Andy couldn’t believe today was gonna be the day he would admit to his wife he had been cheating on her for the past few months. He felt bad, but this woman he met was too much for him to handle. Her name was Veronica, and she was beautiful. The first time she laid eyes on Andy, she knew she had to have him. Andy could only say no so many times, citing his vows as an excuse. This didn’t matter to Veronica though, she needed to have Andy, and wouldn't take no for an answer.

Andy had just finished explaining the whole thing to his wife, and could see she was really angry.

“Alright, I’m gonna give you a second to think about this and calm down, I don’t want anything rash happening...”

“RASH!!? You cheated on me!!! We’ve been together for decades, how could you do this???”

Andy backed into the kitchen, seeing Cheri’s eyes start to glow deep red.

“Honey... We could talk this out... Why are... your eyes red?

Suddenly Andy felt a tugging inside him, and a shocking sensation throughout his body.

O my god! How’d you give me boobs?! Wait, I feel much smaller too... You made me a woman!? But I have an erection...”

Andy was in a state of erotic shock, his new vagina giving off a large phantom erection. He felt the fat on his chest jiggle as he reached for his crotch in slow motion, whimpering in ecstasy when his fingers finally made contact with his new wet slit.

“You have to change me back Cheri, I can’t go about my day with these things!!”

Andy was still being forced to smile from Cheri’s magic, but he seemed a little more worried now.

“You’re never changing back Andy. If I change anything, I could guarantee you won’t be a fan...”

“So I’m supposed to beg you to keep me like this? How long is this change for? I can’t live like this forever! What about my job? My life! I don’t have any ID anymore!”

Cheri smiled sinisterly, “You’re right... How are you gonna learn your lesson as an anonymous nobody with no life?!

I’m gonna give you the help, support and life you deserve!”


Andy felt his body instantly morph, and again felt much smaller. His boobs were much more appropriate for his body size, mosquito bites compared to the size of his breasts before. And he was fine with that, but was worried what else was gonna be changed. Looking down, he saw his body was much more petite than before. He felt helpless now, like a delicate little flower. Happy he was safe at home, thinking of all the potential danger he now faced as a four foot tall attractive teen.

“What’s going on now? My voice is so soft, I sound girly and small! I’m not gonna get any respect with a voice like this Cheri!!

And how old am I now? I feel so much smaller than before, I can’t be more than eighteen...”

“Don’t worry about your age Angie, you’re gonna look a lot more mature than that... Your mom may have given birth to you just eighteen years ago, but you more than make up for that with your body and experience!”

“My mom?... Experience?...”

New memories flashed in Andy’s mind, Veronica was now his mom and he felt his past life change slowly.

Angie was disgusted by the things she could remember her body doing, the memory of fucking her mom’s boyfriend played vividly behind her closed eyes.

She tried shaking the idea, but a vivid recollection persisted.

“Oh you don’t like riding guys? You’d think your attitude toward cock would be different considering your mom’s...”

Andy had only met Veronica last month, but now had memories of a much younger woman. He looked up to her, and tried to make her proud by copying everything she could.

Veronica would bring her daughter to the strip club with her, not being able to afford a babysitter. All the girls at the club loved Angie, and she became really good friends with a few of them. She always wanted to someday be a stripper like them, but she never had the boobies...

Cheri knew everything that occurred in Angie’s head, and felt bad that she couldn’t be a stripper.

“Well it doesn’t really make sense that your chest is as light as it is, your mom has giant breasts…”

Angie’s memories changed a bit as her mom’s boobs grew from their already large size, and now all she could remember were the boobs Cheri planted in her mind. Angie was too busy pondering what this meant for her, she didn’t even notice her breasts filling with fat.

Angie smiled as her boobs got bigger, the smile started fading when she had to take her shirt off from the pressure. Then she felt a pressure build up behind both nipples, she knew what was coming and tried holding her boobs down. All this did was increase the stimulation in her tingling nipples, and all she could do was moan as her breasts ballooned to double the size.

I’m not giving into this... I’m a man... your husband!!”

“No little darlin’, you’re eighteen, a girl and your name’s Angie. You tease all the boys at school with your body, and let them do anything they want after. You love your mommy, and hope to someday be a successful stripper like her. You guys live together, almost like an open lesbian couple. Having guys come over for orgies almost every night. Always falling asleep in each other’s supple arms, mommy’s pussy next to yours...”

It all hit her as Cheri spoke, she now loved showing off her body. Cheri was right about her mom, she was the best stripper in town! Angie remembered bringing a different boy home from school everyday, and introducing them to her mom after a couple of fuck sessions. She vividly remembered the first guy she had brought home. Her mom had been spying on them the whole time, only being discovered because of her loud horny moans. Then Veronica took over, she didn’t let either teen say no to anything.

And they loved it!

“You’ll never be in a relationship with anyone but mommy, you guys are the two biggest bimbos you know. No guy could handle the amount of cock you both need, and you can’t really talk or think about anything else.”


“I just remembered why mommy became a stripper in the first place! She had an issue that made her have intense orgasms randomly throughout the day, and couldn’t work anywhere but a strip club. I think she said she got it when she was around your age... If I had to guess, I’d say you started experiencing those symptoms pretty recently...”

“Like... Nooooooo”

Angie’s mind had flipped completely, and all she could remember was her mother, cock, boys and makeup. She now spoke just like her bimbo mom, and still felt more changes happening.

She could now remember just yesterday she was getting dressed when a tingle went down her spine, it filled her ass before moving to her pussy. The feeling was now taking over her body, and Angie could feel her lips pulsing from the pleasure. She was brimming with ecstasy, her hand travelled down to her panties without her even noticing...


Angie snapped back to reality, the feelings she was “remembering” were actually consuming her body in the present! What felt like a watermelon of intense arousal, exploded out from her core. She cried out sexily as her body convulsed, her movements controlled by the same enormous orgasm she had just experienced the day before.

“That was a lot of fun to watch... I can’t believe I’m gonna leave you after all these years...”

“Like what? You’re an old woman, I don’t even know who you are lol!!”

Cheri felt like regret, her best friend in the world was now the mistress’s bimbo daughter.

“Maybe I was a bit rash, especially considering I’ll never be able to change you back... I know what to do!!

Cheri didn’t know, nor did she care about what happened to Veronica. She took over her body, and would spend the rest of her life with her ex-husband.

“Mom! You’ve totally had Jake’s cock in your mouth for like over twenty minutes already, it’s totes my turn!”

Veronica released suction on the cock from her lips with a pop, she found it so hot that her daughter and her shared sexual partners. Cheri was gonna slowly lose herself in the intense spells she placed on Veronica’s mind and body, right away she already self identified as Veronica and was more interested in sex than she had ever been in her 70 years of life.

This was gonna be a fun adventure!