label combat2: show screen combatbar(enemy1, "COMBAT TRAINING") scene battlebg001 play music "audio/backgroundmusic/combat.wav" "Combat test" "[] vs []" call heidi_combat from _call_heidi_combat_1 show taudrone_anim with moveinright: xalign 0.9 yalign 0.25 while pc.hp > 0 and enemy1.hp > 0: label heidiattack_tau: menu: "Attack": $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,8) if random_enemy_move <= 7: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_attack from _call_heidi_attack_2 $ pc.attack(enemy1) call combat_hit from _call_combat_hit_2 if enemy1.hp > 0 : jump enemy1attack if enemy1.hp == 0: jump battleover_tau else: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_attack from _call_heidi_attack_3 $ pc.misshit(enemy1) "[] dodged and got no damage." call heidi_missed_attack from _call_heidi_missed_attack_2 if enemy1.hp > 0 : jump enemy1attack if enemy.hp == 0: jump battleover_tau "Brutal attack": $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,4) if random_enemy_move <= 3: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_brutal_attack from _call_heidi_brutal_attack_2 $ pc.brutalattack(enemy1) call combat_hit from _call_combat_hit_3 if enemy1.hp > 0 : jump enemy1brutal if enemy1.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_tau else: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_brutal_attack from _call_heidi_brutal_attack_3 $ pc.misshit(enemy1) "[] dodged and got no damage." call heidi_missed_attack from _call_heidi_missed_attack_3 pause 0.5 if enemy1.hp > 0 : jump enemy1brutal if enemy1.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_tau "Use potion": call heidi_use_potion from _call_heidi_use_potion_1 label enemy1attack: $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,4) if random_enemy_move <= 3: "{i}[] attack back.{/i}" $ enemy1.attack(pc) call heidi_got_hit from _call_heidi_got_hit_2 if pc.hp > 10: jump heidiattack_tau if pc.hp < 10 and pc.hp > 1 : call servo_warning from _call_servo_warning_2 jump heidiattack_tau if pc.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_tau else: "{i}[] attack back.{i}" $ enemy1.misshit(pc) call enemy_missed_attack from _call_enemy_missed_attack_2 jump heidiattack_tau label enemy1brutal: $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,2) if random_enemy_move == 1: "{i}[] attack back.{/i}" $ enemy1.brutalattack(pc) call heidi_got_hit from _call_heidi_got_hit_3 if pc.hp > 10: jump heidiattack_tau if pc.hp < 10 and pc.hp > 1 : call servo_warning from _call_servo_warning_3 jump heidiattack_tau if pc.hp == 0 : pause 0.5 jump battleover_tau else: "{i}[] attack back.{i}" $ enemy1.misshit(pc) call enemy_missed_attack from _call_enemy_missed_attack_3 jump heidiattack_tau label battleover_tau: if pc.hp == 0: call battle_lost from _call_battle_lost_1 en "Target eliminated {i}*The drone fucked you up*{/i} (you need to practice more....)" stop music "You end your training." hide screen combatbar $ day = 1 $ enemy1.hp = enemy1.max_hp jump battle_ending if enemy1.hp == 0: en "(Sustaining heavy damage -- initiate self destruct protocol)" call battle_win from _call_battle_win_1 hide taudrone_anim with dissolve pause 0.5 he uniform smile "I wiiiin!!!!" he uniform normal1 "That wasn't so hard!" "The battle is over." "You end your training." hide screen combatbar stop music $ day = 1 $ enemy1.hp = enemy1.max_hp jump battle_ending label combat3: show screen combatbar(enemy2, "COMBAT TRAINING") scene battlebg001 play music "audio/backgroundmusic/combat.wav" "Combat test" "[] vs []" call heidi_combat from _call_heidi_combat show blightdrone_anim with moveinright: xalign 0.9 yalign 0.25 while pc.hp > 0 and enemy2.hp > 0: label heidiattack_blight: menu: "Attack": $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,8) if random_enemy_move <= 7: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_attack from _call_heidi_attack $ pc.attack(enemy2) call combat_hit from _call_combat_hit if enemy2.hp > 0 : jump enemy2attack if enemy2.hp == 0 : jump battleover_blight else: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_attack from _call_heidi_attack_1 $ pc.misshit(enemy2) "[] dodged and got no damage." call heidi_missed_attack from _call_heidi_missed_attack if enemy2.hp > 0 : jump enemy2attack if enemy2.hp == 0 : jump battleover_blight "Brutal attack": $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,4) if random_enemy_move <= 3: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_brutal_attack from _call_heidi_brutal_attack $ pc.brutalattack(enemy2) call combat_hit from _call_combat_hit_1 if enemy2.hp > 0 : jump enemy2brutal if enemy2.hp == 0 : pause 0.5 jump battleover_blight else: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_brutal_attack from _call_heidi_brutal_attack_1 $ pc.misshit(enemy2) "[] dodged and got no damage." call heidi_missed_attack from _call_heidi_missed_attack_1 pause 0.5 if enemy2.hp > 0 : jump enemy2brutal if enemy2.hp == 0 : pause 0.5 jump battleover_blight "Use potion": call heidi_use_potion from _call_heidi_use_potion label enemy2attack: $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,4) if random_enemy_move <= 3: "{i}[] attack back.{/i}" $ enemy2.attack(pc) call heidi_got_hit from _call_heidi_got_hit if pc.hp > 10: jump heidiattack_blight if pc.hp < 10 and pc.hp > 1 : call servo_warning from _call_servo_warning jump heidiattack_blight if pc.hp == 0 : pause 0.5 jump battleover_blight else: "{i}[] attack back.{i}" $ enemy2.misshit(pc) call enemy_missed_attack from _call_enemy_missed_attack jump heidiattack_blight label enemy2brutal: $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,2) if random_enemy_move == 1: "{i}[] attack back.{/i}" $ enemy2.brutalattack(pc) call heidi_got_hit from _call_heidi_got_hit_1 if pc.hp > 10: jump heidiattack_blight if pc.hp < 10 and pc.hp > 1 : call servo_warning from _call_servo_warning_1 jump heidiattack_blight if pc.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_blight else: "{i}[] attack back.{i}" $ enemy2.misshit(pc) call enemy_missed_attack from _call_enemy_missed_attack_1 jump heidiattack_blight label battleover_blight: if pc.hp == 0: call battle_lost from _call_battle_lost en "Target eliminated {i}*The drone fucked you up*{/i} (you need to practice more....)" stop music "You end your training." hide screen combatbar $ day = 1 $ enemy2.hp = enemy2.max_hp jump battle_ending if enemy2.hp == 0: en "(Sustaining heavy damage -- initiate self destruct protocol)" call battle_win from _call_battle_win hide blightdrone_anim with dissolve pause 0.5 he uniform smile "I wiiiin!!!!" he uniform normal1 "That wasn't so hard!" "The battle is over." "You end your training." hide screen combatbar stop music $ day = 1 $ enemy2.hp = enemy2.max_hp jump battle_ending label combat4: show screen combatbar(enemy3, "UNDERCITY COMBAT") scene battlebg001 play music "audio/backgroundmusic/combat.wav" "Combat test" "[] vs []" call heidi_combat from _call_heidi_combat_2 show genestealer with moveinright: xalign 0.9 yalign 0.25 while pc.hp > 0 and enemy3.hp > 0: label heidiattack_genestealer: menu: "Attack": $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,8) if random_enemy_move <= 6: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_attack from _call_heidi_attack_4 $ pc.attack(enemy3) call combat_hit from _call_combat_hit_4 if enemy3.hp > 0 : jump enemy3attack if enemy3.hp == 0 : jump battleover_genestealer else: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_attack from _call_heidi_attack_5 $ pc.misshit(enemy3) "[] dodged and got no damage." call heidi_missed_attack from _call_heidi_missed_attack_4 if enemy3.hp > 0 : jump enemy3attack if enemy3.hp == 0: jump battleover_genestealer "Brutal attack": $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,4) if random_enemy_move <= 3: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_brutal_attack from _call_heidi_brutal_attack_4 $ pc.brutalattack(enemy3) call combat_hit from _call_combat_hit_5 if enemy3.hp > 0 : jump enemy3brutal if enemy3.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_genestealer else: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_brutal_attack from _call_heidi_brutal_attack_5 $ pc.misshit(enemy3) "[] dodged and got no damage." call heidi_missed_attack from _call_heidi_missed_attack_5 pause 0.5 if enemy3.hp > 0 : jump enemy3brutal if enemy3.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_genestealer "Use potion": call heidi_use_potion from _call_heidi_use_potion_2 label enemy3attack: $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,4) if random_enemy_move <= 3: "{i}[] attack back.