/* * Official Web Page * * * License * Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution, Share Alike, Non-Commercial * * * Copyright (c) 2019 Vladimir Skrypnikov (Pheonix KageDesu) * * */ //============================================================================= // Alpha_ABS //============================================================================= //Version 1.2 (26.05.2018) /*: * @author Pheonix KageDesu * @plugindesc v1.2.1050 [Pro] The real-time action battle system * * @help * * Web Page: * https://kagedesuworkshop.blogspot.com/p/alpha-abs.html * Wiki Page: * https://github.com/KageDesu/Alpha-ABS/wiki * Patreon Page: * https://www.patreon.com/KageDesu * YouTube Channel: * https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA3R61ojF5vp5tGwJ1YqdgQ? * * Thanks to all my patrons! * * Plugin partners: * - Fiquei * * Plugin supporters: * - Donald Derrick * - Sarcastic Sloth * - Bud Leiser * - Timothy Barry * - The Commander * - Screag * - RealHandy * * [!] Please read Wiki Page for more information and documentation * * === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === * * @requiredAssets audio/se/Equip2 * @requiredAssets audio/se/Coin * @requiredAssets audio/se/Magic3 * @requiredAssets img/animations/StateDown1 * * @param Alpha ABS * * * @param Interface * @default -------------------- * * @param UI_Visible * @text Show UI in game? * @parent Interface * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * @default true * * * @param UI_Elements * @text Elements * @default -------------------- * @parent Interface * * * @param UIE_SpellSelectZoneImage * @parent UI_Elements * @text Spell zone image * @type file * @dir img/ * @require 1 * @desc image when you select spell hit zone on ground, 96 x 96 px, empty for default image * * * @param UI_PlayerDamageColor * @parent UI_Elements * @text Player Damage Outline * @type string * @default #FF0000 * @desc HEX value or empty * * @param Show Mini HP Bars * @parent UI_Elements * @type combo * @option Never * @option Always * @option Only for selected * @default Never * @desc Show HP bar above enemies and allies on ABS Map * * @param UIE_Buttons * @text UI Buttons * @parent UI_Elements * @type boolean * @default true * @desc Show UI Buttons on UI? * * @param UIE_ButtonsCustom * @text Custom Buttons Names * @parent UIE_Buttons * @type string * @default * @desc Buttons names from JSON (separate by comma) * * @param Enemies * @default -------------------- * * @param Enemy Dead Switch * @parent Enemies * @type combo * @option A * @option B * @option C * @option D * @default B * @desc Event self switch to turn ON when enemy die * * @param Auto loot * @desc If this parameter true - enemies will looting automatically when die * @parent Enemies * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * @default false * * * * * @param Animations * @default -------------------- * * @param Revive Animation * @parent Animations * @type animation * @desc 0 - also default (45), -1 - no animation * @default 45 * * @param Cast Animation * @parent Animations * @type animation * @desc 0 - default * @default 0 * * @param Cast Animation SE * @parent Cast Animation * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * @default true * @desc Use default cast animation SE sound ? * * @param Level Up Animation * @parent Animations * @type animation * @desc 0 - also default (49), -1 - no animation * @default 49 * * * * * * * * @param Commons Settings * @default -------------------- * * @param Game Over Map ID * @desc Map Id where you transfer if your character die (0 - GameOver screen, any ABS map - GameOver screen) * @parent Commons Settings * @type number * @min 0 * @default 0 * * @param Game Over Map Direction * @text Transfer character direction * @parent Game Over Map ID * @type select * @default down * @option top * @option left * @option right * @option down * * @param Game Over Map Position * @parent Game Over Map ID * @type struct * @default {"X":"0","Y":"0"} * * @param Game Over Common Event * @parent Game Over Map ID * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * @desc This common event will be called after player death (0 - no event) * * @param Allow Transfrer * @desc Allows the transition between locations during the battle (on you risk) * @parent Commons Settings * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * @default false * * @param Solid Regions * @desc Map region Id's for solid objects (walls, doors, etc), use comma to separate: 1,2,3,4 * @parent Commons Settings * @type string * @default 0 * * @param Party experience * @parent Commons Settings * @type combo * @option For each member * @option For party * @option Share at all * @default For each member * @desc How experience will been given after enemy kill * * @param Enemy Spawn Map Id * @desc The map ID of the map you are using to store spawnable enemy * @parent Commons Settings * @type number * @default 0 * @min 0 * * @param Use_AStar * @text Use advanced pathfinding? * @parent Commons Settings * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * @default true * * @param AutoBindItems * @text Auto bind new items to the Skill panel? * @parent Commons Settings * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * @default true * * @param OldStyleSkillInfo * @text Use old style skill info window? * @parent Commons Settings * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * @default false * * @param ScreenShakeOnDamage * @text Shake screen when player get damage? * @parent Commons Settings * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * @default true * * * * * */ /*~struct~UIEPosition: * @param X * @type number * * @param Y * @type number */ /*~struct~UIEGradient: * @param Color 1 * @type string * @desc HEX value * * @param Color 2 * @type string * @desc HEX value */ /*~struct~UIEPlayerStatus: * @param Position * @type struct * * @param Visible * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * * @param Portrait * @type boolean * @on Visible * @off Hidden * * @param In battle Icon * @type file * @dir img/ * @require 1 * @desc empty for default image * * @param Mask * @type file * @dir img/ * @require 1 * @desc empty for default image * * @param Level * @type boolean * @on Visible * @off Hidden * * @param Background * @type file * @dir img/ * @require 1 * @desc empty for default image * */ /*~struct~UIEBar: * @param Font Name * @type string * * @param Color * @type struct * * @param Background Color * @type string * @desc HEX value * * @param Visible * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * * @param Show value * @type boolean * @on Visible * @off Hidden */ /*~struct~UIEEnemyTarget: * @param Font Name * @type string * * @param Visible * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * * @param Position * @type struct * * @param Name * @type boolean * @on Show * @off Not * @desc Show name or not? * * @param HP_text * @text Show HP in * @type select * @default % * @option % * @option Value * * @param HP Bar * @type struct * * @param Back_color * @text Background Color * @type string * @desc HEX value or empty * * @param Mask * @type file * @dir img/ * @require 1 * @desc empty for default image * * @param Selected_Image * @text Selected * @type file * @dir img/ * @require 1 * @desc empty for default image * * @param Selected_Color * @parent Selected_Image * @text Selected Color * @type string * @desc HEX value or empty */ /*~struct~UIEPlayerSpellPanel: * @param Visible * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * * @param Position * @type struct * * @param Image * @type file * @dir img/ * @require 1 * @desc File or empty * * @param AutoHide * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * @desc Auto hide skill panel when actor has no skills */ /*~struct~UIEPlayerHotBar: * @param Visible * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * * @param Position * @type struct * * @param Orientation * @type select * @default Vertical * @option Vertical * @option Horizontal * * @param Item1 * @text Attack * @type boolean * @on Visible * @off Hidden * * @param Item2 * @text Follow * @type boolean * @on Visible * @off Hidden * * @param Item3 * @text Jump * @type boolean * @on Visible * @off Hidden * * @param Item4 * @text Rotate * @type boolean * @on Visible * @off Hidden * * @param Item5 * @text Favorite Weapons * @type boolean * @on Visible * @off Hidden */ /*~struct~UIEMessagePanel: * @param Visible * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * * @param Position * @type struct * * @param Font Name * @type string * * @param Text Color * @type string * @desc HEX value */ /*~struct~UIEBasicElement: * @param Visible * @type boolean * @on Yes * @off No * * @param Position * @type struct */ /*~struct~UIEBarMini: * @param Color * @type struct * * @param Background Color * @type string * @desc HEX value */ //@[CODE STANDARD X1] /* jshint -W097 */ /* jshint -W117 */ "use strict"; var Imported = Imported || {}; Imported.AlphaABS = true; var AlphaABS = {}; AlphaABS.Version = '1.2'; AlphaABS.Build = 1050; AlphaABS.Versions = { 'Alpha ABS': AlphaABS.Version + ' : ' + AlphaABS.Build, 'PLATFORM': '1.5L', 'KD Core': '1.2.1B', 'CoffeeScript CLI': '2.3.1' }; AlphaABS.LIBS = {}; AlphaABS.jDATA = {}; var AA = AlphaABS; //? FOR 1.3 UI COMPABILITY AlphaABS.register = function (library) { this.LIBS[library.name] = library; }; (function () { SceneManager._printABSInfo = function () { console.error("Using AlphaABS [Version: " + AlphaABS.Version + " ; Build: " + AlphaABS.Build + " ; on MV " + Utils.RPGMAKER_VERSION + "]"); }; var _SceneManager_onError_ABS = SceneManager.onError; SceneManager.onError = function (e) { SceneManager._printABSInfo(); _SceneManager_onError_ABS.call(this, e); }; var _JsonEx_decode = JsonEx._decode; JsonEx._decode = function (value, circular, registry) { var type = Object.prototype.toString.call(value); if (type === '[object Object]' || type === '[object Array]') { if (value['@']) { var constructor = AlphaABS.LIBS[value['@']] || PLATFORM[value['@']]; if (constructor) { value = this._resetPrototype(value, constructor.prototype); value['@'] = null; } } } return _JsonEx_decode.call(this, value, circular, registry); }; })(); (function () { AA.__TOUTS = []; AA.__INTERS = []; AA.__INTERS_AI = []; AA.setTimeout = function (func, delay) { if (func && delay) { var timerID = setTimeout(func, delay); AA.__TOUTS.push(timerID); return timerID; } else return setTimeout(func, delay); }; AA.clearTimeout = function (timerID) { clearTimeout(timerID); AA.__TOUTS.delete(timerID); }; AA.setInterval = function (func, delay) { if (func && delay) { var timerID = setInterval(func, delay); AA.__INTERS.push(timerID); return timerID; } else return setInterval(func, delay); }; AA.clearInterval = function (timerID) { clearInterval(timerID); AA.__INTERS.delete(timerID); }; AA.setIntervalAI = function (func, delay) { if (func && delay) { var timerID = setInterval(func, delay); AA.__INTERS_AI.push(timerID); return timerID; } else return setInterval(func, delay); }; AA.clearIntervalAI = function (timerID) { clearInterval(timerID); AA.__INTERS_AI.delete(timerID); }; AA.getThreadsCount = function () { return AA.__TOUTS.length + AA.__INTERS.length + AA.__INTERS_AI.length; }; AA.clearAllThreads = function () { AA.clearUIThreads(); for (var j = 0; j < AA.__INTERS_AI.length; ++j) { clearInterval(AA.__INTERS_AI[j]); } AA.__INTERS_AI = []; }; AA.clearUIThreads = function () { for (var i = 0; i < AA.__TOUTS.length; ++i) { clearTimeout(AA.__TOUTS[i]); } for (var j = 0; j < AA.__INTERS.length; ++j) { clearInterval(AA.__INTERS[j]); } AA.__TOUTS = []; AA.__INTERS = []; }; })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ KDCore.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //![THIS LIBRARY ONLY FOR ALPHA ABS with MV < 1.6.1 SUPPORT] var KDCore; KDCore = KDCore || {}; KDCore.Version = '1.2.1B'; KDCore.LIBS = {}; KDCore.register = function(library) { return this.LIBS[library.name] = library; }; (function() { var BitmapSrc, Color, DevLog, ParametersManager, SDK, StringsLoader, __TMP_LOGS__, __alias_Bitmap_fillAll; //Array Extension //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Array.prototype.delete = function() { var L, a, ax, what; what = void 0; a = arguments; L = a.length; ax = void 0; while (L && this.length) { what = a[--L]; while ((ax = this.indexOf(what)) !== -1) { this.splice(ax, 1); } } return this; }; Array.prototype.include = function(value) { return this.indexOf(value) !== -1; }; //?[FOR 1.5.1] Array.prototype.includes = function(value) { return this.include(value); }; Array.prototype.max = function() { return Math.max.apply(null, this); }; Array.prototype.min = function() { return Math.min.apply(null, this); }; Array.prototype.sample = function() { if (this.length === 0) { return []; } return this[SDK.rand(0, this.length - 1)]; }; Array.prototype.first = function() { return this[0]; }; Array.prototype.last = function() { return this[this.length - 1]; }; Array.prototype.shuffle = function() { var k, n, v; n = this.length; while (n > 1) { n--; k = SDK.rand(0, n + 1); v = this[k]; this[k] = this[n]; this[n] = v; } }; Array.prototype.count = function() { return this.length; }; //Number Extension //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Number.prototype.do = function(method) { return SDK.times(this, method); }; Number.prototype.clamp = function(min, max) { return Math.min(Math.max(this, min), max); }; //Sprite Extension //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sprite.prototype.moveToCenter = function(dx, dy) { dx = SDK.check(dx, 0); dy = SDK.check(dy, 0); return this.move(-this.bitmap.width / 2 + dx, -this.bitmap.height / 2 + dy); }; Sprite.prototype.setStaticAnchor = function(floatX, floatY) { this.x -= Math.round(this.width * floatX); this.y -= Math.round(this.height * floatY); }; Sprite.prototype.moveToParentCenter = function() { if (!this.parent) { return; } return this.move(this.parent.width / 2, this.parent.height / 2); }; //Bitmap Extension //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __alias_Bitmap_fillAll = Bitmap.prototype.fillAll; Bitmap.prototype.fillAll = function(color) { if (color instanceof KDCore.Color) { return this.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height, color.CSS); } else { return __alias_Bitmap_fillAll.call(this, color); } }; Bitmap.prototype.drawIcon = function(x, y, icon, size) { var bitmap; size = SDK.check(size, 32); bitmap = null; if (icon instanceof Bitmap) { bitmap = icon; } else { bitmap = BitmapSrc.LoadFromIconIndex(icon).bitmap; } return this.drawOnMe(bitmap, x, y, size, size); }; Bitmap.prototype.drawOnMe = function(bitmap, x, y, sw, sh) { x = SDK.check(x, 0); y = SDK.check(y, 0); sw = SDK.check(sw, 0); sh = SDK.check(sh, 0); if (sw <= 0) { sw = bitmap.width; } if (sh <= 0) { sh = bitmap.height; } this.blt(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.width, bitmap.height, x, y, sw, sh); }; Bitmap.prototype.drawTextFull = function(text, position) { position = SDK.check(position, 'center'); return this.drawText(text, 0, 0, this.width, this.height, position); }; //String Extenstion //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replacement) { var target; target = this; return target.split(search).join(replacement); }; //SDK //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SDK = function() { throw new Error('This is a static class'); }; SDK.rand = function(min, max) { return Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; }; SDK.setConstantToObject = function(object, constantName, constantValue) { object[constantName] = constantValue; if (typeof object[constantName] === 'object') { Object.freeze(object[constantName]); } Object.defineProperty(object, constantName, { writable: false }); }; SDK.convertBitmapToBase64Data = function(bitmap) { return bitmap._canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); }; SDK.times = function(times, method) { var i, results; i = 0; results = []; while (i < times) { method(i); results.push(i++); } return results; }; SDK.toGlobalCoord = function(layer, coordSymbol) { var node, t; coordSymbol = SDK.check(coordSymbol, 'x'); t = layer[coordSymbol]; node = layer; while (node) { t -= node[coordSymbol]; node = node.parent; } return (t * -1) + layer[coordSymbol]; }; SDK.isInt = function(n) { return Number(n) === n && n % 1 === 0; }; SDK.isFloat = function(n) { return Number(n) === n && n % 1 !== 0; }; SDK.check = function(value, defaultValue) { if (defaultValue === void 0 || defaultValue === null) { defaultValue = true; } if (value === void 0 || value === null) { return defaultValue; } else { return value; } }; SDK.checkSwitch = function(switchValue) { if (switchValue === 'A' || switchValue === 'B' || switchValue === 'C' || switchValue === 'D') { return true; } return false; }; //For compability with PLATFORM SDK.setConstant = function(object, name, value) { return SDK.setConstantToObject(object, name, value); }; //Color //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Color = class Color { constructor(r1, g1, b1, a1) { this.r = r1; this.g = g1; this.b = b1; this.a = a1; this.r = SDK.check(this.r, 255); this.g = SDK.check(this.g, 255); this.b = SDK.check(this.b, 255); this.a = SDK.check(this.a, 255); } getLightestColor(lightLevel) { var bf, newColor, p; bf = 0.3 * this.R + 0.59 * this.G + 0.11 * this.B; p = 0; newColor = [0, 0, 0, 0]; if (bf - lightLevel >= 0) { if (bf >= 0) { p = Math.abs(bf - lightLevel) / lightLevel; } newColor = this.ARR.map(function(c) { return c - (p * c); }); } else { if (bf >= 0) { p = (lightLevel - bf) / (255 - bf); } newColor = this.ARR.map(function(c) { return [(255 - c) * p + c, 255].min(); }); } return new Color(newColor[0], newColor[1], newColor[2], newColor[3]); } clone() { return this.reAlpha(this.a); } reAlpha(newAlpha) { return new Color(this.r, this.g, this.b, newAlpha || 255); } static AddConstantColor(name, color) { color.toHex(); color.toArray(); color.toCSS(); SDK.setConstantToObject(Color, name, color); } toHex() { var b, g, r; if (this._colorHex != null) { return this._colorHex; } r = Math.floor(this.r).toString(16).padZero(2); g = Math.floor(this.g).toString(16).padZero(2); b = Math.floor(this.b).toString(16).padZero(2); return this._colorHex = '#' + r + g + b; } toArray() { if (this._colorArray != null) { return this._colorArray; } return this._colorArray = [this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a]; } toCSS() { var na, nb, ng, nr; if (this._colorCss != null) { return this._colorCss; } nr = Math.round(this.r); ng = Math.round(this.g); nb = Math.round(this.b); na = this.a / 255; return this._colorCss = `rgba(${nr},${ng},${nb},${na})`; } toNumber() { return Number(this.toHex().replace("#", "0x")); } static Random() { var a, b, c; a = SDK.rand(1, 254); b = SDK.rand(1, 254); c = SDK.rand(1, 254); return new Color(a, b, c, 255); } static FromHex(hexString) { var color, result; result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hexString); color = null; if (result != null) { color = { r: parseInt(result[1], 16), g: parseInt(result[2], 16), b: parseInt(result[3], 16) }; } if (color != null) { return new Color(color.r, color.g, color.b, 255); } else { return Color.NONE; } } }; Object.defineProperties(Color.prototype, { R: { get: function() { return this.r; }, configurable: true }, G: { get: function() { return this.g; }, configurable: true }, B: { get: function() { return this.b; }, configurable: true }, A: { get: function() { return this.a; }, configurable: true }, ARR: { get: function() { return this.toArray(); }, configurable: true }, CSS: { get: function() { return this.toCSS(); }, configurable: true }, HEX: { get: function() { return this.toHex(); }, configurable: true }, OX: { get: function() { return this.toNumber(); }, configurable: true } }); Color.AddConstantColor('NONE', new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); Color.AddConstantColor('BLACK', new Color(0, 0, 0, 255)); Color.AddConstantColor('WHITE', new Color(255, 255, 255, 255)); Color.AddConstantColor('RED', new Color(255, 0, 0, 255)); Color.AddConstantColor('GREEN', new Color(0, 255, 0, 255)); Color.AddConstantColor('BLUE', new Color(0, 0, 255, 255)); Color.AddConstantColor('AQUA', new Color(128, 255, 255, 255)); Color.AddConstantColor('MAGENTA', new Color(128, 0, 128, 255)); Color.AddConstantColor('YELLOW', new Color(255, 255, 0, 255)); Color.AddConstantColor('ORANGE', new Color(255, 128, 0, 255)); //DevLog //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ __TMP_LOGS__ = []; DevLog = class DevLog { constructor(prefix) { this.prefix = prefix; this.prefix = SDK.check(this.prefix, ""); this._isShow = typeof DEV !== 'undefined'; this._color = Color.BLACK; this._backColor = Color.WHITE; __TMP_LOGS__.push(this); } on() { this._isShow = true; return this; } off() { this._isShow = false; return this; } applyRandomColors() { this.applyRandomWithoutBackgroundColors(); this.setBackColor(Color.Random()); return this; } applyRandomWithoutBackgroundColors() { this.setColor(Color.Random()); return this; } setColor(color) { this._color = color; return this; } setBackColor(backColor) { this._backColor = backColor; return this; } applyLibraryColors() { this.setColors(new Color(22, 120, 138, 0), Color.BLACK); return this; } setColors(color, backColor) { this.setColor(color); this.setBackColor(backColor); return this; } applyExtensionColors() { this.setColors(new Color(22, 143, 137, 0), Color.BLACK.getLightestColor(60)); return this; } applyWarningColors() { this.setColors(Color.ORANGE, Color.BLACK.getLightestColor(100)); return this; } p(text) { if (!this._isShow) { return; } if (text == null) { console.log(""); } this._printText(text); } _printText(text) { text = this.prefix + " : " + text; if (this._isUsingColor()) { return this._printTextWithColors(text); } else { return console.log(text); } } _isUsingColor() { return this._color !== Color.BLACK || this._backColor !== Color.WHITE; } _printTextWithColors(text) { var args; args = ['%c' + text, `color: ${this._color.HEX} ; background: ${this._backColor.HEX};`]; return window.console.log.apply(console, args); } static CreateForLib(library) { var dlog; dlog = new DevLog(library.name); dlog.applyLibraryColors(); return dlog; } static EnableAllLogs() { return __TMP_LOGS__.forEach(function(log) { return log.on(); }); } }; BitmapSrc = (function() { //BitmapSrc //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class BitmapSrc { constructor() { this.bitmap = null; } static LoadFromIconIndex(iconIndex) { var bs, icon_bitmap, iconset, ph, pw, sx, sy; bs = new BitmapSrc(); if (BitmapSrc.CACHE[iconIndex] == null) { iconset = ImageManager.loadSystem('IconSet'); pw = Window_Base._iconWidth; ph = Window_Base._iconHeight; sx = iconIndex % 16 * pw; sy = Math.floor(iconIndex / 16) * ph; icon_bitmap = new Bitmap(pw, ph); icon_bitmap.addLoadListener(function() { icon_bitmap.blt(iconset, sx, sy, pw, ph, 0, 0); }); BitmapSrc.CACHE[iconIndex] = icon_bitmap; } bs.bitmap = BitmapSrc.CACHE[iconIndex]; return bs; } static LoadFromImageFolder(filename) { var bs; bs = new BitmapSrc(); bs.bitmap = ImageManager.loadPicture(filename); return bs; } static LoadFromBase64(data, name) { var bs; bs = new BitmapSrc(); if (name != null) { if (BitmapSrc.CACHE[name] != null) { bs.bitmap = BitmapSrc.CACHE[name]; } else { BitmapSrc.CACHE[name] = Bitmap.load(data); bs.bitmap = BitmapSrc.CACHE[name]; } } else { bs.bitmap = Bitmap.load(data); } return bs; } static LoadFromMemory(symbol) { var bs; bs = new BitmapSrc(); if (BitmapSrc.CACHE[symbol] != null) { bs.bitmap = BitmapSrc.CACHE[symbol]; } else { bs.bitmap = ImageManager.loadEmptyBitmap(); } return bs; } }; BitmapSrc.CACHE = {}; return BitmapSrc; }).call(this); //ParametersManager //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PluginManager.getPluginParametersByRoot = function(rootName) { var pluginParameters, property; for (property in this._parameters) { if (this._parameters.hasOwnProperty(property)) { pluginParameters = this._parameters[property]; if (PluginManager.isPluginParametersContentKey(pluginParameters, rootName)) { return pluginParameters; } } } return PluginManager.parameters(rootName); }; PluginManager.isPluginParametersContentKey = function(pluginParameters, key) { return pluginParameters[key] !== void 0; }; ParametersManager = class ParametersManager { constructor(pluginName) { this.pluginName = pluginName; this._cache = {}; this._parameters = PluginManager.getPluginParametersByRoot(this.pluginName); } isLoaded() { return (this._parameters != null) && this._parameters.hasOwnProperty(this.pluginName); } isHasParameter(name) { return this._parameters[name] != null; } getString(name) { return this._parameters[name]; } convertField(object, fieldName) { var e; try { object[fieldName] = JSON.parse(object[fieldName] || 'false'); } catch (error) { e = error; console.error('Error while convert field ' + e.name); object[fieldName] = false; } return object; } convertImage(object, fieldName) { return object[fieldName] = this.loadImage(object[fieldName]); } loadImage(filename, smooth) { var e, path; try { if (filename) { path = filename.split('/'); filename = path.last(); path = path.first() + '/'; return ImageManager.loadBitmap('img/' + path, filename, 0, smooth || true); } else { return ImageManager.loadEmptyBitmap(); } } catch (error) { e = error; console.error(e); return ImageManager.loadEmptyBitmap(); } } getFromCacheOrInit(name, func) { var object; if (!this.isInCache(name)) { if (func != null) { object = func.call(this); this.putInCache(name, object); } } return this.getFromCache(name); } isInCache(name) { return this._cache.hasOwnProperty(name); } putInCache(name, object) { return this._cache[name] = object; } getFromCache(name) { return this._cache[name]; } getNumber(name) { var number; number = this.getObject(name); if (SDK.isInt(number)) { return number; } return 0; } getObject(name) { if (this.isHasParameter(name)) { return JSON.parse(this.getString(name) || '{}'); } else { return {}; } } getBoolean(name) { if (this.isHasParameter(name)) { return JSON.parse(this.getString(name) || false); } else { return false; } } }; //StringsLoader //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ StringsLoader = class StringsLoader { constructor(_parameters) { this._parameters = _parameters; } loadAllStringsToObject(object) { var strings; strings = this._collect(object); this._writeNewString(object, strings); } _collect(object) { var properties, strings; properties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object); strings = properties.filter(function(item) { return item.includes("STRING_"); }); return strings; } _writeNewString(object, strings) { var j, len, string; for (j = 0, len = strings.length; j < len; j++) { string = strings[j]; this._setStringFromPluginParametersToObject(object, string); } } _setStringFromPluginParametersToObject(object, stringName) { var newValue; newValue = this._parameters[stringName]; if (newValue) { object[stringName] = newValue; } } //?{NEW} loadAllStringsToObjectFromJSON(object, data) { var j, len, string, strings; strings = this._collect(object); for (j = 0, len = strings.length; j < len; j++) { string = strings[j]; this._setStringFromJSONDataToObject(object, data, string); } } _setStringFromJSONDataToObject(object, data, stringName) { var newValue; newValue = data[stringName]; if (newValue != null) { object[stringName] = newValue; } } }; //EXTENSION TO GLOBAL //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KDCore.SDK = SDK; KDCore.Color = Color; KDCore.DevLog = DevLog; KDCore.BitmapSrc = BitmapSrc; KDCore.ParametersManager = ParametersManager; KDCore.StringsLoader = StringsLoader; })(); // ■ END KDCore.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ PointX.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //@[GLOBAL DEFINITION] /* jshint -W104 */ class AAPoint { constructor(mapX = 0, mapY = 0) { this._x = mapX; this._y = mapY; } clone() { return new AAPoint(this._x, this._y); } toString() { return "[" + this._x + " ; " + this._y + "]"; } convertToCanvas() { var cx = Graphics.pageToCanvasX(this._x); var cy = Graphics.pageToCanvasY(this._y); return new AAPoint(cx, cy); } convertToMap() { var cx = $gameMap.canvasToMapX(this._x); var cy = $gameMap.canvasToMapY(this._y); return new AAPoint(cx, cy); } convertToScreen() { var cx = this.screenX(); var cy = this.screenY(); return new AAPoint(cx, cy); } screenX() { var t = $gameMap.adjustX(this._x); var tw = $gameMap.tileWidth(); return Math.round(t * tw + tw / 2); } screenY() { var t = $gameMap.adjustY(this._y); var th = $gameMap.tileHeight(); return Math.round(t * th + th); } round() { return new AAPoint(Math.round(this._x), Math.round(this._y)); } static _getEmpty() { if (AAPoint._emptyPoint === undefined) { AAPoint._emptyPoint = new AAPoint(0, 0); } return AAPoint._emptyPoint; } } Object.defineProperties(AAPoint.prototype, { x: { get: function () { return this._x; }, configurable: true }, y: { get: function () { return this._y; }, configurable: true } }); Object.defineProperties(AAPoint, { Empty: { get: function () { return AAPoint._getEmpty(); }, configurable: false } }); Array.prototype.toPoint = function () { return new AAPoint(this[0], this[1]); }; Sprite.prototype.toPoint = function () { return new AAPoint(this.x, this.y); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.toPoint = function () { return new AAPoint(this.x, this.y); }; // ■ END PointX.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AASprite.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // * Расширение - методы быстрого доступа к рисованию var AASprite; AASprite = class AASprite extends Sprite { constructor() { super(...arguments); } b() { return this.bitmap; } clear() { return this.bitmap.clear(); } bNew(w, h) { if (h == null) { h = w; } return this.bitmap = new Bitmap(w, h); } bImg(filename) { return this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadAA(filename); } onReady(method) { if (method != null) { return this.bitmap.addLoadListener(method); } } fillAll(c) { return this.bitmap.fillAll(c); } add(child) { return this.addChild(child); } drawText() { return this.bitmap.drawText(...arguments); } drawTextFull(text, position) { return this.bitmap.drawTextFull(text, position); } drawIcon() { return this.bitmap.drawIcon(...arguments); } moveByJson(settings) { var pos; pos = AA.Utils.getPositionPointFromJSON(settings); return this.move(pos.x, pos.y); } applyTextSettingsByJson(sprite, settings) { this.applyTextSettingsByExtraSettings(sprite, settings.text); } applyTextSettingsByExtraSettings(sprite, s) { sprite.move(s.marginX, s.marginY); sprite.b().fontSize = s.fontSize; sprite.b().textColor = KDCore.Color.FromHex(s.textColor).CSS; sprite.b().outlineWidth = s.outlineWidth; if (s.outlineColor != null) { sprite.b().outlineColor = KDCore.Color.FromHex(s.outlineColor).CSS; } if ((s.fontFace != null) && AA.isUseFonts()) { sprite.b().fontFace = s.fontFace; } sprite.b().fontItalic = s.fontItalic; sprite.visible = s.visible; } setGlowFilter(color, power = 0.8) { //color is 16 number, like 0xF00080 if (PIXI.filters == null) { return; } return this.filters = [new PIXI.filters.GlowFilter(2, power, 0, color, 0.5)]; } setOutlineFilter(color, power = 0.8) { if (PIXI.filters == null) { return; } return this.filters = [new PIXI.filters.OutlineFilter(power, color, 0.5)]; } clearFilters() { return this.filters = []; } // * Не работает Push команда, это не массив? //_addNewFilter: (f) -> if @filters? then @filters.push(f) else @filters = [f] inPosition(point) { var rect, rx, ry; rx = KDCore.SDK.toGlobalCoord(this, 'x'); ry = KDCore.SDK.toGlobalCoord(this, 'y'); rect = new Rectangle(rx, ry, this.width, this.height); return AA.UTILS.SMath.inRect(point, rect); } isReady() { var i, j, ref; if (this.bitmap != null) { if (!this.bitmap.isReady()) { return false; } } for (i = j = 0, ref = this.children.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { if (!this.children[i].bitmap.isReady()) { return false; } } return true; } static FromImg(filename) { var s; s = new AASprite(); s.bImg(filename); return s; } static FromBitmap(w, h) { var s; s = new AASprite(); s.bNew(w, h); return s; } }; // ■ END AASprite.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ DevExt.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- var __tObject; (function() { var __TMP_LOG__; __TMP_LOG__ = null; String.prototype.LOG = function() { if (__TMP_LOG__ === null) { __TMP_LOG__ = new KDCore.DevLog("TMP"); __TMP_LOG__.setColors(Color.WHITE, Color.BLACK.getLightestColor(20)); } __TMP_LOG__.p(this); }; Number.prototype.LOG = function() { return this.toString().LOG(); }; Array.prototype.LOG = function() { return this.toString().LOG(); }; Boolean.prototype.LOG = function() { return this.toString().LOG(); }; String.prototype.P = function() { return this.LOG(); }; String.prototype.p = function(additionText) { var str; if (additionText != null) { str = this + " : " + additionText; return str.LOG(); } else { return this.LOG(); } }; })(); __tObject = null; // ■ END DevExt.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // * EXTENSION ERROR LOG (function(){ var Imported = Imported || {}; if (Imported.YEP_CoreEngine == true) { return; } // ? THIS CODE FROM YEP_CoreEngine Graphics.printFullError = function (name, message, stack) { stack = this.processErrorStackMessage(stack); if (this._errorPrinter) { this._errorPrinter.innerHTML = this._makeFullErrorHtml(name, message, stack); } this._applyCanvasFilter(); this._clearUpperCanvas(); }; Graphics._makeFullErrorHtml = function (name, message, stack) { var text = ''; for (var i = 2; i < stack.length; ++i) { text += '' + stack[i] + '
'; } return ('' + stack[0] + '
' + '' + stack[1] + '
' + text); }; Graphics.processErrorStackMessage = function (stack) { var data = stack.split(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/); data.unshift('Game has encountered a bug. Please report it.
'); for (var i = 1; i < data.length; ++i) { data[i] = data[i].replace(/[\(](.*[\/])/, '('); } data.push('
Press F5 to restart the game.' + '
'); var absVersion = AlphaABS.getVersionInfo(); data.push('
Game using Alpha ABS ' + absVersion + '
'); return data; }; var _alias_Graphics_updateErrorPrinter = Graphics._updateErrorPrinter; Graphics._updateErrorPrinter = function () { _alias_Graphics_updateErrorPrinter.call(this); this._errorPrinter.height = this._height * 0.5; this._errorPrinter.style.textAlign = 'left'; this._centerElement(this._errorPrinter); }; SceneManager.catchException = function (e) { SceneManager._printABSInfo(); if (e instanceof Error) { Graphics.printFullError(e.name, e.message, e.stack); console.error(e.stack); } else { Graphics.printError('UnknownError', e); } AudioManager.stopAll(); this.stop(); }; })(); //========================================================================================================================================================== // JSPlatform //========================================================================================================================================================== var PLATFORM = PLATFORM || {}; if (!PLATFORM.Version) { (function ($) { $.Version = 150; $.VersionString = '1.5L'; "use strict"; //============================================================================== //Расширение стандартных классов MV //============================================================================== //TouchInput //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var _JSPlatform_3442_TouchInput_onMouseMove = TouchInput._onMouseMove; TouchInput._onMouseMove = function (event) { _JSPlatform_3442_TouchInput_onMouseMove.call(this, event); if (!this._mousePressed) { this.mX = Graphics.pageToCanvasX(event.pageX); this.mY = Graphics.pageToCanvasY(event.pageY); } else { this.mX = this._x; this.mY = this._y; } }; //END TouchInput //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //SDK EXTENSIONS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KDCore.SDK.smartRand = function (n, s, r) { //1.2 n = SDK.check(n, 1); s = SDK.check(s, 0); r = SDK.check(r, true); if (r) return Math.round((Math.random() * n) - s); else return (Math.random() * n) - s; }; KDCore.SDK.toCX = function (width, sourceWidth) { sourceWidth = SDK.check(sourceWidth, Graphics.width); return ((sourceWidth / 2) - (width / 2)); }; /** * Корректировка округления десятичных дробей. * (https://developer.mozilla.org/ru/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Math/floor) * * @param {String} type Тип корректировки. * @param {Number} value Число. * @param {Integer} exp Показатель степени (десятичный логарифм основания корректировки). * @returns {Number} Скорректированное значение. */ KDCore.SDK.decimalAdjust = function (type, value, exp) { // Если степень не определена, либо равна нулю... if (typeof exp === 'undefined' || +exp === 0) { return Math[type](value); } value = +value; exp = +exp; // Если значение не является числом, либо степень не является целым числом... if (isNaN(value) || !(typeof exp === 'number' && exp % 1 === 0)) { return NaN; } // Сдвиг разрядов value = value.toString().split('e'); value = Math[type](+(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] - exp) : -exp))); // Обратный сдвиг value = value.toString().split('e'); return +(value[0] + 'e' + (value[1] ? (+value[1] + exp) : exp)); }; KDCore.SDK.applyInterface = function (targetClass, interfacex) { for (var i in interfacex) { if (interfacex.hasOwnProperty(i)) { targetClass.prototype[i] = interfacex[i]; } } }; //END SDK //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //============================================================================== //Общие настройки //============================================================================== //Настройка версий $.Versions = {}; //Расширение $.extendMe = function (obj) { obj.Color = KDCore.Color; obj.SDK = KDCore.SDK; obj.DevLog = KDCore.DevLog; } $.extendMe($); })(PLATFORM); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ } var SDK = KDCore.SDK; var Color = KDCore.Color; //$[1.5.2 Support] function PHLoger() { throw new Error('This is a static class'); } // * COMMON =================================================================== (function () { String.prototype.replaceAll = function (search, replacement) { var target; target = this; return target.split(search).join(replacement); }; Date.prototype.yyyymmdd = function () { var mm = this.getMonth() + 1; var dd = this.getDate(); var time = this.toLocaleTimeString().replaceAll(":", "_"); return [this.getFullYear(), (mm > 9 ? '' : '0') + mm, (dd > 9 ? '' : '0') + dd, time ].join('_'); }; })(); // * MAIN ==================================================================== (function () { if (!Utils.isNwjs()) return; //*[NODE.JS ONLY] const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const os = require('os'); var localPathDir = function () { var base = path.dirname(process.mainModule.filename); var localFileDirectoryPath = path.join(base, 'logs/'); return localFileDirectoryPath; }; (function () { var _SceneManager_catchException_PH = SceneManager.catchException; SceneManager.catchException = function (e) { PHLoger.OnError(e); _SceneManager_catchException_PH.call(this, e); PHLoger.ShowDevTools(); }; var _SceneManager_onError_PH = SceneManager.onError; SceneManager.onError = function (e) { PHLoger.OnError(e); _SceneManager_onError_PH.call(this, e); PHLoger.ShowDevTools(); }; var _SceneManager_terminate_PH = SceneManager.terminate; SceneManager.terminate = function () { PHLoger.WriteLogToFile(); _SceneManager_terminate_PH.call(this); }; })(); (function () { //@[DEFINES] var _ = PHLoger; _.IsNeedShowConsole = true; _.C_Error = console.error; _.C_Warn = console.warn; console.error = function (message) { _.C_Error(message); _.Log('ERROR!', message); _.WriteLogToFile(); }; console.warn = function (message) { _.C_Warn(message); _.Log('WARNING!', message); }; _.InitSession = function () { _.LogFileName = "Log_" + (new Date()).yyyymmdd() + ".txt"; _.LogContent = []; _.Log("PHLoger", "Started"); _.Log("Alpha ABS version", AlphaABS.Version); _.Log("Alpha ABS build", AlphaABS.Build); _.Log("Help and support", "https://discord.gg/8EE6PMv"); _.Log("Patreon page", "https://www.patreon.com/KageDesu"); //_.WriteLogToFile(); // * NOT NEED SPAM AT START! }; _.WriteLogToFile = function () { var dir = localPathDir(); if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) { fs.mkdirSync(dir); } var outPath = path.join(dir, _.LogFileName); var content = _.LogContent.join(os.EOL); fs.writeFileSync(outPath, content, 'utf8'); }; _.LogAndWrite = function (name, message) { _.Log(name, message); _.WriteLogToFile(); }; _.Log = function (name, message) { _.PushToLog(name); _.PushToLog(message); _.PushToLog("----------"); }; _.PushToLog = function (message) { _.LogContent.push(message); }; _.OnError = function (error) { if (error != null) { _.Log(error.name, error.stack); } _.WriteLogToFile(); }; _.ShowDevTools = function () { if (_.IsNeedShowConsole == true && Utils.isNwjs()) { require('nw.gui').Window.get().showDevTools(); } }; })(); })(); // ? {INIT LOG} if (Utils.isNwjs()) PHLoger.InitSession(); /*! * pixi-filters - v2.6.1 * Compiled Thu, 03 May 2018 14:20:43 UTC * * pixi-filters is licensed under the MIT License. * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license */ var __filters=function(e,t){"use strict";var n="attribute vec2 aVertexPosition;\nattribute vec2 aTextureCoord;\n\nuniform mat3 projectionMatrix;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_Position = vec4((projectionMatrix * vec3(aVertexPosition, 1.0)).xy, 0.0, 1.0);\n vTextureCoord = aTextureCoord;\n}",r="varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\n\nuniform float gamma;\nuniform float contrast;\nuniform float saturation;\nuniform float brightness;\nuniform float red;\nuniform float green;\nuniform float blue;\nuniform float alpha;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n vec4 c = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n\n if (c.a > 0.0) {\n c.rgb /= c.a;\n\n vec3 rgb = pow(c.rgb, vec3(1. / gamma));\n rgb = mix(vec3(.5), mix(vec3(dot(vec3(.2125, .7154, .0721), rgb)), rgb, saturation), contrast);\n rgb.r *= red;\n rgb.g *= green;\n rgb.b *= blue;\n c.rgb = rgb * brightness;\n\n c.rgb *= c.a;\n }\n\n gl_FragColor = c * alpha;\n}\n",o=function(e){function t(t){e.call(this,n,r),Object.assign(this,{gamma:1,saturation:1,contrast:1,brightness:1,red:1,green:1,blue:1,alpha:1},t)}return e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t,t.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n,r){this.uniforms.gamma=Math.max(this.gamma,1e-4),this.uniforms.saturation=this.saturation,this.uniforms.contrast=this.contrast,this.uniforms.brightness=this.brightness,this.uniforms.red=this.red,this.uniforms.green=this.green,this.uniforms.blue=this.blue,this.uniforms.alpha=this.alpha,e.applyFilter(this,t,n,r)},t}(t.Filter),i=n,l="\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\n\nuniform vec2 uOffset;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n vec4 color = vec4(0.0);\n\n // Sample top left pixel\n color += texture2D(uSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.x - uOffset.x, vTextureCoord.y + uOffset.y));\n\n // Sample top right pixel\n color += texture2D(uSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.x + uOffset.x, vTextureCoord.y + uOffset.y));\n\n // Sample bottom right pixel\n color += texture2D(uSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.x + uOffset.x, vTextureCoord.y - uOffset.y));\n\n // Sample bottom left pixel\n color += texture2D(uSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.x - uOffset.x, vTextureCoord.y - uOffset.y));\n\n // Average\n color *= 0.25;\n\n gl_FragColor = color;\n}",s="\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\n\nuniform vec2 uOffset;\nuniform vec4 filterClamp;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n vec4 color = vec4(0.0);\n\n // Sample top left pixel\n color += texture2D(uSampler, clamp(vec2(vTextureCoord.x - uOffset.x, vTextureCoord.y + uOffset.y), filterClamp.xy, filterClamp.zw));\n\n // Sample top right pixel\n color += texture2D(uSampler, clamp(vec2(vTextureCoord.x + uOffset.x, vTextureCoord.y + uOffset.y), filterClamp.xy, filterClamp.zw));\n\n // Sample bottom right pixel\n color += texture2D(uSampler, clamp(vec2(vTextureCoord.x + uOffset.x, vTextureCoord.y - uOffset.y), filterClamp.xy, filterClamp.zw));\n\n // Sample bottom left pixel\n color += texture2D(uSampler, clamp(vec2(vTextureCoord.x - uOffset.x, vTextureCoord.y - uOffset.y), filterClamp.xy, filterClamp.zw));\n\n // Average\n color *= 0.25;\n\n gl_FragColor = color;\n}\n",a=function(e){function n(n,r,o){void 0===n&&(n=4),void 0===r&&(r=3),void 0===o&&(o=!1),e.call(this,i,o?s:l),this.uniforms.uOffset=new Float32Array(2),this._pixelSize=new t.Point,this.pixelSize=1,this._clamp=o,this._kernels=null,Array.isArray(n)?this.kernels=n:(this._blur=n,this.quality=r)}e&&(n.__proto__=e),n.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),n.prototype.constructor=n;var r={kernels:{configurable:!0},clamp:{configurable:!0},pixelSize:{configurable:!0},quality:{configurable:!0},blur:{configurable:!0}};return n.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n,r){var o,i=this.pixelSize.x/t.size.width,l=this.pixelSize.y/t.size.height;if(1===this._quality||0===this._blur)o=this._kernels[0]+.5,this.uniforms.uOffset[0]=o*i,this.uniforms.uOffset[1]=o*l,e.applyFilter(this,t,n,r);else{for(var s,a=e.getRenderTarget(!0),u=t,c=a,f=this._quality-1,h=0;h0)for(var r=e,o=e/t,i=1;i0?(this._kernels=e,this._quality=e.length,this._blur=Math.max.apply(Math,e)):(this._kernels=[0],this._quality=1)},r.clamp.get=function(){return this._clamp},r.pixelSize.set=function(e){"number"==typeof e?(this._pixelSize.x=e,this._pixelSize.y=e):Array.isArray(e)?(this._pixelSize.x=e[0],this._pixelSize.y=e[1]):e instanceof t.Point?(this._pixelSize.x=e.x,this._pixelSize.y=e.y):(this._pixelSize.x=1,this._pixelSize.y=1)},r.pixelSize.get=function(){return this._pixelSize},r.quality.get=function(){return this._quality},r.quality.set=function(e){this._quality=Math.max(1,Math.round(e)),this._generateKernels()},r.blur.get=function(){return this._blur},r.blur.set=function(e){this._blur=e,this._generateKernels()},Object.defineProperties(n.prototype,r),n}(t.Filter),u=n,c="\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform float threshold;\n\nvoid main() {\n vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n\n // A simple & fast algorithm for getting brightness.\n // It's inaccuracy , but good enought for this feature.\n float _max = max(max(color.r, color.g), color.b);\n float _min = min(min(color.r, color.g), color.b);\n float brightness = (_max + _min) * 0.5;\n\n if(brightness > threshold) {\n gl_FragColor = color;\n } else {\n gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n }\n}\n",f=function(e){function t(t){void 0===t&&(t=.5),e.call(this,u,c),this.threshold=t}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={threshold:{configurable:!0}};return n.threshold.get=function(){return this.uniforms.threshold},n.threshold.set=function(e){this.uniforms.threshold=e},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter),h="uniform sampler2D uSampler;\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform sampler2D bloomTexture;\nuniform float bloomScale;\nuniform float brightness;\n\nvoid main() {\n vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n color.rgb *= brightness;\n vec4 bloomColor = vec4(texture2D(bloomTexture, vTextureCoord).rgb, 0.0);\n bloomColor.rgb *= bloomScale;\n gl_FragColor = color + bloomColor;\n}\n",p=function(e){function n(n){e.call(this,u,h),"number"==typeof n&&(n={threshold:n}),n=Object.assign({threshold:.5,bloomScale:1,brightness:1,kernels:null,blur:8,quality:4,pixelSize:1,resolution:t.settings.RESOLUTION},n),this.bloomScale=n.bloomScale,this.brightness=n.brightness;var r=n.kernels,o=n.blur,i=n.quality,l=n.pixelSize,s=n.resolution;this._extractFilter=new f(n.threshold),this._extractFilter.resolution=s,this._blurFilter=r?new a(r):new a(o,i),this.pixelSize=l,this.resolution=s}e&&(n.__proto__=e),n.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),n.prototype.constructor=n;var r={resolution:{configurable:!0},threshold:{configurable:!0},kernels:{configurable:!0},blur:{configurable:!0},quality:{configurable:!0},pixelSize:{configurable:!0}};return n.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n,r,o){var i=e.getRenderTarget(!0);this._extractFilter.apply(e,t,i,!0,o);var l=e.getRenderTarget(!0);this._blurFilter.apply(e,i,l,!0,o),this.uniforms.bloomScale=this.bloomScale,this.uniforms.brightness=this.brightness,this.uniforms.bloomTexture=l,e.applyFilter(this,t,n,r),e.returnRenderTarget(l),e.returnRenderTarget(i)},r.resolution.get=function(){return this._resolution},r.resolution.set=function(e){this._resolution=e,this._extractFilter&&(this._extractFilter.resolution=e),this._blurFilter&&(this._blurFilter.resolution=e)},r.threshold.get=function(){return this._extractFilter.threshold},r.threshold.set=function(e){this._extractFilter.threshold=e},r.kernels.get=function(){return this._blurFilter.kernels},r.kernels.set=function(e){this._blurFilter.kernels=e},r.blur.get=function(){return this._blurFilter.blur},r.blur.set=function(e){this._blurFilter.blur=e},r.quality.get=function(){return this._blurFilter.quality},r.quality.set=function(e){this._blurFilter.quality=e},r.pixelSize.get=function(){return this._blurFilter.pixelSize},r.pixelSize.set=function(e){this._blurFilter.pixelSize=e},Object.defineProperties(n.prototype,r),n}(t.Filter),d=n,m="varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\nuniform float pixelSize;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\n\nvec2 mapCoord( vec2 coord )\n{\n coord *= filterArea.xy;\n coord += filterArea.zw;\n\n return coord;\n}\n\nvec2 unmapCoord( vec2 coord )\n{\n coord -= filterArea.zw;\n coord /= filterArea.xy;\n\n return coord;\n}\n\nvec2 pixelate(vec2 coord, vec2 size)\n{\n return floor( coord / size ) * size;\n}\n\nvec2 getMod(vec2 coord, vec2 size)\n{\n return mod( coord , size) / size;\n}\n\nfloat character(float n, vec2 p)\n{\n p = floor(p*vec2(4.0, -4.0) + 2.5);\n if (clamp(p.x, 0.0, 4.0) == p.x && clamp(p.y, 0.0, 4.0) == p.y)\n {\n if (int(mod(n/exp2(p.x + 5.0*p.y), 2.0)) == 1) return 1.0;\n }\n return 0.0;\n}\n\nvoid main()\n{\n vec2 coord = mapCoord(vTextureCoord);\n\n // get the rounded color..\n vec2 pixCoord = pixelate(coord, vec2(pixelSize));\n pixCoord = unmapCoord(pixCoord);\n\n vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler, pixCoord);\n\n // determine the character to use\n float gray = (color.r + color.g + color.b) / 3.0;\n\n float n = 65536.0; // .\n if (gray > 0.2) n = 65600.0; // :\n if (gray > 0.3) n = 332772.0; // *\n if (gray > 0.4) n = 15255086.0; // o\n if (gray > 0.5) n = 23385164.0; // &\n if (gray > 0.6) n = 15252014.0; // 8\n if (gray > 0.7) n = 13199452.0; // @\n if (gray > 0.8) n = 11512810.0; // #\n\n // get the mod..\n vec2 modd = getMod(coord, vec2(pixelSize));\n\n gl_FragColor = color * character( n, vec2(-1.0) + modd * 2.0);\n\n}",g=function(e){function t(t){void 0===t&&(t=8),e.call(this,d,m),this.size=t}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={size:{configurable:!0}};return n.size.get=function(){return this.uniforms.pixelSize},n.size.set=function(e){this.uniforms.pixelSize=e},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter),v=n,x="precision mediump float;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\n\nuniform float transformX;\nuniform float transformY;\nuniform vec3 lightColor;\nuniform float lightAlpha;\nuniform vec3 shadowColor;\nuniform float shadowAlpha;\n\nvoid main(void) {\n vec2 transform = vec2(1.0 / filterArea) * vec2(transformX, transformY);\n vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n float light = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord - transform).a;\n float shadow = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord + transform).a;\n\n color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, lightColor, clamp((color.a - light) * lightAlpha, 0.0, 1.0));\n color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, shadowColor, clamp((color.a - shadow) * shadowAlpha, 0.0, 1.0));\n gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb * color.a, color.a);\n}\n",y=function(e){function n(t){void 0===t&&(t={}),e.call(this,v,x),this.uniforms.lightColor=new Float32Array(3),this.uniforms.shadowColor=new Float32Array(3),t=Object.assign({rotation:45,thickness:2,lightColor:16777215,lightAlpha:.7,shadowColor:0,shadowAlpha:.7},t),this.rotation=t.rotation,this.thickness=t.thickness,this.lightColor=t.lightColor,this.lightAlpha=t.lightAlpha,this.shadowColor=t.shadowColor,this.shadowAlpha=t.shadowAlpha}e&&(n.__proto__=e),n.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),n.prototype.constructor=n;var r={rotation:{configurable:!0},thickness:{configurable:!0},lightColor:{configurable:!0},lightAlpha:{configurable:!0},shadowColor:{configurable:!0},shadowAlpha:{configurable:!0}};return n.prototype._updateTransform=function(){this.uniforms.transformX=this._thickness*Math.cos(this._angle),this.uniforms.transformY=this._thickness*Math.sin(this._angle)},r.rotation.get=function(){return this._angle/t.DEG_TO_RAD},r.rotation.set=function(e){this._angle=e*t.DEG_TO_RAD,this._updateTransform()},r.thickness.get=function(){return this._thickness},r.thickness.set=function(e){this._thickness=e,this._updateTransform()},r.lightColor.get=function(){return t.utils.rgb2hex(this.uniforms.lightColor)},r.lightColor.set=function(e){t.utils.hex2rgb(e,this.uniforms.lightColor)},r.lightAlpha.get=function(){return this.uniforms.lightAlpha},r.lightAlpha.set=function(e){this.uniforms.lightAlpha=e},r.shadowColor.get=function(){return t.utils.rgb2hex(this.uniforms.shadowColor)},r.shadowColor.set=function(e){t.utils.hex2rgb(e,this.uniforms.shadowColor)},r.shadowAlpha.get=function(){return this.uniforms.shadowAlpha},r.shadowAlpha.set=function(e){this.uniforms.shadowAlpha=e},Object.defineProperties(n.prototype,r),n}(t.Filter),_=t.filters,b=_.BlurXFilter,C=_.BlurYFilter,S=_.AlphaFilter,F=function(e){function n(n,r,o,i){var l,s;void 0===n&&(n=2),void 0===r&&(r=4),void 0===o&&(o=t.settings.RESOLUTION),void 0===i&&(i=5),e.call(this),"number"==typeof n?(l=n,s=n):n instanceof t.Point?(l=n.x,s=n.y):Array.isArray(n)&&(l=n[0],s=n[1]),this.blurXFilter=new b(l,r,o,i),this.blurYFilter=new C(s,r,o,i),this.blurYFilter.blendMode=t.BLEND_MODES.SCREEN,this.defaultFilter=new S}e&&(n.__proto__=e),n.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),n.prototype.constructor=n;var r={blur:{configurable:!0},blurX:{configurable:!0},blurY:{configurable:!0}};return n.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n){var r=e.getRenderTarget(!0);this.defaultFilter.apply(e,t,n),this.blurXFilter.apply(e,t,r),this.blurYFilter.apply(e,r,n),e.returnRenderTarget(r)},r.blur.get=function(){return this.blurXFilter.blur},r.blur.set=function(e){this.blurXFilter.blur=this.blurYFilter.blur=e},r.blurX.get=function(){return this.blurXFilter.blur},r.blurX.set=function(e){this.blurXFilter.blur=e},r.blurY.get=function(){return this.blurYFilter.blur},r.blurY.set=function(e){this.blurYFilter.blur=e},Object.defineProperties(n.prototype,r),n}(t.Filter),z=n,A="uniform float radius;\nuniform float strength;\nuniform vec2 center;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\nuniform vec4 filterClamp;\nuniform vec2 dimensions;\n\nvoid main()\n{\n vec2 coord = vTextureCoord * filterArea.xy;\n coord -= center * dimensions.xy;\n float distance = length(coord);\n if (distance < radius) {\n float percent = distance / radius;\n if (strength > 0.0) {\n coord *= mix(1.0, smoothstep(0.0, radius / distance, percent), strength * 0.75);\n } else {\n coord *= mix(1.0, pow(percent, 1.0 + strength * 0.75) * radius / distance, 1.0 - percent);\n }\n }\n coord += center * dimensions.xy;\n coord /= filterArea.xy;\n vec2 clampedCoord = clamp(coord, filterClamp.xy, filterClamp.zw);\n vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler, clampedCoord);\n if (coord != clampedCoord) {\n color *= max(0.0, 1.0 - length(coord - clampedCoord));\n }\n\n gl_FragColor = color;\n}\n",w=function(e){function t(t,n,r){e.call(this,z,A),this.uniforms.dimensions=new Float32Array(2),this.center=t||[.5,.5],this.radius=n||100,this.strength=r||1}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={radius:{configurable:!0},strength:{configurable:!0},center:{configurable:!0}};return t.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n,r){this.uniforms.dimensions[0]=t.sourceFrame.width,this.uniforms.dimensions[1]=t.sourceFrame.height,e.applyFilter(this,t,n,r)},n.radius.get=function(){return this.uniforms.radius},n.radius.set=function(e){this.uniforms.radius=e},n.strength.get=function(){return this.uniforms.strength},n.strength.set=function(e){this.uniforms.strength=e},n.center.get=function(){return this.uniforms.center},n.center.set=function(e){this.uniforms.center=e},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter),T=n,D="\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\n\nuniform sampler2D colorMap;\n\nuniform float _mix;\nuniform float _size;\nuniform float _sliceSize;\nuniform float _slicePixelSize;\nuniform float _sliceInnerSize;\n\nvoid main() {\n vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord.xy);\n\n float sliceIndex = color.b * (_size - 1.0);\n float zSlice0 = floor(sliceIndex);\n float zSlice1 = ceil(sliceIndex);\n\n float xOffset = _slicePixelSize * 0.5 + color.r * _sliceInnerSize;\n float s0 = xOffset + zSlice0 * _sliceSize;\n float s1 = xOffset + zSlice1 * _sliceSize;\n vec4 slice0Color = texture2D(colorMap, vec2(s0, color.g));\n vec4 slice1Color = texture2D(colorMap, vec2(s1, color.g));\n vec4 adjusted = mix(slice0Color, slice1Color, fract(sliceIndex));\n\n gl_FragColor = mix(color, adjusted, _mix);\n}\n",O=function(e){function n(t,n,r){void 0===n&&(n=!1),void 0===r&&(r=1),e.call(this,T,D),this._size=0,this._sliceSize=0,this._slicePixelSize=0,this._sliceInnerSize=0,this._scaleMode=null,this._nearest=!1,this.nearest=n,this.mix=r,this.colorMap=t}e&&(n.__proto__=e),n.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),n.prototype.constructor=n;var r={colorSize:{configurable:!0},colorMap:{configurable:!0},nearest:{configurable:!0}};return n.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n,r){this.uniforms._mix=this.mix,e.applyFilter(this,t,n,r)},r.colorSize.get=function(){return this._size},r.colorMap.get=function(){return this._colorMap},r.colorMap.set=function(e){e instanceof t.Texture||(e=t.Texture.from(e)),e&&e.baseTexture&&(e.baseTexture.scaleMode=this._scaleMode,e.baseTexture.mipmap=!1,this._size=e.height,this._sliceSize=1/this._size,this._slicePixelSize=this._sliceSize/this._size,this._sliceInnerSize=this._slicePixelSize*(this._size-1),this.uniforms._size=this._size,this.uniforms._sliceSize=this._sliceSize,this.uniforms._slicePixelSize=this._slicePixelSize,this.uniforms._sliceInnerSize=this._sliceInnerSize,this.uniforms.colorMap=e),this._colorMap=e},r.nearest.get=function(){return this._nearest},r.nearest.set=function(e){this._nearest=e,this._scaleMode=e?t.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST:t.SCALE_MODES.LINEAR;var n=this._colorMap;n&&n.baseTexture&&(n.baseTexture._glTextures={},n.baseTexture.scaleMode=this._scaleMode,n.baseTexture.mipmap=!1,n._updateID++,n.baseTexture.emit("update",n.baseTexture))},n.prototype.updateColorMap=function(){var e=this._colorMap;e&&e.baseTexture&&(e._updateID++,e.baseTexture.emit("update",e.baseTexture),this.colorMap=e)},n.prototype.destroy=function(t){this._colorMap&&this._colorMap.destroy(t),e.prototype.destroy.call(this)},Object.defineProperties(n.prototype,r),n}(t.Filter),P=n,M="varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform vec3 originalColor;\nuniform vec3 newColor;\nuniform float epsilon;\nvoid main(void) {\n vec4 currentColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n vec3 colorDiff = originalColor - (currentColor.rgb / max(currentColor.a, 0.0000000001));\n float colorDistance = length(colorDiff);\n float doReplace = step(colorDistance, epsilon);\n gl_FragColor = vec4(mix(currentColor.rgb, (newColor + colorDiff) * currentColor.a, doReplace), currentColor.a);\n}\n",R=function(e){function n(t,n,r){void 0===t&&(t=16711680),void 0===n&&(n=0),void 0===r&&(r=.4),e.call(this,P,M),this.uniforms.originalColor=new Float32Array(3),this.uniforms.newColor=new Float32Array(3),this.originalColor=t,this.newColor=n,this.epsilon=r}e&&(n.__proto__=e),n.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),n.prototype.constructor=n;var r={originalColor:{configurable:!0},newColor:{configurable:!0},epsilon:{configurable:!0}};return r.originalColor.set=function(e){var n=this.uniforms.originalColor;"number"==typeof e?(t.utils.hex2rgb(e,n),this._originalColor=e):(n[0]=e[0],n[1]=e[1],n[2]=e[2],this._originalColor=t.utils.rgb2hex(n))},r.originalColor.get=function(){return this._originalColor},r.newColor.set=function(e){var n=this.uniforms.newColor;"number"==typeof e?(t.utils.hex2rgb(e,n),this._newColor=e):(n[0]=e[0],n[1]=e[1],n[2]=e[2],this._newColor=t.utils.rgb2hex(n))},r.newColor.get=function(){return this._newColor},r.epsilon.set=function(e){this.uniforms.epsilon=e},r.epsilon.get=function(){return this.uniforms.epsilon},Object.defineProperties(n.prototype,r),n}(t.Filter),j=n,L="precision mediump float;\n\nvarying mediump vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform vec2 texelSize;\nuniform float matrix[9];\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n vec4 c11 = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord - texelSize); // top left\n vec4 c12 = texture2D(uSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.x, vTextureCoord.y - texelSize.y)); // top center\n vec4 c13 = texture2D(uSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.x + texelSize.x, vTextureCoord.y - texelSize.y)); // top right\n\n vec4 c21 = texture2D(uSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.x - texelSize.x, vTextureCoord.y)); // mid left\n vec4 c22 = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord); // mid center\n vec4 c23 = texture2D(uSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.x + texelSize.x, vTextureCoord.y)); // mid right\n\n vec4 c31 = texture2D(uSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.x - texelSize.x, vTextureCoord.y + texelSize.y)); // bottom left\n vec4 c32 = texture2D(uSampler, vec2(vTextureCoord.x, vTextureCoord.y + texelSize.y)); // bottom center\n vec4 c33 = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord + texelSize); // bottom right\n\n gl_FragColor =\n c11 * matrix[0] + c12 * matrix[1] + c13 * matrix[2] +\n c21 * matrix[3] + c22 * matrix[4] + c23 * matrix[5] +\n c31 * matrix[6] + c32 * matrix[7] + c33 * matrix[8];\n\n gl_FragColor.a = c22.a;\n}\n",k=function(e){function t(t,n,r){e.call(this,j,L),this.uniforms.texelSize=new Float32Array(9),this.matrix=t,this.width=n,this.height=r}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={matrix:{configurable:!0},width:{configurable:!0},height:{configurable:!0}};return n.matrix.get=function(){return this.uniforms.matrix},n.matrix.set=function(e){this.uniforms.matrix=new Float32Array(e)},n.width.get=function(){return 1/this.uniforms.texelSize[0]},n.width.set=function(e){this.uniforms.texelSize[0]=1/e},n.height.get=function(){return 1/this.uniforms.texelSize[1]},n.height.set=function(e){this.uniforms.texelSize[1]=1/e},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter),I=n,E="precision mediump float;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n float lum = length(texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord.xy).rgb);\n\n gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n\n if (lum < 1.00)\n {\n if (mod(gl_FragCoord.x + gl_FragCoord.y, 10.0) == 0.0)\n {\n gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n }\n }\n\n if (lum < 0.75)\n {\n if (mod(gl_FragCoord.x - gl_FragCoord.y, 10.0) == 0.0)\n {\n gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n }\n }\n\n if (lum < 0.50)\n {\n if (mod(gl_FragCoord.x + gl_FragCoord.y - 5.0, 10.0) == 0.0)\n {\n gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n }\n }\n\n if (lum < 0.3)\n {\n if (mod(gl_FragCoord.x - gl_FragCoord.y - 5.0, 10.0) == 0.0)\n {\n gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n }\n }\n}\n",B=function(e){function t(){e.call(this,I,E)}return e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t,t}(t.Filter),X=n,q="varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\n\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\nuniform vec2 dimensions;\n\nconst float SQRT_2 = 1.414213;\n\nconst float light = 1.0;\n\nuniform float curvature;\nuniform float lineWidth;\nuniform float lineContrast;\nuniform bool verticalLine;\nuniform float noise;\nuniform float noiseSize;\n\nuniform float vignetting;\nuniform float vignettingAlpha;\nuniform float vignettingBlur;\n\nuniform float seed;\nuniform float time;\n\nfloat rand(vec2 co) {\n return fract(sin(dot(co.xy, vec2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453);\n}\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n vec2 pixelCoord = vTextureCoord.xy * filterArea.xy;\n vec2 coord = pixelCoord / dimensions;\n\n vec2 dir = vec2(coord - vec2(0.5, 0.5));\n\n float _c = curvature > 0. ? curvature : 1.;\n float k = curvature > 0. ?(length(dir * dir) * 0.25 * _c * _c + 0.935 * _c) : 1.;\n vec2 uv = dir * k;\n\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n vec3 rgb = gl_FragColor.rgb;\n\n\n if (noise > 0.0 && noiseSize > 0.0)\n {\n pixelCoord.x = floor(pixelCoord.x / noiseSize);\n pixelCoord.y = floor(pixelCoord.y / noiseSize);\n float _noise = rand(pixelCoord * noiseSize * seed) - 0.5;\n rgb += _noise * noise;\n }\n\n if (lineWidth > 0.0) {\n float v = (verticalLine ? uv.x * dimensions.x : uv.y * dimensions.y) * min(1.0, 2.0 / lineWidth ) / _c;\n float j = 1. + cos(v * 1.2 - time) * 0.5 * lineContrast;\n rgb *= j;\n float segment = verticalLine ? mod((dir.x + .5) * dimensions.x, 4.) : mod((dir.y + .5) * dimensions.y, 4.);\n rgb *= 0.99 + ceil(segment) * 0.015;\n }\n\n if (vignetting > 0.0)\n {\n float outter = SQRT_2 - vignetting * SQRT_2;\n float darker = clamp((outter - length(dir) * SQRT_2) / ( 0.00001 + vignettingBlur * SQRT_2), 0.0, 1.0);\n rgb *= darker + (1.0 - darker) * (1.0 - vignettingAlpha);\n }\n\n gl_FragColor.rgb = rgb;\n}\n",N=function(e){function t(t){e.call(this,X,q),this.uniforms.dimensions=new Float32Array(2),this.time=0,this.seed=0,Object.assign(this,{curvature:1,lineWidth:1,lineContrast:.25,verticalLine:!1,noise:0,noiseSize:1,seed:0,vignetting:.3,vignettingAlpha:1,vignettingBlur:.3,time:0},t)}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={curvature:{configurable:!0},lineWidth:{configurable:!0},lineContrast:{configurable:!0},verticalLine:{configurable:!0},noise:{configurable:!0},noiseSize:{configurable:!0},vignetting:{configurable:!0},vignettingAlpha:{configurable:!0},vignettingBlur:{configurable:!0}};return t.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n,r){this.uniforms.dimensions[0]=t.sourceFrame.width,this.uniforms.dimensions[1]=t.sourceFrame.height,this.uniforms.seed=this.seed,this.uniforms.time=this.time,e.applyFilter(this,t,n,r)},n.curvature.set=function(e){this.uniforms.curvature=e},n.curvature.get=function(){return this.uniforms.curvature},n.lineWidth.set=function(e){this.uniforms.lineWidth=e},n.lineWidth.get=function(){return this.uniforms.lineWidth},n.lineContrast.set=function(e){this.uniforms.lineContrast=e},n.lineContrast.get=function(){return this.uniforms.lineContrast},n.verticalLine.set=function(e){this.uniforms.verticalLine=e},n.verticalLine.get=function(){return this.uniforms.verticalLine},n.noise.set=function(e){this.uniforms.noise=e},n.noise.get=function(){return this.uniforms.noise},n.noiseSize.set=function(e){this.uniforms.noiseSize=e},n.noiseSize.get=function(){return this.uniforms.noiseSize},n.vignetting.set=function(e){this.uniforms.vignetting=e},n.vignetting.get=function(){return this.uniforms.vignetting},n.vignettingAlpha.set=function(e){this.uniforms.vignettingAlpha=e},n.vignettingAlpha.get=function(){return this.uniforms.vignettingAlpha},n.vignettingBlur.set=function(e){this.uniforms.vignettingBlur=e},n.vignettingBlur.get=function(){return this.uniforms.vignettingBlur},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter),G=n,K="precision mediump float;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nvarying vec4 vColor;\n\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\n\nuniform float angle;\nuniform float scale;\n\nfloat pattern()\n{\n float s = sin(angle), c = cos(angle);\n vec2 tex = vTextureCoord * filterArea.xy;\n vec2 point = vec2(\n c * tex.x - s * tex.y,\n s * tex.x + c * tex.y\n ) * scale;\n return (sin(point.x) * sin(point.y)) * 4.0;\n}\n\nvoid main()\n{\n vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n float average = (color.r + color.g + color.b) / 3.0;\n gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(average * 10.0 - 5.0 + pattern()), color.a);\n}\n",Y=function(e){function t(t,n){void 0===t&&(t=1),void 0===n&&(n=5),e.call(this,G,K),this.scale=t,this.angle=n}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={scale:{configurable:!0},angle:{configurable:!0}};return n.scale.get=function(){return this.uniforms.scale},n.scale.set=function(e){this.uniforms.scale=e},n.angle.get=function(){return this.uniforms.angle},n.angle.set=function(e){this.uniforms.angle=e},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter),W=n,Q="varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform float alpha;\nuniform vec3 color;\nvoid main(void){\n vec4 sample = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n\n // Un-premultiply alpha before applying the color\n if (sample.a > 0.0) {\n sample.rgb /= sample.a;\n }\n\n // Premultiply alpha again\n sample.rgb = color.rgb * sample.a;\n\n // alpha user alpha\n sample *= alpha;\n\n gl_FragColor = sample;\n}",U=function(e){function n(n){n&&n.constructor!==Object&&(console.warn("DropShadowFilter now uses options instead of (rotation, distance, blur, color, alpha)"),n={rotation:n},void 0!==arguments[1]&&(n.distance=arguments[1]),void 0!==arguments[2]&&(n.blur=arguments[2]),void 0!==arguments[3]&&(n.color=arguments[3]),void 0!==arguments[4]&&(n.alpha=arguments[4])),n=Object.assign({rotation:45,distance:5,color:0,alpha:.5,shadowOnly:!1,kernels:null,blur:2,quality:3,pixelSize:1,resolution:t.settings.RESOLUTION},n),e.call(this);var r=n.kernels,o=n.blur,i=n.quality,l=n.pixelSize,s=n.resolution;this._tintFilter=new t.Filter(W,Q),this._tintFilter.uniforms.color=new Float32Array(4),this._tintFilter.resolution=s,this._blurFilter=r?new a(r):new a(o,i),this.pixelSize=l,this.resolution=s,this.targetTransform=new t.Matrix;var u=n.shadowOnly,c=n.rotation,f=n.distance,h=n.alpha,p=n.color;this.shadowOnly=u,this.rotation=c,this.distance=f,this.alpha=h,this.color=p,this._updatePadding()}e&&(n.__proto__=e),n.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),n.prototype.constructor=n;var r={resolution:{configurable:!0},distance:{configurable:!0},rotation:{configurable:!0},alpha:{configurable:!0},color:{configurable:!0},kernels:{configurable:!0},blur:{configurable:!0},quality:{configurable:!0},pixelSize:{configurable:!0}};return n.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n,r){var o=e.getRenderTarget();o.transform=this.targetTransform,this._tintFilter.apply(e,t,o,!0),o.transform=null,this._blurFilter.apply(e,o,n),!0!==this.shadowOnly&&e.applyFilter(this,t,n,r),e.returnRenderTarget(o)},n.prototype._updatePadding=function(){this.padding=this.distance+2*this.blur},n.prototype._updateTargetTransform=function(){this.targetTransform.tx=this.distance*Math.cos(this.angle),this.targetTransform.ty=this.distance*Math.sin(this.angle)},r.resolution.get=function(){return this._resolution},r.resolution.set=function(e){this._resolution=e,this._tintFilter&&(this._tintFilter.resolution=e),this._blurFilter&&(this._blurFilter.resolution=e)},r.distance.get=function(){return this._distance},r.distance.set=function(e){this._distance=e,this._updatePadding(),this._updateTargetTransform()},r.rotation.get=function(){return this.angle/t.DEG_TO_RAD},r.rotation.set=function(e){this.angle=e*t.DEG_TO_RAD,this._updateTargetTransform()},r.alpha.get=function(){return this._tintFilter.uniforms.alpha},r.alpha.set=function(e){this._tintFilter.uniforms.alpha=e},r.color.get=function(){return t.utils.rgb2hex(this._tintFilter.uniforms.color)},r.color.set=function(e){t.utils.hex2rgb(e,this._tintFilter.uniforms.color)},r.kernels.get=function(){return this._blurFilter.kernels},r.kernels.set=function(e){this._blurFilter.kernels=e},r.blur.get=function(){return this._blurFilter.blur},r.blur.set=function(e){this._blurFilter.blur=e,this._updatePadding()},r.quality.get=function(){return this._blurFilter.quality},r.quality.set=function(e){this._blurFilter.quality=e},r.pixelSize.get=function(){return this._blurFilter.pixelSize},r.pixelSize.set=function(e){this._blurFilter.pixelSize=e},Object.defineProperties(n.prototype,r),n}(t.Filter),Z=n,V="precision mediump float;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform float strength;\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\n\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n\tvec2 onePixel = vec2(1.0 / filterArea);\n\n\tvec4 color;\n\n\tcolor.rgb = vec3(0.5);\n\n\tcolor -= texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord - onePixel) * strength;\n\tcolor += texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord + onePixel) * strength;\n\n\tcolor.rgb = vec3((color.r + color.g + color.b) / 3.0);\n\n\tfloat alpha = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord).a;\n\n\tgl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb * alpha, alpha);\n}\n",H=function(e){function t(t){void 0===t&&(t=5),e.call(this,Z,V),this.strength=t}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={strength:{configurable:!0}};return n.strength.get=function(){return this.uniforms.strength},n.strength.set=function(e){this.uniforms.strength=e},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter),$=n,J="// precision highp float;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\n\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\nuniform vec4 filterClamp;\nuniform vec2 dimensions;\nuniform float aspect;\n\nuniform sampler2D displacementMap;\nuniform float offset;\nuniform float sinDir;\nuniform float cosDir;\nuniform int fillMode;\n\nuniform float seed;\nuniform vec2 red;\nuniform vec2 green;\nuniform vec2 blue;\n\nconst int TRANSPARENT = 0;\nconst int ORIGINAL = 1;\nconst int LOOP = 2;\nconst int CLAMP = 3;\nconst int MIRROR = 4;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n vec2 coord = (vTextureCoord * filterArea.xy) / dimensions;\n\n if (coord.x > 1.0 || coord.y > 1.0) {\n return;\n }\n\n float cx = coord.x - 0.5;\n float cy = (coord.y - 0.5) * aspect;\n float ny = (-sinDir * cx + cosDir * cy) / aspect + 0.5;\n\n // displacementMap: repeat\n // ny = ny > 1.0 ? ny - 1.0 : (ny < 0.0 ? 1.0 + ny : ny);\n\n // displacementMap: mirror\n ny = ny > 1.0 ? 