label bedsleep: if day == 0: scene heidiquarter else: scene heidiquarternite if day == 0: "You can't sleep now. It's still early." jump quarter2 else: menu: "Perverse options": menu: "Finger yourself": jump masturbate3 "Use dildo - Under development": "DEVELOPER NOTE : This option is still under development by Celeng, and is not available in this month update." jump quarter2 "Go to sleep": "It's getting late and you're tired. You decide to call it a day." jump sleep # if showerpoint == True: # show heidi uniform normal1 # he uniform normal1 "I can't sleep in dirt like this. I better take a night shower first." # jump quarter2 #else: # "It is getting late and you are tired. You decided to call it a day" # jump sleep "Take a shower": if showerpoint == True: # menu: # "Take a relaxing shower": jump relaxing_shower # "Take a quick Shower": # jump quick_shower # "Nevermind": # jump quarter2 else: show heidi uniform smile he uniform smile "I don’t need to shower for now. I’m still clean. " jump quarter2 "Talk to Servo Skull for help - Under development": "DEVELOPER NOTE : This option is still under development by Celeng, and is not available in this month update." jump quarter2 # "Teleport to the private roomm" # $ stripskill += 20 # jump privateroom # jump servohelp "Nevermind": jump quarter2 label commscreen: if day == 0: scene heidiquarter else: scene heidiquarternite "You have no message on your communicator screen." jump quarter label commscreen2: if day == 0: scene heidiquarter else: scene heidiquarternite # $ money += 500 # "Congratulations! You've got 500 credit." # $ stripskill += 20 # "Congratulations! You've got [stripskill] dirty skill point." # "Your stats : \n Day : [daycounter] \n money : [money] \n Dirty Skill : [stripskill]" # menu : # "Call Roxxi": # "Ask her on a date": # "Your communication panel glows with the dim green light that indicates an outgoing call" # rx normal "Hey, Where do you wanna go?" # menu: # "Meet me at the library": # jump roxxi_date_1 # "Meet me at the bar": # jump roxxi_date_2 # "Meet me at the landingpad": # jump roxxi_date_3 # "Close the phone": # jump quarter2 "You have no message on your communicator screen." jump quarter2 label locked: # scene apthall # menu: # "cordelfuk": # jump naughty3 # "cultfight": # jump cultfight # "exit": # jump hallway #"combat test" #jump battle_game_1 "it's locked" # "Mainstory : Level [mainstory]" # "Stripskill : Level [stripskill]" jump hallway # scene barscenenite with dissolve # $ Location = renpy.call_screen("BarsceneScreennite2", _layer="screens") label locked2: scene apthall "it's locked" jump hallway2 label locked3: scene underlev1 "it's locked" jump underlev1 # "Mainstory : Level [mainstory]" label hallway: scene blackbg $ Location = renpy.call_screen("HallwayScreen", _layer="screens") label hallway2: scene blackbg if randomizer3 >= 2: $ Location = renpy.call_screen("Hallway3Screen", _layer="screens") else: $ Location = renpy.call_screen("Hallway2Screen", _layer="screens") label quarter: scene blackbg if day == 0: play music "audio/backgroundmusic/home.wav" $ Location = renpy.call_screen("QuarterScreen", _layer="screens") else: play music "audio/backgroundmusic/home.wav" $ Location = renpy.call_screen("QuarterScreennite", _layer="screens") label quarter2: ################################### This label controls Day Counter Activated EVENTS ########################################## scene blackbg if day == 0 and daycounter == 100000: play music "audio/backgroundmusic/home.wav" scene heidiquarter "There is an incoming tranmission." "It is from inquisitor Cordelia." "You presence is required at the Imperial Guards training facilty at the headquarters." show heidi uniform serious he uniform serious "I wonder what this is all about." show servo normal sv normal "Most likely about your training to become an Inquisitor." he uniform shy "More kinky questions and answers?" sv angry "Hm... The training grounds is where the military personell trains their combat skills." sv angry "Lets head there and see the inquisitor." he uniform normal1 "Sure." stop music scene blackbg with dissolve "You head to the Training Grounds." scene officehall with dissolve play music "audio/backgroundmusic/army.wav" show guardsman normal gd normal "You there, Acolyte!" he uniform normal1 "Yes?" gd normal "Inquisitor Cordelia is expecting you in the Training Grounds!." gd normal "Head there immediately." he uniform normal1 "On our way." scene battlebg001 with dissolve show cordelia clothed normal co clothed normal "Acolyte Heidi!" he