Tom slammed his locker closed as he slung his backpack over his shoulder, and picked up a duffle bag with his basketball stuff. "See ya." He informed his teammates as he headed out of the locker room. Dressed in black jeans and a grey hoodie with black and white converse sneakers, he was heading for the exit closest to the parking lot across the building where he had parked. As he headed to the car his phone rang. Lloyd was hiding behind the stage exit which Tom would be passing by having made the call to Tom's phone. He paused, fumbling for a second to pull his phone out, before answering as he resumed walking towards the door. "Yeah?" A shrill series of beeps played that instantly put Tom in a trance, freezing his muscles as his mind was open for hypnotic suggestions He froze mid-step as his muscles locked up, and he stood as stiff as a statue as his blank mind awaited orders. "Hello Tom!" said Lloyd into the phone to Tom's subconscious "you want to come to the theatre, you forgot something feel good in this state, you will return to this state whenever I say 'elfboy' is that clear?" he said calmly and assertively "Come... to theater..." He mumbled. "Feel good... Elfboy..." "Good with no memory of what just occurred, wake up!" he said before hanging up Tom blinked as he woke up, frowning slightly. "Damn wrong numbers." He grumbled as he hung up and slid his phone back into his pocket. "Shit, gotta get to the theater." He turned for the door as he approached it - entering the auditorium as he felt he'd forgotten something there. Lloyd was already there waiting for the jock behind the stage curtains He started to wander the aisles of seats, looking for anything he might have forgotten. Lloyd walked out onto the stage looking towards the jock "Lost something?" he shouted He looked up and rolled his eyes a bit. "Think so. Haven't seen anything out of place?" "Just you" he chuckled as he jogged over to the aisle where Tom was searching "you tried searching backstage?" "Nah, just got here." He answered, continuing to prowl among the seats. he secretly checked him out as he always did in English lit, checking out the butt as he bent over, licking his lips. He looked around to make sure noone was around, as there wouldn't be after school. "What you lost then? Maybe an ELFBOY?" He was bent over to look under a seat as the trigger wiped his mind and froze his body, giving Lloyd a fantastic view of his butt in his tight jeans. "Mmmm yes" he said as he gave the butt a cheeky stroke before pulling him up and sat him on one of the seats. "can you hear me Tom?" he whispered into his ear He remained unresponsive and stiff as his ass was stroked, but was easily guided into a seat. "Yes." He answered groggily He waved a hand in front of the jock's face. "your whole body is coated in a hard layer of plastic up to your neck, can you feel it?" he suggested "you cannot move anything coated in this hard plastic!" Tom tensed and stiffened his muscles. "Yes... I feel it..." he mumbled as he sat there. "Good boy...and now feel your voice is attaching to a volume cannot go any louder than talking volume" "No louder... than talking..." he confirmed. "Now...good boy Tom...." he said "wake up!" he snapped his fingers Tom's eyes blinked quickly and he looked around. "Huh?" He muttered. "W-why am I sitting down? Why can't I move!?" "Well now Tom hope you're comfortable!" he smiled "What's happening?" He demanded, alarm in his voice. "You're on the naughty list!" he replied tapping Tom on the nose "for picking on some fellow students!" He went a bit cross-eyed as he was tapped on the nose. "I'm what?" he scoffed. "The naughty see you know Jaspar the guy you bullied, guess which baby brother went to meet Santa with a heart breaking wish to have his big brother stop getting bullied?" he asked Tom blinked at Lloyd. "Dude... what the fuck? Santa's not real. There's no such thing as the Naughty List." "I meant the Santa at the mall, seriously the place I'm working at?" he said pinching the boy's nipple through the thin jersey top "keep up!" "Ow!" He yelped as his nipple was pinched. "What's your point, dweeb?" "Well I am going to make 2 wishes come true" he replied "the first one being Jaspar's brother!" He eyed Lloyd without any hint of amusement. "Uh...huh." "not impressed?" he asked "Elfboy!" His eyes instantly glazed over as he stared at Lloyd "the plastic coating is gone now!" he said "but feel your joints becoming stiff and robotic and see yourself as an android robot, your mind becoming a computer" he suggested His body loosened and relaxed for a moment before stiffening anew at the new suggestion. "Robot... computer..." "your voice will sound like a robot...your mind programmable, anything I tell you will enter your programming a become permanent reality to you and your robot body will obey my commands!" he said "now when you wake you will be aware but act robotic! WAKE UP!" His eyes fluttered and blinked as he woke. He stiffly and slowly looked around, before jerkily standing. "And - the - second - wish?" He asked monotonously and stiffly. "oh that one is for me!" he said as he ran his hand on Tom's stiff pecs "robot take your clothes off!" he ordered He stiffly began to remove his zip up hoodie and the jersey beneath it, revealing his lean, toned chest as he stiffly kicked away his shoes and began to remove his jeans and boxer briefs to stand there nude. "Beautiful physique Tommybot!" he smirked slapping the butt "how about a little robot dancing!" Tom immediately began to stiffly and mechanically dance The Robot. "delete all bullying files" he commanded "you work at the mall as an elf in Santa's grotto after school!" His eyes twitched slightly. "Files - deleted. Records - updated - with - employment." "excellent" he said "now become erect" he commanded His cock began to stiffen, growing hard to its full 7 inches. he took out a latex sleeve with a red and green and white helix design and slid it over Tom's cock, the material tightened over the erection. "now get dressed back up!" he ordered giving him a latex green short shorts, latex tunic and gloves and bootees. He took the latex clothes handed to him, and stiffly and mechanically began to dress - starting with the short shorts, then the tunic, bootees and gloves. "now when I snap my fingers you will wake up refreshed and human but with all the programming set in." he said "do you understand?" "Command - comprehended." he snapped his fingers "then awake!" Tom groaned - moving much more fluidly to rub his forehead. "W-what?" He groaned. "What did you do to me?" "say are you into girls dude?" he asked He blinked. "Uh, no." He answered a little confusedly. "oh really....and what are you wearing?" he asked He looked down at himself. "Erm... Looks like an elf costume." "yup...ready to head to work?" he asked he gave him a brush on the shoulder He blinked for a second as he processed. "Yeah, sure." He nodded. "Okay!" he said winking at the cute elf jock "You can drive me right?" He nodded. "Yeah." They left the school getting a few looks from some of the stragglers that hadn't quite left the school yet and headed to the mall. Tom found himself feeling a little self-conscious about people looking at him in the elf outfit, but they made it to his car and he was soon standing outside the mall with Lloyd. They walked through a crowded mall and reached the Santa's grotto and Lloyd greeted the Santa "Hey there Chris, this is the guy we were talking about!" he said gesturing at Tom "ah are you Tom?" He kept close to Lloyd, entering Santa's grotto and greeting the man himself with a slight wave. "Hey dude. I'm alright." "ready to get your elfboy on?" he asked as Lloyd got into costume He instantly froze stiffly, slipping into trance once more as his trigger word was said while Lloyd dressed. Lloyd looked up to see Tom had gone back into a trance "Whoops...Chris you better watch what you say!" he chuckled while they were still in the dressing area. He smirked and traced a finger on the entranced boy's lips. "Oh man if I didn't have such a crush on you, I'd have humiliated you more!" he said giving him a kiss on the cheek and did his make up applying a shiny base and giving him freckles then waking him up He stood there as stiff as a statue as Lloyd taunted his immobilized form, tracing his lips and applying makeup to him. As he was woken up, he blinked, and shook his head a little dazedly. "Sorry, what was that?" "Ah nothing," he said "you just had a bit of fluff on that tight rubber outfit, let's head out and greet the kids!" he said Tom nodded his head. "Sure thing." He grinned. they both headed out and stood by the Santa who was sat on the seat. He held the sack and passed presents to Tom as kids sat on Santa's lap and telling them their wishes. Tom waved and passed the present to Santa for the rest of the evening He didn't have to think to do this, Tom found himself pondering. It seemed to come naturally to him - to smile and wave to the kids, hand presents to Chris - Santa - and to stand there. at the end of the day they packed up and Lloyd was getting changed back into his street clothes looking back at Tom who was still in the elf outfit "not changing into your regular clothes Tom?" he asked He blinked, looking down at himself. "Honestly, I forgot to bring anything but my Basketball uniform." He chuckled a bit. "Hehh...ok, wanna drive me home?" he asked He grinned. "Sure, man." He nodded. he was driven home and gave Tom a glance before leaving the car "Thanks Tom, see you tomorrow at school?" "See you tomorrow." He agreed, before driving himself home. The next day was the same thing meeting Lloyd at the stage, surprised he was when Tom was already in the elf outfit "you been in that all day?" he asked chuckling He shrugged his shoulders a bit. "It's comfortable." "Seriously? even for practice?" he smiled as he got close, it smelt like he hadn't changed at all He nodded. "Yeah." "That hot..." he said licking his lips Tom blinked at that, swallowing a little. "Y-yeah?" "Yyeah..." he said getting close he could smell the dried sweat from the cute elfboy. He smiled slightly. "Thanks. I think." "Elfboy!" he said He instantly froze, entering his entranced daze. He sighed, "kiss me with passion!" he ordered Tom's body moved as ordered - and he kissed Lloyd deeply and messily, his tongue invading Lloyd's mouth. he kissed back enjoying the long sensual moment he wrapped his arms around the rubber coated boy rubbing the squeaky latex back Tom kept the kiss deep and passionate - his glazed, unfocused eyes staring unblinkingly at Lloyd. "Stop!" he ordered He broke the kiss and returned to stand at attention for Lloyd. "tell me how do you feel?" he asked "I - don't - feel." He answered dazedly. "do you like me?" "No." He was a little hurt "why?" "Because I like Gabe." He gave the name of one of his basketball teammates who - since becoming gay a day before - he had developed a crush on. "that's a shame..." he said "wake up!" he snapped his fingers "We neeed to head to the mall" he said He woke up, unaware of the exchange that had just occurred. "Geez, yeah, we're gonna be late." He groaned as he checked his phone. They dashed to the car and made it to the mall to find Santa/Chris standing outside with a broken animatronic elf Tom frowned a bit at the sight of the broken animatronic. "What happened, man?" He asked Chris curiously. "One