<>’s skin is a little blotchy and uneven, with some unfortunate blemishes tarnishing it. Her hair is slightly frazzled, her teeth slightly yellowed, and her eyes fairly dull. <>’s skin looks a bit clearer and more vibrant than usual. Her hair’s kept a little better, and she looks more lustrious than when you first met her. $girlfriend.name looks like a girl who takes moderately good care of her appearance. Her skin is soft and mostly blemish free, with only a few imperfections; her hair is nicely trimmed with few split ends; and her teeth are reasonably white. $girlfriend.name looks like someone who is either genetically gifted, or maintains strong beauty routines with high-end products. Her appearance has few flaws, and she regularly draws looks from others. $girlfriend.name has the appearance of someone who puts a lot of effort into maintaining her appearance. Her skin is silky and nearly perfect; her hair is similarly soft, and naturally radiant. Her teeth are brighter than average, and her eyes possess a natural sparkle to them. $girlfriend.name is starting to look like a model in appearance. Her skin is essentially flawless, and naturally radiates with health; her hair has grown into a beautiful mane, perfectly kept and silky in texture; her teeth glisten even in low-light; and her eyes have a strong, lovely luminescence to them. $girlfriend.name is one of the most beautiful women you’ve ever laid eyes on. Somehow, even her facial features appear to be more attractive than when you first met her. Every inch of her body is perfectly kept: hair, skin, nails, teeth - even her eyebrows are trimmed and plucked to the most appealing shape and length possible. She has reached, or at least come close to, the apex of natural female beauty. $girlfriend.name is so devastatingly attractive that her appearance competes with—and in some cases surpasses—even heavily photo shopped super models. Merely looking at her fills you with equal parts awe and desire. Her presence inspires and seduces almost all who lay eyes upon her. <>’s beauty has rocketed into the realm of the supernatural. No living man or woman can compete with her in looks. Her skin is downright radiant, to the point that it has a sparkle-like effect to it. Her teeth and eyes pierce even the darkest rooms, and her luscious hair is softer than anything you’ve ever touched. <>’s beauty is a thing of legends. You’ve read about Helen of Troy - a woman allegedly so beautiful that her face launched a thousand ships in warfare; or Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of beauty and fertility. Yet, somehow, you can only envision them as comparatively ugly next to your girlfriend. Her beauty is so vast that it’s difficult to imagine anyone—man or woman—who could possibly deny her. You grimace a bit at the ghastly facade that meets you in the mirror. Perhaps it’s time to find a way to change your habits and improve your appearance? You’ve seen better days in terms of your appearance. You’re looking like your usual: a relatively well-groomed man with no major flaws to his appearance. With enough effort, you could do a bit better, but your looks are certainly not having a negative impact on your life. You’re looking good! Whatever it is you’ve been doing, it’s working! Your skin is clearer than ever, and you’re feeling neat and fresh. Random girls are giving you smiles too - not that you’d ever consider cheating on <>! It feels good to look in the mirror and realize you own the handsome face staring back. Your confidence is sky-high; except for the nagging feeling that this is the extent that you can improve your looks.