Chapter 11 — Dark Dreams _January 3, 2003, Chicago, Illinois_ 🎤 Jesse {br} {psc} "Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Simone gasped as I pushed into her very tight virgin tunnel after bringing her off twice with my mouth. "Are you OK?" I asked. "Yes!" she gasped. "Fuck me, Jesse! Fuck me hard!" I did, and eleven minutes later, after she'd had a pair of strong orgasms, I groaned and pumped cum into her spasming pussy. When our orgasms passed, I stayed on top of her, both of us panting and sweaty from exertion, until I softened and slipped from her. "How soon can you go again?" "Less than ten minutes," I replied. "Faster with encouragement!" Simone laughed softly, "Guys will do _anything_ to get a girl to suck them!" "There might be some truth to that," I chuckled. "But it's not necessary!" I slid down a bit and sucked on each of her nipples for a short time, then moved down further so I could pleasure her orally, which always got me hard, though not quite as quickly as if the girl used her mouth. I brought her off once, and then, because I was fully erect, fucked her hard for a second time. "Oh, God, Jesse!" she gasped when I came in her for the second time. A third round followed, and then I led Simone to the shower, as she needed to be home in time for dinner." "Can I ask you something?" Simone inquired as we moved under the spray. "What?" "Have you been with a black girl before?" "Yes," I replied. "I don't discriminate! As a girl I used to date said, girls are all pink on the inside!" Simone laughed, "Nice one! Would you marry a black girl?" "I wouldn't ever rule anyone out simply based on their skin color," I said. "But that's a question for at least three years from now, if not longer! And you're only fifteen!" "I didn't mean today! I was just curious. My brother would have a cow if he knew I'd fucked a white guy." "So don't tell him!" I replied. "It's between you and me and nobody else." "I won't! You made me feel _really_ good, and I don't want to mess up a chance to do it again with you!" "I think we can arrange that," I replied. "Like a regular thing?" Simone asked as I soaped her boobs. I almost laughed because I only needed one more girl to set up another «Filles du jour» situation. "Mondays after school?" I asked. "Yes! I'd LOVE to be fucked three times every Monday! Make me feel as good as you did today, and I might even suck you!" "Only if you want to," I said. "Never do anything you don't want to do or aren't comfortable doing." "I'm teasing! I just didn't want to do anything but fuck today! I really liked your tongue in my cooch, too!" "I enjoy doing that," I said as I soaped her firm, sexy butt. She rinsed off, then soaped me, and I rinsed off, then we got out of the shower. We dried off and dressed, then I walked her to the corner of the street where she lived because she didn't want her brother to be suspicious. I waited, and once she had gone inside, I returned home, changed the sheets on my bed, put the soiled ones in the washer, then went to the main house to hang out with Albert. ————— {BR} 🎤 Matthew {br} I was really worried about Maggie, so I called her mom let in the afternoon to check. "We haven't heard anything," Mrs. Jones said. "We called everyone in drama, along with Mr. Fruits, and nobody's heard from her, not even Mark." "What did the police say?" "Not much. They're interviewing all her friends and the neighbors. I'm surprised they haven't been in touch with you." "I'm actually in the city until Sunday," I said. "Is there anything I can do?" "Pray," Mrs. Jones said. I suppressed a sigh because that was about as effective as making a wish when you blew out a candle. "You'll call if you hear anything, right?" "Yes. And you'll call if she gets in touch with you?" "Absolutely!" We said 'goodbye' and I hung up. "Nothing?" Chelsea asked. "Nothing," I said. ————— {br} 🎤 Steve {br} While I was driving home on Thursday evening, I considered if I should actually call Shaye. I'd put the menu on the floor as a lark, not expecting she'd move to stand on it. I felt I owed her a call, at least, as I would likely see her again at the café. I also knew, given my history, what the likely outcome of a call to a cute Irish girl with red hair and freckles would be. It would also annoy the hell out of Penny, which was a major added bonus. I wasn't sure what her hours were, but I decided it was worth calling. When I stopped at a light on Halsted, I put the phone on