It's not your fault that you have the hots for your herm wolftaur queen. Her voluptuous tauric body is perfection made manifest and the way she was dressed for her coronation left very little to the imagination. Some might have thought she had been a little too risque, but it makes sense to you. If you had a body like hers, you'd flaunt it all the time. What doesn't make sense is that her guards carried you away to her chambers. Now you're waiting for her to tell you why she requested your presence. The reason will not only blow your mind, it will change your life forever. Serving Your Herm Wolftaur Queen by Zmeydros (edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk) Thalassayah's chambers look like someone mashed together an observatory and a library. The bookshelf towering over the ornate globe to your right is particularly spectacular. Each book on it twinkles more like something you'd expect to see through the telescope in the center of the room than something that had a home beneath the sky. Despite the fact that it would take you a lifetime to fully understand the contents of this room, none of it interests you nearly as much as its master, your wolftaur queen. Thalassayah stands six feet ten inches tall. The white streaks in her grey and tan fur travel from the top of her muzzle, up over her head, all the way down her back, and across the flank of her feral lower body. Her four paws are planted on the floor so firmly that a meteor strike couldn't sway her. You can't even imagine the sort of calamity it would take to get her to drop the thick tome she's holding in her paw-padded hands. Looking up from the tome, her piercing yellow eyes meet yours. "Do you know why you were chosen?" You shake your head, fearing that answering her, without permission to speak, would invoke her wrath. An ache in your knees reminds you that you've been kneeling for twenty minutes without moving. Being a Queen, Thalassayah has no reason to worry about wasting your time. Hers is worth so much more than yours, after all. "It should be obvious." She sets the book aside on a tall narrow table made out of gorgeous cuts of marble. She looks you over very slowly, letting the silence linger as if to tempt you to speak so she can punish you after all. At first, you avoid looking at her since she's not wearing her normal blue and gold royal attire. Instead, your eyes drift to the telescope which dominates the center of her chambers: a marvel of fine filigreed craftsmanship and engineering. Surrounding the telescope and, seemingly randomly placed in concentric circles, are foot-wide mirrors on posts that go up to about chest height. Beyond the telescope, at the far end of the room, is Thalassayah's spacious pillow-covered bed. The draw of her large-breasted upper half proves too distracting and your eyes are now back on her. You try to keep your gaze above her neck line, but your eyes soon wander down her chest and belly until you're staring at the heavy balls and large sheath hanging from her feral half. Blood rushes to your groin as her unique hermaphroditic taur body fills you with desire once again. While you struggle to keep from becoming erect in front of your queen, she explains, "You were caught touching yourself during my coronation. What do you have to say for yourself?" Prostrating yourself before her, you wordlessly beg for her forgiveness. "Your reverence pleases us," she coos. Your heart soars at her compliment, but you keep prostrating knowing you must do so for as long as she pleases. You hear her pad across the floor and flip through her tome. Fifteen long minutes later, she approaches you and says, "Rise." Even though it pains your legs, you go back to your kneeling position. She motions toward you, "Approach us." Getting to your feet, you stumble, your lanky human body nothing compared to the splendor of her form. Once you reach her, she puts one of her paw-like hands on your shoulder. As she moves, her cleavage bounces under the sheer gold-embroidered maroon fabric of her lingerie-like top. You flinch and nearly fall over. How is it that she is honoring you when you are here because you were being indecent at her coronation? "Don't be afraid, vassal, we don't fault you for your perversion. It is not inappropriate to adore one's queen." She takes her hand off your shoulder and puts her muzzle an inch from your nose. "Though, I am fascinated that you would lust for your queen in public." Trembling, you take a step back. For the queen to be this close to a commoner like you is blasphemy! "My my, aren't we tightly wound." She sniffs your hair close enough that you feel her wet canine nose touch your scalp. Then she grabs hold of your shoulders and puts her muzzle so close to your nose that you can feel her hot breaths. Thalassayah whispers musical ancient words and gestures toward the tome on the marble table. It thrums and flips through pages until it reaches the right passage. A soft cyan glow envelops her, like a halo encircling the moon. "Be still, peasant." With one long lap from your chin to your forehead, she licks across your face. Even though you continue to tremble, you stay planted in place, not moving even one millimeter. Her breath smells like roses, and her tongue is long and warm. It leaves behind an electric sting, like wool drawn across your skin in the dead of winter. Looking into your eyes, she says, "Now that I have anointed you, you are my servant, bound to me until the day you die. Are you prepared to serve me in all things, no matter how bizarre or profound?" You never expected that this day would come. From your meager existence of odd jobs to a servant to the queen? There is no higher calling. With your heart swelling with pride, you