Percy kicked in the window before slipping into the building. His quest had be quite specific. There was something of the gods in mortal hands and he had to retrieve it before they learned too much. He looked around the dark basement before adjusting his back pack. "Ok," he said as he rolled his shoulders. "Lets do this," he said as he started to look around It appeared to be a storage area but nothing of value just general cleaning equipment for the entire building complex. A hidden security camera was trained on Percy peering at him with night vision. A shadowy man in a labcoat watched the feed with intrigue as Percy snooped around. Percy started to look through all the boxes and supplies. HE frowned. "Ok, looks like nothing here." he said. He decided to sneak out of the room. He opened the door, peering out to see if the coast was clear a supply trolley was waiting to head into an elevator resting as it was unmanned. It looked like it could hide a person in comfortably. The elevator itself could be opened and all the floors were accessible from it except the sub-basement labelled "special specimens restricted access" and needed a key to get down. The humming of the owner of the supply trolley from around the corner signalled that he seemed to be coming back for it. "We've got another delivery for special specimens lab!" he said to himself. Percy looked back and forth. He decided to take the chance. HE ran, taking cover until he reached the supply trolley and hid in it. The man casually tossed the parcel into the supply trolley and wheeled it into the lift. He pressed for subbasement having turned the key and he was slowly heading down, Deep down. The ding telling him that they had reached the correct floor and the man pulled the trolley out and left it there in the main gallery area while he went to deliver the parcel to the correct office/lab Percy wanted until the close was clear and the sound of footsteps were gone before sneaking out from the trolley and immediately hiding behind other taller things. He peeked around before sneakily hiding it was a strange gallery displaying semiprecious gems of abnormal size and fragments of stone artifacts rumoured to have powers depending on the culture. Each one looked to be displayed on plaster pedestals. A lab nearby seemed to pulse a familiar greek aura Percy paused as he felt the aura. He slung over to the lab and peeked inside through a window There in the centre was his target, A pure black gemstone, oval in shape the size of a thumb was held on a platform with four lasers that appear to be holding it in place in a pyramidal formation. "Alright," PErcy said, grinning to himself. "Like a ninja," he added before he snuck into the room As he approached the centre of the room there is a click from the door behind him as it locks, the labcoated figure now in front of the door. "Taken you long enough to find it!" said the figure "you must be Percy?" Percy spun and looked at the figure. "Uh....No?" he asked, blushing a little in embarrassement at being caught he looked around, trying to access the situation and find a way to escape with the gem He simply smirked as he took three sharp looking rocks and chucked them onto the ground. From them sprang three stone soldiers which quickly surrounded Percy. "Whoa. Ok, did not see that coming," he said before going on the defensive, thorwing his bag around like a mace before kicking a soldier away it was like kicking a concrete block, it backed slightly but continued to advance with a bronze sword in hand. Percy decided it was time to go toe to toe with the soldier, bring out Riptide and swinging it to collide with the soldier's weapon. they struck each other creating brilliant flashes. The man was just observing making notes testing his latest subject's strength and ability. the other two joined in on the action. Percy was quick, kicking the approaching soldiers, knocking on back while using the momentum to allow him to push off and kick the third away before he brought Riptide down on the first soldier's arm. THe movement was so fluid it was like a single motion "Excellent" said the man as riptide made short work of the soldier's arm. He continued to watch to see if Percy tired. Percy spun and decapitated the second soldier's stone head before delivering a third kick to knock the last stone soldier away. He didn't even break a sweat. He's faced down giants and titans that gave him tougher fights. He smirked before turning to the scientist. "That all you got?" "well, nothing easily lab sized" he said as he took out a brilliant pink gem keeping it behind his back as he closed in on Percy Percy didn't noticed. He didn't like to play the bad guy, but these guys had no idea what they had. He needed to get the stone back. "Ok then," he said, using his best intimidating tone. "I'm just here for the gem stone. So hand it over, and I'll be on my way," he said "A little arrogant!" he said closing his eyes as he chucked the pink gem at Percy "catch!" instinctive, Percy caught the stone, confused It let out a piercing flash of pink light that paralyzed anyone who looked at it, for several hours. Unfortunately for Percy, though he saw it in his peripheral, when the light died, he found he couldn't move. 