speaker and dialed the number on the piece of paper Shaye had given me. She answered on the second ring. "This is Shaye!" "This is Steve," I said. "I was calling about something on the menu that looked delicious!" She laughed, "I swear, that was the worst pickup line ever!" "And yet…" I chuckled. "It was so bad it was good!" Shaye said mirthfully. "I take it the blonde isn't your girlfriend?" "Not for almost twenty years," I replied. "She works for me." "Your ex-girlfriend works for you? That's a bit strange!" "That barely scratches the surface of the strangeness that is my world! Are you a student or working full time?" "Student at the School of the Art Institute. I waitress for spending money. I assume you're a manager or owner of a company?" "Software engineer and majority owner of my company," I replied. "What's your major?" "Bachelor of Fine Arts in painting, with an art education minor," she replied. "What I saw on the menu looked delicious. Any chance you're free for lunch or coffee on Monday?" Shaye laughed softly, and I could almost hear her shaking her head. "Classes don't start until the 21st," she said, "so I'm working during the day. My shift ends at 4:00pm. Starbucks at 4:30pm?" "Caribou is better. There's one across from 550 West Jackson." "I'll see you there!" We said 'goodbye', and I snapped the phone shut to disconnect the call. I arrived home about ten minutes later and spent about forty minutes before dinner with my wives. "Any idea when you'll be home tonight?" Kara asked as we relaxed in the Indian room after dinner. "I suppose it really depends on how long her first fantasy takes," I replied. "Her parents' house is in Naperville, so assuming the fantasy goes the way I expect, figure ninety minutes total for driving and about forty-five minutes at her parents' house. But again, it depends on what exactly she wants in the bondage fantasy." "She didn't tell you?" "No, other than she expressly said it's not a rape fantasy and that she'll tell me what she wants me to do, so it's clear that it's consensual and not about force." "Bondage is a paraphilia," Jessica observed. "It doesn't have to be about force or pain, simply getting off on being immobilized. May I speculate?" "Sure." "She expressed fear about her babysitter seduction fantasy, right?" "Yes. She wanted to do it and was tempted when she was fifteen and sixteen, but said she chickened out." "Maybe that has something to do with it, though you also said she seemed very confident." "She did. I didn't sense any hesitation at all." "Then I'd speculate it's a desire to be overpowered," Jessica said. "You said she's had the fantasy for a long time, right?" "From age thirteen to twenty. She said the idea just popped into her head one day." "I wonder if she read something or saw something that triggered it," Suzanne suggested. "Maybe on a TV Soap? Or one of the Prime Time dramas?" "I remember an episode of _Dallas_ where Lucy Ewing was kidnapped and tied up," Jessica said, but that was when I was an undergrad, but that means it was twenty years ago." "My mom watched _Days of Our Lives_ and Jennifer Horton was kidnapped and tied up," Suzanne said. "I think the timing fits because it was about seven years ago." "Your mom, huh?" I chuckled. "She'd tape it and watch while she made dinner. I saw probably half the episodes but didn't pay all that much attention." "And yet, you knew the girl's name!" I teased. "What-ever!" Suzanne exclaimed, doing a very good impression of Birgit. "But the timing is exactly right. I'm pretty sure she was rescued before she could be assaulted, but the threat was there. If I remember, the kidnapper was trying to seduce her into consent, but as I said, I didn't pay that close attention. I do remember she wasn't tied spread-eagled, just her hands were cuffed to the bed." The doorbell rang, interrupting the conversation, and I went to answer it. ————— {br} 🎤 Birgit {br} "When will you apply to the exchange program?" Tiffany asked as she, Hannah, Naomi, Kjell, Jesse, and I walked to Giordano's to meet our friends. "At the start of the next school year," I said. "They start taking applications in September for the following school year." "And you'll really be gone for an entire year?" Hannah asked. "Yes! You'll live!" "I'm hosting a party for Birgit's trip the day _after_ she leaves!" Jesse declared, causing all the others to laugh. "What-ever!" I growled. "«Varför låter du honom störa dig?»" Kjell asked. {green}("Why