{/i}" $ enemy3.attack(pc) call heidi_got_hit from _call_heidi_got_hit_4 if pc.hp > 10: jump heidiattack_genestealer if pc.hp < 10 and pc.hp > 1 : call servo_warning from _call_servo_warning_4 jump heidiattack_genestealer if pc.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_genestealer else: "{i}[] attack back.{i}" $ enemy3.misshit(pc) call enemy_missed_attack from _call_enemy_missed_attack_4 jump heidiattack_genestealer label enemy3brutal: $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,2) if random_enemy_move == 1: "{i}[] attack back.{/i}" $ enemy3.brutalattack(pc) call heidi_got_hit from _call_heidi_got_hit_5 if pc.hp > 10: jump heidiattack_genestealer if pc.hp < 10 and pc.hp > 1 : call servo_warning from _call_servo_warning_5 jump heidiattack_genestealer if pc.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_genestealer else: "{i}[] attack back.{i}" $ enemy3.misshit(pc) call enemy_missed_attack from _call_enemy_missed_attack_5 jump heidiattack_genestealer label battleover_genestealer: if pc.hp == 0: call battle_lost from _call_battle_lost_2 en "Not so strong are you human?" stop music "You became unconcious." scene blackbg "You lost some money in the process." hide screen combatbar $ day = 1 $ money -= 1000 if money <= 0: $ money = 0 $ enemy3.hp = enemy3.max_hp jump quarter2 if enemy3.hp == 0: en "Nooooooooo..." call battle_win from _call_battle_win_2 hide genestealer with dissolve pause 0.5 he uniform smile "I wiiiin!!!!" he uniform normal1 "One less cultist in the undercity" hide screen combatbar stop music $ enemy3.hp = enemy3.max_hp jump cultfightwin1 label combat5: show screen combatbar(enemy4, "COMBAT") scene warparena play music "audio/backgroundmusic/combat.wav" "Combat test" "[] vs []" call heidi_combat from _call_heidi_combat_3 show chaossis with moveinright: xalign 0.9 yalign 0.25 while pc.hp > 0 and enemy4.hp > 0: label heidiattack_chaossis: menu: "Attack": $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,8) if random_enemy_move <= 7: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_attack from _call_heidi_attack_6 $ pc.attack(enemy4) call combat_hit from _call_combat_hit_6 if enemy4.hp > 0 : jump enemy4attack if enemy4.hp == 0 : jump battleover_chaossis else: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_attack from _call_heidi_attack_7 $ pc.misshit(enemy4) "[] dodged and got no damage." call heidi_missed_attack from _call_heidi_missed_attack_6 if enemy4.hp > 0 : jump enemy4attack if enemy4.hp == 0: jump battleover_chaossis "Brutal attack": $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,4) if random_enemy_move <= 3: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_brutal_attack from _call_heidi_brutal_attack_6 $ pc.brutalattack(enemy4) call combat_hit from _call_combat_hit_7 if enemy4.hp > 0 : jump enemy4brutal if enemy4.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_chaossis else: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_brutal_attack from _call_heidi_brutal_attack_7 $ pc.misshit(enemy4) "[] dodged and got no damage." call heidi_missed_attack from _call_heidi_missed_attack_7 pause 0.5 if enemy4.hp > 0 : jump enemy4brutal if enemy4.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_chaossis "Use potion": call heidi_use_potion from _call_heidi_use_potion_4 label enemy4attack: $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,4) if random_enemy_move <= 3: "{i}[] attack back.{/i}" $ enemy4.attack(pc) call heidi_got_hit from _call_heidi_got_hit_6 if pc.hp > 10: jump heidiattack_chaossis if pc.hp < 10 and pc.hp > 1 : call servo_warning from _call_servo_warning_6 jump heidiattack_chaossis if pc.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_chaossis else: "{i}[] attack back.{i}" $ enemy4.misshit(pc) call enemy_missed_attack from _call_enemy_missed_attack_6 jump heidiattack_chaossis label enemy4brutal: $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,2) if random_enemy_move == 1: "{i}[] attack back.{/i}" $ enemy4.brutalattack(pc) call heidi_got_hit from _call_heidi_got_hit_7 if pc.hp > 10: jump heidiattack_chaossis if pc.hp < 10 and pc.hp > 1 : call servo_warning from _call_servo_warning_7 jump heidiattack_chaossis if pc.