nod. "Good, now take off your clothes," she says simply. You look at her with wide eyes. Is this a test of some sort? Surely baring yourself to her would be a form of disrespect. "You've come this far only to hesitate? How disappointing." With her claws, she rends your tattered shirt to ribbons and pulls it off you. You cower. Does she intend to eat you? No one has said she eats her subjects, but people often joked that the previous queen did and jokes often hold a bit of truth. She pulls you against her front, cradling your head in her cleavage. Her warm, full breasts caressing you through the thin fabric. "Shh, still your fear and relax." Your deep breaths are filled with her rosy scent. Her hands drift across your back, easing your tension. When you are finally relaxed against her, she says, "Do you trust your queen?" You nod. "Then shed your clothes. We wish to bestow an honor upon you so great that you will never question our good nature again." She lets you go and steps back, a toothy grin on her face. Taking off your pants and underwear, you drop them off to the side and cover your nakedness with your hands. What gift could she possibly have for you that would require you to expose yourself? Does this even have anything to do with the gift? "There is no need to hide your nakedness, we have seen it all before," Thalassayah says. As you put your hands at your sides, Thalassayah walks over to her telescope and points it at the moon, the observatory dome shifting along with it. To your surprise, the moonlight comes out of the eyepiece in a stream brighter than the amber magic lamps of her chambers. She arranges the mirrors to bounce the light in a twisted spiral that uses seven of the mirrors surrounding the telescope. The last mirror reflects the moonlight at the tome she put on the high table. It starts twinkling like the books on the shelf beside you. Thalassaya touches the tome while it's being fed moonlight. "Tell us, do you tire of your frail human form?" You nod. No one has ever put it that way, but it's exactly how you feel. She makes strange symbols in the air that look like half-melted letters. The book glows brighter. "Do you willingly give your body to your queen to do with as she pleases?" You nod again having no idea what this strange ritual is for. Didn't she already anoint you as her servant? The tome hums and lifts off the table, floating in midair. You gape in awe as a beam of moonlight erupts from the tome and hits you in the chest. It stings, like a razor is being drawn across your skin. Thalassayah speaks harshly as she gives her most forceful order yet. "You must answer this next question truthfully. If you lie to me, you will turn to ash." She clears her throat to give you a moment for her words to sink in. "If your queen offered her body to you, would you gladly mate with her?" You stare at her, wondering if you heard her correctly, but the sting from the light reminds you that you must answer. Convinced she cannot be serious, but afraid to answer untruthfully, you nod while blushing profusely. Tales of the wolftaurs have always been surreal and dream-like. It is said that the purest magic in the land runs through their veins. A kiss from them is said to cure any disease, a lingering embrace from them is said to empower mages to do the impossible, and you can only imagine what the result of mating with one would be. The tome thrums so loudly that you can feel the floor vibrating under your feet. A second beam of light hits Thalassaya in the center of her taur half. She moans and gasps as you stare in utter amazement. Seconds later, the bright red tip of her canine member is poking out of her sheath! As her shaft emerges, so does yours. The light is now pleasant, filling you with magic energy until your skin has taken on a slight moonlight glow. The temptation to cover yourself as you approach full mast is powerful, but you heed her words and don't try to cover yourself. She's angled herself so that you have a side view of her shaft and you've been staring just as intently at it as she's been staring at yours. Wanting to protect your queen's decency, you turn away, observing the gorgeous stone inlays on the globe next to you. "Do not look away, vassal. Otherwise your queen will think you are displeased by her form." Heaven forbid you would give your queen such an idea! You watch as she groans and fondles her breasts. Both your erections surge to full hardness. Her feral canine length is huge and tapered. Yours is tiny by comparison, but hard as forged steel. "Yes! Look upon us. Take joy in our divine form." As she tugs on her nipples through the thin fabric of her top, she lets out a low murr that vibrates your chest. A bead of pre drips from the tip of her prick onto the floor. While she tugs on her nipples and pinches them, your nipples get more sensitive and stick out farther from your chest than ever before. A bead of pre forms at the head of your own prick, your body shuddering from the pleasure and arousal reverberating within you. As the beam from the tome fades away, the light suffusing you takes on a vibration. Walking gracefully on four legs, Thalassayah makes her way to her posh bed with rose-colored satin sheets. Her tail is raised, revealing her aroused glistening three-lobed canine pussy. She climbs onto the bed and then lays on her back. With her massive two-foot-long canine cock sticking up in the air, she says, "Come, join us." You can't take your eyes off her length as you approach her. About half way down the taper, it's as big around as your arm! The closer you get, the more you can smell her. Hints of lemon, rose, and citrus in a combination so enticing that you are desperate to taste her sex. To even