"The Orca Twins" have some stuff to work out. When Destiny wakes Jasmine up in the middle of the night, Jasmine fears the worst, but they have a heart to heart. As both of them work through things, their mutual attraction reasserts itself and their poor next door neighbor is forced to deal with the sounds of their reignited passion. Sadie soon shows up, unable to sleep due to their antics and shows them exactly how well shi fits into their...everything as they get to enjoy their first prehensile herm threesome. Prehensile Herm Sleepover - Part 2/2 by Zmeydros (Edited by WolfLeah and Vanrixie) "I'm so sorry, sis! I didn't mean for--" Jasmine's chest tightened. "Look, I'm just tired. Let me get ready for bed and then I'll be out of your way for the rest of the night." Destiny walked toward the bathroom, briefly glancing at Sadie's four, gorgeous tits and hir cum-swollen belly. "Sorry Destiny, I should've thought with my head and not my--'' Sadie gestured toward hir crotch. "You should probably just pull out the couch bed and stay the night. It's getting late and Jasmine is a huge cuddlebug after sex." Destiny sounded so distant. "Her boyfriend used to complain about it." The fact about her boyfriend felt tacked on, but Jasmine knew that Destiny had said it to camouflage her firsthand knowledge of Jasmine's post-sex cuddling behavior. "Only if it's okay with you. I'm happy to drive home if you want the place to yourself." "It's fine. Please stay." Destiny opened the pantry door just outside the bathroom and then tossed two more towels at them. "You'll probably need those." "Sis? Are you okay?" Jasmine's chest tightened. She'd never seen Destiny look this defeated. Destiny didn't answer. She just entered the bathroom and shut the door. The sound of her ultrasonic toothbrush rang throughout the dead quiet of the apartment. Neither Sadie nor Jasmine said a word while they exchanged nervous looks. Then both of them realized there was a big mess to clean up and started using the towels to aid with that. A few minutes later, Destiny left the restroom and entered the bedroom. After wiping up the mess as best she could, Jasmine stood up and put a towel under her pussy. Then she pulled her dick out of herself and waddled behind Sadie to the bathroom. Sadie got in the shower and pulled hir dicks out of hir cunt. A deluge of spooge splattered the bottom of the tub as she moaned softly. Once they were done washing up, they went back into the living room. Sadie grabbed the coffee table, about to move it so they could open the bed. "Do you need help?" Jasmine grabbed one end, confused that Sadie had grabbed the middle. "No, actually." Sadie lifted the entire thing right off the floor, hir huge pecs, thighs, and biceps flexing. Watching Sadie easily lift that coffee table had Jasmine getting wet all over again. Due to the layer of blubber under Sadie's scales that made hir all the more curvy, Jasmine had no idea shi was as well muscled as an MMA champion. Sadie smirked at the expression on Jasmine's face as shi set down the coffee table. "Dayum, gurl!" Jasmine's eyes were wide in awe. "What can I say? I've got it all." Sadie grinned. "You really do." Destiny was just outside the bedroom door wearing cyan pajamas which had a button-down top and loose pants with illustrations for all the ingredients for s'mores on them. In her hands were a set of sheets, a couple pillows, and Jasmine's pajamas. Destiny's. "Here." As Jasmine took the sheets and pillows from Destiny, she whispered, "Do you need to talk?" "Nah, just enjoy your time with Sadie." Destiny went back into the bedroom. Jasmine handed the sheets to Sadie and then stared at her pajamas for a moment. They were also cyan, but instead of s'more ingredients, they had illustrations of different types of sundaes on them. "Do you have anything to wear as PJ's?" "Nope, I usually sleep naked." Sadie shrugged. "That's often how I roll too." Jasmine set her PJs aside. "Destiny did say for me to enjoy my time with you." "As long as you think naked cuddles would be okay with her, count me in." "Oh, it's fine. Knowing her, she gave me the PJs just in case I got too cold." "Yay!" Sadie bounced, jiggling hir bountiful assets. Sadie and Jasmine got the pull-out bed all set up. To lay on it comfortably, Sadie had to bend hir knees some, but shi was still able to spoon Jasmine against hir front. Jasmine fell asleep with Sadie's four breasts against her bare head and shoulders while Sadie's huge balls rested against her ass. It was heaven. * * * * * Jasmine woke up to Destiny's hand lightly patting her shoulder. When she started