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_chaossis else: "{i}[] attack back.{i}" $ enemy4.misshit(pc) call enemy_missed_attack from _call_enemy_missed_attack_7 jump heidiattack_chaossis label battleover_chaossis: if pc.hp == 0: call battle_lost from _call_battle_lost_3 en "Not so strong are you human?" stop music "You became unconcious." scene blackbg "You lost some money in the process." hide screen combatbar $ day = 1 $ money -= 1000 if money <= 0: $ money = 0 $ enemy4.hp = enemy4.max_hp # $ combatEnemy.durability = combatEnemy.max_durability jump quarter2 if enemy4.hp == 0: en "Nooooooooo..." call battle_win from _call_battle_win_3 hide chaossis with dissolve pause 0.5 he uniform smile "I wiiiin!!!!" he uniform normal1 "One less cultist in the undercity" hide screen combatbar if money < 100000: $ money += 2500 play sound "audio/sound effects/moneyplus.mp3" "Congrats you get 2000 credits from killing the enemy." elif money >= 100000: "Your bag is full, you cannot take more credits from the enemy." stop music $ enemy4.hp = enemy4.max_hp # $ combatEnemy.durability = combatEnemy.max_durability jump warpfight label combat5_2: show screen combatbar(enemy4, "COMBAT") scene warparena play music "audio/backgroundmusic/combat.wav" "Combat test" "[] vs []" call heidi_combat from _call_heidi_combat_3 show chaossis with moveinright: xalign 0.9 yalign 0.25 while pc.hp > 0 and enemy4.hp > 0: label heidiattack_chaossis_2: menu: "Attack": $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,8) if random_enemy_move <= 7: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_attack from _call_heidi_attack_6 $ pc.attack(enemy4) call combat_hit from _call_combat_hit_6 if enemy4.hp > 0 : jump enemy4attack if enemy4.hp == 0 : jump battleover_chaossis_2 else: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_attack from _call_heidi_attack_7 $ pc.misshit(enemy4) "[] dodged and got no damage." call heidi_missed_attack from _call_heidi_missed_attack_6 if enemy4.hp > 0 : jump enemy4attack if enemy4.hp == 0: jump battleover_chaossis_2 "Brutal attack": $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,4) if random_enemy_move <= 3: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_brutal_attack from _call_heidi_brutal_attack_6 $ pc.brutalattack(enemy4) call combat_hit from _call_combat_hit_7 if enemy4.hp > 0 : jump enemy4brutal if enemy4.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_chaossis_2 else: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_brutal_attack from _call_heidi_brutal_attack_7 $ pc.misshit(enemy4) "[] dodged and got no damage." call heidi_missed_attack from _call_heidi_missed_attack_7 pause 0.5 if enemy4.hp > 0 : jump enemy4brutal_2 if enemy4.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_chaossis_2 "Use potion": call heidi_use_potion from _call_heidi_use_potion_4 label enemy4attack_2: $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,4) if random_enemy_move <= 3: "{i}[] attack back.{/i}" $ enemy4.attack(pc) call heidi_got_hit from _call_heidi_got_hit_6 if pc.hp > 10: jump heidiattack_chaossis_2 if pc.hp < 10 and pc.hp > 1 : call servo_warning from _call_servo_warning_6 jump heidiattack_chaossis_2 if pc.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_chaossis_2 else: "{i}[] attack back.{i}" $ enemy4.misshit(pc) call enemy_missed_attack from _call_enemy_missed_attack_6 jump heidiattack_chaossis_2 label enemy4brutal_2: $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,2) if random_enemy_move == 1: "{i}[] attack back.{/i}" $ enemy4.brutalattack(pc) call heidi_got_hit from _call_heidi_got_hit_7 if pc.hp > 10: jump heidiattack_chaossis_2 if pc.hp < 10 and pc.hp > 1 : call servo_warning from _call_servo_warning_7 jump heidiattack_chaossis_2 if pc.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_chaossis_2 else: "{i}[] attack back.