2.0 - ny : (ny < 0.0 ? -ny : ny);\n\n vec4 dc = texture2D(displacementMap, vec2(0.5, ny));\n\n float displacement = (dc.r - dc.g) * (offset / filterArea.x);\n\n coord = vTextureCoord + vec2(cosDir * displacement, sinDir * displacement * aspect);\n\n if (fillMode == CLAMP) {\n coord = clamp(coord, filterClamp.xy, filterClamp.zw);\n } else {\n if( coord.x > filterClamp.z ) {\n if (fillMode == ORIGINAL) {\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n return;\n } else if (fillMode == LOOP) {\n coord.x -= filterClamp.z;\n } else if (fillMode == MIRROR) {\n coord.x = filterClamp.z * 2.0 - coord.x;\n } else {\n gl_FragColor = vec4(0., 0., 0., 0.);\n return;\n }\n } else if( coord.x < filterClamp.x ) {\n if (fillMode == ORIGINAL) {\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n return;\n } else if (fillMode == LOOP) {\n coord.x += filterClamp.z;\n } else if (fillMode == MIRROR) {\n coord.x *= -filterClamp.z;\n } else {\n gl_FragColor = vec4(0., 0., 0., 0.);\n return;\n }\n }\n\n if( coord.y > filterClamp.w ) {\n if (fillMode == ORIGINAL) {\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n return;\n } else if (fillMode == LOOP) {\n coord.y -= filterClamp.w;\n } else if (fillMode == MIRROR) {\n coord.y = filterClamp.w * 2.0 - coord.y;\n } else {\n gl_FragColor = vec4(0., 0., 0., 0.);\n return;\n }\n } else if( coord.y < filterClamp.y ) {\n if (fillMode == ORIGINAL) {\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n return;\n } else if (fillMode == LOOP) {\n coord.y += filterClamp.w;\n } else if (fillMode == MIRROR) {\n coord.y *= -filterClamp.w;\n } else {\n gl_FragColor = vec4(0., 0., 0., 0.);\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n\n gl_FragColor.r = texture2D(uSampler, coord + red * (1.0 - seed * 0.4) / filterArea.xy).r;\n gl_FragColor.g = texture2D(uSampler, coord + green * (1.0 - seed * 0.3) / filterArea.xy).g;\n gl_FragColor.b = texture2D(uSampler, coord + blue * (1.0 - seed * 0.2) / filterArea.xy).b;\n gl_FragColor.a = texture2D(uSampler, coord).a;\n}\n",ee=function(e){function n(n){void 0===n&&(n={}),e.call(this,$,J),this.uniforms.dimensions=new Float32Array(2),n=Object.assign({slices:5,offset:100,direction:0,fillMode:0,average:!1,seed:0,red:[0,0],green:[0,0],blue:[0,0],minSize:8,sampleSize:512},n),this.direction=n.direction,this.red=n.red,this.green=n.green,this.blue=n.blue,this.offset=n.offset,this.fillMode=n.fillMode,this.average=n.average,this.seed=n.seed,this.minSize=n.minSize,this.sampleSize=n.sampleSize,this._canvas=document.createElement("canvas"),this._canvas.width=4,this._canvas.height=this.sampleSize,this.texture=t.Texture.fromCanvas(this._canvas,t.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST),this._slices=0,this.slices=n.slices}e&&(n.__proto__=e),n.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),n.prototype.constructor=n;var r={sizes:{configurable:!0},offsets:{configurable:!0},slices:{configurable:!0},direction:{configurable:!0},red:{configurable:!0},green:{configurable:!0},blue:{configurable:!0}};return n.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n,r){var o=t.sourceFrame.width,i=t.sourceFrame.height;this.uniforms.dimensions[0]=o,this.uniforms.dimensions[1]=i,this.uniforms.aspect=i/o,this.uniforms.seed=this.seed,this.uniforms.offset=this.offset,this.uniforms.fillMode=this.fillMode,e.applyFilter(this,t,n,r)},n.prototype._randomizeSizes=function(){var e=this._sizes,t=this._slices-1,n=this.sampleSize,r=Math.min(this.minSize/n,.9/this._slices);if(this.average){for(var o=this._slices,i=1,l=0;l0;t--){var n=Math.random()*t>>0,r=e[t];e[t]=e[n],e[n]=r}},n.prototype._randomizeOffsets=function(){for(var e=0;e0?e:0,a=e<0?-e:0;r.fillStyle="rgba("+s+", "+a+", 0, 1)",r.fillRect(0,o>>0,t,l+1>>0),o+=l}n.baseTexture.emit("update",n.baseTexture),this.uniforms.displacementMap=n},r.sizes.set=function(e){for(var t=Math.min(this._slices,e.length),n=0;nthis._maxColors)throw"Length of replacements ("+o+") exceeds the maximum colors length ("+this._maxColors+")";n[3*o]=-1;for(var i=0;i 0.5) then: 1 - 2 * (1 - dst) * (1 - src)\n return vec3((dst.x <= 0.5) ? (2.0 * src.x * dst.x) : (1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - dst.x) * (1.0 - src.x)),\n (dst.y <= 0.5) ? (2.0 * src.y * dst.y) : (1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - dst.y) * (1.0 - src.y)),\n (dst.z <= 0.5) ? (2.0 * src.z * dst.z) : (1.0 - 2.0 * (1.0 - dst.z) * (1.0 - src.z)));\n}\n\n\nvoid main()\n{\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n vec3 color = gl_FragColor.rgb;\n\n if (sepia > 0.0)\n {\n float gray = (color.x + color.y + color.z) / 3.0;\n vec3 grayscale = vec3(gray);\n\n color = Overlay(SEPIA_RGB, grayscale);\n\n color = grayscale + sepia * (color - grayscale);\n }\n\n vec2 coord = vTextureCoord * filterArea.xy / dimensions.xy;\n\n if (vignetting > 0.0)\n {\n float outter = SQRT_2 - vignetting * SQRT_2;\n vec2 dir = vec2(vec2(0.5, 0.5) - coord);\n dir.y *= dimensions.y / dimensions.x;\n float darker = clamp((outter - length(dir) * SQRT_2) / ( 0.00001 + vignettingBlur * SQRT_2), 0.0, 1.0);\n color.rgb *= darker + (1.0 - darker) * (1.0 - vignettingAlpha);\n }\n\n if (scratchDensity > seed && scratch != 0.0)\n {\n float phase = seed * 256.0;\n float s = mod(floor(phase), 2.0);\n float dist = 1.0 / scratchDensity;\n float d = distance(coord, vec2(seed * dist, abs(s - seed * dist)));\n if (d < seed * 0.6 + 0.4)\n {\n highp float period = scratchDensity * 10.0;\n\n float xx = coord.x * period + phase;\n float aa = abs(mod(xx, 0.5) * 4.0);\n float bb = mod(floor(xx / 0.5), 2.0);\n float yy = (1.0 - bb) * aa + bb * (2.0 - aa);\n\n float kk = 2.0 * period;\n float dw = scratchWidth / dimensions.x * (0.75 + seed);\n float dh = dw * kk;\n\n float tine = (yy - (2.0 - dh));\n\n if (tine > 0.0) {\n float _sign = sign(scratch);\n\n tine = s * tine / period + scratch + 0.1;\n tine = clamp(tine + 1.0, 0.5 + _sign * 0.5, 1.5 + _sign * 0.5);\n\n color.rgb *= tine;\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (noise > 0.0 && noiseSize > 0.0)\n {\n vec2 pixelCoord = vTextureCoord.xy * filterArea.xy;\n pixelCoord.x = floor(pixelCoord.x / noiseSize);\n pixelCoord.y = floor(pixelCoord.y / noiseSize);\n // vec2 d = pixelCoord * noiseSize * vec2(1024.0 + seed * 512.0, 1024.0 - seed * 512.0);\n // float _noise = snoise(d) * 0.5;\n float _noise = rand(pixelCoord * noiseSize * seed) - 0.5;\n color += _noise * noise;\n }\n\n gl_FragColor.rgb = color;\n}\n",ge=function(e){function t(t,n){void 0===n&&(n=0),e.call(this,de,me),this.uniforms.dimensions=new Float32Array(2),"number"==typeof t?(this.seed=t,t=null):this.seed=n,Object.assign(this,{sepia:.3,noise:.3,noiseSize:1,scratch:.5,scratchDensity:.3,scratchWidth:1,vignetting:.3,vignettingAlpha:1,vignettingBlur:.3},t)}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={sepia:{configurable:!0},noise:{configurable:!0},noiseSize:{configurable:!0},scratch:{configurable:!0},scratchDensity:{configurable:!0},scratchWidth:{configurable:!0},vignetting:{configurable:!0},vignettingAlpha:{configurable:!0},vignettingBlur:{configurable:!0}};return t.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n,r){this.uniforms.dimensions[0]=t.sourceFrame.width,this.uniforms.dimensions[1]=t.sourceFrame.height,this.uniforms.seed=this.seed,e.applyFilter(this,t,n,r)},n.sepia.set=function(e){this.uniforms.sepia=e},n.sepia.get=function(){return this.uniforms.sepia},n.noise.set=function(e){this.uniforms.noise=e},n.noise.get=function(){return this.uniforms.noise},n.noiseSize.set=function(e){this.uniforms.noiseSize=e},n.noiseSize.get=function(){return this.uniforms.noiseSize},n.scratch.set=function(e){this.uniforms.scratch=e},n.scratch.get=function(){return this.uniforms.scratch},n.scratchDensity.set=function(e){this.uniforms.scratchDensity=e},n.scratchDensity.get=function(){return this.uniforms.scratchDensity},n.scratchWidth.set=function(e){this.uniforms.scratchWidth=e},n.scratchWidth.get=function(){return this.uniforms.scratchWidth},n.vignetting.set=function(e){this.uniforms.vignetting=e},n.vignetting.get=function(){return this.uniforms.vignetting},n.vignettingAlpha.set=function(e){this.uniforms.vignettingAlpha=e},n.vignettingAlpha.get=function(){return this.uniforms.vignettingAlpha},n.vignettingBlur.set=function(e){this.uniforms.vignettingBlur=e},n.vignettingBlur.get=function(){return this.uniforms.vignettingBlur},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter),ve=n,xe="varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\n\nuniform vec2 thickness;\nuniform vec4 outlineColor;\nuniform vec4 filterClamp;\n\nconst float DOUBLE_PI = 3.14159265358979323846264 * 2.;\n\nvoid main(void) {\n vec4 ownColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n vec4 curColor;\n float maxAlpha = 0.;\n vec2 displaced;\n for (float angle = 0.; angle <= DOUBLE_PI; angle += ${angleStep}) {\n displaced.x = vTextureCoord.x + thickness.x * cos(angle);\n displaced.y = vTextureCoord.y + thickness.y * sin(angle);\n curColor = texture2D(uSampler, clamp(displaced, filterClamp.xy, filterClamp.zw));\n maxAlpha = max(maxAlpha, curColor.a);\n }\n float resultAlpha = max(maxAlpha, ownColor.a);\n gl_FragColor = vec4((ownColor.rgb + outlineColor.rgb * (1. - ownColor.a)) * resultAlpha, resultAlpha);\n}\n",ye=function(e){function n(t,r,o){void 0===t&&(t=1),void 0===r&&(r=0),void 0===o&&(o=.1);var i=Math.max(o*n.MAX_SAMPLES,n.MIN_SAMPLES),l=(2*Math.PI/i).toFixed(7);e.call(this,ve,xe.replace(/\$\{angleStep\}/,l)),this.uniforms.thickness=new Float32Array([0,0]),this.thickness=t,this.uniforms.outlineColor=new Float32Array([0,0,0,1]),this.color=r,this.quality=o}e&&(n.__proto__=e),n.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),n.prototype.constructor=n;var r={color:{configurable:!0}};return n.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n,r){this.uniforms.thickness[0]=this.thickness/t.size.width,this.uniforms.thickness[1]=this.thickness/t.size.height,e.applyFilter(this,t,n,r)},r.color.get=function(){return t.utils.rgb2hex(this.uniforms.outlineColor)},r.color.set=function(e){t.utils.hex2rgb(e,this.uniforms.outlineColor)},Object.defineProperties(n.prototype,r),n}(t.Filter);ye.MIN_SAMPLES=1,ye.MAX_SAMPLES=100;var _e=n,be="precision mediump float;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform vec2 size;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\n\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\n\nvec2 mapCoord( vec2 coord )\n{\n coord *= filterArea.xy;\n coord += filterArea.zw;\n\n return coord;\n}\n\nvec2 unmapCoord( vec2 coord )\n{\n coord -= filterArea.zw;\n coord /= filterArea.xy;\n\n return coord;\n}\n\nvec2 pixelate(vec2 coord, vec2 size)\n{\n\treturn floor( coord / size ) * size;\n}\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n vec2 coord = mapCoord(vTextureCoord);\n\n coord = pixelate(coord, size);\n\n coord = unmapCoord(coord);\n\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, coord);\n}\n",Ce=function(e){function t(t){void 0===t&&(t=10),e.call(this,_e,be),this.size=t}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={size:{configurable:!0}};return n.size.get=function(){return this.uniforms.size},n.size.set=function(e){"number"==typeof e&&(e=[e,e]),this.uniforms.size=e},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter),Se=n,Fe="varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\n\nuniform float uRadian;\nuniform vec2 uCenter;\nuniform float uRadius;\nuniform int uKernelSize;\n\nconst int MAX_KERNEL_SIZE = 2048;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n\n if (uKernelSize == 0)\n {\n gl_FragColor = color;\n return;\n }\n\n float aspect = filterArea.y / filterArea.x;\n vec2 center = uCenter.xy / filterArea.xy;\n float gradient = uRadius / filterArea.x * 0.3;\n float radius = uRadius / filterArea.x - gradient * 0.5;\n int k = uKernelSize - 1;\n\n vec2 coord = vTextureCoord;\n vec2 dir = vec2(center - coord);\n float dist = length(vec2(dir.x, dir.y * aspect));\n\n float radianStep = uRadian;\n if (radius >= 0.0 && dist > radius) {\n float delta = dist - radius;\n float gap = gradient;\n float scale = 1.0 - abs(delta / gap);\n if (scale <= 0.0) {\n gl_FragColor = color;\n return;\n }\n radianStep *= scale;\n }\n radianStep /= float(k);\n\n float s = sin(radianStep);\n float c = cos(radianStep);\n mat2 rotationMatrix = mat2(vec2(c, -s), vec2(s, c));\n\n for(int i = 0; i < MAX_KERNEL_SIZE - 1; i++) {\n if (i == k) {\n break;\n }\n\n coord -= center;\n coord.y *= aspect;\n coord = rotationMatrix * coord;\n coord.y /= aspect;\n coord += center;\n\n vec4 sample = texture2D(uSampler, coord);\n\n // switch to pre-multiplied alpha to correctly blur transparent images\n // sample.rgb *= sample.a;\n\n color += sample;\n }\n\n gl_FragColor = color / float(uKernelSize);\n}\n",ze=function(e){function t(t,n,r,o){void 0===t&&(t=0),void 0===n&&(n=[0,0]),void 0===r&&(r=5),void 0===o&&(o=-1),e.call(this,Se,Fe),this._angle=0,this.angle=t,this.center=n,this.kernelSize=r,this.radius=o}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={angle:{configurable:!0},center:{configurable:!0},radius:{configurable:!0}};return t.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n,r){this.uniforms.uKernelSize=0!==this._angle?this.kernelSize:0,e.applyFilter(this,t,n,r)},n.angle.set=function(e){this._angle=e,this.uniforms.uRadian=e*Math.PI/180},n.angle.get=function(){return this._angle},n.center.get=function(){return this.uniforms.uCenter},n.center.set=function(e){this.uniforms.uCenter=e},n.radius.get=function(){return this.uniforms.uRadius},n.radius.set=function(e){(e<0||e===1/0)&&(e=-1),this.uniforms.uRadius=e},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter),Ae=n,we="varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\n\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\nuniform vec4 filterClamp;\nuniform vec2 dimensions;\n\nuniform bool mirror;\nuniform float boundary;\nuniform vec2 amplitude;\nuniform vec2 waveLength;\nuniform vec2 alpha;\nuniform float time;\n\nfloat rand(vec2 co) {\n return fract(sin(dot(co.xy, vec2(12.9898, 78.233))) * 43758.5453);\n}\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n vec2 pixelCoord = vTextureCoord.xy * filterArea.xy;\n vec2 coord = pixelCoord / dimensions;\n\n if (coord.y < boundary) {\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n return;\n }\n\n float k = (coord.y - boundary) / (1. - boundary + 0.0001);\n float areaY = boundary * dimensions.y / filterArea.y;\n float v = areaY + areaY - vTextureCoord.y;\n float y = mirror ? v : vTextureCoord.y;\n\n float _amplitude = ((amplitude.y - amplitude.x) * k + amplitude.x ) / filterArea.x;\n float _waveLength = ((waveLength.y - waveLength.x) * k + waveLength.x) / filterArea.y;\n float _alpha = (alpha.y - alpha.x) * k + alpha.x;\n\n float x = vTextureCoord.x + cos(v * 6.28 / _waveLength - time) * _amplitude;\n x = clamp(x, filterClamp.x, filterClamp.z);\n\n vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler, vec2(x, y));\n\n gl_FragColor = color * _alpha;\n}\n",Te=function(e){function t(t){e.call(this,Ae,we),this.uniforms.amplitude=new Float32Array(2),this.uniforms.waveLength=new Float32Array(2),this.uniforms.alpha=new Float32Array(2),this.uniforms.dimensions=new Float32Array(2),Object.assign(this,{mirror:!0,boundary:.5,amplitude:[0,20],waveLength:[30,100],alpha:[1,1],time:0},t)}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={mirror:{configurable:!0},boundary:{configurable:!0},amplitude:{configurable:!0},waveLength:{configurable:!0},alpha:{configurable:!0}};return t.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n,r){this.uniforms.dimensions[0]=t.sourceFrame.width,this.uniforms.dimensions[1]=t.sourceFrame.height,this.uniforms.time=this.time,e.applyFilter(this,t,n,r)},n.mirror.set=function(e){this.uniforms.mirror=e},n.mirror.get=function(){return this.uniforms.mirror},n.boundary.set=function(e){this.uniforms.boundary=e},n.boundary.get=function(){return this.uniforms.boundary},n.amplitude.set=function(e){this.uniforms.amplitude[0]=e[0],this.uniforms.amplitude[1]=e[1]},n.amplitude.get=function(){return this.uniforms.amplitude},n.waveLength.set=function(e){this.uniforms.waveLength[0]=e[0],this.uniforms.waveLength[1]=e[1]},n.waveLength.get=function(){return this.uniforms.waveLength},n.alpha.set=function(e){this.uniforms.alpha[0]=e[0],this.uniforms.alpha[1]=e[1]},n.alpha.get=function(){return this.uniforms.alpha},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter),De=n,Oe="precision mediump float;\n\nvarying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\nuniform vec2 red;\nuniform vec2 green;\nuniform vec2 blue;\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n gl_FragColor.r = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord + red/filterArea.xy).r;\n gl_FragColor.g = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord + green/filterArea.xy).g;\n gl_FragColor.b = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord + blue/filterArea.xy).b;\n gl_FragColor.a = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord).a;\n}\n",Pe=function(e){function t(t,n,r){void 0===t&&(t=[-10,0]),void 0===n&&(n=[0,10]),void 0===r&&(r=[0,0]),e.call(this,De,Oe),this.red=t,this.green=n,this.blue=r}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={red:{configurable:!0},green:{configurable:!0},blue:{configurable:!0}};return n.red.get=function(){return this.uniforms.red},n.red.set=function(e){this.uniforms.red=e},n.green.get=function(){return this.uniforms.green},n.green.set=function(e){this.uniforms.green=e},n.blue.get=function(){return this.uniforms.blue},n.blue.set=function(e){this.uniforms.blue=e},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter),Me=n,Re="varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\nuniform vec4 filterClamp;\n\nuniform vec2 center;\n\nuniform float amplitude;\nuniform float wavelength;\n// uniform float power;\nuniform float brightness;\nuniform float speed;\nuniform float radius;\n\nuniform float time;\n\nconst float PI = 3.14159;\n\nvoid main()\n{\n float halfWavelength = wavelength * 0.5 / filterArea.x;\n float maxRadius = radius / filterArea.x;\n float currentRadius = time * speed / filterArea.x;\n\n float fade = 1.0;\n\n if (maxRadius > 0.0) {\n if (currentRadius > maxRadius) {\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n return;\n }\n fade = 1.0 - pow(currentRadius / maxRadius, 2.0);\n }\n\n vec2 dir = vec2(vTextureCoord - center / filterArea.xy);\n dir.y *= filterArea.y / filterArea.x;\n float dist = length(dir);\n\n if (dist <= 0.0 || dist < currentRadius - halfWavelength || dist > currentRadius + halfWavelength) {\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n return;\n }\n\n vec2 diffUV = normalize(dir);\n\n float diff = (dist - currentRadius) / halfWavelength;\n\n float p = 1.0 - pow(abs(diff), 2.0);\n\n // float powDiff = diff * pow(p, 2.0) * ( amplitude * fade );\n float powDiff = 1.25 * sin(diff * PI) * p * ( amplitude * fade );\n\n vec2 offset = diffUV * powDiff / filterArea.xy;\n\n // Do clamp :\n vec2 coord = vTextureCoord + offset;\n vec2 clampedCoord = clamp(coord, filterClamp.xy, filterClamp.zw);\n vec4 color = texture2D(uSampler, clampedCoord);\n if (coord != clampedCoord) {\n color *= max(0.0, 1.0 - length(coord - clampedCoord));\n }\n\n // No clamp :\n // gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord + offset);\n\n color.rgb *= 1.0 + (brightness - 1.0) * p * fade;\n\n gl_FragColor = color;\n}\n",je=function(e){function t(t,n,r){void 0===t&&(t=[0,0]),void 0===n&&(n={}),void 0===r&&(r=0),e.call(this,Me,Re),this.center=t,Array.isArray(n)&&(console.warn("Deprecated Warning: ShockwaveFilter params Array has been changed to options Object."),n={}),n=Object.assign({amplitude:30,wavelength:160,brightness:1,speed:500,radius:-1},n),this.amplitude=n.amplitude,this.wavelength=n.wavelength,this.brightness=n.brightness,this.speed=n.speed,this.radius=n.radius,this.time=r}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={center:{configurable:!0},amplitude:{configurable:!0},wavelength:{configurable:!0},brightness:{configurable:!0},speed:{configurable:!0},radius:{configurable:!0}};return t.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n,r){this.uniforms.time=this.time,e.applyFilter(this,t,n,r)},n.center.get=function(){return this.uniforms.center},n.center.set=function(e){this.uniforms.center=e},n.amplitude.get=function(){return this.uniforms.amplitude},n.amplitude.set=function(e){this.uniforms.amplitude=e},n.wavelength.get=function(){return this.uniforms.wavelength},n.wavelength.set=function(e){this.uniforms.wavelength=e},n.brightness.get=function(){return this.uniforms.brightness},n.brightness.set=function(e){this.uniforms.brightness=e},n.speed.get=function(){return this.uniforms.speed},n.speed.set=function(e){this.uniforms.speed=e},n.radius.get=function(){return this.uniforms.radius},n.radius.set=function(e){this.uniforms.radius=e},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter),Le=n,ke="varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform sampler2D uLightmap;\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\nuniform vec2 dimensions;\nuniform vec4 ambientColor;\nvoid main() {\n vec4 diffuseColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n vec2 lightCoord = (vTextureCoord * filterArea.xy) / dimensions;\n vec4 light = texture2D(uLightmap, lightCoord);\n vec3 ambient = ambientColor.rgb * ambientColor.a;\n vec3 intensity = ambient + light.rgb;\n vec3 finalColor = diffuseColor.rgb * intensity;\n gl_FragColor = vec4(finalColor, diffuseColor.a);\n}\n",Ie=function(e){function n(t,n,r){void 0===n&&(n=0),void 0===r&&(r=1),e.call(this,Le,ke),this.uniforms.dimensions=new Float32Array(2),this.uniforms.ambientColor=new Float32Array([0,0,0,r]),this.texture=t,this.color=n}e&&(n.__proto__=e),n.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),n.prototype.constructor=n;var r={texture:{configurable:!0},color:{configurable:!0},alpha:{configurable:!0}};return n.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n,r){this.uniforms.dimensions[0]=t.sourceFrame.width,this.uniforms.dimensions[1]=t.sourceFrame.height,e.applyFilter(this,t,n,r)},r.texture.get=function(){return this.uniforms.uLightmap},r.texture.set=function(e){this.uniforms.uLightmap=e},r.color.set=function(e){var n=this.uniforms.ambientColor;"number"==typeof e?(t.utils.hex2rgb(e,n),this._color=e):(n[0]=e[0],n[1]=e[1],n[2]=e[2],n[3]=e[3],this._color=t.utils.rgb2hex(n))},r.color.get=function(){return this._color},r.alpha.get=function(){return this.uniforms.ambientColor[3]},r.alpha.set=function(e){this.uniforms.ambientColor[3]=e},Object.defineProperties(n.prototype,r),n}(t.Filter),Ee=n,Be="varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform float blur;\nuniform float gradientBlur;\nuniform vec2 start;\nuniform vec2 end;\nuniform vec2 delta;\nuniform vec2 texSize;\n\nfloat random(vec3 scale, float seed)\n{\n return fract(sin(dot(gl_FragCoord.xyz + seed, scale)) * 43758.5453 + seed);\n}\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n vec4 color = vec4(0.0);\n float total = 0.0;\n\n float offset = random(vec3(12.9898, 78.233, 151.7182), 0.0);\n vec2 normal = normalize(vec2(start.y - end.y, end.x - start.x));\n float radius = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, abs(dot(vTextureCoord * texSize - start, normal)) / gradientBlur) * blur;\n\n for (float t = -30.0; t <= 30.0; t++)\n {\n float percent = (t + offset - 0.5) / 30.0;\n float weight = 1.0 - abs(percent);\n vec4 sample = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord + delta / texSize * percent * radius);\n sample.rgb *= sample.a;\n color += sample * weight;\n total += weight;\n }\n\n color /= total;\n color.rgb /= color.a + 0.00001;\n\n gl_FragColor = color;\n}\n",Xe=function(e){function n(n,r,o,i){void 0===n&&(n=100),void 0===r&&(r=600),void 0===o&&(o=null),void 0===i&&(i=null),e.call(this,Ee,Be),this.uniforms.blur=n,this.uniforms.gradientBlur=r,this.uniforms.start=o||new t.Point(0,window.innerHeight/2),this.uniforms.end=i||new t.Point(600,window.innerHeight/2),this.uniforms.delta=new t.Point(30,30),this.uniforms.texSize=new t.Point(window.innerWidth,window.innerHeight),this.updateDelta()}e&&(n.__proto__=e),n.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),n.prototype.constructor=n;var r={blur:{configurable:!0},gradientBlur:{configurable:!0},start:{configurable:!0},end:{configurable:!0}};return n.prototype.updateDelta=function(){this.uniforms.delta.x=0,this.uniforms.delta.y=0},r.blur.get=function(){return this.uniforms.blur},r.blur.set=function(e){this.uniforms.blur=e},r.gradientBlur.get=function(){return this.uniforms.gradientBlur},r.gradientBlur.set=function(e){this.uniforms.gradientBlur=e},r.start.get=function(){return this.uniforms.start},r.start.set=function(e){this.uniforms.start=e,this.updateDelta()},r.end.get=function(){return this.uniforms.end},r.end.set=function(e){this.uniforms.end=e,this.updateDelta()},Object.defineProperties(n.prototype,r),n}(t.Filter),qe=function(e){function t(){e.apply(this,arguments)}return e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t,t.prototype.updateDelta=function(){var e=this.uniforms.end.x-this.uniforms.start.x,t=this.uniforms.end.y-this.uniforms.start.y,n=Math.sqrt(e*e+t*t);this.uniforms.delta.x=e/n,this.uniforms.delta.y=t/n},t}(Xe),Ne=function(e){function t(){e.apply(this,arguments)}return e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t,t.prototype.updateDelta=function(){var e=this.uniforms.end.x-this.uniforms.start.x,t=this.uniforms.end.y-this.uniforms.start.y,n=Math.sqrt(e*e+t*t);this.uniforms.delta.x=-t/n,this.uniforms.delta.y=e/n},t}(Xe),Ge=function(e){function t(t,n,r,o){void 0===t&&(t=100),void 0===n&&(n=600),void 0===r&&(r=null),void 0===o&&(o=null),e.call(this),this.tiltShiftXFilter=new qe(t,n,r,o),this.tiltShiftYFilter=new Ne(t,n,r,o)}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={blur:{configurable:!0},gradientBlur:{configurable:!0},start:{configurable:!0},end:{configurable:!0}};return t.prototype.apply=function(e,t,n){var r=e.getRenderTarget(!0);this.tiltShiftXFilter.apply(e,t,r),this.tiltShiftYFilter.apply(e,r,n),e.returnRenderTarget(r)},n.blur.get=function(){return this.tiltShiftXFilter.blur},n.blur.set=function(e){this.tiltShiftXFilter.blur=this.tiltShiftYFilter.blur=e},n.gradientBlur.get=function(){return this.tiltShiftXFilter.gradientBlur},n.gradientBlur.set=function(e){this.tiltShiftXFilter.gradientBlur=this.tiltShiftYFilter.gradientBlur=e},n.start.get=function(){return this.tiltShiftXFilter.start},n.start.set=function(e){this.tiltShiftXFilter.start=this.tiltShiftYFilter.start=e},n.end.get=function(){return this.tiltShiftXFilter.end},n.end.set=function(e){this.tiltShiftXFilter.end=this.tiltShiftYFilter.end=e},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter),Ke=n,Ye="varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\n\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform float radius;\nuniform float angle;\nuniform vec2 offset;\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\n\nvec2 mapCoord( vec2 coord )\n{\n coord *= filterArea.xy;\n coord += filterArea.zw;\n\n return coord;\n}\n\nvec2 unmapCoord( vec2 coord )\n{\n coord -= filterArea.zw;\n coord /= filterArea.xy;\n\n return coord;\n}\n\nvec2 twist(vec2 coord)\n{\n coord -= offset;\n\n float dist = length(coord);\n\n if (dist < radius)\n {\n float ratioDist = (radius - dist) / radius;\n float angleMod = ratioDist * ratioDist * angle;\n float s = sin(angleMod);\n float c = cos(angleMod);\n coord = vec2(coord.x * c - coord.y * s, coord.x * s + coord.y * c);\n }\n\n coord += offset;\n\n return coord;\n}\n\nvoid main(void)\n{\n\n vec2 coord = mapCoord(vTextureCoord);\n\n coord = twist(coord);\n\n coord = unmapCoord(coord);\n\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, coord );\n\n}\n",We=function(e){function t(t,n,r){void 0===t&&(t=200),void 0===n&&(n=4),void 0===r&&(r=20),e.call(this,Ke,Ye),this.radius=t,this.angle=n,this.padding=r}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={offset:{configurable:!0},radius:{configurable:!0},angle:{configurable:!0}};return n.offset.get=function(){return this.uniforms.offset},n.offset.set=function(e){this.uniforms.offset=e},n.radius.get=function(){return this.uniforms.radius},n.radius.set=function(e){this.uniforms.radius=e},n.angle.get=function(){return this.uniforms.angle},n.angle.set=function(e){this.uniforms.angle=e},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter),Qe=n,Ue="varying vec2 vTextureCoord;\nuniform sampler2D uSampler;\nuniform vec4 filterArea;\n\nuniform vec2 uCenter;\nuniform float uStrength;\nuniform float uInnerRadius;\nuniform float uRadius;\n\nconst float MAX_KERNEL_SIZE = 32.0;\n\nfloat random(vec3 scale, float seed) {\n // use the fragment position for a different seed per-pixel\n return fract(sin(dot(gl_FragCoord.xyz + seed, scale)) * 43758.5453 + seed);\n}\n\nvoid main() {\n\n float minGradient = uInnerRadius * 0.3;\n float innerRadius = (uInnerRadius + minGradient * 0.5) / filterArea.x;\n\n float gradient = uRadius * 0.3;\n float radius = (uRadius - gradient * 0.5) / filterArea.x;\n\n float countLimit = MAX_KERNEL_SIZE;\n\n vec2 dir = vec2(uCenter.xy / filterArea.xy - vTextureCoord);\n float dist = length(vec2(dir.x, dir.y * filterArea.y / filterArea.x));\n\n float strength = uStrength;\n\n float delta = 0.0;\n float gap;\n if (dist < innerRadius) {\n delta = innerRadius - dist;\n gap = minGradient;\n } else if (radius >= 0.0 && dist > radius) { // radius < 0 means it's infinity\n delta = dist - radius;\n gap = gradient;\n }\n\n if (delta > 0.0) {\n float normalCount = gap / filterArea.x;\n delta = (normalCount - delta) / normalCount;\n countLimit *= delta;\n strength *= delta;\n if (countLimit < 1.0)\n {\n gl_FragColor = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord);\n return;\n }\n }\n\n // randomize the lookup values to hide the fixed number of samples\n float offset = random(vec3(12.9898, 78.233, 151.7182), 0.0);\n\n float total = 0.0;\n vec4 color = vec4(0.0);\n\n dir *= strength;\n\n for (float t = 0.0; t < MAX_KERNEL_SIZE; t++) {\n float percent = (t + offset) / MAX_KERNEL_SIZE;\n float weight = 4.0 * (percent - percent * percent);\n vec2 p = vTextureCoord + dir * percent;\n vec4 sample = texture2D(uSampler, p);\n\n // switch to pre-multiplied alpha to correctly blur transparent images\n // sample.rgb *= sample.a;\n\n color += sample * weight;\n total += weight;\n\n if (t > countLimit){\n break;\n }\n }\n\n color /= total;\n // switch back from pre-multiplied alpha\n color.rgb /= color.a + 0.00001;\n\n gl_FragColor = color;\n}\n",Ze=function(e){function t(t,n,r,o){void 0===t&&(t=.1),void 0===n&&(n=[0,0]),void 0===r&&(r=0),void 0===o&&(o=-1),e.call(this,Qe,Ue),this.center=n,this.strength=t,this.innerRadius=r,this.radius=o}e&&(t.__proto__=e),t.prototype=Object.create(e&&e.prototype),t.prototype.constructor=t;var n={center:{configurable:!0},strength:{configurable:!0},innerRadius:{configurable:!0},radius:{configurable:!0}};return n.center.get=function(){return this.uniforms.uCenter},n.center.set=function(e){this.uniforms.uCenter=e},n.strength.get=function(){return this.uniforms.uStrength},n.strength.set=function(e){this.uniforms.uStrength=e},n.innerRadius.get=function(){return this.uniforms.uInnerRadius},n.innerRadius.set=function(e){this.uniforms.uInnerRadius=e},n.radius.get=function(){return this.uniforms.uRadius},n.radius.set=function(e){(e<0||e===1/0)&&(e=-1),this.uniforms.uRadius=e},Object.defineProperties(t.prototype,n),t}(t.Filter);return e.AdjustmentFilter=o,e.AdvancedBloomFilter=p,e.AsciiFilter=g,e.BevelFilter=y,e.BloomFilter=F,e.BulgePinchFilter=w,e.ColorMapFilter=O,e.ColorReplaceFilter=R,e.ConvolutionFilter=k,e.CrossHatchFilter=B,e.CRTFilter=N,e.DotFilter=Y,e.DropShadowFilter=U,e.EmbossFilter=H,e.GlitchFilter=ee,e.GlowFilter=re,e.GodrayFilter=se,e.KawaseBlurFilter=a,e.MotionBlurFilter=ce,e.MultiColorReplaceFilter=pe,e.OldFilmFilter=ge,e.OutlineFilter=ye,e.PixelateFilter=Ce,e.RadialBlurFilter=ze,e.ReflectionFilter=Te,e.RGBSplitFilter=Pe,e.ShockwaveFilter=je,e.SimpleLightmapFilter=Ie,e.TiltShiftFilter=Ge,e.TiltShiftAxisFilter=Xe,e.TiltShiftXFilter=qe,e.TiltShiftYFilter=Ne,e.TwistFilter=We,e.ZoomBlurFilter=Ze,e}({},PIXI);Object.assign(PIXI.filters,this?this.__filters:__filters); //# sourceMappingURL=pixi-filters.js.map // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ UTILS.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var _; _ = {}; _.hasMeta = function(symbol, obj) { return (obj.meta != null) && (obj.meta[symbol] != null); }; _.getNumberFromMeta = function(symbol, obj) { var value; if (!_.hasMeta(symbol, obj)) { return null; } value = Number(obj.meta[symbol]); if (isNaN(value)) { return 0; } return value; }; _.isSceneMap = function() { try { return SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Map; } catch (error) { return false; } }; _.getPositionPointFromJSON = function(jsonSettings) { return _.convertPositionPointFromJSON(jsonSettings.position); }; _.convertPositionPointFromJSON = function(position) { var e, x, y; try { x = position[0]; y = position[1]; if (!KDCore.SDK.isInt(x)) { x = eval(x); } if (!KDCore.SDK.isInt(y)) { y = eval(y); } return new AAPoint(x, y); } catch (error) { e = error; AA.warning('Utils.getPositionPointFromJSON', e); return AAPoint.Empty; } }; //@[EXTEND] AA.Utils = _; })(); // ■ END UTILS.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ ABS_Input.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var DefaultKeyConfig, IKey, KEYS_GAME, KEYS_RAW, UNSAFE, alias_atbs_input_onKeyDown, alias_atbs_input_onKeyUp, i, j, k, l; //?[FROM ATBS] DefaultKeyConfig = ['w', 'd', 's', 'a', 'e', 'q', 'w', 'd', 's', 'a', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', 'r', 'f', 'control']; UNSAFE = ['q', 'w', 'x', 'z', 'space']; KEYS_RAW = []; KEYS_GAME = []; Input.KeyMapperPKD = {}; //Numbers for (i = j = 48; j <= 57; i = ++j) { Input.KeyMapperPKD[i] = String.fromCharCode(i); } //Letters Upper for (i = k = 65; k <= 90; i = ++k) { Input.KeyMapperPKD[i] = String.fromCharCode(i).toLowerCase(); } //Letters Lower (for key code events) for (i = l = 97; l <= 122; i = ++l) { Input.KeyMapperPKD[i] = String.fromCharCode(i).toLowerCase(); } alias_atbs_input_onKeyDown = Input._onKeyDown; Input._onKeyDown = function(event) { alias_atbs_input_onKeyDown.call(this, event); if (Input.keyMapper[event.keyCode]) { return; } Input._setStateWithMapperPKD(event.keyCode); }; Input._setStateWithMapperPKD = function(keyCode, state) { var symbol; state = SDK.check(state, true); symbol = Input.KeyMapperPKD[keyCode]; if (symbol != null) { this._currentState[symbol] = state; } }; alias_atbs_input_onKeyUp = Input._onKeyUp; Input._onKeyUp = function(event) { alias_atbs_input_onKeyUp.call(this, event); if (Input.keyMapper[event.keyCode]) { return; } Input._setStateWithMapperPKD(event.keyCode, false); }; Input.isCancel = function() { if (Input.isGamepad()) { return Input.isTriggered('pageup'); //LB } else { return Input.isTriggered('cancel') || TouchInput.isCancelled(); } }; IKey = function() { throw new Error('This is a static class'); }; IKey.CP_W = function() { return KEYS_GAME[0]; }; IKey.CP_D = function() { return KEYS_GAME[1]; }; IKey.CP_S = function() { return KEYS_GAME[2]; }; IKey.CP_A = function() { return KEYS_GAME[3]; }; IKey.WC = function() { return KEYS_GAME[4]; }; IKey.TS = function() { return KEYS_GAME[5]; }; IKey.SC_W = function() { return KEYS_GAME[6]; }; IKey.SC_D = function() { return KEYS_GAME[7]; }; IKey.SC_S = function() { return KEYS_GAME[8]; }; IKey.SC_A = function() { return KEYS_GAME[9]; }; IKey.SP_1 = function() { return KEYS_GAME[10]; }; IKey.SP_2 = function() { return KEYS_GAME[11]; }; IKey.SP_3 = function() { return KEYS_GAME[12]; }; IKey.SP_4 = function() { return KEYS_GAME[13]; }; IKey.SP_5 = function() { return KEYS_GAME[14]; }; IKey.SP_6 = function() { return KEYS_GAME[15]; }; IKey.SP_7 = function() { return KEYS_GAME[16]; }; IKey.SP_8 = function() { return KEYS_GAME[17]; }; IKey.WR = function() { return KEYS_GAME[18]; }; IKey.TN = function() { return KEYS_GAME[19]; }; IKey.AR = function() { return KEYS_GAME[20]; }; IKey.loadDefaultKeyConfig = function() { return this.loadKeyConfig(DefaultKeyConfig.slice(0)); //Clone }; IKey.loadKeyConfig = function(keyBindingsArray) { var m, ref; KEYS_RAW = keyBindingsArray; for (i = m = 0, ref = KEYS_RAW.length; (0 <= ref ? m < ref : m > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++m : --m) { if (KEYS_RAW[i] != null) { KEYS_GAME[i] = IKey.convertUnsafeSymbols(KEYS_RAW[i]); } } }; IKey.convertUnsafeSymbols = function(symbol) { if (symbol == null) { return ''; } symbol = symbol.toLowerCase(); if (!UNSAFE.include(symbol)) { return symbol; } if (symbol === 'q') { return 'pageup'; } if (symbol === 'w') { return 'pagedown'; } if (symbol === 'x') { return 'escape'; } if (symbol === 'z') { return 'ok'; } if (symbol === 'space') { return 'ok'; } }; IKey.convertIKeyToLetter = function(symbol) { if (symbol === IKey.CP_W()) { return KEYS_RAW[0]; } if (symbol === IKey.CP_D()) { return KEYS_RAW[1]; } if (symbol === IKey.CP_S()) { return KEYS_RAW[2]; } if (symbol === IKey.CP_A()) { return KEYS_RAW[3]; } if (symbol === IKey.WC()) { return KEYS_RAW[4]; } if (symbol === IKey.TS()) { return KEYS_RAW[5]; } if (symbol === IKey.SC_W()) { return KEYS_RAW[6]; } if (symbol === IKey.SC_D()) { return KEYS_RAW[7]; } if (symbol === IKey.SC_S()) { return KEYS_RAW[8]; } if (symbol === IKey.SC_A()) { return KEYS_RAW[9]; } if (symbol === IKey.SP_1()) { return KEYS_RAW[10]; } if (symbol === IKey.SP_2()) { return KEYS_RAW[11]; } if (symbol === IKey.SP_3()) { return KEYS_RAW[12]; } if (symbol === IKey.SP_4()) { return KEYS_RAW[13]; } if (symbol === IKey.SP_5()) { return KEYS_RAW[14]; } if (symbol === IKey.SP_6()) { return KEYS_RAW[15]; } if (symbol === IKey.SP_7()) { return KEYS_RAW[16]; } if (symbol === IKey.SP_8()) { return KEYS_RAW[17]; } if (symbol === IKey.WR()) { return KEYS_RAW[18]; } if (symbol === IKey.TN()) { return KEYS_RAW[19]; } if (symbol === IKey.AR()) { return KEYS_RAW[20]; } return ""; }; IKey.isTriggeredWeapCircleIndex = function() { if (Input.isTriggered(IKey.SC_W())) { return 0; } if (Input.isTriggered(IKey.SC_D())) { return 1; } if (Input.isTriggered(IKey.SC_S())) { return 2; } if (Input.isTriggered(IKey.SC_A())) { return 3; } return null; }; IKey.isTriggeredSkillPanelIndex = function() { if (Input.isTriggered(IKey.SP_1())) { return 1; } if (Input.isTriggered(IKey.SP_2())) { return 2; } if (Input.isTriggered(IKey.SP_3())) { return 3; } if (Input.isTriggered(IKey.SP_4())) { return 4; } if (Input.isTriggered(IKey.SP_5())) { return 5; } if (Input.isTriggered(IKey.SP_6())) { return 6; } if (Input.isTriggered(IKey.SP_7())) { return 7; } if (Input.isTriggered(IKey.SP_8())) { return 8; } return null; }; IKey.getGameRawKeys = function() { return KEYS_RAW; }; IKey.getGameKeyByIndex = function(index) { return KEYS_GAME[index]; }; IKey.changeRawKey = function(index, key) { KEYS_RAW[index] = key; return KEYS_GAME[index] = this.convertUnsafeSymbols(key); }; AlphaABS.register(IKey); AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey = IKey; })(); // ■ END ABS_Input.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ System.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AlphaABS.SYSTEM = {}; var LOGW = new PLATFORM.DevLog("Alpha ABS"); LOGW.on(); LOGW.setColors(Color.ORANGE, Color.BLACK.getLightestColor(100)); (function ($) { $.EXTENSIONS = {}; var SDK = PLATFORM.SDK; SDK.setConstant($, 'FRAMES_PER_SECOND', 60); SDK.setConstant($, 'FONT', 'VL-Gothic-Regular'); //TODO: ЭТО НАДО В ПАРАМЕТРЫ $.LOGW = LOGW; $.STRING_ALERT_NEEDTARGET = 'Need target'; $.STRING_ALERT_TOFAR = 'Target too far'; $.STRING_ALERT_INTERRUPT = 'Action interrupt'; $.STRING_ALERT_NOAUTOA = "Can't use attack now"; $.STRING_ALERT_NOUSE = "Can't use action now"; $.STRING_ALERT_NOCHARGES = "Can't use, no charges"; $.STRING_ALERT_RECHARGE = 'Action is not ready'; $.STRING_ALERT_CASTMOVE = "Can't use while moving"; $.STRING_ALERT_NOINBATTLE = "Need get out of the battle"; $.STRING_ALERT_NEWLEVEL = "Level up!"; $.STRING_POPUP_EVADE = 'Evade'; $.STRING_POPUP_MISS = 'Miss'; $.STRING_POPUP_FAIL = 'Fail'; $.STRING_POPUP_ABSORB = 'Absorb'; $.STRING_POPUP_IMMUNE = 'Immune'; $.STRING_POPUP_WEAK = 'Weak'; $.STRING_POPUP_SKILL = 'Ready!'; $.STRING_MENU_UIVIS = 'Show UI'; $.STRING_MENU_UIPOS = 'Edit UI'; $.STRING_MENU_KEYBIND = 'Controls'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_KEY = 'Press any key'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_TAB = 'Target select'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_SKILLS = 'Skills panel'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_CONTRL = 'Сontrol panel'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_WEAPON = 'Weapon circle'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_DEF = 'Reset to default'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_BACK = 'Back'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_SLOT = 'Item'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_ATTACK = 'Attack'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_FOLLOW = 'Follow'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_JUMP = 'Jump'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_ROTATE = 'Rotate'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_LEFT = 'Left'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_RIGHT = 'Right'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_BOTTOM = 'Bottom'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_TOP = 'Top'; $.STRING_MENU_KB_WEAP = 'Weapons'; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RADIUS = 'Radius: '; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RANGE = 'Range: '; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RANGE2 = 'Range: '; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_CAST = 'Cast: '; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_COOLDOWN = 'Cooldown: '; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_DESCRIPTION = 'Description'; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_HAS = 'Has: '; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_USE = 'Use: '; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_CHARGES = 'Charges: '; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RELOADCHR = 'Reload charges: '; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_ONTARGET = 'Need target'; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_ONUSER = 'On user'; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_AREA = 'Area select'; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_CIRCLE = 'Around user'; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_ZONE = 'Zone'; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_SEC = ' sec.'; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_TARGET = ''; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_DAMAGE = 'Damage '; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RECOVER = 'Recover '; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_DRAIN = 'Drain '; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_MELEE = 'Melee '; $.STRING_SKILL_INFO_REPEATS = 'Multi Hits: '; $.STRING_WARNING_COMMON = "This command can't be executed on ABS map"; $.STRING_WARNING_COMMON2 = "This command can't be executed while player in battle!"; $.STRING_WARNING_COMMON3 = "This command not suported with ABS!"; $.STRING_WARNING_COMMAND129 = "You can't remove party leader from party on ABS map!"; $.STRING_WARNING_COMMAND321 = "You can't change actor class on ABS map!"; $.STRING_WARNING_SKILLWC = "Weapon don't support casting"; $.STRING_WARNING_SKILLOC = "Support only 'Battle Screen' items!"; $.STRING_WARNING_SKILLWVR = "Weapon can't support Vector with radius"; $.STRING_ERROR_SKILLNAN = "You need setup you project for Alpha ABS!"; //TODO: Добавить ссылку на инструкцию как это делать $.STRING_ERROR_OLDDATA = "Your project use old RPG Maker MV core files (js/), update files to 1.6.0 or above"; })(AlphaABS.SYSTEM); // ■ END System.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AXUI_Main.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- var AXUI; AXUI = {}; AXUI.Version = '0.1'; AXUI.register = function(library) { return AXUI[library.name] = library; }; AlphaABS.AXUI = AXUI; (function() { AXUI.POP_DEFAULT_STYLE = function() { return { fontName: null, fontSize: 28, italy: false, fontOutlineWidth: 3, fontOutlineColor: "#000000", iconSize: 32 }; }; AXUI.POP_DEFAULT_EFFECT = function() { return { changeFontSize: 32, stayTime: 16 }; }; AXUI.PopMachineModeEnum = { NONE: 0, TOP: 1, DOWN: 2, LEFT: 3, RIGHT: 4, CIRCLE: 5 }; Object.freeze(AXUI.PopMachineModeEnum); })(); // ■ END AXUI_Main.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Utils.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AlphaABS.UTILS = {}; (function ($) { "use strict"; var SDK = PLATFORM.SDK; $.printPoint = function (x, y) { return "[" + x + " ; " + y + "]"; }; $.distanceTo = function (a, b) { if (a === undefined || b === undefined) { return 0; //This is very very bad! } if (a === null || b === null) { return 0; } return $gameMap.distance(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y); }; $.inFront = function (charA, charB) { try { var d = charA.direction(); var x2 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(charA.x, d); var y2 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(charA.y, d); return this.inPoint(charB, new PointX(x2, y2)); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false; } }; $.isFrontNeighbor = function(charA, charB) { var points = AlphaABS.UTILS._getNeighborPoints(charA); if (points.length > 0) { var a = AlphaABS.UTILS.inPoint(points[0], charB); var b = AlphaABS.UTILS.inPoint(points[1], charB); return a || b; } return false; }; $._getNeighborPoints = function (charA) { try { var d = charA.direction(); var result = []; switch (d) { case 8: result.push(new PointX(charA.x + 1, charA.y - 1)); result.push(new PointX(charA.x - 1, charA.y - 1)); break; case 4: result.push(new PointX(charA.x - 1, charA.y - 1)); result.push(new PointX(charA.x - 1, charA.y + 1)); break; case 6: result.push(new PointX(charA.x + 1, charA.y - 1)); result.push(new PointX(charA.x + 1, charA.y + 1)); break; case 2: result.push(new PointX(charA.x + 1, charA.y + 1)); result.push(new PointX(charA.x - 1, charA.y + 1)); break; default: return result; } return result; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return []; } }; $.getEndPointFromCharToRange = function(charA, range) { try { if(range == 0) { return charA.toPoint(); } var d = charA.direction(); var result = []; var startPoint = charA.toPoint(); var endPoint = null; switch (d) { case 8: endPoint = new PointX(startPoint.x, startPoint.y - range); break; case 4: endPoint = new PointX(startPoint.x - range, startPoint.y); break; case 6: endPoint = new PointX(startPoint.x + range, startPoint.y); break; case 2: endPoint = new PointX(startPoint.x, startPoint.y + range); break; default: break; } return endPoint; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return null; } }; $.createLineBetweenPoints = function(point1, point2) { var line = []; var tempPoint = point1; var endRect = new Rectangle(point2.x - 0.5, point2.y - 0.5, 1.5, 1.5); var safeCount = 500; while(true) { safeCount--; //"CHECK POINT".p(); tempPoint = AlphaABS.UTILS.SMath.moveTo(tempPoint, point2, 1); //"POINT".p(tempPoint); if (AlphaABS.UTILS.SMath.inRect(tempPoint, endRect)) { //"POINT END".p(); break; } line.push(tempPoint.applyRound()); if(safeCount <= 0) break; } //"LINE POINTS".p(line.length); return line; }; $.inDirection = function (charA, charB) { try { var d = charA.direction(); switch (d) { case 8: return (charB.y <= charA.y); case 4: return (charB.x <= charA.x); case 6: return (charB.x >= charA.x); case 2: return (charB.y >= charA.y); default: return false; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false; } }; $.inDirectionHard = function (charA, charB) { try { var inD = this.inDirection(charA, charB); if (!inD) { return false; } var d = charA.direction(); switch (d) { case 8: return (charB.x == charA.x); case 4: return (charB.y == charA.y); case 6: return (charB.y == charA.y); case 2: return (charB.x == charA.x); default: return false; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false; } }; $.inPoint = function (a, b) { try { if (!a) return false; if (!b) return false; return (a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false; } }; $.inRadius = function (charA, radius, members) { try { var t = []; members.forEach(function (item) { if (AlphaABS.UTILS.distanceTo(charA, item) < radius) { t.push(item); } }); return t; } catch (e) { //console.error(e); return false; } }; $.toGlobalCoord = function (layer, coordSymbol) { return SDK.toGlobalCoord(layer, coordSymbol); }; $.framesToTimeA = function (frames, oneSecond) { try { if (oneSecond === undefined) oneSecond = 60; var secs = Math.floor((frames + oneSecond) / oneSecond); var string = ''; if (secs > 59) { var min = Math.floor(secs / 60); string = min + "m"; } else { string = secs + "s"; } return string; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return "!s"; } }; $.framesToTimeB = function (frames, oneSecond) { try { if (oneSecond === undefined) oneSecond = 60; var secs = Math.floor((frames + oneSecond) / oneSecond); var string = ''; if (secs > 59) { var min = Math.floor(secs / 60); var minm = (min < 10) ? ('0' + min) : min; var secx = secs - (min * 60); secx = (secx < 10) ? ('0' + secx) : secx; string = min + ":" + secx; } else { string = '0:' + ((secs < 10) ? ('0' + secs) : secs); } return string; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return "!:!"; } }; $.getDirKey = function (char) { try { var t = char.direction(); switch (t) { case 8: return 'u'; case 4: return 'l'; case 6: return 'r'; case 2: return 'd'; default: return 'r'; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); return 'r'; } }; $.linkSprite = function (sprite1, sprite2) { try { var _r = 0; //right (from right) var _u = 0; //up if (SDK.toGlobalCoord(sprite1, 'x') < Graphics.width / 2) { _r = 1; //Left (From left) } if (SDK.toGlobalCoord(sprite1, 'y') < Graphics.height / 2) { _u = 1; //Down } if (_r == 1) { sprite2.x = sprite1.x + sprite1.width + 1; } else { sprite2.x = sprite1.x - sprite2.width - 1; } if (_u == 1) { sprite2.y = sprite1.y + sprite1.height + 1; } else { sprite2.y = sprite1.y - sprite2.height - 1; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; $.increment = function (value) { if (value == 0) return value; if (value > 0) return value + 1; if (value < 0) return value - 1; }; $.decrement = function (value) { if (value == 0) return value; if (value > 0) return value - 1; if (value < 0) return value + 1; return value; }; //PointX //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* jshint -W104 */ class PointX { constructor(mapX, mapY) { mapX = SDK.check(mapX, 0); mapY = SDK.check(mapY, 0); this._x = mapX; this._y = mapY; } convertToScreen() { this._x = this.screenX(); this._y = this.screenY(); return this; } convertToScreen2() { this._x = this._x * $gameMap.tileWidth(); this._y = this._y * $gameMap.tileHeight(); } mapPointOnScreen() { var nx = (this._x * $gameMap.tileWidth()) - ($gameMap.displayX() * $gameMap.tileWidth()); var ny = (this._y * $gameMap.tileHeight()) - ($gameMap.displayY() * $gameMap.tileHeight()); return new PointX(nx, ny); } static ScreenXYOnScreen(x, y) { var p = new PointX(x, y); p.convertToMap(); return p.mapPointOnScreen(); } convertToMap() { this._x = this.mapX(); this._y = this.mapY(); return this; } applyFloor() { this._x = Math.floor(this._x); this._y = Math.floor(this._y); return this; } applyCeil() { this._x = Math.ceil(this._x); this._y = Math.ceil(this._y); return this; } applyRound() { this._x = Math.round(this._x); this._y = Math.round(this._y); return this; } screenX() { var t = $gameMap.adjustX(this._x); var tw = $gameMap.tileWidth(); return Math.round(t * tw + tw / 2); } screenY() { var t = $gameMap.adjustY(this._y); var th = $gameMap.tileHeight(); return Math.round(t * th + th); } convertToCanvas() { //if (Graphics._realScale != 1) { this._x = Graphics.pageToCanvasX(this._x); this._y = Graphics.pageToCanvasY(this._y); //} } mapX() { return $gameMap.canvasToMapX(this._x); } mapY() { return $gameMap.canvasToMapY(this._y); } clone() { return new PointX(this._x, this._y); } toString() { return AlphaABS.UTILS.printPoint(this._x, this._y); } toPoint() { return this; } static _getEmpty() { if (PointX._emptyPoint === undefined) { PointX._emptyPoint = new PointX(0, 0); } return PointX._emptyPoint; } } Object.defineProperties(PointX.prototype, { x: { get: function () { return this._x; }, configurable: true }, y: { get: function () { return this._y; }, configurable: true } }); Object.defineProperties(PointX, { Empty: { get: function () { return PointX._getEmpty(); }, configurable: false } }); Array.prototype.toPoint = function () { return new PointX(this[0], this[1]); }; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.toPoint = function () { return new PointX(this.x, this.y); }; //END PointX //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //SMouse //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var __SmouseNeedTrack = false; var __SmousePosition = null; function SMouse() { throw new Error('This is a static class'); } SMouse.initMouseTrack = function () { document.onmousemove = SMouse.handleMouseMove; __SmouseNeedTrack = false; __SmousePosition = PointX.Empty; }; SMouse.setTrack = function (isSet) { //console.log("Track is " + isSet); __SmouseNeedTrack = isSet; if (isSet) this.handleMouseMove(null); }; SMouse.isTracked = function () { return (__SmouseNeedTrack == true); }; SMouse.handleMouseMoveCanvas = function (canvas, evt) { var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); __SmousePosition = new PointX(evt.clientX - rect.left, evt.clientY - rect.top); console.log("Mouse " + __SmousePosition); }; SMouse.handleMouseMove = function (event) { if (!__SmouseNeedTrack) return; var dot, eventDoc, doc, body, pageX, pageY; event = event || window.event; // IE-ism if (!event) return; // If pageX/Y aren't available and clientX/Y are, // calculate pageX/Y - logic taken from jQuery. // (This is to support old IE) if (event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null) { eventDoc = (event.target && event.target.ownerDocument) || document; doc = eventDoc.documentElement; body = eventDoc.body; event.pageX = event.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0); event.pageY = event.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0); } __SmousePosition = new PointX(event.pageX, event.pageY); __SmousePosition.convertToCanvas(); }; SMouse.getMousePosition = function () { if (!Utils.isMobileDevice()) return __SmousePosition.clone(); else return PointX.Empty; }; //END SMouse //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //SMath //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function SMath() { throw new Error('This is a static class'); } SMath.distance = function (point1, point2) { try { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(point1.x - point2.x, 2) + Math.pow(point1.y - point2.y, 2)); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return 0; } }; SMath.angle = function (point1, point2) { try { var cl = SMath.distance(point1, point2); var al = Math.abs(point2.x - point1.x); var bl = Math.abs(point2.y - point1.y); if (al == 0 || cl == 0 || bl == 0) return 0; else { var angle = Math.acos((bl * bl + cl * cl - al * al) / (2 * bl * cl)); return angle; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); return 0; } }; SMath.rotateTo = function (point1, angle) { try { var nx = point1.x * Math.cos(angle) - point1.y * Math.sin(angle); var ny = point1.y * Math.cos(angle) + point1.x * Math.sin(angle); return new PointX(nx, ny); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return PointX.Empty; } }; SMath.moveTo = function (point1, point2, step) { try { var rotated = SMath.rotateTo(new PointX(0, step), SMath.angle(point1, point2)); var fx = 0; var fy = 0; if (point2.y < point1.y) { fy = point1.y - rotated.y; } else { fy = point1.y + rotated.y; } if (point2.x < point1.x) { fx = point1.x + rotated.x; } else { fx = point1.x - rotated.x; } return new PointX(fx, fy); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return PointX.Empty; } }; SMath.inRect = function (point, rectangle) { try { var x2 = rectangle.x + rectangle.width; var y2 = rectangle.y + rectangle.height; if (point.x > rectangle.x && point.x < x2 && point.y < y2 && point.y > rectangle.y) { return true; } return false; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false; } }; //END SMath //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Расширение $.extendMe = function (obj) { obj.SMath = SMath; obj.PointX = PointX; obj.SMouse = SMouse; }; $.extendMe($); })(AlphaABS.UTILS); Object.freeze(AlphaABS.UTILS); Object.defineProperty(AlphaABS, 'UTILS', { writable: false }); AlphaABS.register(AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX); // ■ END Utils.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ BattleMangerABS.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { var LOG = new PLATFORM.DevLog("BattleManagerABS"); LOG.applyLibraryColors(); window.__selected = null; function BattleManagerABS() { throw new Error('This is a static class'); } AlphaABS.register(BattleManagerABS); var SMouse = AlphaABS.UTILS.SMouse; var Consts = AlphaABS.SYSTEM; var ABSUtils = AlphaABS.UTILS; BattleManagerABS.init = function () { BattleManagerABS.timer = new Game_TimerABS(); BattleManagerABS._ready = false; BattleManagerABS._plTargets = []; BattleManagerABS.clearABS(); BattleManagerABS._prepareResources(); //Input.loadSchemeABS(); AlphaABS.LIBS.ABSPathfinding.init(); }; BattleManagerABS.clearABS = function () { this._isABSMap = false; this._absMapId = -1; }; BattleManagerABS._prepareResources = function () {}; BattleManagerABS.connectProcess = function () { this._process = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Game_BattleProcessABS(); }; BattleManagerABS.battleProcess = function () { return this._process; }; BattleManagerABS.onMapLoaded = function () { if (this._isABSMap && $gameMap.isABS()) { //Если переход между АБС картами, то не делаем StopABS, а только prepare Заного if (this._absMapId != $gameMap.mapId()) { $gameTroop.deactivateABS(); $gameTroop.clearABS(); $gameTroop.initABS(); //Need restart this._absMapId = $gameMap.mapId(); } BattleManagerABS.updateABSSession(); LOG.p("Manager : Go to ABS map from ABS map, Prepare new ABS session"); return; } if (this._isABSMap && !$gameMap.isABS()) { //Если переход от AБС карты на обычную, то надо всё остановить BattleManagerABS.stopABS(); LOG.p("Manager : Go to map from ABS map, stop ABS session"); try { $gamePlayer.followers().initialize(); $gamePlayer.followers().refresh(); if (SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Map) SceneManager._scene._spriteset.refreshAfterABS(); $gamePlayer.followers().synchronize($gamePlayer.x, $gamePlayer.y, $gamePlayer.direction()); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } return; } if (!this._isABSMap && $gameMap.isABS()) { BattleManagerABS.initABS(); LOG.p("Manager : Go to ABS map from map, start new ABS session"); } }; BattleManagerABS.updateABSSession = function () { if (!AlphaABS.isABS()) return; if ($gamePlayer.battler() != $gameParty.leader()) $gamePlayer.initABS(); $gamePlayer.prepareABS(); AlphaABS.BattleUI.initNewSession(); this._plTargets = []; }; BattleManagerABS.stopABS = function () { LOG.p("Manager : ABS Map destroy"); BattleManagerABS.clearABS(); $gameTroop.deactivateABS(); SMouse.setTrack(false); $gamePlayer.stopABS(); SlowUpdateManager.clearAll(); }; BattleManagerABS.initABS = function () { $gamePlayer.initABS(); $gameTroop.initABS(); $gameParty.initABS(); this.timer.start(BattleManagerABS.TURN); this._ready = true; SMouse.setTrack(true); AlphaABS.BattleUI.initNewSession(); $gamePlayer.prepareABS(); LOG.p("Manager : ABS Map loaded"); this._isABSMap = true; this._absMapId = $gameMap.mapId(); }; BattleManagerABS.setPlayerTarget = function (target) { window.__selected = target; try { if (target && target.inActive()) { $gamePlayer.setTarget(target); $gameTroop.selectOnMap(target); $gameParty.selectOnMap(target); AlphaABS.BattleUI.showTarget(target); } else { $gamePlayer.setTarget(null); $gameTroop.selectOnMap(null); $gameParty.selectOnMap(null); AlphaABS.BattleUI.showTarget(null); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); AlphaABS.BattleUI.showTarget(null); } }; BattleManagerABS.getPlayerTarget = function () { return $gamePlayer.target(); }; BattleManagerABS.updateABS = function () { if (!this._ready) return; this.timer.update(); if (this.timer.isReady()) { this.timer.reset(); $gamePlayer.onTurnEnd(); $gameTroop.onTurnEnd(); } }; BattleManagerABS.alertNoInBattle = function () { BattleManagerABS.alertOnUI(AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_ALERT_NOINBATTLE); }; BattleManagerABS.alertOnUI = function (string) { AlphaABS.BattleUI.alert(string); }; BattleManagerABS.playSe = function (se, point) { if (BattleManagerABS.isABSAudio()) { AudioManager.playSeAt(se, point); } else { AudioManager.playSe(se); } }; BattleManagerABS.isABSAudio = function () { return AlphaABS.SYSTEM.EXTENSIONS.AUDIO; }; BattleManagerABS.isABSParticleSystem = function () { return (AlphaABS.SYSTEM.EXTENSIONS.ABSPE !== undefined) && (AlphaABS.SYSTEM.EXTENSIONS.ABSPE != false); }; BattleManagerABS.isABSLightingExt = function () { return AlphaABS.SYSTEM.EXTENSIONS.LIGHT; }; BattleManagerABS.alertOnUIbySym = function (alertSymbol) { switch (alertSymbol) { case 'noUse': BattleManagerABS.alertOnUI(Consts.STRING_ALERT_NOUSE); break; case 'toFar': BattleManagerABS.alertOnUI(Consts.STRING_ALERT_TOFAR); break; case 'noTarget': BattleManagerABS.alertOnUI(Consts.STRING_ALERT_NEEDTARGET); break; case 'noAmmo': BattleManagerABS.alertOnUI(Consts.STRING_ALERT_NOCHARGES); break; case 'recharge': BattleManagerABS.alertOnUI(Consts.STRING_ALERT_RECHARGE); break; } }; BattleManagerABS.nextPlayerTarget = function () { try { var t = BattleManagerABS._nearestTargetForPlayer(true); if (t == null) { if(this._plTargets.length > 0) { this._plTargets = []; return this.nextPlayerTarget(); } else { return null; } } var tt = this._plTargets; var t2 = t.filter(function (i) { return tt.indexOf(i) < 0; }); if (t2.count() == 0) { this._plTargets = []; return this.nextPlayerTarget(); } else { this._plTargets.push(t2.first()); } return t2.first(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return null; } }; BattleManagerABS._nearestTargetForPlayer = function (isExclusive) { var exclusive = []; if(isExclusive == true) exclusive = this._plTargets; var candidates = ABSUtils.inRadius($gamePlayer, 12, $gameTroop.membersABS()); if (candidates.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { if (ABSUtils.inFront($gamePlayer, candidates[i])) { if (exclusive.indexOf(candidates[i]) < 0) return [candidates[i]]; } } var minDist = 100; var minTarg = null; var dist = 0; for (var j = 0; j < candidates.length; j++) { var en = candidates[j]; dist = ABSUtils.distanceTo($gamePlayer, en); if (dist < minDist) { if (exclusive.indexOf(en) < 0) { minTarg = en; minDist = dist; } } } if(minTarg != null) return [minTarg]; } return null; }; BattleManagerABS.nextNearestPlayerTarget = function() { var t = this._nearestTargetForPlayer(false); if(t == null) return BattleManagerABS.nextPlayerTarget(); else return t.first(); }; //HELPERS BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByTimer = function (skill) { return skill ? skill.isReady() : false; }; BattleManagerABS.playerABSSkillById = function (skillId) { return $gamePlayer.battler().skillABS_byId(skillId); }; BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByTarget = function (who, target, skill) { try { if (!skill) return false; if (skill.isRadiusType()) return true; if (skill.isNeedTarget()) { if (target) return true; else return false; } else return true; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false; } }; BattleManagerABS.checkLineOfSight = function (point1, point2) { try { var line = AlphaABS.UTILS.createLineBetweenPoints(point1, point2); for (var i = 0; i < line.length; i++) { if (BattleManagerABS.checkMapZone(line[i]) == false) return false; } return true; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return true; } }; BattleManagerABS.checkMapZone = function (point) { try { if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { var regionId = $gameMap.regionId(point.x, point.y); var zones = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_MapSolidRegions(); if (zones.includes(regionId)) return false; } return true; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return true; } }; BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByRange = function (who, target, skill) { try { var byRange = BattleManagerABS.checkSkillRange(who, target, skill); if (byRange == true) { if (skill.range == 0 || target == null || who == null || skill.isIgnoreObstacles()) return true; else { if (ABSUtils.inFront(who, target)) { return true; } var isLineOfSight = BattleManagerABS.checkLineOfSight(who.toPoint(), target.toPoint()); return isLineOfSight; } } else return false; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false; } }; BattleManagerABS.checkSkillRange = function (who, target, skill) { try { if (!skill) return false; if (skill.isZoneType()) return true; if (skill.isRadiusType()) return true; if (skill.range == 0 && !skill.isNeedTarget()) return true; if (skill.range == 0) { return ABSUtils.inFront(who, target); } else { var t = ABSUtils.distanceTo(who, target); if (skill.range >= t) { if (skill.isDirectionFix()) { LOG.p("SPELL: Dirction FIXed"); return ABSUtils.inDirectionHard(who, target); } else return true; } else return false; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false; } }; BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByAmmo = function (skill) { try { if (skill.isFirearm()) { return !skill.isNeedReloadStack(); } if (skill.isNeedAmmo()) { return $gameParty.numItems($dataItems[skill.ammo]) > 0; } return true; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false; } }; BattleManagerABS.canUseABSSkillNow = function (who, target, skill) { try { if (!skill) return false; if (skill.isNoTarget()) { return this.canUseSkillByTimer(skill) && this.canUseSkillByAmmo(skill); } return this.canUseSkillByTarget(who, target, skill) && this.canUseSkillByRange(who, target, skill) && this.canUseSkillByTimer(skill) && this.canUseSkillByAmmo(skill); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false; } }; BattleManagerABS.canUseABSSkillUI = function (skill) { try { if (!$gamePlayer.inActive()) return false; var t = $gamePlayer.battler(); return t.canUse(skill.skill()) && this.canUseABSSkillNow($gamePlayer, $gamePlayer.target(), skill) && t.canMove(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false; } }; BattleManagerABS.whoTargetOnMe = function (me, members) { var x = members.filter(function (t) { return (t.target() == me); }); return x.first(); }; BattleManagerABS.isValidTarget = function (target) { try { return target && target.inActive() && (target.battler().tgr != 0); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false; } }; BattleManagerABS.warning = function (index) { switch (index) { case 1: LOGW.p(Consts.STRING_WARNING_COMMON2); break; case 2: LOGW.p(Consts.STRING_WARNING_COMMON3); break; case 129: LOGW.p(Consts.STRING_WARNING_COMMAND129); break; case 321: LOGW.p(Consts.STRING_WARNING_COMMAND321); break; default: LOGW.p(Consts.STRING_WARNING_COMMON); break; } }; BattleManagerABS.getAllBotsOnMap = function () { if (AlphaABS.isABS()) { var all = $gameTroop.membersABS().concat($gameParty.membersABS()); return all; } else return []; }; SDK.setConstant(BattleManagerABS, 'TURN', AlphaABS.SYSTEM.FRAMES_PER_SECOND); AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS = BattleManagerABS; AlphaABS.register(BattleManagerABS); })(); // ■ END BattleMangerABS.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ BattleUI.coffee //╒═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function() { var BattleUI; BattleUI = function() { throw new Error("This is a static class"); }; AlphaABS.register(BattleUI); BattleUI.init = function() { this._ui = null; }; BattleUI.setUI = function(ui) { this._ui = ui; }; BattleUI.initNewSession = function() { var ref; if ((ref = this._ui) != null) { ref.initABS(); } return ButtonsProManager.setVisibilityForAllButtons(true); }; BattleUI.isUI = function() { return this._ui != null; }; BattleUI.getUI = function() { return this._ui; }; BattleUI.showTarget = function(target) { var ref; return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.showTarget(target) : void 0; //Nullable }; BattleUI.alertNotInDuringBattle = function() { return this.alert(AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_ALERT_NOINBATTLE); }; BattleUI.alert = function(message) { var ref; if (message) { return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.addPopUp(AlphaABS.PopInfoManagerABS.ALERT(message)) : void 0; } }; BattleUI.pushItemOnPanel = function(item) { if (item != null) { return this._pushOnPanel("item", item); } }; BattleUI.pushIconTextOnPanel = function(item) { if (item != null) { return this._pushOnPanel("iconText", item); } }; BattleUI._pushOnPanel = function(symbol, object) { var ref; if (object) { return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.pushOnItemPanel(symbol, object) : void 0; } }; BattleUI.refreshWeaponCircle = function() { var ref; return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.weapCircleRefresh() : void 0; }; BattleUI.showFirearmPanel = function() { var ref; return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.showFirearmPanel() : void 0; }; BattleUI.refreshFirearmPanel = function() { var ref; return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.refreshFirearmPanel() : void 0; }; BattleUI.firearmPanel = function() { var ref; return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.spriteFirearmBar : void 0; }; BattleUI.refresh = function() { var ref; return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.refresh() : void 0; }; BattleUI.pushExpOnPanel = function(expCount) { return this._pushOnPanel("exp", expCount); }; BattleUI.refreshWeaponIconAt = function(index) { var ref; if (index != null) { return (ref = this._getControlPanel()) != null ? ref.refreshWeaponIconAt(index) : void 0; } }; BattleUI._getControlPanel = function() { var ref; return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.controlPanel() : void 0; }; BattleUI.showUI = function() { if (this._ui != null) { this._ui.setShowUI(true); this._ui.show(); ButtonsProManager.setVisibilityForAllButtons(true); } }; BattleUI.hideUI = function() { if (this._ui != null) { this._ui.setShowUI(false); this._ui.hide(); ButtonsProManager.setVisibilityForAllButtons(false); } }; BattleUI.refreshPlayerFace = function() { var ref; return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.refreshFace() : void 0; }; BattleUI.pushGoldOnPanel = function(goldCount) { return this._pushOnPanel("gold", goldCount); }; BattleUI.requestFreeMode = function() { var ref; return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.needFree() : void 0; }; BattleUI.moveWeaponCircle = function(x, y) { var ref; if ((x != null) && (y != null)) { return (ref = this._getWeaponCircle()) != null ? ref.move(x, y) : void 0; } }; BattleUI._getWeaponCircle = function() { var ref; return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.weapCircle() : void 0; }; BattleUI.terminate = function() { var ref; ButtonsProManager.setVisibilityForAllButtons(false); return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.terminate() : void 0; }; BattleUI.isWeaponCircleTouchedAny = function() { var cl; cl = this._getWeaponCircle(); if (cl == null) { return false; } return cl.isOpen() && cl.isTouchedAny(); }; BattleUI.isTouched = function() { var ref; return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.isTouched() : void 0; }; BattleUI.addPopUpForPlayer = function(item) { var ref; if (item) { return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.addPopUpUser(item) : void 0; } }; BattleUI.addPopUpForTarget = function(target, item) { var ref; if (target && item) { return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.addPopUpTarget(target, item) : void 0; } }; BattleUI.isVisible = function() { if (this._ui != null) { return this._ui.isVisible(); } return false; }; BattleUI.openWeaponCircle = function() { var circle; circle = this._getWeaponCircle(); if (circle != null) { if (!circle.isOpen()) { circle.open(); } } }; BattleUI.closeWeaponCircle = function() { var circle; circle = this._getWeaponCircle(); if (circle != null) { if (circle.isOpen()) { circle.close(); } } }; BattleUI.isWeaponCircleOpen = function() { var ref; return (ref = this._getWeaponCircle()) != null ? ref.isOpen() : void 0; }; BattleUI.selectOnControlPanel = function(index) { var ref; if (index != null) { return (ref = this._getControlPanel()) != null ? ref.selectItemAt(index, true) : void 0; } }; BattleUI.diselectOnControlPanel = function(index) { var ref; if (index != null) { return (ref = this._getControlPanel()) != null ? ref.selectItemAt(index, false) : void 0; } }; BattleUI.disableOnControlPanel = function(index) { var ref; if (index != null) { return (ref = this._getControlPanel()) != null ? ref.disableItemAt(index, true) : void 0; } }; BattleUI.enableOnControlPanel = function(index) { var ref; if (index != null) { return (ref = this._getControlPanel()) != null ? ref.disableItemAt(index, false) : void 0; } }; BattleUI.changeRotateIconToMouse = function() { var ref; return (ref = this._getControlPanel()) != null ? ref.setIconAt(3, AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconToMouse.bitmap) : void 0; }; BattleUI.changeRotateIconToTarget = function() { var ref; return (ref = this._getControlPanel()) != null ? ref.setIconAt(3, AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconToTarget.bitmap) : void 0; }; BattleUI.touchOnSkillPanel = function(index) { var ref; if (index != null) { return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.touchSkillAt(index) : void 0; } }; BattleUI.touchOnControlPanel = function(index) { var ref; if (index != null) { return (ref = this._getControlPanel()) != null ? ref.touchItemAt(index) : void 0; } }; BattleUI.touchOnWeaponCircle = function(index) { var ref; if (index != null) { return (ref = this._getWeaponCircle()) != null ? ref.click(index) : void 0; } }; BattleUI.isUIFree = function() { var ref; return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.isFree() : void 0; }; BattleUI.getPlayerStatusPanel = function() { var ref; return (ref = this._ui) != null ? ref.userStatusPanel : void 0; }; AlphaABS.BattleUI = BattleUI; })(); // ■ END BattleUI.coffee //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ ParametersManagerABS.