-mini story- Yoga class with Dashie and Vapor Tails! - by Colonist!- *Rainbow couldn’t believe her luck. After several membership fee delinquencies, broken punching sandbags, and that one locker room tryst with you, Rainbow was amazed that the local gym hadn’t outright revoked her membership. Due to a multi-year stretch of loyal patronage and her raucous energy helping to pump up surrounding gym-goers in their own workouts, management had decided to give her another chance to come out of her week-long suspension for the aforementioned tryst: yoga instructor. That wasn’t to say that there wasn’t any outside help in influencing that decision.* *One week ago…* Iron: Iron Will’s Batch Bulk Gym franchise policy states that all management decisions are firmly up to Iron Will should the member appeal against the franchise owner’s decision. What do you, bacon-hair skinny arms, have to say for your reckless friend then in staying her suspension? Sunset: (grumbling) I’ll show you skinny arms…*sigh* Mr. Will, please forgive my friend. Rainbow needed to blow off steam, and she just happened to get a little carried away when she ran across our mutual friend. She, uh, has a thing for him and…stuff. Iron: Good god, was our franchise’s top notch strength-building equipment not enough!? It’s like Iron Will says - “Reps with iron beams to blow off some steam,” not “ride some other guy’s peen to blow off some steam!” Sunset: You do get your increase your heart rate with the latter - *Iron Will frowns at Sunset’s attempt at humor. She sighs and continues in making Rainbow’s case for her.* Sunset: How about you make her week-long suspension a productive one for everybody involved? Have her teach an extra class or something - like a purely volunteering basis on her part! I can personally attest to her knack for yoga! Iron: Yoga!? Sounds too “crunchy granola” for the likes of Iron Will… Sunset: Have her coach some of your members in private sessions. If they all give her positive reviews, then you can lift her membership suspension! Sounds reasonable, right? Iron: Interesting proposal. Iron Will sees potential benefit for all parties involved. All right, bacon-hair, deal! *Present day - Rainbow steps into the empty studio room. This one looks to be used way less frequently than the ones she’s been in. It’s little wonder as to why; this room used to be a kung fu movie set that was located on the other far side of the gym facility. Its surfaces had a thin layer of dust, and one of the wall mirrors was broken. Still, it was functional, and Rainbow had no complaints so long as it worked for its intended purpose.* Rainbow: Boy, do I owe Sunset for that one! I’m a girl of action, and I’ll admit that I can’t talk my way out of trouble as well as she can. Heh, A.J. would be proud of that. Oookay, enough talking to myself, and let’s see who I’ve got on today’s class roster! *Rainbow fishes through her bag for the appointment app on her phone. Looks like a “Vapor Trail” was due to walk in any moment now, but wait, what’s this? A “Sky Stinger” and…what kind of name is that along with him? Must be leetspeak…* Rainbow: More importantly, why do I have two appointments thirty minutes apart from each other? Wasn’t I supposed to teach an hour-long session each day? Man, this gym can’t even get their scheduling app together, and I pay for the freakin’ membership. Whelp, guess I’ll deal with it when I run into it! *Rainbow jumps up to a nearby table and sits on her hands as she watches the door. Within a couple minutes’ worth of a grace period after the start time, a somewhat demure-looking girl comes through.* Vapor: Oh, um, hello? Is this the yoga session that I was told about? *Should be pretty easy to deal with - just show her some basic poses and stretches, sprinkle in some small talk, and collect the first of seven good reviews; boom, membership suspension lifted!* Rainbow: Yup, yup! You’ve come to the right place! Rainbow’s the name, and Vapor must be yours, right? Vapor: Y-yes. Rainbow: What’re we waiting for, let’s rock’n roll and get pumped! *Vapor’s befuddled look sends Rainbow into hysterical laughter. Indeed, the joke was funny to the latter until said latter remembered that she had to make a good impression.* Rainbow: I’m joking, girl! It’s something I like to do to make sure my students are awake. No worries, no worries! Now that that’s out of the way, let’s chill, relax, and get our yoga on…with ease… Vapor: Yeah…with ease… *Rainbow was beginning to regret her “do first, think later” philosophy the moment that she agreed to this probationary deal - not preparing a proper routine and lesson in advance - but she figured that she’d just wing it with what she knew off the bat. Vapor was none the wiser as Rainbow demonstrated the first couple of poses for her to follow - same as that time with Sunset at the Starswirled Festival. Adding in some well-timed deep breathing exercises allowed Rainbow to stall for more thinking time as well.