“Book of revenge?” Bill asked aloud as he pulled the large book off the library shelf.

“This book will always find the one most in need of revenge; your every wish will come true if you write it in here? Sounds weird…” Bill finished reading and the text disappeared instantly, “Whoa!!”

More convinced of what he had just read, Bill found a pen and wrote ‘I have a six pack’.

He felt a spark as he lifted the pen from the page, it ran up his arm and turned into intense pain.

“Am I having a heart attack???” Bill cried out.

The feeling pooled into his belly, forcing him to keel over in pain. After a few excruciating seconds, it disappeared. Bill got up still panting, and brushed himself off. He looked around the library, surprised that nobody had come to help or even noticed what had occurred.

“Wait…” Bill said, pausing with his hand on his stomach, “I have washboard abs!!!”

He ripped his shirt off and threw it, “This is amazing!!!” Bill screamed, before immediately being shushed.

“Book of Revenge…” He whispered, reading the cover aloud.

He grabbed his stuff and checked the magical book out of the library, pausing to decide who he should get revenge on as he walked out the door.

There was only one answer; Chad.

Bill had been obese as a teen, and nobody tormented him more about it through high school than Chad Wheeler. Bill got angry reliving the feeling of seeing his former bully move in next door, the surprise he felt when he saw his childhood tormentor walk over in a friendly manner.

“You’re not fat anymore, but you’re still ugly…

Shame.” Chad said to him with a straight face, spitting on the floor before putting his middle finger up and walking away.

Since then he had made Bill’s life quite annoying, calling the town on him with various noise complaints and other bs issues.

*Ding dong*

Chad opened the door within seconds, smirking while putting his phone away.

“I installed cameras all over the property, Bill.

I know who’s coming before they even pull up the driveway, and I guess I need a moat too! What are you doing on my property?” Chad asked in an angry tone.

“I don’t know why you have so much anger guided toward me, but I don't care anymore.” Bill said, a wide smile on his face as he wrote in his book.

“What the hell?

Could you leave, please?

I can’t stand seeing you dressed, you hunk!” Chad slapped his hand over his mouth, his eyes wide in shock at the sound that just came out of him.

Bill’s writing became more intense, and he began laughing as he furiously scribbled.

“What’s, like… Shit Uhhh, what the fawk?” Chad’s valley girl accent sounded strained as he tried hard as he could to stop the tone and dialect, failing in a miserable way.

“Chad will talk like a sexed up valley girl, just like the rest of the cheerleaders. His body will become a perfect hourglass shape, and his face will become beautiful and feminine.

He will be the head cheerleader for ALU, in her junior year.” Bill said triumphantly, reading what he had just written aloud to Chad.

“You sexy creep!!

I need you inside me!

Fawk!!” Chad squeaked in his sexy voice, stomping the ground like a spoiled teen as his body aged backwards.

“When you finish changing, give me a lap dance please.” Bill commanded politely.

“You wike, won't get away with thiws!” Chad shouted, his words becoming a bit slurred by his plumping lips. “I’ll suck youw cawk, but wike, no!!

Stop tuwning me into a bimbo!!”

Chad’s clothes became a tight cheerleading outfit, but his body continued growing into it. His ass ballooned out, becoming a large bubble butt that the mini skirt no longer covered.

Before he could even react to this, fat rushed into his chest and exploded out. Quickly filling the previously empty bra, and causing Chad’s uniform to slide up his belly as his chest grew out more.

“I think a lap dance will do for now, I have other places to be!” Bill said as he wrote in his book, “And your name’s Chelsea now, ok?”

Chelsea shook her head, confused. “My name? It’s like, Chahhh… Chelsea! Obviously!! What are you even asking me right now??” She danced sexily, and showed off her body for Bill while she gave him a lap dance.

“That was fun! Continue practicing, maybe I’ll come back later and we could take this a little further…” Bill said, leaving the dancing bimbo to go to his next victim. His thirst for revenge now intensified, a craving he had never had before consumed him. Was it the book? Maybe…

Bill wrote up a way for him to be with his old bully, Rick. Suddenly he was in the Bahamas, looking over crystal clear, blue water.

“Bill? What are you doing here??” A voice from behind him said.

Bill turned around, surprised he hadn’t noticed the giant house right behind him. The open door brought a gust of cooled air from inside, and he could feel the slight gust run through the hair on his arms. He then smirked, remembering what he had been there for in the first place.

“So what have you been up to, Rick?” Bill asked, scribbling away in his note book as he ignored his old enemy.

“Well I started a software company and was able to invest wisely, I run a hedge fund now.

Are you vacationing too? Great place to do it!” Rick said, going in to hug his childhood friend.