get to her pussy, you'd have to lift her gigantic balls out of the way. They're larger than your fists and you imagine the knot at the base of her prick is similarly huge when fully engorged. As you climb onto her bed, you find it both firmer and softer than you were expecting. It gives just the right amount to be comfortable without allowing one to sink into it. "Drink from our royal scepter and receive our good will," she says in a calm but insistent voice. At first, you're not sure what she's talking about, but then you spot a bead of pre at the tip of her prick. It is so clear, so pure that it holds an upside-down image of the room beyond. The citrus part of her scent is much stronger than before and there's something bestial to it, a beacon for your instincts. Crawling toward her resplendent red phallus, you cannot fathom being in this situation. Your queen, the general who earned the throne by arming the nine Kingdoms with the magic that brought down the Frost-Cap Empire, is giving you, a peasant, the honor of drinking her royal jelly. You look into her eyes for any indication that this is somehow a trick or a test of your character. As you gaze upon her, she undoes the delicate vestment that is covering her bosom and bares herself to you. Squeezing her voluptuous furry mounds in her paw-like hands, she says, "Mmm! Such a wonderful pervert, you are. To watch your queen undress without averting your gaze...I sense jealousy." You blink and then your eyes go wide. How can she know? How can she possibly know that you feel so wrong covered by skin, that you wish breasts hung from your chest, and a pussy hidden behind your balls, just like her? It is blasphemy for you to covet a divine form such as hers. If she truly knows this about you, she should be seeing to your execution, not offering you the honor of mating her. She chuckles. "Don't look so horrified, that jealousy is why I picked you." Your mouth falls open and then you nearly demand an explanation only to realize she hasn't given you permission to speak. She tilts her lower half just slightly bringing the tip of her cock within six inches of your right shoulder. "Save your breath, and wrap your questioning lips around my scepter. If you please me, the answers you seek will be made manifest." Her scent is so strong that it draws you to the bead of pre on her shaft. Reaching out with your tongue, you lick it off. She shivers and gasps as a numbing shock travels through your tongue and permeates your jaw. The sensation is strange, but it doesn't deter you. Her pre tastes like delicious honey-infused rosewater and her gaze holds the expectation that you continue. Taking the tip of her length into your mouth, you find that most of her shaft is so thick that you can't encircle it with your fingers. Using two hands to stroke her and bobbing on the end of her prick, you get Thalassayah to fidget and moan. Your nose goes numb and then tingly along with your jaws, cheeks, chin, lips, and teeth. Her scent deepens as your nose pushes out from your face obscuring part of your vision. You pull off her shaft in surprise, having no idea how to process what's happening. Instead of seeing the pointy pink flesh of your nose, you see a shiny black canine nose. Whining in panic, you bring your hands to your face to find it has an unfamiliar conical shape. She laughs at you. "Don't try to pretend this isn't what you wanted, pervert. Surely you have come in contact with magic before." You look at her, wondering how and why while knowing you shouldn't speak. The only magic you've seen was performed at festivals for entertainment, or little cantrips like starting a fire without flint: nothing near this level. Her right forepaw grabs your cock and tugs making you cry out in surprise and pleasure. "If you truly didn't want a canine muzzle, you wouldn't be this hard. Save us the melodrama and get back to work!" She lets go of your dick and digs her claws into your shoulder pushing you back toward her erection. "Just think, with a wolf muzzle you'll be better at tending to my needs." You can't deny her logic, you can't fit much of her in your puny human mouth. And becoming more like her can't truly be blasphemy if she is the one instigating it, right? Humans who use magic to steal the wolftaur's likeness are evil, but humans who are gifted it for being truly good servants...that has to be a loophole. Assuring yourself that sucking the queen's prick to gain her traits is an act of devotion, you begin pleasuring her once more. "That's it! Trust in your queen." Thalassayah bucks her hips, testing your ability to handle her massive length. As the pressure in your jaws and cheekbones increases, your muzzle gains inches. Tan and grey fur grows in, feeling like a firm brush being drawn across your skin. Your heart soars at the sight as you drink down spurt after spurt of her pre. Once you have eight inches of her shoved down your throat and are forcing your gag reflex to shut up, you stroke the underside of her prick with one hand while grabbing one of her pomegranate-sized balls with the other. It's heavy, firm, and is incredibly satisfying to play with. Lifting it up, you take a peek at her glistening three-lobed canine pussy and wince as your cock aches with need. "Hmm, we think you desire more than simply being our servant. No, you want to be our bitch as well." She forces more of her length into your muzzle and sends a thick stream of pre down your throat. A spike of ecstasy centers on your nipples as they expand. The flesh below them swells as your new breasts hang heavier and heavier on your chest. Tan and grey fur spreads over them as your curiosity overpowers your good sense and you grab them with your hands. Your big