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { class ParametersManagerABS extends KDCore.ParametersManager { constructor() { super('Alpha ABS'); } get_UIE_PlayerGauge(gaugeSymbol) { var object = this.getObject('UIE_Player_' + gaugeSymbol + '_Bar'); this._convertGaugeElements(object); return object; } _convertGaugeElements(object) { this.convertField(object, 'Color'); this.convertField(object, 'Visible'); this.convertField(object, 'Show value'); return object; } /*get_UIE_PlayerStatus() { var name = 'UIE_Player_Status_Settings'; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var object = this.getObject(name); this._convertBasicElements(object); this.convertField(object, 'Portrait'); this.convertField(object, 'Level'); this.convertImageWithDefault(object, 'In battle Icon', AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconInBattle.bitmap); this.convertImageWithDefault(object, 'Mask', AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.InBattleMask.bitmap); this.convertImageWithDefault(object, 'Background', AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.UserFaceBack.bitmap); return object; }); }*/ convertImageWithDefault(object, paramName, defaultImgBitmap) { try { var img = object[paramName]; if (typeof (img) == "string") { if (img == "" && defaultImgBitmap) { object[paramName] = defaultImgBitmap; } else { this.convertImage(object, paramName); } } else { //Bitmap if (img._image == null && defaultImgBitmap) { object[paramName] = defaultImgBitmap; } else { object[paramName] = img; } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); this.convertImage(object, paramName); } } _convertBasicElements(object) { this.convertField(object, 'Position'); this.convertField(object.Position, 'X'); this.convertField(object.Position, 'Y'); this.convertField(object, 'Visible'); return object; } /*get_UIE_PlayerTarget() { var name = 'UIE_Player_Target'; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var object = this.getObject(name); this._convertBasicElements(object); this.convertField(object, 'Name'); this.convertField(object, 'HP Bar'); this._convertGaugeElements(object['HP Bar']); this.convertImageWithDefault(object, 'Mask', AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.TargetBattleMask.bitmap); this.convertImageWithDefault(object, 'Selected_Image', AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.TargetCircle.bitmap); return object; }); }*/ get_UIE_SpellSelectZoneImage() { var name = 'UIE_SpellSelectZoneImage'; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var img = this.getString(name); var bitmap = this.loadImage(img); if (bitmap._image == null) { return AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.TargetCircle.bitmap; } else { return bitmap; } }); } /*get_UIE_PlayerSpellsPanel() { var name = 'UIE_Player_Skills'; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var object = this.getObject(name); this._convertBasicElements(object); this.convertImage(object, 'Image'); this.convertImageWithDefault(object, 'Image', AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.SkillPanel.bitmap); this.convertField(object, 'AutoHide'); return object; }); }*/ /*get_UIE_PlayerHotBar() { var name = 'UIE_Player_HotBar'; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var object = this.getObject(name); this._convertBasicElements(object); for (var i = 1; i < 6; i++) this.convertField(object, 'Item' + i); return object; }); }*/ //get_UIE_PlayerMessageBar() { // return this._get_UIE_BasicElement('UIE_Message_Bar'); //} _get_UIE_BasicElement(name) { return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var object = this.getObject(name); this._convertBasicElements(object); return object; }); } //get_UIE_PlayerStates() { // return this._get_UIE_BasicElement('UIE_Player_States'); //} //get_UIE_ItemList() { // return this._get_UIE_BasicElement('UIE_ItemList'); //} //get_UIE_PlayerCastBar() { // return this._get_UIE_BasicElement('UIE_Player_Cast'); //} get_UIE_PlayerFirearm() { return this._get_UIE_BasicElement('UIE_Player_FirearmPanel'); } get_UI_PlayerDamageColor() { var name = "UI_PlayerDamageColor"; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var color = this.getString(name); if (color != null && color != "") { return KDCore.Color.FromHex(color).ARR; } else { return KDCore.Color.BLACK.ARR; } }); } //?[DEPRECATED] loadAllStrings() { //var loader = new KDCore.StringsLoader(this._parameters); //loader.loadAllStringsToObject(AlphaABS.SYSTEM); } get_EnemyDeadSwitch() { var name = "Enemy Dead Switch"; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var deadSwitch = this.getString(name); if (SDK.checkSwitch(deadSwitch)) return deadSwitch; else return 'B'; }); } get_EnemyReviveAnimationId() { return this._get_NumberFromCache("Revive Animation") || 45; } _get_NumberFromCache(name) { return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var value = this.getNumber(name); return value; }); } get_CastAnimation() { var animId = this._get_NumberFromCache("Cast Animation"); if (animId > 0) { return $dataAnimations[animId]; } else { return AlphaABS.DATA.DefaultCastAnimation; } } get_LevelUpAnimationId() { return this._get_NumberFromCache("Level Up Animation") || 49; } get_AutoLootEnemiesState() { return this._get_BooleanFromCache('Auto loot'); } _get_BooleanFromCache(name) { return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var object = this.getBoolean(name); return object; }); } get_CastAnimationSE() { var name = 'Cast Animation SE'; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { if (this.isHasParameter(name)) { var object = this.getBoolean(name); if (object == true) { object = AlphaABS.DATA.DefaltCastSE; } else { object = null; } return object; } else { return AlphaABS.DATA.DefaltCastSE; } }); } get_DeadMapId() { return this._get_NumberFromCache("Game Over Map ID"); } get_DeadMapCommonEventId() { return this._get_NumberFromCache("Game Over Common Event"); } get_DeadMapPosition() { var name = "Game Over Map Position"; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var object = this.getObject(name); this.convertField(object, "X"); this.convertField(object, "Y"); return object; }); } get_DeadMapDirection() { var name = "Game Over Map Direction"; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var resultDir = 2; var object = this.getString(name); switch (object) { case "top": resultDir = 8; break; case "right": resultDir = 6; break; case "left": resultDir = 4; break; default: resultDir = 2; break; } return resultDir; }); } get_PartyExpMode() { var name = "Party experience"; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var result = 0; var object = this.getString(name); switch (object) { case "For each member": result = 0; break; case "For party": result = 1; break; case "Share at all": result = 2; break; default: result = 0; break; } return result; }); } get_SpawnMapId() { var name = "Enemy Spawn Map Id"; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { return this.getNumber(name); }); } get_MapSolidRegions() { var name = "Solid Regions"; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var regions = []; var object = this.getString(name); try { regions = object.split(',').map(Number); regions.delete(0); } catch (error) { console.error(error); regions = []; } return regions; }); } get_CustomUIButtons() { var name = "UIE_ButtonsCustom"; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var buttons = []; var object = this.getString(name); try { buttons = object.split(',').map(item => item.trim()); } catch (error) { console.error(error); buttons = []; } return buttons; }); } /*get_GoldIconIndex() { if (this.isLoaded()) { var name = "UIE_ItemListGoldIconIndex"; if (this.isHasParameter(name)) return this._get_NumberFromCache(name); } return 314; }*/ get_AllowTransferState() { return this._get_BooleanFromCache("Allow Transfrer"); } isUIVisible() { return this._get_BooleanFromCacheWithDefault("UI_Visible", true); } _get_BooleanFromCacheWithDefault(name, defaultValue) { if (this.isHasParameter(name)) return this._get_BooleanFromCache(name); else return defaultValue; } isUIEditorAllowed() { return false;//this._get_BooleanFromCacheWithDefault("UI_Editor", true); } isUIInOptionsAllowed() { return this._get_BooleanFromCacheWithDefault("UI_Options", true); } isUIButtonsAllowed() { return this._get_BooleanFromCacheWithDefault("UIE_Buttons", false); } //?[DEPRECATED] isKeyBindingAllowed() { return this._get_BooleanFromCacheWithDefault("Key_binding", true); } isAStarAllowed() { return this._get_BooleanFromCacheWithDefault("Use_AStar", true); } isAutoBindItemsToPanel() { return this._get_BooleanFromCacheWithDefault("AutoBindItems", true); } isUseOldStyleSkillInfo() { return this._get_BooleanFromCacheWithDefault("OldStyleSkillInfo", false); } isNeedScreenShakeOnDamage() { return this._get_BooleanFromCacheWithDefault("ScreenShakeOnDamage", true); } //?[DEPRECATED] loadBindingScheme() { //if (this.isLoaded()) // this._loadStandartBindingKeys(); } _loadStandartBindingKeys() { try { var keys = []; keys[0] = this.getString('Controls_Key_cpW'); keys[1] = this.getString('Controls_Key_cpD'); keys[2] = this.getString('Controls_Key_cpS'); keys[3] = this.getString('Controls_Key_cpA'); keys[4] = this.getString('Controls_Key_cpE'); keys[5] = this.getString('Controls_Key_tS'); keys[6] = this.getString('Controls_Key_scW'); keys[7] = this.getString('Controls_Key_scD'); keys[8] = this.getString('Controls_Key_scS'); keys[9] = this.getString('Controls_Key_scA'); for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { keys[i + 10] = this.getString('Controls_Key_sp' + (i + 1)); } keys[18] = this.getString("Controls_Key_wr"); keys[19] = this.getString("Controls_Key_tn"); AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.loadKeyConfig(keys); } catch (error) { AlphaABS.error(error, ' load user key binding'); } } isFollowAllowed() { return this._get_BooleanFromCacheWithDefault("Controls_KeyAllowed_Follow", true); } isJumpAllowed() { return this._get_BooleanFromCacheWithDefault("Controls_KeyAllowed_Jump", true); } isRotateAllowed() { return this._get_BooleanFromCacheWithDefault("Controls_KeyAllowed_Rotate", true); } isWeaponsAllowed() { return this._get_BooleanFromCacheWithDefault("Controls_KeyAllowed_Weapons", true); } get_EnemyMiniHpBarOption() { var name = "Show Mini HP Bars"; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var result = 0; var object = this.getString(name); switch (object) { case "Never": result = 0; break; case "Always": result = 1; break; case "Only for selected": result = 2; break; default: result = 0; break; } return result; }); } /*get_UIE_MiniHPBar() { var name = "UIE_Mini_Bar"; return this.getFromCacheOrInit(name, function () { var object = this.getObject(name); this._convertGaugeElements(object); object.Visible = true; // * Видимость настраивается другим параметром, поэтому всегда true return object; }); }*/ } AlphaABS.Parameters = new ParametersManagerABS(); AlphaABS.register(ParametersManagerABS); })(); // ■ END ParametersManagerABS.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { //@[INTERFACE] var Interface_AIBot = { initializeABS: function () { this.LOG = new PLATFORM.DevLog(this.constructor.name); this.LOG.applyLibraryColors(); this.aiName = "Unknown"; this._stateMachine = null; this._absParams.battler = null; this._absParams.target = null; this._absParams.inBattle = false; this._absParams.active = true; //Со мной можно взаимодействовать this._absParams.selected = false; //Я выбран на карте игроком? this._absParams.myHomePosition = null; this._absParams.behavior = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Game_AIBehavior(); this._absParams.allyToSearch = null; this._absParams.rageContainer = null; //Цель - урон, для ярости //escapeOnBattle; //Убегает во время битвы //canSearch; //Могу ля я искать противника, если мой сосед атакован //noFight; //Не будет сражаться //reviveTime; //Время возрождения (минуты) //slow; //Медленный враг //agressive; //Агрессивный враг (будет догонять) //returnType; //Тип возвращения 0 - быстрое, 1 - обычное, 2 - остановка //teamId; //rage; //Если 1, то агрится, если 0 , то нет }, ABSParams: function () { return this._absParams; }, isAlly: function (who) { if (who) return (this.teamId() == who.teamId()); return false; }, teamId: function () { return this.behaviorModel().teamId; }, canFight: function () { return !this.behaviorModel().noFight; }, behaviorModel: function () { return this._absParams.behavior; }, isFastReturn: function () { return this.behaviorModel().returnType == 0; }, isSlowReturn: function () { return this.behaviorModel().returnType == 1; }, isNotReturn: function () { return this.behaviorModel().returnType == 2; }, isCasting: function () { var action = this.currentAction(); return (action && action.isCasting()); }, currentAction: function () { return this._absParams.currentAction; }, target: function () { return this._absParams.target; }, isAlive: function () { if (this.battler() != null) return this.battler().isAlive(); else return true; }, battler: function () { return this._absParams.battler; }, getHomePosition: function () { return this._absParams.myHomePosition; }, inBattle: function () { return this._absParams.inBattle; }, inActive: function () { return this._absParams.active; }, selectOnMap: function (isSelect) { this._absParams.selected = isSelect; }, changeStateToBattle: function (target) { this.setTarget(target); this._stateMachine.switchStateToBattle(this); }, changeStateToFree: function () { this._stateMachine.switchStateToFree(this); }, changeStateToReturn: function () { this._stateMachine.switchStateToReturn(this); }, changeStateToSearch: function (targetToSearch) { this.setAllyTarget(targetToSearch); this._stateMachine.switchStateToSearch(this); }, setAllyTarget: function (ally) { this._absParams.allyToSearch = ally; }, changeTeamTo: function(id) { this.behaviorModel().teamId = id; }, isSelected: function() { return this._absParams.selected; }, allyToSearch: function() { return this._absParams.allyToSearch; }, canRage: function () { return this.behaviorModel().rage == 1; }, rageContainer: function () { return this._absParams.rageContainer; }, name: function() { return this.aiName; }, isNeedHpBarShow: function () { return false; } }; AlphaABS.LIBS.Interface_AIBot = Interface_AIBot; })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 (function() { var Interface_AIBotABS; //@[INTERFACE] Interface_AIBotABS = { initABS: function() {}, _deactivate: function() { if (AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.getPlayerTarget() === this) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.setPlayerTarget(null); } this._absParams.active = false; this._resetTarget(); if (this._stateMachine != null) { this._stateMachine.deactivate(); } }, _resetTarget: function() { this._absParams.target = null; this._absParams.inBattle = false; this.interruptCast(); }, _updateABS: function() {}, _checkFloorEffect: function() { if ($gameMap.isDamageFloor(this.x, this.y)) { this.battler().executeFloorDamage(); } }, startCommonEvent: function(commonEventId) {}, clearTarget: function() { return this.setTarget(null); }, setTarget: function(target) { if (AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.isValidTarget(target)) { this._absParams.target = target; if (target === $gamePlayer) { $gamePlayer.refreshBattleState(); } } else { this._resetTarget(); } }, createNewHomePoint: function() { return this._absParams.myHomePosition = new AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX(this.x, this.y); }, refreshBehavior: function() { this.clearTarget(); return this.changeStateToFree(); }, refreshABSMotionState: function() {}, refreshABSMotion: function() {}, _checkCanShowByParameters: function() { var showWhenSelect; if (!AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { return false; } showWhenSelect = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_EnemyMiniHpBarOption() === 2; return showWhenSelect === true; return false; } }; AlphaABS.LIBS.Interface_AIBotABS = Interface_AIBotABS; })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 (function() { var Interface_AIBotABSEvents; //@[INTERFACE] Interface_AIBotABSEvents = { onTurnEnd: function() { if (this.inBattle()) { return this.battler().onTurnEnd(); } }, onActionOnMe: function(who) { if (!this.canFight()) { return; } if (!!this.inBattle()) { this.LOG.p('I\'am attacked!!!'); return this.changeStateToBattle(who); } else { if (this.canRage()) { return this._performRageCalculation(who); } } }, _performRageCalculation: function(who) { var result; result = this.battler().result(); if (result.hpAffected && result.hpDamage > 0 && !result.drain) { if (who != null) { this.rageContainer().makeDamageBy(result.hpDamage, who); } } this._selectNewTargetByRage(); }, _selectNewTargetByRage: function() { var candidate; candidate = this.rageContainer().getHigherDealer(); if ((candidate != null) && candidate !== this.target()) { this.LOG.p('New target ' + candidate.aiName); return this.setTarget(candidate); //if in view range? } }, //@requestBalloon 1 unless @behaviorModel().noEmote onGameSave: function() { if (this._stateMachine != null) { return this._stateMachine.onGameSave(); } }, onGameLoad: function() { this.LOG.p('On Game Load'); if (this._stateMachine != null) { this._stateMachine.onGameLoad(); } this.battler().onGameLoad(); }, onSwitchToBattleState: function() { return this._onBattleStart(); }, _onBattleStart: function() { if (!this.behaviorModel().noEmote) { this.requestBalloon(1); } this.battler().onBattleStart(); this._absParams.inBattle = true; this.createNewHomePoint(); if (this.getHomePosition() != null) { this.LOG.p('Store home position: ' + this.getHomePosition().toString()); } this.startCommonEvent(this.behaviorModel().cEonStart); if (this.canRage()) { this.rageContainer().addDealer(this.target()); } this.refreshABSMotionState(true); }, onReturnEnd: function() {}, _onBattleEnd: function() { this._absParams.inBattle = false; this._absParams.allyToSearch = null; this.battler().onBattleEnd(); this.startCommonEvent(this.behaviorModel().cEonEnd); if (this.canRage()) { this.rageContainer().clear(); } this.changeStateToFree(); this.refreshABSMotion(); this.refreshABSMotionState(false); }, onSwitchToFreeState: function() { this.refreshABSMotion(); this.LOG.p('In free state'); this.clearTarget(); }, onSwitchToReturnState: function() {}, onSwitchToSearchState: function() {}, onSwitchToDeadState: function() {}, onSwitchToStunState: function() { this.clearTarget(); this.stay(); this.LOG.p('AI : I\'am stunned!'); } }; AlphaABS.LIBS.Interface_AIBotABSEvents = Interface_AIBotABSEvents; })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 (function() { var Interface_AIBotABSMoving; //@[INTERFACE] Interface_AIBotABSMoving = { stay: function() {}, moveTypeTowardPlayer: function() { if (!this.isNearThePlayerX()) { return this.moveToPoint($gamePlayer); } }, isNearThePlayerX: function() { return this.isNearThePointX($gamePlayer); }, isNearThePointX: function(point) { var sx, sy; try { sx = Math.abs(this.deltaXFrom(point.x)); sy = Math.abs(this.deltaYFrom(point.y)); return (sx + sy) < 1; } catch (error) { return false; } }, returnSlow: function() {}, returnFast: function() {}, _escapeFromTarget: function(target) { if (target == null) { return; } if (!this.isMoving()) { this._performEscapeFromTarget(target); } }, _performEscapeFromTarget: function(target) { var distance, escapeRange; escapeRange = 2; distance = AlphaABS.UTILS.distanceTo(this, target); if (distance < escapeRange) { this.moveFromPoint(target); return this.turnTowardTarget(); } else if (distance > (escapeRange + 1)) { return this.moveTowardCharacter(target); } else { return this.turnTowardTarget(); } }, turnTowardTarget: function() { var target; target = this.target(); if (target != null) { return this.turnTowardCharacter(target); } }, runAwayFromTarget: function(target) { if (target == null) { return; } if (!this.isMoving()) { return this._performRunAwayFromTarget(target); } }, _performRunAwayFromTarget: function(target) { var distance, escapeRange, realRange; realRange = this._absParams.viewRadius / 2; escapeRange = realRange >= 2 ? realRange : 2; distance = AlphaABS.UTILS.distanceTo(this, target); if (distance < escapeRange) { this._applyAproachSpeed(); return this.moveFromPoint(target); } else { return this.changeStateToFree(); } }, _applyAproachSpeed: function() {}, startPursuitTarget: function() {}, moveTypeTowardTarget: function() { var target; target = this.target(); if (target != null) { if (!this.isNearThePointX(target)) { return this.moveToPoint(target); } } }, moveToAlly: function() { var e; try { if (!this.isMoving() && !this._absParams.behavior.noMove) { if (this._absParams.allyToSearch != null) { return this.moveToPoint(this._absParams.allyToSearch); } else { return this.changeStateToFree(); } } } catch (error) { e = error; return this.changeStateToFree(); } } }; AlphaABS.LIBS.Interface_AIBotABSMoving = Interface_AIBotABSMoving; })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 (function() { var Interface_AIBotActions; //@[INTERFACE] Interface_AIBotActions = { interruptCast: function() { var action; action = this.currentAction(); if (this.isCasting()) { this.LOG.p('Cast intterupt'); action.resetCast(); } }, _makeActions: function() { var actions; if (this.isCasting()) { return; } this.battler().makeActions(); actions = this.battler()._actions.filter((function(action) { var skill, target; skill = this.battler().skillABS_byAction(action); if (skill == null) { return; } if (skill.isVectorType() && skill.isNoTarget() && (this.target() != null)) { return this._checkNoTargetVector(skill); } else { target = this.target(); if (skill) { target = skill.isNeedTarget() ? this.target() : self; } return AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.canUseABSSkillNow(this, target, skill) && AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.isUsableABSSkill(skill, this.battler().isEnemy()); } }).bind(this)); if (actions.length > 0) { //TODO: Сделать умный выбор, например в ближнем бою не выбирать навык с castTime this._setForceAction(actions.first()); } else { this._setCurrentAction(this.battler().action(0)); } }, _checkNoTargetVector: function(skill) { var d, isHard, result; if (!skill) { return false; } result = AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.canUseABSSkillNow(this, this.target(), skill) && AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.isUsableABSSkill(skill, this.battler().isEnemy()); d = AlphaABS.UTILS.distanceTo(this, this.target()); if (skill.range >= d) { this.turnTowardTarget(); if (skill.isDirectionFix()) { isHard = AlphaABS.UTILS.inDirectionHard(this, this.target()); return isHard && result; } return result; } return false; }, _setForceAction: function(action) { this._absParams.currentAction = this.battler().skillABS_byAction(action); this._stateMachine.switchActionStateToAction(); }, _setCurrentAction: function(action) { var skill; skill = this.battler().skillABS_byAction(action); if (this._absParams.currentAction !== skill) { this._absParams.currentAction = skill; if (this._absParams.currentAction) { this._stateMachine.switchActionStateToPrepare(); } else { } if (this.behaviorModel().escapeOnBattle) { this._stateMachine.switchActionStateToEscape(); } else { this._stateMachine.switchActionStateToWait(); } } }, _performAction: function() { var action, currentAction, process, target; currentAction = this.currentAction(); this.LOG.p('Perform! ' + currentAction.skill().name); process = AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.battleProcess(); if (currentAction.isVectorType()) { action = this.battler().action(0); target = this.target(); if (currentAction.isNoTarget()) { target = AlphaABS.UTILS.getEndPointFromCharToRange(this, currentAction.range); } process.startPostBattleAction(this, target, action, currentAction); } else { if (currentAction.isNeedTarget()) { process.performBattleAction(this, this.target()); } else { process.performBattleAction(this, this); } } this.battler().performCurrentAction(); this._absParams.currentAction.playStartSound(this.toPoint()); this._stateMachine.switchActionStateToPrepare(); }, checkActionCommonEvent: function() { this.startCommonEvent(this.currentAction().cEonStart); } }; AlphaABS.LIBS.Interface_AIBotActions = Interface_AIBotActions; })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Alpha ABS JSON Settings.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- var AAJsonSettings; AAJsonSettings = function() { throw new Error('This is a static class'); }; (function() { var _; //@[DEFINES] _ = AAJsonSettings; //* UI ============================================================= _.UIActorPortrait = 'UIActorPortrait'; _.UIGauges = 'UIGauges'; _.UIActorWeapon = 'UIActorWeapon'; _.UIElements = 'UIElements'; _.UIActorCastBar = 'UIActorCastBar'; _.UIActorCharacterDamage = 'UIActorCharacterDamage'; _.UISpellPanel = 'UISpellPanel'; _.UINotifyText = 'UINotifyText'; _.UIEnemyCastBar = 'UIEnemyCastBar'; _.UISpellInfo = 'UISpellInfo'; //* DATA =========================================================== _.AAEnemies = 'AAEnemies'; _.AASkills = 'AASkills'; _.AAItems = 'AAItems'; _.AAWeapons = 'AAWeapons'; //* SYSTEM ========================================================= _.KeyBinding = 'KeyBinding'; _.Locale = 'Locale'; _.Fonts = 'Fonts'; _._FILES = [ _.KeyBinding, _.Locale, //_.Fonts, _.UIActorPortrait, _.UIGauges, _.UIActorWeapon, _.UIElements, _.UIActorCastBar, _.UISpellPanel, _.UINotifyText, _.UIEnemyCastBar, _.UISpellInfo ]; //@[PUBLIC] //@[=====================================================================] _.InitAndLoad = function() { var i, j, ref, results; this.data = {}; results = []; for (i = j = 0, ref = _._FILES.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { results.push(_._loadAAJSONFile(_._FILES[i])); } return results; }; _.getPortraitSettings = function(actorNumber = 0) { return this.data[_.UIActorPortrait][actorNumber]; }; _.getGaugeSettings = function(id) { return _._getSettingsById(id, _.UIGauges); }; _.getWeaponIconSettings = function() { return this.data[_.UIActorWeapon][0]; }; _.getActorSpellCastSettings = function() { return this.data[_.UIActorCastBar][0]; }; _.getEnemySpellCastSettings = function() { return this.data[_.UIEnemyCastBar][0]; }; _.getUIElementSettings = function(id) { return _._getSettingsById(id, _.UIElements); }; _.getActorCharacterDamageSettings = function() { return this.data[_.UIActorCharacterDamage]; }; _.getEnemyParameters = function(id) { return _._getSettingsById(id, _.AAEnemies); }; _.getSkillParameters = function(id) { return _._getSettingsById(id, _.AASkills); }; _.getItemParameters = function(id) { return _._getSettingsById(id, _.AAItems); }; _.getWeaponParameters = function(id) { return _._getSettingsById(id, _.AAWeapons); }; _.getSpellControllerSettings = function() { return this.data[_.UISpellPanel][0]; }; _.getUISpellPanelSettings = function() { return this.data[_.UISpellPanel][1]; }; _.getUISpellItemSettings = function() { return this.data[_.UISpellPanel][2]; }; _.getUINotifyTextSettings = function() { return this.data[_.UINotifyText][0]; }; _.getUISpellInfoSettings = function() { return this.data[_.UISpellInfo]; }; _.getKeyBinding = function() { return this.data[_.KeyBinding]; }; _.getLocale = function() { return this.data[_.Locale]; }; //@[PRIVATE] //@[=====================================================================] _._loadAAJSONFile = function(name) { var src, url, xhr; xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); src = name + '.json'; url = 'data/AABS/' + src; xhr.open('GET', url); xhr.overrideMimeType('application/json'); xhr.onload = function() { var data, e, message; if (xhr.status < 400) { try { data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.criticalError(e, "Error in JSON file " + src); return; } AAJsonSettings._loadJSONData(name, data); if (name === _.KeyBinding) { AAJsonSettings._loadKeyBinding(); } if (name === _.Locale) { AAJsonSettings._loadLocale(); } if (name === _.Fonts) { return AAJsonSettings._loadFonts(); } } else { message = url + " not found!"; return AlphaABS.criticalError(new Error(message), message); } }; xhr.send(); }; _._loadJSONData = function(name, settings) { return this.data[name] = settings; }; _._getSettingsById = function(id, name) { var result; result = this.data[_[name]].find(function(i) { return i.id === id; }); if (result != null) { return result; } return AA.criticalError(new Error('ID not found!'), id + ' not found in ' + name + '.json'); }; //TODO: Этот метод должен реализовываться в Input модуле, тут только ссылка на него _._loadKeyBinding = function() { var db, keys; AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.loadDefaultKeyConfig(); keys = []; db = _.getKeyBinding(); keys[0] = db.common.Follow; keys[1] = db.common.Rotate; keys[2] = db.common.Jump; keys[3] = db.common.Attack; keys[4] = db.common.Weapons; keys[5] = db.common.TargetSelect; keys[6] = db.weaponCircle.TopSlot; keys[7] = db.weaponCircle.RightSlot; keys[8] = db.weaponCircle.BottomSlot; keys[9] = db.weaponCircle.LeftSlot; keys[10] = db.SkillsPanel.slot1; keys[11] = db.SkillsPanel.slot2; keys[12] = db.SkillsPanel.slot3; keys[13] = db.SkillsPanel.slot4; keys[14] = db.SkillsPanel.slot5; keys[15] = db.SkillsPanel.slot6; keys[16] = db.SkillsPanel.slot7; keys[17] = db.SkillsPanel.slot8; keys[18] = db.common.FirearmReload; keys[19] = db.common.NearestTargetSelect; keys[20] = db.common.AutoRotate; return AA.LIBS.IKey.loadKeyConfig(keys); }; //TODO: Это тоже вынести в отдельный класс, как StringLoader _._loadLocale = function() { var db, loader; db = _.getLocale()[0]; loader = new KDCore.StringsLoader(null); //TODO: оптимизировать загрузку! loader.loadAllStringsToObjectFromJSON(AlphaABS.SYSTEM, db.Alerts); loader.loadAllStringsToObjectFromJSON(AlphaABS.SYSTEM, db.PopUps); loader.loadAllStringsToObjectFromJSON(AlphaABS.SYSTEM, db.Menu); loader.loadAllStringsToObjectFromJSON(AlphaABS.SYSTEM, db.KeyBinding); return loader.loadAllStringsToObjectFromJSON(AlphaABS.SYSTEM, db.SpellInfo); }; _._loadFonts = function() {}; })(); //@[EXTEND] //fonts = @data[_.Fonts] //return unless fonts? //return if fonts.length == 0 //projectDirectory = window.location.pathname.substring(0, window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/')) //for font in fonts // name = font.substr(0, font.length - (font.lastIndexOf('.'))) // Graphics.loadFont(name, projectDirectory + '/fonts/' + font) AA.JSON = AAJsonSettings; // ■ END Alpha ABS JSON Settings.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AAnimMotion.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AAnimMotion; AAnimMotion = class AAnimMotion { constructor() { this.pattern = 0; this._motionFrames = 3; this._motionDelay = 9; this._motionParts = 12; this._waitComplete = false; this._loop = false; this._started = false; this._yOffset = 0; } setMotion(_motionName, _motionIndex) { this._motionName = _motionName; this._motionIndex = _motionIndex; } setFrames(_motionFrames) { this._motionFrames = _motionFrames; } setDelay(_motionDelay) { this._motionDelay = _motionDelay; } setParts(_motionParts) { this._motionParts = _motionParts; } getDelay() { return this._motionDelay; } getParts() { return this._motionParts; } getFrames() { return this._motionFrames; } isStarted() { return this._started === true; } isWait() { return this._waitComplete === true; } setWait() { return this._waitComplete = true; } setLoop() { return this._loop = true; } setOffset(_yOffset) { this._yOffset = _yOffset; } getOffset() { return this._yOffset; } setFromABSMotion(ABSMotionData) { this.setMotion(ABSMotionData.getMotionName(), ABSMotionData.getMotionActionIndex()); this.setFrames(ABSMotionData.getFrames()); this.setDelay(ABSMotionData.getActionDelay()); this.setParts(ABSMotionData.getParts()); this.setOffset(ABSMotionData.getOffset()); if (ABSMotionData.isLooping()) { this.setLoop(); } if (ABSMotionData.isNeedWait()) { return this.setWait(); } } startMotion(character) { //"MOTION STARTED".p() this._started = true; this._lastCN = character._characterName; this._lastIN = character._characterIndex; character._characterName = this._motionName; character._characterIndex = this._motionIndex; character._pattern = 0; return character.__AnimMotionReady = false; } motionPattern() { this.pattern++; return this.pattern; } checkAnimEnd() { if (this._loop === false) { if (this.pattern >= this.getFrames()) { return true; } } else { if (this.pattern >= this.getFrames()) { this.pattern = 0; } } return false; } clear(character) { if (this._lastCN == null) { return; } //"END MOTION".p() character._characterName = this._lastCN; character._characterIndex = this._lastIN; character.__AnimMotionReady = false; return character.resetPattern(); } }; AA.register(AAnimMotion); })(); // ■ END AAnimMotion.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AANotifyManagerNew.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AANotifyManagerNew; AANotifyManagerNew = class AANotifyManagerNew { constructor() { this._notifyTime = AA.JSON.getUINotifyTextSettings().notifyShowDuration; this._notifySprite = new AA.LIBS.SpriteNotifyText(); this._notifySprite.visible = false; this._timer = 0; } getSprite() { return this._notifySprite; } update() { //TODO 13: Timer this._notifySprite.update(); if (this._timer > 0) { this._timer--; if (this._timer === 0) { return this._notifySprite.hide(); } } } terminate() {} pushNotify(text) { this._timer = this._notifyTime; if (this._notifySprite.isHidden()) { return this._notifySprite.showWithText(text); } else { return this._notifySprite.showOnlyText(text); } } }; AA.register(AANotifyManagerNew); })(); // ■ END AANotifyManagerNew.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AASpelllPanelManager.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AASpelllPanelManager; AASpelllPanelManager = class AASpelllPanelManager { constructor(battler) { this.battler = battler; this._baseSprite = new Sprite(); this.settings = AA.JSON.getSpellControllerSettings(); this._visibleWhenEmpty = this.settings.visibleWhenEmpty; this._lastIndexForInfo = -1; this._showInfoTimer = 0; //TODO: AA Timer this._createThread(); this._createThread2(); } _createThread() { return this._thread = AA.setInterval((() => { this._updateSkillsState(); }), this.settings.threadUpdateMS); } _createThread2() { return this._thread2 = AA.setInterval((() => { this._updateInfo(); }), this.settings.threadUpdateMS * 5); } refresh() { this.clear(); this.newSpellPanelUIElement = new AA.LIBS.SpriteSpellPanel(this.settings.maxItems); this._baseSprite.addChild(this.newSpellPanelUIElement); return this._drawSkills(); } clear() { this._symIndex = {}; // * хранение символов для индексов this._rechargedIndex = {}; if (this.newSpellPanelUIElement != null) { return this._deletePanel(); } } _drawSkills() { return this._forEachSkill((function(item, index, skill) { var ref; item.drawIcon((ref = skill.skill()) != null ? ref.iconIndex : void 0); return this._drawItemInputSymbol(item, index, skill); }).bind(this)); } _forEachSkill(action) { var e, i, item, j, ref, results, skill, skills; if (this.battler == null) { return; } skills = this.battler.uiPanelSkills(); results = []; for (i = j = 0, ref = this.newSpellPanelUIElement.getItemsCount(); (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { skill = skills[i]; if (skill == null) { continue; } item = this._getItem(i); if (item == null) { continue; } try { results.push(action(item, i, skill)); } catch (error) { e = error; results.push(AA.warning('SpellPanel:_forEachSkill:applyAction', e)); } } return results; } _getItem(index) { return this.newSpellPanelUIElement.getItemAt(index); } _drawItemInputSymbol(item, index, skill) { var sym; if (Utils.isMobileDevice()) { return; } sym = this._getKeySymbol(index); if (AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.canUseABSSkillUI(skill)) { return item.drawText(sym); } else { return item.drawTextDisabled(sym); } } _getKeySymbol(index) { var symb, x; if (this._symIndex[index] == null) { x = AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey; symb = x['SP_' + (index + 1)](); this._symIndex[index] = x.convertIKeyToLetter(symb).toUpperCase(); } return this._symIndex[index]; } _deletePanel() { this._baseSprite.removeChild(this.newSpellPanelUIElement); return this.newSpellPanelUIElement = null; } getSprite() { return this._baseSprite; } update() { return this.newSpellPanelUIElement.update(); } _updateSkillsState() { return this._forEachSkill((function(item, index, skill) { this._drawItemInputSymbol(item, index, skill); this._drawItemRecharge(item, index, skill); if (skill.isItem()) { this._drawItemCount(item, skill); } if (skill.isNeedAmmo()) { return this._drawSkillAmmoCount(item, skill); } }).bind(this)); } _drawItemRecharge(item, index, skill) { var percent; if (AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByTimer(skill)) { item.drawRecharge(0); if (this._rechargedIndex[index] === true) { this._rechargedIndex[index] = false; return item.pulseOnceA(); } } else { this._rechargedIndex[index] = true; percent = skill.timer.getValue() / skill.timer.getMaxValue(); return item.drawRecharge(percent); } } _drawItemCount(item, skill) { var count; count = $gameParty.numItems(skill.skill()); if (count === 0) { return item.drawText2Disabled(0); } else { return item.drawText2(count); } } _drawSkillAmmoCount(item, skill) { var count; count = $gameParty.numItems($dataItems[skill.ammo]); if (count === 0) { return item.drawText2Disabled(0); } else { return item.drawText2Special(count); } } _updateInfo() { var index; //TODO: Можно оптимизировать, сперва проверив, курсор ли в области всей панели index = this.newSpellPanelUIElement.getIndexUnderMouse(); if (index == null) { this._resetInfo(); return; } if (index !== this._lastIndexForInfo) { this._lastIndexForInfo = index; return this._resetInfo(); } else { this._showInfoTimer++; if (this._showInfoTimer > 3) { return this._showInfo(); } } } _resetInfo() { this._showInfoTimer = 0; if (this._skillInfoSprite != null) { this.newSpellPanelUIElement.removeChild(this._skillInfoSprite); return this._skillInfoSprite = null; } } _showInfo() { var item, skill; if (this._skillInfoSprite != null) { return; } skill = this.battler.uiPanelSkills()[this._lastIndexForInfo]; if (skill == null) { return; } item = this._getItem(this._lastIndexForInfo); if (AA.Parameters.isUseOldStyleSkillInfo()) { this._skillInfoSprite = new AA.LIBS.UIObject_ABSSkillInfo(skill, false); } else { this._skillInfoSprite = new AA.LIBS.SpriteSpellInfo(skill, false); } AA.UTILS.linkSprite(item, this._skillInfoSprite); return this.newSpellPanelUIElement.addChild(this._skillInfoSprite); } terminate() { clearInterval(this._thread); return clearInterval(this._thread2); } clickAt(index) { var ref; return (ref = this._getItem(index)) != null ? ref.pulseOnceB() : void 0; } getIndexUnderTouch() { return this.newSpellPanelUIElement.getIndexUnderTouch(); } show() { return this.newSpellPanelUIElement.visible = true; } hide() { return this.newSpellPanelUIElement.visible = false; } isVisible() { return this.newSpellPanelUIElement.visible === true; } isVisibleWhenEmpty() { return this._visibleWhenEmpty === true; } }; AA.register(AASpelllPanelManager); })(); // ■ END AASpelllPanelManager.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AAWeaponIconManagerNew.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AAWeaponIconManagerNew; AAWeaponIconManagerNew = class AAWeaponIconManagerNew { constructor() { this._weaponSprite = new AA.LIBS.SpriteWeaponIcon(); this.settings = AA.JSON.getSpellControllerSettings(); this.battler = $gameParty.leader(); this._isRechargeStart = false; this._showInfoTimer = 0; //TODO: AA Timer this._createThread(); this._createThread2(); } _createThread() { return this._thread = AA.setInterval((() => { this._updateAttackState(); }), this.settings.threadUpdateMS); } _createThread2() { return this._thread2 = AA.setInterval((() => { this._updateInfo(); }), this.settings.threadUpdateMS * 5); } // * Можно чтобы он сам и оружие проверял на смену и рисовал иконку _updateAttackState() { var skill; if (this.battler == null) { return; } skill = this.battler.skillABS_attack(); this._drawRecharge(skill); if (skill.isNeedAmmo()) { return this._drawAmmoCount(skill.ammo); } } _drawRecharge(skill) { var percent; if ($gamePlayer.ABSParams().isWeapRecharge) { //* ?? if (!skill.isReady() && skill.getReloadTime() > 30) { this._isRechargeStart = true; percent = skill.timer.getValue() / skill.timer.getMaxValue(); return this._weaponSprite.drawRecharge(percent); } } else { this._weaponSprite.drawRecharge(0); if (this._isRechargeStart === true) { this._isRechargeStart = false; return this._weaponSprite.pulseOnceA(); } } } _drawAmmoCount(ammoId) { var count; count = $gameParty.numItems($dataItems[ammoId]); if (count === 0) { return this._weaponSprite.drawText2Disabled(0); } else { return this._weaponSprite.drawText2Special(count); } } _updateInfo() { if (!this._weaponSprite.isUnderMouse()) { this._resetInfo(); } else { this._showInfoTimer++; if (this._showInfoTimer > 3) { return this._showInfo(); } } } _resetInfo() { this._showInfoTimer = 0; if (this._skillInfoSprite != null) { this._weaponSprite.removeChild(this._skillInfoSprite); return this._skillInfoSprite = null; } } _showInfo() { var item, skill; if (this._skillInfoSprite != null) { return; } skill = this.battler.skillABS_attack(); item = this._weaponSprite; if (AA.Parameters.isUseOldStyleSkillInfo()) { this._skillInfoSprite = new AA.LIBS.UIObject_ABSSkillInfo(skill, true); } else { this._skillInfoSprite = new AA.LIBS.SpriteSpellInfo(skill, true); } AA.UTILS.linkSprite(item, this._skillInfoSprite); return this._weaponSprite.addChild(this._skillInfoSprite); } getSprite() { return this._weaponSprite; } drawIcon(icon) { return this._weaponSprite.drawIcon(icon); } drawDefault() { return this._weaponSprite.drawDefault(); } terminate() { return clearInterval(this._thread); } update() { return this._weaponSprite.update(); } pulse() { if (!this._isRechargeStart) { return this._weaponSprite.pulseOnceB(); } } }; AA.register(AAWeaponIconManagerNew); })(); // ■ END AAWeaponIconManagerNew.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function () { AlphaABS.DATA = {}; AlphaABS.DATA.DefaultCastAnimation = { "id": "anim_cast", "animation1Hue": 50, "animation1Name": "StateDown1", "animation2Hue": 0, "animation2Name": "", "frames": [ [ [5, 0, -133, 260, 0, 0, 120, 1], [10, 0, -217, 200, 180, 0, 120, 1], [11, -120, -183, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [11, -32, -247, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [11, 50, -247, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [-1, 112.5, -263, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1] ], [ [6, 0, -133, 260, 0, 0, 120, 1], [10, 0, -233, 200, 180, 0, 120, 1], [11, -120, -247, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [-1, 368, -123, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [11, 50, -297, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [11, 110, -123, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [11, -64, -123, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1] ], [ [7, 0, -133, 260, 0, 0, 120, 1], [-1, -408, -216, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, -408, -123, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, -408, -123, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, -408, -123, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [11, 110, -135, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [11, -64, -183, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1] ], [ [8, 0, -133, 260, 0, 0, 120, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [11, 110, -199, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [11, -64, -247, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1] ], [ [9, 0, -133, 260, 0, 0, 120, 1] ], [ [4, 0, -133, 260, 0, 0, 120, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1] ], [ [6, 0, -133, 260, 0, 0, 120, 1], [10, 0, -233, 200, 180, 0, 120, 1], [11, -120, -247, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [-1, 368, -123, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [11, 50, -297, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [11, 110, -123, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [11, -64, -123, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1] ], [ [7, 0, -133, 260, 0, 0, 120, 1], [-1, -408, -216, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, -408, -123, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, -408, -123, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, -408, -123, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [11, 110, -135, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [11, -64, -183, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1] ], [ [8, 0, -133, 260, 0, 0, 120, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [11, 110, -199, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [11, -64, -247, 100, 180, 0, 120, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1] ], [ [9, 0, -133, 260, 0, 0, 120, 1] ], [ [4, 0, -133, 260, 0, 0, 120, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1], [-1, 0, -135, 100, 0, 0, 255, 1] ] ], "name": "Cast4", "position": 2, "timings": [{ "flashColor": [204, 204, 204, 204], "flashDuration": 11, "flashScope": 1, "frame": 3, "se": null }] }; AlphaABS.DATA.DefaltCastSE = { name: 'Magic3', pan: 0, pitch: 100, volume: 90 }; AlphaABS.DATA.IMG = {}; AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc = ""; AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOn = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'IconEyeOn'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOff = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'IconEyeOff'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconTransfer = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'IconTransfer'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconInBattle = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'IconInBattle'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconSwitchWeaponSrc = ""; AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconFollow = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'IconFollow'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconJump = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'IconJump'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconNoWeapon = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'IconNoWeapon'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconToMouse = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'IconToMouse'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconToTarget = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'IconToTarget'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconSwitchWeapon = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconSwitchWeaponSrc, 'IconSwitchWeapon'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.ControlPanelItem = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'ControlPanelItem'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.ItemMask = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'ItemMask'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.LevelBar = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'LevelBar'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.Bar = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'Bar'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.BarMask = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'BarMask'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.BarSmall = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'BarSmall'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.BarSmallMask = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'BarSmallMask'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.VectorHolderScr = ""; AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.Vector = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.VectorHolderScr, 'Vector'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.TargetCircleScr = ""; AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.TargetCircle = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.TargetCircleScr, 'TargetCircle'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.SkillPanel = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'SkillPanel'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.UserFaceBack = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'UserFaceBack'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.InBattleMask = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'InBattleMask'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.TargetBattleMask = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOnSrc, 'TargetBattleMask'); AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.circleSegmentSrc = ""; AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.circleSegment = KDCore.BitmapSrc.LoadFromBase64(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.circleSegmentSrc, 'circle_segment'); })(); (function () { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ ABSKey.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function ABSKey() { throw new Error('This is a static class'); } ABSKey.setKeyToChange = function (symbol, windw) { this._changeSymbol = symbol; this._changeWindow = windw; }; ABSKey.onKeyPress = function (event) { if (!ABSKey._changeSymbol) return; try { var x = AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey; var index = parseInt(ABSKey._changeSymbol); if (Input.KeyMapperPKD[event.charCode] !== undefined) { x.changeRawKey(index, Input.KeyMapperPKD[event.charCode]); ABSKey._changeSymbol = null; if (ABSKey._changeWindow) { ABSKey._changeWindow.onKeyOk(true); ABSKey._changeWindow = null; } } else { if (ABSKey._changeWindow) ABSKey._changeWindow.onKeyOk(false); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); if (ABSKey._changeWindow) ABSKey._changeWindow.onKeyOk(false); } }; AlphaABS.Key = ABSKey; // ■ END ABSKey.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ ABSMotion.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var ABSMotion; ABSMotion = class ABSMotion { constructor() {} setMotion(name, offset, character) { this._character = character; if (this._character.__basicCN == null) { this._character.__basicCN = character._characterName; this._character.__basicCI = character._characterIndex; } if (this._character.__basicCN != null) { //"APPLY BASIC".p() //console.info(@_character.__basicCN) this._charName = this._character.__basicCN; this._charIndex = this._character.__basicCI; } else { this._charName = character._characterName; this._charIndex = character._characterIndex; } this._motionName = this._createName(name); this._yOffset = offset; return this._loadMotion(); } _createName(name) { return "zmotion_" + this._charName + "_" + this._charIndex + "_" + name; } _loadMotion() { return ImageManager.loadCharacter(this._motionName); } getOffset() { return this._yOffset; } setLooping() { return this.isLoop = true; } applyMotionIdle() { this._state = 'idle'; this.character()._characterName = this._motionName; return this.character()._characterIndex = 0; } applyMotionState() { this._state = 'state'; this.character()._characterName = this._motionName; return this.character()._characterIndex = 4; } applyMotionAction() { if (!this.inState()) { this.applyMotionState(); } this._state = 'action'; return this.character().updatePattern(); } motionPattern(pattern) { if (this.inAction()) { return 2; } return pattern % 2; } onActionDone() { return this._state = 'state'; } inAction() { return this._state === 'action'; } inState() { return this._state === 'state'; } character() { return this._character; } isOldABSMotion() { return true; } clearMotion() { // * Возвращяет обычную графику персонажу this.character()._characterName = this._charName; return this.character()._characterIndex = this._charIndex; } }; AlphaABS.register(ABSMotion); })(); // ■ END ABSMotion.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ ABSMotion2.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //@[GLOBAL] AA.MotionType = { Actor: 0, Weapon: 1, Skill: 2, Enemy: 3, Action: 4, Cast: 5 }; ImageManager.loadAAMotion = function(filename) { return this.loadBitmap('img/AMotions/', filename, 0, true); }; (function() { var ABSMotion2; ABSMotion2 = class ABSMotion2 extends AA.LIBS.ABSMotion { constructor() { super(); this._motionDelay = 9; this._motionFrames = 3; this._motionParts = 12; this._actionDelay = 5; this._actionIndex = 8; this._currentMotionName = ""; } setType(type) { this.type = type; switch (this.type) { case AA.MotionType.Weapon: this._motionParts = 12; return this._actionIndex = 8; case AA.MotionType.Enemy: this._motionParts = 12; return this._actionIndex = 8; default: this._motionParts = 4; return this._actionIndex = 0; } } //$[OVER] _createName(name) { if (this.type !== AA.MotionType.Enemy) { this._currentMotionName = this.__prefixName() + name + "_" + this.__charName(); } else { this._currentMotionName = this.__prefixName() + this.__charName(); } return this._currentMotionName; } //weapon_SimpleSword_Actor_1_0 __prefixName() { switch (this.type) { case AA.MotionType.Weapon: return "weapon_"; case AA.MotionType.Skill: return "skill_"; case AA.MotionType.Enemy: return "enemy_"; case AA.MotionType.Action: return "action_"; case AA.MotionType.Actor: return "actor_"; case AA.MotionType.Cast: return "cast_"; default: return "unknown_"; } } __charName() { return this._charName + "_" + this._charIndex; } //$[OVER] _loadMotion() { return ImageManager.loadAAMotion(this._motionName); } getDelay() { return this._motionDelay; } setDelay(delay) { if (delay > 0) { return this._motionDelay = delay; } } getFrames() { return this._motionFrames; } setFrames(frames) { if (frames > 0) { return this._motionFrames = frames; } } setActionDelay(delay) { if (delay > 0) { return this._actionDelay = delay; } } getActionDelay() { return this._actionDelay; } isLooping() { return this.isLoop === true; } setWait() { return this._isNeedWait = true; } isNeedWait() { return this._isNeedWait === true; } getParts() { return this._motionParts; } getMotionName() { return this._motionName; } getMotionActionIndex() { return this._actionIndex; } //$[OVER] isOldABSMotion() { return false; } isProperName(name) { return name === this._currentMotionName; } }; AlphaABS.register(ABSMotion2); })(); // ■ END ABSMotion2.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function () { "use strict"; //ABSObject_PopUp //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* jshint -W104 */ class ABSObject_PopUp { constructor(text, color, iconIndex, fontSettings) { this._text = text || null; this._color = color; this._iconIndex = iconIndex || null; this._fontSettings = fontSettings || ABSObject_PopUp.FONT_DEFAULT(); this._effectType = ABSObject_PopUp.EFFECT_DEFAULT; this._sprite = null; } clone() { var tempObj = new ABSObject_PopUp(this._text, this._color, this._iconIndex, this._fontSettings.clone()); tempObj.setEffectSettings(this._effectType); return tempObj; } getText() { return this._text; } getFontSettings() { return this._fontSettings; } setX(x) { this.x = x; this._sprite.x = x; } setY(y) { this.y = y; this._sprite.y = y; } setNumered() //This is number value in this PopUp { this._numered = true; } isNumered() { return (this._numered === true); } hasIcon() { return (this._iconIndex != null); } setExtraText(text) { this._text = (text + " " + this._text); } setEffectSettings(settings) { this._effectType = settings; } setup(x, y, width, layer) { this._layer = layer; this._width = width; this.x = x; this.y = y; this._refresh(); } dispose() { if (!this._sprite) return; this._sprite.bitmap.clear(); this._layer.removeChild(this._sprite); this._sprite = null; } update() { if (this._sprite != null) { this._update_zoom(); this._sprite.update(); } } static FONT_DEFAULT() { return ['Skratch Punk', 30, false, 3, Color.BLACK]; //FontFace, size, outline widht, outline color } //PRIVATE _refresh() { var h = 72; var bitmap = new Bitmap(this._width, h); bitmap.addLoadListener(function () { if (this._fontSettings[0] != null) bitmap.fontFace = this._fontSettings[0]; bitmap.fontSize = this._fontSettings[1]; bitmap.fontItalic = this._fontSettings[2]; if (this._color) { bitmap.textColor = this._color.CSS; } else bitmap.textColor = Color.WHITE.CSS; var dx = 0; var dw = 0; var tw = (this._text != null) ? bitmap.measureTextWidth(this._text) : 0; while (tw > this._width) { bitmap.fontSize = bitmap.fontSize - 4; tw = bitmap.measureTextWidth(this._text); } if (this._iconIndex) { dx += 24; dw += 24; bitmap.drawIcon((dx + ((this._width - tw) / 2) - 36), (h - 24) / 2, this._iconIndex, 24); } if (this._text) { bitmap.outlineWidth = this._fontSettings[3] || 0; if (this._fontSettings[4]) bitmap.outlineColor = this._fontSettings[4].CSS; bitmap.outlineColor = Color.BLACK.CSS; bitmap.drawText(this._text, dx + 2, 0, this._width - dw, h, 'center'); } }.bind(this)); this._sprite = new Sprite(bitmap); this._sprite.x = this.x; this._sprite.y = this.y; this._sprite.scale.x = this._effectType[0]; this._sprite.scale.y = this._effectType[0]; this._layer.addChild(this._sprite); } _update_zoom() { if (this._effectType[1]) { this._sprite.scale.x = Math.max(this._sprite.scale.x - 0.075, 1.0); this._sprite.scale.y = this._sprite.scale.x; } this._sprite.opacity = Math.max(this._sprite.opacity - 2, 0); if (this._sprite.opacity == 0) { this._layer.removeChild(this._sprite); this._sprite = null; } } } SDK.setConstant(ABSObject_PopUp, 'EFFECT_DEFAULT', [1.5, true, 0]); //zoom, isUpdateZoom, +toTextSize //END ABSObject_PopUp //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlphaABS.ABSObject_PopUp = ABSObject_PopUp; AlphaABS.register(ABSObject_PopUp); })(); (function () { "use strict"; //ABSObject_PopUpMachine //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* jshint -W104 */ class ABSObject_PopUpMachine { constructor(x, y, width, stack_size, parent) { this._x = x; this._y = y; this._width = width; this._stack_size = stack_size; this._parent = parent; this._effectType = null; this._upMode = false; this._items = []; this._timers = []; this._init_items(); } setUpMode() { this._upMode = true; } setEffectSettings(effect) { this._effectType = effect; } setSingleMode() { //this._singleMode = true; } move(x, y) { this._x = x; this._y = y; this._step(); } push(popUpItem) { if (this._effectType != null) popUpItem.setEffectSettings(this._effectType); popUpItem.setup(this._x, this._y, this._width, this._parent); var item = this._items.shift(); if (item != null) item.dispose(); this._items.push(popUpItem); this._step(); this._timers.shift(); this._timers.push(0); } clear() { this._items.forEach(function (item) { if (item != null) item.dispose(); }); this._items = []; this._timers = []; this._init_items(); } update() { this._update_timers(); this._items.forEach(function (item) { if (item != null) item.update(); }); } //PRIVATE _init_items() { SDK.times(this._stack_size, function () { this._items.push(null); this._timers.push(null); }.bind(this)); } _update_timers() { SDK.times(this._stack_size, function (i) { var index = (this._timers.length - 1) - i; //Reverse var timer = this._timers[index]; if (timer == null) return; else { if (timer < ABSObject_PopUpMachine.MAX_TIME) this._timers[index] = this._timers[index] + 1; if (timer == ABSObject_PopUpMachine.MAX_TIME) { if (this._items[index] != null) { this._items[index].dispose(); } this._items[index] = null; this._timers[index] = null; } } }.bind(this)); } _step() { SDK.times(this._items.length, function (i) { var index = (this._items.length - 1) - i; //Reverse var item = this._items[index]; if (item == null) return; var y = 0; if (this._upMode) y = this._y - (ABSObject_PopUpMachine.Y_STEP * i); else y = this._y + (ABSObject_PopUpMachine.Y_STEP * i); this._items[index].setX(this._x); this._items[index].setY(y); }.bind(this)); } } SDK.setConstant(ABSObject_PopUpMachine, 'Y_STEP', 24); SDK.setConstant(ABSObject_PopUpMachine, 'MAX_TIME', 60); SDK.setConstant(ABSObject_PopUpMachine, 'SETTINGS', [1, false, 12]); //zoom, isUpdateZoom, +toTextSize //END ABSObject_PopUpMachine //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlphaABS.ABSObject_PopUpMachine = ABSObject_PopUpMachine; AlphaABS.register(ABSObject_PopUpMachine); })(); (function () { //ABSPathfinding //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function ABSPathfinding() { throw new Error('This is a static class'); } ABSPathfinding.init = function () { this.worldWidth = 0; this.worldHeight = 0; this.worldSize = 0; this.char = null; this.goalX = 0; this.goalY = 0; }; ABSPathfinding.setup = function () { this.worldWidth = $gameMap.width(); this.worldHeight = $gameMap.height(); this.worldSize = this.worldWidth * this.worldHeight; }; ABSPathfinding.OnMapLoad = function () { ABSPathfinding.init(); ABSPathfinding.setup(); }; ABSPathfinding.findPath = function (char, goalX, goalY) { this.char = char; this.goalX = goalX; this.goalY = goalY; var path = ABSPathfinding.calculatePath(); if (path.length > 0) { if (path.length > 1) { var stepX = path[1][0]; var stepY = path[1][1]; var deltaX1 = $gameMap.deltaX(stepX, char.x); var deltaY1 = $gameMap.deltaY(stepY, char.y); if (deltaY1 > 0) { return 2; } else if (deltaX1 < 0) { return 4; } else if (deltaX1 > 0) { return 6; } else if (deltaY1 < 0) { return 8; } } } return 0; }; //PRIVATE ABSPathfinding.canWalkHere = function (x, y, d) { if (x == this.goalX && y == this.goalY) { return true; } return this.char.canPass(x, y, d); }; ABSPathfinding.Node = function (Parent, Point) { var newNode = { // pointer to another Node object Parent: Parent, // array index of this Node in the world linear array value: Point.x + (Point.y * this.worldWidth), // the location coordinates of this Node x: Point.x, y: Point.y, // the distanceFunction cost to get // TO this Node from the START f: 0, // the distanceFunction cost to get // from this Node to the GOAL g: 0 }; return newNode; }; ABSPathfinding.Neighbours = function (x, y) { var N = y - 1, S = y + 1, E = x + 1, W = x - 1, myN = N > -1 && this.canWalkHere(x, N + 1, 8), //UP myS = S < this.worldHeight && this.canWalkHere(x, S - 1, 2), //DOWN myE = E < this.worldWidth && this.canWalkHere(E - 1, y, 6), //RIGHT myW = W > -1 && this.canWalkHere(W + 1, y, 4), //LEFT result = []; if (myN) result.push({ x: x, y: N }); if (myE) result.push({ x: E, y: y }); if (myS) result.push({ x: x, y: S }); if (myW) result.push({ x: W, y: y }); return result; }; ABSPathfinding.ManhattanDistance = function (Point, Goal) { // linear movement - no diagonals - just cardinal directions (NSEW) return Math.abs(Point.x - Goal.x) + Math.abs(Point.y - Goal.y); }; ABSPathfinding.calculatePath = function () { var distanceFunction = ABSPathfinding.ManhattanDistance; // create Nodes from the Start and End x,y coordinates var mypathStart = this.Node(null, { x: this.char.x, y: this.char.y }); var mypathEnd = this.Node(null, { x: this.goalX, y: this.goalY }); // create an array that will contain all world cells var AStar = new Array(this.worldSize); // list of currently open Nodes var Open = [mypathStart]; // list of closed Nodes var Closed = []; // list of the final output array var result = []; // reference to a Node (that is nearby) var myNeighbours; // reference to a Node (that we are considering now) var myNode; // reference to a Node (that starts a path in question) var myPath; // temp integer variables used in the calculations var length, max, min, i, j; // iterate through the open list until none are left while (length = Open.length) { max = this.worldSize; min = -1; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (Open[i].f < max) { max = Open[i].f; min = i; } } // grab the next node and remove it from Open array myNode = Open.splice(min, 1)[0]; // is it the destination node? if (myNode.value === mypathEnd.value) { myPath = Closed[Closed.push(myNode) - 1]; do { result.push([myPath.x, myPath.y]); } while (myPath = myPath.Parent); // clear the working arrays AStar = Closed = Open = []; // we want to return start to finish result.reverse(); } else // not the destination { // find which nearby nodes are walkable myNeighbours = this.Neighbours(myNode.x, myNode.y); // test each one that hasn't been tried already for (i = 0, j = myNeighbours.length; i < j; i++) { myPath = this.Node(myNode, myNeighbours[i]); if (!AStar[myPath.value]) { // estimated cost of this particular route so far myPath.g = myNode.g + distanceFunction(myNeighbours[i], myNode); // estimated cost of entire guessed route to the destination myPath.f = myPath.g + distanceFunction(myNeighbours[i], mypathEnd); // remember this new path for testing above Open.push(myPath); // mark this node in the world graph as visited AStar[myPath.value] = true; } } // remember this route as having no more untested options Closed.push(myNode); } } // keep iterating until the Open list is empty return result; }; AlphaABS.ABSPathfinding = ABSPathfinding; AlphaABS.register(ABSPathfinding); //END ABSPathfinding //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function () { "use strict"; var ABSObject_PopUp = AlphaABS.ABSObject_PopUp; var ABSObject_PopUpMachine = AlphaABS.ABSObject_PopUpMachine; //PopInfoManagerABS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function PopInfoManagerABS() { throw new Error('This is a static class'); } PopInfoManagerABS.makeDamagePopUp = function (user) { var result = user.result(); var value; if (result.hpDamage != 0) { if(result.hpDamage < 0 && user.hp == user.mhp) return; value = PopInfoManagerABS.HP(result.hpDamage, result.critical); this._apply_pop_up(user, value); } if (result.mpDamage != 0) { if (result.mpDamage < 0 && user.mp == user.mmp) return; value = PopInfoManagerABS.MP(result.mpDamage, result.critical); this._apply_pop_up(user, value); } if (result.tpDamage != 0) { value = PopInfoManagerABS.TP(result.tpDamage, result.critical); this._apply_pop_up(user, value); } }; PopInfoManagerABS.makeZeroDamagePopUp = function (user) { var result = user.result(); var value = PopInfoManagerABS.HP(0, result.critical); this._apply_pop_up(user, value); }; PopInfoManagerABS.makeDrainPopUp = function (user) { //user - who get drained HP var result = user.result(); var value; if (result.hpDamage != 0) { value = PopInfoManagerABS.HP(result.hpDamage, result.critical); value.getFontSettings()[2] = true; this._apply_pop_up(user, value); } if (result.mpDamage != 0) { value = PopInfoManagerABS.MP(result.mpDamage, result.critical); value.getFontSettings()[2] = true; this._apply_pop_up(user, value); } }; PopInfoManagerABS.makeStatePopUp = function (user, stateId, isErase) { var state = $dataStates[stateId]; if (state.iconIndex == 0) return; if (state.id == user.deathStateId()) return; var value = PopInfoManagerABS.STATE((user.isEnemy() ? "" : state.name), state.iconIndex, isErase); this._apply_pop_up(user, value); }; PopInfoManagerABS.makeItemPopUp = function (user) { var result = user.result(); if (!user.isAlive()) return; if (result.missed) { this._apply_pop_up(user, PopInfoManagerABS.TEXT(AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_POPUP_MISS)); return; } if (result.evaded) { this._apply_pop_up(user, PopInfoManagerABS.TEXT(AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_POPUP_EVADE)); return; } if (result.isHit() && !result.success) { this._apply_pop_up(user, PopInfoManagerABS.TEXT(AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_POPUP_FAIL)); return; } }; PopInfoManagerABS.makeBuffPopUp = function (user, paramId, isPositive) { if (!user.isAlive()) return; var paramName = user.isEnemy() ? "" : TextManager.param(paramId); var temp = isPositive ? 1 : -1; var iconIndex = user.buffIconIndex(temp, paramId); var value = PopInfoManagerABS.BUFF(paramName, iconIndex, isPositive); if (!user.getInfoPops().include(value)) { this._apply_pop_up(user, value); } }; PopInfoManagerABS.makeSkillRechargePopUp = function (user, skillId) { if (!user.isAlive()) return; if (user.isEnemy()) return; //This is for ActorEnemy, in version 1 not develop yet var skill = $dataSkills[skillId]; var value = PopInfoManagerABS.SKILL(skill.name, skill.iconIndex); if (!user.getInfoPops().include(value)) { this._apply_pop_up(user, value); } }; PopInfoManagerABS.calcRate = function (rate) { this.text = ""; }; //STATIC PopInfoManagerABS.HP = function (value, critical) { var fontSettings = ABSObject_PopUp.FONT_DEFAULT(); var color = Color.YELLOW; if (value < 0) { color = Color.GREEN; value = Math.abs(value); } else if (critical) { color = Color.RED; fontSettings[1] = 34; } var x = new ABSObject_PopUp(value, color, null, fontSettings); x.setNumered(); return x; }; PopInfoManagerABS.TP = function (value, critical) { var fontSettings = ABSObject_PopUp.FONT_DEFAULT(); var color = Color.ORANGE; if (value < 0) { color = Color.GREEN; value = Math.abs(value); } else if (critical) { color = Color.RED; fontSettings[1] = 34; } value = value + " " + TextManager.tpA; var x = new ABSObject_PopUp(value, color, null, fontSettings); x.setNumered(); return x; }; PopInfoManagerABS.MP = function (value, critical) { var fontSettings = ABSObject_PopUp.FONT_DEFAULT(); var color = Color.MAGENTA; if (value < 0) { color = Color.BLUE; value = Math.abs(value); } else if (critical) { color = Color.MAGENTA; fontSettings[1] = 34; } var x = new ABSObject_PopUp(value, color, null, fontSettings); x.setNumered(); return x; }; PopInfoManagerABS.STATE = function (name, iconIndex, isErase) { var fontSettings = ABSObject_PopUp.FONT_DEFAULT(); fontSettings[2] = true; var temp = isErase ? "- " : "+ "; fontSettings[0] = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.FONT; return new ABSObject_PopUp(temp + name, null, iconIndex, fontSettings); }; PopInfoManagerABS.BUFF = function (name, iconIndex, isPositive) { var fontSettings = ABSObject_PopUp.FONT_DEFAULT(); fontSettings[2] = true; var color = isPositive ? Color.GREEN : Color.RED; fontSettings[0] = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.FONT; return new ABSObject_PopUp(name, color, iconIndex, fontSettings); }; PopInfoManagerABS.TEXT = function (text) { return new ABSObject_PopUp(text); }; PopInfoManagerABS.TEXT_WITH_COLOR = function (text, color) { return new ABSObject_PopUp(text, color); }; PopInfoManagerABS.ALERT = function (text) { if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { if (!this._alertPopUpConfigurated) { this._alertPopUpConfigurated = true; //var parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerMessageBar(); this._alertPopUp_color = Color.RED; this._alertPopUp_fontName = null; } return new ABSObject_PopUp(text, this._alertPopUp_color, null, [this._alertPopUp_fontName, 22, false, 2, Color.BLACK]); } else return new ABSObject_PopUp(text, Color.RED, null, [null, 22, false, 2, Color.BLACK]); }; PopInfoManagerABS.EXP = function (value) { var fontSettings = ABSObject_PopUp.FONT_DEFAULT(); fontSettings[1] = 32; var x = new ABSObject_PopUp(value, Color.MAGENTA, null, fontSettings); x.setNumered(); return x; }; PopInfoManagerABS.SKILL = function (name, iconIndex) { var fontSettings = ABSObject_PopUp.FONT_DEFAULT(); fontSettings[2] = true; return new ABSObject_PopUp(AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_POPUP_SKILL, Color.GREEN, iconIndex, fontSettings); }; //PRIVATE PopInfoManagerABS._apply_pop_up = function (user, value) { /*if(this.text === undefined) this.text = ""; if(this.text != "") { if(value.isNumered()) value.setExtraText(this.text); this.text = ""; }*/ user.addInfoPop(value); }; //END PopInfoManagerABS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlphaABS.PopInfoManagerABS = PopInfoManagerABS; AlphaABS.register(PopInfoManagerABS); })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ ABSSkillLoader.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //@[GLOBAL DEFINITION] var ABSSkillLoader; ABSSkillLoader = function() { return new Error('Static class'); }; (function() { //@[CLASS HEADER PART] // * Определяет стандартные значения из шаблонов ABSSkillLoader.loadBaseParams = function(_) { var template; template = ABSSkillLoader.TEMPLATES[_.type]; ABSSkillLoader.PARAMS.forEach(function(p) { if (template[p] != null) { return _[p] = template[p]; } else { return _[p] = 0; } }); _.reloadParam = null; _.castTimeFormula = null; }; // * Параметры из редактора MV ABSSkillLoader.loadUserParams = function(_) { var e, item; try { item = _.skill(); _.castTime = item.speed; if (_.range === 1) { _.range = 0; } _.needTarget = false; if ([1, 3, 4, 5, 6].contains(item.scope)) { _.needTarget = true; } } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'load user parameters for ABS skill'); } }; // * Параметры из Note ABSSkillLoader.loadSelfMetaParams = function(_) { return ABSSkillLoader.loadMetaParams(_, _.skill().meta); }; ABSSkillLoader.loadMetaParams = function(_, metaData) { var e, i, p, strings; i = 0; strings = ABSSkillLoader._strParamsCount(); while (i < ABSSkillLoader.PARAMS.length) { try { p = ABSSkillLoader.PARAMS[i]; if (metaData[p] == null) { continue; } if (i < strings) { _[p] = metaData[p]; } else { _[p] = parseInt(metaData[p]); } } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'loading ABS parameter from Note'); } finally { i++; } } if (_.isVectorType()) { ABSSkillLoader.loadParticleParams(_, metaData); } }; // * Параметры из Note системы частиц ABSSkillLoader.loadParticleParams = function(_, metaData) { var count, particleParamsUser; particleParamsUser = {}; count = 0; ABSSkillLoader.PARTICLES.forEach(function(p) { var e; if (metaData[p] == null) { return; } count++; try { if (p === ABSSkillLoader.PARTICLES[0]) { return particleParamsUser[p] = metaData[p]; } else { return particleParamsUser[p] = parseInt(metaData[p]); } } catch (error) { e = error; return AlphaABS.error(e, 'while loading particle data from skill Note'); } }); if (count !== 0) { _._particleParamsUser = particleParamsUser; } }; // * Проверяет и преобразует параметры ABSSkillLoader.checkParams = function(_) { ABSSkillLoader._checkByType(_); ABSSkillLoader._checkNoTarget(_); ABSSkillLoader._checkFirearm(_); ABSSkillLoader._checkStack(_); ABSSkillLoader._convertParams(_); ABSSkillLoader._checkFormulas(_); }; AlphaABS.register(ABSSkillLoader); })(); // ■ END ABSSkillLoader.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ ABSSkillLoader2.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { //@[CLASS PART] //@[CLASS IMPL ONLY] ABSSkillLoader.PARAMS = [ 'reloadParam', 'pType', 'img', 'light', 'castTimeFormula', 'startSound', 'motion', 'motionX', 'castMotion', 'reloadSound', // * LAST STRING PARAMETER, add above it new string parameters 'vSpeed', 'range', 'reloadTime', 'castTime', 'needTarget', 'radius', 'castAnim', 'lightSize', 'stack', 'stackTime', 'directionFix', 'ammo', 'cEonUse', 'cEonStart', 'noDescription', 'impulse', 'ignoreObstacles', 'impulseRandom', 'repeatDelay', 'firearm', 'noTarget', 'motionOffset', 'castMotionOffset', 'castMotionFrames', 'swing', 'pierce', 'explosive', 'motionDelay', 'motionADelay', 'motionFrames' ]; ABSSkillLoader.PARTICLES = ['pData', 'pMinSize', 'pMaxSize', 'pPower', 'pLife', 'pAlpha', 'pCount']; ABSSkillLoader.TEMPLATES = [ // * 0 - INSTANCE { range: 0, needTarget: true, castTime: 0, reloadTime: 0, reloadParam: null, directionFix: 0, noTarget: 0 // * 1 - VECTOR }, { range: 6, needTarget: true, castTime: 120, reloadTime: 0, reloadParam: null, pType: null, img: 'null', light: null, lightSize: 100, directionFix: 0, noTarget: 0 // * 2 - RADIUS }, { range: 6, needTarget: true, radius: 3, castTime: 0, reloadTime: 120, reloadParam: null, directionFix: 0, noTarget: 0 // * 3 - ZONE }, { castTime: 0, needTarget: false, reloadTime: 120, reloadParam: null, directionFix: 0, noTarget: 0 } ]; })(); // ■ END ABSSkillLoader2.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ ABSSkillLoader3.