'huh?....what...hey! I can't move! Why do I always wind up on quests like these?!' he thought to himself angrily The man approached the stunned Percy, and opened his eyes and took the gemstone from Percy's cupped hands "Oh my mistake you didn't want this gemstone!" he said. The stone only affected the arms and legs allowing him to still talk "The hell did you do to me?" Percy demanded. "Why can't I move?" "Stheno's sapphire" he smirked "one of my rare collection of gems here!" he ruffled the youth's hair "hands off, Doc," Percy said. "How do you even know what that does?" "I know the secrets of every stone across time, I have been collecting for a long time!" he replied cryptically. He began to pull off Percy's backpack and undressed the hero Percy's green eyes widened. "Hey. Hey! Knock it off!" he grunted angrily. "My clothes stay on my body! I mean it!" "Don't worry boy, we'll get you something clean to wear!" he responded as he pulled down Percy's jeans and revealed the tight dolphin boxers "this is a lab after all!" "Yeah, no offense, but I'm not one for all that science hoopla," Percy answered as he tried to move, but he couldn't even get anything to budge. He was perfectly still he finally pulled down the boxers to show off his demigodly endowments. The man took a few notes about the size before taking the clothes away and returning with a thick roll of what looked like shiny white tape. Percy rolled his eyes at the examination he was beign given. He did not expect to get a physical today. THough, whatever he thought was going to happen, seeing a roll of white tape was not part of that. "Uh....what?" He grabbed some latex gloves and donned them as he went over and gave Percy a fingering to check his prostate before slipping a long smooth stone into the passage pushing it all the way in. Percy let out a sharp, unmanly try. "What is wrong with you?!" he demanded angrily. "The hell did you just put in me?" it felt smooth and hard he then propped the demigod against the wall pushing Percy's feet together and began to wrap the shiny white sticky tape around his toes smoothing it over as he wound the tape around both feet binding them to esch other and worked his way up the boy's body Percy struggled against his own body. "What are you doing?" he demanded angrily "You can't just mummify me." "Yes I can!" he retorted as he continued to wrap the tape round his legs and around his butt pressing the cheeks together and keeping the stone sealed up inside him. He worked around the cock and balls leaving them unwrapped "Ah clean shaven...or just not grown any yet?" he smirked at the smoothness around his groin area. Percy glared. "Oh yeah, like I'm going to tell the guy who's paralyzed and is mummifying me all about my grooming habits. Tell you what, unfreeze me, and I'll show you," Percy sassed. He was so done with people who paralyzed him Unphased by the remark, he pushed the arms to his sides and continued all the way up to his neck, pressing down on the pecs deliberately Percy grunted as his pecs were firmly, and deliberately pressed down on. He spat in the man's face "such rudeness" he commented as he wiped away the spit with some paper towels, "this tape should be strong enough to hold a minotaur so I wouldn't even try." he explained as he wound it tight around his neck. As the tape wrapped around his tape, Percy found breathing getting hard. "W-where did you...get this?" "Daedalus Industries!" he replied as he brought out another stone with the symbol for truth written in an ancient far eastern language and pressed it on his forehead sticking there like a magnet. "Uh, sorry, but I'm not into jewellery," Percy commented with a glare. he grunted. the tape was so tight it was like he was wrapped in a spandex outfit a size too small snapping his fingers the stone began to glow forcing the truth from Percy "what is your name?" "Percy Jackson," he answered casually. IT wasn't until a second passed that his adorable green eyes widened with realization. "Oh fuck." he made notes on a form. "so you look to be a demigod right?" "I am. I'm the son of Poseidon," Percy answered as if he was in a simple interview. He blinked the spell away and cursed. "You can't do this!" he shouted back angrily "any weaknesses?" "Lack of water. any liquid with soil in it. like mud, cement," Percy answered. "Stupidly loyal to a fault." he blinked and groaned. At least he didn't have an achilles spot anymore. "sexual partners?" "I'm single right now," Percy answered. it was truth. He and Luke broke up over a fight the other day, and he and Jason were pretty much bros. So the hero of Olympus was a sad lonely boy. "sexual orientation?" "I swing both ways." Percy answered. blinking, he asked, "whats with all the questions?" "just getting all your records when we put you on display!" he said Percy blinked. "I'm sorry, did you say, display?" "yup...these are going to bind to your skin making you immortal! The perfect pedestal to display my jewels!" Percy blinked. "Yeah. Nope. Not gunna happen," he said as he struggled. But of course his body wouldn't move. stupid paralysis "There your curves will definitely compliment my collection!" he said smooth down the tape which was getting warm as it tightened further around his body, and at the same time the stone inside his butt began to vibrate and pulse Percy jerked, feeling the vibrations. "W-what the? What was that?" he asked. He felt something pulse in him and gasped. "What the hell?" "Ah yes...The tears of Aphrodite, not so rare but really useful to get that member hard!" he explained as Percy's cock lengthened Percy tried to