nipples dig into your palms as you moan around her shaft and nearly cum on the spot. They're so girly, so full, and so sensitive: the perfect mixture of firm and supple. "Hey! We didn't say you could touch yourself. Stop this instant," she says. Remembering your purpose, you grab at her knot with one hand while fondling her balls with the other. She growls and claws at your back as her knot grows larger. "Do not spill one drop!" she says before losing herself to pleasure. Her shaft lurches in your grasp, her knot swells larger than both your fists combined, and then she shoots so much cum that you have to guzzle it down to heed her demand. Barely managing to swallow it fast enough, you drink down her seed until your belly looks like you've just gorged yourself at a harvest feast. If she'd had just one more drop of cum in her, you wouldn't have had room for it. You're so lightheaded from the lack of air, that you fall backwards onto the bed, her jizz sloshing in your belly. "Well done," she coos before rolling onto her side and stroking your swollen belly with a forepaw. There, laying on your back, you feel the full weight of your tits. They're nearly as big as Thalassayah's and feel as though they've always belonged there. She notices your fixation with them and scoots on the bed so she can reach them with her hands. You groan as you feel her paw-pads brush against the wolf fur on your chest. She kneads them with her hands, extracting a squeak of delight from you. "Oooh, I was right about you being my bitch. You're preing simply from me touching your breasts." She chuckles. Your cock is doing more than preing, it's aching madly between your legs. Fur is spreading down your chest and when it makes it to your crotch, the flesh at the base of your dick pinches and folds forming a sheath. You fidget on the bed as the aching increases exponentially. Your prick is now pulsating with magic energy, swelling bigger and bigger. It's tapered, slick, and you can feel your knot forming, like a hand squeezing the base of your cock in time with your heartbeat. As your dick gains inches and becomes visible over the curve of your tits, the uncomfortable fullness in your stomach abates. You can feel her wolftaur essence blending with your own, transforming your mundane human existence into that of a magical creature, like her. The sensation is like being naked under the sun, but instead of the light warming your skin, it's already inside you, radiating warmth to every layer of your being. You start sensing tremors of power from magic items all throughout her chambers. And more importantly, you feel the deep well of magic energies contained within your queen. Distracting you from this deeply satisfying experience is your cock undergoing another growth spurt. Your eyes widen as you realize it's cresting a foot long, showing no signs of stopping. Perhaps even more alarming is the pressure in your balls. They're pressing outwards in all directions filling more and more of the space between your thighs. In a few seconds, they've doubled in size, then tripled, then quadrupled. You gasp in alarm when Thalassayah grabs one of them and you notice that it's so big it's filling the entire palm of her hand! "Calm down, would you? Sure, being hung like a taur will limit your ability to perform housekeeping duties, but we already have plenty of help with those tasks. All that will be asked of you is that you tend to our intimate needs." She squeezes your balls and they grow even larger. The bigger they get, the more desperate you are to shove yourself inside someone. Your canine nostrils flare as you take in the wet needy scent of her snatch. Thrusting your cock into the air, you whimper. Pre falls from the tip onto your belly as Thalassayah gropes your balls with both hands, enjoying the noises you're making. "Patience, slut, you've only just passed half way. When it's all over, there won't be a human in the entire kingdom that can fit you." She strokes your length with one hand, keeping the other on your furry sac. "But that's as it should be. You are here to serve me and only me." You nod, not wanting to contradict her. On one hand, this is a dream come true, and on the other, your life--and your body--are becoming utterly unrecognizable. Your cock is now so long that each bit of length it gains puts it further and further up between your breasts. It won't be long until the conical canine tip reaches your neck. That is, if your dick becomes as intimidating as hers. Leaning in, she licks across the end of your length, her tongue leaving a trail of crackling magic energy. Feeling her long wet tongue lap your length, you squeal and roll your hips. Another growth spurt adds a few inches. You need to cum, but you have good reason to suspect she will be displeased if you do so without permission. Grabbing your shaft with one hand, she strokes it fiercely getting you right up to the edge and then stops: over and over and over again. Her leathery paw pads feel amazing as your pre provides lubricant. She takes her hand away. You are shivering, twitching, a hot breath on your prick would set you off. She reaches for your shaft and you moan just from the idea that she's going to touch you more. Chuckling, she withdraws her hand. "Even with a two foot cock, you're the most girly servant we've ever had." You blush, unable to meet her eyes. Being called "girly" is turning you on way more than it should. She grabs your breasts and squeezes, you bite your lip with your canine teeth and beg your body not to cum. Your cock pulses, but even though it burns a bit, you manage to keep your from splattering your seed all over Thalassayah's fur. Letting go of your breasts, she grabs your balls, saying, "Hmm, with