■A5 ・んじゃほらシャツ脱いだら少し涼しくなるぞ You know, you can take off your shirt and cool off. ・そうですね これで少し涼しくなりそうです That's right. With this, I'll cool off. ・相変わらず勝田めっちゃいい身体だなぁ Your body is still as good as ever, Katsuta. ■A6 ・勝田だんだんムラムラしてきたんじゃない? Katsuta, aren't you slowly getting turned on? ・あ…すみません 仕事中なのにオレ… Ah... I'm sorry. I'm still at work but I... ・どうなってるのかちゃんと先輩に言ってみ? Let's see you clearly say to your senpai what's happening. ・仕事中なのに勃起してます I'm still at work but I'm getting hard. ■A7 ・下キツそうだから脱いじゃえよ 誰もこないし It looks so cramped down below so take your pants off. No one else is here. ・そうですね 少し楽になりました That's right. It's a little more comfortable. ・下着越しでもわかる このデカさ… 早く脱がせちまうか I get it even though the underwear's in the way. That hugeness... Let's make him quickly take it all off? ■A8 ・もう我慢せず全部脱いじゃいなよ どんどん気持ちよくなってきたっしょ You don't have to bear it anymore and take everything off. You'd feel even better. ・はい 脱ぎました Yes, I took everything off. ・もうこのまま手を使わないでイケちゃいそうだ Now that you're like this, it seems like you can cum hands-free. ・はい イキそうです Yes, it seems like I can. ■A9 ・よし!会社の会議室でポース取りながらイっちゃえ! Alright! Strike a pose in the company conference room while cumming! ・はい!イキます!勝田射精します! Yes! I'm gonna cum! Katsuta will cum! ・うっわ やっぱこいつめちゃくちゃ出すな… Waah I knew this guy would let out so much... ■A10 ・どう勝田?気持ちよかった? How was it, Katsuta? Did it feel good? ・はい!めちゃくちゃ気持ちよかったです Yes! It felt really good! ・もっと色々したいけどそろそろ戻さないとやばいな… I want to do more but it might turn out bad if I don't return him back soon. ■A11 ・んぐぉ Nggho ・あっ?んあっあ Aah?Ngaah ・どうした勝田?体調でも悪い? What's wrong, Katsuta? Are you feeling unwell? ・い…いえ 何でもないで…すっ N-no, it's nothin...g. ・うわうわ…なんだコレ 突然オナった後みたいな 快感…がっ Waahaaa... What's this... Feels like I just got off. The pleasure's... so... ・世の中色んなアプリあんだなぁ…また別の試してみよ There are all kinds of apps in the world... Let's try a different one next time.