of your friends vandalised the grotto last night" he grumbled "and broke our expensive animatronic!" "Aw, crap." He groaned. "Sorry about that." Lloyd frowned then snapped his finger looking at Tom "hey Tom!" he said grabbing his hand and pulling him into the grotto back area where he could get changed He yelped a bit as he was dragged towards the Grotto's back area, following Lloyd. "Say your last class was done fnow you're on winter break right?" he asked "Yeah." He answered, nodding. "Then yeah...elfboy!" he said He froze immediately. "Bend over!" he commanded His body bent deeply at the waist. the latex had tightened and now stuck to his skin and had gone into the cleft and gone into his ass, lining the walls of the anal passage. He pushed a stiff latex tube up the anus holding it open with a rim. Tom shuddered and groaned softly - even in his trance - as his asshole was stretched. "Stand straight!" he ordered Obediently, Tom straightened up. "Now I have a hypodermic needle in my hand!" he suggested holding out his empty hand "it's a paralysing serum...wherever I inject you will become stiff and immoveable!" he began to jab his finger on Tom's knees "I will... become... stiff and immoveable." He droned dazedly as he was 'injected' in the knees. he did the same jabbing his hands then the elbows He stood there as he was 'immobilized' bit by bit "give me your biggest goofiest grin!" he said Tom's lips contorted into a huge, comical toothy smile he jabbed the dimpled cheeks freezing his grin. Then applied a thicker layer of latex flesh tone paint to Tom's cute face smoothing away all his pores then pulled off Tom's fake elf ears and used some latex clay and superglued some to the corners of the ears making them point and painted them to match the face. It dried making him look more artificial He stood there unmovingly as he was coated in latex paint and had new elf ear points superglued to his ears. he checked where the cuff of the short sleeve met Tom's skin and found it was stuck permanently and began to paint to exposed arms with the paint to complete the rubber elf's look He could feel the tough latex paint coating his arms, but he still simply stood there. "Now follow me!" he ordered walking out to where the broken animatronic had been cleared away Tom, still in a hypnotic trance, stiffly followed Lloyd. there was a pole in the ground by snowy mounds "Now stand here and insert your ass into the pole!" he commanded Tom moved where he was directed, and slowly lowered himself onto the pole with a groan. he began posing Tom and wherever he moved the limb it stayed in that position. He jabbed the shoulder locking them in place and then poked his hips. " your feet are stuck in place!" he told him "anything I command when you wake up you will obey is that clear?' he commanded "I understand..." He mumbled dazedly. "Good then wake up!" he snapped his fingers He awoke, blinking as he found himself immobilized in almost every way with a pole up his ass. "H-huh?" The position Tom was in was facing a mirror make the scene look larger. "How you feeling Tom?" "I -" he stared at his still goofily-smiling face. "I feel kinda weird." "well check yourself out!" he said moving out of the way of the mirror so he could see his reflection He stared at his unnatural reflection. "I look like a statue." "YUp! Hey Chris I got you your new animatronic!" he shouted to the Santa. He then applied a thick ginger gel to Tom's hair and gave him a springy quiff, his hair looked solid plastic and artificial "Huh? Animatronic?" He gaped - or tried to - as his hair was slicked. "Oh wow just a second Lloyd, just putting the broken animatronic away" he said from the back. " slowly wave your left hand!" he commanded Tom's left hand began to wave stiffly and robotically. he posed the other hand holding his hips. "Now slowly tilt your head left and right continuously" His body obeyed the commands automatically. "Don't you look adorable!" he asked "What's happening?" He groaned through his massive smile as he waved and turned his head left and right. "You're going to replace our animatronic of course!" he smiled as he dabbed a few more freckles on the boy's shiny latex face "I'm not an animatronic, though." He pointed out. "Well you look like one now and all prepped up for the rest of the holidays...maybe longer!" he said squeezing the elf's rubber bulge Tom moaned thickly as his bulge was squeezed. " will only be able to say these few phrases" he commanded "HELLO BOYS AND GIRLS!" "WELCOME TO SANTA'S GROTTO" "I HOPE YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN GOOD OR YOU MIGHT END UP ON THE NAUGHTY LIST LIKE ME!" He blinked, and tried to speak - but instead, all he said was: "Hello Boys and Girls!" Chris came out to check out the new animatronic "Wow...your boy makes a really good statue" he said staring at the moving elf statue "noone would tell it was human will they huh Tom?" he asked the animatronic elf "Hope you guys have been good or you might end up on the naughty list like me!" He announced as he waved and moved his head. "He's our little secret Chris, I'll head to the science club and get the rubberising compound to make him a permanent fixture" he said "and you won't tell anyone will you Tommy?" he asked "Welcome to Santa's Grotto!" He greeted even as his eyes showed terror at what Lloyd had said. he patted the rubber elf's head and they opened the grotto for the kids "Don't worry Tommy...I'll have Gabe come and be an elf for you too!" He gave the elf a kiss and went to hand presents to the kids coming into the grotto Tom stood there, waving and repeating his stock phrases for the children as they passed him, mentally screaming.