how much you enjoy having breasts, perhaps we should give you yet another gift. Yes, we think you wish to be even more of a bitch. Do not cum. We want you to save it for when you're inside us. We are merely setting up another spell." She takes the end of your dick into her maw. You go cross-eyed and make all sorts of high-pitched noises while trying not to cum. Your balls grow larger than oranges in her hands making sure you won't be able to hide your package unless you wear clothes so baggy that you look like a pauper who stole them from a far bigger creature. One of her hands dips below your balls and presses on your prostate. A magic discharge is accompanied by pleasure that is beyond your comprehension. You see stars and tears stream from the corners of your eyes as you beg your body not to tip over the edge. There's no stopping it. You're going to explode in her muzzle without her permission. She's going to make you disobey her and there's nothing you can do about it. Your legs shake as you feel your self control crumble to nothing. Just as the very first wave of orgasm washes through you, Thalassayah pulls her muzzle and hands away. Desperate to relieve the pressure inside you, you tilt your head down so you can shove your prick into your own mouth. Preventing you from finding release, she grabs your muzzle and kisses you deeply shoving her canine tongue into your maw. The kiss is so violent, so sultry that you thrust your hips hitting your chin with the tip of your cock. Puffs of her hot breath tickle the fur on your cheek as she deepens the kiss by opening her maw and tilting her head to the side so your jaws are interlocked. You feel along the ridges at the top of her mouth as she flicks her tongue across your teeth. Then you entwine your tongue with hers creating the most intimate moment you've ever experienced. Her paw pads glide over the fur of your head as she reaches for your ears and starts tugging on them. Your ears become pointy and wolf-like under her caress. She's shaping your ears like a potter shapes clay. When she's finished with your ears, she ends the kiss and says, "Sometimes we like to use a more hands-on approach." You have a moment of awe as your ears turn toward her to better catch her words. In that moment, you feel your tailbone wag. As you wonder how that's possible, she grabs your shoulder and waist and rolls you onto your front. Your cock and heavy sac are pinned between you and the bed as she cups your buttocks. Everywhere her paw pads touch a patch of fur grows, prickling across your skin. Your buttocks swell under her hands becoming more and more womanly. There's even a pressure in your hips as they widen. She gropes your now voluptuous ass hard, digging her claws in just enough to make you squirm. "With a back end this exquisite, everyone's going to want to mount you." You blush thinking about the fact that everyone's likely to think you're a woman from behind. Your dick throbs against your neck to remind you that people will be confused the moment you turn around. This makes you blush all the more. When she gets to your tailbone, she massages deeply, spelled warmth from her hands penetrating your bones while giving you exquisite relaxation. The tiny, almost insignificant bit of a tail you had presses outwards, fur growing in on it as it goes. She hums as she works. "You're going to be raising this tail for us at least twice a day from now on, so you better get used to it." She gives your foot-long tail a tug pulling it straight up into that canine expression of sexual readiness. You whine and claw at the bed, having your tail raised is really messing with your instincts. Even though you're hard as ever and absolutely have to shove your dick in something, you now want to be filled as well. She keeps your tail raised as she guides it to its full two and a half feet of length. Then she pets along it, enjoying the fluffy coat of fur that's grown in on it. When she lets go of your tail, she rolls onto her back, her four taur paws sticking up into the air. "Come sit on our muzzle." You roll onto all fours and stare forlornly at her haunches. Being this hard and not getting off is frustrating! If only she'd give you permission to shove inside her, to answer your body's call to mate, you'd finally be able to release all this pressure. She snaps her fingers. "Stop staring at our back end and get over here." You obediently climb atop her chest and reluctantly start sitting on her muzzle, wondering why the queen is willing to do something so undignified. Your balls and crotch obscure her face while your cock sits just below your chin, aching to be used. Her tongue laps across the space behind your balls leaving indescribable new pleasure, and powerful electric tingles, in its wake. Something is happening to your flesh, her tongue feels like it's lapping up into you! An incredibly sensitive nub swells into being in front of the new opening she is licking into existence, and you are now making sharp moans every time her tongue flicks over it. The mesmerizing pleasure of Thalassayah's tongue lapping into you, deepening your cunt inch by inch, has you barely able to breathe. Your hips widen as your torso, legs and arms lengthen. Soon her tongue is reaching nearly two feet into you. Does she mean for you to take her full shaft? Is that why she's making your whole form larger? Just so you can take all of her? The questions burn in your mind until you finally risk trying to speak so you can ask her what's happening and how she can just mold your body to her whims. But your cries of ecstasy stop you from speaking. The pleasure of having her strong flexible tongue buried in your virgin passage renders you immobile until