to speak, Destiny put her finger across Jasmine's lips and shook her head. Her black orca skin was reflecting the light from the building across the alleyway. She motioned for Jasmine to get up and follow her. Carefully getting out of Sadie's bountiful embrace, Jasmine followed Destiny into the bedroom. After closing the door, Destiny led her to the bed and sat on the end. Sitting next to her, Jasmine couldn't meet her eyes. She winced when Destiny started speaking, expecting the worst. "You really disappointed me tonight." Destiny wiped some tears off of her cheek. "I'm so so sorry sis. My body did all the thinking and I shouldn't have let it." Without her pajamas on and Sadie's body to warm her, Jasmine was feeling a bit cold, but she didn't want to interrupt this conversation to go get them. "Why didn't you tell me you were that into hir?" "Because I knew you'd say no, no matter what I said." "You never even gave me a chance to say no, you just put words in my mouth and never actually asked me. How is that okay?" Destiny tossed her hands, clearly flustered. Jasmine's heart started pounding as she wondered whether they were about to get into another argument. "What about you? Why didn't you ever mention that you found hir attractive when I could see it plain as day." "I didn't plan to do anything with that attraction, so I didn't mention it." "I didn't plan to do anything with mine, either, but then I was in hir lap after shi'd comforted me for a good twenty minutes and my crush grew a thousand times bigger." "Is that an apology or an excuse?" "An apology, I guess? I don't exactly like losing control of myself." Jasmine looked at the floor. "And yet you do it all the time." "That's not fair. This is the first time in a long time I've disappointed you. Why do you keep treating me like I'm still twelve years old? All you talk about is keeping us safe and whenever I try to bring anything beautiful into our lives, you treat it as a threat. Why am I even here? Do you--" Tears started flowing instantly as Jasmine hugged herself. "Do you even love me anymore?" Destiny wrapped her arms around Jasmine, hugging her so tight that the buttons on her Pajama top were digging into Jasmine's right upper arm. Tears she'd been holding back since their earlier fight started flowing down her cheeks. It took a couple minutes, but Destiny eventually managed to respond. "When I think about you getting hurt because I'm not watching closely enough, I can't stand it. I don't know how I would handle seeing you get flunked out of a course due to bigotry or fucked over by an administrator who has it out for us. If it was just me, I could handle it, but not when you have to suffer too. That kills me. I'm so terrified all the time. Terrified that something I do is going to ruin your life. I think I love you too much." "I never asked you to protect me, I asked you to love me. You idiot!" "But how do I live with myself if I hurt you?" "Destiny, you already have lived with yourself after hurting me. Remember when we were eight? You sent me to the hospital." Destiny was on the edge of losing her ability to quietly sob. The memory was too painful. Jasmine winced as she realized how Destiny probably took what she said. "Destiny, honey, that's not what I meant. We were eight. years. old. You had no way of knowing I'd break my head open. You were just playing an innocent prank. But all that's over, I healed, I'm alive, and I still love you." "You don't understand, I was mad at you, I was hoping you'd get hurt." Destiny made a fist. "I can't trust myself." Jasmine slowly unclenched Destiny's fist and then intertwined her fingers with Destiny's. "If you let this guilt and fear control our lives, you'll hurt both of us far more than you hurt me back then. You have to find a way to let this go, or go see a therapist, I don't know. I don't want to end up in a position where I have to become more distant to protect myself from your protectiveness." Destiny was beside herself and Jasmine had to hold her. The tears lasted so long that Jasmine started to worry. But just as her right arm started to fall asleep, Destiny's crying finally started tapering off. Jasmine grabbed the end of the sheet and helped dry off Destiny's cheeks. "I'm sorry." Destiny blurted out. "I'm sorry." "I think you're right, I need to talk to someone." "I had no idea that was still haunting you. I thought you'd gotten over that years ago." "No matter how many times I get over it, it comes back. I feel like I'm losing my mind." Destiny shook her head. "Maybe you do love me too much." "What a weird problem to have." "Wanna