It doesn’t really matter what you say, Mike can do whatever he wants now that he has full user power over you. He’s clearly testing to see if you’ll go along with him, a psychotic show of strength that makes you tremble as you meekly speak for the first time in almost half an hour.

“I actually really like a girl that’s smart and-”

“Nonsense!!” Mike cuts you off, “You know what I mean!

Tell me something sexy about a woman, something I would find hot. I wanna do this one last thing before changing you back, otherwise I won’t feel satisfied without a bunch of other transformations…”

“So… You’re gonna get off on me giving myself a punishment?” You ask with a voice that could calm a storm, not really liking where this story is taking you…

“Not a punishment, but yeah!” Mike chuckles, “Now tell me quick, I’m really in the mood for a change already!”

Mike’s hard on throbs, making his zipper bulge out as he smiles goofily. You know better than to mess with a man this horny...

I’ll admit, I do have a thing for crazy proportioned girls…

No way I’m telling you anything, dumb creep!

I’ve always admired the litheness of those really petite girls…

I think smart girls are sexy!

Well, I’ve always had a thing for blonde chicks…