uniform normal1 "Good day Inquisitor." co clothed normal "How is the progress of your investigation? I heard you have been snooping around the undercity." he uniform normal1 "Yes Ma'am, we have not find anything conclusive yet" co clothed normal "I see..." co clothed normal "The undercity is a dangerous place." sv normal "Tell us about it..." co clothed normal "You need to know how to defend yourself." he uniform surprised "I need to learn how to fight?" co clothed angry "Our job is to purge xenos and heretics, they will not surrender themselves willingly." co clothed angry "Now get in there and train with some 'repurposed' automated drones. On the double!" he uniform shy "Do I need to take my clothes off for this training?" co clothed cynical "You can keep them on this time." co clothed normal "These drones are not particularly suited for training, but they are all that we have at the moment." co clothed normal "Although some of them can be quite dangerous if you are not careful." co clothed normal "You will get some medikits before you begin." he uniform surprised "O-okay." jump battle_game_2 if day == 0 and mainstory == 1000: ##### This event is activated after You finished the first Dark Eldar scene ##### PLACEHOLDER PLEASE IGNORE ################## play music "audio/backgroundmusic/home.wav" scene heidiquarter "There is an incoming tranmission." "It is from inquisitor Cordelia." "She wants an update regarding the status of our investigation." show heidi uniform serious he uniform smile "I think I better head to her office to talk to her" "You go to the Headquarters." scene officehall with dissolve play music "audio/backgroundmusic/army.wav" show guardsman normal gd normal "Good morning, Acolyte" he uniform normal1 "Good morning, Is the inquisitor in her office?" gd normal "Yes... but I believe she is very busy with her work right now ." gd normal "Maybe ummm you want to come back later?." he uniform smile "No I think I will go see her right now, She is expecting my report." gd normal "....." jump naughty3 elif day == 0: play music "audio/backgroundmusic/home.wav" $ Location = renpy.call_screen("Quarter2Screen", _layer="screens") else: play music "audio/backgroundmusic/home.wav" $ Location = renpy.call_screen("Quarter2Screennite", _layer="screens") label sleep: scene blackbg with Dissolve (0.5) show cheidi pjm cum che pjm cum "*Yawning....*" che pjm cum "I really need to sleep now..." hide cheidi show heidisleep "You crawl into your bed and you fall asleep." "Zzzzz Zzz....." "..........." hide heidisleep "The next morning." ################################################################################semua yang direset saat tidur################################################################################################################################# $ daycounter += 1 #untuk majukan tanggal $ day = 0 #supaya hari jadi pagi $ showerpoint = True #badan jadi kotor lagi $ armpitpoint = True #bulu ketek tumbuh lagi $ breastpoint = True # breast jadi kotor lagi $ pussypoint = True # pussy jadi kotor lagi $ showerpoint = False $ pc.hp = pc.max_hp $ pc.armor.durability = pc.armor.max_durability $ dicegame = 0 $ dicestart = 0 $ masturbation_do_it_again = 0 #Untuk reset masturbation mood (sehari cuma boleh sekali masturbation) $ num16 = 0 #talk once per day to roxxi, reset to zero means -> can talk again# $ randomizer1 = 0 ################################################################################################################################################################################################################## scene heidiquarter show cservo normal at skullright with Dissolve (.7) play sound "audio/sound effects/mechdoor.mp3" csv normal "Good day imperial citizen! Are you ready to start the day?" show cheidi uniform smile at slightleft with Dissolve (.3) che uniform smile "Good morning. Let's go!" hide cservo with Dissolve (.5) hide cheidi with Dissolve (.5) if mainstory == 3 : ############## MAINSTORY EVENTS THAT's TRIGGERED BY STORY LEVEL PROGRESSION AFTER YOU SLEEP ########################### jump morningquest3 if mainstory == 6 and num15 == 0 : jump morningquest6 if mainstory == 9 : jump morningquest9 if mainstory == 12 : jump morningquest12 else : jump quarter2 #untuk tentukan peta pagi/malam label morningquest3: play music "audio/backgroundmusic/home.wav" scene heidiquarter "There is an incoming message." "It is from inquisitor Cordelia." "She wants an update regarding the status of our investigation." he uniform smile "I think I better head to