fuck your sister? Might make you feel better." Jasmine poked Destiny's left tit. "Hay! Don't try to change the subject, we're having a breakthrough here." Destiny guarded her tits with her arms. "I've done my job, I got you to decide to get professional help. Now I want my make-up sex." Jasmine poked Destiny's cock slit through Destiny's pajama pants. "You're such a gremlin." Destiny narrowed her eyes at Jasmine. "And we're not done. I should've told you I was attracted to hir, you should've told me. From now on, I need you to be open with me about anyone you want to fuck and I'll do the same. I don't ever want to be in this position again." "Deal. I agree that I've been very naughty. I think my big sister should punish me." Jasmine cupped Destiny's plump ballsac and gently rolled Destiny's balls in her hand while the side of her hand brushed against Destiny's clit. "I'm only a couple minutes older than you, you goof--NGH!" Destiny's cock head poked out of its slit. "There we go." Jasmine hopped off the bed, grabbed Destiny's pants, and pushed her backwards onto the bed. Then she pulled Destiny's pants off. Jasmine licked the tip of Destiny's shaft, before taking it into her mouth and sucking on more and more of it as Jasmine gripped the bed and groaned. When Destiny was half hard, she gently pushed Jasmine away from her crotch, a flicker of worry cutting through her pleasured expression. "Maybe we shouldn't do this right now? We might get caught." "We're used to doing it quietly. It'll be like being back home." Jasmine paused. "But if you really want me to stop, I will. I owe you that much." Destiny lay there, her sister's mouth an inch from her throbbing cock. For a moment she considered stopping, but then she sat up, grabbed Jasmine's head, and shoved her shaft back into Jasmine's waiting maw. Jasmine made an "mmm" sound as she bobbed her head, working to get Destiny fully hard as her own length slid out of her slit. "Fuck. I was so jealous... when I saw you two... in the living room... I need this so--OOH! bad," Destiny said between moans. "Aww, do you need me to wake Sadie?" Jasmine mumbled around Destiny's shaft. "No, let hir sleep. I'm not sure what I want to do about hir yet." "You just said you were jealous. You wa--AGLK!" Destiny cut Jasmine off with a mouthful of dick while grabbing Jasmine's cock and tugging. "Don't rush me." Jasmine thrust her hips while using her strong tongue to make Destiny's hips quake as it wrapped around her tapered cock and occasionally took expeditions into Destiny's cockslit. A couple minutes of fellatio later, Destiny's pussy was aching and making the space between her thighs quite slick. After taking off hir pajama top, she grabbed under Jasmine's shoulders and guided her off her cock and onto the bed. Pressing her front against Jasmine's, she impaled Jasmine's pussy with her cock. Jasmine, having done this a hundred times with her sister, worked her prehensile prick between Destiny's legs and thrust inside. Making out and squirming against each other, they made waves with their dicks, stirring up each other's hot, silky depths. Destiny was far more pent up and was having trouble controlling her moans, but she couldn't stop. She kept clenching, buffeting Jasmine's dick inside her using her strong vaginal muscles. As she did this, Jasmine got even more into it, clenching tight around her twin sister's shaft. "Enjoying fucking your clone?" Jasmine teased. "NGH! You bitch!" Destiny started rolling her hips, moaning more loudly. Her gyrations were bouncing their breasts against each other and their nipples hardened from the stimulation. "Everyone says 'go fuck yourself' but they don't know we actually can." "HAAAH!" Destiny shivered, her moan echoing throughout the bedroom. The neighbor thumped on the wall, yelling "Quiet down!" Ignoring the neighbor because they were about to finish, Jasmine said, "Ready to cum inside your sister?" Then she thrust hard and deep, extending her cock to its full length inside destiny. "That explains a lot." Sadie's voice came from the doorway. They stopped, gasping in surprise. "I-it's not what it looks like." Jasmine's delivery was very weak. Sadie started laughing. Destiny sighed. "It's exactly what it looks like. You can either join or GTFO." "If we're doing this, I want to see everything." Sadie turned on the lamp on Destiny's nightstand. The bed wobbled as hir massive form climbed onto it. Then shi was there, looking down at the two blushing orcas with a giant grin that showed a few too many of her teeth. As Destiny and Jasmine started pushing away from each other, Sadie