Version 0.3.3 - Animated all remaining static backgrounds - Recoded background pans and zooms to accommodate animations - Reorganized images and changed taxonomy for better scaling organization - Added tail wagging animation for Marion - Added winking animations for Grace, Marion & Balgair - Added a Jessie scene in Chapter 1 - Added an exchange between Gran and Malcolm in Jessie's Chapter 2 - Added a new sprite alternate for Gran - Added "Changing Seasons" song - Added a "master unlock" cheat code - Updated "you are here" icon to a period-appropriate map symbol - Cleaned up replays to more smoothly transition from the game menu - Detailed the landscape outside Jessie's room - Added a walking gait to Fiona behind the laundry - Added some movement to Gran as she walks past Malcolm - Brightened Grace's swimming sprite and added some bobbing - Added some pause holds to the Marion TF frames - Added an hpunch and fall sound to Malcolm climbing through Jessie's window - Fixed an issue where the gallery locked button wasn't displaying - When in the adult content screen after clicking start, hitting "escape" now returns you to the main menu - Fixed "alway" typo - Added a stop music clause after Marion's sleep cute - Changed "lunar" to "desolate" - Removed "white" descriptor from a deer TF line - Toned down pan inks in Campbell Interior BG - Fixed a Balgair sprite chin overlap at church picnic - Fixed a Marion sprite kerchief overlap - Fixed an issue where Marion's arms showed behind her groceries - Fixed an export issue causing certain sprites to blur - Fixed a Marion sprite that was missing her horns - Darkened Marions TF2 stage fingers - Fixed a blending issue with dinner plate shadows - Fixed a Jessie whisky & nude sprite ghosting issues --------- Version 0.3.21 - Fixed a Marion necklace sprite issue - Fixed a "need even need" typo - Fixed an issue with Grace's shirt color - Fixed a timer issue with the minigame easter egg --------- Version 0.3.2 - Fixed one more incorrect Marion sprite - Optimized code with Marion's trinket to reduce sprite load by 55 (12mb) - Added failsafes to easter egg minigame to prevent in-game events from triggering outside of the game - Optimized winking code - Added sloshing sound to Day 4 Marion date - Corrected character assignments in Day 4 Grace date - Swapped around certain music tracks by scene to reduce redundancy and accomodate newly composed songs (Setting Sun & Emptiness & Sorrow) --------- Version 0.3.11 - Fixed two incorrect Marion sprites - Fixed a duplicate Florrie - Updated The Changeling Tale song to most current version --------- Version 0.3.1 - Added an optional Butterfly Effect system to identify choices that impact the course of the story - Added an easter egg minigame - Added Nightmare 3 music to Effie's scene - Updated pub silhouettes with newest version - Added sound stops after day transition sound - Reduced music sound during ch1 milking scene - Corrected a navigation typo - Corrected a Fiona typo in the Gift-Giving scene - Fixed incorrect Marion sprites during and after church - Fixed a kerchief clipping issue with m1dthappy sprite - Fixed navigation menu overlap issue - Fixed an issue where additional music channels ignored mute --------- Version 0.3.0 - Added Marion's Chapter 2 - Fixed a typo- "saing" - Fixed a caber tossing typo - Made all spellings of "attaboy"/"attagirl" consistent - Clarified Malcolm using Hazel as an excuse in his Day 4 Grace encounter - Corrected who was speaking in the pub on Day 4 - Crisped up in-game title text - Updated Next Chapter screen - Text style optimizations - Adjusted Marion's calm expression sprite - Credits now stop briefly on each card Statistics: The game contains 5,256 dialogue blocks, containing 81,105 words and 429,002 characters, for an average of 15.4 words and 82 characters per block. The game contains 47 menus, 767 images, and 33 screens. --------- Version 0.2.12 - Fixed an issue where Marion duplicated due to the 0.2.1 dissolve fix --------- Version 0.2.11 - Removed an accidental link to the Milking Scene from the game start --------- Version 0.2.1 Patch - Replaced placeholder imagery with completed assets - Added picnic blanket and fixed basket sprite during and after picnic - Corrected a few typos - Fixed an issue where Marion's grocery sprite did not correctly dissolve - Fixed an issue with Malcolm's shoelaces - Standardized narrative formats - Made additional tweaks to the text and imagery in the first half of Chapter 1 and in Jessie's Chapter 2 for consistency - Added more content in the first half of Chapter 1 for flavor Statistics: The game contains 3,781 dialogue blocks, containing 58,869 words and 310,598 characters, for an average of 15.6 words and 82 characters per block. The game contains 37 menus, 526 images, and 31 screens. --------- Version 0.2.0 - Added the second half of Chapter 1 - Linked up with Jessie's Chapter 2 (Demo content) in the current build - Added Mature Content warning at beginning of game - Made tweaks to the text, imagery and sound in the first half of Chapter 1 and in Jessie's Chapter 2 for consistency ---------- Version 0.1.1 Patch - Fixed a scene nomenclature issue causing some scenes to not show properly in the gallery - Fixed an audio issue where pub sound effects carried over into the following scene - Registered additional sound channels for more audio flexibility - Added fireplace sfx - Overlaid music in final scene to start at specific points - Removed Jessie sprite while she is simultaneously in the frame in the final scene - Fixed issue where the fireplace went out in the final scene - Added fade transitions to loading and completing the game - Added an easter egg; happy hunting! ----------