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { //@[CLASS PART] //@[CLASS IMPL ONLY] ABSSkillLoader._strParamsCount = function() { return ABSSkillLoader.PARAMS.indexOf('reloadSound') + 1; }; ABSSkillLoader._checkByType = function(_) { if (_.type === 1) { ABSSkillLoader._checkVector(_); } if (_.type === 2) { return ABSSkillLoader._checkRadius(_); } }; ABSSkillLoader._checkVector = function(_) { if ((_.img == null) || _.img === "") { _.img = 'null'; } if ((_.pType == null) || _.pType === '0' || _.pType === 'null' || _.pType === "") { _.pType = null; } if ((_.light == null) || _.light === '0' || _.light === 'null' || _.light === "") { _.light = null; } if (_.range === 0) { _.range = ABSSkillLoader.TEMPLATES[1].range; } if (_.radius > 0) { _.needTarget = false; if (_.radius > 5) { _.radius = 5; LOGW.p(_.skill().name + " spell Radius must be <= 5. Changed to 5!"); } } else { _.needTarget = ABSSkillLoader.TEMPLATES[1].needTarget; } if (_.explosive >= 0) { if (_.radius === 0) { _.radius = _.explosive + 1; } } }; ABSSkillLoader._checkRadius = function(_) { if (_.radius === 0) { _.radius = ABSSkillLoader.TEMPLATES[2].radius; } if (_.radius > 5) { _.radius = 5; LOGW.p(_.skill().name + " spell Radius must be <= 5. Changed to 5!"); } if (_.needTarget) { if (_.range === 0) { _.range = ABSSkillLoader.TEMPLATES[2].range; } } }; ABSSkillLoader._checkNoTarget = function(_) { if (_.type === 2 || _.type === 3) { _.noTarget = 0; } if (_.noTarget === 0) { return; } if (_.range === 0) { _.range = 1; } if (_.range === 1) { _.pierce = false; } if (_.range > 1) { _.swing = false; } //_.firearm = 0 _.directionFix = 1; }; ABSSkillLoader._checkFirearm = function(_) { if (!_.isFirearm()) { return; } if (!_.isNeedAmmo()) { _.firearm = 0; LOGW.p(_.skill().name + " Firearm weapon should be with parameter!"); } }; ABSSkillLoader._checkStack = function(_) { if (_.stack === 1) { _.stack = 2; LOGW.p("Skill " + _.name() + " stack minimum 2!"); } if (_.stackTime <= 0 && _.stack > 1) { ABSSkillLoader._autoCalculateStackTime(_); } if (_.stackTime > 0 && _.stack === 0) { LOGW.p("Skill " + _.name() + " if you use stackTime param, you need stack param too, param not active!"); _.stackTime = 0; } if (_.stackTime > 0 && _.firearm === 0) { ABSSkillLoader._checkAmmoForStack(_); } }; ABSSkillLoader._autoCalculateStackTime = function(_) { var text; _.stackTime = _.reloadTime * _.stack * 2; text = " You use stack withou stackTime param, stackTime set automaticaly = " + _.stackTime; LOGW.p("Skill" + _.name() + text); }; ABSSkillLoader._checkAmmoForStack = function(_) { var text; if (_.ammo > 0 && _.firearm === 0) { text = " You use stack with ammo, is forbidden"; LOGW.p("Skill" + _.name() + text); _.ammo = 0; } if (_.firearm === 0) { _._currentStack = _.stack; _._stackNeedReload = false; } else { _._currentStack = 0; _._stackNeedReload = true; } }; ABSSkillLoader._convertParams = function(_) { if (_.directionFix > 0) { _.directionFix = true; } if (_.noDescription > 0) { _.noDescription = true; } if (_.startSound) { _.startSound = ABSSkillLoader._convertSound(_.startSound); } if (_.reloadSound) { _.reloadSound = ABSSkillLoader._convertSound(_.reloadSound); } }; ABSSkillLoader._convertSound = function(sound) { return { name: sound, pan: 0, pitch: 100, volume: 100 }; }; ABSSkillLoader._checkFormulas = function(_) {}; ABSSkillLoader._convertFormula = function(_f) { var formula; formula = _f.replace(/attackSpeed/i, 'this.attackSpeed()'); formula = formula.replace(/hp/i, 'this.hp'); formula = formula.replace(/mp/i, 'this.mp'); formula = formula.replace(/tp/i, 'this.tp'); formula = formula.replace(/mhp/i, 'this.mhp'); formula = formula.replace(/mmp/i, 'this.mmp'); formula = formula.replace(/atk/i, 'this.atk'); formula = formula.replace(/def/i, 'this.def'); formula = formula.replace(/mat/i, 'this.mat'); formula = formula.replace(/mdf/i, 'this.mdf'); formula = formula.replace(/agi/i, 'this.agi'); formula = formula.replace(/luk/i, 'this.luk'); return formula; }; })(); // ■ END ABSSkillLoader3.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function () { var LOG = new PLATFORM.DevLog("Game_AIBehavior"); //Game_AIBehavior //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /* jshint -W104 */ class Game_AIBehavior { constructor() {} loadEnemy(ai) { var templateIndex = 0; var enemyObject = $dataEnemies[ai._absParams.enemyId]; if (enemyObject.meta.ABS) { var newTemplateIndex = parseInt(t.meta.ABS); if (newTemplateIndex > 0) templateIndex = newTemplateIndex; } this._loadParamsBase(templateIndex); this._readEnemyData(ai._absParams.enemyId); this._readEventData(ai); this._checkParams(); } _loadParamsBase(templateIndex) { if (templateIndex >= Game_AIBehavior.TEMPLATES.length) { templateIndex = 0; } var template = Game_AIBehavior.TEMPLATES[templateIndex]; Game_AIBehavior.PARAMS.forEach(function (p) { if (template[p]) this[p] = template[p]; else this[p] = 0; }.bind(this)); } _readEnemyData(enemyId) { var t = $dataEnemies[enemyId]; Game_AIBehavior.PARAMS.forEach(function (p) { if (t.meta[p]) { if (p == 'faceName' || p == 'HPBarStyle') { this[p] = t.meta[p]; } else { this[p] = parseInt(t.meta[p]); } LOG.p("AI override Enemy param : " + p + " new value " + this[p]); } }.bind(this)); } _readEventData(gameEvent) { var t = gameEvent.page().list; for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { var item = t[i]; if (item.code == 108) { var comment = item.parameters[0]; Game_AIBehavior.PARAMS.forEach(function (p) { if (comment.indexOf("<" + p) >= 0) { var t2 = new RegExp("<" + p + "\\s?:\\s?(.+?)>", "i"); var match = t2.exec(comment); if (match) { if (p == 'faceName' || p == 'HPBarStyle') { this[p] = match[1]; } else { this[p] = parseInt(match[1]); } LOG.p("AI override Event param : " + p + " new value " + this[p]); } } }.bind(this)); } } } _checkParams() { if (this.slow == 1) this.slow = true; } loadAlly() { this._loadParamsBase(1); this._checkParams(); } } AlphaABS.register(Game_AIBehavior); SDK.setConstant(Game_AIBehavior, 'TEMPLATES', //YOU CAN ADD YOU OWN TEMPLATE, but DON'T MODIFY EXIST ZERO TEMPLATE!!! [{ //Zero template viewRadius: 5, //Насколько клеток игровой карты видит АИ returnRadius: 12, //На сколько клеток может макисимум убежать от последней позиции, где сражался escapeOnBattle: false, //Будет ли убегать во время битвы когда нет доступных действий canSearch: true, //Слышит ли что происходит вокруг (реакция на битву рядом (в зоне viewRadius)) noFight: false, //Не будет сражаться вообще reviveTime: 0, //Через сколько возродится (секунды) regen: true, //Регенерация slow: false, //Медленный в бою agressive: true, //Агрессивный (всегда догоняет) noMove: false, //Не может двигаться в бою noEmote: false, //Не показывает эмоции cEonStart: 0, //Common Event ID when start battle (see player) cEonEnd: 0, //Common Event ID when stop battle (after start) cEonDeath: 0, //Common Event ID when Death returnType: 0, //Тип возвращения (0 - быстрый, 1 - обычный, 2 - стоит на месте) teamId: 1, //Команда rage: true, //Может агрится ignoreObstacles: false, //Игнорирует регионы препядствий (видит сквозь стены) heavy: false, //Нельзя сдвинуь импульсом (1 - нельзя, 0 - можно) showHP: false, //Показывать полоску здоровья над врагом всегда (0 - нет, 1 - да) motion: false, motionX: false, faceName: null, faceIndex: 0, HPBarStyle: "miniHp" }, //END Zero template { //Template for Ally viewRadius: 5, returnRadius: 12, escapeOnBattle: false, canSearch: true, noFight: false, agressive: true, noMove: false, noEmote: true, cEonStart: 0, cEonEnd: 0, cEonDeath: 0, returnType: 1, teamId: 0, rage: false, ignoreObstacles: false, heavy: false, showHP: false, motion: false, motionX: false, HPBarStyle: "miniHp" } ] ); SDK.setConstant(Game_AIBehavior, 'PARAMS', ['viewRadius', 'returnRadius', 'escapeOnBattle', 'canSearch', 'noFight', 'reviveTime', 'regen', 'slow', 'agressive', 'noMove', 'noEmote', 'cEonStart', 'cEonDeath', 'cEonEnd', 'returnType', 'teamId', 'rage', 'ignoreObstacles', 'heavy', 'showHP', 'motion', 'motionOffset', 'motionX', 'faceName', 'faceIndex', 'HPBarStyle', 'motionDelay', 'motionFrames', 'motionADelay' ]); //END Game_AIBehavior //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); //Class extension (for savefile compability) function Game_AIBot() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } (function () { "use strict"; //Game_AIBot //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Game_AIBot.prototype = Object.create(Game_Event.prototype); Game_AIBot.prototype.constructor = Game_AIBot; PLATFORM.SDK.applyInterface(Game_AIBot, AlphaABS.LIBS.Interface_AIBot); PLATFORM.SDK.applyInterface(Game_AIBot, AlphaABS.LIBS.Interface_AIBotABS); PLATFORM.SDK.applyInterface(Game_AIBot, AlphaABS.LIBS.Interface_AIBotABSEvents); PLATFORM.SDK.applyInterface(Game_AIBot, AlphaABS.LIBS.Interface_AIBotActions); PLATFORM.SDK.applyInterface(Game_AIBot, AlphaABS.LIBS.Interface_AIBotABSMoving); AlphaABS.register(Game_AIBot); Game_AIBot.prototype.initialize = function (mapId, eventId, enemyId) { Game_Event.prototype.initialize.call(this, mapId, eventId); this.initializeABS(); this._stateMachine = new AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateMachine(eventId); this.LOG.p("AI inited " + $dataEnemies[enemyId].name + " at " + this.toPoint().toString()); this.aiName = $dataEnemies[enemyId].name; this._absParams.enemyId = enemyId; //Variables this._absParams.allyToSearch = null; //Кого мне искать this._absParams.reviveTimer = null; //Таймер для возраждения this._absParams.regenTimer = null; //Таймер для восстановления параметров this._absParams.myStartPosition = this.toPoint(); this._absParams.looted = false; this._absParams.activateSwitch = null; //Used if enemy not been active at start this._absParams.reservedCommonEvent = null; this._absParams.behavior.loadEnemy(this); //For compability with Sprite_CharacterABS this._absParams.viewRadius = this._absParams.behavior.viewRadius; this._absParams.returnRadius = this._absParams.behavior.returnRadius; this.setRevive(this._absParams.behavior.reviveTime); if (Imported.Quasi_Movement) this._absParams.useAStar = true; else this._absParams.useAStar = false; if(this.canRage()) this._absParams.rageContainer = new AlphaABS.LIBS.RageContainer(); this._storeMoveData(); }; Game_AIBot.prototype.changeReturnType = function (newReturnType) { this.behaviorModel().returnType = newReturnType; this.LOG.p("ReturnType: " + this.behaviorModel().returnType); }; Game_AIBot.prototype.hasLoot = function () { return !this._absParams.looted; }; })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 (function() { var __interface_method_performAction, __super_deactivate, __super_selectOnMap; Game_AIBot.prototype.activate = function() { var key; if (!this._absParams.activateSwitch) { return; } if (this._absParams.active === true) { return; } this.LOG.p('Activate'); key = [$gameMap.mapId(), this.eventId(), this._absParams.activateSwitch]; $gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, true); this.refresh(); SlowUpdateManager.register(this.eventId(), this._stateMachine, 300); this.initABS(); }; Game_AIBot.prototype.initABS = function() { if (!this.battler()) { this._absParams.battler = new Game_EnemyABS(this._absParams.enemyId); this._absParams.battler.initABS(); SlowUpdateManager.register(this.eventId(), this._stateMachine, 300); } this.changeStateToFree(); if (this.isNeedHpBarShow()) { this.showHpBarABS(); } if (this._checkActiveState()) { this._absParams.active = true; this._checkDieSwitch(); if (this.battler().enemy().actions.length === 0) { this.LOG.p('Not actions'); this.behaviorModel().noFight = true; } } else { this.LOG.p('Deactivated from start'); this._deactivate(); } this.refreshABSMotion(); }; //$[OVER I] Game_AIBot.prototype.isNeedHpBarShow = function() { var e, showFromModel, showFromPluginAlways; try { if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { showFromPluginAlways = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_EnemyMiniHpBarOption() === 1; } else { showFromPluginAlways = false; } showFromModel = this.behaviorModel().showHP === 1; return showFromPluginAlways || showFromModel; } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while read show enemy mini HP parameter'); return false; } }; Game_AIBot.prototype.getHpBarStyleID = function() { return this.behaviorModel().HPBarStyle; }; //@[ALIAS I] __super_selectOnMap = Game_AIBot.prototype.selectOnMap; Game_AIBot.prototype.selectOnMap = function(isSelect) { var e; __super_selectOnMap.call(this, isSelect); try { if (this._checkCanShowByParameters() === true) { if (isSelect === true) { return this.showHpBarABS(); } else { if (this.behaviorModel().showHP === 0) { return this.hideHpBarABS(); } } } } catch (error) { e = error; return AlphaABS.error(e, 'while read show enemy mini HP parameter on selection'); } }; Game_AIBot.prototype.deactivate = function() { var key; this.__isDeadForMotion = null; if (!this._absParams.activateSwitch) { return; } if (this._absParams.active === false) { return; } this.LOG.p('Deactivate'); key = [$gameMap.mapId(), this.eventId(), this._absParams.activateSwitch]; $gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, false); this.refresh(); this._onBattleEnd(); this.battler().stopABS(); this._deactivate(); }; __super_deactivate = Game_AIBot.prototype._deactivate; Game_AIBot.prototype._deactivate = function() { this.__isDeadForMotion = null; __super_deactivate.call(this); this.hideHpBarABS(); this.refreshABSMotion(); return SlowUpdateManager.clear(this.eventId()); }; Game_AIBot.prototype.loot = function() { var gold, items; if (!this._absParams.looted) { this._absParams.looted = true; gold = this.battler().gold(); if (gold > 0) { $gameParty.gainGold(gold); } items = this.battler().makeDropItems(); if (items.length > 0) { items.forEach(function(item) { $gameParty.gainItem(item, 1); }); } this.LOG.p('Looted!'); if (!this.inActive()) { this._storeDeadData(); } } else { this.LOG.p('Already looted!'); } }; Game_AIBot.prototype._updateABS = function() { if (this.inActive() && !this.isErased()) { this.battler().updateABS(); this._stateMachine.update(this); } else { if (this._stateMachine.inReturnState()) { this._stateMachine.update(this); } } if (this.inActive() && this.isErased()) { this._deactivate(); } }; Game_AIBot.prototype._updateRevive = function() { if (this._absParams.reviveTimer === null || this.battler().isAlive()) { return; } this._absParams.reviveTimer.update(); if (this._absParams.reviveTimer.isReady()) { this._revive(); } }; Game_AIBot.prototype._revive = function() { var key, reviveAnimationId; this.__isDeadForMotion = null; if (this.isErased()) { this._absParams.reviveTimer = null; return; } this.locate(this._absParams.myStartPosition.x, this._absParams.myStartPosition.y); key = [$gameMap.mapId(), this.eventId(), AlphaABS.Parameters.get_EnemyDeadSwitch()]; $gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, false); this._absParams.battler = null; this._absParams.reviveTimer = null; this.refresh(); this.initABS(); this.setRevive(this.behaviorModel().reviveTime); this._absParams.active = true; this._absParams.looted = false; reviveAnimationId = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_EnemyReviveAnimationId(); if (reviveAnimationId > 0) { this.requestAnimationABS(reviveAnimationId); } this._absParams.myHomePosition = null; this.changeStateToFree(); }; Game_AIBot.prototype.setRevive = function(time) { var t; if (time === 0) { this._absParams.reviveTimer = null; return; } t = time * AlphaABS.SYSTEM.FRAMES_PER_SECOND; this.LOG.p('Set revive ' + time + ' secs.'); if (time) { this._absParams.reviveTimer = new Game_TimerABS(); this._absParams.reviveTimer.start(t); } }; Game_AIBot.prototype.startCommonEvent = function(commonEventId) { var commonEvent, list; if (commonEventId <= 0) { return; } this.LOG.p('Try call outer Common Event ' + commonEventId); commonEvent = $dataCommonEvents[commonEventId]; if (commonEvent) { list = commonEvent.list; if (list && list.length > 1) { this.LOG.p('Start outer Common Event '); this._absParams.reservedCommonEvent = [ { code: 117, indent: 0, parameters: [commonEventId] } ]; this._starting = true; } } }; Game_AIBot.prototype.refreshABSMotion = function() { if (this._absParams.absMotion != null) { this._absParams.absMotion.clearMotion(); this._absParams.absMotion = null; } if (!this.battler().isAlive()) { return; } if (this.isDeadForMotion()) { return; } if (this.behaviorModel().motion > 0) { this._absParams.absMotion = new AlphaABS.LIBS.ABSMotion(); this._absParams.absMotion.setMotion("main", this.behaviorModel().motionOffset, this); this._absParams.absMotion.applyMotionIdle(); return; } if (this.behaviorModel().motionX > 0) { this._absParams.absMotion = new AlphaABS.LIBS.ABSMotion2(); this._absParams.absMotion.setType(AA.MotionType.Enemy); this._absParams.absMotion.setDelay(this.behaviorModel().motionDelay); this._absParams.absMotion.setFrames(this.behaviorModel().motionFrames); this._absParams.absMotion.setActionDelay(this.behaviorModel().motionADelay); this._absParams.absMotion.setMotion(null, this.behaviorModel().motionOffset, this); return this.refreshABSMotionState(this.inBattle()); } }; //* For Game_SpawnedAiBot Game_AIBot.prototype.isBotHasMotion = function() { return this.behaviorModel().motion > 0 || this.behaviorModel().motionX > 0; }; Game_AIBot.prototype.isDeadForMotion = function() { var key; if (this.__isDeadForMotion != null) { return this.__isDeadForMotion; } else { key = [$gameMap.mapId(), this.eventId(), AlphaABS.Parameters.get_EnemyDeadSwitch()]; this.__isDeadForMotion = $gameSelfSwitches.value(key) === true; } return this.__isDeadForMotion; }; Game_AIBot.prototype.inABSMotion = function() { return this._absParams.absMotion != null; }; Game_AIBot.prototype.inAAnimMotion = function() { if (this.battler() == null) { return false; } if (this.battler().isAAnimMotionRequested()) { //return false if !@battler().isAlive() return true; } return false; }; Game_AIBot.prototype.getAAnimMotion = function() { if (this.inAAnimMotion()) { return this.battler().ABSParams().animMotion; } return null; }; Game_AIBot.prototype.getABSMotion = function() { if (this.inABSMotion()) { return this._absParams.absMotion; } return null; }; Game_AIBot.prototype._updateABSMotion = function() { var motion; if (this.battler().isNeedABSMotionAction() && this.battler().isAlive()) { this.battler().onABSMotionActionDone(); motion = this.getABSMotion(); if (motion == null) { return; } if (motion.isOldABSMotion()) { return motion.applyMotionAction(); } else { if (this.battler().isAAnimMotionRequested()) { this.getAAnimMotion().clear(this); } return this.battler().performAAnimAction(motion); } } }; Game_AIBot.prototype.refreshABSMotionState = function(toState) { if (!this.inABSMotion()) { return; } if (this.inAAnimMotion()) { return; } if (toState === true) { return this._absParams.absMotion.applyMotionState(); } else { return this._absParams.absMotion.applyMotionIdle(); } }; Game_AIBot.prototype._performCastMotion = function() { var a, data; a = this.currentAction(); if (a.isHasCastMotion()) { //"START CAST MOTION".p() this._absParams._inCastMotion = true; data = new AA.LIBS.ABSMotion2(); data.setType(AA.MotionType.Cast); data.setFrames(a.castMotionFrames); data.setActionDelay(a.motionDelay); data.setLooping(); data.setMotion(a.castMotion, a.castMotionOffset, this); return this.battler().performAAnimAction(data); } else { return this._absParams._inCastMotion = false; } }; Game_AIBot.prototype._cancelCastMotion = function() { var motion; if (this._absParams._inCastMotion === false) { return; } //"CLEAR CAST MOTION".p() motion = this.getAAnimMotion(); if (motion != null) { motion.clear(this); } this.battler().clearAAnimMotion(); return this._absParams._inCastMotion = false; }; Game_AIBot.prototype._performSkillMotion = function() { var a, data; if (this.battler().action(0).isAttack()) { return; } a = this.currentAction(); if (a.isHasMotionX()) { //"START SKILL MOTION".p() this._cancelCastMotion(); data = new AA.LIBS.ABSMotion2(); data.setType(AA.MotionType.Skill); data.setFrames(a.motionFrames); data.setActionDelay(a.motionADelay); data.setMotion(a.motionX, a.motionOffset, this); return this.battler().performAAnimAction(data); } }; //@[ALIAS I] __interface_method_performAction = Game_AIBot.prototype._performAction; Game_AIBot.prototype._performAction = function() { this._performSkillMotion(); __interface_method_performAction.call(this); if (this.inABSMotion()) { if (this.battler().action(0).isAttack()) { this.battler().requestABSMotionAction(); } } }; })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 (function() { Game_AIBot.prototype.onActionOnMe = function(who) { var e; if (!this.inBattle() && this.canFight()) { this.LOG.p('I\'am attacked!!!'); this.changeStateToBattle(who); } if (!this.isAlive() && this.inActive()) { try { this.gainExpProcess(who); } catch (error) { e = error; console.error(e); } if (AlphaABS.Parameters.get_AutoLootEnemiesState() === true) { this.loot(); } this.startCommonEvent(this.behaviorModel().cEonDeath); } if (this.inBattle() && this.canFight()) { if (this.canRage()) { this._performRageCalculation(who); } } if (this._checkCanShowByParameters()) { if (!this.ABSParams().selected) { this.showHpBarABS(); } this.__tempThread1123 = AA.setTimeout((() => { try { if (this.ABSParams().selected !== true) { this.hideHpBarABS(); } return AA.clearTimeout(this.__tempThread1123); } catch (error) { } }), 1000); } }; Game_AIBot.prototype.gainExpProcess = function(whoKill) { var exp, expMode; if (whoKill.battler().isEnemy()) { return; } exp = this.battler().exp(); if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { expMode = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_PartyExpMode(); if (expMode !== 0) { $gameParty.gainExpForAllABS(exp, expMode === 2); return; } } return whoKill.battler().gainExp(exp); }; Game_AIBot.prototype.onReturnEnd = function() { this._absParams.active = true; this._onBattleEnd(); this.initABS(); if (this.isNeedHpBarShow()) { this.showHpBarABS(); } this.refreshABSMotion(); }; Game_AIBot.prototype.onSwitchToFreeState = function() { this.LOG.p('In free state'); this.clearTarget(); this._restoreMoveData(); this._moveSpeed += this.battler().ABSParams().moveSpeedUpKoef; }; Game_AIBot.prototype.onSwitchToReturnState = function() { //@_deactivate() if (AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.getPlayerTarget() === this) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.setPlayerTarget(null); } this._absParams.active = false; this._resetTarget(); if (this._stateMachine != null) { this._stateMachine.deactivate(); } this.refreshABSMotion(); this.LOG.p('Return to ' + this.getHomePosition().toString()); }; Game_AIBot.prototype.onSwitchToSearchState = function() { this._restoreMoveData(); this.LOG.p('Curious! I\'am searching...'); if (!this.behaviorModel().noEmote) { this.requestBalloon(2); } }; Game_AIBot.prototype.onSwitchToDeadState = function() { this._absParams.allyToSearch = null; this._moveType = 0; if (this.inABSMotion()) { this._absParams.absMotion.clearMotion(); this._absParams.absMotion = null; } if (this.inAAnimMotion()) { this.getAAnimMotion().clear(this); this.battler().clearAAnimMotion(); } this._changeEventToDeadState(); this.refresh(); this._deactivate(); }; })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 (function() { var _alias_Game_Event_updateSelfMovement; Game_AIBot.prototype.start = function() { if (this.inActive() && this !== AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.getPlayerTarget()) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.setPlayerTarget(this); this.LOG.p('Selected ' + this.event().name); } Game_Event.prototype.start.call(this); }; Game_AIBot.prototype.update = function() { var isMoving; isMoving = this.isMoving(); Game_Event.prototype.update.call(this); if (!this.isMoving()) { this._updateNonmoving(isMoving); } this._updateABS(); this._updateRevive(); }; Game_AIBot.prototype._checkActiveState = function() { var comment, e, i, item, list, match, regex; try { if (this.isErased()) { return; } list = this.list(); i = 0; while (i < list.length) { item = list[i]; comment = ""; if (item.code === 108) { comment = item.parameters[0]; } if (comment.indexOf('= 0) { regex = //; match = regex.exec(comment); if (match && SDK.checkSwitch(match[1])) { this._absParams.activateSwitch = match[1]; return false; } } i++; } } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, ' while checking active state'); } return true; }; Game_AIBot.prototype._checkDieSwitch = function() { var key; key = [$gameMap.mapId(), this.eventId(), AlphaABS.Parameters.get_EnemyDeadSwitch()]; if ($gameSelfSwitches.value(key) === true) { if (this.behaviorModel().reviveTime === 0) { this._deactivate(); this._restoreDeadData(); } else { $gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, false); } } }; Game_AIBot.prototype._restoreDeadData = function() { var data, e; try { data = $gamePlayer.getABSMapData($gameMap.mapId(), this.eventId()); if (data == null) { return; } "RESTORE DATA FOR".p(this.eventId()); this.locate(data.x, data.y); return this._absParams.looted = data.isLooted; } catch (error) { e = error; return console.error(e); } }; Game_AIBot.prototype.list = function() { var temp; if (this._absParams.reservedCommonEvent != null) { temp = this._absParams.reservedCommonEvent; this._absParams.reservedCommonEvent = null; return temp; } else { return Game_Event.prototype.list.call(this); } }; _alias_Game_Event_updateSelfMovement = Game_Event.prototype.updateSelfMovement; Game_AIBot.prototype.updateSelfMovement = function() { if (this.inBattle()) { if (!this._locked && this.isNearTheScreen() && this.checkStop(this.stopCountThreshold())) { if (this._moveType === 7) { this.moveTypeTowardTarget(); return; } } } _alias_Game_Event_updateSelfMovement.call(this, arguments); }; Game_AIBot.prototype.isErased = function() { return this._erased === true; }; Game_AIBot.prototype._changeEventToDeadState = function() { var key; key = [$gameMap.mapId(), this.eventId(), AlphaABS.Parameters.get_EnemyDeadSwitch()]; $gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, true); this._originalDirection = -1; this._originalPattern = -1; return this._storeDeadData(); }; Game_AIBot.prototype._storeDeadData = function() { if (this.behaviorModel().reviveTime === 0) { "STORE ENEMY DATA".p(this.eventId()); return $gamePlayer.setNewABSMapData({ mapId: $gameMap.mapId(), enemyId: this.eventId(), x: this.x, y: this.y, isLooted: this._absParams.looted }); } }; })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 (function() { Game_AIBot.prototype._storeMoveData = function() { this._absParams.moveData = {}; this._absParams.moveData.moveSpeed = this._moveSpeed; this._absParams.moveData.moveType = this._moveType; this._absParams.moveData.moveFrequency = this._moveFrequency; }; Game_AIBot.prototype._resetMoveData = function() { this._moveSpeed = this._absParams.moveData.moveSpeed; this.stay(); }; Game_AIBot.prototype.stay = function() { this._moveType = 0; try { return this._moveFrequency = this._absParams.moveData.moveFrequency; } catch (error) { } }; Game_AIBot.prototype.returnSlow = function() { if (!this.isMoving()) { return this._performReturnToHome(); } }; Game_AIBot.prototype._performReturnToHome = function() { var direction, home; home = this.getHomePosition(); direction = this.findDirectionTo(home.x, home.y); if (direction > 0) { this.moveStraight(direction); } else { this.LOG.p('AI : I\'am return to Home!'); this._absParams.myHomePosition = null; this.onReturnEnd(); this._restoreMoveData(); } }; Game_AIBot.prototype._restoreMoveData = function() { this._moveSpeed = this._absParams.moveData.moveSpeed; this._moveType = this._absParams.moveData.moveType; this._moveFrequency = this._absParams.moveData.moveFrequency; }; Game_AIBot.prototype.returnFast = function() { return this._performReturnToHome(); }; Game_AIBot.prototype._applyAproachSpeed = function() { if (this.behaviorModel().slow !== true) { this._moveFrequency = this._absParams.moveData.moveFrequency + 2; } }; Game_AIBot.prototype._updateNonmoving = function(wasMoving) { if (!$gameMap.isEventRunning()) { if (wasMoving && !this.isMoveRouteForcing()) { this.battler().onWalk(); } } }; Game_AIBot.prototype.startPursuitTarget = function() { //"START PURSUIT".LOG() this._applyAproachSpeed(); return this._moveType = 7; }; Game_AIBot.prototype.moveTypeTowardTarget = function() { var target; target = this.target(); //"MOVE TO TARGET".LOG() if (target != null) { if (!this.isNearThePointX(target)) { return this.moveToPoint(target); } } }; Game_AIBot.prototype.moveToAlly = function() { if (!this.isMoving() && !this._absParams.behavior.noMove) { if (this._absParams.allyToSearch != null) { return this.moveToPoint(this._absParams.allyToSearch); } else { return this.changeStateToFree(); } } }; Game_AIBot.prototype.turnTowardCharacter = function(character) { try { return Game_Character.prototype.turnTowardCharacter.call(this, character); } catch (error) { } }; })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AILogicManager.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AILogicManager; AILogicManager = function() { throw new Error("This is a static class"); }; AILogicManager.getTargetsInRange = function(bot) { var all, enemy; try { if (!AlphaABS.isABS()) { return null; } all = AILogicManager.getAllInRange(bot); if (all.length > 0) { return ((function() { var i, len, results; results = []; for (i = 0, len = all.length; i < len; i++) { enemy = all[i]; if (!enemy.isAlly(bot)) { results.push(enemy); } } return results; })()).first(); } else { return null; } } catch (error) { return null; } }; AILogicManager.getAllInRange = function(bot) { var all, inRange; try { if (!AlphaABS.isABS()) { return []; } all = $gameTroop.membersABS().concat([$gamePlayer]); all = all.concat($gameParty.membersABS()); inRange = AlphaABS.UTILS.inRadius(bot, bot.behaviorModel().viewRadius, all); inRange = inRange.filter(function(item) { return AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.isValidTarget(item); }); if (!bot.behaviorModel().ignoreObstacles) { return inRange.filter(function(item) { return AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.checkLineOfSight(bot.toPoint(), item.toPoint()); }); } else { return inRange; } } catch (error) { return []; } }; AILogicManager.getAlliesInRange = function(bot) { var all, ally; try { if (!AlphaABS.isABS()) { return null; } all = AILogicManager.getAllInRange(bot); if (all.length > 0) { return ((function() { var i, len, results; results = []; for (i = 0, len = all.length; i < len; i++) { ally = all[i]; if (ally.isAlly(bot) && ally.inBattle()) { results.push(ally); } } return results; })()).first(); } else { return null; } } catch (error) { return null; } }; AILogicManager.targetInVisibleRange = function(bot) { var distance, target, view; target = bot != null ? bot.target() : void 0; if (!(target != null ? target.inActive() : void 0)) { return false; } view = bot.behaviorModel().viewRadius; distance = AlphaABS.UTILS.distanceTo(bot, target); return distance < view; }; AILogicManager.inOutReturnRange = function(bot) { var distance, home, returnDistance; home = bot != null ? bot.getHomePosition() : void 0; if (home == null) { return false; } returnDistance = bot.behaviorModel().returnRadius; distance = AlphaABS.UTILS.distanceTo(bot, home); return distance > returnDistance; }; AILogicManager.canUseActionNow = function(bot) { var action; action = bot != null ? bot.currentAction() : void 0; if (action != null) { return AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByTimer(action); } else { return false; } }; AILogicManager.inActionRange = function(bot) { var action, target; action = bot != null ? bot.currentAction() : void 0; if (action != null) { target = bot.target(); if (target) { return AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByRange(bot, target, action); } } return false; }; AILogicManager.isUsableABSSkill = function(absSkill, isEnemy) { if (isEnemy === true) { return AILogicManager.isUsableABSSkillForEnemy(absSkill); } return AILogicManager.isUsableABSSkillForAlly(absSkill); }; AILogicManager.isUsableABSSkillForEnemy = function(absSkill) { if (absSkill.isZoneType()) { return false; } if (absSkill.isRadiusType()) { return false; } if (absSkill.isNeedAmmo()) { return false; } if (absSkill.isVectorTypeR()) { return false; } if (absSkill.isFirearm()) { return false; } return true; }; AILogicManager.isUsableABSSkillForAlly = function(absSkill) { if (absSkill.isZoneType()) { return false; } if (absSkill.isRadiusType()) { return false; } if (absSkill.isVectorTypeR()) { return false; } if (absSkill.isFirearm()) { return false; } //TODO: Firearm for ally return true; }; AlphaABS.register(AILogicManager); AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager = AILogicManager; AlphaABS.AILogicManager = AILogicManager; })(); // ■ END AILogicManager.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AIStateBase.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AIStateBase; AIStateBase = class AIStateBase { constructor() { this._bot = null; this._log = null; this._init(); } _init() {} //EMPTY update(bot) { if (!this._setup(bot)) { return; } this._updateMainLogic(); return this._bot = null; } _setup(bot) { if (bot == null) { return false; } this._bot = bot; return this._setupMain(); } _updateMainLogic() {} //EMPTY _setupMain() { return true; } onStateStarted() {} //EMPTY log(text) { try { if (typeof DEV === "undefined" || DEV === null) { return; } if (this._log === null) { this._createLog(); } if (this._bot != null) { return this._log.p(`${this._bot.aiName} : ${text}`); } } catch (error) { } } _createLog() { try { this._log = new KDCore.DevLog(this.constructor.name); return this._log.setColor(KDCore.Color.FromHex('#00BD43')); } catch (error) { } } }; AlphaABS.register(AIStateBase); })(); // ■ END AIStateBase.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AIStateBattle.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AIStateBattle; AIStateBattle = class AIStateBattle extends AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateBase { _init() { this._newActionState = null; return this._actionState = null; } _setupMain() { this.isStayStill = this._bot.behaviorModel().noMove; return true; } _updateMainLogic() { if (!this._checkTarget() || this._checkNoMoveMode()) { this._bot.changeStateToFree(); } else { this._bot._makeActions(); this._updateBattleStates(); } } _checkTarget() { return AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.isValidTarget(this._bot.target()); } _checkNoMoveMode() { if (!AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.targetInVisibleRange(this._bot)) { if (this.isStayStill) { true; } } return false; } _updateBattleStates() { if (this._newActionState != null) { this._applyActionState(); } switch (this._actionState) { case "approach": this._updateApproachState(); break; case "prepareAction": this._updatePrepareActionState(); break; case "action": this._updateBattleActionState(); break; case "cast": this._updateCastState(); break; case "escape": this._updateEscapeState(); break; case "wait": this._updateWaitState(); } } _applyActionState() { this._actionState = this._newActionState; switch (this._actionState) { case "approach": this._applyApproachState(); break; case "cast": this._applyCastState(); break; case "action": this._applyBattleActionState(); break; case "escape": this._applyEscapeState(); break; case "wait": this._applyWaitState(); } //when "prepareAction" then #EMPTY return this._newActionState = null; } _applyApproachState() { this.log("Apply Approach State"); if (this.isStayStill) { return this._stayAndTurn(); } else { return this._bot.startPursuitTarget(); } } _stayAndTurn() { this._bot.stay(); return this._bot.turnTowardTarget(); } _applyCastState() { this._bot._performCastMotion(); return this._stayAndTurn(); } _applyBattleActionState() { this._stayAndTurn(); return this._bot.createNewHomePoint(); } _applyEscapeState() { this._bot.stay(); return this._bot._applyAproachSpeed(); } _applyWaitState() { return this._bot.stay(); } _updateApproachState() { if (this.isStayStill) { this._stayAndTurn(); if (!AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.targetInVisibleRange(this._bot)) { return this._bot.changeStateToReturn(); } } else { if (AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.inOutReturnRange(this._bot)) { return this._bot.changeStateToReturn(); } } } _updatePrepareActionState() { this._bot.checkActionCommonEvent(); if (AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.canUseActionNow(this._bot)) { return this._prepareActionForNow(); } } _prepareActionForNow() { if (AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.inActionRange(this._bot)) { return this.changeActionStateTo("action"); } else { this.log("Target away to action, try approach"); if (this.isStayStill) { this.log("Can't approach, (noMove == true)"); return this._bot.turnTowardTarget(); } else { return this.changeActionStateTo("approach"); } } } changeActionStateTo(newActionState) { return this._newActionState = newActionState; } _updateBattleActionState() { var action; this.log("Try Perform Action"); action = this._bot.currentAction(); if (action != null ? action.isNeedCast() : void 0) { return this._updateOnCastingAction(action); } else { return this._bot._performAction(); } } _updateOnCastingAction(action) { if (action.isCasting() && action.isReady()) { return this._bot._performAction(); } else { this.log("Start casting"); action.startCast(this._bot.battler()); return this.changeActionStateTo("cast"); } } _updateCastState() { var action; this._bot.turnTowardTarget(); action = this._bot.currentAction(); if ((action != null) && action.isCasting()) { if (AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.inActionRange(this._bot)) { if (action.isReady()) { this._bot._cancelCastMotion(); return this.changeActionStateTo("action"); } } else { this.log("Casting intterupt, target too far"); action.resetCast(); return this._onCastingComplete(); } } else { return this._onCastingComplete(); } } _onCastingComplete() { this._bot._cancelCastMotion(); return this.changeActionStateTo("prepareAction"); } _updateEscapeState() { this._bot._escapeFromTarget(this._bot.target()); if (this._bot.currentAction() != null) { this.changeActionStateTo("prepareAction"); } if (AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.inOutReturnRange(this._bot)) { return this._bot.changeStateToReturn(); } } _updateWaitState() { var isAgressive; isAgressive = this._bot.behaviorModel().agressive; if (isAgressive) { return this.changeActionStateTo("approach"); } else { if (!AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.targetInVisibleRange(this._bot)) { return this._bot.changeStateToFree(); } } } onStateStarted() { return this.changeActionStateTo("approach"); } }; AlphaABS.register(AIStateBattle); })(); // ■ END AIStateBattle.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AIStateBattleParty.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AIStateBattleParty; AIStateBattleParty = class AIStateBattleParty extends AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateBattle { _setupMain() { return true; } _updateMainLogic() { this.log(this._actionState); if (!this._checkTarget()) { this._bot.changeStateToFree(); } else { this._bot._makeActions(); this._updateBattleStates(); } } _applyBattleActionState() {} _updateApproachState() { if (!this._bot) { "BOT MISSING".p(); } if (AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.inOutReturnRange(this._bot)) { return this._bot.changeStateToReturn(); } } _updatePrepareActionState() { this._bot.checkActionCommonEvent(); if (AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.canUseActionNow(this._bot)) { return this._prepareActionForNow(); } else { if (!AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.inOutReturnRange(this._bot)) { return this.changeActionStateTo("approach"); } } } _prepareActionForNow() { if (AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.inActionRange(this._bot)) { return this.changeActionStateTo("action"); } else { this.log("Target away to action, try approach"); return this.changeActionStateTo("approach"); } } _updateWaitState() { var isAgressive; this.changeActionStateTo("approach"); isAgressive = this._bot.behaviorModel().agressive; if (isAgressive) { return this.changeActionStateTo("approach"); } else { if (AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.targetInVisibleRange(this._bot)) { return this._checkPartyLeaderState(); } else { return this._bot.changeStateToFree(); } } } //NEW _checkPartyLeaderState() { if (!$gamePlayer.inActive()) { return; } if ($gamePlayer.inBattle()) { if (this._bot.target() === $gamePlayer.target()) { this.changeActionStateTo("approach"); return; } } return this._bot.changeStateToReturn(); } }; AlphaABS.register(AIStateBattleParty); })(); // ■ END AIStateBattleParty.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AIStateFree.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AIStateFree; AIStateFree = class AIStateFree extends AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateBase { _init() { return this._regenTimer = null; } _setupMain() { var error, model; try { model = this._bot.behaviorModel(); this.canSearchAlly = model.canSearch; this.canRegenerateInFreeMode = model.regen; this.canEscapeInBattle = model.escapeOnBattle; this.active = this._bot.inActive(); this.battler = this._bot.battler(); return true; } catch (error1) { error = error1; console.error(error); return false; } } _updateMainLogic() { if (this._bot.canFight()) { return this._updateWithFightLogic(); } else { return this._updateNoFightLogic(); } } _updateWithFightLogic() { this._updateReturnToHome(); this._regenerate(); this._updateVision(); } _updateReturnToHome() { if ((this._bot.getHomePosition() != null) && this.active) { return this._returnToHome(); } } _returnToHome() { return this._bot.returnSlow(); } _regenerate() { if (this.canRegenerateInFreeMode) { if (this._regenTimer == null) { this._createRegenTimer(); } if (this._updateAndCheckRegenTimer()) { return this.battler.regenerateAllonFree(); } } } _createRegenTimer() { this._regenTimer = new Game_TimerABS(); return this._regenTimer.start(180); } _updateAndCheckRegenTimer() { this._regenTimer.update(); if (this._regenTimer.isReady()) { this._regenTimer.reset(); return true; } else { return false; } } _updateVision() { var target; target = AlphaABS.AILogicManager.getTargetsInRange(this._bot); if (target != null) { return this._onSeeTarget(target); } else { return this._updateVisionForAlly(); } } _onSeeTarget(target) { return this._bot.changeStateToBattle(target); } _updateVisionForAlly() { var ally; if (this.canSearchAlly) { ally = AlphaABS.AILogicManager.getAlliesInRange(this._bot); if (ally != null) { return this._onSeeAlly(ally); } } } _onSeeAlly(ally) { return this._bot.changeStateToSearch(ally); } _updateNoFightLogic() { var target; target = AlphaABS.AILogicManager.getTargetsInRange(this._bot); if (target != null) { return this._onSeeTargetInNoFightMode(target); } else { return this._regenerate(); } } _onSeeTargetInNoFightMode(target) { if (this.canEscapeInBattle) { return this._bot.runAwayFromTarget(target); } } onStateStarted() { var ref; return (ref = this._regenTimer) != null ? ref.reset() : void 0; } }; AlphaABS.register(AIStateFree); })(); // ■ END AIStateFree.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AIStateFreeParty.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AIStateFreeParty; AIStateFreeParty = class AIStateFreeParty extends AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateFree { _init() {} //EMPTY _setupMain() { var error, model; try { model = this._bot.behaviorModel(); this.canSearchAlly = model.canSearch; this.canEscapeInBattle = model.escapeOnBattle; this.active = this._bot.inActive(); this.battler = this._bot.battler(); return true; } catch (error1) { error = error1; console.error(error); return false; } } _updateMainLogic() { return this._updateWithFightLogic(); } _updateWithFightLogic() { this._updateReturnToHome(); this._updateVision(); } _returnToHome() { return this._bot.returnSlow(); } _updateVision() { var target; target = AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.getTargetsInRange(this._bot); if (target != null) { return this._onSeeTarget(target); } else { return this._updateVisionForAlly(); } } _onSeeTarget(target) { var playerState; if (this._bot.behaviorModel().agressive) { return this._bot.changeStateToBattle(target); } else { playerState = $gamePlayer.inBattle() && $gamePlayer.target() === target; if (playerState) { return this._bot.changeStateToBattle(target); } } } _updateVisionForAlly() { var ally; if (this.canSearchAlly) { ally = AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.getAlliesInRange(this._bot); if (ally != null) { return this._onSeeAlly(ally); } } } _onSeeAlly(ally) { if (ally.inBattle()) { return this._bot.changeStateToSearch(ally); } } }; AlphaABS.register(AIStateFreeParty); })(); // ■ END AIStateFreeParty.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AIStateMachine.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AIStateMachine; AIStateMachine = class AIStateMachine { constructor(evId) { this._bot = null; this._state = ""; this._freeStateLogic = new AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateFree(); this._searchStateLogic = new AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateSearch(); this._returnStateLogic = new AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateReturn(); this._battleStateLogic = new AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateBattle(); this._slowUpdateActive = false; } // * THIS IS VERY DANGER METHOD!!! slowUpdate() { var e; try { if (!this._bot) { return; } if (!AlphaABS.isABS()) { return; } if (!this._bot.inActive()) { return; } switch (this._state) { case "free": return this._updateOnFree(); case "search": return this._updateOnSearch(); case "return": return this._updateOnReturn(); case "battle": return this._updateOnBattle(); } } catch (error) { e = error; } } //console.error e activateSlowUpdate() { return this._slowUpdateActive = true; } deactivate() {} onGameSave() { return this._bot = null; } onGameLoad() {} update(bot) { if (!this._setup(bot)) { return; } if (this._bot.inActive()) { if (!this._checkDeadState()) { this._updateInActiveMode(); } } else { this._updateInNoActiveMode(); } if (!this._slowUpdateActive) { this.slowUpdate(); } } _setup(bot) { this._bot = bot; if (bot == null) { return false; } this.battler = this._bot.battler(); return true; } _checkDeadState() { if (!this.battler.isAlive()) { this._changeStateTo("dead"); return true; } return false; } _changeStateTo(stateSymbol) { this._state = stateSymbol; switch (this._state) { case "free": return this._onStateFree(); case "battle": return this._onStateBattle(); case "search": return this._onStateSearch(); case "return": return this._onStateReturn(); case "stun": return this._onStateStun(); case "dead": return this._onStateDead(); } } _onStateFree() { this._bot.onSwitchToFreeState(); this._bot._cancelCastMotion(); return this._freeStateLogic.onStateStarted(); } _onStateBattle() { this._bot.onSwitchToBattleState(); return this._battleStateLogic.onStateStarted(); } _onStateSearch() { return this._bot.onSwitchToSearchState(); } _onStateReturn() { return this._bot.onSwitchToReturnState(); } _onStateStun() { return this._bot.onSwitchToStunState(); } _onStateDead() { return this._bot.onSwitchToDeadState(); } _updateInActiveMode() { this._checkStunState(); return this._updateStates(); } _checkStunState() { if (!this.battler.canMove() && !this.inStunState()) { return this._changeStateTo("stun"); } } inStunState() { return this._state === "stun"; } _updateStates() { switch (this._state) { case "stun": return this._updateOnStun(); } } _updateOnFree() { return this._freeStateLogic.update(this._bot); } _updateOnBattle() { return this._battleStateLogic.update(this._bot); } _updateOnSearch() { return this._searchStateLogic.update(this._bot); } _updateOnReturn() { return this._returnStateLogic.update(this._bot); } _updateOnStun() { if (this.battler.canMove()) { return this._changeStateTo("free"); } } _updateInNoActiveMode() { if (this.inReturnState()) { return this._updateOnReturn(); } } inReturnState() { return this._state === "return"; } switchStateToFree(bot) { if (this._setup(bot)) { return this._changeStateTo("free"); } } switchStateToBattle(bot) { if (this._setup(bot)) { return this._changeStateTo("battle"); } } switchStateToSearch(bot) { if (this._setup(bot)) { return this._changeStateTo("search"); } } switchStateToReturn(bot) { if (this._setup(bot)) { return this._changeStateTo("return"); } } switchActionStateToAction() { return this._battleStateLogic.changeActionStateTo("action"); } switchActionStateToPrepare() { return this._battleStateLogic.changeActionStateTo("prepareAction"); } switchActionStateToEscape() { return this._battleStateLogic.changeActionStateTo("escape"); } switchActionStateToWait() { return this._battleStateLogic.changeActionStateTo("wait"); } }; AlphaABS.register(AIStateMachine); })(); // ■ END AIStateMachine.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AIStateMachineParty.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AIStateMachineParty; AIStateMachineParty = class AIStateMachineParty extends AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateMachine { constructor() { super(); this._freeStateLogic = new AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateFreeParty(); this._returnStateLogic = new AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateReturnParty(); this._battleStateLogic = new AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateBattleParty(); } }; AlphaABS.register(AIStateMachineParty); })(); // ■ END AIStateMachineParty.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AIStateReturn.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AIStateReturn; AIStateReturn = class AIStateReturn extends AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateBase { _updateMainLogic() { if (this._bot.getHomePosition() == null) { return this._bot.onReturnEnd(); } if (this._bot.isNotReturn()) { return this._bot.onReturnEnd(); } return this._updateReturnMode(); } _updateReturnMode() { if (this._bot.isSlowReturn()) { this._bot.onReturnEnd(); return this._bot.returnSlow(); } else { return this._bot.returnFast(); } } }; AlphaABS.register(AIStateReturn); })(); // ■ END AIStateReturn.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AIStateReturnParty.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AIStateReturnParty; AIStateReturnParty = class AIStateReturnParty extends AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateReturn { _updateReturnMode() { if (this._bot.isSlowReturn()) { return this._bot.returnSlow(); } else { return this._bot.returnFast(); } } }; AlphaABS.register(AIStateReturnParty); })(); // ■ END AIStateReturnParty.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AIStateSearch.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AIStateSearch; AIStateSearch = class AIStateSearch extends AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateBase { _updateMainLogic() { if (this._haveOneToSearch()) { this._updateOnSearch(); } else { this._bot.changeStateToFree(); } } _haveOneToSearch() { var ref; return (ref = this._bot.allyToSearch()) != null ? ref.inActive() : void 0; } _updateOnSearch() { var target; target = AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.getTargetsInRange(this._bot); if (target != null) { return this._onSeeTarget(target); } else { return this._updateAllySearch(); } } _onSeeTarget(target) { this._bot.setAllyTarget(null); return this._bot.changeStateToBattle(target); } _updateAllySearch() { this._bot.moveToAlly(); if (this._bot.isNearThePointX(this._bot.allyToSearch())) { return this._bot.changeStateToFree(); } } }; AlphaABS.register(AIStateSearch); })(); // ■ END AIStateSearch.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AIStateSearchParty.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //! No used! (function() { var AIStateSearchParty; AIStateSearchParty = class AIStateSearchParty extends AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateSearch { _updateMainLogic() { if (this._haveOneToSearch()) { this._updateOnSearch(); } else { this._bot.changeStateToFree(); } } _haveOneToSearch() { var ref; return (ref = this._bot.allyToSearch()) != null ? ref.inActive() : void 0; } _updateOnSearch() { var target; target = AlphaABS.LIBS.AILogicManager.getTargetsInRange(this._bot); if (target != null) { return this._onSeeTarget(target); } else { return this._updateAllySearch(); } } _onSeeTarget(target) { this._bot.setAllyTarget(null); return this._bot.changeStateToBattle(target); } _updateAllySearch() { this._bot.moveToAlly(); if (this._bot.isNearThePointX(this._bot.allyToSearch())) { return this._bot.changeStateToFree(); } } }; AlphaABS.register(AIStateSearchParty); })(); // ■ END AIStateSearchParty.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AudioManager.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //?[NEW] AudioManager.playSeLoop = function (se) { try { if (se.name) { this._seBuffers = this._seBuffers.filter(function (audio) { return audio.isPlaying(); }); var buffer = this.createBuffer('se', se.name); this.updateSeParameters(buffer, se); buffer.play(true); this._seBuffers.push(buffer); return buffer; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); return null; } }; // ■ END AudioManager.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AXUI_Container.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var Container; Container = class Container extends Sprite { constructor(size) { super(new Bitmap(size, size)); this.size = size; this.items = []; this.orientation = "horizontal"; this.placePoint = "rigth"; this.itemsCount = 1; this.spacing = 0; this.move(100, 100); } //?{PUBLIC} setItemsCount(itemsCount) { this.itemsCount = itemsCount; return this._refreshMain(); } _refreshMain() { var s; s = this._getSize() * this.itemsCount; this.bitmap = new Bitmap(s, s); this._rearrange(); return this._refreshPlace(); } _getSize() { return this.size + this.spacing; } //?{PUBLIC} setSpacing(spacing) { this.spacing = spacing; return this._refreshMain(); } //?{PUBLIC} addChild(sprite) { this._createItem(sprite); this._rearrange(); return this._refreshPlace(); } _createItem(sprite) { this._reCreatePlacer(sprite.visible); this.items.push(sprite); return this._placer.addChild(sprite); } _reCreatePlacer(isNew) { var pl, s, visLen; if (this._placer != null) { super.removeChild(this._placer); } visLen = this._visItemsLength(); if (isNew === true) { visLen += 1; } s = this._getSize() * visLen; s -= this.spacing; this._placer = new Sprite(new Bitmap(s, s)); super.addChild(this._placer); pl = this._placer; this.items.forEach(function(item) { if (item.visible === true) { return pl.addChild(item); } }); } _visItemsLength() { var count, i, j, ref; count = 0; for (i = j = 0, ref = this.items.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { if (this.items[i].visible === true) { count++; } } return count; } _rearrange() { var ref, ref1; if (this._placer == null) { return; } if ((ref = this._placer.children[0]) != null) { ref.x = 0; } if ((ref1 = this._placer.children[0]) != null) { ref1.y = 0; } if (this.isVertical()) { return this._rearrangeVertical(); } else { return this._rearrangeHorizontal(); } } _rearrangeVertical() { var i, items, j, ref, results, s; items = this._placer.children; s = this._getSize(); results = []; for (i = j = 1, ref = items.length; (1 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 1 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { results.push(items[i].y = items[0].y + (s * i)); } return results; } _rearrangeHorizontal() { var i, items, j, ref, results, s; items = this._placer.children; s = this._getSize(); results = []; for (i = j = 1, ref = items.length; (1 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 1 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { results.push(items[i].x = items[0].x + (s * i)); } return results; } _refreshPlace() { if (this._placer == null) { return; } if (this.isVertical()) { return this._refreshPlaceVertical(); } else { return this._refreshPlaceHorizontal(); } } _refreshPlaceVertical() { if (this.placePoint === "center") { this._placer.y = this.height / 2; this._placer.y = this._placer.y - (this._placer.height / 2); } if (this.placePoint === "left") { this._placer.y = this.height; return this._placer.y = this._placer.y - this._placer.height; } } _refreshPlaceHorizontal() { if (this.placePoint === "center") { this._placer.x = this.width / 2; this._placer.x = this._placer.x - (this._placer.width / 2); } if (this.placePoint === "left") { this._placer.x = this.width; return this._placer.x = this._placer.x - this._placer.width; } } //?{PUBLIC} refresh() { this._reCreatePlacer(false); this._rearrange(); return this._refreshPlace(); } //?{PUBLIC} setHorizontal() { this.orientation = "horizontal"; this._rearrange(); return this._refreshPlace(); } //?{PUBLIC} isHorizontal() { return this.orientation === "horizontal"; } //?{PUBLIC} setVertical() { this.orientation = "vertical"; this._rearrange(); return this._refreshPlace(); } //?{PUBLIC} isVertical() { return this.isHorizontal() === false; } //?{PUBLIC} setPivotToCenter() { this.placePoint = "center"; return this._refreshPlace(); } //?{PUBLIC} setPivotToLeft() { this.placePoint = "left"; return this._refreshPlace(); } //?{PUBLIC} setPivotToRight() { this.placePoint = "right"; return this._refreshPlace(); } }; AXUI.register(Container); })(); // ■ END AXUI_Container.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AXUI_IPopInterface.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var IPopInterface; IPopInterface = class IPopInterface extends Sprite { constructor() { super(); } setAnchors(value) {} dispose() {} isDisposed() { return false; } heightLine() { return this.height; } widthLine() { return this.width; } terminate() {} }; AXUI.register(IPopInterface); })(); // ■ END AXUI_IPopInterface.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AXUI_Sprite_PopMachine.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var Sprite_PopMachine; Sprite_PopMachine = (function() { class Sprite_PopMachine extends AXUI.IPopInterface { constructor() { super(); this._items = []; this._mode = AXUI.PopMachineModeEnum.TOP; this._margin = 0; this.setItemsAnchor(0.5); // * CENTER } setMode(mode) { return this._mode = mode; } setItemsToLeft() { return this.setItemsAnchor(1); } setItemsToRight() { return this.setItemsAnchor(0); } setItemsAnchor(anchor) { return this._itemsAnchor = anchor; } setMargin(margin) { return this._margin = margin; } itemsCount() { return this._items.length; } push(item) { this._items.push(item); this._applyAnchorToItem(item); this.addChild(item); return this.refresh(); } _applyAnchorToItem(item) { return item.setAnchors(this._itemsAnchor); } refresh() { this._clearDisposed(); if (this._mode === AXUI.PopMachineModeEnum.NONE) { this._refreshNoneMode(); return; } if (this._mode === AXUI.PopMachineModeEnum.CIRCLE) { this._refreshCircleMode(); return; } this._refreshMode(); } _refreshNoneMode() { if (this._items.length > 1) { this._clearItem(this._items[0]); return this._clearDisposed(); } } _clearItem(item) { if (item == null) { return; } return item.dispose(); } _clearDisposed() { var i, j, ref; for (i = j = 0, ref = this._items.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { if (this._items[i].isDisposed()) { this._items[i] = null; } } return this._items.delete(null); } _refreshCircleMode() {} _refreshMode() { var _position, i, j, lastIndex, ref, results; if (this._items.length === 0) { return; } lastIndex = this._items.length - 1; results = []; for (i = j = ref = lastIndex; (ref <= 0 ? j <= 0 : j >= 0); i = ref <= 0 ? ++j : --j) { if (i === lastIndex) { _position = { x: 0, y: 0 }; } else { _position = this._calculatePosition(i); } results.push(this._items[i].move(_position.x, _position.y)); } return results; } _calculatePosition(i) { var x, y; x = 0; y = 0; if (this._mode === AXUI.PopMachineModeEnum.TOP) { y = this._items[i + 1].y - this._items[i + 1].heightLine() - this._margin; } if (this._mode === AXUI.PopMachineModeEnum.DOWN) { y = this._items[i + 1].y + this._items[i + 1].heightLine() + this._margin; } if (this._mode === AXUI.PopMachineModeEnum.LEFT) { x = this._items[i + 1].x - this._items[i + 1].widthLine() - this._margin; } if (this._mode === AXUI.PopMachineModeEnum.RIGHT) { x = this._items[i + 1].x + this._items[i + 1].widthLine() + this._margin; } return {x, y}; } terminate() { var i, j, ref, ref1, results; results = []; for (i = j = 0, ref = this._items.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { results.push((ref1 = this._items[i]) != null ? ref1.terminate() : void 0); } return results; } clearAll() { var i, j, ref; for (i = j = 0, ref = this._items.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { this._clearItem(this._items[i]); } return this._items = []; } }; AXUI.register(Sprite_PopMachine); return Sprite_PopMachine; }).call(this); })(); // ■ END AXUI_Sprite_PopMachine.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AXUI_Sprite_PopText.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var Sprite_PopText; Sprite_PopText = class Sprite_PopText extends AXUI.IPopInterface { constructor() { super(); this._fontSettings = AXUI.POP_DEFAULT_STYLE(); this._effectSettings = AXUI.POP_DEFAULT_EFFECT(); this._disposed = false; this._init(); this._tick = 0; this._zoomSpeed = null; this._iconIndex = null; this._additionH = 0; this._additionW = 0; } _init() { return this.bitmap = new Bitmap(50, 50); } setFontSettings(fontSettings) { if (fontSettings == null) { return; } if (fontSettings.textVisible != null) { this._fontSettings.textVisible = fontSettings.textVisible; } if (fontSettings.fontName != null) { this._fontSettings.fontName = fontSettings.fontName; } if (fontSettings.fontSize != null) { this._fontSettings.fontSize = fontSettings.fontSize; } if (fontSettings.italy != null) { this._fontSettings.italy = fontSettings.italy; } if (fontSettings.fontOutlineWidth != null) { this._fontSettings.fontOutlineWidth = fontSettings.fontOutlineWidth; } if (fontSettings.fontOutlineColor != null) { this._fontSettings.fontOutlineColor = KDCore.Color.FromHex(fontSettings.fontOutlineColor); } if (fontSettings.iconSize != null) { this._fontSettings.iconSize = fontSettings.iconSize; } } setEffectSettings(effectSettings) { if (effectSettings == null) { return; } this._effectSettings.changeFontSize = effectSettings.changeFontSize != null ? effectSettings.changeFontSize : void 0; if (effectSettings.stayTime != null) { this._effectSettings.stayTime = effectSettings.stayTime; } } setText(text, color) { this.text = text; if (color != null) { this.tColor = color; } if (typeof this.tColor === "string") { return this.tColor = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this.tColor); } } setIcon(iconIndex) { return this._iconIndex = iconIndex; } create() { var sprH, sprW; this.bitmap.fontSize = Math.max(this._fontSettings.fontSize, this._effectSettings.changeFontSize); sprW = this._calcWidth(); sprH = this._calcHeight(); this.baseSprite = new Sprite(); this._drawOnBase(); this.textSprite = new Sprite(new Bitmap(sprW, sprH)); this.textSprite.bitmap.addLoadListener(this._drawText.bind(this)); this.baseSprite.addChild(this.textSprite); if (this.iconSprite != null) { this.baseSprite.addChild(this.iconSprite); } //@setAnchors(0.5) this.addChild(this.baseSprite); return this._startTimer(); } _calcWidth() { var sprW, w; w = this.bitmap.measureTextWidth(this.text); sprW = w + 4; return sprW; } _calcHeight() { return this._fontSettings.fontSize + 10; } _drawOnBase() {} //?EMPTY setAnchors(xAnchor) { var sprW; //"SET ANCHOR".p(xAnchor) if (this.iconSprite != null) { this.iconSprite.anchor.x = xAnchor; this.iconSprite.anchor.y = 0.5; sprW = this._calcWidth(); if (xAnchor === 0.5) { this.iconSprite.move(-sprW / 2 - this._fontSettings.iconSize / 2, 0); } if (xAnchor === 1) { this.iconSprite.move(-sprW, 0); } if (xAnchor === 0) { this.textSprite.move(this._fontSettings.iconSize, 0); } } if (this.baseSprite) { this.baseSprite.anchor.x = xAnchor; this.baseSprite.anchor.y = 0.5; } if (this.textSprite) { this.textSprite.anchor.x = xAnchor; return this.textSprite.anchor.y = 0.5; } } heightLine() { if (this.textSprite != null) { return this.textSprite.height + this._additionH; } else { return this.height; } } widthLine() { return this.width; } _drawText() { this._applySettings(this.textSprite.bitmap); this._applyEffect(); if (this.tColor != null) { this.textSprite.bitmap.textColor = this.tColor.CSS; } this._drawTextLine(); if (this._iconIndex != null) { this._drawIcon(); } } _drawTextLine() { this.textSprite.bitmap.clear(); //@textSprite.bitmap.fillAll(KDCore.Color.RED) return this.textSprite.bitmap.drawText(this.text, 0, this.textSprite.bitmap.height / 2, this.textSprite.bitmap.width, 1, 'center'); } _drawIcon() { this.iconSprite = new Sprite(new Bitmap(this._fontSettings.iconSize, this._fontSettings.iconSize)); return this.iconSprite.bitmap.drawIcon(0, 0, this._iconIndex, this._fontSettings.iconSize); } _applySettings(bitmap) { if (this._fontSettings.fontName != null) { bitmap.fontFace = this._fontSettings.fontName; } bitmap.fontSize = this._fontSettings.fontSize; bitmap.fontItalic = this._fontSettings.italy; bitmap.outlineColor = this._fontSettings.fontOutlineColor.CSS; bitmap.outlineWidth = this._fontSettings.fontOutlineWidth; } _applyEffect() { return this._zoomSpeed = 1; } _startTimer() { var timer; return this._thread = AA.setTimeout((timer = () => { this._updateTimer(); AA.clearTimeout(this._thread); if (this._disposed === false) { return AA.setTimeout(timer, 60); } }), 60); } _updateTimer() { if (this.textSprite == null) { return; } if (this.parent == null) { return; } //"TIMER".p() return this._updateOpacity(); } _updateOpacity() { var maxTime; if (this._zoomSpeed != null) { return; } maxTime = this._getStayTimeMax(); if (maxTime <= 0) { return; } if (this._tick <= maxTime) { return this._tick++; } else { this.opacity -= 25; this._moveToDisapear(); if (this.opacity <= 0) { return this.dispose(); } } } _getStayTimeMax() { return this._effectSettings.stayTime; } _moveToDisapear() { return this.move(this.x, this.y - 1); } dispose() { var ref; this._disposed = true; this.textSprite = null; if ((ref = this.parent) != null) { ref.removeChild(this); } if (this._thread) { return AA.clearTimeout(this._thread); } } update() { super.update(); return this._updateZoom(); } _updateZoom() { var b; if (this._zoomSpeed == null) { return; } b = this.textSprite.bitmap; if (b.fontSize < this._effectSettings.changeFontSize) { b.fontSize = b.fontSize + 1; this._drawTextLine(); } else { if (b.fontSize > this._effectSettings.changeFontSize) { b.fontSize = b.fontSize - 1; this._drawTextLine(); } } if (b.fontSize === this._effectSettings.changeFontSize) { this._zoomSpeed = null; } } isDisposed() { return this._disposed === true; } }; AXUI.register(Sprite_PopText); })(); // ■ END AXUI_Sprite_PopText.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AXUI_Sprite_PopTextNotifyLine.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var Sprite_PopTextNotifyLine; Sprite_PopTextNotifyLine = (function() { class Sprite_PopTextNotifyLine extends AXUI.Sprite_PopText { constructor(notifyTypeId) { super(); this.notifyTypeId = notifyTypeId; this._loadedExtra = false; this._loadTextSettings(); } _loadTextSettings() { var time, typeId; if (AlphaABS.jDATA.ItemsNotifySettings != null) { typeId = this.notifyTypeId + 1; if (this.notifyTypeId > 3) { typeId = 1; } this._params = AlphaABS.jDATA.ItemsNotifySettings[typeId]; try { time = AlphaABS.jDATA.ItemsNotifySettings[0].stayTime; this._params.stayTime = time; } catch (error) { } //EMPTY this._loadedExtra = true; } else { this._params = this._getDefaultTextParameters(); } this.setFontSettings(this._params); return this.setEffectSettings(this._params); } _getDefaultTextParameters() { return { fontName: null, fontSize: 18, fontOutlineWidth: 2, fontOutlineColor: "#000000", iconSize: 26, changeFontSize: 22, stayTime: 40, colorA: "#000000", colorB: null, opacity: 100, gType: 0, textColor: "#FFFFFF" }; } _drawOnBase() { var colorA, colorB, gradientType, h, opacity, w; // * opacity, colorA, colorB, gradientType w = this._calcWidth(); h = this._calcHeight(); if (this._iconIndex != null) { w += this._fontSettings.iconSize; } this.baseSprite.bitmap = new Bitmap(w, this._calcHeight()); colorA = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this._params.colorA); colorB = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this._params.colorB); opacity = this._params.opacity; gradientType = this._params.gType === 1; colorA = colorA.reAlpha(opacity); colorB = colorB.reAlpha(opacity); return this.baseSprite.bitmap.gradientFillRect(0, 0, w, h, colorA.CSS, colorB.CSS, gradientType); } setValue(value) { var tColor; tColor = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this._params.textColor); switch (this.notifyTypeId) { case 4: // * TEXT AND ICON this.setText(value.text); this.setIcon(value.iconIndex); break; case 3: // * ITEMS this.setText(value.name, tColor); this.setIcon(value.iconIndex); break; case 2: // * GOLD if (!this._loadedExtra) { tColor = KDCore.Color.YELLOW; } this.setText(value, tColor); this.setIcon(AlphaABS.jDATA.ItemsNotifySettings[0].goldIconIndex); break; case 1: // * EXP if (!this._loadedExtra) { tColor = KDCore.Color.MAGENTA; } this.setText(TextManager.exp + ' ' + value, tColor); break; default: this.setText(value); } return this.create(); } }; AXUI.register(Sprite_PopTextNotifyLine); return Sprite_PopTextNotifyLine; }).call(this); })(); // ■ END AXUI_Sprite_PopTextNotifyLine.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AXUI_Sprite_StateIcon.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var Sprite_StateIcon; Sprite_StateIcon = class Sprite_StateIcon extends AXUI.Sprite_PopText { constructor() { super(); this._isNeedDispose = false; this._textPositionId = 0; this._additionH = 0; this._thread = AA.setInterval((() => { return this._updateABS(); }), 100); } setTextPosition(positionId) { return this._textPositionId = positionId; } // * FOR TEMP COMPABILITY setOuterSettings(settings) { this._params = this._loadParametersByStyleId(0, settings); this._additionH = this._params.addToHeight; return this._additionW = this._params.addToWidth; } create() { super.create(); this._setTextPosition(); // * Центрирование спрайта с тектом когда сверху или снизу return this._centerTopDownText(); } _setTextPosition() { if (this._textPositionId === 0) { // * DOWN this.textSprite.move(-this._fontSettings.iconSize, this._fontSettings.iconSize); } if (this._textPositionId === 1) { // * TOP this.textSprite.move(-this._fontSettings.iconSize, -this._fontSettings.iconSize); } if (this._textPositionId === 2) { // * RIGHT this.textSprite.move(0, 0); } if (this._textPositionId === 3) { // * LEFT return this.textSprite.move(-(this._fontSettings.iconSize + 2) * 2, 0); } } _centerTopDownText() { if (this._textPositionId === 0 || this._textPositionId === 1) { if (this.textSprite.width < this._fontSettings.iconSize) { this.textSprite.move(this.textSprite.x + (this._fontSettings.iconSize - this.textSprite.width) / 2, this.textSprite.y); } else { this.textSprite.move(this.textSprite.x - Math.abs((this._fontSettings.iconSize - this.textSprite.width) / 2), this.textSprite.y); } } } _updateABS() { if (this.battler == null) { return; } if (this._disposed === true) { return; } return this._updateText(); } _updateText() { if (this.state != null) { this._proccessState(); } else { this._processBuff(); } if (this.text == null) { this.text = ""; this.destroy(); } return this._drawTextLine(); } _proccessState() { if (this._fontSettings.textVisible === true) { this.text = this.battler._stateTurns[this.stateId]; if (this.text != null) { return this._convertTimeText(); } } else { return this.text = ""; } } _convertTimeText() { if (this.state.autoRemovalTiming === 1) { return this.text = this._params.stateAfterActionText; } else if (this.state.autoRemovalTiming === 0) { return this.text = ' '; } else { return this.text = AlphaABS.UTILS.framesToTimeA(this.text); } } _processBuff() { var realIndex, statesLen; statesLen = this.battler.states().length; realIndex = this.buffId - statesLen; this.text = this.battler._buffTurns[realIndex]; if (this.text != null) { return this.text = AlphaABS.UTILS.framesToTimeA(this.text); } } //?[OVER BASE] _getStayTimeMax() { if (this._isNeedDispose === true) { return 4; } return -1; } dispose() { this._disposed = true; this.parent.refresh(); this.terminate(); return super.dispose(); } terminate() { return AA.clearInterval(this._thread); } destroy() { return this._isNeedDispose = true; } setStateId(battler, stateId) { this.battler = battler; this.stateId = stateId; this.state = $dataStates[stateId]; return this._setNewItem(this.state.iconIndex); } _setNewItem(iconIndex) { this._loadStateSettings(); this.setIcon(iconIndex); this.setText(" ", this._params.textColor); this.setTextPosition(this._params.stateTimeTextPosition); return this.create(); } _loadStateSettings() { var styleId; if (this._params == null) { if (AlphaABS.jDATA.StatesPanelSettings != null) { styleId = this._loadProperStyleId(); this._params = this._loadParametersByStyleId(styleId, AlphaABS.jDATA.StatesPanelSettings); this._additionH = this._params.addToHeight; this._additionW = this._params.addToWidth; } else { this._params = this._getDefaultTextParameters(); } } this.setFontSettings(this._params); return this.setEffectSettings(this._params); } _loadProperStyleId() { return 0; } _loadParametersByStyleId(styleId, settings) { var p, params; params = null; p = settings; p.forEach(function(item) { if (item.id === styleId) { return params = item; } }); if (params == null) { params = this._getDefaultTextParameters(); } else { params.stateAfterActionText = p[0].stateAfterActionText; params.stateTimeTextPosition = p[0].stateTimeTextPosition; } return params; } _getDefaultTextParameters() { return { fontName: null, fontSize: 18, fontOutlineWidth: 2, fontOutlineColor: "#000000", iconSize: 32, changeFontSize: 20, stayTime: -1, colorA: null, colorB: null, opacity: 0, gType: 0, textColor: "#caca00", stateAfterActionText: 'A', stateTimeTextPosition: 0, textVisible: true }; } setBuff(battler, buffId) { this.battler = battler; this.buffId = buffId; this.state = null; return this._setNewItem(this.battler.allIcons()[buffId]); } }; AXUI.register(Sprite_StateIcon); })(); // ■ END AXUI_Sprite_StateIcon.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AXUI_System_BattleStates.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var System_BattleStates; System_BattleStates = class System_BattleStates extends AXUI.Sprite_PopMachine { constructor(battler) { super(); this.setMode(2); this._battler = battler; this._maxItemsPerLine = 4; this._thread = AA.setInterval((() => { return this._updateABS(); }), 100); this._thread2 = AA.setInterval((() => { return this._updateABSLong(); }), 1000); this._collectedItems = 0; this._settings = null; this._loadSettings(); } collectItems() { var all, b, i, j, ref, states; b = this._battler; all = b.allIcons(); if (this._collectedItems === all.length) { return; } this._destroyMachines(); this._collectedItems = all.length; states = b.states(); for (i = j = 0, ref = all.