grabbed their upper arms to hold them in place. "Stay inside each other. I have an idea." "Oh?" Destiny's brow furrowed. "Wait for it. I think I know what she's planning." Jasmine grinned. Sadie straddled Destiny's fluke and dragged hir balls and quickly-moistening pussy across Destiny's rubbery orca skin. "NGH! Your pussy lips are so thick." Destiny's heart pounded in her chest. Sadie was just too attractive. Destiny was overwhelmed by how much she wanted what was happening. "All of me is thick." Sadie's heavy balls bounced against Destiny's fluke as shi rubbed hirself against it harder. Then shi pressed hir cock against Destiny's fluke as hir right cock emerged. Feeling Sadie's prick wiggle against her sensitive flesh, Destiny made a helix with her length inside Jasmine. Then she uncoiled the helix and made it go the other direction. "AAAH! DESTINY!" Jasmine did the same with her prick, making Destiny rock her hips against Jasmine. "GRRRAAAH! YES!" Sadie growled. Destiny was knocked completely out of her rhythm as she felt a second warm, meaty shaft slide out of Sadie's sheath and flex against her fluke. "T-two?" "Yep, I've got twins of my own." Sadie groaned as shi rubbed hir lengths against each other. "See? Shi was practically made to breed us." Jasmine's dick twitched with anticipation. "I--what?--how?" Destiny's thoughts were a horny mess and her entire body was tingling. "If I could truly answer that, you'd have to wonder if I was one of the Fates. Let's say we're just lucky the three of us found each other." Sadie chuckled. "I think it's time to introduce you two to my twins." Sadie helped them get their upper legs out of the way and straddled the legs that were against the bed. Hir dicks slid up their thighs as shi moved hir hips closer and closer. Their hearts were fluttering, they had butterflies in their stomachs, and they couldn't stop moaning as hir slender dick tips felt around their puffy labia. "There we go." Sadie said just before slipping the ends of hir cocks into their cunts at the same time. "AAAHHHNN!" Destiny arched her back, feeling the bumps on the sides of Sadie's left prick entering her. "Oh yes! Oh yes! OH YES!" Jasmine chanted as she finally got penetrated by her crush. "Mmm, it's not all that tight in here. I bet you two sluts must team up to double-dick each other a lot." Sadie shoved three more inches in, the first half of each of hir cocks now buried in them. Destiny blushed hard, moaning. "Yes we-eee-~ AH!-- we do!" Jasmine squeaked, a moan and gasp fighting to get out at the same time. The twins shivered against each other, their hips quivering as Sadie started thrusting, giving them more of hir dicks every single time. With each thrust, shi skillfully wrapped and unwrapped hir dicks around their shafts. They found a rhythm, fucking each other while the bulges in their bellies from Sadie's dicks pressed up against each other. As shi thrust, they could feel hir dick's movement inside each other, as well as themselves, adding a whole nother erotic layer to everything. They kissed, they bucked, and they moaned along with Sadie's grunts and groans. Hir hands found their nice round asses and groped them as shi went, appreciating their soft, curvy beauty. Shi could feel their dicks moving more frantically. Seeing how much they loved each other, how into each other's bodies they were, and feeling each of their dicks stir up the other's depths was so erotic that hir mind was driving hir toward orgasm even faster than hir body. "Are the naughty sisters about to cum inside each other?" Shi made a hard, fast thrust, smacking their asses against hir thighs. Unable to form words, they just grabbed each other and pressed their tits firmly together while kissing deeply. In the middle of all that, Destiny felt like she was sledding down a hill for the first time. The thrill was making her tingle all over. Someone knew about her special relationship with her sister and that person's cock was inside her. It was so hot so--"NGH!" Destiny's pussy and dick undulated. Chittering and thrashing, Destiny came inside her sister's cooch as her pussy milked Jasmine's dick. "YES, SIS! CUM INSIDE ME!" Jasmine cried out before chittering right along with her sister. Her prick exploded inside Destiny as her own pussy convulsed. "My God. You two. Are so hot!" Sadie growled as hir dicks pulsed along their lengths. Wrapping hir dicks around the sisters' cumming lengths, shi sealed their entrances in preparation for filling them. "HERE. IT. CUUUMMSSS!" Hir dicks blasted the heaving depths of The Orca Twins, adding an erotic curve to their