* Rainbow: (thinking) Small talk, of course! How could I forget that? Vapor: So this is the part where I inhale for ten seconds and exhale for another ten seconds, right? Just like the last pose? Rainbow: Oh, uh, yeah! *Inhale, exhale. Ten minutes down, fifty to go.* Rainbow: Three poses, and you’re already breaking a sweat. Vapor: Sorry, I’ve been out of shape and have been trying to get back into it. You don’t mind if I continue this in my undergarments, do you? Rainbow: Not at all, I just might do the same! You know, you look familiar. Didn’t I meet you a few years back say, junior high years? Vapor: …Miss Dash? Rainbow: Yeppers, you were on the other side of the fence at space camp while I was on the side with flight camp. Good to see you! Vapor: Whoa, small world. Yes. I was supposed to be there with you and my friend, Sky, but all the spots were already taken. Dad vicariously wanted me to try and become an astronaut… Rainbow: That blowless blowhard? How’s he doing these days? Vapor: Barely passed the written portion for a private pilot’s license. His instructor’s afraid of getting into the plane with him for the upcoming practical. Rainbow: Ouch, wish that guy luck…the instructor that is. Vapor: Haha! Say, do you notice it getting a lot warmer in here? Rainbow: Hey, if you’re working up a sweat after a handful of yoga poses, don’t be surprised if your body temperature goes up. Just between us girls though, sometimes I find myself coming close to overheating in a vigorous workout even when I’m down to my spandex and tank top…so I likes to go naked if I’m working out alone! Vapor: H-huh? Really!? Rainbow: Well, yeah! If no one’s watching, why not? Heck, I’m not watching if you want to take my advice. Aside from your physicality, no offense, your confidence could use some work. Vapor: Oh, I…well…if it’s just us here, then. *Vapor removes the rest of of undergarments after Rainbow does so first.* Rainbow: Plus, this way, you get the maximum potential flexibility for those really intensive poses when clothes aren’t in the way. Here, let me get behind you and show you! *Rainbow directs Vapor to sit on the floor and perform as much of a regular split as possible. For someone so demure, she takes well to instruction. Rainbow quickly nudges Vapor’s butt from beneath her, and she splays outward with the former quickly catching the latter’s calves.* Rainbow: The missionary’s pose! Vapor: W-wait, why would I need that? ???: For us! Well, mostly for this guy here, but also for me in terms of general amusement! *Vapor’s and Rainbow’s faces drop when they see two guys standing in the doorway of the studio. Vapor recognized Sky as the one who looked just as shocked as she did. Rainbow recognized the other by his signature hair-cast shadow on his face with that sinister grin.* Doppy: What? Is it really my fault that the guy who makes the class schedules fails to log out before lunch when I’m in a creative mood? Sky: Wait, you did this, dude? But you told me that Vapor had a crush on me! Vapor: I-I do! *Vapor quickly covers her mouth at her blurted answer. Sky gets thrown for a second loop - first seeing his friend naked, and now getting an on-the-spot confirmation of mutual feelings.* Doppy: Go get her, my guy. *Sky races to get his own athletic wear off and pounces, intent on helping Vapor perfect that missionary pose for the rest of the class. Rainbow shock soon fades to a begrudging acceptance, and she shrugs her shoulders as she puts on her own yoga clothes and walks out of the room for a quick break, Doppy following behind her.* Doppy: Aw, and I was just enjoying the view. You’re not going to stay for the fun? Rainbow: *sigh* I’m just going to call what you did a “universal good,” and hope that they leave me a good review. If not, then this gym can kick a bag full of rocks. Doppy: Wow, a surprisingly optimistic take on something I just did…I like! Anyway, I had my fun for the day, and I’m sure my inferior self would like control of his body back any time now. Before I go, I gotta ask. Why the gym? Rainbow: At first, I liked the motivation to use something that I spend on. Then again, why should I pay for free exercise that I could do on my own anywhere? Heck, I could build a better setup in my basement or something! Doppy: That’s the spirit! Get lazy and set up a gaming man cave! Rainbow: You know that’s not what I meant. Doppy: Fine. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. After those two in there, you still got six more days of good…or bad reviews to get through. Now how are you going to sell what you just did? Rainbow: …hot yoga?