her office and talk to her" jump naughty3 label morningquest6: play music "audio/backgroundmusic/home.wav" scene heidiquarter "There is an incoming tranmission." "It is from inquisitor Cordelia." "You presence is required at the Imperial Guards training facilty at the headquarters." show heidi uniform serious he uniform serious "I wonder what this is all about." show servo normal sv normal "Most likely about your training to become an Inquisitor." he uniform shy "More kinky questions and answers?" sv angry "Hm... The training grounds is where the military personell trains their combat skills." sv angry "Lets head there and see the inquisitor." he uniform normal1 "Sure." jump quarter2 label morningquest9: "You have a message in your terminal." he uniform normal1 "Wonder who that is." "'Hey, I'm the girl that you rescued from the undercity. When I was in captivity, I managed to steal a key and hid it. I think you might that key to be useful.'" "'I give the key to the priestess in the church, because I don't know where you live. You should go there and retrieve it." sv normal "She was totally naked when we rescued her, I wonder where she can hide a key." he uniform normal1 "You don't wanna know." sv normal "Right." $ mainstory += 1 #####################3 IT IS NOW AT LEVEL 10 ######################################################################### jump quarter2 label morningquest12: sv normal "By the way..... what are we going to do now?" he uniform serious "We need to report this findings to the Inquisition." he uniform serious "We can't handle this by ourselves." sv normal "Got it." sv normal "But be careful, We don't know what the Inquisition might do to this planet when they know the truth." he uniform serious "Yeah...." he uniform hurt "Feel like I need help from higher power." sv normal "Go Pray and make donations at the Church." he uniform smile "Seriously? You're not the religious type." sv angry "I was being cynical." sv angry "I don't even believe in the Omnissaiah." he uniform smile "Riiiiiight, because you don't believe that there is life after death?" he uniform normal1 "Life's a bitch and then you die" he uniform normal1 "...and got turned into a servo skull." sv angry "Very funny..." sv normal "Seriously though, by praying and donating at the Church, you will get useful allies from the Ecclesiarchy." he uniform normal1 "You know what? I think I might do that." $ mainstory += 1 ############################## IT IS NOW AT LEVEL 13 ###################################################################### jump quarter2 label exitaction: scene apthall menu: "Exit the apartment building": if day == 0: scene blackbg play music "audio/backgroundmusic/map.wav" $ Location = renpy.call_screen("MapScreen", _layer="screens") else: scene blackbg play music "audio/backgroundmusic/map.wav" $ Location = renpy.call_screen("MapScreennite", _layer="screens") "Stay Inside": jump hallway jump travel label exitaction2: scene apthall menu: "Exit the apartment building": if day == 0: scene blackbg play music "audio/backgroundmusic/map.wav" $ Location = renpy.call_screen("Map2Screen", _layer="screens") else: scene blackbg play music "audio/backgroundmusic/map.wav" $ Location = renpy.call_screen("Map2Screennite", _layer="screens") "Stay Inside": jump hallway2 jump travel2 #########################################################HEIDI MASTURBATE DAY 1############################################################################# label masturbate: if Mast_Point >= 1: scene heidiquarternite menu: "Sleep": show heidi uniform smile he uniform smile "Inquisitor Cordelia was really something!" show servo normal sv swt "I'm sure she was." he uniform sad "What should I do next?" sv normal "Usually for your next assignment, they contact you from your communications terminal here in your quarters." sv angry "Alternatively, you can be proactive and not be an indolent sloth, by reporting to the headquarters for missions, or additional training. If your career is anything like I've recorded in my centuries of service you'll want to get stronger." sv angry "But, there are no more task for today." he uniform cum "(YAAAAWN) hmmm I think i'm just gonna jump to bed early." "Heidi keeps thinking about what just happened in the inquisitor office." he uniform shy "Skull, I wanna do my homework before going to bed." sv swt "That's surprising coming from a sloth like you." "You undress yourself and get into the bed." he nude normal1 "Are you just going to stand there and watch?" sv angry "I can't do much more than 'watch' and I'm not actually 'standing.'" he sad "Right, you're just floating around." sv angry "It's called 'HOVERING, you inconsiderate sloth!'" he angry " Whatever... I just want you to watch me. Actually, record me, I want to watch this later. This is part of my learning process! I have to find my G spot. And your recording will help me spot my mistake when I fail." sv swt "............." he sad "So, are you gonna do it?" sv normal "........." sv normal "Yeah, I suppose." he shy "How do I look? Please be honest!" sv swt "...." sv swt "Well, you are unbelievable!" he sad "Okay.." show animbox : show mast1_animation behind animbox: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.08 pause (3) play music "audio/backgroundmusic/nsfw.wav" show heidi nude shy he shy "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." he shy "aaaaa..." he shy "Oh I am wet again..." he shy "aahhhh..." he shy "..." he shy "She was so hot.. and her skin was soft too." sv normal "Keep going.." he shy "Ah, I feel so good.." he shy "..." he shy "Her lips were sweet." he shy "And her tongue was wild." sv smile "I can imagine." he shy "..." he shy "I want her to touch me here." he shy "..." he shy "Right here..Ma'am." "You are caressing your clit." "And you give it a little pressure." he shy "..." he shy "I want her fingers inside me longer.." he shy "Really deep inside..." he shy "Mmmhh.." sv smile "Aaaah..." "You pull out your fingers and continue caressing your clit" pause (3) he hurt "Ah, I am so close.." he hurt "..." he hurt "..." he hurt "Oh, skull… I’m really really close…" he hurt "..." sv normal "Don’t stop!" pause (5) sv smile "Let me see your face! Open your legs wider!!" pause (3) sv angry "...................." sv angry "Dont stop stroking, you little bitch!" pause (3) he hurt "Oh.. Oh.. Ohhh…" pause (5) he hurt "Oh, I’m gonna…" he hurt "............." pause (5) he hurt "I’m.. I’m about to aaah.." pause (5) he hurt "Look at me, skul!!!" pause (5) show mast2_animation behind animbox: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.08 show heidi nude cum he cum "!!!!!!!!!!" pause (5) he cum "aaaaahhh..." he cum "oohhhhhhhh" he cum "Mmmh.." pause (5) he hurt "Oh Emperor, that feels so good..." pause (6) he sad "Hmm, I want to meet her again.. you know?" pause (6) he sad "She was amazing. I miss her a little bit." hide mast1_animation sv normal "Are you done?" he sad "Yes..." hide animbox hide mast2_animation hide mast1_animation show cheidi nude sad at slightleft che nude sad "I'm so tired." che nude sad " I’m gonna get some rest." che nude sad "Please be gone." che nude sad "Good night, skull!" show cservo angry at skullright csv angry "Oh Pleaseee! I know you still haven't find that G-Spot! That was coming from your clitoris, wasn't it?" che nude sad "Yeah.. I know that you'll notice." show cheidi nude sad at slightleft che nude sad "Okay I'm really sleepy now." che nude smile "I think I'm gonna call it a day." scene blackbg with dissolve "You turn off the lights." "You go to sleep." jump daytwo "Nevermind": jump quarter else: scene heidiquarter "This is your bed, it's very messy." jump quarter ##HEIDI MASTURBATE AGAIN## label masturbate2: "DEVELOPER NOTE : This scene is unfinished and still under development by Celeng, it will be completed in the future build." if masturbation_do_it_again == 0: scene heidiquarternite play music "audio/backgroundmusic/nsfw.wav" show heidi nude normal1 he nude normal1 "Oh I am so horny right now." show animbox : show mast1_animation behind animbox: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.08 pause (3) show heidi nude shy he shy "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm." "Who would do it better than yourself? You used your fingers to massage your clit." he shy "Aaaaa..." he shy "Oh this is gonna be harder." he shy "Aahhhh.." he shy "......" sv normal "Keep going.." he shy "Ah, I start to feel good again..." he shy "..." he shy "Mmmmh..." he shy "..." pause (3) "You put your finger inside your hole again." "You push it deeper and deeper slowly..." "You find a sensitive spot that feels so significantly different." he shy "Mmmhh..aah.. right here, skull..." sv smile "Aaaah... nice!" pause (3) he hurt "Ah, I am so close.." he hurt "..." he hurt "..." he hurt "Oh, skull… I’m really really close…" he hurt "..." sv normal "Don’t stop!" pause (5) sv smile "Let me see your face! Open your legs wider!!" pause (3) he hurt "Oh.. Oh.. Ohhh…" pause (5) he hurt "Oh, I’m gonna…" he hurt "............." pause (5) he hurt "I’m.. I’m about to aaah.." pause (5) he hurt "Look at me, skul!!!" play sound "audio/sounde effects/surprisedgirl.wav" pause (5) show mast2_animation behind animbox: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.08 show heidi nude cum he cum "!!!!!!!!!!" pause (5) he cum "aaaaahhh..." he cum "oohhhhhhhh." he cum "Mmmh.." pause (5) he shy "Finally..." pause (6) he shy "I've found it, skull..." pause (6) hide mast1_animation sv normal "Very good!" hide animbox hide mast2_animation hide mast1_animation show cheidi nude sad at slightleft che nude sad "That was really nice." $ masturbation_do_it_again += 1 show cheidi nude sad at slightleft che nude sad "Okay, I'm really sleepy now." che nude smile "I think i'm gonna call it a day." jump quarter2 elif masturbation_do_it_again >= 1: he uniform normal1 "I'm not in the mood of doing this. I have enough of this today." jump quarter2 label masturbate3: "DEVELOPER NOTE : This scene is unfinished and still under development by Celeng, it will be completed in the future build." if masturbation_do_it_again == 0: scene heidiquarternite play music "audio/backgroundmusic/nsfw.wav" $ randomizer5 = renpy.random.randint(1,3) if randomizer5 == 1: jump mastv1 elif randomizer5 == 2: jump mastv2 elif randomizer5 == 3: jump mastv3 elif masturbation_do_it_again >= 1: he uniform normal1 "I'm not in the mood of doing this. I have enough of this today." jump quarter2 label mastv1: "You sit on your bed, laying against the wall as your hand finds its place on your pussy. Two fingers slowly rolling over your clit." show animbox : show mast1_animation behind animbox: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.08 pause (3) he nude smile "D-Damn that feels good." sv smile "Mind if I watch?" he nude angry "Uh, do whatever you want, pervert." sv smile "Haha, thanks." he nude shy "Feels so good to rub myself and relieve some stress." "The stimulation is effective, you can already feel your climax creeping up." he nude hurt "Fuck me." sv normal "If that’s what you want!" he nude angry "Don’t be silly, you don't even have a dick!" sv angry "Not my fault you’re so sexy. You’re basically teasing me, having your fat tits out and playing with your pussy." he nude shy "Well tough shit, you’re gonna have to deal with it. Now sit there and watch me cum, like a little slut." sv normal "Well you’re right about being a slut." he nude hurt "I’m so fucking close~!" sv normal "Go on, cum, I wanna watch." show mast2_animation behind animbox: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.08 "Your legs begin shaking as your orgasm rocks your body." he nude cum "Ahhh.. That felt great." jump quarter2 label mastv2: "You sit in bed, ready for some g-spot exploration." show animbox : show mast1_animation behind animbox: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.08 pause (3) he nude shy "Fuck I’m so horny, I can’t stand it." sv normal "Is that such a bad thing?" he nude smile "I guess not, but I need to fingerfuck myself right now." sv normal "Go ahead, can’t wait to watch." "You reach down and slowly enter your pussy with your middle finger." "Feeling around you find the bumpy surface of your g-spot at the roof of your tunnel." he nude shy "Ah fuck, glad I know how to find that spot now." "You slowly slide a second finger in as you begin moving them in and out of your hole. Each thrust rubbing against your g-spot." he nude hurt "F-Fuck that’s nice~" "Your pussy helps the fingerfucking as it produces wet lubricant that makes slopping sounds with each thrust. The scent of your pussy is intoxicating." he nude hurt "Fucking shit I’m gonna cum!" show mast2_animation behind animbox: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.08 "Your pussy tightens around your fingers, the clenching signals the coming of your orgasm as you shout out with pleasure, sinking into your climax." he nude cum "Ahhh.. That felt great." jump quarter2 label mastv3: "You settle on your bed, excited to explore a new hole. You reach under your pussy and slowly rub against the tight entrance to your ass, using the slick from your pussy as lubricant." show animbox : show mast1_animation behind animbox: xalign 0.5 yalign 0.08 pause (3) he nude normal1 "Wow, it's so tight. I hope it doesn’t hurt." sv normal "That really a deal breaker for you?" he nude shy "I guess not, as long as it feels good too." "You slowly push, the tip of your finger finally popping into your asshole." he nude hurt "O-Oh fuck! That’s such an oddly sexy feeling~" "You push further, getting fully into your ass as you begin fingering your tight hole." he nude smile "Shit, I can definitely cum from this~" sv normal "You’re an anal whore now then?" he nude hurt "Yeah, I’m definitely a whore for anal, it feels so good~" "You push a second finger in, fingering your tight hole as pain and pleasure wash over you. It’s exhilarating and intense as you already start cumming, shouting out through the room." he nude cum "O-Oh fuck!" jump quarter2 label aptverine: "You arrive at your apartment." scene heidiquarternite play music "audio/backgroundmusic/home.wav" show heidi uniform smile he uniform smile "He we are..!!" he uniform normal1 "Make yourself at home." show verine normal ve normal "Thank you." ve normal "You have quite a nice place." "Verine seems to relax." ve normal "Can I stay here until the ship is ready to leave?" he uniform normal1 "Yeah, sure." he uniform normal1 "Where are you going to anyway?" ve normal "Back to our fortress-convent on sanctuary 69." show servo normal sv normal "That place sounds familiar." he uniform normal1 "Why did you decide to return home?" ve normal "I need to meet someone." ve normal "The only one who can help me." he uniform surprised "Are you in trouble?" ve normal "Well no.... not really." ve normal "I have been having terrible nightmares." he uniform serious "What kinds of nightmares?" ve normal "Ones that would get you into trouble with the Inquisition." sv normal "And yet you here you are, talking to us.." ve normal "Because Heidi is not an Inquisitor YET." he uniform hurt "What does it had to do with your nightmares?" ve normal "In those dreams I saw two completely different individuals." ve normal "One, is a very pure soul who represents loyalty to the Emperor." he uniform serious "And the other?" ve normal "The complete opposite." ve normal "A servant of Chaos, a champion of the Dark Prince." he uniform serious "But those are only dreams." ve normal "That's the problem, we Battle Sisters should not be having these dreams at all." ve normal "It is a sign that our faith in the Emperor is weakening." ve normal "It's not safe for me to stay here, I need to be around my sisters." he uniform normal1 "Is there anything that I can do to help?" ve normal "Don't tell Inqusitor Cordelia about this." he uniform hurt "Ummmmm, are you sure? She's gonna kick my butt." he uniform shy "Or make me lick hers." sv angry "Hey! Focus!" sv angry "You need to decide here." sv normal "Okay, if we want to help her, we can let her stay here for the night and tell no one anything about this, at least for now." sv normal "Or we can tell her to wait elsewhere and that we had nothing to do with all this, and we notify the Inquisition later." he uniform serious "Hmmmmm... let me think." menu: "Let Sister Verine stay for the night.": jump loyalpath "Ask her to leave.": jump traitorpath label moneycheat1: "This cheat interface is unavailable in this build. To learn more, visit our patreon site" jump quarter # if day == 0: # scene heidiquarter # else: # scene heidiquarternite # "You open the stash." # he uniform surprised "Wow, I'm rich!! I have an unlimited amount of credit." # if money >= 99999: # "Your bag is full. You can not carry more credit right now." # "You close the stash." # jump quarter2 # if money < 99999: # jump moneycheat2 label moneycheat2: $ money2 = int(renpy.input("How much money do you want to take? \nYou can only carry a total amount of 99999 credit in your inventory.", allow="0123456789") or 0) $ money += money2 if money2 == 0: he uniform "I don't need more money right now." "You close the stash" if daycounter == 1: jump quarter else: jump quarter2 if money < 100000: play sound "audio/sound effects/moneyplus.mp3" "You put [money2] credit inside your pocket." if daycounter == 1: jump quarter else: jump quarter2 elif money >= 100000: he uniform sad "I can't put the whole credit into my bag. I better take less." $ money -= money2 $ money2 == 0 jump moneycheat2 label datemenu: if day == 0: scene heidiquarter else: scene heidiquarternite if quest1 == 0: "You have no contact friends." jump quarter2 else: "Who would you like to call?" menu: "Call Roxxi" if quest1 >= 1: jump callroxxi "Call Lionel" if quest2 >= 1: jump quarter2 "Call Lirieth" if quest3 >= 1: jump quarter2 "Nevermind": jump quarter2 # $ answer = '' # while answer != '1254': # Note that it's not an integer, but a string # $ answer = renpy.input("Type in the correct digits", allow='0123456789', length=4) # if answer != '1254': # menu: # "Incorrect anwer. Try again?" # "Yes": # pass # "No": # jump i_need_more_data