bellies with just how much spunk shi was pumping into them. Destiny and Jasmine groaned, cumming a second time as Sadie was unleashing hir load inside them. Their own cum added to the volume, making them feel so pleasantly full, leaving the sisters lethargic and satisfied by the end. All three girls were just panting and sharing glances. They were all grinning like madwomen, like they couldn't believe what they'd just done. Sadie collapsed atop them, hir four massive tits against their sides, as shi caught hir breath. As their dicks slowly retracted, there came a point where the seal was broken and cum gushed out of the twins. They moaned and gasped, feeling the warm mixed seed flow out of their cunnies and pool around their crotches. "Sorry, I should've brought a towel with me or something." Sadie was blushing bright pink, looking at the lake of cum shi'd helped create. "It's fine. We have a leak-proof topper for our mattress for...reasons." Jasmine grinned. "Herm reasons." Destiny flicked Sadie's lower left nipple. "NGH!" Sadie pulled them into a hug, hir strong arms holding them tight. "I'm falling for you two so fast." "You're not the only one falling." Destiny sighed. "You're incredible." "Yep, you're who I was hoping we'd find. A lot more than I'd hoped, actually." Jasmine trailed her fingers along Sadie's right bicep. "It helps being able to cum inside you both at the same time." Sadie chuckled. "Oh, that's a start, but you're one of the kindest, funnest, and confident, but not-annoyingly-confident, people I've ever met." Destiny wiggled in Sadie's grasp, enjoying the closeness. "Not to mention you're insanely hot." Jasmine clenched her pussy around the third of Sadie's right dick that was still inside hir. Sadie moaned as shi blushed, not able to meet their eyes. Jasmine played with Sadie's lower right tit. "We should've done this a lot earlier." "Maybe? But it seemed like you two had some stuff to work out." Sadie squirmed, hir nipples hardening. "Fair. We def had something to work out and it's not over. Destiny needs some help with trauma from our childhood." "Might? No, I def need help." Destiny hugged Jasmine. "I love you and I'm sorry." "I love you too. And it's not like I am blameless." "Seeing how well you two work things out, I have a lot of hope for our future." Sadie lay atop them, giving them a squeeze. "Me too." Destiny nuzzled Jasmine. "Me three." Jasmine nuzzled back. Several minutes of post coitus cuddling later, Sadie stirred, lifting hir front up off them with hir arms. Hir orange-beige belly scales and fuchsia body scales glistened in the light from the lamp on the nightstand. "You two think we could do something about my pussy? It's complaining so much that I have a bit of a cramp." Sadie gestured toward hir crotch, bringing attention to the strands of fem-cum behind hir ballsack. "That sounds like a herm problem." Jasmine giggled. "Well, yeah... doi," Sadie said with perfect valley girl intonation. Destiny giggled. "We can help you with that." Jasmine rolled to the side and pointed at the center of the bed like she was training a dog. "Lie down in the cum puddle like a good girl." Sadie lay on her back, twitching when hir entire buttocks and the upper fourth of hir tail met the cum puddle. Destiny and Jasmine shared a look and then Destiny grinned. Sadie's long dragon ears flopped a bit because shi knew they'd communicated, but hadn't said a word. This happened a lot with them and it always seemed like magic to hir. Then the two orcas made out with each other, getting each other hard in under thirty seconds. Their hands groped, their faces mashed together, and they bucked wildly, frotting against each other's cocks and bellies. The sensual display the sisters gave hir coaxed a couple inches of Sadie's right shaft out. Then they moved to hir sides and reached out with their precum-dripping dicks. Jasmine used her prehensile length to fondle Sadie's sheath while Destiny fondled Sadie's balls. Sadie's whole body heated up. It was so erotic to feel hir balls and sheath get this double prehensile penis massage treatment from the twins. The scaled skin there was so sensitive and their dicks were pleasantly slick with both the lube from inside their cock slit and their precum. Destiny's dick started toying with hir labia while Jasmine fondled hir two left tits with her hands. As Sadie's second cock came out, Jasmine wove her dick between the two cocks, making hir buck hir hips and moan. Then, Jasmine whispered something to Destiny. "Well, shi is a big dragon." Destiny smiled mischievously. "Would you say your pussy is rather