{i}" $ enemy4.misshit(pc) call enemy_missed_attack from _call_enemy_missed_attack_7 jump heidiattack_chaossis_2 label battleover_chaossis_2: if pc.hp == 0: call battle_lost from _call_battle_lost_3 en "Not so strong are you human?" stop music "You became unconcious." scene blackbg "You lost some money in the process." hide screen combatbar $ day = 1 $ money -= 1000 if money <= 0: $ money = 0 $ enemy4.hp = enemy4.max_hp $ enemy4.durability = enemy4.max_durability jump quarter2 if enemy4.hp == 0: en "Nooooooooo..." call battle_win from _call_battle_win_3 hide chaossis with dissolve pause 0.5 he uniform smile "I wiiiin!!!!" he uniform normal1 "One less cultist in the undercity" hide screen combatbar if money < 100000: $ money += 2000 play sound "audio/sound effects/moneyplus.mp3" "Congrats you get 2000 credits from killing the enemy." elif money >= 100000: "Your bag is full, you cannot take more credits from the enemy." "You collect a chaos armor fragment." $ num32 += 1 stop music $ enemy4.hp = enemy4.max_hp $ enemy4.durability = enemy4.max_durability jump warpfight2 label combat6: show screen combatbar(enemy5, "COMBAT") scene warparena play music "audio/backgroundmusic/combat.wav" "Combat test" "[] vs []" call heidi_combat from _call_heidi_combat_4 show daemonette with moveinright: xalign 0.9 yalign 0.25 while pc.hp > 0 and enemy5.hp > 0: label heidiattack_daemonette: menu: "Attack": $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,8) if random_enemy_move <= 6: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_attack from _call_heidi_attack_8 $ pc.attack(enemy5) call combat_hit from _call_combat_hit_8 if enemy5.hp > 0 : jump enemy5attack if enemy5.hp == 0 : jump battleover_daemonette else: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_attack from _call_heidi_attack_9 $ pc.misshit(enemy5) "[] dodged and got no damage." call heidi_missed_attack from _call_heidi_missed_attack_8 if enemy5.hp > 0 : jump enemy5attack if enemy5.hp == 0: jump battleover_daemonette "Brutal attack": $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,4) if random_enemy_move <= 3: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_brutal_attack from _call_heidi_brutal_attack_8 $ pc.brutalattack(enemy5) call combat_hit from _call_combat_hit_9 if enemy5.hp > 0 : jump enemy5brutal if enemy5.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_daemonette else: "{i}[] attack []{/i}" call heidi_brutal_attack from _call_heidi_brutal_attack_9 $ pc.misshit(enemy5) "[] dodged and got no damage." call heidi_missed_attack from _call_heidi_missed_attack_9 pause 0.5 if enemy5.hp > 0 : jump enemy5brutal if enemy5.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_daemonette "Use potion": call heidi_use_potion from _call_heidi_use_potion_5 label enemy5attack: $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,4) if random_enemy_move <= 3: "{i}[] attack back.{/i}" $ enemy5.attack(pc) call heidi_got_hit from _call_heidi_got_hit_8 if pc.hp > 10: jump heidiattack_daemonette if pc.hp < 10 and pc.hp > 1 : call servo_warning from _call_servo_warning_8 jump heidiattack_daemonette if pc.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_daemonette else: "{i}[] attack back.{i}" $ enemy5.misshit(pc) call enemy_missed_attack from _call_enemy_missed_attack_8 jump heidiattack_daemonette label enemy5brutal: $ random_enemy_move = renpy.random.randint(1,2) if random_enemy_move == 1: "{i}[] attack back.{/i}" $ enemy5.brutalattack(pc) call heidi_got_hit from _call_heidi_got_hit_9 if pc.hp > 10: jump heidiattack_daemonette if pc.hp < 10 and pc.hp > 1 : call servo_warning from _call_servo_warning_9 jump heidiattack_daemonette if pc.hp == 0: pause 0.5 jump battleover_daemonette else: "{i}[] attack back.{i}" $ enemy5.misshit(pc) call enemy_missed_attack from _call_enemy_missed_attack_9 jump heidiattack_daemonette label battleover_daemonette: if pc.hp == 0: call battle_lost from _call_battle_lost_4 stop music "You became unconcious." scene blackbg "You lost some money in the process." hide screen combatbar $ day = 1 $ money -= 1000 if money <= 0: $ money = 0 "You lost 1000 credits from losing the fight." $ enemy5.hp = enemy5.max_hp $ enemy5.durability = enemy5.max_durability jump quarter2 if enemy5.hp == 0: call battle_win from _call_battle_win_4 hide daemonette with dissolve pause 0.5 he uniform smile "I wiiiin!!!!" he uniform normal1 "One less enemy in the warp" hide screen combatbar if money < 100000: $ money += 1250 play sound "audio/sound effects/moneyplus.mp3" "Congrats you get 1000 credits from killing the enemy." elif money >= 100000: "Your bag is full, you cannot take more credits from the enemy." stop music $ enemy5.hp = enemy5.max_hp $ enemy5.durability = enemy5.max_durability jump warpfight