your snatch starts to spasm rhythmically. You yip just at the very start of an orgasm. Your queen pulls her tongue out of you, denying you the release you so desperately needed. “Rise and stand at the end of the bed.” Following her order is harder than it sounds because your swollen muff aches so much for cock that you can barely move. You whimper like a bitch in heat as you crawl to the end of the bed, dragging your pre-drooling prick across the covers. The moment you’re standing at the end of the bed, your tail goes straight up and you bend forward instinctively signaling your readiness to be mated. You even whine to plead her to mount you as she gets off of the bed. Hugging your prick against your front so it's nestled in your cleavage, you lick at the tip as you wait. It's driving you mad that you smell and taste so much like her and your prick's size has only increased its sensitivity. As she climbs off the bed, you stick your rump out toward her and raise your tail so high that the base goes numb. Instead of mounting you, Thalassayah trots in front of you and lifts her bushy wolf tail. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, bitch. we have been waiting longer to be serviced, after all. It’s only fair. Wouldn’t you agree?” You frown and lower your tail as you stand back up. The sadness passes the moment you see her wet bestial snatch. She’s hunched down just enough to be at the perfect height for you to rut her standing up. As you approach, your pussy quivers in protest that it’s not going to get sated first. You keep hugging your prick against you, licking beads of pre off as they form. Your breasts feel so nice and warm against it. When you're right behind her, you find yourself bending down to breathe in the hints of rose and salt from her snatch. Enveloped by a deep desire to taste her, your tongue laps across her folds getting her sweet salty tanginess all over your tongue. She moans and fondles her breasts, leaning back against your ministrations. Magic travels with it causing a pulse of sparkly sensations to travel down your spine. The delight washing over you is so intoxicating that you start pushing the end of your muzzle into her, trying to get as much of her sweet rosy nectar as possible. Meanwhile, you lightly thrust your cock between your breasts giving yourself a boob job. Your lungs burn for air as you keep running your tongue across her slick salty walls, the taste of rose so vivid that it is all you can think about. Just as you start to feel weak, she howls and her pussy clenches as she cums. Due to your muzzle’s conical shape, it gets pushed out and you slump to the floor. You labor for breath as she rides the wave of bliss you caused. Soon after you’ve caught your breath, she looks back at you and says, “None have thirsted for their queen’s nectar as fiercely as you. Come, slut, mount your queen. We wish to measure the depths of your adoration.” She lifts her tail and looks back at you, a lusty smile on her face. Whether you will last beyond the first thrust, you have no idea. But you forge ahead anyway pressing the tip of your prick against the entrance to her hot sopping passage. Disbelief and amazement over the fact you’re about to fuck your sovereign ruler. Time slows to a crawl, the space between your breaths encapsulating the rise and fall of civilizations. With shaky hands, you grab her feral buttocks and step forward spearing with the tip of your phallus. You gasp as you feel her feral flesh stretch to accommodate your thick tapered prick. “Your hesitation irritates us.” Then she lunges backwards taking your entire shaft into her in one motion. You howl for the first time in your life, your knot expanding and tying her as you cum so hard that your whole body is shivering. Each spurt into her feels like an ocean leaving you. The suffocating heat of her walls, the rolling texture of the muscles encircling your shaft, you can feel it all with each pulse of your erupting cock. And with each pulse, you feel a sympathetic twitch inside your snatch. As you fill her, you feel ever more empty and in need of your queen's shaft. Her eyes lock with yours, full of disdain. Then she looks at the claw tips on her hands as she waits for you to finish unleashing your torrent. Soon, you are spent, your breasts resting against her fur as you clutch her backside to remain upright. “This simply won’t do,” she says. You blush and look away, ashamed of your inability to hang on. Perhaps if you hadn't been fucking the space between your breasts while you ate her out, you would have lasted longer. She writes some runes in the air and speaks words so ancient that they sound like a song you heard in past life long forgotten. At the end of her incantation, she slaps the back of her taur half with the palm of her right hand and a blue wave of magic propagates through her until it crashes into you. Your knot deflates and you step back so you can slip out. What now? You’ve never cum that hard and your pussy is quivering between your legs, desperate for attention. Your tail raises of its own accord. “Lucky for us, that spell has two parts to it.” Reaching out toward you with her right hand, she twirls her fingers in the air. Threads of magic touch your balls and sheath and a crackling warmth spreads across them. As you yelp and moan, your balls and prostate twitch as she readies another deluge inside you. The warmth reaches into your sheath and you nearly lose your footing as your dick emerges in record time. With each pulse of your heart, your body is better prepared to go again. By the time she snaps her fingers and ends the spell, you are feverish with the need to be mated by her even though your dick is dripping pre on the marble