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { if (i < states.length) { this.pushState(b, states[i].id); } else { this.pushBuff(b, i); } } return this.refresh(); } _destroyMachines() { this._items.forEach(function(item) { var ref; item.terminate(); if ((ref = item.parent) != null) { ref.removeChild(item); } return item = null; }); return this._items = []; } pushState(battler, stateId) { var item; item = new AXUI.Sprite_StateIcon(); item.setStateId(battler, stateId); return this.pushItem(item); } pushItem(item) { var e, machine; try { if (!this.anyMachineHasEmptySpace()) { if (this._settings.maxLines === 0) { this._createNewMachine(); } else { if (this._items.length < this._settings.maxLines) { this._createNewMachine(); } } } machine = this.machineWithEmptySpace(); if (machine != null) { return machine.push(item); } } catch (error) { e = error; return AlphaABS.warning(e, 'while add new State to states panel UI'); } } _createNewMachine() { var m; m = new AXUI.Sprite_PopMachine(); this._loadSettings(); m.bitmap = new Bitmap(50, 80); //TODO: Тут из настроек самих Status (размеры) m.setMode(this._settings.mode); m.setMargin(this._settings.margin); return this.push(m); } _loadSettings() { var p; if (this._settings == null) { this._settings = {}; if (AlphaABS.jDATA.StatesPanelSettings != null) { p = AlphaABS.jDATA.StatesPanelSettings[0]; this._settings.mode = p.statesNavigation; this._settings.margin = p.statesMargin; this._settings.maxLines = p.maxLines; } else { this._settings.mode = 3; this._settings.margin = -14; } } } anyMachineHasEmptySpace() { return this._items.some((item) => { return item.itemsCount() !== this._maxItemsPerLine; }); } machineWithEmptySpace() { var i, j, ref; for (i = j = 0, ref = this._items.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { if (this._items[i].itemsCount() < this._maxItemsPerLine) { return this._items[i]; } } } pushBuff(battler, buffIndex) { var item; item = new AXUI.Sprite_StateIcon(); item.setBuff(battler, buffIndex); return this.pushItem(item); } update() { return super.update(); } _updateABS() { var e; try { if (this._items.some(function(item) { return item.isDisposed() != null; })) { return this.refresh(); } } catch (error) { //@_rearrageItems() e = error; return AlphaABS.warning(e, ''); } } refresh() { this._clearEmpty(); return super.refresh(); } _clearEmpty() { var e, i, j, ref, results; try { if (this._items.length <= 1) { return; } results = []; for (i = j = 0, ref = this._items.length - 1; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { if (this._items[i].itemsCount() === 0) { results.push(this._items[i].isDisposed = function() { return true; }); } else { results.push(void 0); } } return results; } catch (error) { e = error; return AlphaABS.warning(e, ''); } } //$[DEPRECATED] _rearrageItems() { var e, item; try { if (this._items[1] == null) { return; } if (!(this._items[1].itemsCount() < this._maxItemsPerLine)) { return; } if (this._items[0] == null) { return; } item = this._items[0]._items[0]; this._items[0]._items[0] = null; this._items[0]._items.delete(null); if (item != null) { this._items[1].push(item); } return this.refresh(); } catch (error) { e = error; return AlphaABS.warning(e, ''); } } _updateABSLong() { return this.collectItems(); } terminate() { var ref; clearInterval(this._thread); clearInterval(this._thread2); this._items.forEach(function(item) { return item.terminate(); }); return (ref = this.parent) != null ? ref.removeChild(this) : void 0; } setMaxItemCountPerLine(count) { return this._maxItemsPerLine = count; } }; AXUI.register(System_BattleStates); })(); (function() { // ■ END AXUI_System_BattleStates.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AXUI_System_BattleStates.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- var System_BattleStates2; System_BattleStates2 = class System_BattleStates2 extends AXUI.Sprite_PopMachine { constructor(battler) { super(); this.setMode(2); this._battler = battler; this._maxItemsPerLine = 4; this._thread = AA.setInterval((() => { return this._updateABS(); }), 100); this._thread2 = AA.setInterval((() => { return this._updateABSLong(); }), 1000); this._collectedItems = 0; this._settings = null; this._loadSettings(); } collectItems() { var all, b, i, j, ref, states; b = this._battler; all = b.allIcons(); if (this._collectedItems === all.length) { return; } this._destroyMachines(); this._collectedItems = all.length; states = b.states(); for (i = j = 0, ref = all.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { if (i < states.length) { this.pushState(b, states[i].id); } else { this.pushBuff(b, i); } } return this.refresh(); } _destroyMachines() { this._items.forEach(function(item) { var ref; item.terminate(); if ((ref = item.parent) != null) { ref.removeChild(item); } return item = null; }); return this._items = []; } pushState(battler, stateId) { var item; item = new AXUI.Sprite_StateIcon(); item.setOuterSettings(AlphaABS.jDATA.EnemyStatusPanelSettings); item.setStateId(battler, stateId); return this.pushItem(item); } pushItem(item) { var e, machine; try { if (!this.anyMachineHasEmptySpace()) { if (this._settings.maxLines === 0) { this._createNewMachine(); } else { if (this._items.length < this._settings.maxLines) { this._createNewMachine(); } } } machine = this.machineWithEmptySpace(); if (machine != null) { return machine.push(item); } } catch (error) { e = error; return AlphaABS.warning(e, 'while add new State to states panel UI'); } } _createNewMachine() { var m; m = new AXUI.Sprite_PopMachine(); this._loadSettings(); m.bitmap = new Bitmap(50, 80); //TODO: Тут из настроек самих Status (размеры) m.setMode(this._settings.mode); m.setMargin(this._settings.margin); return this.push(m); } _loadSettings() { var p; if (this._settings == null) { this._settings = {}; if (AlphaABS.jDATA.EnemyStatusPanelSettings != null) { p = AlphaABS.jDATA.EnemyStatusPanelSettings[0]; this._settings.mode = p.statesNavigation; this._settings.margin = p.statesMargin; this._settings.maxLines = p.maxLines; } else { this._settings.mode = 3; this._settings.margin = -14; } } } anyMachineHasEmptySpace() { return this._items.some((item) => { return item.itemsCount() !== this._maxItemsPerLine; }); } machineWithEmptySpace() { var i, j, ref; for (i = j = 0, ref = this._items.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { if (this._items[i].itemsCount() < this._maxItemsPerLine) { return this._items[i]; } } } pushBuff(battler, buffIndex) { var item; item = new AXUI.Sprite_StateIcon(); item.setOuterSettings(AlphaABS.jDATA.EnemyStatusPanelSettings); item.setBuff(battler, buffIndex); return this.pushItem(item); } update() { return super.update(); } _updateABS() { var e; try { if (this._items.some(function(item) { return item.isDisposed() != null; })) { return this.refresh(); } } catch (error) { //@_rearrageItems() e = error; return AlphaABS.warning(e, ''); } } refresh() { this._clearEmpty(); return super.refresh(); } _clearEmpty() { var e, i, j, ref, results; try { if (this._items.length <= 1) { return; } results = []; for (i = j = 0, ref = this._items.length - 1; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { if (this._items[i].itemsCount() === 0) { results.push(this._items[i].isDisposed = function() { return true; }); } else { results.push(void 0); } } return results; } catch (error) { e = error; return AlphaABS.warning(e, ''); } } //$[DEPRECATED] _rearrageItems() { var e, item; try { if (this._items[1] == null) { return; } if (!(this._items[1].itemsCount() < this._maxItemsPerLine)) { return; } if (this._items[0] == null) { return; } item = this._items[0]._items[0]; this._items[0]._items[0] = null; this._items[0]._items.delete(null); if (item != null) { this._items[1].push(item); } return this.refresh(); } catch (error) { e = error; return AlphaABS.warning(e, ''); } } _updateABSLong() { return this.collectItems(); } terminate() { var ref; AA.clearInterval(this._thread); AA.clearInterval(this._thread2); this._items.forEach(function(item) { return item.terminate(); }); return (ref = this.parent) != null ? ref.removeChild(this) : void 0; } setMaxItemCountPerLine(count) { return this._maxItemsPerLine = count; } }; AXUI.register(System_BattleStates2); })(); // ■ END AXUI_System_BattleStates.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ ButtonsProLoader.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var ButtonsProLoader; ButtonsProLoader = function() { throw new Error('This is a static class'); }; ButtonsProLoader.createButtonFromJson = function(name) { var btnData, button, e; try { btnData = AlphaABS.jDATA.UIButtons.find(function(item) { return item.name === name; }); if (btnData == null) { return null; } button = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_XButton(); ButtonsProLoader.configurateButton(btnData, button); return button; } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while load button ' + name + ' from JSON file'); return null; } }; ButtonsProLoader.configurateButton = function(data, button) { var e, imgs, posX, posY; try { button.buttonId = AlphaABS.jDATA.UIButtons.indexOf(data); button.buttonName = data.name; if (data.isCheckAlpha === true) { button.setAlphaMode(); } if (data.labelText != null) { button.setHelpText(data.labelText[0], data.labelText[1]); button.setTextPosition(data.labelText[2]); } if (data.isOverrideClickInput === true) { button.setOverrideMode(); } imgs = [data.mainImg != null ? ImageManager.loadAA(data.mainImg) : null, data.hoverImg != null ? ImageManager.loadAA(data.hoverImg) : null, data.pressedImg != null ? ImageManager.loadAA(data.pressedImg) : null, data.disabledImg != null ? ImageManager.loadAA(data.disabledImg) : null]; button.setButtonImages(...imgs); button.global = true; //if data.isOnlyOnMap == false if (data.commonEventOnClick > 0) { button.addClickHandler(function() { return $gameTemp.reserveCommonEvent(data.commonEventOnClick); }); } if (data.mapEventOnClick > 0) { button.addClickHandler(function() { var ev; ev = $gameMap.event(data.mapEventOnClick); if (ev != null) { return ev.start(); } }); } if (data.scriptOnClick != null) { button.addClickHandler(function() { return eval(data.scriptOnClick); }); } if (data.condition != null) { button.setCondition(function() { return eval(data.condition); }); } if (data.conditionForDisable != null) { button.setConditionForDisable(function() { return eval(data.conditionForDisable); }); } //button.setInfoData data.infoData if data.infoData? button.visible = data.visible; if ((data.disabled != null) && data.disabled === true) { button.disable(); } //MOVING posX = 0; posY = 0; try { if (KDCore.SDK.isInt(data.position[0])) { posX = data.position[0]; } else { posX = eval(data.position[0]); } if (KDCore.SDK.isInt(data.position[1])) { posY = data.position[1]; } else { posY = eval(data.position[1]); } } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.warning(e, " while calculate button coordinate"); posX = 0; posY = 0; } button.move(posX, posY); } catch (error) { //button.setLocalMode() if data.isOnScreen is false e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while configurate button from JSON file'); } }; AlphaABS.ButtonsProLoader = ButtonsProLoader; })(); // ■ END ButtonsProLoader.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ ButtonsProManager.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //@[GLOBAL DEFINITION] var ButtonsProManager; ButtonsProManager = function() { throw new Error('This is a static class'); }; ButtonsProManager.init = function() { if (ButtonsProManager.buttons == null) { this.buttons = {}; } }; ButtonsProManager.loadABS = function() { if (AlphaABS.jDATA.UIButtons == null) { return; } //"CREA".p() ButtonsProManager.createButton('jump'); ButtonsProManager.createButton('follow'); ButtonsProManager.createButton('rotate'); ButtonsProManager.createButton('weapons'); return ButtonsProManager.createButton('attack'); }; //TODO: Special behaviour for Attack button ButtonsProManager.loadCustom = function() {}; //?EMPTY {PRO ONLY} ButtonsProManager.loadSaveContent = function(data) { var e; try { ButtonsProManager.init(); Object.keys(data).forEach(function(item) { Object.keys(data[item]).forEach(function(itemInner) { ButtonsProManager._createButtonFromSaveData(Number(item), itemInner); ButtonsProManager.moveButton(itemInner, data[item][itemInner].x, data[item][itemInner].y); ButtonsProManager._setButtonVisibleFromSave(itemInner, data[item][itemInner].visibility, data[item][itemInner].manualHided); ButtonsProManager._setButtonDisabledFromSave(itemInner, data[item][itemInner].disabled, data[item][itemInner].manualDisabled); }); }); } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while load buttons from savefile'); } }; ButtonsProManager._createButtonFromSaveData = function(mapId, name) { var button; button = ButtonsProManager.getButton(mapId, name); if (button == null) { button = AlphaABS.ButtonsProLoader.createButtonFromJson(name); if (button == null) { return; } ButtonsProManager.saveButton(button); } }; ButtonsProManager.createSaveContent = function() { var btns, contentToSave, e; contentToSave = {}; try { btns = ButtonsProManager.buttons; Object.keys(btns).map(function(key) { return Number(key); }).forEach(function(key) { return contentToSave[key] = ButtonsProManager._extractSaveData(btns[key]); }); } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while create save data'); } return contentToSave; }; ButtonsProManager._extractSaveData = function(values) { var data; data = {}; Object.keys(values).forEach(function(key) { return data[key] = { x: values[key].realX(), y: values[key].realY(), visibility: values[key].visible, manualHided: values[key]._manualHided, disabled: values[key].isDisabled(), manualDisabled: values[key]._manualDisabled }; }); return data; }; ButtonsProManager.createButton = function(name) { var button, e, mapId, system; try { if (name == null) { return; } if (!ButtonsProManager.isProperScene()) { return; } mapId = 0; //$gameMap.mapId() button = ButtonsProManager.getButton(mapId, name); if (button == null) { button = AlphaABS.ButtonsProLoader.createButtonFromJson(name); if (button == null) { return; } //TODO: Свойство видимости сбрасывается почему то //ButtonsProManager.saveButton button system = ButtonsProManager.getCurrentSystem(); if (system != null) { system.addButton(button); } } } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while create button ' + name); } }; ButtonsProManager.getButton = function(mapId, name) { var buttonData, e, mapData; try { mapData = ButtonsProManager.buttons[mapId]; if (mapData != null) { buttonData = ButtonsProManager.buttons[mapId][name]; if (buttonData != null) { return buttonData; } } } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while try get button ' + name + ' from manager'); } return null; }; ButtonsProManager.saveButton = function(button) { var e, mapId, name; try { name = button.buttonName; mapId = button.global === true ? 0 : $gameMap.mapId(); if (ButtonsProManager.buttons[mapId] == null) { ButtonsProManager.buttons[mapId] = {}; } return ButtonsProManager.buttons[mapId][name] = button; } catch (error) { e = error; return AlphaABS.error(e, 'while save button to manager'); } }; ButtonsProManager.getAllButtons = function() { return ButtonsProManager.getGlobalButtons().concat(ButtonsProManager.getMapButtons()); }; ButtonsProManager.getGlobalButtons = function() { return ButtonsProManager._getButtons(0); }; ButtonsProManager.getMapButtons = function() { var e, mapId; try { mapId = $gameMap.mapId(); if (mapId == null) { []; } return ButtonsProManager._getButtons(mapId); } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while try get Map buttons '); return []; } }; ButtonsProManager._getButtons = function(id) { var buttons; buttons = ButtonsProManager.buttons[id]; if (buttons != null) { return Object.values(buttons); } else { return []; } }; ButtonsProManager.destroyButton = function(name) { var btn, e; try { btn = ButtonsProManager.getButton($gameMap.mapId(), name); if (btn != null) { btn = ButtonsProManager._destroyButton(btn, $gameMap.mapId()); } else { } btn = ButtonsProManager.getButton(0, name); if (btn != null) { return ButtonsProManager._destroyButton(btn, 0); } } catch (error) { e = error; return AlphaABS.error(e, 'while try destroy button ' + name); } }; ButtonsProManager._destroyButton = function(button, mapId) { var system; system = ButtonsProManager.getCurrentSystem(); if (system != null) { system.deleteButton(button); } delete ButtonsProManager.buttons[mapId][button.buttonName]; }; ButtonsProManager.isProperScene = function() { var scene; scene = SceneManager._scene; if ((scene != null) && scene.constructor.name === 'Scene_Map') { if (scene.sceneButtonSystem != null) { return scene.sceneButtonSystem; } } return false; }; ButtonsProManager.isAnyButtonOverrideInput = function() { var system; system = ButtonsProManager.getCurrentSystem(); if (system != null) { return system.isAnyButtonOverrideInput(); } return false; }; ButtonsProManager.isAnyButtonInInputPoint = function() { var e; try { if (ButtonsProManager.isAnyButtonOverrideInput()) { return ButtonsProManager.getCurrentSystem().isAnyButtonInTouchPoint(); } } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while check any in Input'); } return false; }; ButtonsProManager.getCurrentSystem = function() { if (!ButtonsProManager.isProperScene()) { null; } return SceneManager._scene.sceneButtonSystem; }; ButtonsProManager.moveButton = function(name, x, y) { var btn, e; try { btn = ButtonsProManager.getButtonByName(name); if (btn == null) { return; } btn.move(x, y); if (btn.isLocalMode()) { btn.setLocalMode(); } } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while moving button ' + name); } }; ButtonsProManager.getButtonByName = function(name) { var btn; btn = ButtonsProManager.getButton($gameMap.mapId(), name); if (btn == null) { btn = ButtonsProManager.getButton(0, name); } return btn; }; ButtonsProManager.setButtonVisible = function(name, visibility) { var btn, e; try { btn = ButtonsProManager.getButtonByName(name); if (btn == null) { return; } if (visibility === false) { btn.hide(); } else { btn.show(); } } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while set button visibility ' + name); } }; ButtonsProManager.setButtonDisabled = function(name, idDisabled) { var btn, e; try { btn = ButtonsProManager.getButtonByName(name); if (btn == null) { return; } if (idDisabled === false) { btn.enable(); } else { btn.disable(); } } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while change disable or enable state to button ' + name); } }; ButtonsProManager._setButtonVisibleFromSave = function(name, visibility, manualHided) { var btn, e; try { btn = ButtonsProManager.getButtonByName(name); if (btn == null) { return; } btn.visible = visibility; btn._manualHided = manualHided; } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while set button visibility from save' + name); } }; ButtonsProManager._setButtonDisabledFromSave = function(name, idDisabled, manualDisabled) { var btn, e; try { btn = ButtonsProManager.getButtonByName(name); if (btn == null) { return; } btn._disabled = idDisabled; btn._manualDisabled = manualDisabled; btn.refreshEnDisState(); } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while change disable or enable state to button ' + name); } }; ButtonsProManager.setVisibilityForAllButtons = function(isVisible) { //ButtonsProManager.setVisibilityForMapButtons isVisible return ButtonsProManager.setVisibilityForGlobalButtons(isVisible); }; ButtonsProManager.setVisibilityForMapButtons = function(isVisible) { var buttons; buttons = ButtonsProManager.getMapButtons(); return buttons.forEach(function(b) { if (isVisible === true) { return b.show(); } else { return b.hide(); } }); }; ButtonsProManager.setVisibilityForGlobalButtons = function(isVisible) { var buttons; buttons = ButtonsProManager.getGlobalButtons(); return buttons.forEach(function(b) { if (isVisible === true) { return b.show(); } else { return b.hide(); } }); }; //ButtonsProManager.SetFastOpen = (isFastOpen) -> $gamePlayer._buttonsProFastOpen = isFastOpen // ■ END ButtonsProManager.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function () { //DataManager //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var _alias_DataManager_makeSaveContents = DataManager.makeSaveContents; DataManager.makeSaveContents = function () { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { var allABSAI = $gameTroop.membersABS().concat($gameParty.membersABS()); allABSAI.forEach(function (item) { item.onGameSave(); }); } return _alias_DataManager_makeSaveContents.call(this); }; var _DataManager_extractSaveContents = DataManager.extractSaveContents; DataManager.extractSaveContents = function (contents) { _DataManager_extractSaveContents.call(this, contents); if ($gameMap.isABS()) { var t = $gameMap.events(); t.forEach(function (ev) { if (ev instanceof Game_AIBot) { ev.onGameLoad(); } }); $gameParty.membersABS().forEach(function (item) { item.onGameLoad(); }); $gamePlayer.onGameLoad(); if ($gameVariables._absUserKeys) AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.loadKeyConfig($gameVariables._absUserKeys); } }; var _DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded = DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded; DataManager.isDatabaseLoaded = function () { if (_DataManager_isDatabaseLoaded.call(this) == true) { if (!$dataSkills[1].meta.ABS) { throw new Error(AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_ERROR_SKILLNAN); } if (DataManager._isOldRPGVersion()) { LOGW.p(AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_ERROR_OLDDATA); } return true; } else return false; }; DataManager._isOldRPGVersion = function () { if (Utils.RPGMAKER_VERSION) { var numbers = Utils.RPGMAKER_VERSION.split('.'); return (numbers[1] < 6); } else { return true; } }; //?[NEW] DataManager.loadAISpawnMap = function () { var mapId = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_SpawnMapId(); if (mapId > 0) { var filename = 'Map%1.json'.format(mapId.padZero(3)); this.loadDataFile('$dataSpawnMapAI', filename); } }; DataManager.loadAISpawnMap(); //@[ALIAS] var _alias_DataManager_loadDatabase = DataManager.loadDatabase; DataManager.loadDatabase = function () { _alias_DataManager_loadDatabase.call(this); this.loadABSJSONSettings(); AAJsonSettings.InitAndLoad(); }; DataManager._ABSSettingsJSONFiles = [{ name: 'ItemsNotifySettings', src: 'ItemsNotifySettings.json' }, { name: 'UIButtons', src: 'UIButtons.json' }, { name: 'StatesPanelSettings', src: 'StatesPanelSettings.json' }, { name: 'EnemyStatusPanelSettings', src: 'EnemyStatusPanelSettings.json' }, { name: 'FirearmPanel', src: 'FirearmPanel.json' } ]; //?[NEW] DataManager.loadABSJSONSettings = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this._ABSSettingsJSONFiles.length; i++) { var name = this._ABSSettingsJSONFiles[i].name; var src = this._ABSSettingsJSONFiles[i].src; this.loadABSJSONSettingsFile(name, src); } }; DataManager.loadABSJSONSettingsFile = function (name, src) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); var url = 'data/AABS/' + src; xhr.open('GET', url); xhr.overrideMimeType('application/json'); xhr.onload = function () { if (xhr.status < 400) { AlphaABS.jDATA[name] = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); } }; xhr.onerror = function () { }; AlphaABS.jDATA[name] = null; xhr.send(); }; //END DataManager //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ DataManager_PRO.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { //@[ALIAS] var _alias_DataManager_setupNewGame = DataManager.setupNewGame; DataManager.setupNewGame = function () { _alias_DataManager_setupNewGame.call(this); try { if (Utils.isNwjs()) { FontLoadManager.init(); FontLoadManager.loadAll(); } } catch (error) { FontLoadManager._ready = true; AlphaABS.warning(error, 'while load text fonts'); } }; })(); // ■ END DataManager_PRO.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //FontLoadManager var FontLoadManager = function () { throw new Error('This is a static class'); }; FontLoadManager.init = function () { var fs = require('fs'); this._files = fs.readdirSync(this.localFileDirectoryPath()); this._ready = false; }; FontLoadManager.isReady = function () { return (this._ready == true); }; FontLoadManager.loadAll = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this._files.length; i++) { if (this._files[i].includes('.ttf') || this._files[i].includes('.TTF')) { console.log("Load font " + this._files[i]); var name = this._files[i].substring(0, this._files[i].length - 4); var url = this.localFileDirectoryPath() + this._files[i]; url = url.replaceAll("\\", "\\\\"); Graphics.loadFont(name, url); } } this._ready = true; }; FontLoadManager._localFileDirectoryPath = null; FontLoadManager.localFileDirectoryPath = function () { if (this._localFileDirectoryPath == null) { const path = require('path'); const base = path.dirname(process.mainModule.filename); this._localFileDirectoryPath = path.join(base, 'fonts/'); } return this._localFileDirectoryPath; }; //END FontLoadManager //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (function(){ var PopInfoManagerABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.PopInfoManagerABS; //Game_Action //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //OVER Game_Action.prototype.setSubject = function(subject) { this._subject = subject; }; //OVER Game_Action.prototype.subject = function() { return this._subject; }; //OVER Game_Action.prototype.testApply = function(target) { return (this.isForDeadFriend() === target.isDead() && (this.isForOpponent() || (this.isHpRecover() && target.hp < target.mhp) || (this.isMpRecover() && target.mp < target.mmp) || (this.hasItemAnyValidEffects(target)))); }; var pkd_GameAction_executeDamage = Game_Action.prototype.executeDamage; Game_Action.prototype.executeDamage = function(target, value) { pkd_GameAction_executeDamage.call(this, target, value); PopInfoManagerABS.makeDamagePopUp(target); if (this.isDrain()) { PopInfoManagerABS.makeDrainPopUp(this.subject()); } }; var pkd_GameAction_itemEffectRecoverHp = Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectRecoverHp; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectRecoverHp = function(target, effect) { pkd_GameAction_itemEffectRecoverHp.call(this, target, effect); PopInfoManagerABS.makeDamagePopUp(target); }; var pkd_GameAction_itemEffectRecoverMp = Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectRecoverMp; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectRecoverMp = function(target, effect) { pkd_GameAction_itemEffectRecoverMp.call(this, target, effect); PopInfoManagerABS.makeDamagePopUp(target); }; var pkd_GameAction_itemEffectGainTp = Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectGainTp; Game_Action.prototype.itemEffectGainTp = function(target, effect) { pkd_GameAction_itemEffectGainTp.call(this, target, effect); PopInfoManagerABS.makeDamagePopUp(target); }; var pkd_GameAction_executeHpDamage = Game_Action.prototype.executeHpDamage; Game_Action.prototype.executeHpDamage = function(target, value) { pkd_GameAction_executeHpDamage.call(this, target, value); if(value == 0) { PopInfoManagerABS.makeZeroDamagePopUp(target); } }; //END Game_Action //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function () { var LOG = new PLATFORM.DevLog("Game_Actor"); var BattleManagerABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.BattleManagerABS; var Consts = AlphaABS.SYSTEM; //Game_Actor //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var _Game_Actor_initMembers = Game_Actor.prototype.initMembers; Game_Actor.prototype.initMembers = function () { _Game_Actor_initMembers.call(this); this._absParams.panelSkills = [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]; //[id,type] this._absParams.favoriteWeapons = [null, null, null, null]; }; //NEW Game_Actor.prototype.getFavWeapIcons = function () { return this._absParams.favoriteWeapons.map(function (argument) { if (argument) { return $dataWeapons[argument].iconIndex; } return null; }); }; Game_Actor.prototype.changeFormationABS = function () {}; //NEW Game_Actor.prototype.setFavWeap = function (item, index) { if (index > 3) return; if (item == null) { this.removeFavWeap(index); return; } if (this._absParams.favoriteWeapons[index] && item.id == this._absParams.favoriteWeapons[index]) { this.removeFavWeap(index); } else { this._absParams.favoriteWeapons[index] = item.id; } }; //NEW Game_Actor.prototype.isFavWeapExists = function () { return this._absParams.favoriteWeapons.some(function (elem) { return (elem !== null); }); }; //NEW Game_Actor.prototype.getFavWeapIndex = function (item) { var index = 0; if (item == null) return null; var finded = null; //This is not good at all this._absParams.favoriteWeapons.forEach(function (i) { if (i && i == item.id) { finded = index; } index++; }.bind(this)); return finded; }; //NEW Game_Actor.prototype.getFavWeapSymbol = function (item) { if (!DataManager.isWeapon(item)) return null; var index = this.getFavWeapIndex(item); if (index !== null) { var symbol = null; switch (index) { case 0: symbol = AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.SC_W(); break; case 1: symbol = AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.SC_D(); break; case 2: symbol = AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.SC_S(); break; case 3: symbol = AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.SC_A(); break; default: break; } if (symbol != null) { return AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.convertIKeyToLetter(symbol); } } return null; }; //NEW Game_Actor.prototype.removeFavWeap = function (index) { this._absParams.favoriteWeapons[index] = null; }; //NEW Game_Actor.prototype.changeFavWeap = function (index) { var fvItem = this._absParams.favoriteWeapons[index]; if (fvItem != null) { var fvItemX = $dataWeapons[fvItem]; if (fvItemX != null) { if (this.hasWeapon(fvItemX)) { return false; } if ($gameParty.hasItem(fvItemX, false)) { if (Imported.YEP_ItemCore == true) { var slotId = fvItemX.etypeId - 1; this.changeEquip(slotId, fvItemX); return true; } else { this.changeEquipById(fvItemX.etypeId, fvItemX.id); return true; } } } } return false; }; //OVER Game_Actor.prototype.performAttack = function () { var weapons = this.weapons(); var wtypeId = weapons[0] ? weapons[0].wtypeId : 0; if (this.isHasABSMotion() || this.isHasABSMotionX()) { this.requestABSMotionAction(); } else { var attackMotion = $dataSystem.attackMotions[wtypeId]; if (attackMotion) { this.startWeaponAnimation(attackMotion.weaponImageId); } } }; var pkd_GameActor_learnSkill = Game_Actor.prototype.learnSkill; Game_Actor.prototype.learnSkill = function (skillId) { var skill = $dataSkills[skillId]; if (!skill.meta.ABS) { LOGW.p("Skill " + skill.name + " not learned, not ABS type"); return; //Not allow learn not ABS skills } if (Utils.isMobileDevice()) { if (skill.meta.ABS) { var skillType = JSON.parse(skill.meta.ABS); if (skillType == 2 && skill.scope != 11) { LOGW.p("Skill " + skill.name + " not learned, not support on mobile platform"); return; } } } var isLearning = this.isLearnedSkill(skillId); pkd_GameActor_learnSkill.call(this, skillId); if (skill.occasion == 1 && !isLearning) { this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.push(skillId, false); this.setSkillOnPanel(skillId, undefined); AlphaABS.BattleUI.refresh(); } }; //NEW Game_Actor.prototype.uiPanelReset = function () { for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { this.setSkillOnPanel(null, i); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.uiPanelSkills = function () { return this._absParams.panelSkills; }; Game_Actor.prototype.skillByKeyIndex = function (index) { index = index - 1; //Keyboard from 1, but array from 0 if (index < 0 || index > 7) { return null; } var skillABS = this._absParams.panelSkills[index]; return skillABS; }; Game_Actor.prototype.uiPanelObjectsCount = function () { var count = 0; this._absParams.panelSkills.forEach(function (i) { if (i !== null) count++; }); return count; }; Game_Actor.prototype.setItemOnPanel = function (itemId, position) { if (this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.itemById(itemId) == null) { this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.push(itemId, true); } this._setObjectOnPanel(itemId, 1, position); }; // * В отличии от предыдущего, не обновляет позицию предмета Game_Actor.prototype.setOrRefreshItemOnPanel = function (itemId, position) { if (this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.itemById(itemId) == null) { this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.push(itemId, true); this._setObjectOnPanel(itemId, 1, position); } }; Game_Actor.prototype.setSkillOnPanel = function (skillId, position) { this._setObjectOnPanel(skillId, 0, position); }; Game_Actor.prototype._uiPanelFreeSlot = function () { for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (this._absParams.panelSkills[i] === null) { return i; } } return null; //Not empty slots }; Game_Actor.prototype._setOnPosition = function (id, type, position) { if (id == null) { this._absParams.panelSkills[position] = null; return; } if (type == 1) { this._absParams.panelSkills[position] = this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.itemById(id); } else { this._absParams.panelSkills[position] = this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.skillById(id); } }; Game_Actor.prototype._setObjectOnPanel = function (skillId, type, position) { if (position === undefined) { var slot = this._uiPanelFreeSlot(); if (slot >= 0) { this._setObjectOnPanel(skillId, type, slot); } else { return; } } else { if (skillId == null) { this._setOnPosition(null, type, position); } else { if (this._compareObjectOnPosition(skillId, type, position)) { //Remove if on self position this._setObjectOnPanel(null, type, position); } else { var index = this.skillIndexOnUI(skillId, type); if (index >= 0) { //Remove from other position if exists this._setOnPosition(null, type, index); } this._setOnPosition(skillId, type, position); } } } AlphaABS.BattleUI.refresh(); }; Game_Actor.prototype._compareObjectOnPosition = function (id, type, position) { if (this._absParams.panelSkills[position]) { var item = this._absParams.panelSkills[position]; if (item.skillId == id) { if (type == 1) { if (item.isItem()) return true; } else { if (!item.isItem()) return true; } } } return false; }; //Возвращяет номер этого навыка на панели или -1, если навыка нет на панели Game_Actor.prototype.skillIndexOnUI = function (skillId, isItem) { for (var i = 0; i < this._absParams.panelSkills.length; i++) { var item = this._absParams.panelSkills[i]; if (item === null) continue; if (item.skillId == skillId) { if (isItem) { if (item.isItem()) return i; } else if (!item.isItem()) return i; } } return -1; }; //OVER Game_Actor.prototype.performMapDamage = function () { $gameScreen.startFlashForDamage(); }; //OVER Game_Actor.prototype.turnEndOnMap = function () { //EMPTY }; Game_Actor.prototype.stopABS = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.stopABS.call(this); this._unloadLastFirearm(); if (this._absParams.stackSkillExists) { this._absParams.stackSkillExists = false; } }; Game_Actor.prototype._prepareABSSkill = function (absSkill) { Game_Battler.prototype._prepareABSSkill.call(this, absSkill); }; //NEW Game_Actor.prototype.refreshABSSkills = function () { var skillsAll = this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.all(); for (var i = skillsAll.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { var item = skillsAll[i]; if (item.isItem()) { if (item.isReady()) { if ($gameParty.numItems(item.skill()) == 0) { if (!this._absParams.panelSkills.include(item)) { LOG.p("Remove ITEM ABS from memory " + item.name()); skillsAll.splice(i, 0); } } } } } }; Game_Actor.prototype.performCurrentAction = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.performCurrentAction.call(this); }; var _Game_Actor_displayLevelUp = Game_Actor.prototype.displayLevelUp; Game_Actor.prototype.displayLevelUp = function (newSkills) { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { this._showLevelupAnimation(); } else _Game_Actor_displayLevelUp.call(this, newSkills); }; Game_Actor.prototype._showLevelupAnimation = function () { var levelUpAnimationId = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_LevelUpAnimationId(); if (levelUpAnimationId > 0) { var myChar = $gameParty.getAIBotByBattler(this); if (myChar != null) myChar.requestAnimationABS(levelUpAnimationId); } }; var _Game_Actor_tradeItemWithParty = Game_Actor.prototype.tradeItemWithParty; Game_Actor.prototype.tradeItemWithParty = function (newItem, oldItem) { $gameParty._noNotifyABS = true; var r = _Game_Actor_tradeItemWithParty.call(this, newItem, oldItem); $gameParty._noNotifyABS = false; return r; }; var _Game_Actor_gainExp = Game_Actor.prototype.gainExp; Game_Actor.prototype.gainExp = function (exp) { if ($gameMap.isABS() && exp > 0) { var nExp = Math.round(exp * this.finalExpRate()); if (this.isPlayer()) AlphaABS.BattleUI.pushExpOnPanel(nExp); } _Game_Actor_gainExp.call(this, exp); }; var pkd_GameActor_forgetSkill = Game_Actor.prototype.forgetSkill; Game_Actor.prototype.forgetSkill = function (skillId) { pkd_GameActor_forgetSkill.call(this, skillId); var index = this.skillIndexOnUI(skillId, false); if (index >= 0) this.setSkillOnPanel(null, index); //Delete from UI this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.remove(skillId, false); }; var _Game_Actor_changeEquip = Game_Actor.prototype.changeEquip; Game_Actor.prototype.changeEquip = function (slotId, item) { this._absParams.needWeaponCheck = true; _Game_Actor_changeEquip.call(this, slotId, item); }; var _Game_Actor_discardEquip = Game_Actor.prototype.discardEquip; Game_Actor.prototype.discardEquip = function (item) { this._absParams.needWeaponCheck = true; _Game_Actor_discardEquip.call(this, item); }; var _Game_Actor_refresh = Game_Actor.prototype.refresh; Game_Actor.prototype.refresh = function () { _Game_Actor_refresh.call(this); if (this._absParams.needWeaponCheck) { this._checkAdditionSkills(); if ($gameMap.isABS()) { this._refreshWeaponABS(); this._absParams.needWeaponCheck = false; AlphaABS.BattleUI.refreshWeaponIconAt(0); } } }; //?[NEW] Game_Actor.prototype.checkAutoReloadFirearm = function (item) { var skill = this._firstBattleABSSkill(); if (!skill.isFirearm()) return; if (!skill.isNeedReloadStack()) return; if (item.id == skill.ammo) { this.reloadFirearm(); } }; //?[NEW] Game_Actor.prototype._refreshWeaponABS = function () { this._unloadLastFirearm(); this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.all()[0] = new Game_SkillABS(this.attackSkillId()); LOG.p("PL : Check weapon skill"); if (this.weapons().length > 0) { var w = this.weapons()[0]; if (w.meta.ABS) { if (w.meta.ABS == 0) { this._firstBattleABSSkill().loadExternal(w.meta); } if (w.meta.ABS == 1) { this._firstBattleABSSkill().loadExternal(w.meta, 1); } if (w.meta.firearm == 1) { LOG.p("Firearm finded!"); this._changeFirearm(); AlphaABS.BattleUI.showFirearmPanel(); } } else { this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.all()[0] = new Game_SkillABS(this.attackSkillId()); } } else { this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.all()[0] = new Game_SkillABS(this.attackSkillId()); } this.refreshABSMotion(); try { var ui = AA.BattleUI.getUI(); if (ui) { if (ui.userWeaponIconController) if (this.weapons()[0]) { var icon = this.weapons()[0].iconIndex; ui.userWeaponIconController.drawIcon(icon); } else { ui.userWeaponIconController.drawDefault(); } } } catch (e) { } AlphaABS.BattleUI.refresh(); }; //?[NEW] Game_Actor.prototype.refreshABSMotion = function () { this._absParams._isNeedABSMotionRefresh = true; }; //?[NEW] Game_Actor.prototype.isNeedABSMotionRefresh = function () { return (this._absParams._isNeedABSMotionRefresh == true); }; //?[NEW] Game_Actor.prototype.onABSMotionRefresh = function () { this._absParams._isNeedABSMotionRefresh = false; }; //?[NEW] Game_Actor.prototype.isHasABSMotion = function () { var skill = this._firstBattleABSSkill(); return skill.isHasMotion(); }; //?[NEW] Game_Actor.prototype.isHasABSMotionX = function () { var skill = this._firstBattleABSSkill(); return skill.isHasMotionX(); }; //?[NEW] Game_Actor.prototype._unloadLastFirearm = function () { var lastSkill = this._firstBattleABSSkill(); if (lastSkill.isFirearm()) { this._absParams._lastFirearmWeaponData = [lastSkill._currentStack, lastSkill.ammo]; this.unloadFirearm(); lastSkill.reloadFirearm(0); } }; //?[NEW] Game_Actor.prototype._firstBattleABSSkill = function () { return this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.all()[0]; }; //?[NEW] Game_Actor.prototype._changeFirearm = function () { if (!this.isPlayer()) return; this.reloadFirearm(); }; //?[NEW] Game_Actor.prototype.unloadFirearm = function () { if (this._absParams._lastFirearmWeaponData != null) { var itemsCountFromStack = this._absParams._lastFirearmWeaponData[0]; if (itemsCountFromStack > 0) { var ammoItem = $dataItems[this._absParams._lastFirearmWeaponData[1]]; $gameParty._noNotifyABS = true; $gameParty.gainItem(ammoItem, itemsCountFromStack); LOG.p("Firearm unloaded to inventory " + itemsCountFromStack); $gameParty._noNotifyABS = false; } this._absParams._lastFirearmWeaponData = null; } AlphaABS.BattleUI.refresh(); }; //?[NEW] Game_Actor.prototype.reloadFirearm = function () { var skill = this._firstBattleABSSkill(); if (!skill.isFirearm()) return; if (!skill.isReady()) return; if (skill._currentStack == skill.stack) return; if (skill._currentStack > 0) { this._absParams._lastFirearmWeaponData = [skill._currentStack, skill.ammo]; this.unloadFirearm(); skill.reloadFirearm(0); } var ammoItem = $dataItems[skill.ammo]; var itemsCount = $gameParty.numItems(ammoItem); LOG.p("Try reload firearm " + itemsCount); if (itemsCount >= skill.stack) { $gameParty.loseItem(ammoItem, skill.stack); skill.reloadFirearm(skill.stack); } else { if (itemsCount > 0) { skill.reloadFirearm(itemsCount); $gameParty.loseItem(ammoItem, itemsCount); } else { LOG.p("Try reload firearm : NO AMMO"); AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.alertOnUIbySym('noAmmo'); skill.reloadFirearm(0); } } AlphaABS.BattleUI.refresh(); }; //NEW Game_Actor.prototype._checkAdditionSkills = function () { LOG.p("Check addition skills"); this.addedSkills().forEach(function (i) { if (this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.skillById(i) == null) { this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.push(i, false); this.setSkillOnPanel(i, undefined); } }.bind(this)); //CHECK ALL var d = this._skills.concat(this.addedSkills()); this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.all().forEach(function (i) { if (!d.include(i.skillId)) { if (i.skillId != this.attackSkillId()) { this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.remove(i.skillId, false); var index = this.skillIndexOnUI(i.skillId, false); if (index != -1) { this.setSkillOnPanel(null, index); } } } }.bind(this)); }; //1 var _Game_Actor_isEquipTypeLocked = Game_Actor.prototype.isEquipTypeLocked; Game_Actor.prototype.isEquipTypeLocked = function (etypeId) { if (etypeId == 1) { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { var timer = this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.all()[0].isReady(); if (timer) { return _Game_Actor_isEquipTypeLocked.call(this, etypeId); } else { return true; } } else { return _Game_Actor_isEquipTypeLocked.call(this, etypeId); } } else { return _Game_Actor_isEquipTypeLocked.call(this, etypeId); } }; Game_Actor.prototype._initBattleSkills = function () { Game_Battler.prototype._initBattleSkills.call(this); this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.push(this.attackSkillId(), false); this._absParams.needWeaponCheck = true; }; Game_Actor.prototype.isPlayer = function () { return (this == $gamePlayer.battler()); }; //OVER Game_Actor.prototype.makeActions = function () { Game_Battler.prototype.makeActions.call(this); if (this.isConfused()) this.makeConfusionActions(); else this.makeAutoBattleActions(); }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Game_Actor_addNewState = Game_Actor.prototype.addNewState; Game_Actor.prototype.addNewState = function (stateId) { _alias_Game_Actor_addNewState.call(this, ...arguments); if (this.isPlayer()) { var panel = AlphaABS.BattleUI.getPlayerStatusPanel(); if (panel != null) { panel.collectItems(); } } }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Game_Actor_changeLevel = Game_Actor.prototype.changeLevel; Game_Actor.prototype.changeLevel = function () { _alias_Game_Actor_changeLevel.call(this, ...arguments); //$[TEMP SOLUTION] try { if (AlphaABS.isABS()) { var ui = AA.BattleUI.getUI(); if (ui) { ui._levelSprite.drawText($gameParty.leader().level); } } } catch (e) { } }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Game_Actor_performDamage = Game_Actor.prototype.performDamage; Game_Actor.prototype.performDamage = function () { if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isNeedScreenShakeOnDamage()) _alias_Game_Actor_performDamage.call(this); else { if (this.isSpriteVisible()) { this.requestMotion('damage'); } else { // * NOTHING } SoundManager.playActorDamage(); } }; //END Game_Actor //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Game_Actor EXT.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var _; //@[DEFINES] _ = Game_Actor.prototype; _._setSkillOnPanelByID = function(skillId, index) { var e, skill; if (!this.isLearnedSkill(skillId)) { return; } try { skill = $dataSkills[skillId]; if (skill.occasion === 1) { if (index != null) { if (index === this._getSkillIndexOnUIByID(skillId)) { return; } } return this.setSkillOnPanel(skillId, index); } } catch (error) { e = error; return AA.warning('when set skill on panel with uAPI', e); } }; _._getSkillIndexOnUIByID = function(skillId) { var data, i, j, ref; data = this.uiPanelSkills(); for (i = j = 0, ref = data.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { if (data[i] == null) { continue; } if (data[i].skillId === skillId && !data[i].isItem()) { return i; } } return null; }; _._removeSkillFromPanelByID = function(skillId) { var index; index = this._getSkillIndexOnUIByID(skillId); if (index != null) { return this.setSkillOnPanel(null, index); } }; _._saveUISkillPanelState = function() { var data, i, j, ref; $gamePlayer.__savedUIPanelSkills = []; data = this.uiPanelSkills(); for (i = j = 0, ref = data.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { if (data[i] != null) { $gamePlayer.__savedUIPanelSkills[i] = [data[i].skillId, data[i].isItem()]; } else { $gamePlayer.__savedUIPanelSkills[i] = null; } } }; _._restoreUISkillPanelState = function() { var data, i, item, j, ref; if ($gamePlayer.__savedUIPanelSkills == null) { return; } this.uiPanelReset(); data = $gamePlayer.__savedUIPanelSkills; for (i = j = 0, ref = data.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { item = data[i]; if (item != null) { if (item[1] === true) { this._setItemOnPanelByID(item[0], i); } else { this._setSkillOnPanelByID(item[0], i); } } else { this.setSkillOnPanel(null, i); } } }; _._setItemOnPanelByID = function(itemId, index) { var e, item; item = $dataItems[itemId]; if (!this.__isProperItemToPanel(item)) { return; } try { if (index != null) { if (index === this._getItemIndexOnUIByID(itemId)) { return; } } return this.setItemOnPanel(itemId, index); } catch (error) { e = error; return AA.warning('when set item on panel with uAPI', e); } }; _.__isProperItemToPanel = function(item) { return (item != null) && item.occasion === 1 && (item.meta.ABS != null); }; _._getItemIndexOnUIByID = function(itemId) { var data, i, j, ref; data = this.uiPanelSkills(); for (i = j = 0, ref = data.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { if (data[i] == null) { continue; } if (data[i].skillId === itemId && data[i].isItem()) { return i; } } return null; }; _._removeItemFromPanelByID = function(itemId) { var index; index = this._getItemIndexOnUIByID(itemId); if (index != null) { return this.setSkillOnPanel(null, index); } }; })(); // ■ END Game_Actor EXT.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function () { "use strict"; var LOG = new PLATFORM.DevLog("BattleProcessABS"); LOG.applyLibraryColors(); var PointX = AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX; var ABSUtils = AlphaABS.UTILS; //BattleProcessABS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Game_BattleProcessABS { constructor() { this._postProcesses = []; this._skill = null; this._centerPoint = null; } performBattleAction(subject, target) { this._processAction(subject, target, subject.battler().currentAction()); } performBattleActionZone(subject, action) { LOG.p("Battle : Start Zone Action"); this._processAction(subject, null, action); } performBattleActionRadius(subject, point, action, skill) { LOG.p("Battle : Start Radius Action"); this._centerPoint = point; this._processAction(subject, null, action); } startPostBattleAction(subject, target, action, skill) { LOG.p("Battle : Start post Action"); action._forcing = true; //Because subject use MP and other on action start var postProcess = {}; postProcess.subject = subject; postProcess.target = target; postProcess.action = action; postProcess.skill = skill; var t = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Game_SVector(postProcess); this._postProcesses.push(t); $gameMap.addSVector(t); if (subject == $gamePlayer) { if (!$gamePlayer.inBattle()) $gamePlayer.onBattleStart(); } } performPostBattleAction(sVector) { try { var t = sVector.data(); if (t.skill.isVectorTypeR()) { LOG.p("Battle : Start Radius Action by Vector"); this._centerPoint = t.target; this._processAction(t.subject, null, t.action); } else { if(t.skill.isNoTarget()) { if(sVector._target != null) { this._processAction(t.subject, sVector._target, t.action); } else { this._centerPoint = t.target; this._processAction(t.subject, null, t.action); } } else { this._processAction(t.subject, t.target, t.action); } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } finally { this._postProcesses.delete(sVector); } } isPostProcessExists() { return (this._postProcesses.length != 0); } //PRIVATE _processAction(subject, target, action) { if (subject == null) { return; } if (!subject.battler()) { return; } if (action) { action.prepare(); //??? if (action.isValid()) { this._start_action(subject, target, action); this._end_action(subject); } } } _start_action(subject, target, action) { //subject.requestEffect('whiten'); TODO try { this._skill = subject.battler().skillABS_byAction(action); action.applyGlobal(); var targets = this._makeTargets(subject, target); targets.delete(null); this._showAnimation(subject, targets, action); targets.forEach(function (item) { if (item && item.inActive()) { this._invokeAction(subject, item, action); } }.bind(this)); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } _end_action(subject) { if (subject && subject.battler()) { subject.battler().performActionEnd(); //??? subject.battler().onAllActionsEnd(); } this._skill = null; this._centerPoint = null; } _invokeAction(subject, target, action) { if (action.numRepeats() > 1) { var time = 120; if (this._skill && this._skill.repeatDelay > 0) { time = this._skill.repeatDelay; } for (var i = 0; i < action.numRepeats(); i++) { AA.setTimeout(function () { this._invokeNormalAction(subject, target, action); }.bind(this), time * i); } } else this._invokeNormalAction(subject, target, action); } _invokeNormalAction(subject, target, action) { //var realTarget = this.applySubstitute(target); try { action.apply(target.battler()); var _skill = subject.battler().skillABS_byAction(action); if (_skill && _skill.cEonUse > 0) { if (target instanceof Game_AIBot) { target.startCommonEvent(_skill.cEonUse); } } if (_skill && _skill.isHasImpulse()) { if (target.battler().result().used) this._processImpulseAction(subject, target, _skill); } this._onActionResult(subject, target); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } _processImpulseAction(subject, target, absSkill) { if (target != $gamePlayer) { if (target.behaviorModel().heavy) return; } var d = subject.direction(); var dx = 0; var dy = 0; var dd = d; if (absSkill.isRandomImpulseDirecton()) { dx = KDCore.SDK.rand(0, 1); dy = KDCore.SDK.rand(0, 1); } else { if (target.x == subject.x && target.y == subject.y) { //ON SELF if (d == 4 || d == 6) { //X if (d == 4) { dx = -1; } else dx = 1; } else if (d == 2 || d == 8) { //Y if (d == 2) { dy = 1; } else { dy = -1; } } } else { if (target.x < subject.x) { dx = -1; dd = 4; } if (target.y < subject.y) { dy = -1; dd = 8; } if (target.x > subject.x) { dx = 1; dd = 6; } if (target.y > subject.y) { dy = 1; dd = 2; } } } target.onApplyImpulseForce(dx * absSkill.impulse, dy * absSkill.impulse, dd); } _makeTargets(subject, target) { try { var targets = []; if (this._skill.isZoneType()) { var zone = this._generateZone(subject, !this._skill.isIgnoreObstacles()); var points = zone.points; this._centerPoint = zone.center; var candidates = []; if (subject == $gamePlayer) { candidates = $gameTroop.membersABS(); } else { candidates = [$gamePlayer]; } for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { candidates.forEach(function (item) { if (ABSUtils.inPoint(item, points[i])) { targets.push(item); } }); } return targets; } else if (this._skill.isRadiusType() || this._skill.isVectorTypeR() || this._skill.isExplosive()) { if(this._skill.isExplosive() && this._centerPoint == null) { this._centerPoint = target.toPoint(); } if (subject == $gamePlayer) { targets = ABSUtils.inRadius(this._centerPoint, this._skill.radius, $gameTroop.membersABS()); } else { targets = ABSUtils.inRadius(this._centerPoint, this._skill.radius, [$gamePlayer]); } } else { targets.push(target); } return targets; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return []; } } _showAnimation(subject, targets, action) { try { if (action.isSkill() && action.item().id == subject.battler().attackSkillId()) { this._requestAnimation(targets, subject.battler().attackAnimationId1()); } else { var animId = action.item().animationId; /*if(this._skill.isVectorType() && this._skill.isNoTarget()) { if(targets.length == 0) { this._requestMapAnimation(animId); return; } }*/ if (this._skill.isZoneType() || this._skill.isRadiusType() || this._skill.isVectorTypeR() || this._skill.isExplosive()) { this._requestMapAnimation(animId); } else { this._requestAnimation(targets, animId); } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } _requestAnimation(objects, animationId) { objects.forEach(function (item) { if (item) item.requestAnimationABS(animationId); }); } _requestMapAnimation(animationId) { try { var sprite = new Sprite_Base(); sprite.anchor.x = -0.5; sprite.anchor.y = -0.5; var point = this._centerPoint.mapPointOnScreen(); sprite.x = point.x; sprite.y = point.y; LOG.p("Request Map animation on " + point); $gameMap.requestAnimationABS({ sprite: sprite, id: animationId }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } _onActionResult(subject, target) { try { if (target.battler().result().used) { this._resultOnDamage(target.battler()); target.battler().startDamagePopup(); subject.battler().startDamagePopup(); target.onActionOnMe(subject); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } _resultOnDamage(target) { try { if (target.result().missed) { if (target.result().physical) { target.performMiss(); } else { this._resultOnFailure(target); } } else if (target.result().evaded) { if (target.result().physical) { target.performEvasion(); } else { target.performMagicEvasion(); } } else { //HP if (target.result().hpAffected) { if (target.result().hpDamage > 0 && !target.result().drain) { target.performDamage(); } if (target.result().hpDamage < 0) { target.performRecovery(); } } //MP if (target.isAlive() && target.result().mpDamage !== 0) { if (target.result().mpDamage < 0) { target.performRecovery(); } } //TP if (target.isAlive() && target.result().tpDamage !== 0) { if (target.result().tpDamage < 0) { target.performRecovery(); } } } target.performActionUsed(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } _resultOnFailure(target) { //Empty } _resultOnAffectedStatus(target) { try { var states = target.result().addedStateObjects(); states.forEach(function (state) { var state_msg = target.isActor() ? state.message1 : state.message2; }.bind(this)); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } _generateZone(subject, withZoneCheck) { try { var d = ABSUtils.getDirKey(subject); var points = []; var point = subject.toPoint(); /* ** SUBJECT *** ** */ var centerPoint = null; switch (d) { case 'r': centerPoint = new PointX(point.x + 2, point.y); points.push(new PointX(point.x + 1, point.y + 1)); points.push(new PointX(point.x + 1, point.y - 1)); break; case 'l': centerPoint = new PointX(point.x - 2, point.y); points.push(new PointX(point.x - 1, point.y + 1)); points.push(new PointX(point.x - 1, point.y - 1)); break; case 'u': centerPoint = new PointX(point.x, point.y - 2); points.push(new PointX(point.x + 1, point.y - 1)); points.push(new PointX(point.x - 1, point.y - 1)); break; default: //d centerPoint = new PointX(point.x, point.y + 2); points.push(new PointX(point.x + 1, point.y + 1)); points.push(new PointX(point.x - 1, point.y + 1)); break; } points.push(centerPoint); points.push(new PointX(centerPoint.x - 1, centerPoint.y)); points.push(new PointX(centerPoint.x + 1, centerPoint.y)); points.push(new PointX(centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y - 1)); points.push(new PointX(centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y + 1)); if (withZoneCheck == true) { for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { if (!AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.checkLineOfSight(point, points[i])) { points.delete(points[i]); } } } /* * * CenterPoint * * */ return { center: centerPoint, points: points }; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return { center: AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX.Empty, points: [] }; } } } AlphaABS.register(Game_BattleProcessABS); AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.connectProcess(); //END BattleProcessABS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function () { var PopInfoManagerABS; var BattleManagerABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.BattleManagerABS; var _Game_Battler_initMembers = Game_Battler.prototype.initMembers; Game_Battler.prototype.initMembers = function () { _Game_Battler_initMembers.call(this); PopInfoManagerABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.PopInfoManagerABS; this._initBattleSkills(); }; var _GameBattler_attackSpeed = Game_Battler.prototype.attackSpeed; Game_Battler.prototype.attackSpeed = function () { var attackSpeed = _GameBattler_attackSpeed.call(this); if (attackSpeed == 0) { return 120; } else return attackSpeed; }; //NEW Game_Battler.prototype.initABS = function () { this.appear(); if (!this.isPreserveTp()) { this.initTp(); } this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.all().forEach(function (item) { this._prepareABSSkill(item); }.bind(this)); }; //NEW Game_Battler.prototype.onGameLoad = function () { //EMPTY }; //NEW Game_Battler.prototype.updateABS = function () { this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.update(); this.updateStateTurns(); this.updateBuffTurns(); this.removeStatesAuto(2); this.removeBuffsAuto(); }; //OVER Game_Battler.prototype.onTurnEnd = function () { this.regenerateAll(); }; var pkd_GameBattler_regenerateAll = Game_Battler.prototype.regenerateAll; Game_Battler.prototype.regenerateAll = function () { this.clearResult(); pkd_GameBattler_regenerateAll.call(this); if (this.isAlive()) { if (this.hp < this.mhp || this.mp < this.mmp) PopInfoManagerABS.makeDamagePopUp(this); } }; //OVER Game_Battler.prototype.onAllActionsEnd = function () { this.clearResult(); this.removeStatesAuto(1); }; //OVER Game_Battler.prototype.onBattleEnd = function () { this.onAllActionsEnd(); this.clearActions(); if (!this.isPreserveTp()) { this.clearTp(); } }; //OVER Game_Battler.prototype.resetStateCounts = function (stateId) { var state = $dataStates[stateId]; var variance = 0; if (state.autoRemovalTiming != 1) { //For now, turns calcs in a seconds variance += Math.max(state.maxTurns - state.minTurns, 0); this._stateTurns[stateId] = (state.minTurns + Math.randomInt(1 + variance)) * BattleManagerABS.TURN; } else { this._stateTurns[stateId] = 1; //TODO: After Action } }; //OVER Game_Battler.prototype.overwriteBuffTurns = function (paramId, turns) { var t = turns * BattleManagerABS.TURN; if (this._buffTurns[paramId] < t) { this._buffTurns[paramId] = t; } }; //NEW Game_Battler.prototype.stopABS = function () { this.onBattleEnd(); this.removeBattleStates(); this.removeAllBuffs(); }; //NEW Game_Battler.prototype.skillABS_byId = function (skillId, isItem) { isItem = SDK.check(isItem, false); if (isItem) { return this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.itemById(skillId); } else { return this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.skillById(skillId); } }; //NEW Game_Battler.prototype.skillABS_byAction = function (action) { if (action != null && action.item()) return this.skillABS_byId(action.item().id, action.isItem()); else return null; }; //NEW Game_Battler.prototype.skillABS_attack = function () { return this.skillABS_byId(this.attackSkillId(), false); }; Game_Battler.prototype.performCurrentAction = function () { var action = this.action(0); var skill = this.skillABS_byAction(action); if (skill.isNeedReloadParam()) { skill.preUse(this._calculateABSSkillReloadParam(skill.reloadParam)); } this.useItem(action.item()); skill.onUse(); if (skill.skillId != this.attackSkillId() && !skill.isNeedCast()) { //Атака не вызывает postUse //Навык, который необходимо кастовать, тоже не вызывает postUse this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.all().forEach(function (skill) { skill.postUse(); }); } this.removeStatesAuto(1); this.removeBuffsAuto(); }; Game_Battler.prototype._calculateABSSkillReloadParam = function (reloadParam) { var reloadVar = 10; try { /* jshint -W061 */ reloadVar = Math.round(parseInt(eval(reloadParam))); } catch (err) { AlphaABS.error(err, "Can't calculate "); reloadVar = 10; } return reloadVar; }; var _Game_Battler_onDamage = Game_Battler.prototype.onDamage; Game_Battler.prototype.onDamage = function (value) { _Game_Battler_onDamage.call(this, value); this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.all().forEach(function (s) { if (s.isCasting()) { s.onCastDelay(30); //TODO:: Подучать как лучше (в %), сколько урон от макс.HP в процентах, столько и в процентах от castMaxTime (начиная с порога) } }); }; //NEW Game_Battler.prototype._prepareABSSkill = function (absSkill) { //EMPTY }; //OVER Game_Battler.prototype.onBattleStart = function () { //EMPTY }; //OVER Game_Battler.prototype.addNewState = function (stateId) { Game_BattlerBase.prototype.addNewState.call(this, stateId); if (this._states.include(stateId)) { PopInfoManagerABS.makeStatePopUp(this, stateId, false); if (AlphaABS.isABS()) this._checkStateCommonEvent(stateId); } }; //?[NEW] Game_Battler.prototype._checkStateCommonEvent = function (stateId) { try { var state = $dataStates[stateId]; if (state) { if (state.meta.cEonStart > 0) { this._startCommonEventFromState(state.meta.cEonStart); } if (state.meta.cEonEnd > 0) { this._registerCommonEventOnStateEnd(stateId, state.meta.cEonEnd); } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; //?[NEW] Game_Battler.prototype._startCommonEventFromState = function (evId) { if (this.isPlayer()) { $gamePlayer.startCommonEventABS(evId); } else { this._startCommonEventOnAI(evId); } }; //?[NEW] Game_Battler.prototype._registerCommonEventOnStateEnd = function (stateId, evId) { if (!this._onEndStateEvents) this._onEndStateEvents = {}; this._onEndStateEvents[stateId] = evId; }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Game_Battler_removeState = Game_Battler.prototype.removeState; Game_Battler.prototype.removeState = function (stateId) { _alias_Game_Battler_removeState.call(this, stateId); try { if (this._onEndStateEvents) { if (this._onEndStateEvents[stateId]) { this._startCommonEventFromState(this._onEndStateEvents[stateId]); this._onEndStateEvents[stateId] = null; } } } catch(error) { AlphaABS.error(error,' while start commonEvent on state end'); } }; //?[NEW] Game_Battler.prototype._startCommonEventOnAI = function (commonEventId) { var all = BattleManagerABS.getAllBotsOnMap(); for (var i = 0; i < all.length; i++) { var bot = all[i]; if (bot.battler() == this) { bot.startCommonEvent(commonEventId); return; } } }; var pkd_GameBattler_addBuff = Game_Battler.prototype.addBuff; Game_Battler.prototype.addBuff = function (paramId, turns) { PopInfoManagerABS.makeBuffPopUp(this, paramId, true); pkd_GameBattler_addBuff.call(this, paramId, turns); }; var pkd_GameBattler_addDebuff = Game_Battler.prototype.addDebuff; Game_Battler.prototype.addDebuff = function (paramId, turns) { PopInfoManagerABS.makeBuffPopUp(this, paramId, false); pkd_GameBattler_addDebuff.call(this, paramId, turns); }; Game_Battler.prototype._initBattleSkills = function () { this._absParams.battleSkillsABS = new Game_SkillManagerABS(); }; //?[NEW] Game_Battler.prototype.requestABSMotionAction = function () { this._absParams._needABSMotionAction = true; }; //?[NEW] Game_Battler.prototype.onABSMotionActionDone = function () { this._absParams._needABSMotionAction = false; }; //?[NEW] Game_Battler.prototype.isNeedABSMotionAction = function () { return (this._absParams._needABSMotionAction == true); }; })(); (function(){ var PopInfoManagerABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.PopInfoManagerABS; var LOG = new PLATFORM.DevLog("Game_BattlerBase"); //Game_BattlerBase //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var pkd_GameBattlerBase_initMembers = Game_BattlerBase.prototype.initMembers; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.initMembers = function() { pkd_GameBattlerBase_initMembers.call(this); this._absParams = {}; this._absParams.popups = []; this._absParams.moveSpeedUpKoef = 0; }; var pkd_GameBattlerBase_eraseState = Game_BattlerBase.prototype.eraseState; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.eraseState = function(stateId) { if(this._states.include(stateId)) { PopInfoManagerABS.makeStatePopUp(this, stateId, true); this.onSpeedUpState(stateId, false); this.onMotionState(stateId, false); } pkd_GameBattlerBase_eraseState.call(this, stateId); }; var pkd_GameBattlerBase_addNewState = Game_BattlerBase.prototype.addNewState; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.addNewState = function(stateId) { var state = $dataStates[stateId]; if(state.restriction == 0 || state.restriction == 4) { pkd_GameBattlerBase_addNewState.call(this, stateId); this.onSpeedUpState(stateId, true); this.onMotionState(stateId, true); } else { LOGW.p("State " + state.name + " not supported in Alpha ABS"); } }; //NEW Game_BattlerBase.prototype.onSpeedUpState = function(stateId, up) { var state = $dataStates[stateId]; if(state.meta.speed) { if(up) { LOG.p("Speed UP State been added"); this._absParams.moveSpeedUpKoef += parseInt(state.meta.speed); } else { LOG.p("Speed UP State been removed"); this._absParams.moveSpeedUpKoef -= parseInt(state.meta.speed); } } }; //NEW Game_BattlerBase.prototype.onMotionState = function(stateId, up) { var state = $dataStates[stateId]; if(state.restriction == 4 && this.isPlayer()) { if(state.motion >= 2) { if(up) { //LOG.p("Sleep motion requested"); $gamePlayer.requestMotion('sleep'); } else { //LOG.p("Sleep motion removed"); $gamePlayer.requestMotion('none'); } } } }; //OVER Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isOccasionOk = function(item) { if($gameParty.inBattle()) { return item.occasion === 0 || item.occasion === 1; } else { return item.occasion === 0 || item.occasion === 1 || item.occasion === 2; } }; //NEW Game_BattlerBase.prototype.ABSParams = function() { return this._absParams; }; //NEW Game_BattlerBase.prototype.allIconsWithPriority = function(value) { var stateIcons = this.states().map(function(state) { if(state.priority >= value) return state.iconIndex; else return 0; }).filter(function(iconIndex) { return iconIndex > 0; }); return stateIcons; }; //NEW Game_BattlerBase.prototype.getInfoPops = function() { return this._absParams.popups; }; //NEW Game_BattlerBase.prototype.performActionUsed = function() { PopInfoManagerABS.makeItemPopUp(this); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.addInfoPop = function(info) { this._absParams.popups.push(info); }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.clearInfoPops = function() { this._absParams.popups = []; }; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isPlayer = function() { return (this == $gamePlayer.battler()); }; //?[NEW] Game_BattlerBase.prototype.isAAnimMotionRequested = function () { if(this._absParams) return this._absParams.animMotion != null; else return false; }; //?[NEW] Game_BattlerBase.prototype.requestAAnimMotion = function (motion) { if (this._absParams) this._absParams.animMotion = motion; }; //?[NEW] Game_BattlerBase.prototype.clearAAnimMotion = function () { if (this._absParams) this._absParams.animMotion = null; }; //?[NEW] Game_BattlerBase.prototype.performAAnimAction = function(ABSMotionData) { // * Если очищать, то будет возвращяться в базовую графику, а если нет, то обратно в текущую var aMotion = new AA.LIBS.AAnimMotion(); aMotion.setFromABSMotion(ABSMotionData); this.requestAAnimMotion(aMotion); }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Game_BattlerBase_canMove = Game_BattlerBase.prototype.canMove; Game_BattlerBase.prototype.canMove = function () { if(this.isAAnimMotionRequested()) { return !this._absParams.animMotion.isWait() && _alias_Game_BattlerBase_canMove.call(this); } else { return _alias_Game_BattlerBase_canMove.call(this); } }; Object.defineProperties(Game_BattlerBase.prototype, { // Hit Points mtp: { get: function () { return this.maxTp(); }, configurable: true } }); //END Game_BattlerBase //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Game_Character.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { //@[ALIAS] var _Game_Character_initMembers = Game_Character.prototype.initMembers; Game_Character.prototype.initMembers = function () { _Game_Character_initMembers.call(this); this._absParams = {}; this._absParams.animationABS = 0; this._absParams.useAStar = false; this._needShowABSHpBar = false; }; //NEW Game_Character.prototype.ABSParams = function () { return this._absParams; }; //NEW Game_Character.prototype.requestAnimationABS = function (animationId) { this._absParams.animationABS = animationId; }; //NEW Game_Character.prototype.moveToPoint = function (point) { var dir = this.findDirectionTo(point.x, point.y); if (dir > 0) { this.moveStraight(dir); } }; //NEW Game_Character.prototype.moveFromPoint = function (point) { var points = []; for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) { var direction = 2 + j * 2; if (this.canPass(this.x, this.y, direction)) { var x2 = $gameMap.roundXWithDirection(this.x, direction); var y2 = $gameMap.roundYWithDirection(this.y, direction); //if(x2 != point.x && y2 != point.y) points.push([x2, y2]); } } if (points.length > 0) { //LOG.p("POINTS " + points.length); var p; if (points.length > 1) p = points.sample(); else p = points[0]; var newPoint = { x: p[0], y: p[1] }; this.moveToPoint(newPoint); } }; if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isAStarAllowed()) { var _Game_Character_findDirectionTo = Game_Character.prototype.findDirectionTo; Game_Character.prototype.findDirectionTo = function (goalX, goalY) { if (this._absParams.useAStar == false) { return _Game_Character_findDirectionTo.call(this, goalX, goalY); } else { var t = AlphaABS.LIBS.ABSPathfinding.findPath(this, goalX, goalY); if (t == 0) t = _Game_Character_findDirectionTo.call(this, goalX, goalY); return t; } }; } } //?NEW Game_Character.prototype.onApplyImpulseForce = function (x, y, d) { if ((x === 1 || x === -1 || x === 0) && (y === 1 || y === -1 || y === 0)) { if (this.canPass(this.x, this.y, d)) { var ld = this.direction(); this.jump(x, y); this.setDirection(ld); } } else { this._onComplexImpulse(x, y, d); } }; //?NEW Game_Character.prototype._onComplexImpulse = function (x, y, d) { var ld, safe; ld = this.direction(); safe = 20; while (!this.canPass(this.x - 1 + x, this.y - 1 + y, d)) { x = AlphaABS.UTILS.decrement(x); y = AlphaABS.UTILS.decrement(y); if (x === 0 && y === 0) { break; } safe--; if (safe === 0) { return; } } this.jump(x, y); this.setDirection(ld); }; //?[NEW] Game_Character.prototype.hideHpBarABS = function () { this._needShowABSHpBar = false; }; //?[NEW] Game_Character.prototype.showHpBarABS = function () { this._needShowABSHpBar = true; }; //?[NEW] Game_Character.prototype.isHpBarVisible = function () { return (this._needShowABSHpBar == true); }; //?[NEW] Game_Character.prototype.inABSMotion = function () { return false; }; //?[NEW] Game_Character.prototype.getABSMotion = function() { return null; }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Game_Character_updatePattern = Game_Character.prototype.updatePattern; Game_Character.prototype.updatePattern = function () { try { if(this.inAAnimMotion()) { var amotion = this.getAAnimMotion(); if(!amotion.isStarted()) { amotion.startMotion(this); } if (amotion.isStarted() && this.__AnimMotionReady == true) { this._pattern = amotion.motionPattern(); if(amotion.checkAnimEnd()) { this._clearAAnimMotion(); } } } else if (this.inABSMotion()) { var motion = this.ABSParams().absMotion; if(motion.isOldABSMotion()) { this._onABSMotionPattern(); } else { this._onABSMotionPatternNew(); } } else { _alias_Game_Character_updatePattern.call(this); } } catch (error) { AlphaABS.warning(error, ' when try play ABS motion'); _alias_Game_Character_updatePattern.call(this); } }; //?[NEW] Game_Character.prototype._clearAAnimMotion = function () { if (this.inAAnimMotion()) { var amotion = this.getAAnimMotion(); amotion.clear(this); this.battler().clearAAnimMotion(); } }; //?[NEW] Game_Character.prototype._onABSMotionPattern = function () { var motion = this.ABSParams().absMotion; if (motion.inAction()) { this._pattern = motion.motionPattern(this._pattern); motion.onActionDone(); } else { _alias_Game_Character_updatePattern.call(this); if (!this.hasStepAnime() && this._stopCount > 0) { //?EMPTY } else this._pattern = motion.motionPattern(this._pattern); } }; //?[NEW] Game_Character.prototype._onABSMotionPatternNew = function () { var motion = this.ABSParams().absMotion; if (motion.inAction()) { motion.onActionDone(); } else { _alias_Game_Character_updatePattern.call(this); if (!this.hasStepAnime() && this._stopCount > 0) { //?EMPTY } else this._pattern = motion.motionPattern(this._pattern); } }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Game_Character_animationWait = Game_Character.prototype.animationWait; Game_Character.prototype.animationWait = function () { if(this.inAAnimMotion()) { var amotion = this.getAAnimMotion(); if(amotion != null) return (amotion.getDelay() - this.realMoveSpeed()) * 3; } if (this.inABSMotion()) { var motion = this.ABSParams().absMotion; if (!motion.isOldABSMotion()) { return (motion.getDelay() - this.realMoveSpeed()) * 3; } } return _alias_Game_Character_animationWait.call(this); }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Game_Character_updateAnimationCount = Game_Character.prototype.updateAnimationCount; Game_Character.prototype.updateAnimationCount = function () { if (this.inAAnimMotion()) { this._animationCount++; } else _alias_Game_Character_updateAnimationCount.call(this); }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Game_Character_pattern = Game_Character.prototype.pattern; Game_Character.prototype.pattern = function () { if (this.inAAnimMotion()) { var amotion = this.getAAnimMotion(); return this._pattern < amotion.getFrames() ? this._pattern : 1; } if (this.inABSMotion()) { var motion = this.ABSParams().absMotion; if (!motion.isOldABSMotion()) { return this._pattern < motion.getFrames() ? this._pattern : 1; } } return _alias_Game_Character_pattern.call(this); }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Game_Character_maxPattern = Game_Character.prototype.maxPattern; Game_Character.prototype.maxPattern = function () { if(this.inABSMotion()) { var motion = this.getABSMotion(); if(!motion.isOldABSMotion()) { return motion.getFrames(); } } return _alias_Game_Character_maxPattern.call(this); }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Game_Character_update = Game_Character.prototype.update; Game_Character.prototype.update = function () { _alias_Game_Character_update.call(this); this._updateABSMotion(); }; //?