do you let him get to you?"){/green} "«Jag vet; Jag vet!»" I replied. {green}("I know; I know!"){/green} "Must be nice to have a secret code!" Naomi declared. "It is," I giggled, "and it also means Dad doesn't have a secret code with his Swedish friends!" "Maybe I should learn Russian," Jesse said. "But Larisa actually doesn't use it except with her parents, and they always speak English when anyone else is around." "She's gorgeous," Kjell said. "And what am I?" I demanded. "Chopped liver?!" My three friends all laughed. "Wow, insecure much, Sis?!" Jesse teased. "Oh, shut up!" I retorted. "«Du vet mycket väl att jag tycker att du är snygg»," Kjell said. {green}("You know very well that I think you're pretty!"){/green} "«Ja, jag vet det,»" I admitted. "«Jag bara retade faktiskt.»" {green}("Yes, I know. I was actually only teasing."){/green} "«Är nåt fel?»" {green}("Is something wrong?"){/green} «Nej inte direkt. Jag är bara...jag vet inte...på dåligt humör, antar jag.» {green}("No, not really. I'm just…I don't know…in a bad mood, I guess."){/green} "«Har du mens?»? Kjell asked, surprising me. {green}("Do you have your period?"){/green} "«Ja. Hur vet du det?»" {green}("Yes, how did you know?"){/green} "«Min flickkompisar in Sverige blir riktigt sura när de har mens. Det är helt normal, tror jag»" {green}("My female friends become crabby when they have their periods. It's normal, I think."){/green} "«Det är det.»" {green}("It is."){/green} "«Jag blir inte upprörd om du inte vill älska senare. Men jag är inte heller rädd för lite blod!»" {green}("I won't be upset if we don't fool around later. But I'm also not afraid of a bit of blood!"){/green} I giggled, "«Det får vi se!»" {green}("We'll see!"){/green} "Enough!" Tiffany exclaimed. "What are you two saying?" "Wouldn't YOU like to know?" I giggled. "It's between Kjell and me." I'd been annoyed that I might not get to fool around with Kjell again before he left, but it appeared he was going to be _up_ for it, which made me happy. Weirdly, orgasms reduced the cramps and the bloated feeling, and I would have felt totally wrong using my 'personal massager' with Kjell in bed with me. We arrived at Giordano's and joined a group of our friends at two large round tables. ————— {br} 🎤 Steve {br} When I opened the door, I was surprised. "Mr. Adams?" a man who I guessed was about my age asked. "Yes." "I'm Jamaal Rahim, Zahra's father. I don't know if you remember me from the marriage of Hassan and Aisyah?" "I'm sorry, but no, I don't." "I understand. It was a busy day for you. Do you have a moment to speak?" I didn't, really, as I was expecting Nadia momentarily. That said, there was no way I could put him off, given I knew his daughter been coming to Jesse's hockey games regularly, and they usually had lunch afterwards. "Yes, of course. Come in, please." He came in, took off his coat, hat, gloves, and shoes, and followed me to my study with a quick stop to let my wives know. "May I offer you a soft drink or tea?" I asked. "Tea would be good." "I'll be right back," I said. "Please have a seat." I went to the kitchen, put loose tea into a strainer, set it in a pot, then poured hot water from the kettle over it. I put it on a tray, along with two cups, sugar, and lemon, then returned to the study. "It will need a few minutes to steep," I said, sitting down in a chair next to his. "What can I do for you?" "Amir Khan spoke very highly of you and how you helped his family." "He's a very good man," I replied. "It was unfortunate that my daughter and I could not attend Fatimah's wedding." Not that Birgit had any desire to visit Saudi Arabia, given their treatment of women. "Are you aware my daughter has been at your son's hockey matches?" Jamaal asked. I nodded, "Yes, I have. She's often there with one or two other friends." "I plan to come with her a week from tomorrow to see the game if that's OK." "Of course it is," I replied. "I know Zahra's at the Lab School with Birgit, but there are no rules about who can come to the Kenwood Academy games." "Good. I didn't want to simply show up, as I don't know the protocol." "May I ask where you're from?" "Syria. We emigrated about six years ago. My father was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, and our family was always under suspicion, but eventually, my wife, son, and daughter were allowed to leave. I renounce violence as a political solution." I smiled, "I wasn't worried." "No, I suppose you