“Are you cooking something?” Clara asks with her cute nose scrunched up, “It smells like berries…”

You lean on the couch armrest as your girlfriend gently lays her body on your arm and shoulder, watching a cooking show before bed with a warm cup of camomile.

“What would I be cook- Oh… I do smell that…” You trail off as you sniff the sweet air, “Should I go check what’s going on outside?”

You get up from the couch, thoughtlessly slipping your feet into Clara’s fuzzy slides as you make your way to the front door. But as you shuffle forward, the door seems to move further away…

“What? What’s happening??” You demand, voice raspy as your neck is choked by an invisible force.

You can feel your throat lose strength, your timbre dulled by thinning vocal cords as you shrink. It almost feels like you’re standing bow legged, thighs twisting inward as they slowly inflate. You stop mid-stride, knees knocking together as your inflating ass gradually bends you over at the waist.

“Clara??” You cry out hoarsely, curves pouring out from all angles as your spine compresses.

She can only watch in horror as your mass is squeezed into a feminine stoutness, leaving you standing barely more than five feet tall.

Your shirt shrinks up your torso, hugging your pudgy budding breasts as your belly fat hangs loose. Your flabby tummy quickly fades though, making you blush as your abs are outlined for the first time you can remember.

The thick gray sweatpants you were lounging in quickly thin out, tightening around your still plumpening bottom half as the stretchy material rises up your hips past your waist.

Your abs then slowly warp, slope of the muscles angling upward with femininity as your belly tightens and takes on a sharp V shape that essentially points to your cock-

“It’s gone!!” You cry out, dainty hand rubbing the flat crotch of your pants as Clara cringes.

A shiver runs through your body as the fabric of your pants separates your new folds, stimulating body parts you never felt before. A sensation you could never begin to imagine warmly oozes out from your new womanhood, and you feel your mind slowly give in to the exquisite feeling.

You can feel your eyes glaze over, but it’s so hard to focus… Is Clara speaking? Your ears just ring as a happy grin crawls across your lips, and you stand for what could be a minute- or a million years…

“Like, what the fuck just happened??” You suddenly ask, an involuntarily dizty affect thick on your frail voice.  

You try to fight through the thick haze of your mind, thoughts barely comprehensible as your body moves itself.

The jiggling and bouncing fill you with joy, euphoric stimulations overwhelming your fight as your body pulls at your top and spins around. You’re almost excited to give Clara a little booty shake, but the pained look on her face only makes it harder to fight the slutty personality burgeoning up from within you.

“Oh no!!” You hear Clara exclaim, her own voice sweetening as a look of terror stains her face.

Before you can blink her breasts balloon, forcing her to bend forward as another explosion rounds out a bubble butt behind her. Her bulging pajama pants quickly shrink up her legs, squeezing and lifting her ass as her top combines with it to essentially form a tight romper.

Clara’s breasts almost spill out completely as a deep neck is cut into her shirt, making it a struggle to balance her chest and ass on high heels. You watch as she teeters forward, looking like she’s about to fall forward as she jiggles.

Then her tee shirt separates, revealing deep cleavage displayed in a bralette that gets pushed up as a classy maid’s corset ties around her waist.

“Get me out of here!!” She cries, but the sliding door won’t open for her .

“Did you like, just put on those heels??

They’re so hawt!” You hear yourself giggle against all willpower you can exert, your own curves bouncing as you hop in place.

“I was just sitting on the couch with you!!

The shoes flew onto my feet right when you put my slippers on, but I have no idea what’s going on!” Clara exclaims, “Take your shoes off, quick!!”

You shrug your shoulders without a thought, head foggy as the vapors of your memories condensate into slutty drippings on the roof of your mind.

You step out of the slippers without much struggle, and give a little giggle to the woman rolling on the floor struggling to remove her shoes.

“Need help, lady?” You ask the red faced woman, “I can maybe untie the straps…”

“I untied the straps, these things won’t come off!” The annoyed woman shouts, “And don’t call me lady, you’re my boyfriend for fuck’s sake!!”

“Is that why I’m wearing these big leather shoes?” You giggle, bending your knee and kicking your right calf behind you ditzily as your maid gawks.

The antique leather cowboy boots that your steer-wrangling dad handed down to you begin to shrink, but the core memory sparks one last fight as your stout figure is slimmed down. Even as your clothes shrivel up and turn coarse, you remain focused on the one remaining fiber of your being.

The roundness of your booty is lifted, forcing your narrowing hips to bend as your ass sticks out further. You can barely even stand straight anymore, spine arched like a crescent as your bubble butt jiggles.

“This is like, total horse manure!” You hear a country girl’s bitter sweetness, “Since when did you have two pairs of cowboy boots??”

A shorter cowgirl’s body beside you is also twisted into an hourglass, her back somehow curved further inward than yours as her bubble butt becomes impossibly plump. The suddenness of her outburst clings to your attention, and you quickly forget what you had just been struggling with…

Having a bad memory is so annoying!!

At least the cowboys have something to hold on to…

You sigh with relief, blissfully at peace as your bestie sets up her phone on the table. You look around the old barn for a brief moment, appreciating the life you’ve always dreamed about- living on a hunk’s ranch as his personal little playthings.

“Let’s record a quick video before we play with the zebras!” Cassidy giggles, swinging her booty back and forth as you prep your juicy thighs for the camera with a jiggle.

Even your giggle is in the country accent that master fucked you into using, withholding precious sex anytime he heard you speaking otherwise. Like Pavlov’s dog, you quickly adapted and forgot your old accent. You can’t even remember where you’re from, let alone how you used to speak!

“Your booty’s like, so much bigger than mine!!” Cassidy says in a matching accent, something she too was forced into by her unyielding lust and easily programmable brain.

“Yeah, but you have a fucking caboose back there!” You giggle, gripping Cassidy’s fat booty in your tiny hands and giving the plushness a hearty squeeze as you gush ecstatically.