeezed his thighs, shrinking down as it morphed into a tiny pair of orange shorts.

Rob was intently focused on Brian’s phone, desperately trying to find the body morphing settings. “What’s the code on these settings???”

Brian managed to snap out of his haze for a split second, “Settings?”

An alarmed Rob quickly turned up the sexual intensity and desire, making sure to divert his project’s attention.

“O my fawk!!” Brian could barely stand as the new desires and feelings for sex took over his mind and body, making his knees buckle as a wet stain formed on the outside of his tight shorts.

“Password. Now!”

A confused look took over Brian’s sexy face, “Password?” 

Again, Rob turned up some settings, this time the sensitivity of Brian’s nipples.

“Eeeeeee!!!” Brian squealed, trying to cover up his nipples and contain the erotic feeling, to no avail.

“Four digits. Let’s go.”

“Mmmm… It’s like, the last four digits of my cell… O man, I totes can’t remember it…” Brian’s thighs rubbed together and his hand traveled down to his crotch, he pursed his lips as female orgasm after orgasm flowed through him.

“Yes!! I got it!!! Of course it was that!! You always make that your password!!”

“Ha! Totally!! What else would it be?? You knew that, silly!”

“Alright you dirty slut, go pose against that door.” Rob didn’t even look up from the app as he spoke to Brian, playing with sliders that would drastically change his friend’s body.

“Oooo dirty talk; me likey…” Brian approached the door, giggling as his hips swayed back and forth. His waist cinched in, and his thighs quickly filled with fat. Brian could feel his shorts begin to bunch up as the pressing fat in his legs surged into his cute butt. Soon each sway of his hips resulted in massive jiggling and bouncing from his ass, each step becoming more accentuated as fat expanded Brian’s ass infinitely.

He leaned up against the door, twerking while he posed for Rob.

“That's awesome. Thank you.

You like how your ass feels, or you want it smaller??” Rob chuckled as he quickly selected ‘Thicc Queen’ before Brian could speak.

“My ass? I’m more into-” Before Brian could denounce his extreme backside, a new lust for curves overcame him.

“What fawking type of question is that, babe? I like, neeeeed more!!!

Ass, hips, thighs; boobies!!! How can you not have given me titties!?!

Make me the curviest girl evarrr!!!!”

Rob hadn’t expected such enthusiasm, but appreciated it nonetheless.

“You want more curves? What a coincidence, me too!” Rob knew exactly what to do, smirking as he hit the ‘Maximize’ button.

A hot feeling flushed Brian’s crotch and quickly raced up his torso, overcoming his senses as his body filled with erotic bliss. He collapsed into a small chair, moaning and panting while Rob watched silently.

The feeling of fat surging into his behind was nothing compared to the new feeling in is breasts, and Brian leaned back as his boobs stretched further and further from his vision. His cleavage soon began to suffocate him, but Rob had mercy and changed the style of top Brian wore. His boobs were still filling with fat, but his shirt now kept them below the neckline.

Once his breasts were completely full, fat filled his thighs and crotch. Wedged panties became skin tight pants, and Brian could start to feel the inside of his pussy lips start to close in around the soft fabric. Brian lifted off the seat as his ass grew even more, and the chair quickly disappeared from Rob’s view.

Brian could feel new urges and feelings in his pussy, and could only furrow his sexy brow as information left his mind. Soon the biggest bimbo on the block was also the dumbest, and Rob’s cock was very quickly out in the open.

He hadn’t taken it out, he was too busy changing Brian to Britney. When he was done he looked down to his drooling creation, on her knees carefully stroking the throbbing erection she had taken out.

Rob picked Britney up by the hips, trying for almost a minute to slip her out of the skins tight leggings. When he realized that would be impossible, Rob ripped a hole into Britney’s leggings with his fingers. Her fat pussy tore the hole open even more, dripping onto the floor while Rob positioned himself outside her tight folds.