wouldn't be if you were friends with Amir and know Imam Iqbal." I heard the doorbell ring, but someone else would have to answer it, as I didn't want to give any offense. I poured the tea and handed a cup to Jamaal. He added sugar, which didn't surprise me, while I drank mine neat. "Thank you," he said, then sipped some of the tea. "You're welcome." "What I wanted to speak to you about is that my wife believes my daughter is interested in your son. I think you know the problem, right?" Oh, I knew what his problem would be if what I suspected to be true actually was, but that wasn't what he meant. "According to your faith, a young woman could only marry a devout Muslim man, and Jesse is a practicing Christian. In addition, you would likely prefer your daughter did not date, at least in the American way." "Amir said you understood." "I do, though I also believe that it would be up to Jesse and Zahra, not me. I completely understand that you don't agree, and that's fine." "He seems like an upstanding young man from everything I have heard — good grades, a star athlete, and very polite. Would you object to him speaking with am Imam?" "I've spoken with Imam Iqbal at the mosque in Bridgeview you attend," I said. "He's a good man. I would have no problem with Jesse speaking with him. That said, I wouldn't expect the conversation to be any more successful than those I had with Imam Iqbal or Imam Ibrahim Shehab in Los Angeles. You are, of course, free to ask Jesse." "You understand that if he's unwilling, nothing could come of their friendship, right?" "I understand your perspective and respect your views, but Jesse is almost seventeen and has to make up his own mind on the matter. I am absolutely positive Jesse will respect Zahra's wishes; therefore, so long as you've clearly communicated your faith and your perspective to her, I don't believe there will be a problem. I hope that won't affect Zahra studying with Birgit and her other friends, including Zaida." "Zaida is a wonderful and devout young woman, and I think the two girls will watch out for each other. I've made some allowances for American culture, but a romantic relationship with a non-Muslim is simply unacceptable." "Amir and I had a number of conversations about that," I said, "and I know Fatimah and Birgit had them as well. Even if we don't agree, we respect your views. I'd welcome you as a friend, and I'll extend an offer to join our weekly gatherings, though when we gather here, we drink and gamble, and when we gather for breakfast, most of the men eat bacon or pork sausage. That said, if you'll accept an invitation to dinner, I'll ensure that it's «halal»." "I'm not as conservative as Amir," he said with a smile. "Let me think about it, please." "Yes, of course. You know where the game is next Saturday, right?" "I do," he replied. "I will see you there." He finished his tea, I walked him to the door, and once he'd put on his Winter gear, we shook hands. "«As-salāmu ʿalaykum», Jamaal Rahim," I said. {green}("Peace be unto you."){/green} "«Wa ʿalaykumu s-salām», Steve Adams," he replied. {green}("And peace be unto you, too."){/green} He left, and I went to the Indian Room to see a beautiful girl with an athletic build and long black hair sitting and laughing with my wives. "Is everything OK?" Kara asked. "Oh, just the usual Friday night at the Compound," I chuckled. "A Muslim dad ensuring I understood his views." "Jesse?" "Who else? Two of the boys are spoken for, and Michael is happy to have a close female friend but has zero interest in a girlfriend at the moment." "Something specific?" Suzanne asked. "I believe he's noticed that his daughter likes Jesse!" I said with a grin. All three of my wives laughed. "Like father, like son!" "Are the three of you done interrogating Nadia?" I asked with a smirk. "We were just getting to know her!" Jessica declared. "But I suppose we'll let you take her away." Nadia got up, I took her hand, led her to my study, and indicated she should sit in one of the leather wingback chairs. "Nice to meet you," I said. "And you!" "I'm sorry for the delay. I had an unexpected visitor." "It's OK. Your wives are awesome!" "I sure think so! Mind if I ask a question?" "What?" "I know you said the idea of how to lose your virginity just popped into your mind around age thirteen, but I was wondering if something had triggered it. You know, a movie, a TV show, or a book? Maybe you saw someone tied up?" "I honestly don't