[NEW] Game_Character.prototype._updateABSMotion = function () { // * EMPTY }; //?[NEW] Game_Character.prototype.findMySprite = function () { if (SceneManager.isCurrentSceneIsMap()) { try { var spriteset = SceneManager._scene._spriteset; if(spriteset != null) { return spriteset.getSpriteForCharacter(this); } } catch (error) { AlphaABS.waring('Cant find sprite of battler'); } } return null; }; //?[NEW] Game_Character.prototype.getStartPointToVector = function () { var mySprite = this.findMySprite(); if (mySprite == null) { return this.toPoint(); } else { return mySprite.getStartPointToVector(); } }; })(); // ■ END Game_Character.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Game_Character_Ext.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var _; //@[DEFINES] _ = Game_Character.prototype; _.inAAnimMotion = function() { return false; }; _.getAAnimMotion = function() { return null; }; })(); // ■ END Game_Character_Ext.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Game_EnemyABS() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } (function () { //Game_EnemyABS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Game_EnemyABS.prototype = Object.create(Game_Enemy.prototype); Game_EnemyABS.prototype.constructor = Game_EnemyABS; //OVER Game_EnemyABS.prototype.initialize = function (enemyId) { Game_Enemy.prototype.initialize.call(this, enemyId, 0, 0); }; //OVER Game_EnemyABS.prototype.initMembers = function () { Game_Enemy.prototype.initMembers.call(this); this._absParams.myTurnCount = 0; //Количество секунд, проведённых в сессии боя this._absParams.rageContainer = null; }; //NEW Game_EnemyABS.prototype.regenerateAllonFree = function () { if (this.isAlive()) { if (this._hp != this.mhp) { var value = Math.floor(this.mhp * 0.05); value = Math.max(value, -this.maxSlipDamage()); if (value !== 0) { this.gainHp(value); } } if (this._mp != this.mmp) { var value = Math.floor(this.mmp * 0.05); if (value !== 0) { this.gainMp(value); } } } }; //OVER Game_EnemyABS.prototype.isActionValid = function (action) { var t = this.skillABS_byId(action.skillId); return Game_Enemy.prototype.isActionValid.call(this, action) && t.isReady(); }; //OVER Game_EnemyABS.prototype.meetsTurnCondition = function (param1, param2) { var n = this._absParams.myTurnCount; if (param2 === 0) { return n === param1; } else { return n > 0 && n >= param1 && n % param2 === param1 % param2; } }; Game_EnemyABS.prototype.clearStates = function () { Game_Enemy.prototype.clearStates.call(this); this._stateSteps = {}; }; Game_EnemyABS.prototype.eraseState = function (stateId) { Game_Enemy.prototype.eraseState.call(this, stateId); delete this._stateSteps[stateId]; }; Game_EnemyABS.prototype.resetStateCounts = function (stateId) { Game_Enemy.prototype.resetStateCounts.call(this, stateId); this._stateSteps[stateId] = $dataStates[stateId].stepsToRemove; }; Game_EnemyABS.prototype.initABS = function () { Game_Enemy.prototype.initABS.call(this); if (this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.all().length == 0) this._createBattleSkills(); }; //NEW (вынести на бота) Game_EnemyABS.prototype.onWalk = function () { this.clearResult(); this.states().forEach(function (state) { this.updateStateSteps(state); }, this); }; //NEW Game_EnemyABS.prototype.executeFloorDamage = function () { var damage = Math.floor(this.basicFloorDamage() * this.fdr); damage = Math.min(damage, this.maxFloorDamage()); this.gainHp(-damage); if (damage > 0) { this.startDamagePopup(); } }; //NEW Game_EnemyABS.prototype.updateStateSteps = function (state) { if (state.removeByWalking) { if (this._stateSteps[state.id] > 0) { if (--this._stateSteps[state.id] === 0) { this.removeState(state.id); } } } }; //NEW Game_EnemyABS.prototype.onTurnEnd = function () { Game_Enemy.prototype.onTurnEnd.call(this); this._absParams.myTurnCount += 1; }; //NEW Game_EnemyABS.prototype.attackAnimationId1 = function () { return 6; }; Game_EnemyABS.prototype.onBattleEnd = function () { Game_Enemy.prototype.onBattleEnd.call(this); this._absParams.myTurnCount = 0; this.removeBattleStates(); this.removeAllBuffs(); }; Game_EnemyABS.prototype.onDamage = function (value) { Game_Enemy.prototype.onDamage.call(this, value); if (this._absParams.rageContainer) { } }; //PRIVATE Game_EnemyABS.prototype._initBattleSkills = function () { Game_Enemy.prototype._initBattleSkills.call(this); }; Game_EnemyABS.prototype._createBattleSkills = function () { $dataEnemies[this._enemyId].actions.forEach(function (t) { var skill = $dataSkills[t.skillId]; if (skill.meta.ABS && skill.meta.ABS <= 2) //Can't use radius and zones skills this._absParams.battleSkillsABS.push(t.skillId, false); }.bind(this)); }; //END Game_EnemyABS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Game_Event.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { //?[NEW] Game_Event.prototype.isABSEvent = function () { try { var ev = this.event(); if (ev.meta && ev.meta.ABS) { return true; } } catch (error) { console.error(error); return false; } return false; }; })(); // ■ END Game_Event.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Game_Follower.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function(){ //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Game_Follower_refresh = Game_Follower.prototype.refresh; Game_Follower.prototype.refresh = function () { _alias_Game_Follower_refresh.call(this); this.refreshABSMotion(); }; //?[NEW] Game_Follower.prototype.refreshABSMotion = function () { if (this._absParams.absMotion != null) { this._absParams.absMotion.clearMotion(); this._absParams.absMotion = null; } if(this.isHasABSMotion()) { this._absParams.absMotion = new AlphaABS.LIBS.ABSMotion(); var skill = this.actor()._firstBattleABSSkill(); this._absParams.absMotion.setMotion(skill.motion, skill.motionOffset, this); this._absParams.absMotion.applyMotionIdle(); } }; //?[NEW] Game_Follower.prototype.isHasABSMotion = function () { if(this.actor()) { if (this.actor().isHasABSMotion()) { return true; } } return false; }; //?[NEW] Game_Follower.prototype.inABSMotion = function () { if (this.ABSParams() == null) return false; return this.ABSParams().absMotion != null; }; })(); // ■ END Game_Follower.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Game_Followers.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { //?[NEW] Game_Followers.prototype.initializeABS = function() { var i, results; this._data = []; i = 1; results = []; while (i < $gameParty.maxBattleMembers()) { this._data.push(new Game_AI2Bot(i)); results.push(i++); } return results; }; })(); // ■ END Game_Followers.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function () { //Game_Interpreter //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //OVER Game_Interpreter.prototype.character = function (param) { if (param < 0) { return $gamePlayer; } else if (this.isOnCurrentMap()) { return $gameMap.event(param > 0 ? param : this._eventId); } else { return null; } }; //NEW Game_Interpreter.prototype._activateABSEnemy = function (name) { var enemy = this._getAbsAI(name); if (enemy) enemy.activate(); }; //NEW Game_Interpreter.prototype._getAbsAI = function (name) { if (name == null) { try { name = $dataMap.events[this.eventId()].name; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return null; } } if (name) { var x = $gameMap.events().filter(function (ev) { return (ev.event().name == name); }); if (x.length > 0) { return x.first(); } } return null; }; //NEW Game_Interpreter.prototype._deactivateABSEnemy = function (name) { var enemy = this._getAbsAI(name); if (enemy) enemy.deactivate(); }; //NEW Game_Interpreter.prototype._onABSEnemyParam = function (paramName, paramValue, aiEventName) { if (!paramName) return; if (!paramValue) { paramValue = 0; } var event = this._getAbsAI(aiEventName); if (event == null) { event = $dataMap.events[this.eventId()]; } if(event instanceof Game_AIBot) { var index = AlphaABS.LIBS.Game_AIBehavior.PARAMS.indexOf(paramName); if(index >= 0) { event.behaviorModel()[paramName] = paramValue; event.LOG.p("New value " + paramValue + " of " + paramName); if(event.inBattle()) event.refreshBehavior(); } } }; //?[NEW] Game_Interpreter.prototype._onABSSpawn = function (eventId, xOrRegion, y) { if(!AlphaABS.isABS()) return; try { if (y == null) { var point = $gameMap.getRandomSpawnPointOnRegionABS(xOrRegion); if(point) { $gameMap.spawnABSBot(eventId, point.x, point.y); } } else { var x = Number(xOrRegion); var y2 = Number(y); if ($gameMap.canSpawnABSOn(x, y2)) { $gameMap.spawnABSBot(eventId, x, y2); } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; // Change Party Member var _Game_Interpreter_command129 = Game_Interpreter.prototype.command129; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command129 = function () { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { if (_Game_Interpreter_command129.call(this)) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.updateABSSession(); return true; } } return _Game_Interpreter_command129.call(this); }; // Transfer Player var _Game_Interpreter_command201 = Game_Interpreter.prototype.command201; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command201 = function () { if (AlphaABS.Parameters.get_AllowTransferState() == true) { if(AlphaABS.isABS()) $gamePlayer.stopABS(); return _Game_Interpreter_command201.call(this); } else { if ($gameParty.inBattle()) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.alertNoInBattle(); AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(1); return true; } else { return _Game_Interpreter_command201.call(this); } } }; // Scroll Map var _Game_Interpreter_command204 = Game_Interpreter.prototype.command204; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command204 = function () { if ($gameParty.inBattle()) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.alertNoInBattle(); AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(1); return true; } return _Game_Interpreter_command204.call(this); }; // Getting On and Off Vehicles var _Game_Interpreter_command206 = Game_Interpreter.prototype.command206; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command206 = function () { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(0); return true; } else return _Game_Interpreter_command206.call(this); }; // Change Player Followers var _Game_Interpreter_command216 = Game_Interpreter.prototype.command216; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command216 = function () { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(0); return true; } return _Game_Interpreter_command216.call(this); }; // Gather Followers var _Game_Interpreter_command217 = Game_Interpreter.prototype.command217; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command217 = function () { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(0); return true; } return _Game_Interpreter_command217.call(this); }; // Set Weather Effect //OVER Game_Interpreter.prototype.command236 = function () { //if (!$gameParty.inBattle()) { $gameScreen.changeWeather(this._params[0], this._params[1], this._params[2]); if (this._params[3] && !$gameParty.inBattle()) { this.wait(this._params[2]); } //} return true; }; // Battle Processing //OVER Game_Interpreter.prototype.command301 = function () { //EMPTY AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(2); return true; }; // Shop Processing var _Game_Interpreter_command302 = Game_Interpreter.prototype.command302; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command302 = function () { if ($gameParty.inBattle()) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.alertNoInBattle(); AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(1); return true; } else return _Game_Interpreter_command302.call(this); }; // Name Input Processing var _Game_Interpreter_command303 = Game_Interpreter.prototype.command303; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command303 = function () { if ($gameParty.inBattle()) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.alertNoInBattle(); AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(1); return true; } else return _Game_Interpreter_command303.call(this); }; // Change Class var _Game_Interpreter_command321 = Game_Interpreter.prototype.command321; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command321 = function () { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(321); return true; } else return _Game_Interpreter_command321.call(this); }; // Change Actor Images var _Game_Interpreter_command322 = Game_Interpreter.prototype.command322; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command322 = function () { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { _Game_Interpreter_command322.call(this); AlphaABS.BattleUI.refreshPlayerFace(); return true; } else return _Game_Interpreter_command322.call(this); }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command331 = function () { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(2); return true; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command332 = function () { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(2); return true; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command333 = function () { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(2); return true; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command334 = function () { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(2); return true; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command335 = function () { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(2); return true; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command336 = function () { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(2); return true; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command337 = function () { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(2); return true; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command338 = function () { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(2); return true; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command339 = function () { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(2); return true; }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command340 = function () { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(2); return true; }; // Open Menu Screen var _Game_Interpreter_command351 = Game_Interpreter.prototype.command351; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command351 = function () { if ($gameParty.inBattle()) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.alertNoInBattle(); AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(1); return true; } else return _Game_Interpreter_command351.call(this); }; // Open Save Screen var _Game_Interpreter_command352 = Game_Interpreter.prototype.command352; Game_Interpreter.prototype.command352 = function () { if ($gameParty.inBattle()) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.alertNoInBattle(); AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.warning(1); return true; } else return _Game_Interpreter_command352.call(this); }; //END Game_Interpreter //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function () { var LOG = new PLATFORM.DevLog("Game_Map"); //Game_Map //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var _Game_Map_setupEvents = Game_Map.prototype.setupEvents; Game_Map.prototype.setupEvents = function () { _Game_Map_setupEvents.call(this); AlphaABS.ABSPathfinding.init(); AlphaABS.ABSPathfinding.setup(); this._isABSMap = false; if (!$dataMap.meta) return; if ($dataMap.meta.ABS) { this._isABSMap = true; this._absParams = {}; this._absParams.sVectors = []; this._absParams.animationABS = null; this._absParams.targetCircle = null; this._absParams.targetCircleNeedLock = false; this._absParams.needCast = null; this._absParams.menuClickCount = 1; this.setupEventsABS(); } }; //NEW Game_Map.prototype.ABSParams = function () { return this._absParams; }; //NEW Game_Map.prototype.isABS = function () { return this._isABSMap; }; //NEW Game_Map.prototype.stopABS = function () { this._isABSMap = false; }; //NEW Game_Map.prototype.characterABS = function (battler) { //TODO:Возвращает Game_AIBot по battler }; //NEW Game_Map.prototype.addSVector = function (item) { this._absParams.sVectors.push(item); }; //NEW Game_Map.prototype.requestCast = function (who) { LOG.p("Map : Cast requested"); this._absParams.needCast = who; }; //NEW Game_Map.prototype.requestAnimationABS = function (animationData) { //{sprite, id} LOG.p("Map : Animation requested"); this._absParams.animationABS = animationData; }; //NEW Game_Map.prototype.requestPlayerTargetCircle = function (skill) { LOG.p("Map : Target Circle requested"); this._absParams.menuClickCount = 0; this._absParams.targetCircle = skill; }; //NEW Game_Map.prototype.lockPlayerTargetCircle = function () { LOG.p("Map : Target Circle locked"); this._absParams.targetCircleNeedLock = true; }; //NEW Game_Map.prototype.stopPlayerTargetCircle = function () { LOG.p("Map : Target Circle stop!"); this._absParams.targetCircle = null; this._absParams.targetCircleNeedLock = false; }; //NEW Game_Map.prototype.setupEventsABS = function () { LOG.p("setupEventsABS"); for (var i = 0; i < this._events.length; i++) { if (!this._events[i]) continue; this.addABSEvent(i); } $gamePlayer.followers().initializeABS(); }; //?[NEW] Game_Map.prototype.addABSEvent = function (id) { var ev = this._events[id].event(); var enemyId = this._getABSEnemyId(ev); if (enemyId > 0) { this._events[id] = new Game_AIBot(this._mapId, id, enemyId); } }; Game_Map.prototype._getABSEnemyId = function (event) { try { if (event.meta.ABS) { var enemyId = parseInt(event.meta.ABS); if (enemyId > 0) { return enemyId; } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } return 0; }; //?[NEW] Game_Map.prototype.spawnABSBot = function (id, x, y) { try { var event = $dataSpawnMapAI.events[id]; if (event) { DataManager.extractMetadata(event); var enemyId = this._getABSEnemyId(event); if (enemyId > 0) { var eId = this._events.length; var newAi = new Game_SpawnedAiBot(this._mapId, eId, enemyId, x, y, id); this._events.push(newAi); newAi.initABS(); $gameTroop.setup(); SceneManager._scene._spriteset.createSpawnEventABS(eId); } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; //?[NEW] Game_Map.prototype.getRandomSpawnPointOnRegionABS = function (regionId) { var possiblePoints = []; for (var x = 0; x < this.width(); x++) { for (var y = 0; y < this.height(); y++) { if (this.regionId(x, y) == regionId) { if (this.canSpawnABSOn(x, y)) possiblePoints.push(new AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX(x, y)); } } } if (possiblePoints.length > 0) return possiblePoints.sample(); return null; }; Game_Map.prototype.canSpawnABSOn = function (x, y) { if (this.eventsXy(x, y).length > 0) return false; if ($gamePlayer.x == x && $gamePlayer.y == y) return false; if (Game_CharacterBase.prototype.isCollidedWithVehicles(x, y)) return false; return this.isPassable(x, y); }; //END Game_Map //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function () { var BattleManagerABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.BattleManagerABS; //Game_Party //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //NEW Game_Party.prototype.initABS = function () { this._membersABS = null; this.members().forEach(function (member) { member.initABS(); }); this._inBattle = false; this._noNotifyABS = false; }; Game_Party.prototype.membersABS = function () { if (!this._membersABS) { this._membersABS = []; var bots = $gamePlayer.followers(); bots.forEach(function (item) { if (item instanceof Game_AI2Bot) { if (item.battler() != null) this._membersABS.push(item); } }, this); } return this._membersABS; }; //?[NEW] Game_Party.prototype.getAIBotByBattler = function (battler) { try { if (battler == $gamePlayer.battler()) return $gamePlayer; var members = this.membersABS(); for (var i = 0; i < members.length; i++) { if (members[i].battler() == battler) return members[i]; } } catch (error) { console.error(error); return null; } return null; }; //?[NEW] Game_Party.prototype.terminateABSSession = function () { this.membersABS().forEach(function (e) { e.onGameSave(); }); }; //?[NEW] Game_Party.prototype.stopABS = function () { this.selectOnMap(null); this.membersABS().forEach(function (e) { e.stopABS(); }); this._membersABS = null; }; //?[NEW] Game_Party.prototype.refreshABS = function () { this._membersABS = null; this.membersABS().forEach(function (e) { e.refreshABS(); }); $gamePlayer.refreshABS(); }; Game_Party.prototype.selectOnMap = function (who) { this.membersABS().forEach(function (e) { e.selectOnMap(false); }); if (who) who.selectOnMap(true); }; Game_Party.prototype.gainExpForAllABS = function (exp, shared) { if (shared == true) { exp = Math.round(exp / (this.membersABS().length + 1)); } $gamePlayer.battler().gainExp(exp); this.membersABS().forEach(function (member) { member.battler().gainExp(exp); }); }; var _Game_Party_gainGold = Game_Party.prototype.gainGold; Game_Party.prototype.gainGold = function (amount) { _Game_Party_gainGold.call(this, amount); if ($gameMap.isABS()) { if (amount > 0) { AudioManager.playSe({ name: 'Coin', pan: 0, pitch: 100, volume: 90 }); AlphaABS.BattleUI.pushGoldOnPanel(amount); } } }; var _Game_Party_gainItem = Game_Party.prototype.gainItem; Game_Party.prototype.gainItem = function (item, amount, includeEquip) { _Game_Party_gainItem.call(this, item, amount, includeEquip); try { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { if (amount > 0 && !this._noNotifyABS) { AudioManager.playSe({ name: 'Equip2', pan: 0, pitch: 140, volume: 90 }); } if (item && amount > 0) { AlphaABS.BattleUI.pushItemOnPanel(item); AlphaABS.BattleUI.refresh(); if (!$gamePlayer.inBattle()) { $gamePlayer.battler().checkAutoReloadFirearm(item); } try { if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isAutoBindItemsToPanel()) { if (item.occasion == 1 && item.meta.ABS) $gamePlayer.battler().setOrRefreshItemOnPanel(item.id, undefined); } } catch (e) { AlphaABS.error(e, ' bind item to panel'); } } if (DataManager.isWeapon(item)) { AlphaABS.BattleUI.refreshWeaponCircle(); } } } catch (error) { AlphaABS.error(error, ' gain item to party'); } }; Game_Party.prototype.inBattle = function () { return $gamePlayer.inBattle(); }; //? А нужна ли возможность добавлять в группу на ABS карте? var _alias_Game_Party_addActor = Game_Party.prototype.addActor; Game_Party.prototype.addActor = function (actorId) { _alias_Game_Party_addActor.call(this, actorId); if (!AlphaABS.isABS()) return; try { var bots = $gamePlayer.followers(); var ls = $gameParty.members().length - 1; bots._data[ls - 1].reInitABS(ls); bots._data[ls - 1].initABS(); this._membersABS = undefined; this.membersABS(); $gamePlayer.refresh(); $gameMap.requestRefresh(); AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.updateABSSession(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; //TODO: Это работает с косяком var _alias_Game_Party_removeActor = Game_Party.prototype.removeActor; Game_Party.prototype.removeActor = function (actorId) { var index = this._actors.indexOf(actorId); _alias_Game_Party_removeActor.call(this, actorId); if (!AlphaABS.isABS()) return; $gamePlayer.followers().initializeABS(); this._membersABS = undefined; this.membersABS(); $gamePlayer.followers().forEach(function (f) { f.initABS(); }, this); $gamePlayer.refresh(); $gameMap.requestRefresh(); AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.updateABSSession(); }; //END Game_Party //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function () { var LOG = new PLATFORM.DevLog("Game_Player"); var BattleManagerABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.BattleManagerABS; var ABSUtils = AlphaABS.UTILS; var SMouse = AlphaABS.UTILS.SMouse; var Consts = AlphaABS.SYSTEM; var PointX = AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX; var BattleProcessABS = BattleManagerABS.battleProcess(); var BattleUI = AlphaABS.BattleUI; //Game_Player //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var _Game_Player_initMembers = Game_Player.prototype.initMembers; Game_Player.prototype.initMembers = function () { _Game_Player_initMembers.call(this); this._absParams.battler = null; this._absParams.active = true; //Со мной можно взаимодействовать (я под управлением) this._absParams.inBattle = false; this._absParams.control = true; //Отвечат на управление this._absParams.dead = false; this._teamId = 0; this._absParams.inputMode = 0; //0 - ControllPanel, 1 - Weapons this._absParams.state = 'free'; //Состояние this._absParams.target = null; //Моя цель this._absParams.autoAttackMode = false; //Режим автоматической атаки this._absParams.targetFollowMode = false; //Следовать к цели this._absParams.currentAction = null; this._absParams.expPopup = null; this._absParams.motion = null; this._absParams.isWeapRecharge = false; this._absParams.casting = false; this._absParams.castingSkill = null; this._absParams.inBattleTimer = null; this._absParams.absMapData = []; //TODO: Создать что-то отдельное this._absParams._inCastMotion = false; }; Game_Player.prototype.teamId = function () { return this._teamId; }; Game_Player.prototype.isCasting = function () { return this._absParams.casting == true; //TODO: Ugly! У нас есть текущее действие и его свойство isCasting, см. AI_Bot }; Game_Player.prototype.isAlly = function (who) { if (who) return (this.teamId() == who.teamId()); return false; }; //OVER Game_Player.prototype.executeMove = function (direction) { if (!this.inActive()) return; this.stopFollowMode(); this.interruptCast(); if (this._absParams.state != 'targetCircle') { this.moveStraight(direction); } }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.changeInputMode = function (mode) { if (mode == 0) { if (BattleUI.isWeaponCircleOpen()) { BattleUI.closeWeaponCircle(); this._absParams.inputMode = mode; BattleUI.selectOnControlPanel(4); } } else { if (!BattleUI.isWeaponCircleOpen()) { BattleUI.openWeaponCircle(); this._absParams.inputMode = mode; BattleUI.diselectOnControlPanel(4); } } }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.onGameLoad = function () { LOG.p("PL : On Game Load"); this.battler().onGameLoad(); this.refreshABSMotion(); }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.target = function () { return this._absParams.target; }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.stopFollowMode = function () { if (this._absParams.targetFollowMode) BattleUI.diselectOnControlPanel(1); this._absParams.targetFollowMode = false; }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.battler = function () { return this._absParams.battler; }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.initABS = function () { LOG.p("Player inited"); this._absParams.battler = $gameParty.leader(); if (!Imported.Quasi_Movement) this._absParams.useAStar = true; this.followers().forEach(function (f) { f.initABS(); }, this); this.battler().reloadFirearm(); this.refreshABSMotion(); }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.stopABS = function () { this._resetTarget(); this.controlOn(); this._absParams.inBattle = false; this._absParams.battler.stopABS(); this._absParams.active = true; this._absParams.dead = false; this._absParams.useAStar = false; $gameParty.stopABS(); this.refreshABSMotion(); }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.prepareABS = function () { this.battler().clearInfoPops(); this.battler().clearActions(); this.clearExpPopup(); this._resetTarget(); this.battler().refreshABSSkills(); this.changeInputMode(0); }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.clearExpPopup = function () { this._absParams.expPopup = null; }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.isExpPopupRequested = function () { return (this._absParams.expPopup != null); }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.isMotionRequested = function () { return (this._absParams.motion != null); }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.requestMotion = function (motion) { this._absParams.motion = motion; }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.motionType = function () { return this._absParams.motion; }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.clearMotion = function () { this._absParams.motion = null; }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.requestExpPopup = function (value) { this._absParams.expPopup = value; }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.getExpPopup = function () { return this._absParams.expPopup; }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.inBattle = function () { return this._absParams.inBattle; }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.canControl = function () { return this.inActive() && this.battler().canMove() && this._absParams.control; }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.refreshBattleState = function () { if (!this.inBattle()) { this.onBattleStart(); $gameParty.membersABS().forEach(function (member) { if (!member.inBattle()) { member.changeStateToSearch($gamePlayer); } }); } }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.onBattleStart = function () { LOG.p("PL : Battle start"); //BattleManagerABS.alertOnUI(Consts.STRING_ALERT_INBATTLE); this._absParams.inBattle = true; this._absParams.inBattleTimer = new Game_TimerABS(); this._absParams.inBattleTimer.start(120); this.refreshABSMotionState(true); var ui = AA.BattleUI.getUI(); if(ui) { ui._inBattleIcon.visible = true; } }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.onBattleEnd = function () { LOG.p("PL : Battle end"); //BattleManagerABS.alertOnUI(Consts.STRING_ALERT_OUTBATTLE); this._absParams.inBattle = false; this._absParams.inBattleTimer = null; this.refreshABSMotionState(false); var ui = AA.BattleUI.getUI(); if (ui) { ui._inBattleIcon.visible = false; } }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.inActive = function () { return this._absParams.active; }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.controlOff = function () { $gameTemp.clearDestination(); this._absParams.control = false; LOG.p("Control OFF"); }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.controlOn = function () { this._absParams.control = true; LOG.p("Control ON"); }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.onTurnEnd = function () { this.battler().onTurnEnd(); }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.touchSkillAt = function (index) { if (!this.canControl()) return; var skillABS = this.battler().skillByKeyIndex(index); if (skillABS) { if (this._absParams.currentAction != skillABS) { BattleUI.touchOnSkillPanel(index); this._onNewSkillActivate(); this._absParams.currentAction = skillABS; this._changeState('prepare'); } } }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.touchControlAt = function (index) { if (!this.canControl()) return; if (index > 4) { return; } switch (index) { case 0: this._onAttackClick(); break; case 1: //Follow Mode var followAllowed = this.isFollowAllowed(); if (this.target() && followAllowed == true) { if (!this._absParams.autoAttackMode) this._onNewSkillActivate(); this._absParams.targetFollowMode = !this._absParams.targetFollowMode; if (this._absParams.targetFollowMode) { BattleUI.selectOnControlPanel(index); } else { BattleUI.diselectOnControlPanel(index); } BattleUI.touchOnControlPanel(index); } break; case 2: var jumpAllowed = this.isJumpAllowed(); if (jumpAllowed == true) { if (this.canMove()) { if (Imported.YEP_SmartJump == true) { if (this._absParams.state == 'free' && !this.isJumping()) $gamePlayer.smartJump(1); } else { if (this._absParams.state == 'free' && !this.isJumping() && this.canPass(this.x, this.y, this.direction())) { switch (ABSUtils.getDirKey(this)) { case 'u': this.jump(0, -1); break; case 'd': this.jump(0, 1); break; case 'l': this.jump(-1, 0); break; case 'r': this.jump(1, 0); break; } } } BattleUI.touchOnControlPanel(index); } } break; case 3: var rotateAllowed = this.isRotateAllowed(); if (rotateAllowed == true) { if (this.canMove()) { if (this._absParams.state == 'free' && !this._absParams.targetFollowMode) { if (this.target()) { this.turnTowardCharacter(this.target()); } else { if (!Utils.isMobileDevice()) this.turnTowardCharacter(SMouse.getMousePosition().convertToMap()); } } BattleUI.touchOnControlPanel(index); } } break; case 4: var weapAllowed = this.isWeaponsAllowed(); if (weapAllowed == true) { if (this.canMove()) { if (!this.battler().isFavWeapExists()) return; BattleUI.touchOnControlPanel(index); if (this._absParams.inputMode == 0) { this.changeInputMode(1); } else { this.changeInputMode(0); } } } break; } }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.touchWeaponAt = function (index) { if (this._absParams.inputMode == 0) return; BattleUI.touchOnWeaponCircle(index); if (this.battler().changeFavWeap(index)) { SoundManager.playEquip(); this.changeInputMode(0); } else SoundManager.playBuzzer(); BattleUI.refreshWeaponCircle(); }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.onActionOnMe = function (who) { if (who && who.target() == this) { this.refreshBattleState(); if (!this.target()) { BattleManagerABS.setPlayerTarget(who); } } }; var _Game_Player_update = Game_Player.prototype.update; Game_Player.prototype.update = function (sceneActive) { _Game_Player_update.call(this, sceneActive); this._updateABS(sceneActive); }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.interruptCast = function () { var t = this._absParams.currentAction; if (t && t.isCasting()) { LOG.p("PL : Cast intterupt"); BattleManagerABS.alertOnUI(Consts.STRING_ALERT_INTERRUPT); t.resetCast(); this._absParams.casting = false; this._absParams.castingError = true; this._changeState('free'); this._cancelCastMotion(); } }; Game_Player.prototype.setFavWeapForce = function (itemId, segmentSymbol) { var index = 0; segmentSymbol = SDK.check(segmentSymbol, 'top'); switch (segmentSymbol) { case 'left': index = 3; break; case 'top': index = 0; break; case 'bottom': index = 2; break; case 'right': index = 1; break; } var item = $dataWeapons[itemId]; var owner = this.battler(); if (owner == null) { owner = $gameParty.leader(); } owner.setFavWeap(item, index); BattleUI.refreshWeaponCircle(); }; //RPIVATE Game_Player.prototype._deactivate = function () { BattleManagerABS.setPlayerTarget(null); $gameMap.stopPlayerTargetCircle(); this._stopTargetSelect(); this._absParams.active = false; if (!this.battler().isAlive()) { this._dead(); } }; Game_Player.prototype._dead = function () { AudioManager.playMe($gameSystem.defeatMe()); this._absParams.dead = true; this._absParams.deadTimer = new Game_TimerABS(); this._absParams.deadTimer.start(90); //$gameScreen.startFadeOut(60); this.requestMotion('sleep'); }; //NEW Game_Player.prototype.setTarget = function (target) { this._absParams.target = target; if (!target || target.isAlly(this)) { this._resetTarget(); } else { BattleUI.changeRotateIconToTarget(); BattleUI.enableOnControlPanel(0); BattleUI.enableOnControlPanel(1); } }; Game_Player.prototype._resetTarget = function () { this.stopFollowMode(); this.interruptCast(); this._absParams.target = null; this._absParams.autoAttackMode = false; if (!this.battler().skillABS_attack().isNoTarget()) BattleUI.disableOnControlPanel(0); BattleUI.disableOnControlPanel(1); BattleUI.changeRotateIconToMouse(); this._changeState('free'); }; Game_Player.prototype._changeState = function (newState) { this._absParams.state = newState; switch (newState) { case 'free': this._cancelCastMotion(); this._stopTargetSelect(); this._absParams.currentAction = null; break; case 'cast': if ((this._absParams.currentAction.isRadiusType() && this._absParams.currentAction.isNeedTarget()) || this._absParams.currentAction.isVectorTypeR()) $gameMap.lockPlayerTargetCircle(); $gameTemp.clearDestination(); this.stopFollowMode(); this._performCastMotion(); break; case 'targetCircle': $gameTemp.clearDestination(); $gameMap.requestPlayerTargetCircle(this._absParams.currentAction); this.stopFollowMode(); break; } }; Game_Player.prototype._performAction = function () { this.battler().makeActions(); if (this._absParams.currentAction.isItem()) { this.battler().action(0).setItem(this._absParams.currentAction.skillId); } else this.battler().action(0).setSkill(this._absParams.currentAction.skillId); LOG.p("PL : Perform! " + this._absParams.currentAction.name()); var selfAction = false; if (this._absParams.currentAction.isVectorType()) { if (this._absParams.currentAction.isVectorTypeR()) { BattleProcessABS.startPostBattleAction(this, new PointX(TouchInput.x, TouchInput.y).convertToMap(), this.battler().action(0), this._absParams.currentAction); } else { var target = this.target(); if(this._absParams.currentAction.isNoTarget()) { target = this._findEndPointForVectorSkill(); } if (this.target() != null) this.turnTowardCharacter(this.target()); BattleProcessABS.startPostBattleAction(this, target, this.battler().action(0), this._absParams.currentAction); } } else { if (this._absParams.currentAction.isRadiusType()) { if (this._absParams.currentAction.isNeedTarget()) { BattleProcessABS.performBattleActionRadius(this, new PointX(TouchInput.x, TouchInput.y).convertToMap(), this.battler().action(0), this._absParams.currentAction); } else BattleProcessABS.performBattleActionRadius(this, this.toPoint(), this.battler().action(0), this._absParams.currentAction); } else { if (this._absParams.currentAction.isZoneType()) { BattleProcessABS.performBattleActionZone(this, this.battler().action(0)); } else { if (this._absParams.currentAction.isNeedTarget()) BattleProcessABS.performBattleAction(this, this.target()); else { this.battler().performCurrentAction(); this.battler().action(0)._forcing = true; BattleProcessABS.performBattleAction(this, this); //On self selfAction = true; } } } } if (!selfAction) { this.battler().performCurrentAction(); } this._absParams.currentAction.playStartSound(null); if (this._absParams.currentAction == this.battler().skillABS_attack()) { this.battler().performAttack(); } else { this._performSkillMotion(); } if (!this.inBattle() && this.target() != this && selfAction == false) { this.onBattleStart(); } if (this._absParams.autoAttackModeLast) { if (this._turnAutoAttack()) { this._absParams.autoAttackModeLast = false; } } this.refreshBattleState(); this._changeState('free'); }; Game_Player.prototype._onNewSkillActivate = function () { if (this._absParams.autoAttackMode == true) { this._absParams.autoAttackModeLast = true; this._absParams.autoAttackMode = false; } this._stopTargetSelect(); this.interruptCast(); }; Game_Player.prototype._updateABS = function (sceneActive) { if (!sceneActive) return; if (!this.battler()) return; if (this._absParams.dead === true && this._absParams.deadTimer != null) { this._absParams.deadTimer.update(); if (this._absParams.deadTimer.isReady()) { this._processOnPlayerDead(); } } if (!this.inActive()) return; if (!this.battler().isAlive() && this.inActive()) { this._deactivate(); } if (!this.battler().canMove() && this._absParams.control) { this.controlOff(); this._resetTarget(); LOG.p("PL: Battle cannot move"); } if (this.battler().canMove() && !this._absParams.control && !BattleUI.isUIFree()) { this.controlOn(); LOG.p("PL: Battle can move alredy"); } if (this._absParams.inBattleTimer) { this._absParams.inBattleTimer.update(); if (this._absParams.inBattleTimer.isReady()) { if (this._checkInBattleStatus()) { this._absParams.inBattleTimer.reset(); } else { this.onBattleEnd(); } } } this.battler().updateABS(); this._update_attackReload(); if (!this.inActive()) return; if (!this.canControl()) return; this._update_input(); if (this._absParams.autoAttackMode) { this._update_on_autoAttackMode(); } else { switch (this._absParams.state) { case 'free': //this._checkInBattleStatus(); //@opt Можно выделить в процесс break; case 'prepare': this._update_on_prepare(); break; case 'action': this._update_on_action(); break; case 'cast': this._update_on_cast(); break; case 'targetCircle': this._update_on_targetCircle(); break; } } if (this._absParams.targetFollowMode == true) { if (!this.isMoving()) { this.moveToPoint(this.target()); } } this._moveSpeed = 4 + this.battler().ABSParams().moveSpeedUpKoef; }; Game_Player.prototype._processOnPlayerDead = function () { try { var deadEventId = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_DeadMapCommonEventId(); if (deadEventId > 0) { if ($dataCommonEvents[deadEventId]) { this.startCommonEventABS(deadEventId); } } var deadMapId = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_DeadMapId(); if (deadMapId > 0) { this._processOnPlayerDeadMap(deadMapId); } else { SceneManager.goto(Scene_Gameover); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); SceneManager.goto(Scene_Gameover); } }; Game_Player.prototype._processOnPlayerDeadMap = function (deadMapId) { var position = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_DeadMapPosition(); var direction = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_DeadMapDirection(); $gameTemp.transferedByDeathABS = true; this.reserveTransfer(AlphaABS.Parameters.get_DeadMapId(), position.X, position.Y, direction, 0); this.battler().gainHp(1); this._absParams.deadTimer = null; this._tempThread3214 = AA.setTimeout(function () { try { $gamePlayer.requestMotion('none'); AA.clearTimeout(this._tempThread3214); } catch (error) { } }, 1000); }; Game_Player.prototype._update_on_autoAttackMode = function () { var t = this.battler(); var skill = t.skillABS_attack(); this._absParams.currentAction = skill; if (ABSUtils.distanceTo(this, this.target()) <= 1) { this.turnTowardCharacter(this.target()); } if (this.battler().canUse(skill.skill())) { if (BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByTimer(skill)) { if (BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByRange(this, this.target(), skill)) { this.turnTowardCharacter(this.target()); if (BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByAmmo(skill)) { if (skill.isVectorType()) { if (!this.isMoving()) { this.turnTowardCharacter(this.target()); BattleProcessABS.startPostBattleAction(this, this.target(), this.battler().action(0), skill); } else { return; } } else BattleProcessABS.performBattleAction(this, this.target()); t.performCurrentAction(); skill.playStartSound(null); t.performAttack(); this.refreshBattleState(); AlphaABS.BattleUI.refreshFirearmPanel(); } else { if (skill.isFirearm()) { this.battler().reloadFirearm(); AlphaABS.BattleUI.refreshFirearmPanel(); } LOG.p("PL : Skill need ammo!"); BattleManagerABS.alertOnUI(Consts.STRING_ALERT_NOCHARGES); } } } } else { LOG.p("PL : Can't use auto attack"); BattleManagerABS.alertOnUI(Consts.STRING_ALERT_NOAUTOA); this._absParams.autoAttackMode = false; } }; Game_Player.prototype._update_input = function () { if (!AlphaABS.isABS()) return; if (Input.isTriggered(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.WC())) { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { this.touchControlAt(4); } return; } if (this._absParams.inputMode == 0) { if (Input.isTriggered(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.CP_W())) { this.touchControlAt(1); return; } var isSp = AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.isTriggeredSkillPanelIndex(); if (isSp != null) { this.touchSkillAt(isSp); } if (Input.isTriggered(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.CP_A())) { this.touchControlAt(0); return; } if (Input.isTriggered(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.CP_D())) { this.touchControlAt(3); return; } if (Input.isTriggered(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.CP_S())) { this.touchControlAt(2); return; } if (Input.isTriggered(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.TS())) { this.setNextTarget(); } if (Input.isTriggered(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.TN())){ this.setNearestTarget(); } if (Input.isTriggered(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.WR())) { this.reloadFirearm(); return; } if (Input.isPressed(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.AR())) { if (this.canMove()) { if (!this._absParams.targetFollowMode) { if (!Utils.isMobileDevice()) { this.turnTowardCharacter(SMouse.getMousePosition().convertToMap()); } } } return; } } else { var index = AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.isTriggeredWeapCircleIndex(); if (index != null) { this.touchWeaponAt(index); return; } } }; Game_Player.prototype._update_on_targetCircle = function () { var t = this._absParams.currentAction; if (t) { if (this.battler().canUse(t.skill())) { if (TouchInput.isTriggered()) { var p = SMouse.getMousePosition().convertToMap(); var d = ABSUtils.distanceTo(this, p); var lineOfSight = true; if (!t.isIgnoreObstacles()) lineOfSight = BattleManagerABS.checkLineOfSight(this.toPoint(), p); if (d <= t.range && lineOfSight) { if (BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByAmmo(t)) { this._changeState('action'); return; } else { BattleManagerABS.alertOnUIbySym('noAmmo'); } } else { LOG.p("PL : Can't use, too far!"); BattleManagerABS.alertOnUIbySym('toFar'); return; } } return; } else { LOG.p("PL : Can't use, not resources or restricted!"); BattleManagerABS.alertOnUIbySym('noUse'); } } else { LOG.p("PL : Can't use, NULL"); } this._changeState('free'); }; Game_Player.prototype._update_on_prepare = function () { var t = this._absParams.currentAction; if (t) { LOG.p("PL : Prepare action " + t.skill().name); if (t.cEonStart != 0) { LOG.p("PL : Common Event " + t.cEonStart); this.startCommonEventABS(t.cEonStart); } if (this.battler().canUse(t.skill())) { if (BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByAmmo(t)) { if (t.isRadiusType()) { LOG.p("PL : Radius type "); if (BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByTimer(t)) { if (t.isNeedTarget()) { this._changeState('targetCircle'); return; } else this._changeState('action'); return; } else { LOG.p("PL : Can't use, recharge now"); BattleManagerABS.alertOnUIbySym('recharge'); } } else { if (t.isVectorTypeR()) { if (BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByTimer(t)) { this._changeState('targetCircle'); return; } else { LOG.p("PL : Can't use, recharge now"); BattleManagerABS.alertOnUIbySym('recharge'); } } else { this._prepareNormal(); return; } } } else { BattleManagerABS.alertOnUIbySym('noAmmo'); } } else { LOG.p("PL : Can't use, not resources or restricted!"); BattleManagerABS.alertOnUIbySym('noUse'); } } else { LOG.p("PL : Can't use, NULL"); } this._changeState('free'); }; Game_Player.prototype._prepareNormal = function () { var t = this._absParams.currentAction; if (BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByTimer(t)) { if (t.isNeedTarget()) { if(t.isNoTarget()) { this._changeState('action'); return; } else { if (this.target()) { if (BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByRange(this, this.target(), t)) { this._changeState('action'); return; } else { LOG.p("PL : Can't use, target too far"); BattleManagerABS.alertOnUIbySym('toFar'); } } else { LOG.p("PL : Can't use, need target"); BattleManagerABS.alertOnUIbySym('noTarget'); } } } else { this._changeState('action'); return; } } else { LOG.p("PL : Can't use, recharge now"); BattleManagerABS.alertOnUIbySym('recharge'); } this._changeState('free'); }; Game_Player.prototype._update_on_action = function () { var t = this._absParams.currentAction; if (t) { if (t.isNeedCast()) { if (t.isCasting()) { if (t.isReady()) { this._cancelCastMotion(); this._performAction(); this._absParams.casting = false; } } else { if (!this.isMoving()) { LOG.p("PL : Start cast!"); this._absParams.casting = true; this._absParams.castingError = false; this.executeMove(0); t.startCast(this.battler()); this._absParams.castingSkill = t; this._changeState('cast'); } else { LOG.p("PL : Can't start cast, i'am moving!"); BattleManagerABS.alertOnUI(Consts.STRING_ALERT_CASTMOVE); this._changeState('free'); } } } else { this._performAction(); } } else { this._changeState('free'); } }; Game_Player.prototype._update_on_cast = function () { var t = this._absParams.currentAction; if (this.target() && !t.isNoTarget()) this.turnTowardCharacter(this.target()); else { if (t) { if (!t.isZoneType() && !t.isNoTarget()) { this.turnTowardCharacter(new PointX(TouchInput.x, TouchInput.y).convertToMap()); } } } if (t && t.isCasting()) { if (t.isRadiusType()) { if (this.battler().canUse(t.skill())) { if (t.isReady()) { LOG.p("PL : Cast END"); this._changeState('action'); } } else { this.interruptCast(); LOG.p("PL : Can't cast, not resources or restricted!"); BattleManagerABS.alertOnUIbySym('noUse'); } } else { if (t.isNeedTarget() && !t.isNoTarget() && !BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByRange(this, this.target(), t)) { this.interruptCast(); LOG.p("PL : Target too far"); BattleManagerABS.alertOnUIbySym('toFar'); } else { if (this.battler().canUse(t.skill())) { if (t.isReady()) { LOG.p("PL : Cast END"); this._changeState('action'); } } else { this.interruptCast(); LOG.p("PL : Can't cast, not resources or restricted!"); BattleManagerABS.alertOnUIbySym('noUse'); } } } } else { this._absParams.casting = false; this._changeState('free'); } }; Game_Player.prototype._checkInBattleStatus = function () { var t = BattleManagerABS.whoTargetOnMe(this, $gameTroop.membersABS()); if (t) { //Если игрок чья-то цель (врага) return true; } if (BattleProcessABS.isPostProcessExists()) { return true; //Если есть действия PostProcess } return false; }; Game_Player.prototype._turnAutoAttack = function () { if (this.target()) { this._onNewSkillActivate(); this.turnTowardCharacter(this.target()); this._absParams.currentAction = this.battler().skillABS_attack(); this._absParams.autoAttackMode = true; var t = this.battler(); t.makeActions(); t.action(0).setAttack(); return true; } return false; }; Game_Player.prototype._update_attackReload = function () { var t = this.battler().skillABS_attack(); this._absParams.isWeapRecharge = !t.isReady(); }; Game_Player.prototype._stopTargetSelect = function () { $gameMap.stopPlayerTargetCircle(); }; //OVER Game_Player.prototype.jump = function (xPlus, yPlus) { Game_Character.prototype.jump.call(this, xPlus, yPlus); }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.startCommonEventABS = function (commonEventId) { if ((typeof commonEventId !== "undefined" && commonEventId !== null) > 0) { if ($dataCommonEvents[commonEventId] != null) { $gameTemp.reserveCommonEvent(commonEventId); } } }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.isNoTargetAttackMode = function () { var b = this.battler(); if (b == null) return false; var absSkill = b.skillABS_attack(); return absSkill.isNoTarget(); }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.onMouseAttackOnTarget = function () { if(this.target() == null) return; this._onMouseAttackOnTarget(); }; //END Game_Player //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Game_PlayerABSInput.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() {})(); // ■ END Game_PlayerABSInput.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Game_PlayerABSLogic.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var _; //@[DEFINES] _ = Game_Player.prototype; _._performCastMotion = function() { var a, data; a = this._absParams.currentAction; if (a.isHasCastMotion()) { //"START CAST MOTION".p() this._absParams._inCastMotion = true; data = new AA.LIBS.ABSMotion2(); data.setType(AA.MotionType.Cast); data.setFrames(a.castMotionFrames); data.setActionDelay(a.motionDelay); data.setLooping(); data.setMotion(a.castMotion, a.castMotionOffset, this); return this.battler().performAAnimAction(data); } else { return this._absParams._inCastMotion = false; } }; _._cancelCastMotion = function() { var motion; if (this._absParams._inCastMotion === false) { return; } //"CLEAR CAST MOTION".p() motion = this.getAAnimMotion(); if (motion != null) { motion.clear(this); } this.battler().clearAAnimMotion(); return this._absParams._inCastMotion = false; }; _._performSkillMotion = function() { var a, data; a = this._absParams.currentAction; if (a.isHasMotionX()) { //"START SKILL MOTION".p() this._cancelCastMotion(); data = new AA.LIBS.ABSMotion2(); data.setType(AA.MotionType.Skill); data.setFrames(a.motionFrames); data.setActionDelay(a.motionADelay); data.setMotion(a.motionX, a.motionOffset, this); return this.battler().performAAnimAction(data); } }; })(); // ■ END Game_PlayerABSLogic.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Game_Player_private.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var BattleUI, _; //@[CLASS PART] //@[CLASS IMPL ONLY] //@[DEFINES] _ = Game_Player.prototype; BattleUI = AlphaABS.BattleUI; _._onAttackClick = function() { var ref, ref1; if ((ref = BattleUI.getUI()) != null) { if ((ref1 = ref.userWeaponIconController) != null) { ref1.pulse(); //TODO: TEMP before 13 } } if (this._absParams.autoAttackMode) { this.turnTowardCharacter(this.target()); return; } if (this.isNoTargetAttackMode() === true) { return this._onNoTargetAttackClick(); } else { return this._onAutoAttackClick(); } }; _._onNoTargetAttackClick = function() { BattleUI.touchOnControlPanel(0); return this._performNoTargetAction(); }; _._performNoTargetAction = function() { var absSkill, e, proc, target, targets; try { if (!this._checkNoTargetAction()) { return; } this._prepareNoTargetAction(); absSkill = this.battler().skillABS_attack(); if (absSkill.isVectorType()) { this._absParams.currentAction = absSkill; target = this._findEndPointForVectorSkill(); proc = AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.battleProcess(); proc.startPostBattleAction(this, target, this.battler().action(0), absSkill); this._completeNoTargetAction([]); } else { targets = this._findTargetForNoTargetAction($gameTroop.membersABS()); this._completeNoTargetAction(targets); } } catch (error) { e = error; return AlphaABS.error(e, 'while perfrom attack'); } }; _._checkNoTargetAction = function() { var absSkill; absSkill = this.battler().skillABS_attack(); if (absSkill.isFirearm() && absSkill.isNeedReloadStack()) { this.battler().reloadFirearm(); return false; } if (!absSkill.isReady()) { return false; } if (this._absParams.state !== 'free') { return false; } if (!AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.canUseABSSkillNow(this, null, absSkill)) { return false; } return true; }; _._prepareNoTargetAction = function() { var b; b = this.battler(); b.makeActions(); return b.action(0).setAttack(); }; //TODO: Поиск целей вынести в отдельный класс _._findTargetForNoTargetAction = function(members) { var absSkill, finalTargets, nearest, targets; finalTargets = []; absSkill = this.battler().skillABS_attack(); if (absSkill.isSimpleNoTarget()) { if (absSkill.range === 1) { finalTargets = this._findTargetsForSimpleNoTargetWeapon(members); } else { targets = this._findTargetsForPierceNoTargetWeapon(members); if (targets.length <= 1) { finalTargets = targets; } else { nearest = this._findNearestTarget(targets); if (nearest != null) { finalTargets = [nearest]; } } } } else if (absSkill.isPierce()) { finalTargets = this._findTargetsForPierceNoTargetWeapon(members); if (absSkill.pierce > 1) { // * Ограниченное количество пробиваний finalTargets = finalTargets.slice(0, absSkill.pierce); } } else if (absSkill.isSwing()) { finalTargets = this._findTargetsForSwingNoTargetWeapon(members); } return finalTargets; }; _._findTargetsForSimpleNoTargetWeapon = function(members) { var absSkill, inRadius, targets; targets = []; absSkill = this.battler().skillABS_attack(); inRadius = AlphaABS.UTILS.inRadius(this, absSkill.range + 1, members); if (inRadius.length > 0) { inRadius.forEach(function(member) { if (member == null) { return; } if (!member.isAlive()) { return; } if (!member.inActive()) { return; } if (AlphaABS.UTILS.inFront($gamePlayer, member)) { return targets[0] = member; } }); } return targets; }; _._findTargetsForPierceNoTargetWeapon = function(members) { var absSkill, inRadius, targets; targets = []; absSkill = this.battler().skillABS_attack(); inRadius = AlphaABS.UTILS.inRadius(this, absSkill.range + 1, members); if (inRadius.length > 0) { inRadius.forEach(function(member) { if (member == null) { return; } if (!member.isAlive()) { return; } if (!member.inActive()) { return; } if (AlphaABS.UTILS.inDirectionHard($gamePlayer, member)) { return targets.push(member); } }); } return targets; }; _._findTargetsForSwingNoTargetWeapon = function(members) { var absSkill, inRadius, targets; targets = []; absSkill = this.battler().skillABS_attack(); inRadius = AlphaABS.UTILS.inRadius(this, absSkill.range + 2, members); if (inRadius.length > 0) { inRadius.forEach(function(member) { if (member == null) { return; } if (!member.isAlive()) { return; } if (!member.inActive()) { return; } if (AlphaABS.UTILS.inFront($gamePlayer, member)) { targets.push(member); } if (AlphaABS.UTILS.isFrontNeighbor($gamePlayer, member)) { return targets.push(member); } }); } return targets; }; _._findNearestTarget = function(members) { var dist, nearest; if (members.length === 0) { return null; } nearest = members.first(); dist = AlphaABS.UTILS.distanceTo($gamePlayer, nearest); members.forEach(function(member) { var newDist; if (member == null) { return; } if (!member.isAlive()) { return; } if (!member.inActive()) { return; } newDist = AlphaABS.UTILS.distanceTo($gamePlayer, member); if (newDist < dist) { dist = newDist; return nearest = member; } }); return nearest; }; _._completeNoTargetAction = function(targets) { var b, bProcess, i, j, ref; b = this.battler(); bProcess = AlphaABS.LIBS.BattleManagerABS.battleProcess(); if (targets.length > 0) { for (i = j = 0, ref = targets.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { bProcess.performBattleAction(this, targets[i]); } } b.performCurrentAction(); b.performAttack(); b.skillABS_attack().playStartSound(null); if (!this.inBattle()) { this.onBattleStart(); } if ((targets != null) && targets.length > 0) { if (targets[0] !== this.target()) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.setPlayerTarget(targets[0]); } } }; _._onAutoAttackClick = function() { if (this._turnAutoAttack()) { BattleUI.touchOnControlPanel(0); BattleUI.selectOnControlPanel(0); } else { BattleUI.diselectOnControlPanel(0); if (this.target() == null) { BattleUI.disableOnControlPanel(0); } } }; _._onMouseAttackOnTarget = function() { var absSkill, inRadius, t; if (!this._checkNoTargetAction()) { return; } t = this.target(); this.turnTowardCharacter(t); absSkill = this.battler().skillABS_attack(); inRadius = AlphaABS.UTILS.inRadius(this, absSkill.range + 1, [t]); if (inRadius.length > 0) { this._performNoTargetAction(); if (t !== this.target()) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.setPlayerTarget(t); } } }; _._isRangeToTargetGood = function() { var absSkill, d; if (this.battler() == null) { return false; } absSkill = this.battler().skillABS_attack(); if (this.target() == null) { return true; } d = AlphaABS.UTILS.distanceTo(this, this.target()); if (absSkill.range >= d) { return AlphaABS.UTILS.inDirectionHard(this, this.target()); } return false; }; //TODO: Пока это всё в предварительном варианте, так что будут отдельные функции для поиска и определения целей для ABS:1 _._findEndPointForVectorSkill = function() { var absSkill; absSkill = this._absParams.currentAction; return AlphaABS.UTILS.getEndPointFromCharToRange(this, absSkill.range); }; })(); // ■ END Game_Player_private.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Game_Player2.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { //?{params : mapId, enemyId, x, y, isLooted} Game_Player.prototype.setNewABSMapData = function (params) { try { var candidate = this.getABSMapData(params.mapId, params.enemyId); if (candidate != null) { this._absParams.absMapData.delete(candidate); } this._absParams.absMapData.push(params); } catch (error) { console.error(error); } }; Game_Player.prototype.getABSMapData = function (mapId, enemyId) { var candidates = this._absParams.absMapData.filter(function (item) { return (item.mapId == mapId && item.enemyId == enemyId); }); if (candidates.length > 0) { return candidates[0]; } return null; }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.inABSMotion = function () { if (this.ABSParams() == null) return false; return this.ABSParams().absMotion != null; }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.inAAnimMotion = function () { if (this.battler() == null) return false; if (this.battler().isAAnimMotionRequested()) { return true; } return false; }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.getAAnimMotion = function () { if (!this.inAAnimMotion()) { return null; } else { return this.battler().ABSParams().animMotion; } }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.getABSMotion = function() { if(!this.inABSMotion()) { return null; } else { return this.ABSParams().absMotion; } }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype._updateABSMotion = function () { if (this.battler() == null) return; if (this.battler().isNeedABSMotionRefresh()) { this.refreshABSMotion(); this.battler().onABSMotionRefresh(); } if (this.battler().isNeedABSMotionAction()) { this.battler().onABSMotionActionDone(); var motion = this.ABSParams().absMotion; if(motion != null) { if (motion.isOldABSMotion()) { motion.applyMotionAction(); } else { if(this.battler().isAAnimMotionRequested()) { this.getAAnimMotion().clear(this); } this.battler().performAAnimAction(motion); } } } }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.refreshABSMotion = function () { if (this._absParams.absMotion != null) { this._absParams.absMotion.clearMotion(); this._absParams.absMotion = null; } if (this.battler().isHasABSMotion()) { this._absParams.absMotion = new AlphaABS.LIBS.ABSMotion(); var skill = this.battler()._firstBattleABSSkill(); this._absParams.absMotion.setMotion(skill.motion, skill.motionOffset, this); this.refreshABSMotionState(this.inBattle()); } else { //TODO: FOLLOWER TOO if (this.battler().isHasABSMotionX()) { this._absParams.absMotion = new AlphaABS.LIBS.ABSMotion2(); var skill = this.battler()._firstBattleABSSkill(); this._absParams.absMotion.setType(AA.MotionType.Weapon); this._absParams.absMotion.setDelay(skill.motionDelay); this._absParams.absMotion.setFrames(skill.motionFrames); this._absParams.absMotion.setActionDelay(skill.motionADelay); this._absParams.absMotion.setMotion(skill.motionX, skill.motionOffset, this); this.refreshABSMotionState(this.inBattle()); } } }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.refreshABSMotionState = function (toState) { if (this._absParams.absMotion != null) { if (this.inAAnimMotion()) { return; } if (toState == true) { this._absParams.absMotion.applyMotionState(); } else { this._absParams.absMotion.applyMotionIdle(); } } }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.refreshABS = function () { this.refreshABSMotion(); }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.isAlive = function () { if(this.battler()) { return this.battler().isAlive(); } return false; }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.isJumpAllowed = function () { return AlphaABS.Parameters.isJumpAllowed() && !this._absJumpOffByUAPI; }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.isFollowAllowed = function () { return AlphaABS.Parameters.isFollowAllowed(); }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.isRotateAllowed = function () { return AlphaABS.Parameters.isRotateAllowed() && !this._absRotateOffByUAPI; }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.isWeaponsAllowed = function () { return AlphaABS.Parameters.isWeaponsAllowed() && !this._absWeapOffByUAPI; }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.setNextTarget = function () { var t = AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.nextPlayerTarget(); if (t) AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.setPlayerTarget(t); }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.setNearestTarget = function () { var t = AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.nextNearestPlayerTarget(); if (t) AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.setPlayerTarget(t); }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.reloadFirearm = function () { this.battler().reloadFirearm(); }; //?[NEW] Game_Player.prototype.isFavWeapExists = function() { if(AlphaABS.isABS()) { return this.battler().isFavWeapExists(); } return false; }; })(); // ■ END Game_Player.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Game_RageContainer.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var RageContainer; RageContainer = class RageContainer { constructor() { this.clear(); } clear() { this.rageDict = {}; return this.targets = []; } addDealer(who) { if (who != null) { return this.makeDamageBy(0, who); } } makeDamageBy(damage, byWho) { var index; index = this.targets.indexOf(byWho); if (index > 0) { return this.rageDict[index] += damage; } else { this.targets.push(byWho); return this.rageDict[this.targets.length - 1] = damage; } } getHigherDealer() { var arr, error, max1, max2; try { arr = this._getArrayOfDmg(); if (arr.length > 1) { max1 = arr.max(); max2 = arr.delete(max1).max(); if (max1 > (max2 * 3)) { return this._getDealerByDmg(max1); } } } catch (error1) { error = error1; console.error(error); } return null; } _getArrayOfDmg() { return Object.keys(this.rageDict).map((function(v) { return this.rageDict[v]; }).bind(this)); } _getDealerByDmg(dmg) { var key, ref, value; ref = this.rageDict; for (key in ref) { value = ref[key]; if (value === dmg) { return this.targets[key]; } } } }; AlphaABS.register(RageContainer); })(); // ■ END Game_RageContainer.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Game_SkillABS_@.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //@[GLOBAL DEFINITION] function Game_SkillABS() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } (function () { var Consts = AlphaABS.SYSTEM; var LOG = new PLATFORM.DevLog("Game_SkillABS"); //@[CLASS HEADER PART] Game_SkillABS.prototype.initialize = function (skillId, isItem) { this.skillId = skillId; this._isItem = SDK.check(isItem, false); this.timer = new Game_TimerABS(); this.timer.start(0); var metaCode = this.skill().meta.ABS; if (metaCode) { this.type = parseInt(metaCode); } else { this.type = 0; this._hasError = true; LOGW.p("Warning! ABS Skill has no type! " + this.skill().name); } ABSSkillLoader.loadBaseParams(this); ABSSkillLoader.loadUserParams(this); ABSSkillLoader.loadSelfMetaParams(this); this._checkParams(); if(this.img != 0 && this.img != null && this.img != 'null') { try { ImageManager.loadPicture(this.img); } catch (error) { AlphaABS.error(error, ' load ABS skill parameter'); } } }; // * Расчитать формулу можно только на Battler Game_SkillABS.prototype.getCastTime = function (caster) { if (this.castTimeFormula == null) return this.castTime; else { try { /* jshint -W061 */ if (caster && caster instanceof Game_Battler) { var time = caster._calculateABSSkillReloadParam(this.castTimeFormula); return time; } } catch (error) { AlphaABS.error(error, ' info'); } return 120; } }; Game_SkillABS.prototype.update = function () { this.timer.update(); }; Game_SkillABS.prototype.preUse = function (param) { this.reloadTimeA = param + this.reloadTime; }; Game_SkillABS.prototype.playStartSound = function (point) { this._playSoundAt(this.startSound, point); }; Game_SkillABS.prototype.playReloadSound = function (point) { this._playSoundAt(this.reloadSound, point); }; Game_SkillABS.prototype.startCast = function (caster) { this._castDelay = 0; this._startCast = true; this.timer.start(this.getCastTime(caster)); }; Game_SkillABS.prototype.onCastDelay = function (delay) { this._castDelay += delay; this.timer.setMaxTime(this.getCastTime() + this._castDelay); }; Game_SkillABS.prototype.resetCast = function () { this._startCast = false; this.timer.start(0); }; Game_SkillABS.prototype.loadExternal = function (params, type) { if (type !== undefined) { this.type = type; var t = this.reloadParam; ABSSkillLoader.loadBaseParams(this); this.reloadParam = t; } this.castTime = 0; ABSSkillLoader.loadMetaParams(this, params); this._checkParams(); if (this.castTime > 0 || this.castTimeFormula != null) { this.castTime = 0; this.castTimeFormula = null; LOGW.p(Consts.STRING_WARNING_SKILLWC); } if (this.isVectorTypeR()) { LOGW.p(Consts.STRING_WARNING_SKILLWVR); this.radius = 0; this.needTarget = true; } LOG.p("Skill " + this.name() + " loaded external params"); }; Game_SkillABS.prototype.chargeStack = function (size) { if (size === undefined) { this._currentStack = this.stack; return 0; } else { if (this._currentStack === undefined) { this._currentStack = 0; } var d = 0; if (size > 0) { var n = Math.abs(this._currentStack - this.stack); d = size - n; if (d < 0) { this._currentStack = this.stack - Math.abs(d); } else { this._currentStack = this.stack; return d; } } else { this._currentStack -= Math.abs(size); } LOG.p("Skill: Current stack " + this._currentStack); if (this._currentStack <= 0) { this._stackNeedReload = true; this._currentStack = 0; LOG.p("Skill: Stack need reload all"); } if (d >= 0) return d; //Остаток else return 0; } }; Game_SkillABS.prototype.reloadFirearm = function (count) { if (!this.isFirearm()) return; this._currentStack = count; if (this._currentStack > 0) { this.resetCast(); LOG.p("Firearm reload " + this.skill().name + " reload time " + this.stackTime); this.timer.start(this.stackTime); this.playReloadSound(); this._stackNeedReload = false; } else { this._stackNeedReload = true; } if(this._currentStack == null) this._currentStack = 0; }; Game_SkillABS.prototype.onUse = function () { if (this.isFirearm()) { this._onUseFirearm(); } else if (this.isStackType()) { this._onUseStackType(); } else this._onUseNormal(); }; Game_SkillABS.prototype._onUseStackType = function () { this.chargeStack(-1); if (this.isAutoReloadStack() && this.isNeedReloadStack()) { LOG.p("Skill: Reload stack auto"); this.preUse(this.stackTime); this._stackNeedReload = false; this._currentStack = this.stack; } this._onUseNormal(); if (this.isAutoReloadStack() && !this.isNeedReloadStack()) { this.preUse(0); } }; Game_SkillABS.prototype._onUseNormal = function () { this.resetCast(); LOG.p("On use " + this.skill().name + " reload time " + this.reloadTimeA); this.timer.start(this.reloadTimeA); if (this.isNeedAmmo() && !this.isFirearm()) { $gameParty.loseItem($dataItems[this.ammo], 1, true); } if (this.getCastTime() == 0 && this.reloadTimeA == 0) { LOG.p("Skill " + this.skill().name + " use PostUse"); this.timer.start(20); //Post Use } }; Game_SkillABS.prototype.postUse = function () { //Delay between skill activation (called when another skill is start) if (this.isReady() && this.skillId != 1) { //Attack not need postUse this.timer.start(20); LOG.p("Skill " + this.skill().name + " use PostUse"); } }; //PRIVATE Game_SkillABS.prototype._checkParams = function () { ABSSkillLoader.checkParams(this); if (this.reloadParam != null) { //If i can use 'with' keyword in strict mode, this is not happened :( if (!this.reloadParam.contains('this')) { if (this.reloadParam.trim() == 'attackSpeed') { //for performance this.reloadParam = this.reloadParam.replace(/attackSpeed/i, 'this.attackSpeed()'); } else { this.reloadParam = ABSSkillLoader._convertFormula(this.reloadParam); } } } if (this.castTimeFormula != null) { if (!this.castTimeFormula.contains('this')) { this.castTimeFormula = ABSSkillLoader._convertFormula(this.castTimeFormula); } } this.reloadTimeA = this.reloadTime; }; })(); // ■ END Game_SkillABS_@.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Game_SkillABS_private.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var _S; //@[CLASS IMPL ONLY] //@[CLASS PART] //@[DEFINES] _S = Game_SkillABS; _S.prototype._playSoundAt = function(sound, point) { var _; if (sound == null) { return; } _ = AlphaABS.LIBS.BattleManagerABS; if ((point != null) && _ && _.isABSAudio()) { return AudioManager.playSeAt(sound, point); } else { return AudioManager.playSe(sound); } }; _S.prototype._onUseFirearm = function() { this.chargeStack(-1); this._onUseNormal(); if (!this.isNeedReloadStack()) { return this.preUse(0); } }; })(); // ■ END Game_SkillABS_private.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Game_SkillABS_public.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var _S; //@[CLASS PART] //@[DEFINES] _S = Game_SkillABS; _S.prototype.hasError = function() { return this._hasError === true; }; _S.prototype.hasParticle = function() { return this.isVectorType() && this.pType !== null; }; _S.prototype.hasLight = function() { return this.isVectorType() && this.light !== null; }; _S.prototype.isItem = function() { return this._isItem === true; }; _S.prototype.isReady = function() { return this.timer.isReady(); }; _S.prototype.isNeedReloadParam = function() { return this.reloadParam !== null; }; _S.prototype.isDirectionFix = function() { return this.directionFix === true; }; _S.prototype.isNeedTarget = function() { return this.needTarget === true; }; _S.prototype.isNeedCast = function() { return this.castTime !== 0 || this.castTimeFormula !== null; }; _S.prototype.isVectorType = function() { return this.type === 1; }; _S.prototype.isVectorTypeR = function() { return this.isVectorType() && this.radius > 0 && !this.isNeedTarget(); }; _S.prototype.isZoneType = function() { return this.type === 3; }; _S.prototype.isRadiusType = function() { return this.type === 2; }; _S.prototype.isCasting = function() { return this._startCast === true; }; _S.prototype.isNeedAmmo = function() { return this.ammo > 0; }; _S.prototype.isHasImpulse = function() { return this.impulse !== 0; }; _S.prototype.isRandomImpulseDirecton = function() { return this.impulseRandom !== 0; }; _S.prototype.isIgnoreObstacles = function() { return this.ignoreObstacles !== 0; }; _S.prototype.isNoTarget = function() { return this.noTarget === 1; }; _S.prototype.isHasMotion = function() { return this.motion !== null && this.motion !== "" && this.motion !== 0; }; _S.prototype.isHasMotionX = function() { return this.motionX !== null && this.motionX !== "" && this.motionX !== 0; }; _S.prototype.isHasCastMotion = function() { return this.castMotion !== null && this.castMotion !== "" && this.castMotion !== 0; }; _S.prototype.isSimpleNoTarget = function() { return this.isNoTarget() && !this.isSwing() && !this.isPierce(); }; _S.prototype.isSwing = function() { return this.swing > 0 && this.isNoTarget(); }; _S.prototype.isPierce = function() { return this.pierce > 0 && this.isNoTarget(); }; _S.prototype.isExplosive = function() { return this.isVectorType() && this.explosive >= 1; }; _S.prototype.isFirearm = function() { return this.firearm === 1; }; _S.prototype.isStackType = function() { return this.stackTime > 0; }; _S.prototype.isAutoReloadStack = function() { return this.isStackType() && !this.isFirearm(); }; _S.prototype.isNeedReloadStack = function() { return this.isStackType() && this._stackNeedReload === true; }; _S.prototype.getReloadTime = function() { return this.reloadTimeA; }; _S.prototype.skill = function() { if (this.isItem()) { return $dataItems[this.skillId]; } else { return $dataSkills[this.skillId]; } }; _S.prototype.name = function() { return this.skill().name; }; })(); // ■ END Game_SkillABS_public.