floor. Before you can beg her to mount you and break the devout silence you’ve maintained, she says, “You smell like a bitch in heat. If you hadn't cum so early, we would be mounting you now. Instead, you must mount us again and prove your worth as your queen's slut while your cunt remains unsatisfied.” Lining up with her, you marvel at the sight of your essence plastered all over your queen’s cunt and buttocks. Her passage is far slicker now that you’ve already cum inside her once and, as you shove in, you find it’s so well lubed that there’s a bit less stimulation. Remembering how you went too slow last time, you give her every inch. You thrust and thrust and thrust hoping your body won’t betray you this second time. Your big tits bounce wildly on your chest as she plays with her nipples and yips in approval. Every muscle and bone in your body thrums with magic as you notice her having to crouch less and less to be bred by you. The books on high shelves seem less far away and you feel stronger than ever! Your cock gets even thicker and longer, finally a perfect match for hers. Grabbing the base of her tail, you start going even harder. “Yes! RUT US!” she moans out. You start pulling her back end toward you roughly so you can pop your knot in and out as it swells larger and larger threatening to tie you to her. Your balls ache as they grow larger, swatting her back end harder as they reach the same size as hers. The urge to cum inside her is so potent you're whimpering, begging for permission to finally let go. Just as the impressive muscles covering your body become tender from exertion, she barks out, “KNOT YOUR QUEEN!” Ramming your knot all the way in, you grunt as you cum even harder than before, so hard you get hit by a wave of dizziness that makes the paw pads on your feet tingle. Every bit of your body that wasn’t covered in fur now has a thick grey coat of it. No part of you is human, no part of you is incomplete. Thalassayah's pussy viciously clamps down over and over making your shots of jizz fly out with incredible force. She howls and yips, clawing at the floor as you fill her. Soon there’s so much inside her that each volley only serves to stretch her more. After the throes of passion pass, you are once again clutching her back end, your clawed fingers digging into her thick fur. The only part of you dissatisfied is your canine snatch. “You are a wonder! To think you could make up for such a hideous initial performance is astounding.” She hooks her tail around your back, hugging you. Then she idly gropes her breasts, causing her snatch to randomly twitch around your shaft. She giggles at the yips you make in response. When you start to soften, she says, "Is my bitch ready for her first cock?" You moan and start getting hard again despite how worn out your masculine equipment is. “None have loved to be called a bitch as much as you,” she says. "We were so very right to pick you." A blush burns on your cheeks and ears as you avoid meeting her eyes. Your poor tired cock is rock hard while your poor neglected pussy is soaking the fur of your thighs. She pets your back rhythmically with her tail, humming something melodic and catchy as you both enjoy the canine embrace of your bodies. When you pop yourself free, your cum gushes out of her and splats on the floor. Turning around, she utters some words and the mess is wiped away. “You will lick me clean once we are finished playing. Before we rut you, we suspect you want the full experience. There is still one aspect of our existence you lack." As she speaks words that bend reality to her whims, some moonlight drifts from the telescope into the palm of her hand. “We go into heat every full moon. I’m powerful enough that I can control it, but you? You’re in no such luck.” She trots up to you holding the moonlight and then reaches behind your balls and presses her hand up against your snatch. You yowl as your entire body blushes. As the warmth spreads across your fur-clad skin, the desperation of your depths exceeds your ability to process it. Whining, you turn and claw at the bed as you raise your tail. Even though you aren’t looking at it, you can feel the exact location of the moon in relation to you, it feels like a magical static charge. “Our synchronization with the moon is no accident, for it is the source of our power. Someday you will shape its power and be more than a boat lost in its sea. But today, just let the moon's silver brilliance flow through you. Let it wash you away to shores anew.” she says as she walks up behind you, eyes locked on your sex. You have no idea what she’s talking about, so you whine at her, begging her to put out the fire that's engulfing you. There is nothing in the world that you want more than her dick. She walks forward, rears up on her hind legs and then grabs your midsection with the sides of her forepaws. Your body trembles with instinctual anticipation. As she prods at your cunt with the tapered tip of her length, she says, “Whine like the girly bitch you are, let us hear how much you want to receive the highest blessing your queen can offer.” Whining and moaning and trying to press backwards, you meet her gaze. Embarrassment has been swallowed by the smoldering heat she instilled in you. Grabbing further up your torso with the sides of her forepaws, she lets her full weight fall on you, pressing your footpaws into the floor and your hands into the bed. Then she shoves into you, her prick stretching you open more and more as her taper gives way to an intimidating girth. You widen your stance as you gasp, moan, and yip begging for more. Preing inside you, she says, “So appreciative. That must mean you want it all!” Your eyes widen as she steps forward and