remember seeing anything like that, but I suppose it's possible. Is it really that important?" "No, but I wondered what might be behind your desire. I've engaged in a bit of bondage play, but it was always after I'd known the person for some time, and there was a level of trust. I suppose it concerns me that you'd ask a complete stranger to tie you up for your first time." "Did you change your mind?" Nadia asked. "No, but let me ask about your fantasy, how you want to be tied up, and what you want me to do." "Danielle indicated you could go a long time and at least three or four times in a couple of hours." "That would be accurate." "I want you to tie me tightly to the bed and take my virginity. After that, lick me, fuck me, and cum in my pussy or mouth as many times as you can before we have to leave for the other fantasy." "May I make an observation?" "What?" "That your first fantasy seriously detracts from playing the shy, demure, virginal babysitter." Nadia frowned, "I think you really don't want to fulfill my main fantasy. I think you'd do it because you promised, but you're uncomfortable, even though it's not about violence, and it's totally consensual. And because of that, you won't really put your heart into it. I think I've made a mistake." "If there was a mistake, it's on me. What would you like to do? I'll leave it totally in your hands." "I think I'll just go home," Nadia said. "OK. I'm very sorry. Do you want me to give you a lift to the station, or should I call a cab?" "A cab, please." I called a cab for her, then walked her to the foyer, where she put on her coat, hat, gloves, and shoes. Once she was bundled up, we went out onto the porch to wait for the cab, which showed up about two minutes later. She got in, I handed the driver double what I estimated the fare would be, then shut the door. Once the cab pulled away, I went back inside and joined my wives. "What happened?!" Kara asked. "Me, not her. I tried to talk with her, and all I did was succeed in convincing her my heart wasn't really in it. I'd say she wasn't wrong. I should have stuck to my first instinct and simply declined the bondage fantasy." "But not the babysitter one?" "That one I could totally get into!" I chuckled. "I did point out that doing things the way she wanted kind of spoiled the whole 'shy, demure, virginal babysitter' fantasy. I think it convinced me that my decision that referrals are basically out was the right one." "You had fun with Amelia." "I did, and, as Jennifer constantly reminds me, there are exceptions to every rule. And when it comes right down to it, the way things developed with Emma was perfect." "I'm curious, but is she a long-term girlfriend?" "I seriously doubt it," I replied. "She wants a mentor and made the point about working for NIKA. That limits how long it could go on and how public it could be. And she asked how it would work if she dated, so I'd say she's already decided against a role similar to Natalie's or Yuriko's." "Another one you have to hide from Liz?" Jessica asked. "I totally understand the point Liz made, but just as with both previous cases, Emma asked after we'd been together, and it seems wrong to punish them when they didn't know the rule." "You mean Estrella and Cecily, right?" Suzanne asked. "And to some extent, Penny, but she started long before Liz joined NIKA." "Yes. And it's especially true when I have nothing to do with hiring, with the exception of a C-level position that might be open." "What are the chances of _that_?" Jessica asked. "Effectively zero," I replied. "Barring some Loki-initiated event which I don't care to contemplate!" "What did your guest want?" "To discuss Jesse's relationship with his daughter. He's not as conservative as Amir Khan, but he's still a Muslim." "NOBODY is as conservative as Amir Khan!" Kara declared. "Did he forbid them from seeing each other?" "No, but that might be the end result when he requests Jesse speak with Imam Iqbal!" "Seriously?" Kara asked. "He wants Jesse to convert?!" "If I can read between the lines, Zahra has let her mother know she likes Jesse, and Mrs. Rahim talked to her husband, who came to talk to me. That is standard protocol for Muslims. Mr. Rahim knows Zahra has been going to Jesse's hockey games and goes out with the group on Friday nights. He made the point that he permits it because Zaida is with Zahra, and Birgit has said Zahra and Zaida always wear their scarves, which is why he allows Zahra a bit of freedom. He made the point of some deference to American culture, at least as far as he could go as a Muslim." "Are Jesse and Zahra…" Suzanne asked. "I have no knowledge and don't want any," I replied. "Plausible deniability and all that." "What did you tell him?" Jessica asked. "That he was free to suggest it to Jesse, but I felt it was a lost cause, so to speak. I suspect Zahra will have some restrictions added if things go the way I expect they will with Jesse. Do any of you know if Jen and Josie are home?" "I'm pretty sure they went out," Kara said. "Josie's car isn't in the alley." "OK. I want to let them know. I think I'll call Jesse now, though." I pulled my mobile phone from my pocket and pressed the correct SpeedDial button. ————— {br} 🎤 Jesse {br} "Go for Jesse!" I said when I answered my phone as we were just walking into the theatre to see _The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers_. "Jesse, it's Dad, which I'm sure you know from Caller ID!" "What's up, Pops?" "I just had a visit from Jamaal Rahim, Zahra's dad." I suppressed a groan. "Is there a problem?" I asked. "Not yet," Dad replied. "He appears to have become aware that Zahra likes you. He came to talk to me about asking you to speak to Imam Iqbal." "Talk about skipping to the end!" I exclaimed. "My take is that he'd permit you to court Zahra if you converted." "Seriously? I thought he wasn't anywhere near as conservative as Mr. Khan!" "He's not, or she wouldn't be allowed to hang out with you. Is she with you tonight?" "Yes, and she and Zaida had special permission to stay out an extra hour so we could see the movie because it's three hours long. Mr. Rahim didn't tell you?" "I was very careful in how I responded. My knowledge of your relationship is limited to knowing she goes out with the group on Friday nights and comes to your hockey games on Saturdays. Well, and she studies with Birgit. I don't want to know more for obvious reasons." "Plausible deniability!" I declared. "Exactly," Dad agreed. "I won't keep you; I just wanted to give you a heads-up." "Thanks." We said 'goodbye', and I disconnected the call by closing my phone. We bought our tickets, and then I took Zahra aside. "Did you know your dad was going to talk to my dad?" I asked. "No! He did?" "My dad said your dad came to see him to talk about us! Your dad wants me to speak to your Imam." Zahra laughed softly, "*I* want you to speak to the Imam, but we've discussed it, so I know you aren't interested in converting." "How did your dad find out?" "You mean that I like you? It has to be my mom. She asked me directly a few days ago. I admitted I liked you, but I said you were a Christian, so there wasn't any chance of being with you." "What will happen when I refuse?" "He will tell me that no matter how much I like you, and no matter how nice and respectful you are, I couldn't marry you because you weren't a Muslim. And that would mean, in his mind, not seeing each other romantically." "So then what?" "Then I keep removing my scarf for you! I'm not about to tell him! Are you?" "Hell no!" "I really like you, Jesse. A lot. But I'm also realistic." "And your dad won't stop you from going out with the group?" "No. So long as Zaida is with me, he's satisfied that we'll keep each other out of trouble. And he won't stop me from doing homework with Birgit, either." "Good. Then let's go see the movie!" We rejoined the others then entered the theatre. ————— {br} _January 4, 2003, Chicago, Illinois_ 🎤 Birgit {br} "I'm glad you came to visit," I said to Kjell in Swedish as he packed on Saturday morning. "Me, too! I wish you could visit during the summer, but I know you're busy with going to Japan and seeing your friend Katy." "I'll talk to Dad about visiting, but I'm not sure it will be possible before I travel to Sweden as an exchange student." "June 2004, right?" "Yes. If things work the same way they did for Dad, I'll have about ten days before I have to go to the orientation, which is two weeks long. I'll make sure that Suzana knows I'll stay the first night in Stockholm with you, assuming I can manage it. Dad said they give you train tickets, and then your host family meets you when you get off the train, so we could probably manage. But we can worry about that sixteen months from now." "Uhm, what are you going to do with those towels?" "Wash them! I used old ones on purpose, so if the blood doesn't come out, I can just toss them." "I can't believe