“Get off me!!” Bill yelled, pushing the surprised billionaire away from him. “You tormented me throughout twelve years of school!! You think you could just give me a hug now?? Fuck you!!!”

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t realize I had been bullying you that whole time, I was just kidding around!” Rick explained, looking guilty as he begged for forgiveness.

“Kidding around??? You had sex with my sister, secretly taped it, and showed me the tape without warning me first!! How is that kidding???” Bill asked rhetorically, furiously writing in his revenge book as he did.

“Your favorite thing to call me was ‘fat ass’, so let’s get a bit of karma going here…” Bill trailed off, smirking as he turned the page to write even more about his old bully.

“Why do I hear music in my head??

And my hips are just going with the rhythm!!

Are you doing this??” Rick demanded, trying to hold his dancing body down.

Bill couldn’t stop laughing as Rick’s body changed to make the book’s words truth, shrinking him down to a miniature version of himself before the real changes even began.

Rick’s ass filled with fat, inflating each cheek to the size of basketballs and lifting them up. His thighs filled as well, and his hips stretched out to accommodate the new curves.

Rick struggled for control, making a run toward the door as his swim shorts stretched out across his whole body. He tried holding his massive ass down, the jigging making it almost impossible to run.

Before he could get to the door the book took control back, making him twerk and bounce to the sexy music still thumping in his head.

Each shake of his ass turned up the music, and soon Rick’s thoughts were drowned out by club music.

“You look like you’re having a great time!! Bill called out, getting ready to turn the curvy goddess into a giggling bimbo.

Suddenly a woman came from inside the house, “What are you doing to my husband?!” She cried.

Bill knew this could get bad fast, so he decided to write about Rick’s wife and maybe turn the two of them into bimbos after.

“Your body’s pretty nice…” Bill trailed off as he wrote in the book.

Suddenly Rick’s wife’s clothes vanished, and she stood completely nude; her long red hair barely reaching the hardening nipples on her pert chest.

“The look on your face tells me this body hasn’t gotten proper use, but I’ll change that...” Bill smirked.

A surprised look appeared on Rick’s wife’s face, then a blank, relaxed look washed over her. Even her arms relaxed as the book worked its magic, and soon a look of arousal flushed though her. The relaxed stance became a ready one, and her arms quickly came together as she begged for cock.

“Please fuck me! I can’t stand the pain! I crave to be filled with your thick juicy erection! I could see it bulging now!!” She giggled.

Bill didn’t realize how powerful he had made her arousal, and quickly began erasing things he had written about unquenchable horniness and a pussy you can’t pull out of. He was barely able to erase everything before giving into the naked woman’s begging, but what’s written in the book of revenge can never be erased.

The book crashed to the ground as Rick’s wife jumped into Bill’s arms, and the two of them made out without a care in the world. All the sexy changes and beautiful women had gotten Bill so worked up he couldn’t stop this one from pouncing, and taking all his attention away from the fallen book.

While they got Bill undressed, Rick managed to jiggle his way over and pick up the book. He knew he now had Bill’s powers, but the music was still overbearing and making his ass shake. Bill hadn’t made him horny yet, but the way his body moved was really turning him on and distracting. Rick couldn’t think over the loud music in his head, and just began writing words about his body and sex in general in his unthinking stupor.

Bill only realized what was going on when it was too late, and his body was already changing. He turned around, shocked to see Rick bouncing his behind and writing in the book, but soon Bill’s vision faded and he passed out.

Bill opened his eyes, surprised to see he had been moved and placed on his knees. He sat between the two transformed girls, all three frozen on their knees.

“Rick… What’d you write?” Bill asked.

“I wanted to stop the music or something… I have no idea what I wrote…” Rick replied meekly.

“Is anyone here?? We’re not- Ahhh!!!” Bill got interrupted, screaming as white goo rained down on their three frozen bodies.

“What was that- Mmmm… Ooo it taste so good…

O shii! Why I talk funn- Eeee!!!”

Another waterfall of sticky liquid fell upon them, and Bill could feel the length of his erection shrivel up inside him. The dripping liquid filled Bill’s mouth, and a wave of euphoria instantly washed over him as he gulped down more of it.

“More prease!!” Bill cried out lustfully, opening his mouth as another geyser fell onto him. His body slimmed down with every passing moment, and soon his mind morphed beyond recognition.

“More, more, more!!!” Bill laughed ditzily, the mind changing liquid pouring down with each time he commanded it.

The other two girls were speechless, lost in an intensely erotic wave of changes.

Bill had never felt so alive and sexy, without thinking he just continued demanding more juice. The other two girls transformed along with him, their bodies and curves filling out as Bill begged for more goo.

Soon all three of them were happy just drinking the thick liquid, giggling and fondling each other while their bodies became even softer. The next guy to stop by the open door better be ready for a good time...