stretchy?" Jasmine's smile was equally mischievous. "Y-yeah, I use big toys sometimes." Sadie squirmed as hir pussy winked. They grabbed hir writhing dicks and coaxed them to hir pussy. Shi played along, not sure where they were going with this. Groaning deeply, shi slipped hir twin shafts inside hirself. While shi was distracted, Jasmine spread hir legs apart and then each of them straddled a leg. As Sadie wondered what on earth was going on, they pushed their dicks inside hir, sliding them against hir own dicks as shi got quadruple stuffed. Shi came before they even managed to get one third of their pricks inside hir and as hir pussy was twitching and spasming while getting off, they kept stuffing more in! Another orgasm hit Sadie, piling on top of the one shi was already having. Four dicks were moving in hir while shi got stretched wider and wider. Shi could feel the twins' heavy balls dragging on hir thighs while their pussies dripped hir own cum on hir scales. The more shi squirmed, the more hir dicks moved involuntarily inside hir. The control shi normally had was completely gone. Instead, shi was a moaning, shivering wreck. When two thirds of their tapered shafts were inside hir, they reached the limit of hir capacity. "OW! Stop!" Shi hissed through hir teeth. They immediately backed off an inch and Destiny asked, "Better?" "Much!" Sadie loosely wrapped hir dicks around theirs and squeezed. Shi felt like shi was swimming in the ocean, about to get tossed around by a giant wave. Knowing hir limits, they thrust over and over, making waves and loose helixes with their dicks, avoiding shapes that would stretch hir too much. Shi could feel all four pricks wrestling with hir inner muscles. Their cocks twitched and pulsed as they rubbed against hir twin members, stimulating the bumps on hir twins more than ever while hitting a symphony of pleasure spots inside hir snatch. It was completely out of control and shi loved every second of it. When they leaned down and suckled hir upper nipples while fondling hir lower tits, hir legs started shaking. When they flicked their tongues on hir nipples and Destiny moved hir free hand to Sadie's balls, shi put a hand over hir mouth and screeched. Having hir balls fondled while hir breasts were groped and sucked on while being stuffed with four dicks...that's when the wave crashed over hir. Hir entire world went tumbling as hir pussy clenched rhythmically and hir pricks fired jets of hir jizz inside hir own womb. The sisters chittered as their own dicks went off, squirting so hard that shi felt the streams of spooge collide with hir inner walls. Four throbbing cocks delivering their payloads inside hir, all at the same time. Shi made a sound shi'd never made before, a high-pitched screech that was part failing steel girder and part roar. It was so loud that Destiny put a pillow over hir face until it was over. Hir tail kinked and shi kicked hir feet. Hir body shuddered, reacting as if shi was getting blasted by a battery of nerf guns, just muscles all over going off randomly. Jasmine and Destiny chittered, writhing against hir as they came so much that their dicks started aching. Then there was dead silence only broken up by the next door neighbor pounding on the wall again. Destiny felt bad that they'd fucked up the guy's sleep, but accepted that being in control of everything was impossible. She never ever could've guessed that this night would go down this way. That said, she wouldn't change a thing, even if she could. Sometimes crazy shit happened and you just had to roll with it. Being inside Sadie, her dick aching and satisfied while her pussy was still leaking her sister’s and Sadie's cum was making her feel warm in her core. Sadie knew their secret and was totally there for it. "Sadie?" Destiny asked softly. "Yes?" "Are you okay being seen in public with us, even if we don't hide our more-than-sisters relationship?" Destiny clenched her jaw, knowing Sadie would be smart to say no. "Of course! I want to support you two any way I can." Sadie stroked Destiny's forearm. "Destiny?" Jasmine turned her head, making Sadie's breasts Jiggle. "Yes?" Destiny looked into her sister's eyes. "Thank you." Tears at the corners of Jasmine's eyes sparkled in the light. "No, thank you. You were right that we couldn't go on that way." Destiny put a hand on Jasmine's cheek. "I'm going to try to listen to you more from now on. Jasmine pulled Destiny into a long, deep kiss. THE END I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons: AJ, Arkona Kothe, Longhauler, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!