skewers you with her taur-sized length. She made you able to take her, but only just. It reaches into you so far you can see the bulge from it on your upper belly. As she works to get her semi-inflated knot in, you grit your teeth and squeak wondering if she’ll hit the end of your tunnel. Slowly, painstakingly, she makes little thrusts, stretching you a little more each time. As she does this, an unfamiliar pleasure causes your ears, paws, and tail to tingle. Before she even has her knot fully in you, you howl and roll your hips from side to side. The orgasm makes you so light headed that your arms give out under you and your muzzle falls onto the bed. She seems to love this new angle with your ass up and, as she works her uninflated knot in, you howl and yip and moan. Even though her cock is smooth, you can feel little hills and valleys in its texture. The upper part is thickest in the middle and there’s a slight taper going toward the knot. This gradient of thickness causes your sensitive inner walls to stretch taut in different places as she tries to fit every inch inside you. She chuckles after your orgasm ends. “That was adorable.” Barely able to process her praise, you grab at your nipples and gasp as you clench around her. She grunts and then shoves forward finally stuffing her full two-foot length in you. For a moment, you see stars and nearly cum again, but that moment passes when she pulls almost all the way out and slams back in. Both of you wail at the sensation, something soft and malleable stretched to its limit by her gigantic granite-hard rod of flesh in under a second. She turns this motion into a dance, pummeling you until you’re gasping for air. You can’t moan enough, you can’t grope your breasts enough, and you can’t think about anything other than her knotting you and filling you with her seed. Her pomegranate-sized balls smack against you making a heavy plap every time she thrusts home. A few minutes later, her swollen knot is bashing at your entrance, refusing to enter you. You start pushing back harder against each thrust, getting it to almost pop inside, but she knows exactly how much she needs to let up to thwart you. You hear her growl and snarl as her prick gets even harder and she digs the claws of her forepaws into your shoulders. This time, when you press back against her thrust, she doesn't let up. Your pussy opens wider and wider until you think there's no way it'll fit. But then it pops inside and your queen roars in orgasm as her balls come to rest against your backside once again. Her claws dig in, her shaft thunders, your pussy contracts, and then thick ropes of her royal spooge splash across your passage. There’s more than you left in her, more than you hoped for or dreamed possible. Your belly gets rounder as you howl and yowl at the top of your lungs. The spasms of your canine cunt are felt throughout your entire body. It’s better than when she created your pussy, it’s better than when you came from her entering, and it's better than when you came inside her. Nothing compares to getting filled by your wolftaur queen. As you two lose yourselves to the immense, inescapable pleasure, your member makes itself known, the tip just touching the bottom of your chin as you come down from your shared high. Sniffing the air, Thalassayah says, “Getting stiff from your queen filling you with her blessing? The depths of your depravity know no bounds!” You hide your face, loving everything about this situation but not wanting her to see. She’s still hard inside you, her knot keeping you full of her sticky bounty. She kneads your back and then lays atop you, pressing the six feral nipples on her taur half against the fur of your back. Her forepaws hug you while being knotted to her keeps your ass raised. Her resonant voice fills the room as she hums something ancient and catchy. She keeps the beat with teasing thrusts into your well-used pussy, getting squeaks and gasps out of you in time with her music. A quarter of an hour later, she starts to soften. They whole time, her scent and her touch keep your erection at full mast. It's pinned between your breasts and the bed underneath you, ready and waiting. After she pulls out, her cum floods out of you as if a dam burst. She pays it no mind, inviting you to fuck her with her cum still dripping from your snatch. This heated cycle continues until the full moon disappears over the horizon. You two are an absolute mess steeped in exhaustion. She’s holding your front against her feral half, forepaws hooked around you just under your arms. Your balls and sheath are resting against hers, your breasts and belly against her six nipples. Warm. Happy. Sated. You have much to be thankful for, she has lifted you so high above your lowly human existence that you can experience pleasure beyond imagining and interact with the magic energies that shape the universe. Her gifts are incredibly personal. Your cock, balls, pussy, fur coloration, breast size, and even the taste of your cum are all just like hers. Some time later, she stirs a bit and says, “In time, we will have you learn many things only we wolftaurs know. You may now ask us one question,” she said. You ask her if she’s planning to make you into a taur like her someday. She grins. “If you please me and remain obedient, I will consider it.” Wanting to impress her, you work yourself free of her embrace and move to her hindquarters to lick up the mess you made in her canine cunt. “Ooh, you are off to a fantastic start, bitch.” Thallasayah presses back against your greedy tongue. “Your queen is very pleased.” THE END I’d like to acknowledge my $20 patrons, Navajo Demar and Warialinth for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!