how messy that was!" Kjell declared. "But it was worth it, right?" I asked with an arched eyebrow. "Do I look like a «jävla idiot»?" he asked with a grin. "Well, being a boy and all…" I teased. "Uh huh," he said flatly. "School starts Monday for you, right?" "Yes. You too, right?" "Yes. Who's driving me to the airport? Your dad?" "No. He has his men's breakfast, and Jesse and Albert are going with him. Mom will drive you." "Which one?" "My mom, the one who had me." "I need a programme like they sell at football matches!" "Well, you did score repeatedly!" I giggled. "I'm all packed." "Then let's go find Mom because it's almost time to leave." ————— {br} 🎤 Steve {br} "Did you talk to Zahra last night?" I asked Jesse when he and Albert got into the car with me on Saturday morning so they could join me at breakfast with the men. "Yes. Mom One said you talked to her last night when she came home. I think all I can do is say 'no, thank you' to Mr. Rahim and see what happens. Hopefully, he won't keep Zahra from going out with the gang." "I hope so, too, but Mussa was very liberal for a Muslim, and he objected to Adi seeing you, right?" "Yes," Jesse replied. "I still talk to her at school, but she's not allowed to go out with the group. I let her know there were two other Muslim girls, but that didn't change her dad's mind. I'm afraid Mr. Rahim will react the same way. He doesn't seem as bad as Mr. Khan, but it's only a matter of degree." "Not to stick my nose in," Albert said, "but you'd let religion get in the way of a girl you loved?" "Well, in this case, it's more her dad is letting it get in the way," Jesse said. "And to some extent, so is she because she thinks she has to marry a Muslim. I don't think I have to marry an Orthodox girl, but I would like someone who would go to church with me." "Nothing personal," Albert said, "but I can think of a hundred things I'd rather do on Sunday morning than spend four hours in church!" "And you both have to make your own way in that regard," I said. "Just as I do, and my wives do, and your siblings and the cousins do. Spirituality is very personal, and we do our best as parents to allow you to decide for yourselves. Jesse is the only one who's a believer; the rest of us are agnostic or atheist. You don't talk about it much, Albert, so I can't say for sure what you think." "I agree with Grandpa A — there is literally no evidence for any gods, and I don't believe there ever can be. Obviously, Jesse disagrees, and I love him as my brother, but in the end, science has to win." "I agree," Jesse said with a grin. "It answers 'What?', 'Where?', 'When?', and 'How?' questions. It cannot ever answer 'Why?' question, and I think 'because of physical laws' is completely unsatisfying. It basically boils down to 'because it is'." "That's not what science says." "Yeah?" Jesse countered. "Explain the time before the singularity and the conditions that caused everything to form out of nothing!" "Just because we don't understand it now doesn't mean we never will," Albert countered. "Think how far we've come from the Babylonians, Greeks, and Egyptians." "It's a trap!" I chuckled. "Given time and matter both came into existence with the 'Big Bang', there can be no 'before', at least in any sense that we could comprehend, and even if we take it as a given that there was a 'before', no information could be transmitted from that 'before', whatever that even means in that regard! In the end, I come down on the agnostic side because I cannot say definitively there is no god or gods." "I get the whole 'you cannot prove a negative' bit," Albert said. "But I'm not asserting the existence. I'm denying your null hypothesis that 'some god might exist'. It's contingent on you to prove your hypothesis, not for me to refute it. Now, if you could provide empirical evidence or a repeatable test, then I'd be happy to examine the evidence or reproduce the test results! Until that point, it's just wishful thinking!" "Let's assume that's true," Jesse said. "Some of us need to know 'why?'