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Game_SkillManagerABS() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } (function () { //Game_SkillManagerABS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Game_SkillManagerABS.prototype.initialize = function () { this._skillsABS = []; this._requestRefresh(); }; Game_SkillManagerABS.prototype.all = function () { return this._skillsABS; }; Game_SkillManagerABS.prototype.remove = function (objId, isItem) { for (var i = 0; i < this._skillsABS.length; i++) { var item = this._skillsABS[i]; if (isItem) { if (item.skillId == objId && item.isItem()) { this._skillsABS.splice(i, 1); this._requestRefresh(); break; } } else { if (item.skillId == objId && !item.isItem()) { this._skillsABS.splice(i, 1); this._requestRefresh(); break; } } } }; Game_SkillManagerABS.prototype.push = function (objId, isItem) { var item = new Game_SkillABS(objId, isItem); if (!item.hasError()) { this._skillsABS.push(item); this._requestRefresh(); } }; Game_SkillManagerABS.prototype.update = function () { this._skillsABS.forEach(function (item) { item.update(); }); }; Game_SkillManagerABS.prototype.skills = function () { if (this._needRefreshSkills) { this._skills = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._skillsABS.length; i++) { var item = this._skillsABS[i]; if (!item.isItem()) { this._skills.push(item); } } this._needRefreshSkills = false; } return this._skills; }; Game_SkillManagerABS.prototype.items = function () { if (this._needRefreshItems) { this._items = []; for (var i = 0; i < this._skillsABS.length; i++) { var item = this._skillsABS[i]; if (item.isItem()) { this._items.push(item); } } this._needRefreshItems = false; } return this._items; }; Game_SkillManagerABS.prototype.skillById = function (id) { for (var i = 0; i < this._skillsABS.length; i++) { var item = this._skillsABS[i]; if (item.skillId == id && !item.isItem()) { return item; } } return null; }; Game_SkillManagerABS.prototype.itemById = function (id) { for (var i = 0; i < this._skillsABS.length; i++) { var item = this._skillsABS[i]; if (item.skillId == id && item.isItem()) { return item; } } return null; }; //PRIVATE Game_SkillManagerABS.prototype._requestRefresh = function () { this._needRefreshSkills = true; this._needRefreshItems = true; }; //END Game_SkillManagerABS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function () { var ABSUtils = AlphaABS.UTILS; var LOG = new PLATFORM.DevLog("Game_SVector"); var BattleManagerABS = AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS; //Game_SVector //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Game_SVector { constructor(data) { this._data = data; this._disposed = false; this._started = false; this._setImage(data.skill.img); this._emit = null; if (data.skill.vSpeed > 0) { this._speed = data.skill.vSpeed / 32; } else this._speed = Game_SVector.SPEED; this._isNoTargetMode = data.skill.isNoTarget(); this._isPiercing = data.skill.isPierce(); if(this._isPiercing == true) { this._pierceCountMax = data.skill.pierce; this._pierced = 0; } } update() { try { if (!this.sprite) return; if (!this._started) return; var ep = this._endPoint(); if (!this._myPoint) { LOG.p("SVector : Point MISS : Target Reached!"); this.dispose(); return; } if (BattleManagerABS.isABSLightingExt()) { $gameMap.deleteLight(this._myPoint.x, this._myPoint.y); } this._myPoint = ABSUtils.SMath.moveTo(this._myPoint, ep, this._speed); if (BattleManagerABS.isABSLightingExt()) { $gameMap.setLight(this._myPoint.x, this._myPoint.y, this._data.skill.lightSize, this._data.skill.light, 0, true); } this._imageToPoint(); //Emitter move if (this._emit) { this._emit.move(this.sprite.x, this.sprite.y); } //Rotation var angle = Math.atan2(ep.screenY() - this.sprite.y, ep.screenX() - this.sprite.x); this.sprite.rotation = angle; if(this._isNoTargetMode == true) { if(this._isAnyOnMyPosition()) { if(this._isPiercing == true) { if(this._target != this._lastPiercedTarget) { this._lastPiercedTarget = this._target; BattleManagerABS.battleProcess()._processAction(this._data.subject, this._target, this._data.action); // * Если _pierceCount = 1, то всех if (this._pierceCountMax > 1) { this._pierced += 1; if (this._pierced == this._pierceCountMax) { this._target = null; // * Уничтожаем вектор без поражения this.dispose(); } } return; } } else { this._data.target = this._target; this.dispose(); return; } } } var t = new Rectangle(ep.x - 0.5, ep.y - 0.5, 1.5, 1.5); if (ABSUtils.SMath.inRect(this._myPoint, t)) { LOG.p("SVector : Target Reached!"); this.dispose(); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); this.dispose(); } } _isAnyOnMyPosition() { var all = BattleManagerABS.getAllBotsOnMap().concat($gamePlayer); var inRadius = AlphaABS.UTILS.inRadius(this._myPoint, 2, all); this._target = null; var candidate = null; for(var i = 0; i this._mValue) this._value = this._mValue; }; Game_TimerABS.prototype.reset = function () { this._value = 0; }; Game_TimerABS.prototype.update = function () { if (!this.isReady()) { if (!this._paused) { if (this._value < this._mValue) this._value += 1; } } }; Game_TimerABS.prototype.isReady = function () { return (this._value >= this._mValue); }; Game_TimerABS.prototype.stop = function () { this.start(0); }; Game_TimerABS.prototype.start = function (frameCount) { this._value = 0; this._mValue = Math.abs(Math.round(frameCount)); this._paused = false; }; Game_TimerABS.prototype.pause = function () { if (this._paused) return; if (this._mValue == 0) return; this._paused = true; }; Game_TimerABS.prototype.resume = function () { this._paused = false; }; //END Game_TimerABS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function () { //Game_Troop //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //OVER Game_Troop.prototype.setup = function (troopId) { this.clearABS(); $gameMap.events().forEach(function (e) { if (e instanceof Game_AIBot) { this._enemiesABS.push(e); } }.bind(this)); }; //?[NEW] Game_Troop.prototype.clearABS = function () { this.clear(); this._enemies = []; this._enemiesABS = []; }; Game_Troop.prototype.membersABS = function () { return this._enemiesABS; }; //OVER Game_Troop.prototype.initABS = function () { this.setup(); this.membersABS().forEach(function (member) { member.initABS(); this._enemies.push(member.battler()); }.bind(this)); this._inBattle = true; }; //?[NEW] Game_Troop.prototype.deactivateABS = function () { try { var members = this.membersABS(); if (members != null) { members.forEach(function (member) { member._deactivate(); }.bind(this)); } } catch (error) { AlphaABS.error(error, ' deactivateABS'); } this._inBattle = false; }; //NEW Game_Troop.prototype.onTurnEnd = function () { try { this._enemiesABS.forEach(function (e) { e.onTurnEnd(); }); } catch (error) { AlphaABS.error(error, ' onTurnEnd'); } }; Game_Troop.prototype.aliveMembersABS = function () { return this.membersABS().filter(function (member) { return member.battler().isAlive(); }); }; Game_Troop.prototype.deadMembersABS = function () { return this.membersABS().filter(function (member) { return member.battler().isDead(); }); }; //NEW Game_Troop.prototype.selectOnMap = function (who) { this.membersABS().forEach(function (e) { e.selectOnMap(false); }); if (who) who.selectOnMap(true); }; //END Game_Troop //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ GaugeController.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var GaugeController; GaugeController = class GaugeController { constructor(gaugeSprite) { this.gaugeSprite = gaugeSprite; this._isReady = false; this._isPercentText = false; } setup(battler, value, maxValue) { this.battler = battler; this.value = value; this.maxValue = maxValue; this._value = 0; return this._maxValue = 0; } setPercentText() { return this._isPercentText = true; } _readValues() { if (this.battler == null) { return; } this._value = this.battler[this.value]; return this._maxValue = this.battler[this.maxValue]; } update() { if (this._isReady === false) { this._checkReady(); } if (this._needUpdate()) { this._readValues(); return this._updateGauge(); } } _checkReady() { return this._isReady = this.gaugeSprite.isReady(); } _needUpdate() { if (this._isReady === false) { return false; } if (this.battler == null) { return false; } return this._value !== this.battler[this.value] || this._maxValue !== this.battler[this.maxValue]; } _updateGauge() { var percent; percent = this._value * 100 / this._maxValue / 100; this.gaugeSprite.drawGauge(percent); if (this._isPercentText) { return this.gaugeSprite.drawText(Math.round(percent * 100) + '%'); } else { return this.gaugeSprite.drawText(this._value); } } }; AA.register(GaugeController); })(); // ■ END GaugeController.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ ImageManager_AA.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var _; //@[DEFINES] _ = ImageManager; //@[PUBLIC] //@[=====================================================================] _.loadAA = function(filename) { return _.loadBitmap('img/AABS/', filename, 0, false); }; })(); // ■ END ImageManager_AA.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //@[PRIVATE] //@[=====================================================================] // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ MiniHPBarController.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var MiniHPBarController; MiniHPBarController = class MiniHPBarController extends AA.LIBS.GaugeController { constructor() { super(...arguments); } _needUpdate() { if (this._isReady === false) { return false; } if (this.battler == null) { return false; } return true; } }; AA.register(MiniHPBarController); })(); // ■ END MiniHPBarController.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ NAI_Base.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- var NAI_Base; NAI_Base = class NAI_Base { constructor(character) { this.character = character; "NAI Initialized".p(); this._isActive = true; //!TEST this._resetActionFlags(); this.character._absParams.useAStar = true; } isActive() { return this._isActive === true; } deactivateMoving() { return this._isActive = false; } activteMoving() { return this._isActive = true; } _resetActionFlags() { this._pointToMove = null; return this._action_moveToPoint = false; } performAction_moveTo(point) { this._resetActionFlags(); this._pointToMove = point; return this._action_moveToPoint = true; } performAction_rotateTo(point) { if (point == null) { return; } if (!this.character.isMoving()) { return this.character.turnTowardCharacter(point); } } performAction_stepAwayFrom(point) { if (point == null) { return; } if (!this.character.isMoving()) { return this.character.moveAwayFromCharacter(point); } } performAction_stepBack() { if (!this.character.isMoving()) { return this.character.moveBackward(); } } stopMoving() { return this._resetActionFlags(); } //@performAction_stepBack() if @character.isMoving() update() { if (!this.isActive()) { return; } return this._updateAction_moveTo(); } _updateAction_moveTo() { var d; if (this._pointToMove == null) { this._action_moveToPoint = false; } if (this._action_moveToPoint === true) { if (this.character.isMoving()) { return; } if (this.getDistanceToPoint(this._pointToMove) > 0) { d = this.getDirectionToPoint(this._pointToMove); if (d > 0) { this._moveByDirection(d); } else { "NO DIRECTION".p(); this._action_moveToPoint = false; } } else { "REACHED".p(); this._pointToMove = null; this._action_moveToPoint = false; } } } _moveByDirection(d) { if (!this.character.isMoving()) { return this.character.moveStraight(d); } } getDirectionToPoint(point) { return this.character.findDirectionTo(point.x, point.y); } getDistanceToPoint(point) { return $gameMap.distance(this.character.x, this.character.y, point.x, point.y); } }; // ■ END NAI_Base.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ NewCastBarController.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //$[TEMP SOLUTION] (function() { var NewCastBarController; NewCastBarController = class NewCastBarController { constructor(castBarSprite) { this.castBarSprite = castBarSprite; this._isActive = this.castBarSprite.settings.visible; this.castBarSprite.visible = false; this._timer = null; if (this._isActive) { this._thread = AA.setInterval((() => { return this._updateThread(); }), 10); } } _updateThread() { if (this._isActive === false) { return; } this._checkPlayerIsCasting(); if (this._timer == null) { return; } this._updateCastProcess(); if (this._timer.isReady()) { return this.stop(); } } _checkPlayerIsCasting() { var skill; if ($gamePlayer.ABSParams().casting) { skill = $gamePlayer.ABSParams().castingSkill; if (skill && !skill.isReady() && skill.isCasting()) { return this._drawSkillCastStatus(skill); } } else { if ($gamePlayer.ABSParams().castingError) { $gamePlayer.ABSParams().castingError = false; this.stop(); } return this.castBarSprite.visible = false; } } _drawSkillCastStatus(skill) { var iconIndex; this.castBarSprite.visible = true; iconIndex = skill.skill().iconIndex; this.castBarSprite.setIcon(iconIndex); this._timer = skill.timer; return this.castBarSprite.drawText(skill.name()); } _updateCastProcess() { var a, b, p; if (this._timer == null) { return; } a = this._timer.getMaxValue(); b = this._timer.getValue(); p = b * 100 / a / 100; this.castBarSprite.drawValue2(this._convertValue(a)); this.castBarSprite.drawValue1(this._convertValue(b)); return this.castBarSprite.drawGauge(p); } _convertValue(value) { return Math.round(value / 60 * 10) / 10; } stop() { this.castBarSprite.visible = false; return this._timer = null; } terminate() { return AA.clearInterval(this._thread); } }; AlphaABS.register(NewCastBarController); })(); // ■ END NewCastBarController.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ NewCastBarControllerEnemy.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //$[TEMP SOLUTION] (function() { var NewCastBarControllerEnemy; NewCastBarControllerEnemy = class NewCastBarControllerEnemy extends AlphaABS.LIBS.NewCastBarController { constructor(castBarSprite) { super(castBarSprite); } setTarget(enemy) { this.enemy = enemy; } //$[OVER BASE] _checkPlayerIsCasting() { var skill; if (this.enemy == null) { return; } if ((this.enemy.currentAction() != null) && this.enemy.currentAction().isCasting()) { skill = this.enemy.currentAction(); if (skill && !skill.isReady() && skill.isCasting()) { try { return this._drawSkillCastStatus(skill); } catch (error) { } } } else { //TODO: return this.stop(); } } }; AlphaABS.register(NewCastBarControllerEnemy); })(); // ■ END NewCastBarControllerEnemy.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function () { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //NotifyMachine class NotifyMachine extends Sprite { constructor(x, y, w, h, lines) { super(); this.x = x; this.y = y; this._maxItems = lines; this._items = []; this._timers = []; this._lineH = h + 4; this._newItem = null; //this.setFrame(w,this._lineH * lines); this._setupMode(); this._initItems(); this._newItemTimer = new Game_TimerABS(); this.bitmap = new Bitmap(w, this._lineH * lines); //this.bitmap.fillRect(0,0,w,this._lineH*lines,Color.RED.CSS); } maxHeight() { return this._lineH * this._maxItems; } update() { this._update_new_item(); this._update_items_fade(); this._update_timers(); } refresh() { this._setupMode(); } push(item) { var lastItem = this._items.shift(); if (lastItem != null) this.removeChild(lastItem); this._items.push(item); if (this._newItem) { this._newItem.opacity = 255; this._newItem.x = 0; } this._newItem = item; this._newItemTimer.start(NotifyMachine.TIME + 60); this._configNewItem(); this._timers.shift(); this._timers.push(new Game_TimerABS()); this.addChild(this._newItem); this._step(); } clear() { this._items.forEach(function (item) { if (item) this.removeChild(item); }); this._timers = []; this._items = []; this._newItem = null; this._initItems(); } //PRIVATE _setupMode() { this._mode = 'right'; //Apper from right of Screen if (SDK.toGlobalCoord(this, 'x') < Graphics.width / 2) { this._mode = 'left'; //Apper from left of Screen } } _update_new_item() { if (this._newItem == null) return; this._fadeOut(this._newItem); if (this._mode == 'right') { if (this._newItem.x > 2) this._newItem.x -= 4; } else { if (this._newItem.x < 0) this._newItem.x += 4; } } _update_items_fade() { for (var i = 0; i < this._items.length; i++) { if (!this._timers[i]) continue; if (this._timers[i].isReady()) { if (this._items[i] != this._newItem) this._fadeIn(this._items[i]); } } } _update_timers() { this._timers.forEach(function (timer) { if (timer) { timer.update(); } }); this._newItemTimer.update(); if (this._newItemTimer.isReady() && this._newItem) { this._timers[this._maxItems - 1].start(1); this._newItem = null; } } _step() { SDK.times(this._items.length, function (i) { var index = (this._items.length - 1) - i; //Reverse var item = this._items[index]; if (item == null) return; var newY = this.height - (this._lineH * (i + 1)); if (index != (this._items.length - 1)) { //New Item item.x = 0; if (this._timers[index].isReady()) this._timers[index].start(NotifyMachine.TIME); } item.y = newY; }.bind(this)); } _initItems() { SDK.times(this._maxItems, function () { this._items.push(null); this._timers.push(null); }.bind(this)); } _configNewItem() { this._newItem.opacity = 0; if (this._mode == 'right') { this._newItem.x += (this.width + 2); } else this._newItem.x -= (this.width + 2); } _fadeIn(item) { if (item.opacity > 2) { item.opacity -= 2; } } _fadeOut(item) { if (item.opacity < (251)) { item.opacity += 4; } } } SDK.setConstant(NotifyMachine, 'TIME', 240); //END NotifyMachine //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlphaABS.register(NotifyMachine); })(); (function () { //PKD_Object_Bar //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class PKD_Object_Bar { constructor(bitmap) { this._bitmap = bitmap; this._rect = undefined; this._bColor = Color.BLACK; this._color = Color.WHITE; this._isGradient = true; this._mValue = 0; this._text_l = null; this._text_r = null; this._text_c = null; this._lValue = -1; //Last value this._value = 0; this._calculate_gradient(); } setPosition(x, y, w, h) { this._rect = new Rectangle(x, y, w, h); } setValue(value) { if (value <= 0) value = 0; if (value > this._mValue) value = this._mValue; this._value = value; } getValue() { return this._value; } refresh() // 1.1 { if (this._rect === undefined) return; this._draw_back_bar(); if (this._mValue != 0) this._draw_main_bar(); } //PARAMS //color , bColor, maxValue, value config(params) { this._color = params.color || Color.WHITE; this._bColor = params.bColor || Color.BLACK; this._mValue = params.maxValue || 0; this.setValue(params.value || 0); } setText(text, position) { switch (position) { case 'center': this._text_c = text; break; case 'left': this._text_l = text; break; case 'right': this._text_r = text; break; } } allowGradient(isAllowed) { isAllowed = SDK.check(isAllowed, true); this._isGradient = isAllowed; if (this._isGradient) this._calculate_gradient(); } update() { if (this._lValue == this._value) return; //No drawing if not changes this.refresh(); this._lValue = this._value; } //PRIVATE _draw_back_bar() { this._bitmap.fillRect(this._rect.x, this._rect.y, this._rect.width, this._rect.height, this._bColor.CSS); } _draw_main_bar() { var width = Math.floor((100 * this._value / this._mValue) * (this._rect.width - 2) / 100); if (this._isGradient) { this._bitmap.gradientFillRect(this._rect.x + 1, this._rect.y + 1, width, this._rect.height - 2, this._color.CSS, this._gColor.CSS, false); } else { this._bitmap.fillRect(this._rect.x + 1, this._rect.y + 1, width, this._rect.height - 2, this._color.CSS); } var size = this._bitmap.fontSize; this._bitmap.fontFace = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.FONT; this._bitmap.fontSize = this._rect.height - 4; if (this._text_c != null) this._bitmap.drawText(this._text_c, this._rect.x + 2, this._rect.y, this._rect.width - 4, this._rect.height, 'center'); if (this._text_l != null) this._bitmap.drawText(this._text_l, this._rect.x + 4, this._rect.y, this._rect.width - 8, this._rect.height, 'left'); if (this._text_r != null) this._bitmap.drawText(this._text_r, this._rect.x + 2, this._rect.y, this._rect.width - 6, this._rect.height, 'right'); this._bitmap.fontSize = size; } _calculate_gradient() { this._gColor = this._color.getLightestColor(230); } } //END PKD_Object_Bar //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlphaABS.register(PKD_Object_Bar); })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 var Game_AI2Bot; Game_AI2Bot = function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }; (function() { var __interface_method_onSwitchToFreeState, __interface_method_performAction, __interface_method_setTarget, __super_deactivate; Game_AI2Bot.prototype = Object.create(Game_Follower.prototype); Game_AI2Bot.prototype.constructor = Game_AI2Bot; PLATFORM.SDK.applyInterface(Game_AI2Bot, AlphaABS.LIBS.Interface_AIBot); PLATFORM.SDK.applyInterface(Game_AI2Bot, AlphaABS.LIBS.Interface_AIBotABS); PLATFORM.SDK.applyInterface(Game_AI2Bot, AlphaABS.LIBS.Interface_AIBotABSEvents); PLATFORM.SDK.applyInterface(Game_AI2Bot, AlphaABS.LIBS.Interface_AIBotActions); PLATFORM.SDK.applyInterface(Game_AI2Bot, AlphaABS.LIBS.Interface_AIBotABSMoving); Game_AI2Bot.prototype.initialize = function(index) { Game_Follower.prototype.initialize.call(this, index); this.initializeABS(); return this.reInitABS(index); }; Game_AI2Bot.prototype.reInitABS = function(index) { this._absParams.battler = $gameParty.members()[index]; if (this._absParams.battler != null) { this._stateMachine = new AlphaABS.LIBS.AIStateMachineParty(); this._absParams.partyIndex = index; //@_absParams.partyActorId = @_absParams.battler.actorId() this.aiName = this._absParams.battler.name(); this.LOG.setColors(Color.BLUE, Color.BLACK.getLightestColor(225)); this.LOG.p("AI inited " + this.aiName); this._absParams.motion = null; this._absParams.deactivatedByDead = false; this._absParams.behavior.loadAlly(); this.pursuitTarget = false; this.setThrough(false); return this._createSlowUpdateThread(); } else { return this._deactivate(); } }; Game_AI2Bot.prototype._createSlowUpdateThread = function() { return this._slowUpdateThread = AA.setInterval(this.slowUpdate.bind(this), 500); }; //?NEW Game_AI2Bot.prototype.slowUpdate = function() { var e; try { if (!AlphaABS.isABS()) { return; } if (!this.inActive()) { return; } this.checkCollisionWithPlayer(); return this.checkCollisionWithParty(); } catch (error) { e = error; return console.error(e); } }; //?NEW Game_AI2Bot.prototype.refreshABS = function() { clearInterval(this._slowUpdateThread); this._createSlowUpdateThread(); this.changeStateToFree(); return this.refreshABSMotion(); }; //?OVER Super Game_AI2Bot.prototype.onGameSave = function() { Game_AIBot.prototype.onGameSave.call(this); return clearInterval(this._slowUpdateThread); }; //?OVER Super Game_AI2Bot.prototype.onGameLoad = function() { Game_AIBot.prototype.onGameLoad.call(this); clearInterval(this._slowUpdateThread); this._createSlowUpdateThread(); return this.refreshABSMotion(); }; Game_AI2Bot.prototype.stopABS = function() { this._deactivate(); if (this._absParams.battler != null) { this._absParams.battler.stopABS(); this._absParams.battler = null; } return this.refreshABSMotion(); }; //OVER Super Game_AI2Bot.prototype.chaseCharacter = function(character) {}; //*EMPTY Game_AI2Bot.prototype.partyActorIndexId = function() { if (this.battler() != null) { return this.battler().actorId(); } }; //OVER Super Game_AI2Bot.prototype.update = function() { Game_Character.prototype.update.call(this); //TODO: MoveSpeed и directionFix не должно быть как у Game_Player если в бою this.setTransparent($gamePlayer.isTransparent()); this._updateABS(); return this._updateDeadState(); }; Game_AI2Bot.prototype.getHomePosition = function() { if (!this.isNearThePlayerX()) { return $gamePlayer.toPoint(); } else { return null; } }; //OVER I Game_AI2Bot.prototype._updateABS = function() { if (this.inActive()) { this.battler().updateABS(); this._stateMachine.update(this); if (this.pursuitTarget) { return this._performPursuitTarget(); } } }; //else // @_deactivate() Game_AI2Bot.prototype._performPursuitTarget = function() { this._absParams.useAStar = true; if (!this.isMoving()) { return this.moveTypeTowardTarget(); } }; //@turnTowardCharacter @target() __super_deactivate = Game_AI2Bot.prototype._deactivate; Game_AI2Bot.prototype._deactivate = function() { __super_deactivate.call(this); this.hideHpBarABS(); this.refreshABSMotion(); return SlowUpdateManager.clear(this._absParams.partyIndex + 900); }; //NEW Game_AI2Bot.prototype.checkCollisionWithPlayer = function() { if (!this.inBattle()) { return this.checkCollisionWith($gamePlayer); } }; //NEW Game_AI2Bot.prototype.checkCollisionWith = function(other) { var me, pl; me = this.toPoint(); pl = other.toPoint(); if (me.x === pl.x && me.y === pl.y) { if (!this.isMoving()) { return this.moveFromPoint(other); } } }; //NEW Game_AI2Bot.prototype.checkCollisionWithParty = function() { var i, len, other, ref; if (this.inBattle()) { ref = $gameParty.membersABS(); for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) { other = ref[i]; this.checkCollisionWithPartyMember(other); } } }; //NEW Game_AI2Bot.prototype.checkCollisionWithPartyMember = function(member) { if (member.inBattle() && member !== this) { return this.checkCollisionWith(member); } }; //NEW Game_AI2Bot.prototype._updateDeadState = function() { if (this._absParams.deactivatedByDead && this.isAlive()) { this._absParams.deactivatedByDead = false; this.requestMotion('none'); return this.initABS(); } }; //OVER I Game_AI2Bot.prototype.initABS = function() { if (this._absParams.battler != null) { this.battler().initABS(); SlowUpdateManager.register(900 + this._absParams.partyIndex, this._stateMachine, 300); this._absParams.active = true; if (this.isNeedHpBarShow()) { this.showHpBarABS(); } this.refreshABSMotion(); return this.changeStateToFree(); } }; //OVER I Game_AI2Bot.prototype.startCommonEvent = function(commonEventId) { if ((commonEventId != null) > 0) { if ($dataCommonEvents[commonEventId] != null) { return $gameTemp.reserveCommonEvent(commonEventId); } } }; //OVER I Game_AI2Bot.prototype.createNewHomePoint = function() {}; //*EMPTY //OVER I Game_AI2Bot.prototype.onReturnEnd = function() { this.LOG.p('return END'); this._absParams.active = true; if (this.inBattle()) { return this._onBattleEnd(); } }; Game_AI2Bot.prototype.onSwitchToReturnState = function() { this._resetTarget(); return this.LOG.p('Return'); }; Game_AI2Bot.prototype.onSwitchToSearchState = function() { this.LOG.p('Curious! I\'am searching...'); if (!this.behaviorModel().noEmote) { return this.requestBalloon(2); } }; __interface_method_onSwitchToFreeState = Game_AI2Bot.prototype.onSwitchToFreeState; Game_AI2Bot.prototype.onSwitchToFreeState = function() { __interface_method_onSwitchToFreeState.call(this); this.pursuitTarget = false; return this._absParams.useAStar = false; }; //OVER I Game_AI2Bot.prototype.startPursuitTarget = function() { this.LOG.p('Start pursuit'); return this.pursuitTarget = true; }; //OVER I Game_AI2Bot.prototype.returnSlow = function() { this._performReturnToPartyLeader(); if (this.getHomePosition() == null) { return this.onReturnEnd(); } }; //NEW Game_AI2Bot.prototype._performReturnToPartyLeader = function() { if (!this.isMoving()) { return this.moveTypeTowardPlayer(); } }; //OVER I Game_AI2Bot.prototype.isNearThePointX = function(point) { var sx, sy; try { sx = Math.abs(this.deltaXFrom(point.x)); sy = Math.abs(this.deltaYFrom(point.y)); if (this.inBattle()) { return (sx + sy) < 1; } else { return (sx + sy) < (1 + this._absParams.partyIndex); } } catch (error) { return false; } }; //OVER I Game_AI2Bot.prototype.stay = function() { return this.pursuitTarget = false; }; //OVER I Game_AI2Bot.prototype.changeStateToFree = function() { if ($gamePlayer.inBattle() && ($gamePlayer.target() != null)) { return this.changeStateToBattle($gamePlayer.target()); } else { return this._stateMachine.switchStateToFree(this); } }; __interface_method_setTarget = Game_AI2Bot.prototype.setTarget; Game_AI2Bot.prototype.setTarget = function(target) { if (target instanceof Game_AI2Bot) { return this._resetTarget(); } else { return __interface_method_setTarget.call(this, target); } }; //OVER I Game_AI2Bot.prototype.onSwitchToDeadState = function() { this._absParams.allyToSearch = null; this.stay(); this._deactivate(); this.requestMotion('sleep'); this._absParams.deactivatedByDead = true; }; //NEW Game_AI2Bot.prototype.requestMotion = function(motion) { return this._absParams.motion = motion; }; //NEW Game_AI2Bot.prototype.isMotionRequested = function() { return this._absParams.motion != null; }; //NEW Game_AI2Bot.prototype.motionType = function() { return this._absParams.motion; }; //NEW Game_AI2Bot.prototype.clearMotion = function() { return this._absParams.motion = null; }; __interface_method_performAction = Game_AI2Bot.prototype._performAction; Game_AI2Bot.prototype._performAction = function() { this._performSkillMotion(); __interface_method_performAction.call(this); if (this.battler().action(0).isAttack()) { this.battler().performAttack(); } }; //$[OVER I] Game_AI2Bot.prototype.isNeedHpBarShow = function() { return Game_AIBot.prototype.isNeedHpBarShow.call(this); }; //$[OVER I] Game_AI2Bot.prototype.selectOnMap = function(isSelect) { return Game_AIBot.prototype.selectOnMap.call(this, isSelect); }; })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Party_AIBotMotions.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var _; //TODO: AMotion Support for party! //@[DEFINES] _ = Game_AI2Bot.prototype; _.refreshABSMotion = function() { // * ! var skill; if (this._absParams.absMotion != null) { this._absParams.absMotion.clearMotion(); this._absParams.absMotion = null; } if (!this.battler()) { return; } if (this.battler().isHasABSMotion()) { this._absParams.absMotion = new AlphaABS.LIBS.ABSMotion(); skill = this.battler()._firstBattleABSSkill(); this._absParams.absMotion.setMotion(skill.motion, skill.motionOffset, this); return this._absParams.absMotion.applyMotionIdle(); } }; _.inABSMotion = function() { return (this.battler() != null) && (this._absParams.absMotion != null); }; _.inAAnimMotion = function() {}; // * ! _.getAAnimMotion = function() { return null; // * ! }; _.getABSMotion = function() { if (this.inABSMotion()) { return this._absParams.absMotion; } return null; }; _._updateABSMotion = function() { // * ! if (!this.inABSMotion()) { return; } if (this.battler().isNeedABSMotionRefresh()) { this.refreshABSMotion(); this.battler().onABSMotionRefresh(); } if (this.battler().isNeedABSMotionAction()) { this.battler().onABSMotionActionDone(); if (this._absParams.absMotion != null) { return this._absParams.absMotion.applyMotionAction(); } } }; _.refreshABSMotionState = function(toState) { if (!this.inABSMotion()) { return; } if (this.inAAnimMotion()) { return; } if (toState === true) { return this._absParams.absMotion.applyMotionState(); } else { return this._absParams.absMotion.applyMotionIdle(); } }; _._performCastMotion = function() {}; // * ! _._cancelCastMotion = function() {}; // * ! _._performSkillMotion = function() {}; // * ! })(); // ■ END Party_AIBotMotions.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function () { //Scene_InterfaceEdit //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Scene_InterfaceEdit() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Scene_InterfaceEdit.prototype = Object.create(Scene_Base.prototype); Scene_InterfaceEdit.prototype.constructor = Scene_InterfaceEdit; Scene_InterfaceEdit.prototype.create = function () { Scene_Base.prototype.create.call(this); this._draw_background(); this.createWindowLayer(); AlphaABS.BattleUI.requestFreeMode(); this._spritesetUI = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Spriteset_InterfaceABS(); this.addChild(this._spritesetUI); this._spritesetUI.initABS(); this._spritesetUI.setEditMode(); }; Scene_InterfaceEdit.prototype.update = function () { Scene_Base.prototype.update.call(this); //EXIT if (this.isExit()) { this._spritesetUI.terminate(); this.popScene(); } }; Scene_InterfaceEdit.prototype.isExit = function () { return (Input.isTriggered('cancel') || TouchInput.isCancelled()); }; //RPIVATE Scene_InterfaceEdit.prototype._draw_background = function () { this._backgroundSprite = new Sprite(); this._backgroundSprite.bitmap = SceneManager.backgroundBitmap(); this._backgroundSprite.setBlendColor([16, 16, 16, 128]); this.addChild(this._backgroundSprite); }; //END Scene_InterfaceEdit //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlphaABS.register(Scene_InterfaceEdit); })(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Scene_Manager_N.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function(){ //?[NEW] SceneManager.isCurrentSceneIsMap = function () { return (this._scene != null && this._scene instanceof Scene_Map); }; })(); // ■ END Scene_Manager_N.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { var LOG = new PLATFORM.DevLog("Scene_Map"); var BattleManagerABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.BattleManagerABS; var _Scene_Map_onMapLoaded = Scene_Map.prototype.onMapLoaded; Scene_Map.prototype.onMapLoaded = function () { _Scene_Map_onMapLoaded.call(this); BattleManagerABS.onMapLoaded(); if ($gameMap.isABS()) { this._sVectors = []; //Vectors to delete from $gameMap this._spriteset.initABS(); if ($gameTemp.transferedByDeathABS == true) { SceneManager.goto(Scene_Gameover); return; } $gameParty.refreshABS(); } $gameTemp.transferedByDeathABS = false; }; var _Scene_Map_update = Scene_Map.prototype.update; Scene_Map.prototype.update = function () { _Scene_Map_update.call(this); if ($gameMap.isABS()) { BattleManagerABS.updateABS(); this._updateABS(); if (AlphaABS.BattleUI.isUI()) { if (this._spriteset && this._spriteset._spritePlayerABS) { var p = this._spriteset._spritePlayerABS; AlphaABS.BattleUI.moveWeaponCircle(p.x, p.y - 24); } } } }; var _Scene_Map_checkGameover = Scene_Map.prototype.checkGameover; Scene_Map.prototype.checkGameover = function () { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { //NOTHING! see Game_Player } else _Scene_Map_checkGameover.call(this); }; var _Scene_Map_terminate = Scene_Map.prototype.terminate; Scene_Map.prototype.terminate = function () { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { AlphaABS.BattleUI.terminate(); if (this._pEngine) this._pEngine.terminate(); } _Scene_Map_terminate.call(this); }; var _Scene_Map_stop = Scene_Map.prototype.stop; Scene_Map.prototype.stop = function () { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { BattleManagerABS.setPlayerTarget(null); $gamePlayer.prepareABS(); if (AlphaABS.BattleUI.isUI()) AlphaABS.BattleUI.getUI().hide(); $gameParty.terminateABSSession(); } _Scene_Map_stop.call(this); }; //NEW Scene_Map.prototype._updateABS = function () { $gameMap.ABSParams().sVectors.forEach(function (item) { if (item) { if (item.isStarted()) { if (!item.isAlive()) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.battleProcess().performPostBattleAction(item); LOG.p("Delete SVector from Map"); this._sVectors.push(item); } } else { this._spriteset.addChild(item.sprite); item.start(); try { if (item.hasEmitter() && this._pEngine) this._pEngine.addEmitter(item.emitter(), true); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } item.update(); } }.bind(this)); if (this._sVectors.length > 0) { this._sVectors.forEach(function (item) { $gameMap.ABSParams().sVectors.delete(item); }); this._sVectors = []; } }; //OVER var _Scene_Map_processMapTouch = Scene_Map.prototype.processMapTouch; Scene_Map.prototype.processMapTouch = function () { if (!$gameMap.isABS()) { _Scene_Map_processMapTouch.call(this); return; } if (!$gamePlayer.inActive()) { return; } if (!$gamePlayer.canControl()) { return; } if (TouchInput.isCancelled()) { if (BattleManagerABS.getPlayerTarget() == null) { $gameMap.ABSParams().menuClickCount++; } else { BattleManagerABS.setPlayerTarget(null); $gameMap.ABSParams().menuClickCount = 0; } } if (TouchInput.isTriggered() || this._touchCount > 0) { if (this.sceneButtonSystem != null && this.sceneButtonSystem.isAnyButtonInTouchPoint()) { return; } if (TouchInput.isPressed()) { if (this._touchCount === 0 || this._touchCount >= 15) { if (AlphaABS.BattleUI.isWeaponCircleTouchedAny()) { return; } var indexT = AlphaABS.BattleUI.isTouched(); if (indexT != null && indexT[1] != null) { if (indexT[0] == 'skill') $gamePlayer.touchSkillAt(indexT[1]); if (indexT[0] == 'panel') $gamePlayer.touchControlAt(indexT[1]); return; } else { var selected = null; var t = this._spriteset.spritesABS(); for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { if (t[i].isTouched()) { selected = t[i]; break; } } var x = $gameMap.canvasToMapX(TouchInput.x); var y = $gameMap.canvasToMapY(TouchInput.y); if (selected && selected.character().inActive()) { if (selected.character() != BattleManagerABS.getPlayerTarget()) { BattleManagerABS.setPlayerTarget(selected.character()); if (!selected.character().isAlly($gamePlayer)) LOG.p("Selected " + selected.character().event().name); else LOG.p("Selected ally " + selected.character().battler().name()); $gameMap.ABSParams().menuClickCount = 0; } else { $gamePlayer.stopFollowMode(); if ($gamePlayer.isNoTargetAttackMode()) { $gamePlayer.onMouseAttackOnTarget(); if (!$gamePlayer._isRangeToTargetGood()) $gameTemp.setDestination(x, y); } else { $gameTemp.setDestination(x, y); } $gamePlayer.stopFollowMode(); } } else { $gamePlayer.stopFollowMode(); $gameTemp.setDestination(x, y); } } } this._touchCount++; } else { this._touchCount = 0; } } }; var _Scene_Map_isMenuCalled = Scene_Map.prototype.isMenuCalled; Scene_Map.prototype.isMenuCalled = function () { if ($gameMap.isABS()) if (BattleManagerABS.getPlayerTarget() == null && $gameMap.ABSParams().menuClickCount > 0) { return TouchInput.isCancelled() || Input.isTriggered('menu'); } else return Input.isTriggered('menu'); else return _Scene_Map_isMenuCalled.call(this); }; //OVER Scene_Map.prototype.updateCallMenu = function () { if (this.isMenuEnabled()) { if (this.isMenuCalled()) { this.menuCalling = true; } if (this.menuCalling && !$gamePlayer.isMoving()) { if ($gamePlayer.inBattle()) { BattleManagerABS.alertNoInBattle(); this.menuCalling = false; } else this.callMenu(); } } else { this.menuCalling = false; } }; var _Scene_Map_createSpriteset = Scene_Map.prototype.createSpriteset; Scene_Map.prototype.createSpriteset = function () { _Scene_Map_createSpriteset.call(this); if ($gameMap.isABS()) { this._spritesetUI = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Spriteset_InterfaceABS(); this.addChild(this._spritesetUI); AlphaABS.BattleUI.setUI(this._spritesetUI); } }; })(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Scene_Map.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Scene_Map_create3232 = Scene_Map.prototype.create; Scene_Map.prototype.create = function () { _alias_Scene_Map_create3232.call(this); //this._devMouse = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_DevMHelper(); }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Scene_Map_createSpriteset = Scene_Map.prototype.createSpriteset; Scene_Map.prototype.createSpriteset = function () { _alias_Scene_Map_createSpriteset.call(this); var buttonsMainSprite = new Sprite(); this.addChild(buttonsMainSprite); this.sceneButtonSystem = new AlphaABS.LIBS.SceneButtonSystem(buttonsMainSprite); }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Scene_Map_onMapLoaded = Scene_Map.prototype.onMapLoaded; Scene_Map.prototype.onMapLoaded = function () { _alias_Scene_Map_onMapLoaded.call(this, ...arguments); if (this.sceneButtonSystem != null) { if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isUIButtonsAllowed()) { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { ButtonsProManager.loadABS(); } ButtonsProManager.loadCustom(); this.sceneButtonSystem.loadButtons(); } } else console.waring('Alpha ABS UI buttons system is NULL'); //this.addChild(this._devMouse); }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Scene_Map_terminate = Scene_Map.prototype.terminate; Scene_Map.prototype.terminate = function () { _alias_Scene_Map_terminate.call(this, ...arguments); if (this.sceneButtonSystem != null) this.sceneButtonSystem.terminate(); }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Scene_Map_isMapTouchOk = Scene_Map.prototype.isMapTouchOk; Scene_Map.prototype.isMapTouchOk = function () { var result = _alias_Scene_Map_isMapTouchOk.call(this); if (result == true) { return !ButtonsProManager.isAnyButtonInInputPoint(); } return false; }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Scene_Map_update = Scene_Map.prototype.update; Scene_Map.prototype.update = function () { _alias_Scene_Map_update.call(this); if (this.sceneButtonSystem != null) this.sceneButtonSystem.update(); }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Scene_Map_stop = Scene_Map.prototype.stop; Scene_Map.prototype.stop = function () { _alias_Scene_Map_stop.call(this); if(SceneManager.isNextScene(Scene_Map)) { AA.clearAllThreads(); $gamePlayer._clearAAnimMotion(); } }; })(); // ■ END Scene_Map.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ SceneButtonSystem.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var SceneButtonSystem; SceneButtonSystem = class SceneButtonSystem { constructor(scene) { this.scene = scene; this._buttons = []; } loadButtons() { var btns; btns = ButtonsProManager.getAllButtons(); return btns.forEach((btn) => { return this.addButton(btn); }); } addButton(buttonSprite) { var e; try { this.scene.addChild(buttonSprite); this._buttons.push(buttonSprite); return SlowUpdateManager.register(buttonSprite.buttonId, buttonSprite, 100); } catch (error) { e = error; return AlphaABS.error(e, 'while add UI button to Scene'); } } deleteButton(buttonSprite) { if (buttonSprite == null) { return; } this.scene.removeChild(buttonSprite); return this._buttons.delete(buttonSprite); } isAnyButtonOverrideInput() { return this._buttons.some(function(btn) { return btn.isOverride(); }); } isAnyButtonInTouchPoint() { return this._buttons.some(function(btn) { return btn.touchInButton(); }); } update() {} terminate() { var e; try { return this._buttons.forEach(function(btn) { return SlowUpdateManager.clear(btn.buttonId); }); } catch (error) { e = error; return AlphaABS.error(e, 'while destroy UI button process'); } } }; AlphaABS.register(SceneButtonSystem); })(); // ■ END SceneButtonSystem.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ SlowUpdateManager.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //@[GLOBAL DEFINITION] var SlowUpdateManager; SlowUpdateManager = function() { throw new Error('Static class'); }; SlowUpdateManager.init = function() { this._threadOwners = []; this._threadObjects = []; return this._threadTimers = []; }; SlowUpdateManager.register = function(objectId, object, time) { var index, thread, timeout; if (!(SlowUpdateManager._getOwnerIndex(objectId) >= 0)) { this._threadOwners.push(objectId); this._threadObjects.push(object); object.activateSlowUpdate(); } //"REGISTER".p(objectId) index = SlowUpdateManager._getOwnerIndex(objectId); clearInterval(this._threadTimers[index]); thread = AA.setIntervalAI((timeout = function() { index = SlowUpdateManager._getOwnerIndex(objectId); if (SlowUpdateManager._threadObjects[index] != null) { SlowUpdateManager._threadObjects[index].slowUpdate(); } }), time); this._threadTimers[index] = thread; }; SlowUpdateManager._getOwnerIndex = function(owner) { if (SlowUpdateManager._threadOwners == null) { SlowUpdateManager._threadOwners = []; } return this._threadOwners.indexOf(owner); }; SlowUpdateManager.clear = function(objectId) { var index; //"CLEAR".p(objectId) index = SlowUpdateManager._getOwnerIndex(objectId); if (index >= 0) { AA.clearIntervalAI(this._threadTimers[index]); this._threadTimers[index] = null; this._threadOwners[index] = null; this._threadObjects[index] = null; this._threadObjects.delete(null); this._threadOwners.delete(null); this._threadTimers.delete(null); } }; SlowUpdateManager.clearAll = function() { this._threadOwners.forEach(function(id) { return SlowUpdateManager.clear(id); }); this._threadOwners = []; this._threadObjects = []; this._threadTimers = []; }; // ■ END SlowUpdateManager.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ SpawnedAiBot.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Game_SpawnedAiBot() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } (function(){ Game_SpawnedAiBot.prototype = Object.create(Game_AIBot.prototype); Game_SpawnedAiBot.prototype.constructor = Game_SpawnedAiBot; Game_SpawnedAiBot.prototype.initialize = function (mapId, eventId, enemyId, x, y, spawnEventId) { this._spawnX = x; this._spawnY = y; this._spawnEventId = spawnEventId; var key = [ $gameMap.mapId(), eventId, AlphaABS.Parameters.get_EnemyDeadSwitch() ]; $gameSelfSwitches.setValue(key, false); Game_AIBot.prototype.initialize.call(this, mapId, eventId, enemyId); DataManager.extractMetadata(this.event()); }; Game_SpawnedAiBot.prototype.event = function () { return $dataSpawnMapAI.events[this._spawnEventId]; }; Game_SpawnedAiBot.prototype.locate = function () { var x = this._spawnX; var y = this._spawnY; Game_AIBot.prototype.locate.call(this, x, y); }; //$[OVER] Game_SpawnedAiBot.prototype._storeDeadData = function() { //?{EMPTY} }; })(); // ■ END SpawnedAiBot.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { var BattleManagerABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.BattleManagerABS; //Sprite_Animation //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //NEW Sprite_Animation.prototype.setABSMode = function () { this._absMode = true; }; Sprite_Animation.prototype.setABSModeMap = function () { this._absMode = true; this._absModeMap = true; this._mapPoint = null; }; var pkd_SpriteAnimation_updatePosition = Sprite_Animation.prototype.updatePosition; Sprite_Animation.prototype.updatePosition = function () { try { if (this._absMode && !this._absModeMap) { if (this._animation.position === 3) { this.x = this.parent.width / 2; this.y = this.parent.height / 2; } else { var parent = this._target.parent; var grandparent = parent ? parent.parent : null; this.x = this._target.x; this.y = this._target.y; if (this.parent === grandparent) { this.x += parent.x; this.y += parent.y; } if (this._animation.position === 0) { this.y -= this._target.height; //this.y -= this._target.height / 2; } } if (this._animation.position === 2) { //FEET this.y -= 32; } } else if (this._absMode && this._absModeMap) { if (this._animation.position == 3) { this.x = this.parent.width / 2; this.y = this.parent.height / 2; } else { if (!this._mapPoint) { this._mapPoint = new AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX(this._target.x, this._target.y); this._mapPoint.convertToMap(); } var mapPoint = this._mapPoint.mapPointOnScreen(); this.x = mapPoint.x + 24; this.y = mapPoint.y + 24; } } else { pkd_SpriteAnimation_updatePosition.call(this); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; var pkd_SpriteAnimation_updateCellSprite = Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateCellSprite; Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateCellSprite = function (sprite, cell) { pkd_SpriteAnimation_updateCellSprite.call(this, sprite, cell); if (this._absMode) { var pattern = cell[0]; if (pattern >= 0) { sprite.x = 0; sprite.y = 0; var t = 4; if (this._absModeMap) { t = 2; } if (this._animation.position != 3) { sprite.scale.x = (sprite.scale.x / t); sprite.scale.y = (sprite.scale.y / t); } } } }; var _Sprite_Animation_initMembers = Sprite_Animation.prototype.initMembers; Sprite_Animation.prototype.initMembers = function () { _Sprite_Animation_initMembers.call(this); this._lightDuration = null; this._lightPoint = null; }; var _Sprite_Animation_startFlash = Sprite_Animation.prototype.startFlash; Sprite_Animation.prototype.startFlash = function (color, duration) { _Sprite_Animation_startFlash.call(this, color, duration); try { if (!BattleManagerABS.isABSLightingExt() || !this._absMode) return; if (this._lightPoint != null) { this._deleteLight(); } this._lightDuration = duration; if (this._absModeMap) this._lightPoint = new AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX(this.x - 48, this.y - 48); else this._lightPoint = new AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX(this.x, this.y); this._lightPoint.convertToMap(); var lightColor = new PLATFORM.Color(color[0], color[1], color[2]); $gameMap.setLight(this._lightPoint.x, this._lightPoint.y, 150, lightColor.toHex(), 0, true); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; var _Sprite_Animation_updateFlash = Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateFlash; Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateFlash = function () { _Sprite_Animation_updateFlash.call(this); if (this._lightDuration == null) return; this._lightDuration--; if (this._lightDuration <= 1) { this._deleteLight(); } }; var _Sprite_Animation_remove = Sprite_Animation.prototype.remove; Sprite_Animation.prototype.remove = function () { _Sprite_Animation_remove.call(this); if (this._lightDuration || this._lightPoint) { this._deleteLight(); } }; //NEW Sprite_Animation.prototype._deleteLight = function () { if (this._lightPoint) { $gameMap.deleteLight(this._lightPoint.x, this._lightPoint.y); this._lightPoint = null; } this._lightDuration = null; }; //END Sprite_Animation //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Sprite_Button.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Sprite_Button.prototype.isHoverByMouse = function () { var x = this.canvasToLocalX(TouchInput.mX); var y = this.canvasToLocalY(TouchInput.mY); return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < this.width && y < this.height; }; // ■ END Sprite_Button.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { class Sprite_CastProgress extends Sprite { constructor(width, height) { super(new Bitmap(width, height)); this._timer = null; this._bar = new AlphaABS.LIBS.PKD_Object_Bar(this.bitmap); this._bar.setPosition(0, 0, width, height); this._needText = false; //this._thread = setInterval(function() { this._update_bar(); }.bind(this), 10); } setText() { this._needText = true; } setColor(color) { this._bar._color = color; } start(timer) { //this.visible = true; this._timer = timer; } cancel() { //this.visible = false; this._timer = null; } bar() { return this._bar; } update() { //super(); this._update_bar(); } terminate() { clearInterval(this._thread); } //PRIVATE _update_bar() { if (!this.bitmap) return; if (!this._timer) return; var t = this._timer.getMaxValue(); var t2 = this._timer.getValue(); this._bar._mValue = t; this._bar.setValue(t2); if (this._needText) this._bar.setText(AlphaABS.UTILS.framesToTimeA(t - t2), 'center'); this._bar.update(); if (this._timer.isReady()) { this.cancel(); } } } AlphaABS.register(Sprite_CastProgress); })(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Sprite_Character.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Sprite_Character_updatePosition = Sprite_Character.prototype.updatePosition; Sprite_Character.prototype.updatePosition = function () { _alias_Sprite_Character_updatePosition.call(this); if (this._character.inAAnimMotion() && this._character.__AnimMotionReady == true) { this.y += this._AAnimMotionOffset(); } else if (this._character.inABSMotion()) { this.y += this._absMotionOffset(); } }; //?[NEW] Sprite_Character.prototype._absMotionOffset = function () { return this._character.ABSParams().absMotion.getOffset(); }; //?[NEW] Sprite_Character.prototype._AAnimMotionOffset = function () { return this._character.getAAnimMotion().getOffset(); }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Sprite_Character_patternWidth = Sprite_Character.prototype.patternWidth; Sprite_Character.prototype.patternWidth = function () { if (this._character.inAAnimMotion() && this._character.__AnimMotionReady == true) { var amotion = this._character.getAAnimMotion(); return this.bitmap.width / amotion.getFrames(); } if (this._character.inABSMotion()) { var motion = this._character.getABSMotion(); if (motion.isOldABSMotion()) return this.bitmap.width / 3; else return this.bitmap.width / motion.getFrames(); } return _alias_Sprite_Character_patternWidth.call(this); }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Sprite_Character_setCharacterBitmap = Sprite_Character.prototype.setCharacterBitmap; Sprite_Character.prototype.setCharacterBitmap = function () { if (this._character.inAAnimMotion()) { this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadAAMotion(this._characterName); this.bitmap.addLoadListener(() => { this._character.__AnimMotionReady = true; }); this._isBigCharacter = ImageManager.isBigCharacter(this._characterName); } else if (this._character.inABSMotion()) { var motion = this._character.ABSParams().absMotion; if (!motion.isOldABSMotion() && motion.isProperName(this._characterName)) { this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadAAMotion(this._characterName); this._isBigCharacter = ImageManager.isBigCharacter(this._characterName); } else { _alias_Sprite_Character_setCharacterBitmap.call(this); } } else { _alias_Sprite_Character_setCharacterBitmap.call(this); } }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Sprite_Character_patternHeight = Sprite_Character.prototype.patternHeight; Sprite_Character.prototype.patternHeight = function () { if (this._character.inAAnimMotion()) { var motion = this._character.getAAnimMotion(); if (motion != null && this._character.__AnimMotionReady == true) { return this.bitmap.height / motion.getParts(); } } if (this._character.inABSMotion()) { var motion = this._character.ABSParams().absMotion; if (!motion.isOldABSMotion()) { return this.bitmap.height / motion.getParts(); } else { return _alias_Sprite_Character_patternHeight.call(this); } } else { return _alias_Sprite_Character_patternHeight.call(this); } }; })(); // ■ END Sprite_Character.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { var Consts = AlphaABS.SYSTEM; var BattleManagerABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.BattleManagerABS; var PointX = AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX; //Sprite_CharacterABS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Sprite_CharacterABS() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Character.prototype); Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype.constructor = Sprite_CharacterABS; Sprite_CharacterABS.MOTIONS = { none: { index: 0, loop: true }, sleep: { index: 17, loop: true } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype.initialize = function (character, type) { Sprite_Character.prototype.initialize.call(this, character); this._absParams = {}; this._absParams.type = type; this._absParams.damages = []; }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype.isAlly = function () { return this._absParams.type == 2; }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype.isEnemy = function () { return this._absParams.type == 0; }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype.isPlayer = function () { return this._absParams.type == 1; }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype.ABSParams = function () { return this._absParams; }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_Character.prototype.update.call(this); this._updateABS(); if (this.isAlly()) { } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype.toPoint = function () { return new PointX(this.x, this.y); }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype.isTouched = function () { return AlphaABS.UTILS.SMath.inRect(new PointX(TouchInput.x, TouchInput.y), this._getRectangle()); }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype.character = function () { return this._character; }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype.initABS = function () { this._isABS = true; this._stateIconSprite = new Sprite_StateIcon(); this.addChild(this._stateIconSprite); this._stateIconSprite.setup(this._character.battler()); this._stateIconSprite.scale.x = 0.7; this._stateIconSprite.scale.y = 0.7; this._animationCast = null; this._animationCastAudio = null; this._stateSpriteOverlay = new Sprite_StateOverlay(); this._stateSpriteOverlay.setup(this._character.battler()); this.addChild(this._stateSpriteOverlay); this._stateSpriteOverlay.scale.x = 0.7; this._stateSpriteOverlay.scale.y = 0.7; if (!this.isPlayer()) { this._effectType = null; this._effectDuration = 0; this._shake = 0; } else { this._stateIconSprite.setPriority(90); } }; //PRIVATE Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._updateABS = function () { if (!this._isABS) return; if (this._character.battler() == null) return; if (this.isEnemy()) { this._setupSelection(); } else { this._setupWeaponAnimation(); this._setupMotion(); this._updateMotion(); } this._updateStateSprite(); this._setupAnimationABS(); this._updateDamagePopup(); this._setupAnimationCastABS(); this._setupPopUp(); }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._updateEffect = function () { var t = this._character.battler(); if (t.isEffectRequested()) { //setupEffect this._startEffect(t.effectType()); t.clearEffect(); } if (this._effectDuration > 0) { this._effectDuration--; switch (this._effectType) { case 'whiten': var alpha = 128 - (16 - this._effectDuration) * 10; this.setBlendColor([255, 255, 255, alpha]); break; case 'blink': this.opacity = (this._effectDuration % 10 < 5) ? 255 : 0; break; case 'collapse': this.blendMode = Graphics.BLEND_ADD; this.setBlendColor([255, 128, 128, 128]); this.opacity *= this._effectDuration / (this._effectDuration + 1); break; } if (this._effectDuration === 0) { this._effectType = null; } } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._startEffect = function (effectType) { this._effectType = effectType; switch (this._effectType) { case 'whiten': this._effectDuration = 16; break; case 'blink': this._effectDuration = 20; break; case 'collapse': this._effectDuration = 32; break; } this._shake = 0; this.blendMode = 0; this.opacity = 255; this.setBlendColor([0, 0, 0, 0]); }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._updateStateSprite = function () { this._stateIconSprite.y = -Math.round((this.patternHeight() + 40) * 0.9); if (this._stateIconSprite.y < 20 - this.y) { this._stateIconSprite.y = 20 - this.y; } this._stateIconSprite.visible = this._character.inActive(); }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._updateDamagePopup = function () { this._setupDamagePopup(); var t = this._absParams.damages; if (t.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { t[i].z = 10; t[i].update(); } if (!t[0].isPlaying()) { this.parent.removeChild(t[0]); t.shift(); } } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._setupSelection = function () { if (!this._absParams.spriteSelect) { var selectedBitmap = null; var blendColor = Color.RED.ARR; if (this.isAlly()) blendColor = Color.BLUE.ARR; /*if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { var parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerTarget(); selectedBitmap = parameters.Selected_Image; if (parameters.Selected_Color) { var color = parameters.Selected_Color; color = PLATFORM.Color.FromHex(color); blendColor = color.ARR; } } else {*/ selectedBitmap = AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.TargetCircle.bitmap; //} this._absParams.spriteSelect = new Sprite(selectedBitmap); var t = this._absParams.spriteSelect; t.visible = false; t.anchor.x = 0.5; t.anchor.y = 0.5; t.setBlendColor(blendColor); t.opacity = 200; t.z = 0; this.parent.addChild(t); } this._absParams.spriteSelect.visible = this._character.ABSParams().selected; this._absParams.spriteSelect.x = this.x; this._absParams.spriteSelect.y = this.y; if (this._character.inABSMotion()) { this._absParams.spriteSelect.y -= this._absMotionOffset(); } if (this.isAlly()) { this._absParams.spriteSelect.visible = this._character.isSelected(); } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._setupDebugInfo = function () { var t; if (!this._absParams.spriteDebug1) { t = this._character.ABSParams(); var bitmap = new Bitmap(t.viewRadius * 64, t.viewRadius * 64); bitmap.drawCircle(bitmap.width / 2, bitmap.height / 2, bitmap.width / 2, Color.BLUE.CSS); this._absParams.spriteDebug1 = new Sprite(bitmap); this._absParams.spriteDebug1.z = 0; this._absParams.spriteDebug1.opacity = 64; this._absParams.spriteDebug1.anchor.x = 0.5; this._absParams.spriteDebug1.anchor.y = 0.5; this.parent.addChild(this._absParams.spriteDebug1); bitmap = new Bitmap(t.returnRadius * 64, t.returnRadius * 64); bitmap.drawCircle(bitmap.width / 2, bitmap.height / 2, bitmap.width / 2, Color.RED.CSS); this._absParams.spriteDebug2 = new Sprite(bitmap); this._absParams.spriteDebug2.z = 0; this._absParams.spriteDebug2.opacity = 120; this._absParams.spriteDebug2.anchor.x = 0.5; this._absParams.spriteDebug2.anchor.y = 0.5; this.parent.addChild(this._absParams.spriteDebug2); } this._absParams.spriteDebug1.visible = this._character.ABSParams().selected; this._absParams.spriteDebug2.visible = this._absParams.spriteDebug1.visible; this._absParams.spriteDebug1.x = this.x; this._absParams.spriteDebug1.y = this.y; t = this._character.ABSParams(); if (t.myHomePosition) { this._absParams.spriteDebug2.x = t.myHomePosition.screenX(); this._absParams.spriteDebug2.y = t.myHomePosition.screenY(); } else { this._absParams.spriteDebug2.x = this.x; this._absParams.spriteDebug2.y = this.y; } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._setupMotion = function () { if (this._character.isMotionRequested()) { if (!this._motionSprite) { this._motionSprite = new Sprite(); this._motionSprite.anchor.x = 0.5; this._motionSprite.anchor.y = 1; this._motionSprite.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSvActor(this._character.battler().battlerName()); this._motionSprite.visible = false; this._motionSprite.scale.x = 0.8; this._motionSprite.scale.y = 0.8; this.parent.addChild(this._motionSprite); } this.startMotion(this._character.motionType()); this._character.clearMotion(); } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype.startMotion = function (motionType) { var newMotion = Sprite_CharacterABS.MOTIONS[motionType]; if (newMotion.index == 0) { this._motion = null; this._motionSprite.visible = false; this._character.setTransparent(false); return; } if (this._motion !== newMotion) { this._motion = newMotion; this._motionCount = 0; this._pattern = 0; this._motionSprite.x = this.x; this._motionSprite.y = this.y; this._character.setTransparent(true); this._motionSprite.visible = true; } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._updateMotion = function () { if (this._motion) { var bitmap = this._motionSprite.bitmap; var motionIndex = this._motion ? this._motion.index : 0; var pattern = this._pattern < 3 ? this._pattern : 1; var cw = bitmap.width / 9; var ch = bitmap.height / 6; var cx = Math.floor(motionIndex / 6) * 3 + pattern; var cy = motionIndex % 6; this._motionSprite.setFrame(cx * cw, cy * ch, cw, ch); this._motionSprite.x = this._character.screenX(); this._motionSprite.y = this._character.screenY(); } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._setupPopUpExp = function () { if (!this._absParams.popUpMachineExp) { this._absParams.popUpMachineExp = new ABS.ABSObject_PopUpMachine(0, 0, this.patternWidth(), 4, this.parent); this._absParams.popUpMachineExp.setUpMode(); } this._absParams.popUpMachineExp.update(); if (this._character.isExpPopupRequested()) { var t = this._character.getExpPopup(); this._absParams.popUpMachineExp.push(ABS.PopInfoManagerABS.EXP(t)); var point = this._getCornerPoint(); this._absParams.popUpMachineExp.move(point.x, point.y - 32); this._character.clearExpPopup(); } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._setupPopUp = function () { var items = this._character.battler().getInfoPops(); if (items.length != 0) { for (var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) { var item = items[j]; this._pushPopOnUI(item); } } this._character.battler().clearInfoPops(); }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._pushPopOnUI = function (item) { if (this.isPlayer()) { AlphaABS.BattleUI.addPopUpForPlayer(item); } else { AlphaABS.BattleUI.addPopUpForTarget(this.character(), item); } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._setupAnimationABS = function () { if (this._character.ABSParams().animationABS > 0) { var anim = $dataAnimations[this._character.ABSParams().animationABS]; this._character.ABSParams().animationABS = 0; this._startAnimationABS(anim, false, 0); } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._setupAnimationCastABS = function () { if (this._character.isCasting()) { if (!this._animationCast) { this._createAnimataionCast(); } else { if (!this._animationCast.isPlaying()) { this._animationCast.remove(); this._createAnimataionCast(); } } } else { if (this._animationCast) { this._animationCast.remove(); this._animationCast = null; if (this._animationCastAudio) { this._animationCastAudio.stop(); this._animationCastAudio = null; } } } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._createAnimataionCast = function () { this._animationCast = new Sprite_Animation(); var anim = null; var own = false; if (this._character.ABSParams().currentAction.castAnim > 0) { anim = $dataAnimations[this._character.ABSParams().currentAction.castAnim]; own = true; } else { anim = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_CastAnimation(); } this._animationCast.setup(this._effectTarget, anim, false, 0); this._animationCast.setABSMode(); this.parent.addChild(this._animationCast); if (!this._animationCastAudio) { var se = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_CastAnimationSE(); if (se != null && own == false) { var point = this._character.toPoint(); if (BattleManagerABS.isABSAudio()) this._animationCastAudio = AudioManager.playSeLoopAt(se, point.mapPointOnScreen()); else this._animationCastAudio = AudioManager.playSeLoop(se); } } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._setupDamagePopup = function () { var t = this._character.battler(); if (t && t.isDamagePopupRequested()) { var sprite = new Sprite_Damage(); sprite.x = this.x; sprite.y = this.y - this.patternHeight() - 10; sprite.setup(t); sprite.scale.x = 0.6; sprite.scale.y = 0.6; this._absParams.damages.push(sprite); this.parent.addChild(sprite); t.clearDamagePopup(); t.clearResult(); } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._setupWeaponAnimation = function () { if (!this._absParams.spriteWeapon) { this._absParams.spriteWeapon = new Sprite_Weapon(); this.addChild(this._absParams.spriteWeapon); } var t = this.character().battler(); if (t && t.isWeaponAnimationRequested()) { this._absParams.spriteWeapon.setup(t.weaponImageId()); this._absParams.spriteWeapon.setDirectionABS(AlphaABS.UTILS.getDirKey(this.character())); t.clearWeaponAnimation(); } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._startAnimationABS = function (animation, mirror, delay) { var sprite = new Sprite_Animation(); sprite.setup(this._effectTarget, animation, mirror, delay); sprite.setABSMode(); this.parent.addChild(sprite); this._animationSprites.push(sprite); }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._getCornerPoint = function () { //Левый верхний угол спрайта var p1 = this.x - (this.patternWidth() / 2); var p2 = this.y - this.patternHeight(); return new PointX(p1, p2); }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._getRectangle = function () { //Прямоугольник, содержащий спрайт var p = this._getCornerPoint(); return new Rectangle(p.x, p.y, this.patternWidth(), this.patternHeight()); }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._getCenterPoint = function () { //Центральная точка return new PointX(this.x, this.y - this.patternHeight() / 2); }; //?[NEW] Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype.getStartPointToVector = function () { return this._getCenterPoint().convertToMap(); }; //END Sprite_CharacterABS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlphaABS.register(Sprite_CharacterABS); })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Sprite_CharacterABS_private.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var Sprite_CharacterABS, __super_Sprite_CharacterABS_updABS; Sprite_CharacterABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_CharacterABS; __super_Sprite_CharacterABS_updABS = Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._updateABS; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._updateABS = function() { __super_Sprite_CharacterABS_updABS.call(this); if (!this._isABS) { return; } if (this._character.battler() == null) { return; } return this._updateHpBar(); }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._updateHpBar = function() { this._setupHpBar(); if (this._hpBarSprite == null) { return; } this._hpBarController.setup(this._character.battler(), 'hp', 'mhp'); this._hpBarController.update(); this._hpBarSprite.x = this.x + this._hpBarDX; return this._hpBarSprite.y = this.y - this.height + this._hpBarDY; }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._setupHpBar = function() { if (this._character.isHpBarVisible()) { if (this._hpBarSprite == null) { this._createHpBar(); this._createHPBarCntrl(); } return this._hpBarSprite.visible = true; } else { if (this._hpBarSprite != null) { return this._hpBarSprite.visible = false; } } }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._createHpBar = function() { var id, settings; id = this._getMiniHPStyle(); this._hpBarSprite = new AlphaABS.LIBS.SpriteGauge(id); this._hpBarSprite.z = this.z + 2; settings = AA.JSON.getGaugeSettings(id); this._hpBarDX = settings.position[0]; this._hpBarDY = settings.position[1]; return this.parent.addChild(this._hpBarSprite); }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._getMiniHPStyle = function() { return 'miniHp'; }; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._createHPBarCntrl = function() { this._hpBarController = new AA.LIBS.MiniHPBarController(this._hpBarSprite); return this._hpBarController.setPercentText(); }; })(); // ■ END Sprite_CharacterABS_private.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Sprite_CharacterABS_private.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var Sprite_CharacterABS; Sprite_CharacterABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_CharacterABS; Sprite_CharacterABS.prototype._getMiniHPStyle = function() { return this._character.getHpBarStyleID(); }; })(); // ■ END Sprite_CharacterABS_private.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Sprite_Damage.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function(){ //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Sprite_Damage_setup = Sprite_Damage.prototype.setup; Sprite_Damage.prototype.setup = function (target) { this._absDigitsSprites = []; _alias_Sprite_Damage_setup.call(this, target); if (target && target.isPlayer()) { var result = target.result(); if (result.hpAffected) { if (this._absDigitsSprites) { this._applyABSColor(); } } } }; //?[NEW] Sprite_Damage.prototype._applyABSColor = function () { var color = KDCore.Color.BLACK.ARR; if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { color = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UI_PlayerDamageColor(); } this._absDigitsSprites.forEach(function (sprite) { sprite.setColorTone(color); }); }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Sprite_Damage_createChildSprite = Sprite_Damage.prototype.createChildSprite; Sprite_Damage.prototype.createChildSprite = function () { var sprite = _alias_Sprite_Damage_createChildSprite.call(this); this._absDigitsSprites.push(sprite); return sprite; }; })(); // ■ END Sprite_Damage.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Sprite_DevMHelper.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var Sprite_DevMHelper; Sprite_DevMHelper = class Sprite_DevMHelper extends Sprite { constructor() { super(new Bitmap(90, 30)); } update() { super.update(); return this._drawCoords(); } _drawCoords() { var coords; this.bitmap.clear(); this.bitmap.fillAll(KDCore.Color.RED); coords = AlphaABS.UTILS.SMouse.getMousePosition(); this.bitmap.drawTextFull(coords.toString(), 'center'); return this.move(coords.x, coords.y); } }; AlphaABS.register(Sprite_DevMHelper); })(); // ■ END Sprite_DevMHelper.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Sprite_EnemyHpBar.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var Sprite_EnemyHPBar; Sprite_EnemyHPBar = class Sprite_EnemyHPBar extends Sprite { constructor() { super(); this.gauge = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UI_GaugeABS_HP(40, 10); this._configurteGauge(); this._applyParameters(); this.addChild(this.gauge); } _configurteGauge() { var dx, dy; this.gauge._leftGaugeText = function() { return ''; }; this.gauge._isShowValue = false; dx = -this.gauge.width / 2; dy = -this.gauge.height; return this.gauge.move(dx, dy); } _applyParameters() { var e; try { } catch (error) { //if AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded() //params = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_MiniHPBar() //@gauge.applyPluginParameters params e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while load mini HP bar parameters'); } } setup(character) { return this.gauge.setBattler(character.battler()); } }; AlphaABS.register(Sprite_EnemyHPBar); })(); // ■ END Sprite_EnemyHpBar.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function () { class Sprite_EnemyStatusBar extends Sprite { constructor(width, height) { super(new Bitmap(width, height)); this._createSprites(); this.setTarget(null); this._limit = 0; this._iconSize = 20; this._thread = AA.setInterval(function () { this._updateABS(); }.bind(this), 200); } refresh() { this.bitmap.clear(); this._drawItems(); } terminate() { AA.clearInterval(this._thread); } setLimit(limit) { this._limit = limit; } setTarget(target) { this.target = target; if (target) { this.refresh(); } else { this.visible = false; } } //PRIVATE _createSprites() {} _drawItems() { try { var icons = this.target.battler().allIcons(); if (icons.length == 0) { this.visible = false; return; } else { this.visible = true; } var size = (this._limit == 0) ? icons.length : this._limit; size = this._limit > icons.length ? icons.length : this._limit; for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { this.bitmap.drawIcon(this._xVal(i), 0, icons[i], this._iconSize); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } _xVal(index) { return index * (this._iconSize + 2); } _updateABS() { if (this.target) { this.refresh(); } } } AlphaABS.register(Sprite_EnemyStatusBar); })(); (function () { class Sprite_EnemyUI extends Sprite { constructor() { super(new Bitmap(180, 70)); this._loadParameters(); this._createSprites(); this.setTarget(null); this._thread = AA.setInterval(function () { this._updateABS(); }.bind(this), 20); } _loadParameters() { this.pluginParameters = null; //if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { // this.pluginParameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerTarget(); //} } infoWidth() { return 120; } refresh() { if (this.target) { this.hpGauge.setBattler(this.target.battler()); } this.spriteInfo.bitmap.clear(); this.spriteInfo.bitmap.fontSize = 18; this.spriteInfo.bitmap.drawText(this.target.battler().name(), 0, 0, this.spriteInfo.bitmap.width, 20, 'left'); } terminate() { this.castBar.terminate(); AA.clearInterval(this._thread); } setTarget(target) { this.target = target; if (target) { this.spriteMask.stopMask(); this.refresh(); if (this.pluginParameters) this.visible = this.pluginParameters.Visible; else this.visible = true; } else { this.spriteMask.stopMask(); this.castBar.cancel(); this.castBar.visible = false; this.visible = false; } } //PRIVATE _createSprites() { this.spriteBackground = new Sprite(new Bitmap(this.bitmap.width, this.bitmap.height)); var backgroundColor = Color.BLACK.CSS; if (this.pluginParameters) { backgroundColor = this.pluginParameters.Back_color || backgroundColor; } this.spriteBackground.