struggle. THe feeling of his cock growing and getting hard was definitely uncomfortable. "Oh this is just sick," he said, growling at the scientist "So tell me'll get your movement back in an hour or were you going to escape?" he asked knowing the truth stone was still active. "Um...." Percy blinked. Trying to think. "I'm more of on the fly guy. Think in the moment." he answered, showing he really didn't have a plan until the opportunity presented itself "Then better make sure you can't think too much" he said as he began stuck his mouth around the hard member "Whoa. whoa whoa what are you---oooh!" Percy gasped, eyes widening. he began to suck on the huge member teasing it with his tongue. "I have often wondered what a demigod tastes like!" "You son of a bitch," PErcy said breathlessly. he moaned, squirming weakly. an indicator that the effects were wearing off As he sucked he clasped a ring shaped artefact around the base of the member which started glowing and distilled Percy's power drawing it into the cockring Percy squirmed, feeling the ring on the base of his cock. As if glowed, he could feel it draining his powers. He shuttered. It felt like being washed with ice. "ahhh...." he gasped, skin getting pale He could sense Percy was squirming "well you recover quicker than humans, I will make a note of that!" he said "better make sure your pesky powers don't ruin my plans!" he said as he continued to suck and tease, and pinched the boy's nipple through the tight tape Percy squirmed, gasping and moaning. HE cursed the man. "You son of a....oooh. oh you're going to regret this," he gasped He took the boy to edge then stopped short, then started sucking again keeping him on that point before he could cum This made percy squirm more in his bandages. He was sweating, his face flushing red. "Argh. S-Stop it!" PErcy growled angrily at the torment The sweat just mixed into the tape making it tighten more to his body. The man finally finished Percy off allowing him to cum. Percy gasped, not expecting to cum. He let out a startled cry as hot white cum shot out of his twitching cock. he threw his head back, crying outloud He quickly snatched a flask and caught the stream of cum and began filling the large glass receptacle. "A pure sample of demigod semen! The scientific community thanks your services!" he smirked "You're -pant- a sick -pant- dude," he panted. He wasn't some sort of science experiement "Well we have enough here now so.." he began to wrap the tape around the cock tightly His cock being sore, Percy grunted. "Hey. quit it" he grunted, struggling and twisting his body to avoid the tape he simply grunted in disdain and flicked the boy's balls "behave!" Percy flinched. "How about you behave and let me go?" he panted back He finished off the cock wrapping and proceeded to wrap his head starting from the neck., removing the stone from his forehead. Percy struggled more. "No. stop it." he said, panting heavily he encircled Percy's head with the tape pressing it down firmly going up his chin and before he wrapped his mouth he stuck a large ball gag in there and quickly wrapped his mouth before he could spit it out though it was firmlylodged "MHMHM! MHMHM!" the red faced demigod shouted angrily he struggled, his muffled voice shoutiung angrily he completely wrapped the head so now making percy look like a tape mummy. His eyes still allowed to see through a slit between the tape layers. The scientist opened a cupboard and began mixing up some powder and water. Percy wiggled about, rocking back and forth until he fell over and let out a disgrunted grunt as he hit the floor "Now now Percy, you'll just hurt yourself!" he said as he began pouring the plaster mix onto Percy's laying form. "MMH? MHM! Percy shouted as he felt the plaster pour on him he rubbed it in, the tape absorbed the plaster like the sweat and tightened more and getting heavier he smoothed it over making it look like a thin layer over his tape. Percy struggled, twisting he turned him over and slathered more on Percy getting every part coated before he stood him back up The plaster was hardening and Percy's struggles were visibly lessening. "Mhmm. HMHM!" he dragged the boy out and placed him in the gallery area where he looked like the other pedestals all lined up like terracotta warriors. clamps secured his feet down each one was under its own spotlight and Percy was no different as the man let the hot lights cure the plaster hardening it more Percy could feel the plaster curing. the heat getting to him. he was sweating. His breathing getting slowly and dragged. "MHmhmm...mhmhphmm." He clipped a white ninja style half mask that had a platform attached to the front onto percy's face and then too kthe black jewel that Percy had been after and balanced it on the platform directly in front of Percy's eyes "There we go, you can admire this little gem forever!" he said running his hand down Percy's left shoulder Percy tried to wiggle, but the plaster was firm. "MHMM!" he shjouted angrily he smiled evilly as he clicked his fingers and the ball gag squirted thick numbing fluid down his throat setting quickly "there you're nothing more than a silent pedestal only use is to show off gemstones!" he said before he left to test out the demigod spunk. "wonder if it tastes of ambrosia?" Percy gagged as the numbing fluids entered his body the last thing he wondered was if anyone was going to be able to rescue him