. I think that's what drives Dad." "It is," I acknowledged. "Yes,' Albert agreed, "but all of THAT is the result of electrochemical reactions that create the endorphins that make you feel good about something." I chuckled, "You've been speaking to Elizabeth, haven't you?" "Yes. She's a physicist like Neil and like Grandma Belinda was." "Did Elizabeth happen to mention how Ben completely disarmed her?" "No." "We had a debate similar to this one during Philosophy Club; well, it was a Rap Session back then. Elizabeth was making the exact same points you were, and Trish and I were making the points Jesse and I are. Ben asked Elizabeth why she loved him and Shoshana. Elizabeth accused us of fighting dirty because she knew she'd hurt her husband and daughter emotionally if she insisted that love was a meaningless chemical reaction. And guess what? I bet you anything you care to wager, you wouldn't say that to your Yorkie lass!" "My parents didn't raise any idiots!" Albert declared. "Well, I do have sisters, so we have to make allowances for levels of being an idiot!" Jesse and I both laughed. "In the end, though," Albert continued. "meaning is simply trying to put an anthropomorphic imprint on the universe, when, in the end, we're all simply made of star stuff." "Thank you, Carl Sagan!" Jesse chuckled. "He's not wrong!" Albert declared. "On that, I agree," I said. "In his foreword to _A Brief History of Time_, on the other hand, he _is_ wrong, as he commits numerous logical fallacies to try to assert something that Hawking did not — that it is literally impossible for any gods to exist. I'm not saying believing what Sagan does is wrong, but that is _not_ what Hawking was saying, and isn't something that can be logically proven from the principles of quantum mechanics." "What does Jane think?" Jesse asked. "Well, she's Jewish, but not so that you would notice except for a very annoying objection to bacon, which, if any god were to actually exist, would be considered ambrosia!" "AMEN!" Jesse and I declared simultaneously. "Or," Albert smirked, "as I like to call it when Stephie is around — 'smoked, salted dead pig'!" Jesse grinned. "Bacon tastes gooood. Pork chops taste gooood." "Things didn't work out too well for the guy who said that!" I observed. "Shot to death in the john with his own suppressed MAC-10!" "Correction," Albert said. "The firearm belonged to Marsellus Wallace, who left it there when he went to get breakfast for himself and Vincent." "I stand corrected," I replied. "You're right." "Remember those words, Dad!" Albert declared. "I will, so long as you remember not to make any high-speed passes over air control towers or any admiral's daughters!" "I feel the need…the need for speed!" Albert declared. "Don't worry, Dad," Jesse interjected. "His Yorkie will hang him from a yardarm if he does the latter!" "Albert, does the Navy still hang people from Yardarms?" I asked. "I don't think so," he replied with a grin I saw in the rearview mirror. "Jesse, Albert doesn't think the Navy hangs people from yardarms anymore," I said. All three of us laughed at the sequence from _A Few Good Men_, and I very much appreciated the fact that my boys enjoyed 'Darmok', though Matthew was the absolute best at it because of his participation in Drama Club. "On the way home, we have to make a stop in the Loop," I continued. "I need to pick up Emma because she's attending karate classes today." "Shocking," Jesse deadpanned. "Yeah, yeah," I chucked. "Is it OK to ask what happened with Scarlett? Mom One simply said you guys had a disagreement." "She objected to our family saunas," I replied. "And despite trying to discuss it with her and telling her about the varied rules we've used in the past, she decided to make it a bright line, and when I refused to give beyond the 'Weekend Rules', and said she shouldn't participate if she didn't want to, she decided to go home. In the end, it was going to be something where we couldn't compromise, as that would mean not even participating in our family saunas. I'm not signing up for that." "Some people simply need time to get used to the idea," I said. "But there are also plenty of people, probably a sizable majority, who would say it was wrong no matter what." "In _this_ country," Jesse said. "Not in Sweden, or in Finland, according to Eugen's stepdad Jaako. And there are co-ed _banyas_ in Russia, and I'm sure other places in Europe! And topless beaches." "Topless sunbathing is common in Europe," I said. "I saw that many times when I was traveling, and not just at the beach. You know my opinion of American views on that topic." "Clueless prudes!" Jesse declared. We arrived in Bucktown, we parked, and the three of us headed into Bucktown Bistro, where we were greeted by Alex and Sam, then sat down with the men who had arrived before us. A few minutes later, Matthew joined us as well.