Percy woke up with a bleary headache. the air was thick with pollen as he tried to get up from the dried, hard muddy surface his naked back was resting on, but found his body unresponsive, a numb sensation all over his body. "Uh...what the...?" he looked around, trying to get his barings. What happened to him? He looked around. "Why can't I move?" he asked. "A-am I naked?" he asked in confusion A humming giggling noise came from in front of him as a nude young man with pale skin tinted slightly in light green sauntered and slowly bounced up to the incapacitated demigod leaving a trail of sparkly pollen where he jumped. Percy looked at the person in confusion. Who was this person? "Who are you?" he asked. the pollen was making him dizzier He just bounced around him, his limbs flailing like they were being swayed by the bouncing of the green boy, he just giggled as he landed on top of percy and his toes, that looked like they were all fused together like its fingers like a tight mitt, his whole cold wet body then slid up percy's body leaving a thin trail of sticky sap over percy PErcy made a face as he felt the cold slick sap oozing across his body. "A-aw man what in hades? Dude what you doing?" he squirmed feeling sick that this...think was oozing all over him Its face rubbed up on Percy's cheek before staring into his eyes, its own eyes were deep green pearls that seemed to stare balnkly its mouth was puckered in a kkissing o shape "What are you looking at you Driad DRop-out?" Percy asked, his head completely buzzed it gave percy a deep kiss forcing its slimy long vinelike tongue down his throat Percy's eyes widened in shock. He was taken by surprise. He tried to push the man off him, but his arms were flopping about uslessly. "MMPM!" the longer he kissed percy, the more sap went into him making percy hallucinate it was Jason on top of him, but the paralysis was slowly fading due to his demigod attributes Percy's vision blurred. He could only see Jason and his musclar torso on him. He felt the touch. He felt his hormones rise. He started to gyrate into "Jason" He moaned into the kiss." It pulled percy into an embrace and the pair were pulled back on the vine that was attached to the creature's neck, aligned with the creature's backbone and into its butthole. The thick cloud of pollen cleared enough for the huge flower shaped like a deep champagne flute to come into view where the other end of the vine was coming from. PErcy of course of completely oblivious to all of this. For him he and Jason were at the beach, enjoying each other's swet, sweating muscles and enjoying their touch as they made love the master of the monster forest sat watching everything on his branch above the action. "you thought you could best the dangers of my forest demigod? such a fool" he said as percy was drawn nearer to the huge flower as 'Jason' began rubbing more sap over Percy Percy moaned. He couldn't help but think there was something he was supposed dto do. Something about a quest. "Mmm, Jason." he moaned "Yeah babe!" said 'Jason' "just forget that silly quest of yours" he fondled Percy's package "But the monster." Percy said in a drowned and confusioned tune " is your must protect the monster!" said chase to the drug addled teen Percy was confused. Protect the monster? But that didn't seem right. Something was wrong. "But...It....the demigods....." the vine drew him closer to the flower, another vine snaked its way up to PErcy and tickled his behind Percy flinched and twisted. "H-hey stop that that tickles" He said in a trance "Jason, come on, I've go to go," Percy said in between kisses the vine snaked into percy's butt "stay a while babe, we gotta protect the monster" it pulled Percy into the flower As the vine snaked up Percy's ass, he clenched and yelped. "What was that?!" Jason moved down onto percy's hard crotch and suckled it with his huge puckered lips, the vine in percy's butt wormed its way up Percy gasped, arching his back and making him moan louder. "Oooh!" the hallucinatory cocktail in percy's system was also boosting his horniness, sensitivity, heat. 'Jason' was expertly sucking on percy's hard cockas the vine grew into percy fusing into it. Percy was panting louder and louder. Harder and harder. "Oh. oh gods." he cried and he threw his head back As PErcy's juices began to flow, 'Jason' sucked it up, feasting on the sweet nectar "Oh yeah babe, feed our master!" it said in perc's head Percy gasped louder as he shot more cum. He was confused by the words though. "W-what are you talking about?" his will was sapping away with each shot of cum, the vine fused to his butt began to stick along his backbone till he was being suspended byhis neck a green tint was visible washing over his paling skin as it gave off a more plant like texture the illusion slowly beginning to fade Percy's vision was slowly blurring. His vision of Jason was phasing and warping. "W-what the..?" he asked in confusion percy's fingers and toes fused together like the other his lips forced into a pucker as they swelled with sap, his hair smoothed out into a mess of smaller vines like the other creature the more he came the more plant was replacing his juices PErcy was starting to realize what was going on. He could feel himself changing. "HMHm? MHMhmpm!" 'Jason' had unlatched from percy's cock and both now bobbed up and down on their stiff vines, his movements were strained now that his muscles had been changed to plant matter Percy tried to move, but his limps were stiff. It was like his muscles had been changed as well. He could feel the fibers in his arms. Messages were being sent down the vine into percy from the moster plant beseiging him with horny thoughts, as the Master of the forest leapt down in front of Percy who hung limply, limbs swaying with the bobbing motion "oooh. oooh.....y-you!" Percy gasped out. His body shuddered and his muscles tensed "oh!" "you are no threat to me now my pretty little 'lure'" he said as he merely touched percy's rasied nipples and they began to squirt sap As his nipples squirted sap, PErcy gasped louder. "ooh!" he licked the sweetsap off his woody fingers "do you know who i am?" he asked "the son of a bitch I'm gunna k-kill when I b-reak out Percy gasped "oh you can try!" he said touching the demigod's cock now a small shrunken vine which made it spurt more sap "but it would be much more pleasurable to give in wouldn't it? the more demigod sap you spurt, the less of 'you' remains" "oooh" Percy moaned. His body shuttered. It felt so good. "N-no....I can't...." he gasped weakly "soon you won't want to leave, just a mindless lusty pretty appendage to my beautiful plant" he said pressing on the vine so the sap just streamed out "in fact you'll havr forgotten your name by now!" the young demigod was confused. Name? What name? W-who was he? Wht was he doing? the young demigod was confused "what are you talking about?" the master smirked "i am your master as you already know!" he walkedback as other victims trapped as 'lures' on the plant bobbed around the new demigod addition "W-wait. no, come back!" the demigod cried out as his mastter walked away. He couldn't be left like this. He was a demigod. "no! please! help!" he cried helplessly. But his cries became muffled as he soon became more and more of a lure he watched as the 'lures' engaged in an orgy, soon he'll be just another lure for passing wouldbe heroes, another source of nourishment for his master.