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, this.infoWidth(), this.bitmap.height, backgroundColor); this.spriteBackground.opacity = 120; this.spriteInfo = new Sprite(new Bitmap(this.infoWidth() - 40, 22)); this.spriteInfo.x = 10; this.spriteInfo.y = 5; if (this.pluginParameters) { if (this.pluginParameters['Font Name']) this.spriteInfo.bitmap.fontFace = this.pluginParameters['Font Name']; this.spriteInfo.visible = this.pluginParameters.Name; } this.spriteBarHp = new Sprite(new Bitmap(this.infoWidth() - 20, 18)); this.spriteBarHp.x = 10; this.spriteBarHp.y = 28; this.hpGauge = this._createHpGauge(); this.spriteBarHp.addChild(this.hpGauge); this.spriteInfo_Battle = new Sprite(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconInBattle.bitmap); this.spriteInfo_Battle.anchor.y = 0.5; this.spriteInfo_Battle.x = this.infoWidth() - 24; this.spriteInfo_Battle.y = 12; this.spriteInfo_Battle.visible = false; this.castBar = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_CastProgress(this.infoWidth() - 20, 14); this.castBar.x = 10; this.castBar.y = 48; var maskBitmap = null; if (this.pluginParameters) { maskBitmap = this.pluginParameters.Mask; } else { maskBitmap = AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.TargetBattleMask.bitmap; } this.spriteMask = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Mask(maskBitmap); this.spriteMask.x = -3; this.spriteMask.y = -3; this.spriteMask.setParams(220); this.addChild(this.spriteMask); this.addChild(this.spriteBackground); this.addChild(this.spriteInfo); this.addChild(this.spriteBarHp); this.addChild(this.spriteInfo_Battle); this.addChild(this.castBar); } _createHpGauge() { var hpGauge = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UI_GaugeABS_HPE(this.spriteBarHp.width, this.spriteBarHp.height); if (this.target) hpGauge.setBattler(this.target.battler()); if (this.pluginParameters) { hpGauge.applyPluginParameters(this.pluginParameters['HP Bar']); hpGauge.setShowInPercent(this.pluginParameters.HP_text == '%'); } return hpGauge; } _updateABS() { if (this.target) { this.spriteBarHp.update(); this.castBar.update(); this.spriteMask.update(); if (this.target.inBattle()) { this.spriteMask.showMaskOne(20); this.spriteInfo_Battle.visible = true; } else { this.spriteInfo_Battle.visible = false; } if (this.target.ABSParams().casting) { if (!this.castBar._timer) this.castBar.visible = true; this.castBar.start(this.target.ABSParams().currentAction.timer); } else { this.castBar.cancel(); this.castBar.visible = false; } } } } AlphaABS.register(Sprite_EnemyUI); })(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Sprite_Ext.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { var LOG = new PLATFORM.DevLog("Sprite_Ext"); var ABSUtils = AlphaABS.UTILS; function Sprite_Ext() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Ext.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Base.prototype); Sprite_Ext.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Ext; Sprite_Ext.prototype.initialize = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._free = false; //Can be moved this._lastMousePoint = null; //Prev Mouse x,y (PointX) this._newMousePoint = null; //New Mouse x,y (PointX) this._touched = false; //Mouse pressed on this Sprite }; Sprite_Ext.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_Base.prototype.update.call(this); this._updateMove(); }; //NEW Sprite_Ext.prototype.free = function () { this._free = true; this.onFree(); }; Sprite_Ext.prototype.onFree = function () { }; Sprite_Ext.prototype.onFreeze = function () { }; Sprite_Ext.prototype.onStartMove = function () { }; Sprite_Ext.prototype.onEndMove = function () { }; Sprite_Ext.prototype.canMove = function () { return (this._free == true); }; Sprite_Ext.prototype.freeze = function () { this._free = false; if (this._touched) { this._endMove(); } this.onFreeze(); }; //PRIVATE Sprite_Ext.prototype._updateMove = function () { if (this.canMove()) { this._updateTouch(); if (this._touched) { this._updateMovePlace(); } else this._newMousePoint = null; } }; Sprite_Ext.prototype._updateTouch = function () { if (TouchInput.isTriggered()) { if (this._touched) { this._endMove(); } else { LOG.p("Mouse at " + new ABSUtils.PointX(TouchInput.x, TouchInput.y)); if (ABSUtils.SMath.inRect(new ABSUtils.PointX(TouchInput.x, TouchInput.y), this._myRectangle())) { this._startMove(); } } } }; Sprite_Ext.prototype._updateMovePlace = function () { this._lastMousePoint = this._newMousePoint; LOG.p("Update placement"); var mp = ABSUtils.SMouse.getMousePosition(); var mx = mp.x; var my = mp.y; if (mx == 0 && my == 0) { mx = TouchInput.x; my = TouchInput.y; } this._newMousePoint = new ABSUtils.PointX(mx, my); if (this._lastMousePoint != null) { var dx = mx - this._lastMousePoint.x; var dy = my - this._lastMousePoint.y; this.move(this.x + dx, this.y + dy); } }; Sprite_Ext.prototype._myRectangle = function () { var x = ABSUtils.toGlobalCoord(this, 'x'); var y = ABSUtils.toGlobalCoord(this, 'y'); return new Rectangle(x, y, this.width, this.height); }; Sprite_Ext.prototype._startMove = function () { LOG.p("Start moving"); this._touched = true; this.onStartMove(); if (!ABSUtils.SMouse.isTracked()) ABSUtils.SMouse.setTrack(true); }; Sprite_Ext.prototype._endMove = function () { LOG.p("End moving"); this._touched = false; this.onEndMove(); }; AlphaABS.register(Sprite_Ext); })(); // ■ END Sprite_Ext.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { var ABSUtils = AlphaABS.UTILS; //Sprite_Ext2 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Sprite_Ext2() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Ext2.prototype = Object.create(AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Ext.prototype); Sprite_Ext2.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Ext2; Sprite_Ext2.prototype.initialize = function (frames) { AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Ext.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._mouseIn = false; this._ready = false; this._readyHandler = null; this._outHandler = null; this._readyCalled = false; this._frames = frames; this.timerA = new Game_TimerABS(); this.thread = AA.setInterval(function () { this._checkMouseIn(); }.bind(this), (16.666)); }; Sprite_Ext2.prototype.setReadyHandler = function (func) { this._readyHandler = func; }; Sprite_Ext2.prototype.setOutHandler = function (func) { this._outHandler = func; }; Sprite_Ext2.prototype.update = function () { AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Ext.prototype.update.call(this); if (this._mouseIn) { this.timerA.update(); if (this.timerA.isReady()) { this._ready = true; this._onReady(); } } }; Sprite_Ext2.prototype.isReady = function () { return (this._ready == true); }; Sprite_Ext2.prototype.terminate = function () { AA.clearInterval(this.thread); }; //PRIVATE Sprite_Ext2.prototype._checkMouseIn = function () { var mp = ABSUtils.SMouse.getMousePosition(); if (ABSUtils.SMath.inRect(mp, this._myRectangle())) { this._mouseInF(); } else { this._mouseOutF(); } }; Sprite_Ext2.prototype._mouseOutF = function () { if (this._mouseIn == true) { //LOG.p("Mouse OUT"); this._mouseIn = false; this.timerA.reset(); if (this.isReady()) { this._onOut(); } } }; Sprite_Ext2.prototype._mouseInF = function () { if (this._mouseIn == false) { //LOG.p("Mouse IN"); this._mouseIn = true; this.timerA.start(this._frames); } }; Sprite_Ext2.prototype._onOut = function () { //LOG.p("on OUT"); this.ready = false; if (this._outHandler) { this._outHandler.call(); } this._readyCalled = false; }; Sprite_Ext2.prototype._onReady = function () { if (this._readyCalled == true) return; if (this._readyHandler) { this._readyHandler.call(); } this._readyCalled = true; }; AlphaABS.register(Sprite_Ext2); //END Sprite_Ext2 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function () { //Sprite_Hover //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Sprite_Hover() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_Hover.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Button.prototype); Sprite_Hover.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Hover; Sprite_Hover.CWHITE = Color.WHITE.reAlpha(220); Sprite_Hover.CWHITE2 = Color.WHITE.reAlpha(60); Sprite_Hover.prototype.initialize = function (w, h) { Sprite_Button.prototype.initialize.call(this); this._step = 0; this._free = true; this._createHover(w, h); }; Sprite_Hover.prototype.isFree = function () { return (this._free == true); }; Sprite_Hover.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_Button.prototype.update.call(this); if (this._free) { if (this.isHoverByMouse()) { this._step++; this._onHover(); } else { this._reset(); } } }; Sprite_Hover.prototype.freeze = function () { this._free = false; this.alpha = 1; }; Sprite_Hover.prototype.free = function () { this._free = true; this._reset(); }; Sprite_Hover.prototype.standardFrameWidth = function () { return 2; }; Sprite_Hover.prototype._createHover = function (w, h) { this.bitmap = new Bitmap(w, h); var color1 = Sprite_Hover.CWHITE.CSS; var color2 = Sprite_Hover.CWHITE2.CSS; this._drawFrame(color1, color2, this.standardFrameWidth()); this.alpha = 0; }; Sprite_Hover.prototype._reset = function () { this._step = 0; this.alpha = 0; }; Sprite_Hover.prototype._drawFrame = function (color1, color2, w) { this.bitmap.clear(); this.bitmap.gradientFillRect(0, 0, w, this.height, color1, color2); this.bitmap.gradientFillRect(this.width - w, 0, w, this.height, color2, color1); this.bitmap.gradientFillRect(0, 0, this.width, w, color1, color2, true); this.bitmap.gradientFillRect(0, this.height - w, this.width, w, color2, color1, true); }; Sprite_Hover.prototype._onHover = function () { this.alpha = 0.6 - Math.abs((this._step * 0.01) % 0.5); }; AlphaABS.register(Sprite_Hover); //END Sprite_Hover //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function(){ //Sprite_HoverIcon //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Sprite_HoverIcon() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } Sprite_HoverIcon.prototype = Object.create(AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Hover.prototype); Sprite_HoverIcon.prototype.constructor = Sprite_HoverIcon; Sprite_HoverIcon.prototype.initialize = function(w,h,fw) { this._fwidth = fw || 2; AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Hover.prototype.initialize.call(this, w, h); }; Sprite_HoverIcon.prototype.standardFrameWidth = function() { return this._fwidth; }; //END Sprite_HoverIcon //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlphaABS.register(Sprite_HoverIcon); })(); (function () { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //ItemLineSprite class ItemLineSprite extends Sprite { constructor(text, iconSymbol, textColor) { super(); this._text = text || ''; this._textColor = textColor || Color.WHITE; this._iconSymbol = iconSymbol || null; this._create(); this._draw(); } width() { return 120; } height() { return 24; } static Item(name, iconIndex) { return new ItemLineSprite(name, iconIndex); } static Gold(count) { return new ItemLineSprite(count, 314, ItemLineSprite.COLOR_GOLD); } static Exp(count) { return new ItemLineSprite(TextManager.exp + ' ' + count, null, ItemLineSprite.COLOR_EXP); } //PRIVATE _create() { var w = this.width(); var h = this.height(); this._backSurface = new Sprite(); this._backSurface.bitmap = new Bitmap(w, h); var color1 = Color.BLACK.CSS; var color2 = Color.BLACK.getLightestColor(128).CSS; this._backSurface.bitmap.gradientFillRect(0, 0, w, h, color1, color2, false); this._backSurface.opacity = 180; this.addChild(this._backSurface); } _draw() { this._drawSurface = new Sprite(); this._drawSurface.bitmap = new Bitmap(this.width(), this.height()); this.addChild(this._drawSurface); if (this._iconSymbol != null) this._drawIcon(); if (this._text != '') this._drawText(); } _drawText() { var startX = this._iconSymbol != null ? 26 : 0; this._drawSurface.bitmap.textColor = this._textColor.CSS; this._drawSurface.bitmap.fontSize = 18; this._drawSurface.bitmap.outlineWidth = 2; this._drawSurface.bitmap.drawText(this._text, startX + 2, this.height() / 2, this.width() - startX, 1, 'left'); } _drawIcon() { this._drawSurface.bitmap.drawIcon(0, 0, this._iconSymbol, 24); } } ItemLineSprite.COLOR_GOLD = Color.YELLOW; ItemLineSprite.COLOR_EXP = Color.MAGENTA.getLightestColor(128); AlphaABS.register(ItemLineSprite); //END ItemLineSprite //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function(){ class Sprite_Mask extends Sprite { constructor(args) { super(args); this._maxOpacity = 255; this._reset(); } setParams(opacity, color) { if(color) this.setBlendColor(color.ARR); this._maxOpacity = opacity; this.opacity = opacity; } showMask(time) { this.visible = true; this._show = true; this._time = 60 / time; } isReady() { return (this._show == false); } showMaskOne(time) { if(!this._show) { this.showMask(time); this._oneTime = true; } } stopMask() { this._reset(); } update() { //super(); if(this._show) { if(!this._toD) { this.opacity += this._time; if(this.opacity >= (this._maxOpacity - this._time)) { this.opacity = this._maxOpacity; this._toD = true; } } else { this.opacity -= this._time; if(this.opacity <= this._time) { this.opacity = 0; this._toD = false; if(this._oneTime) { this._reset(); } } } } } //PRIVATE _reset() { this._show = false; this.visible = false; this.opacity = 0; this._time = 0; this._toD = false; this._oneTime = false; } } AlphaABS.register(Sprite_Mask); })(); (function(){ class Sprite_ObjectWithMask extends Sprite { constructor(image, maskImage) { super(image); this._spriteMask = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Mask(maskImage); this.addChild(this._spriteMask); } setParams(opacity, color) { this._spriteMask.setParams(opacity, color); } isReady() { return this._spriteMask.isReady(); } pulse(time) { this._spriteMask.showMaskOne(time); } update() { //super(); this._spriteMask.update(); } } AlphaABS.register(Sprite_ObjectWithMask); })(); (function(){ class Sprite_SkillPanelABS extends Sprite { constructor() { super(); this._isVisible = true; /*if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { var parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerSpellsPanel(); this.bitmap = parameters.Image; this._isVisible = parameters.Visible; } else { this.bitmap = AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.SkillPanel.bitmap; }*/ this.bitmap = AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.SkillPanel.bitmap; this._initSkills(); } showPanel() { this.visible = this._isVisible; } hidePanel() { this.visible = false; } refresh() { this.items.forEach(function(item){ if(item) item._createHelp(); }); } checkTouch() { for(var i = 0; i 0) { this._animationIndex++; if (this._animationIndex >= icons.length) { this._animationIndex = 0; } this._iconIndex = icons[this._animationIndex]; } else { this._animationIndex = 0; this._iconIndex = 0; } }; //END Sprite_Sprite_StateIcon //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ SpriteUIElement.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var SpriteUIElement; SpriteUIElement = class SpriteUIElement extends AASprite { constructor(id) { super(); this.id = id; this._create(); } _create() { this._loadSettings(); this._createBackground(); return this._createForeground(); } _loadSettings() { this.settings = AA.JSON.getUIElementSettings(this.id); this.moveByJson(this.settings); this.opacity = this.settings.opacity; this.scale.x = this.settings.scale; this.scale.y = this.settings.scale; return this.visible = this.settings.visible; } _createBackground() { this._background = AASprite.FromImg(this.settings.backgroundImg); this._background.opacity = this.settings.backgroundOpacity; this.add(this._background); return this._background.onReady(this._createText.bind(this)); } _createText() { var tH, tW; tW = this.settings.textZoneWidth; tH = this.settings.textZoneHeight; if (tW == null) { tW = this._background.width; } if (tH == null) { tH = this._background.height; } this._textSpr = AASprite.FromBitmap(tW, tH); this._textSpr.opacity = this.settings.textOpacity; this.applyTextSettingsByJson(this._textSpr, this.settings); return this.add(this._textSpr); } _createForeground() { if (this.settings.foregroundImg == null) { return; } this._foreground = AASprite.FromImg(this.settings.foregroundImg); this._foreground.opacity = this.settings.foregroundOpacity; return this.add(this._foreground); } drawText(text) { if (this._textSpr == null) { return; } this._textSpr.clear(); return this._textSpr.drawTextFull(text, this.settings.text.position); } }; AA.register(SpriteUIElement); })(); // ■ END SpriteUIElement.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function(){ class Sprite_UserStatusIcon extends Sprite { constructor() { super(new Bitmap(32, 54)); this._spriteTime = new Sprite(new Bitmap(32, 20)); this._spriteTime.y = 36; this._spriteTime.bitmap.textColor = Sprite_UserStatusIcon.TIMECOLOR.CSS; this._spriteTime.bitmap.fontSize = 18; this._index = null; this.addChild(this._spriteTime); this._thread = AA.setInterval(function() { this._updateABS(); }.bind(this), 100); } setIndex(index) { this._index = index; this._drawItem(); this.refresh(); } refresh() { this._spriteTime.bitmap.clear(); if(this._index != null) { var items = $gamePlayer.battler().states(); if(this._index >= items.length) { var index2 = this._index - items.length; items = $gamePlayer.battler()._buffTurns; if(items[index2] == 0) { this._index = null; this.bitmap.clear(); return; } else this._drawBuffTime(index2, items); } else { this._drawStateTime(this._index, items); } } } terminate() { AA.clearInterval(this._thread); this.visible = false; this.bitmap.clear(); this._spriteTime.bitmap.clear(); if(this.parent) this.parent.removeChild(this); } //PRIVATE _drawItem() { this.bitmap.clear(); if(this._index != null) { var icon = $gamePlayer.battler().allIcons()[this._index]; this.bitmap.drawIcon(0, 0, icon, 32); } } _updateABS() { if(this._index != null) this.refresh(); } _drawStateTime(index, items) { var stateTimes = $gamePlayer.battler()._stateTurns; var state = items[index]; var time = stateTimes[state.id]; var stringToDraw = ''; if(state.autoRemovalTiming == 1) { stringToDraw = 'A'; } else { if(state.autoRemovalTiming == 0) { stringToDraw = ''; } else stringToDraw = AlphaABS.UTILS.framesToTimeA(time); } //this._spriteTime.textColor = Sprite_UserStatusIcon.TIMECOLOR.CSS; this._spriteTime.bitmap.drawText(stringToDraw, 0, 0, this._spriteTime.bitmap.width, this._spriteTime.bitmap.height, 'center'); } _drawBuffTime(index, items) { var time = items[index]; if(time) { var stringToDraw = AlphaABS.UTILS.framesToTimeA(time); this._spriteTime.bitmap.drawText(stringToDraw, 0, 0, this._spriteTime.bitmap.width, this._spriteTime.bitmap.height, 'center'); } } } Sprite_UserStatusIcon.TIMECOLOR = Color.FromHex('#CECE00'); AlphaABS.register(Sprite_UserStatusIcon); })(); (function () { class Sprite_UserUI extends Sprite { constructor(backgroundImage) { super(backgroundImage || AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.UserFaceBack.bitmap); this.faceSize = 86; this.faceX = 2; this.faceY = 2; this._oldLevel = 1; this._loadParameters(); this._init(); this._updateABS(); this._thread = AA.setInterval(function () { this._updateABS(); }.bind(this), 10); } _loadParameters() { /*if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { var parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerStatus(); this.visible = parameters.Visible; this._isShowLevel = parameters.Level; //this._isShowFace = parameters.Portrait; //TODO: Игра зависает! Если false this._isShowFace = true; this._inBattleBitmap = parameters['In battle Icon']; this._maskBitmap = parameters.Mask; } else {*/ this._isShowLevel = true; this._isShowFace = true; this._inBattleBitmap = AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconInBattle.bitmap; this._maskBitmap = AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.InBattleMask.bitmap; //} this.faceSize = 86; //this._isShowFace ? 86 : 4; } refresh() { //Этот метод вызывается вручную this._drawPlayerFace(); } terminate() { AA.clearInterval(this._thread); } //PRIVATE _init() { this._createPlayerFace(); this._createInBattleInfo(); this._createPlayerInfo(); this._createPlayerGauges(); } _createPlayerGauges() { var gaugesSprite = new Sprite(); gaugesSprite.setFrame(0, 0, 160, 90); gaugesSprite.x = this.x + this.faceSize; gaugesSprite.y = this.y; gaugesSprite.opacity = 200; try { var hpGauge = this._createGaugeHP(4, 8, 120, 24); gaugesSprite.addChild(hpGauge); var mpGauge = this._createGaugeMP(4, 34, 120, 22); gaugesSprite.addChild(mpGauge); if ($dataSystem.optDisplayTp) { var tpGauge = this._createGaugeTP(4, 58, 120, 22); gaugesSprite.addChild(tpGauge); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } this.gaugesSprite = gaugesSprite; this.addChild(this.gaugesSprite); } _createGaugeHP(x, y, w, h) { var gauge = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UI_GaugeABS_HP(w, h); gauge.setBattler($gamePlayer.battler()); gauge.move(x, y); gauge = this._applyParametersToGauge(gauge, 'HP'); return gauge; } _applyParametersToGauge(gauge, symbol) { if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { var params = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerGauge(symbol); gauge.applyPluginParameters(params); } return gauge; } _createGaugeMP(x, y, w, h) { var gauge = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UI_GaugeABS_MP(w, h); gauge.setBattler($gamePlayer.battler()); gauge.move(x, y); gauge = this._applyParametersToGauge(gauge, 'MP'); return gauge; } _createGaugeTP(x, y, w, h) { var gauge = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UI_GaugeABS_TP(w, h); gauge.setBattler($gamePlayer.battler()); gauge.move(x, y); gauge = this._applyParametersToGauge(gauge, 'TP'); return gauge; } _updateABS() { try { if (this.visible == false) return; if ($gamePlayer.inBattle()) { if (this.spriteBattleMask) this.spriteBattleMask.showMaskOne(30); if (this.spriteInfo_Battle) this.spriteInfo_Battle.visible = true; if (this.spriteInfo_LevelText) this.spriteInfo_LevelText.visible = false; } else { if (this.spriteInfo_Battle) this.spriteInfo_Battle.visible = false; if (this.spriteInfo_LevelText) this.spriteInfo_LevelText.visible = true; if (this._oldLevel != $gamePlayer.battler().level) { this._drawPlayerLevel(); } } if (this.spriteBattleMask) this.spriteBattleMask.update(); this.gaugesSprite.update(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } _createPlayerFace() { this.spriteFace = new Sprite(new Bitmap(this.faceSize, this.faceSize)); this._drawPlayerFace(); this.spriteFace.x = this.faceX + this.faceSize; this.spriteFace.scale.x *= -1; this.addChild(this.spriteFace); } _drawPlayerFace() { this.spriteFace.bitmap.clear(); if(this._isShowFace == true) { var faceName = $gamePlayer.battler().faceName(); var faceIndex = $gamePlayer.battler().faceIndex(); var bitmap = ImageManager.loadFace(faceName); bitmap.addLoadListener(function () { var pw = Window_Base._faceWidth; var ph = Window_Base._faceHeight; var sx = faceIndex % 4 * pw; var sy = Math.floor(faceIndex / 4) * ph; this.spriteFace.bitmap.blt(bitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, this.faceX, this.faceY, this.faceSize, this.faceSize); }.bind(this)); } else { } } _drawPlayerLevel() { if (this._isShowLevel == false) return; this._oldLevel = $gamePlayer.battler().level; this.spriteInfo_LevelText.bitmap.clear(); this.spriteInfo_LevelText.bitmap.drawText(this._oldLevel, 0, 0, 24, 24, 'center'); } _createPlayerInfo() { this.spriteInfo = new Sprite(new Bitmap(45, 48)); this.spriteInfo.anchor.y = 0.5; this.spriteInfo.x = 0; this.spriteInfo.y = this.faceSize; if (this._isShowLevel == true) { try { this.spriteInfo_LevelText = new Sprite(new Bitmap(24, 24)); this.spriteInfo_LevelText.bitmap.fontSize = 18; this.spriteInfo_LevelText.anchor.y = 0.5; this._drawPlayerLevel(); this.spriteInfo_Level = new Sprite(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.LevelBar.bitmap); this.spriteInfo_Level.opacity = 200; this.spriteInfo_Level.anchor.y = 0.5; this.spriteInfo_Level.x = 1; this.spriteInfo_Level.y = -10; this.spriteInfo.addChild(this.spriteInfo_Level); this.spriteInfo_Level.addChild(this.spriteInfo_LevelText); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } if (this._inBattleBitmap.url) { try { this.spriteInfo_Battle = new Sprite(this._inBattleBitmap); this.spriteInfo_Battle.anchor.y = 0.5; this.spriteInfo_Battle.x = 1; this.spriteInfo_Battle.y = -10; this.spriteInfo_Battle.visible = false; this.spriteInfo.addChild(this.spriteInfo_Battle); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } this.addChild(this.spriteInfo); } _createInBattleInfo() { try { if (!this._maskBitmap.url) return; this.spriteBattleMask = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Mask(this._maskBitmap); this.spriteBattleMask.x = -6; this.spriteBattleMask.y = -6; this.spriteBattleMask.setParams(255); this.addChild(this.spriteBattleMask); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } } AlphaABS.register(Sprite_UserUI); })(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Sprite_Vector.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { function Sprite_Vector() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } AlphaABS.register(Sprite_Vector); Sprite_Vector.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); Sprite_Vector.prototype.constructor = Sprite_Vector; Sprite_Vector.prototype.initialize = function (imageName) { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadPicture(imageName); this._frameCount = 1; this._animIndex = -1; this._wait = 0; this._parseAnimatedVectorName(imageName); if (this.isAnimated()) { this._maxWait = 6; this._animIndex = 0; this._calculateFrameSize(); this.setIdleFrame(0); //TODO: Скорость анимации } }; var _ = Sprite_Vector.prototype; _._parseAnimatedVectorName = function (name) { if(name.contains("_")){ var last = name.split("_").last(); var number = Number(last); if(!isNaN(number)) { this._frameCount = number; //"IS ANIMATED".p(); return true; } } return false; }; _.isAnimated = function () { return this._frameCount > 1; }; _._calculateFrameSize = function () { this._frameW = Math.round(this.bitmap.width / this._frameCount); this._frameH = this.bitmap.height; }; _.setIdleFrame = function (frameNumber) { var frame = this._createFrame(frameNumber, 0); this.setFrame(frame[0], frame[1], frame[2], frame[3]); }; _._createFrame = function (i, j) { return [i * this._frameW, j * this._frameH, this._frameW, this._frameH]; }; _.update = function() { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); this._updateFrame(); this._updateWait(); }; _._updateFrame = function () { if (this._animIndex >= 0 && this._wait == 0) { this.setIdleFrame(this._animIndex); //console.log(this._animIndex); this._animIndex += 1; this._wait = 1; } if(this._animIndex == this._frameCount) { this._animIndex = 0; } }; _._updateWait = function() { if (this._wait > 0) { this._wait++; if (this._wait > this._maxWait) this._wait = 0; } }; })(); // ■ END Sprite_Vector.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Sprite_Weapon.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function () { //OVER Sprite_Weapon.prototype.animationWait = function () { return 6; }; //NEW Sprite_Weapon.prototype.setDirectionABS = function (directionKey) { if (this._weaponImageId <= 0) return; this.scale.x = 0.7; this.scale.y = 0.7; this.y = 0; this.x = 0; this.opacity = 255; switch (directionKey) { case 'r': this.x = 8; this.scale.x *= -1; break; case 'l': this.x = -8; break; case 'u': this.opacity = 0; break; case 'd': this.y = 5; break; } }; })(); // ■ END Sprite_Weapon.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ XButton.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var Sprite_XButton; Sprite_XButton = class Sprite_XButton extends Sprite { constructor() { super(); this._mouseIn = false; this._touching = false; this._slowUpdateActive = false; this._localMode = false; this._images = []; this._checkAlpha = false; this._textSprite = null; this._textPosition = 0; this._override = false; // * TouchClick in game messages not work anymore if TRUE this._clickHandlers = []; this._manualHided = false; this._manualDisabled = false; this._condition = null; // * Условие для Visible this._condition2 = null; // * Условие для Enable \ Disable this._disabled = false; this._infoData = null; this._isNeedShowText = false; } isMouseInButton() { return this._mouseIn === true; } isActive() { return Sprite_Button.prototype.isActive.call(this); } activateSlowUpdate() { return this._slowUpdateActive = true; } setLocalMode() { this._realX = this.x; this._realY = this.y; return this._localMode = true; } setAlphaMode() { return this._checkAlpha = true; } // * above, below setTextPosition(position) { return this._textPosition = position; } setHelpText(text, size) { return this._createText(text, size); } setInfoData(data) { return this._infoData = data; } setOverrideMode() { return this._override = true; } isOverride() { return this._override === true && this.isActive() && this.touchInButton(); } isDisabled() { return this._disabled === true; } isNeedShowText() { return this._isNeedShowText === true; } addClickHandler(method) { return this._clickHandlers.push(method); } isLocalMode() { return this._localMode === true; } setCondition(method) { return this._condition = method; } setConditionForDisable(method) { return this._condition2 = method; } getInfoData() { return this._infoData; } realX() { if (this.isLocalMode()) { return this._realX; } else { return this.x; } } realY() { if (this.isLocalMode()) { return this._realY; } else { return this.y; } } show() { this.visible = true; return this._manualHided = false; } hide() { this.visible = false; return this._manualHided = true; } disable() { this._disabled = true; this._manualDisabled = true; return this.refreshEnDisState(); } enable() { this._disabled = false; this._manualDisabled = false; return this.refreshEnDisState(); } update() { super.update(); this.updateMouseClick(); this.updatePosition(); if (!this._slowUpdateActive) { this.slowUpdate(); } return this.updateComplexTextVisible(); } slowUpdate() { this.updateMouseTracking(); this.updateConditionForVisible(); return this.updateConditionForEnabling(); } updateMouseTracking() { if (!this.isActive()) { return; } if (this.isDisabled()) { return; } if (this._cursorInButton()) { this._onMouseEnter(); return this._mouseIn = true; } else { this._onMouseLeave(); return this._mouseIn = false; } } _cursorInButton() { var m; m = AlphaABS.UTILS.SMouse.getMousePosition(); if (m != null) { return this.xyInButton(m.x, m.y); } else { return false; } } xyInButton(x, y) { var inRect, rx, ry; rx = Sprite_Button.prototype.canvasToLocalX.call(this, x); ry = Sprite_Button.prototype.canvasToLocalY.call(this, y); inRect = rx >= 0 && ry >= 0 && rx < this._realWidth() && ry < this._realHeight(); if (inRect === true && this._checkAlpha === true) { return this._checkAlphaPixel(rx, ry); } else { return inRect; } } _realWidth() { if (this._hasImage()) { return this._mainImage().width; } else { return this.width; } } _hasImage() { return this._mainImage() != null; } _mainImage() { return this._images[0]; } _realHeight() { if (this._hasImage()) { return this._mainImage().height; } else { return this.height; } } _checkAlphaPixel(x, y) { var pixel; pixel = this._hasImage() ? this._mainImage().bitmap.getAlphaPixel(x, y) : this.bitmap.getAlphaPixel(x, y); return pixel === 255; } _onMouseEnter() { if (this._mouseIn === true) { return; } if (!this.isDisabled()) { this.applyCoverState(); } this._showText(); if (this.getInfoData() != null) { return this._startComplexTimer(); } } _onMouseLeave() { if (this._mouseIn === false) { return; } if (!this.isDisabled()) { this.applyNormalState(); } this._hideText(); return this._stopComplexTimer(); } _showText() { if (this._textSprite == null) { return; } this._updateTextPosition(); return this._textSprite.visible = true; } _hideText() { if (this._textSprite == null) { return; } return this._textSprite.visible = false; } _startComplexTimer() { this._stopComplexTimer(); return this._cTimer = setTimeout((() => { if (this._mouseIn === true) { return this._isNeedShowText = true; } }), 1000); } _stopComplexTimer() { if (this._cTimer != null) { clearTimeout(this._cTimer); } return this._isNeedShowText = false; } updateMouseClick() { if (!this.isActive()) { this._unTouch(); return; } if (this.isDisabled()) { return; } if (TouchInput.isTriggered() && this.touchInButton()) { this._touching = true; this.applyClickedState(); } if (this._touching === true) { if (TouchInput.isReleased() || !this.touchInButton()) { this._unTouch(); if (TouchInput.isReleased()) { return this.callClickHandler(); } } } } _unTouch() { this._touching = false; if (this.touchInButton()) { return this.applyCoverState(); } else { return this.applyNormalState(); } } touchInButton() { return this.xyInButton(TouchInput.x, TouchInput.y); } callClickHandler() { if (this._clickHandlers.length > 0) { return this._clickHandlers.forEach(function(method) { return method(); }); } } updatePosition() { var p; if (!this._localMode) { return; } p = new PointX(this._realX, this._realY); return this.move(p.screenX(), p.screenY()); } updateConditionForVisible() { var result; if (this._condition == null) { return; } if (this._manualHided === true) { return; } try { result = this._condition(); return this.visible = !result; } catch (error) { console.warn('wrong condition in button'); return this.visible = true; } } updateConditionForEnabling() { if (!this._condition2) { return; } if (this._manualDisabled === true) { return; } try { this._disabled = this._condition2(); return this.refreshEnDisState(); } catch (error) { console.warn('wrong condition in button for enable state'); return this.disable(); } } setButtonImages(img1, img2, img3, img4) { this._images = [new Sprite(img1), img2 != null ? new Sprite(img2) : void 0, img3 != null ? new Sprite(img3) : void 0, img4 != null ? new Sprite(img4) : void 0]; this._images.forEach((img) => { if (img != null) { return this.addChild(img); } }); return this.applyNormalState(); } applyNormalState() { var ref; this.refreshImages(); return (ref = this._images[0]) != null ? ref.visible = true : void 0; } refreshImages() { return this._images.forEach(function(img) { return img != null ? img.visible = false : void 0; }); } applyCoverState() { this.refreshImages(); if (this._images[1] != null) { return this._images[1].visible = true; } else { return this.applyNormalState(); } } applyClickedState() { this.refreshImages(); if (this._images[2] != null) { return this._images[2].visible = true; } else { return this.applyNormalState(); } } _createText(text, size) { var h, w; if (this._textSprite) { this.removeChild(this._textSprite); } w = Math.round(((size / 10) + 1) * 5 * text.length); h = size + 4; this._textSprite = new Sprite(new Bitmap(w, h)); this._textSprite.bitmap.fontSize = size; this._textSprite.bitmap.drawText(text, 0, h / 2, w, 1, 'center'); this._textSprite.visible = false; return this.addChild(this._textSprite); } _updateTextPosition() { var nx, ny; if (!this._textSprite) { return; } nx = this._realWidth() / 2 - this._textSprite.width / 2; if (this._textPosition === 0) { ny = -this._textSprite.height; } else { ny = this._realHeight() + this._textSprite.height / 2; } return this._textSprite.move(nx, ny); } applyDisableState() { var ref; this.refreshImages(); return (ref = this._images[3]) != null ? ref.visible = true : void 0; } refreshEnDisState() { if (this.isDisabled()) { return this.applyDisableState(); } else { if (this._mouseIn === false) { return this.applyNormalState(); } } } //else // do @applyCoverState updateComplexTextVisible() {} }; AlphaABS.register(Sprite_XButton); })(); // ■ END XButton.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ SpriteActorPortrait.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var SpriteActorPortrait, _C; //@[DEFINES] _C = KDCore.Color; SpriteActorPortrait = class SpriteActorPortrait extends AASprite { //? portrait = {faceName, faceIndex} constructor(index, portrait1) { super(); this.index = index; this.portrait = portrait1; this._create(); this.refresh(); } _create() { this._loadSettings(); if (this._isUseMask()) { this._loadMask(); } this._createBackground(); this._createFace(); this._createForeground(); return this.visible = this.settings.visible; } _loadSettings() { this.settings = AA.JSON.getPortraitSettings(this.index); return this.moveByJson(this.settings); } _isUseMask() { return this.settings.useMask === true; } _loadMask() { this._maskImg = AASprite.FromImg(this.settings.maskImg); return this.add(this._maskImg); } _createBackground() { this._background = AASprite.FromImg(this.settings.backgroundImg); return this.add(this._background); } _createFace() { this._face = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.settings.faceSize); this._drawFace(); if (this.settings.flipFace === true) { this._invertFace(); } if (this._maskImg != null) { this._face.mask = this._maskImg; } return this.add(this._face); } _drawFace() { var tBitmap; this._face.clear(); tBitmap = ImageManager.loadFace(this.portrait.faceName); tBitmap.addLoadListener(() => { var ph, pw, sx, sy; pw = Window_Base._faceWidth; ph = Window_Base._faceHeight; sx = this.portrait.faceIndex % 4 * pw; sy = Math.floor(this.portrait.faceIndex / 4) * ph; return this._face.bitmap.blt(tBitmap, sx, sy, pw, ph, 0, 0, this._face.width, this._face.height); }); } _invertFace() { this._face.scale.x *= -1; return this._face.x = this._face.width; } _createForeground() { this._foreground = AASprite.FromImg(this.settings.foregroundImg); return this.add(this._foreground); } setPortrait(portrait) { return this.portrait = portrait; } refresh() { return this._drawFace(); } }; AA.register(SpriteActorPortrait); })(); // ■ END SpriteActorPortrait.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ SpriteGauge.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var SpriteGauge, _C; //@[DEFINES] _C = KDCore.Color; SpriteGauge = class SpriteGauge extends AASprite { //? id = 'hp', 'mp', etc... constructor(id) { super(); this.id = id; this._create(); } _create() { this._loadSettings(); if (this._isUseMask()) { this._loadMask(); } this._loadFill(); this._createForeground(); return this.visible = this.settings.visible; } _loadSettings() { this.settings = AA.JSON.getGaugeSettings(this.id); return this.moveByJson(this.settings); } _isUseMask() { return this.settings.useMask === true; } _loadMask() { this._maskImg = AASprite.FromImg(this.settings.maskImg); return this.add(this._maskImg); } _loadFill() { this._fillImg = AASprite.FromImg(this.settings.fillImg); this._fillImg.onReady(this._createBackground.bind(this)); return this._fillImg.onReady(this._createFill.bind(this)); } _createBackground() { this._background = AASprite.FromBitmap(this._fillImg.width, this._fillImg.height); this._background.fillAll(_C.FromHex(this.settings.backgroundColor)); this._background.opacity = this.settings.backgroundOpacity; if (this._maskImg != null) { this._background.mask = this._maskImg; } return this.add(this._background); } _createFill() { this._fill = AASprite.FromBitmap(this._fillImg.width, this._fillImg.height); this._fill.mask = this._maskImg; this._fill.onReady(this._createText.bind(this)); this.drawGauge(); return this.add(this._fill); } _createText() { this._textSpr = AASprite.FromBitmap(this._fillImg.width, this._fillImg.height); this.applyTextSettingsByJson(this._textSpr, this.settings); this._fill.add(this._textSpr); return this.drawText('1250'); } drawGauge(percent = 1) { var w; if (this._fill == null) { return; } this._fill.clear(); w = this._fillImg.width * percent; return this._fill.b().blt(this._fillImg.b(), 0, 0, w, this._fillImg.height, 0, 0); } _createForeground() { this._foreground = AASprite.FromImg(this.settings.foregroundImg); return this.add(this._foreground); } drawText(text) { if (this._textSpr == null) { return; } this._textSpr.clear(); return this._textSpr.drawTextFull(text, this.settings.text.position); } }; AA.register(SpriteGauge); })(); // ■ END SpriteGauge.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ SpriteItemRecharge.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var SpriteItemRecharge; SpriteItemRecharge = class SpriteItemRecharge extends AASprite { constructor(settings) { super(); this.settings = settings; this._create(); } _create() { this._loadSettings(); return this._createMain(); } _loadSettings() { this._loadColorFromSettings("colorA", KDCore.Color.GREEN); this._loadColorFromSettings("colorB", KDCore.Color.YELLOW); return this._loadColorFromSettings("colorC", KDCore.Color.RED); } _loadColorFromSettings(colorName, defaultColor) { if (this.settings[colorName] != null) { this[colorName] = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this.settings[colorName]).CSS; } if (this.settings[colorName] == null) { return this[colorName] = defaultColor.CSS; } } _createMain() { this._recharge = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.settings.width, this.settings.height); this._recharge.move(this.settings.marginX, this.settings.marginY); this._recharge.opacity = this.settings.opacity; return this.add(this._recharge); } drawRecharge(percent = 1) { var c, h; percent = 1 - percent; this._recharge.clear(); if (percent === 1) { return; } h = this._recharge.height; c = this.colorA; if (percent >= 0.7) { c = this.colorC; } else if (percent >= 0.2) { c = this.colorB; } return this._recharge.b().fillRect(0, h * percent, this._recharge.width, h, c); } }; AA.register(SpriteItemRecharge); })(); // ■ END SpriteItemRecharge.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ SpriteNotifyText.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var SpriteNotifyText; SpriteNotifyText = class SpriteNotifyText extends AASprite { constructor() { super(); this._noVisibleAtAll = false; this._create(); } _create() { this._loadSettings(); this._createBackground(); this._createTextSprite(); this._createSeparatorA(); this._createSeparatorB(); this._textOpacitySwing = null; this._opacitySwing = null; return this.visible = false; } _loadSettings() { this.settings = AA.JSON.getUINotifyTextSettings(); this.moveByJson(this.settings); return this._noVisibleAtAll = !this.settings.visible; } _createBackground() { if (this.settings.backgroundImg != null) { this._background = AASprite.FromImg(this.settings.backgroundImg); return this.add(this._background); } } _createTextSprite() { this._textSpr = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.settings.textZoneWidth, this.settings.textZoneHeight); this.applyTextSettingsByJson(this._textSpr, this.settings); return this.add(this._textSpr); } _createSeparatorA() { if (this.settings.topImg != null) { this._separatorA = AASprite.FromImg(this.settings.topImg); this._separatorA.move(this.settings.topImgMarginX, this.settings.topImgMarginY); return this.add(this._separatorA); } } _createSeparatorB() { if (this.settings.bottomImg != null) { this._separatorB = AASprite.FromImg(this.settings.bottomImg); this._separatorB.move(this.settings.bottomImgMarginX, this.settings.bottomImgMarginY); return this.add(this._separatorB); } } drawText(text) { if (this._textSpr == null) { return; } this._textSpr.clear(); return this._textSpr.drawTextFull(text, this.settings.text.position); } showOnlyText(text) { if (this._textSpr == null) { return; } this.drawText(text); this._textSpr.opacity = 255; this._textOpacitySwing = new AA.LIBS.ValueSwing(this._textSpr, "opacity", this.settings.textAppearDuration); this._textOpacitySwing.setIncrementMode(); return this._textOpacitySwing.start(); } showWithText(text) { if (this._noVisibleAtAll === true) { return; } this.visible = true; this.opacity = 255; this._opacitySwing = new AA.LIBS.ValueSwing(this, "opacity", this.settings.appearDuration); this._opacitySwing.setIncrementMode(); this._opacitySwing.start(); return this.showOnlyText(text); } hide() { this._hideOpacitySwing = new AA.LIBS.ValueSwing(this, "opacity", 20); return this._hideOpacitySwing.start(); } isHidden() { return this.visible === false || this.opacity === 0; } update() { super.update(); if (this._textOpacitySwing != null) { this._hideOpacitySwing = null; this._textOpacitySwing.update(); if (this._textOpacitySwing.isReady()) { this._textOpacitySwing = null; } } if (this._opacitySwing != null) { this._hideOpacitySwing = null; this._opacitySwing.update(); if (this._opacitySwing.isReady()) { this._opacitySwing = null; } } if (this._hideOpacitySwing != null) { this._hideOpacitySwing.update(); if (this._hideOpacitySwing.isReady()) { this._hideOpacitySwing = null; return this._resetElement(); } } } _resetElement() { this.visible = false; this.opacity = 255; return this._textSpr.opacity = 255; } }; AA.register(SpriteNotifyText); })(); // ■ END SpriteNotifyText.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function () { var LOG = new PLATFORM.DevLog("Spriteset_InterfaceABS"); var ABSObject_PopUpMachine = AlphaABS.LIBS.ABSObject_PopUpMachine; var UIObject_Container; var ItemLineSprite = AlphaABS.LIBS.ItemLineSprite; var PointX = AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX; //Spriteset_InterfaceABS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class Spriteset_InterfaceABS extends Sprite { constructor() { super(); UIObject_Container = AlphaABS.LIBS.UIObject_Container; this.setFrame(0, 0, Graphics.width, Graphics.height); this._moveElements = []; this._free = false; //Can be edited this._isABS = false; try { this._needFree = $gameVariables.getUIParam('free') || false; this._showUI = $gameVariables.getUIParam('show'); } catch (e) { } if (this._showUI == null) this._showUI = true; this._showUI = AlphaABS.Parameters.isUIVisible(); this.z = 10; this._autoHideSkillPanel = true; this.update(); } initABS() { LOG.p("Init ABS!"); this._isABS = true; this._createElements(); this._createUIContainers(); this._refreshPlacement(); this.createSpellPanel(); if (!this._showUI) { this.hide(); } else { if (this._needFree) { this.freeElements(); this._needFree = false; } else this.show(); } } setEditMode() { //Чтобы заблокировать некоторые способновсти элементов, например Hover когда мышь наведина if (!this._isABS) return; //this.spriteSkillPanel.setEditMode(); this.spriteControlPanel.setEditMode(); } hide() { this.freezeElements(); this._isABS = false; this.visible = false; this.hideControl(); } show() { this._isABS = true; this.visible = true; this.showControl(); } isVisible() { return (this._showUI == true); } isFree() { return (this._free == true); } needFree() { $gameVariables.setUIParam('free', true); this._needFree = true; } setShowUI(value) { $gameVariables.setUIParam('show', value); this._showUI = value; } freeElements() { if (this._free) return; if (this.visible == false) this.show(); $gamePlayer.controlOff(); this._moveElements.forEach(function (item) { item[1].free(); }); this._free = true; } freezeElements() { if (!this._free) return; $gameVariables.setUIParam('free', false); this._moveElements.forEach(function (item) { item[1].freeze(); $gameVariables.setUIPosition(item[0], item[1].x, item[1].y, item[1].visibleMode(), item[1].specialMode()); }); this._free = false; $gamePlayer.controlOn(); } hideControl() { this.hideSkillPanel(); this.hideControlPanel(); } showControl() { if ($gamePlayer.battler().uiPanelObjectsCount() > 0) this.showSkillPanel(); this.showControlPanel(); } showTarget(target) { this.popUpMachineTarget.clear(); this._destroyUI13EnemyUI(); if (target) { //console.info(target); this._createUI13EnemyUI(target); this._createUI13EnemyStates(target); this._createUI13EnemyCastBar(target); } } controlPanel() { return this.spriteControlPanel; } pushOnItemPanel(type, value) { try { var item; var typeId = 0; switch (type) { case 'item': typeId = 3; break; case 'exp': typeId = 1; break; case 'gold': typeId = 2; break; case 'iconText': typeId = 4; break; default: typeId = 0; break; } item = new AXUI.Sprite_PopTextNotifyLine(typeId); item.setValue(value); this._notifyLineMachine.push(item); } catch (error) { AlphaABS.error(error, ' while push text to Notify Panel'); } } isTouched() { var y = TouchInput.y; /*if(this._checkLayerTouch(this._layerSkillPanel)) { //LOG.p("Mouse in interface"); return ['skill', this.spriteSkillPanel.checkTouch()]; }*/ var newSkillIndex = this.spellUIManager.getIndexUnderTouch(); if (newSkillIndex != null) { return ['skill', newSkillIndex + 1]; } /*if(this._checkLayerTouch(this._layerControlPanel)) { return ['panel', this.spriteControlPanel.checkTouch()]; }*/ if (this.spriteFirearmBar && this.spriteFirearmBar.isTouched()) { return ['firearm', true]; } return null; } addPopUp(popObject) { if (this.notifyControllerNew) this.notifyControllerNew.pushNotify(popObject.getText()); } addPopUpUser(popObject) { //if(popObject.hasIcon()) // this.popUpMachineUser2.push(popObject); //else if (this.popUpMachineUser) this.popUpMachineUser.push(popObject); } addPopUpTarget(target, popObject) { if (target == this.spriteTarget.target) { if (popObject.hasIcon()) this.popUpMachineTarget2.push(popObject); else this.popUpMachineTarget.push(popObject); } } touchSkillAt(index) { //this.spriteSkillPanel.touchSkillAt(index); this.spellUIManager.clickAt(index - 1); } refreshSkillPanel() { //if(this.spriteSkillPanel) // this.spriteSkillPanel.refresh(); if (this.spellUIManager) this.spellUIManager.refresh(); } terminate() { this.freezeElements(); this.spriteUserUI.terminate(); //this.spriteSkillPanel.terminate(); this.spriteControlPanel.terminate(); this.spriteTarget.terminate(); if (this.targetStatusPanel != null) this.targetStatusPanel.terminate(); this.userStatusPanel.terminate(); //this.spriteCastBar.terminate(); this.userWeaponIconController.terminate(); this.castBarController.terminate(); this.terminateSpellPanel(); if (this._enemyCastController) this._enemyCastController.terminate(); this._moveElements = []; this._isABS = false; AA.clearUIThreads(); LOG.p("Terminate!"); } update() { this._updatePosition(); if (this._isABS) { this.notifyControllerNew.update(); this.popUpMachineUser.update(); //this.popUpMachineUser2.update(); this.popUpMachineTarget.update(); this.popUpMachineTarget2.update(); this.userStatusPanel.update(); if (this._hpGaugeCntr) this._hpGaugeCntr.update(); if (this._mpGaugeCntr) this._mpGaugeCntr.update(); if (this._tpGaugeCntr) this._tpGaugeCntr.update(); if (this._hpGaugeCntrE) this._hpGaugeCntrE.update(); if (this.userWeaponIconController) this.userWeaponIconController.update(); if (this._free) { this._moveElements.forEach(function (item) { item[1].update(); }); } else { this._notifyLineMachine.update(); if (this.spriteFirearmBar) { this.spriteFirearmBar.update(); } } if (this._sCircle) this._sCircle.update(); this.updateSpellPanel(); } } refresh() { if ($gamePlayer.battler() == null) return; this._refreshSkillPanelVisibility(); this.refreshSkillPanel(); } refreshFirearmPanel() { if (this.spriteFirearmBar && this.spriteFirearmBar.visible == true) { this.spriteFirearmBar.refresh(); } } showFirearmPanel() { if (this.spriteFirearmBar) { this.spriteFirearmBar.show(); this.spriteFirearmBar.refresh(); } } _refreshSkillPanelVisibility() { if ($gamePlayer.battler().uiPanelObjectsCount() > 0) this.showSkillPanel(); else { if (this.spellUIManager) if (this.spellUIManager.isVisibleWhenEmpty() == false) this.hideSkillPanel(); else this.showSkillPanel(); } } refreshFace() { this.spriteUserUI.refresh(); } showSkillPanel() { //if(this.spriteSkillPanel) // this.spriteSkillPanel.showPanel(); if (this.spellUIManager) this.spellUIManager.show(); } hideSkillPanel() { //if(this.spriteSkillPanel) // this.spriteSkillPanel.hidePanel(); if (this.spellUIManager) this.spellUIManager.hide(); } showControlPanel() { this.spriteControlPanel.showPanel(); } hideControlPanel() { this.spriteControlPanel.hidePanel(); } saveUIPattern() { var _items = {}; this._moveElements.forEach(function (item) { _items[item[0]] = [item[1].x, item[1].y, item[1].visibleMode(), item[1].specialMode()]; }); } weapCircle() { return this._sCircle; } weapCircleRefresh() { if (this.weapCircle()) this.weapCircle().refresh(); if (this.controlPanel()) { if ($gamePlayer.battler().isFavWeapExists()) { this.controlPanel().disableItemAt(4, false); } else { this.controlPanel().disableItemAt(4, true); } } } //PRIVATE _refreshPlacement() { this._moveElements.forEach(function (item) { var p = $gameVariables.getUIPosition(item[0]); if (p) { item[1].move(p.x, p.y); if (p.vis !== null) { item[1].setElementVisibility(p.vis); } if (p.extra != null) { item[1].setSpecialMode(p.extra); } } }); } _createElements() { this._prepareUI13(); this._createSkillPanel(); this._createUserUI(); this._createTargetUI(); this._createControlPanel(); this._createUserStatusPanel(); this._createAlertBar(); this._createFavWeapCircle(); this._createFirearmBar(); this._createLineNotifyMachine(); } _createUIContainers() { var parameters; var skillCtn = new UIObject_Container(0, 0, 342, 48); //skillCtn.addUI(this.spriteSkillPanel); //skillCtn.setText("Skill panel", true); skillCtn.x = SDK.toCX(skillCtn.width); skillCtn.y = Graphics.height - skillCtn.height - 10; /*if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerSpellsPanel(); if(parameters.Position) { var posX = parameters.Position.X; var posY = parameters.Position.Y; if(posX) skillCtn.x = posX; if(posY) skillCtn.y = posY; } }*/ //skillCtn.addVisButtton(); /*if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerSpellsPanel(); this._autoHideSkillPanel = parameters.AutoHide; this._refreshSkillPanelVisibility(); if(parameters.Visible) this.addChild(skillCtn); } else this.addChild(skillCtn);*/ this._moveElements.push(['skillPanel', skillCtn]); this._layerSkillPanel = skillCtn; //For touch var userCtn = new UIObject_Container(0, 0, 242, 98); userCtn.addUI(this.spriteUserUI); userCtn.setText("Player", true); userCtn.x = 6; userCtn.y = 4; /*if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerStatus(); if(parameters.Position) { var posX = parameters.Position.X; var posY = parameters.Position.Y; if(posX) userCtn.x = posX; if(posY) userCtn.y = posY; } }*/ userCtn.addVisButtton(); /*if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerStatus(); if(parameters.Visible) this.addChild(userCtn); } else this.addChild(userCtn);*/ //this._moveElements.push(['userPanel',userCtn]); var userCastBars = new UIObject_Container(0, 0, 150, 80); //userCastBars.addChild(this.spriteCastBar); //userCastBars.addUI(this.spriteAttackBar); userCastBars.setText('Cast bar', false); userCastBars.x = userCtn.x + 10; userCastBars.y = userCtn.height + 24; /* if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerCastBar(); if(parameters.Position) { var posX = parameters.Position.X; var posY = parameters.Position.Y; if(posX) userCastBars.x = posX; if(posY) userCastBars.y = posY; } } */ userCastBars.addVisButtton(); /*if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerCastBar(); if(parameters.Visible) this.addChild(userCastBars); } else*/ //this.addChild(userCastBars); this._moveElements.push(['userCastBars', userCastBars]); var targetUI = new UIObject_Container(0, 0, 180, 100); targetUI.addChild(this.spriteTarget); //targetUI.addUI(this.spriteTargetStatuses); targetUI.setText('Target', false); targetUI.x = 250; targetUI.y = 50; /*if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerTarget(); if(parameters.Position) { var posX = parameters.Position.X; var posY = parameters.Position.Y; if(posX) targetUI.x = posX; if(posY) targetUI.y = posY; } }*/ //targetUI.addVisButtton(); //if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { // parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerTarget(); // if(parameters.Visible) // this.addChild(targetUI); //} else // this.addChild(targetUI); //this._moveElements.push(['targetUI',targetUI]); var controlPanel = new UIObject_Container(0, 0, this.spriteControlPanel.width, this.spriteControlPanel.height); controlPanel.addUI(this.spriteControlPanel); controlPanel.setText('CP', false); controlPanel.x = 4; controlPanel.y = SDK.toCX(controlPanel.height, Graphics.height); /*if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerHotBar(); if(parameters.Position) { var posX = parameters.Position.X; var posY = parameters.Position.Y; if(posX) controlPanel.x = posX; if(posY) controlPanel.y = posY; } }*/ controlPanel.addVisButtton(); controlPanel.addSpecialButton({ image: AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconTransfer.bitmap, func: (function () { this._uiElement.transfer(); this.width = this._uiElement.width; this.height = this._uiElement.height; if (this.backSprite) { this.removeChild(this.backSprite); this.removeChild(this._hover); this.backSprite = null; this.onFree(); this.update(); } this._specMode = !this._specMode; this._updateButtonsPlacement(); }.bind(controlPanel)) }); /*if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerHotBar(); if(parameters.Visible) this.addChild(controlPanel); } else this.addChild(controlPanel);*/ //this._moveElements.push(['controlPanel',controlPanel]); this._layerControlPanel = controlPanel; //For touch var alertBar = new UIObject_Container(0, 0, this.spriteAlertLayer.width, this.spriteAlertLayer.height); //alertBar.addUI(this.spriteAlertLayer); alertBar.setText("System messages", true); alertBar.x = SDK.toCX(alertBar.width); alertBar.y = Graphics.height - alertBar.height - this._layerSkillPanel.height - 4; /*if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerMessageBar(); if(parameters.Position) { var posX = parameters.Position.X; var posY = parameters.Position.Y; if(posX) alertBar.x = posX; if(posY) alertBar.y = posY; } this.spriteAlertLayer.visible = parameters.Visible; }*/ //alertBar.addVisButtton(); //if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { /// parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerMessageBar(); // if(parameters.Visible) // this.addChild(alertBar); //} else // this.addChild(alertBar); this._moveElements.push(['alertBar', alertBar]); this._createUserStatusPanelContainer(); this._createLineNotifyMachineContainer(); this._createFirearmContainer(); this._createABS13UI(); } _createSkillPanel() { //this.spriteSkillPanel = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_SkillPanelABS(); this._refreshSkillPanelVisibility(); } _createControlPanel() { this.spriteControlPanel = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UIObject_ControlPanel(); this.spriteControlPanel.createBaseItems(); /*if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { var parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerHotBar(); if(parameters.Orientation && parameters.Orientation == 'Horizontal') { this.spriteControlPanel.transfer(); } }*/ } _checkLayerTouch(layer) { var rect = new Rectangle(layer.x, layer.y, layer.width, layer.height); return AlphaABS.UTILS.SMath.inRect(new PointX(TouchInput.x, TouchInput.y), rect); } _createTargetUI() { this.spriteTarget = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_EnemyUI(); //this.spriteTargetStatuses = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_EnemyStatusBar(this.spriteTarget.width, 24); //this.spriteTargetStatuses.y = this.spriteTarget.height + 2; //this.spriteTargetStatuses.setLimit(6); this.popUpMachineTarget = new ABSObject_PopUpMachine(0, 0, this.spriteTarget.width - 60, 1, this.spriteTarget); this.popUpMachineTarget2 = new ABSObject_PopUpMachine(0, -20, this.spriteTarget.width - 60, 1, this.spriteTarget); this.popUpMachineTarget.setEffectSettings(ABSObject_PopUpMachine.SETTINGS); } _createUserUI() { var userUiBackground = null; /*if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { var parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerStatus(); userUiBackground = parameters.Background; }*/ this.spriteUserUI = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_UserUI(userUiBackground); //this.popUpMachineUser = new ABSObject_PopUpMachine(6, 12, this.spriteUserUI.faceSize, 1, this.spriteUserUI); //this.popUpMachineUser2 = new ABSObject_PopUpMachine(6, 12, 200, 1, this.spriteUserUI); //this.popUpMachineUser.setEffectSettings(ABSObject_PopUpMachine.SETTINGS); this.spriteCastBar = new AA.LIBS.SpriteSpellCast(); this.castBarController = new AA.LIBS.NewCastBarController(this.spriteCastBar); this.addChild(this.spriteCastBar); } _createAlertBar() { this.spriteAlertLayer = new Sprite(); //this.spriteAlertLayer.setFrame(0,0,Graphics.width/2,60); //this.popUpMachine = new ABSObject_PopUpMachine(0, 0, this.spriteAlertLayer.width, 3, this.spriteAlertLayer); //this.popUpMachine.setEffectSettings([1.0, false, 0]); //this.popUpMachine.setUpMode(); this.notifyControllerNew = new AA.LIBS.AANotifyManagerNew(); this.addChild(this.notifyControllerNew.getSprite()); } _createFavWeapCircle() { this._sCircle = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UI_SelectCircleFW($gamePlayer.battler(), function (index) { if (this.isOpen()) $gamePlayer.touchWeaponAt(index); }); this.addChild(this._sCircle); this.weapCircleRefresh(); } _updatePosition() { var screen = $gameScreen; var scale = screen.zoomScale(); this.scale.x = scale; this.scale.y = scale; this.x = Math.round(-screen.zoomX() * (scale - 1)); this.y = Math.round(-screen.zoomY() * (scale - 1)); this.x += Math.round(screen.shake()); } } //END Spriteset_InterfaceABS //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlphaABS.register(Spriteset_InterfaceABS); })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Spriteset_InterfaceABS2.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var Spriteset_InterfaceABS; //@[CLASS PART] //@[CLASS IMPL ONLY] Spriteset_InterfaceABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.Spriteset_InterfaceABS; Spriteset_InterfaceABS.prototype._createFirearmBar = function() { return this.spriteFirearmBar = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UIObject_FirearmPanel(); }; Spriteset_InterfaceABS.prototype._createFirearmContainer = function() { var e, firearmCtn, p, pos; firearmCtn = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UIObject_Container(0, 0, 280, 20); firearmCtn.addUI(this.spriteFirearmBar); firearmCtn.setText("Weapon panel", true); firearmCtn.x = KDCore.SDK.toCX(firearmCtn.width); firearmCtn.y = this._layerSkillPanel.y - firearmCtn.height - 10; try { //firearmCtn.addVisButtton() if (AlphaABS.jDATA.FirearmPanel != null) { p = AlphaABS.jDATA.FirearmPanel; if (p.position != null) { pos = AA.Utils.getPositionPointFromJSON(p); firearmCtn.x = pos.x; firearmCtn.y = pos.y; } if (p.visible != null) { if (p.visible === true) { this.addChild(firearmCtn); } } else { this.addChild(firearmCtn); } } } catch (error) { e = error; AA.warning('Firearm position settings', e); } //@_setupWithParameters(firearmCtn, "get_UIE_PlayerFirearm") return this._moveElements.push(['weaponPanel', firearmCtn]); }; Spriteset_InterfaceABS.prototype._setupWithParameters = function(item, parametersMethod) { var e, parameters; if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { try { parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters[parametersMethod](); if (parameters.Position) { this._setPosFromParameters(item, parameters); } if (parameters.Visible) { this.addChild(item); } } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, " while load plugin parameters for component " + parametersMethod); } } else { this.addChild(item); } }; Spriteset_InterfaceABS.prototype._setPosFromParameters = function(item, parameters) { var pX, pY; pX = parameters.Position.X; pY = parameters.Position.Y; if (pX) { item.x = pX; } if (pY) { item.y = pY; } }; Spriteset_InterfaceABS.prototype._createLineNotifyMachine = function() { var e, p; this._notifyLineMachine = new AXUI.Sprite_PopMachine(); try { if (AlphaABS.jDATA.ItemsNotifySettings != null) { p = AlphaABS.jDATA.ItemsNotifySettings[0]; this._notifyLineMachine.setItemsAnchor(p.anchor); this._notifyLineMachine.setMode(p.navigation); return this._notifyLineMachine.setMargin(p.margin); } else { return this._notifyLineMachine.setItemsToLeft(); } } catch (error) { e = error; return AlphaABS.warning(e, 'Something wrong with ItemsNotify Settings'); } }; Spriteset_InterfaceABS.prototype._createLineNotifyMachineContainer = function() { var e, notifyCtn, p, pos; notifyCtn = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UIObject_Container(0, 0, 100, 30); notifyCtn.addUI(this._notifyLineMachine); notifyCtn.setText("Items Notify", true); notifyCtn.x = Graphics.width - 10; notifyCtn.y = Graphics.height / 2; try { //notifyCtn.addVisButtton() if (AlphaABS.jDATA.ItemsNotifySettings != null) { p = AlphaABS.jDATA.ItemsNotifySettings[0]; if (p.position != null) { pos = AA.Utils.getPositionPointFromJSON(p); notifyCtn.x = pos.x; notifyCtn.y = pos.y; } if (p.visible != null) { if (p.visible === true) { this.addChild(notifyCtn); } } else { this.addChild(notifyCtn); } } } catch (error) { e = error; AA.warning('Items notify position settings', e); } //@_setupWithParameters(notifyCtn, "get_UIE_ItemList") return this._moveElements.push(['itemsNotify', notifyCtn]); }; Spriteset_InterfaceABS.prototype._createUserStatusPanel = function() { var e, p; this.userStatusPanel = new AXUI.System_BattleStates($gamePlayer.battler()); try { if (AlphaABS.jDATA.StatesPanelSettings != null) { p = AlphaABS.jDATA.StatesPanelSettings[0]; this.userStatusPanel.setMode(p.linesNavigation); this.userStatusPanel.setMaxItemCountPerLine(p.statesPerLine); this.userStatusPanel.setMargin(p.linesMargin); } } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.warning(e, 'Something wrong with States Panel Settings'); } return this.userStatusPanel.collectItems(); }; Spriteset_InterfaceABS.prototype._createUserStatusPanelContainer = function() { var e, p, pos, statusPanelCtn; statusPanelCtn = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UIObject_Container(0, 0, 100, 100); statusPanelCtn.addUI(this.userStatusPanel); statusPanelCtn.setText("Player Status Panel", true); statusPanelCtn.x = Graphics.width - 16; statusPanelCtn.y = 25; try { if (AlphaABS.jDATA.StatesPanelSettings != null) { p = AlphaABS.jDATA.StatesPanelSettings[0]; if (p.position != null) { pos = AA.Utils.getPositionPointFromJSON(p); statusPanelCtn.x = pos.x; statusPanelCtn.y = pos.y; } if (p.visible != null) { if (p.visible === true) { this.addChild(statusPanelCtn); } } else { this.addChild(statusPanelCtn); } } } catch (error) { e = error; AA.warning('Status panel position settings', e); } //statusPanelCtn.addVisButtton() //@_setupWithParameters(statusPanelCtn, "get_UIE_PlayerStates") this._moveElements.push(['statusBar', statusPanelCtn]); }; Spriteset_InterfaceABS.prototype._createABS13UI = function() { var faceIndex, faceName; faceName = $gameParty.leader().faceName(); faceIndex = $gameParty.leader().faceIndex(); this._faceSprite = new AA.LIBS.SpriteActorPortrait(0, {faceName, faceIndex}); this.addChild(this._faceSprite); this._gaugeSprite = new AA.LIBS.SpriteGauge('hp'); this.addChild(this._gaugeSprite); this._gaugeSprite2 = new AA.LIBS.SpriteGauge('mp'); this.addChild(this._gaugeSprite2); if ($dataSystem.optDisplayTp) { this._gaugeSprite3 = new AA.LIBS.SpriteGauge('tp'); this.addChild(this._gaugeSprite3); } this._levelSprite = new AA.LIBS.SpriteUIElement('ActorLevel'); this.addChild(this._levelSprite); this.userWeaponIconController = new AlphaABS.LIBS.AAWeaponIconManagerNew(); this.addChild(this.userWeaponIconController.getSprite()); //$[TEMP SOLUTION] AA.setTimeout((() => { var weap; try { this._levelSprite.drawText($gameParty.leader().level); weap = $gameParty.leader().weapons()[0]; if (weap) { this.userWeaponIconController.drawIcon(weap.iconIndex); } else { this.userWeaponIconController.drawDefault(); } } catch (error) { } }), 100); AA.setTimeout((() => { var weap; try { this._levelSprite.drawText($gameParty.leader().level); weap = $gameParty.leader().weapons()[0]; if (weap) { this.userWeaponIconController.drawIcon(weap.iconIndex); } else { this.userWeaponIconController.drawDefault(); } } catch (error) { } }), 200); AA.setTimeout((() => { var weap; try { this._levelSprite.drawText($gameParty.leader().level); weap = $gameParty.leader().weapons()[0]; if (weap) { this.userWeaponIconController.drawIcon(weap.iconIndex); } else { this.userWeaponIconController.drawDefault(); } } catch (error) { } }), 400); //$[END TEMP SOLUTION] this._inBattleIcon = new AA.LIBS.SpriteUIElement('ActorInBattleIcon'); this._inBattleIcon.visible = false; this.addChild(this._inBattleIcon); this.popUpMachineUser = new AA.LIBS.ABSObject_PopUpMachine(0, 0, this._faceSprite.settings.faceSize, 1, this._faceSprite); this.popUpMachineUser.setEffectSettings(AA.LIBS.ABSObject_PopUpMachine.SETTINGS); this._hpGaugeCntr = new AA.LIBS.GaugeController(this._gaugeSprite); this._hpGaugeCntr.setup($gameParty.leader(), 'hp', 'mhp'); this._mpGaugeCntr = new AA.LIBS.GaugeController(this._gaugeSprite2); this._mpGaugeCntr.setup($gameParty.leader(), 'mp', 'mmp'); if ($dataSystem.optDisplayTp) { this._tpGaugeCntr = new AA.LIBS.GaugeController(this._gaugeSprite3); return this._tpGaugeCntr.setup($gameParty.leader(), 'tp', 'mtp'); } }; Spriteset_InterfaceABS.prototype._createUI13EnemyUI = function(target) { this._gaugeSpriteE = new AA.LIBS.SpriteGauge('hpE'); this.addChild(this._gaugeSpriteE); this._hpGaugeCntrE = new AA.LIBS.GaugeController(this._gaugeSpriteE); this._hpGaugeCntrE.setPercentText(); this._hpGaugeCntrE.setup(target.battler(), 'hp', 'mhp'); //console.info target.behaviorModel() if (target.behaviorModel().faceName != null) { this._faceSpriteE = new AA.LIBS.SpriteActorPortrait(1, target.behaviorModel()); this.addChild(this._faceSpriteE); } //@_levelSpriteE = new AA.LIBS.SpriteUIElement('EnemyLevel') //@_levelSpriteE.drawText '1' //@addChild @_levelSpriteE this._nameSpriteE = new AA.LIBS.SpriteUIElement('EnemyName'); this._nameSpriteE.drawText(target.battler().name()); this.addChild(this._nameSpriteE); this._enemyCastSprite = new AlphaABS.LIBS.SpriteSpellCastEnemy(); this._enemyCastController = new AlphaABS.LIBS.NewCastBarControllerEnemy(this._enemyCastSprite); this.addChild(this._enemyCastSprite); return setTimeout((() => { //@_levelSpriteE.drawText '1' //@_gaugeSpriteE.drawText '100%' this._nameSpriteE.drawText(target.battler().name()); }), 50); }; Spriteset_InterfaceABS.prototype._createUI13EnemyStates = function(target) { var e, p, pos; if (this.targetStatusPanel != null) { this.removeChild(this.targetStatusPanel); } if (!(target != null ? target.battler() : void 0)) { return; } this.targetStatusPanel = new AXUI.System_BattleStates2(target.battler()); try { if (AlphaABS.jDATA.EnemyStatusPanelSettings != null) { p = AlphaABS.jDATA.EnemyStatusPanelSettings[0]; this.targetStatusPanel.setMode(p.linesNavigation); this.targetStatusPanel.setMaxItemCountPerLine(p.statesPerLine); this.targetStatusPanel.setMargin(p.linesMargin); pos = AA.Utils.getPositionPointFromJSON(AlphaABS.jDATA.EnemyStatusPanelSettings[0]); this.targetStatusPanel.move(pos.x, pos.y); } } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.warning(e, 'Something wrong with Enemy States Panel Settings'); } this.targetStatusPanel.collectItems(); return this.addChild(this.targetStatusPanel); }; Spriteset_InterfaceABS.prototype._destroyUI13EnemyUI = function() { if (this._gaugeSpriteE != null) { this.removeChild(this._gaugeSpriteE); } if (this.targetStatusPanel != null) { this.removeChild(this.targetStatusPanel); } if (this._faceSpriteE != null) { this.removeChild(this._faceSpriteE); } if (this._nameSpriteE != null) { this.removeChild(this._nameSpriteE); } if (this._enemyCastSprite != null) { this.removeChild(this._enemyCastSprite); } if (this._enemyCastController != null) { return this._enemyCastController.stop(); } }; //@removeChild @_levelSpriteE if @_levelSpriteE? // * Подгрузка графики Spriteset_InterfaceABS.prototype._prepareUI13 = function() { new AA.LIBS.SpriteGauge('hpE'); //new AA.LIBS.SpriteUIElement('EnemyLevel') new AA.LIBS.SpriteUIElement('EnemyName'); }; Spriteset_InterfaceABS.prototype._createUI13EnemyCastBar = function(target) { return this._enemyCastController.setTarget(target); }; })(); // ■ END Spriteset_InterfaceABS2.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 (function() { var _; _ = AlphaABS.LIBS.Spriteset_InterfaceABS.prototype; _.createSpellPanel = function() { this.spellUIManager = new AA.LIBS.AASpelllPanelManager($gamePlayer.battler()); this.spellUIManager.refresh(); return this.addChild(this.spellUIManager.getSprite()); }; _.updateSpellPanel = function() { return this.spellUIManager.update(); }; _.terminateSpellPanel = function() { return this.spellUIManager.terminate(); }; })(); (function () { var LOG = new PLATFORM.DevLog("Spriteset_Map"); //Spriteset_Map //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var Sprite_CharacterABS; var SMouse = AlphaABS.UTILS.SMouse; //OVER Spriteset_Map.prototype.createCharacters = function () { LOG.p("createCharacters"); Sprite_CharacterABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_CharacterABS; this._characterSprites = []; this._characterSpritesABS = []; this._spritePlayerABS = null; $gameMap.events().forEach(function (event) { if (event instanceof Game_AIBot) { var t = new Sprite_CharacterABS(event, 0); this._characterSprites.push(t); this._characterSpritesABS.push(t); } else this._characterSprites.push(new Sprite_Character(event)); }, this); $gameMap.vehicles().forEach(function (vehicle) { this._characterSprites.push(new Sprite_Character(vehicle)); }, this); if ($gameMap.isABS()) { $gamePlayer.followers().forEach(function (f) { var t = new Sprite_CharacterABS(f, 2); this._characterSprites.push(t); this._characterSpritesABS.push(t); }, this); } else { $gamePlayer.followers().reverseEach(function (follower) { this._characterSprites.push(new Sprite_Character(follower)); }, this); } var t = new Sprite_CharacterABS($gamePlayer, 1); this._characterSprites.push(t); this._spritePlayerABS = t; for (var i = 0; i < this._characterSprites.length; i++) { this._tilemap.addChild(this._characterSprites[i]); } }; var _Spriteset_Map_initialize = Spriteset_Map.prototype.initialize; Spriteset_Map.prototype.initialize = function () { _Spriteset_Map_initialize.call(this); this._absParams = {}; this._absParams.animationSprites = []; this._absParams.targetConfig = false; }; //NEW Spriteset_Map.prototype.spritesABS = function () { return this._characterSpritesABS; }; //?[NEW] Spriteset_Map.prototype.getSpriteForCharacter = function (character) { try { if (this._spritePlayerABS.character() == character) return this._spritePlayerABS; var sprites = this.spritesABS(); return sprites.find(spr => spr.character() == character); } catch (error) { } return null; }; //NEW Spriteset_Map.prototype.initABS = function () { this.spritesABS().forEach(function (item) { item.initABS(); }); this._spritePlayerABS.initABS(); }; //NEW Spriteset_Map.prototype.spritePlayerABS = function () { return this._spritePlayerABS; }; var _Spriteset_Map_update = