“Hey little bro, what’s going on?”

“Huh? Oh, nothing…” Mark had just been chilling on the couch, browsing instagram.

“Oh,I know what you’re really doing…” Claire sensually ran her fingers through her brother’s hair, making him shiver from the oddness.

“What are you doing?”

“Oh come on big brother, I’m just playing around!” Claire giggled like a dumb bimbo, very different than her usual, shy self.

Then Mark did a double take, had his sister shrunk? She was almost half the size he remembered her being, and was she in her underwear now?

“What’s wrong big bro?” Claire pressed her body up against Mark’s, breathing sensually into his ear. Mark stood perfectly still, trying to pretend this was normal. Ignoring his shrinking sister and her transforming clothes, keeping his head up while she moaned into his chest. Then he felt her hand start to play with the zipper on his pants, “STOP!!” Mark readied his hands to push Claire off of him, but then found himself calming down and getting turned on as a lavender scent filled his nostrils.

“That was crazy step bro! You don’t want to fuck?”

Mark’s vision went blurry as distinct memories clashed in his mind.

He remembered his mom and dad getting married, but he wasn’t alive then??

He now could remember looking over and getting a flirtatious wave from Clair, his new hot stepsister.

“NO!! You’re my sister! Mom and dad have been married for decades!”

Claire giggled, “What are you talking about, silly? My dad just married your mom in April!”

Years of caring from his mom vanished, and Mark could only remember his single dad bringing him up. “Wait!”

“Wait for what, step bro?”

Slowly Mark’s mind became complicit in his new reality, and it started to hurt trying to remember his old life. “Your mom’s not... My mom… Your ass…”

Claire giggled and shook her behind at the mention of it, faking a gasp when Mark grabbed it.

“Big bro, we can’t just fuck in the living room, what if mom and dad get back from their date early?”

“They’ll be back in like fifteen minutes, we should have time…”

Mark ripped his sister’s bra off, and kissed the puffy nipples on her pert chest while she moaned. The two of them collapsed in a pile on the floor, and Clair quickly brought her brother’s cock out.

“O my gawd, this thing’s huge…” She began stroking the shaft, giggling as she debated whether she could fit the whole thing in her mouth.

“You like that, Marky? I’ve always wondered what your cock felt like…”

This was like no hand job Mark had ever received, it was like Claire’s hands were injecting pure ecstasy into his dick. It didn’t take more than a minute for him to blow his load, breathing heavily while Claire brought her face into his crotch and opened her mouth for a facial.

“More, more, more!!!” Claire bounced up and down on her knees, begging for more sex, but Mark was spent.

“I’m sorry sis, but I’m all out of juice…”

Claire looked dejected, then perked up. “I was tired this morning too, then I took this!” She pulled out a bottle of lotion, putting a big glob in her hand before stroking Mark’s flaccid penis, “The directions say to put a small amount on the hands, but it felt so good I couldn’t stop myself and rubbed it all over my body and face!”

Mark was barely listening, the sensation he had felt before was now ten fold! His penis stood up again, and began throbbing in pleasure.

“Wasn’t it bigger before? Oh well…” Claire put Mark’s heavily lubed penis in her mouth, moaning as she sucked the magic cream off.

“Is my dick getting smaller???” Mark jumped up, trying to get Claire off of him.

“Mark!” Claire grabbed him by his member, stopping him in his tracks.

“You don’t want me to put my little mouth around this big cock?” Claire giggled ditzily while Mark stood frozen in place by his arousal.

She got down on her knees, staring into Mark’s eyes while she teased his penis with her fingers.

“Claire please, you gotta let me go…”

She had no such plans though, grabbing her brother’s ball as she began deep throating him. Mark lost all self control as the lotion took over, and he found himself with his hand on the back of his sister’s head. He noticed her petite body beginning to swell up, her boobs filling with fat and starting to swing off her chest as she worked the tip of his cock with her tongue.

After exploding in her mouth, Mark collapsed on the couch. He grabbed at his crotch as a painful pulling sensation began, and he could feel it slowly shrinking into himself.

Claire couldn’t control herself and got her oily lips wrapped back around Mark’s shriveling cock, trying to suck it out of his lap and make it grow.

Soon a slit formed, and Mark moaned as Claire flicked her tongue up and down his new clot while she sucked on his virgin lips. Fat from his stomach and arms surged into his chest, and Mark grabbed at his growing boobs while orgasming into Claire’s mouth.

Mark arched his back, getting lost in the pleasure and moaning loudly. Getting hornier with each passing second, and feeling his personality change as he became sluttier from his step sister’s magic lotion. Soon his shy demeanor turned bold, and Mark grabbed his petite sister by the hips, picking her up and placing her on the couch while he leaked cum on the floor.

He sat next to Claire facing her, and the two girls moaned as they entangled each other’s legs. Soon Mark was rubbing his pussy against Claire’s, grinding into his sister while she came into his pussy.

The magic lotion gave them new energy, and the two girls plowed through orgasam after orgasm. Their bodies changing with each one, becoming curvier and more defined.

The front door knob jiggled as it was unlocked by a key, and two bimbos giggled. They both got up slowly as the door opened, giving their parents a seductive wave as grocery bags fell to the floor.

“Who are you?? What are you doing in my house???

Claire!!! Ma-”, Steven was interrupted by Claire, her tongue aggressively attacked her step dad’s while he tried getting her off him.

“He’s a married man sto-” This time Mark interrupted his mom, Beth.

Beth instantly succumbed to the oil now present throughout Mark’s body and saliva, and relaxed as she made out with her transformed step son. She moaned as he slipped a finger into her womanhood, almost collapsing as he thrust it back and forth.

Soon Mark could feel his mom begin to shrink, and his finger was getting squeezed on as she tightened up. He let her go to get a look at her, but mom wanted more. She sucked on Mark’s tongue like she was giving it a blowjob, getting all the delicious oil she could before collapsing on the couch from the erotic pleasure.

Beth’s brazen attitude disappeared instantly, along with her blonde hair and curvy figure. Mark picked his step mom up off the couch, quickly sliding her newly formed dress down her torso to her waist.

“Little Beth wants her pussy licked?” 

“Mom stop, I’m embarrassed…” Beth trailed off as Mark began pulling her skirt off her waist.

Mommy wants her little girl to be happy…”

Mark rubbed his daughter’s pussy, holding her down as she struggled.

“Wait, you’re not my mom, I-” Beth’s brain was fighting back, but soon Mark’s mouth was on her womanhood. The oil instantly affected her, and she lost her train of thought.

“You're not my… Step mommy… Mmmm” Beth let her step mom work her tongue into her, moaning as she began to cum into her step mother’s mouth.

Steven had been resisting and completely focused on keeping his mind together, but the sound of his wife turning into a teen and then orgasming was too much.

He blinked and suddenly forgot what he had been doing, beginning to wonder whose house he was in. He began to get lost in the kiss he was still embraced in, and his eyes wandered down as they closed.

Seeing boobs and lingerie on his body shocked him, but he was too far gone.

He could feel his smooth, hairless legs rub against the fabric of his stepmom’s leggings, and shuddered as his hand reached around and squeezed her bubble butt.


His virgin pussy rubbed against his panties as Claire grinder her crotch into her stepdaughter’s, and cum began leaking out of both their pussies.

This was a usual night for the girls, perhaps a bit more charged than usual…

After a full day of flirting with all their students, Steph and Beth come home too horny to even talk. Their daughters Claire and Mary spend all day flirting with teachers, so when the four of them get home, orgies usually take place.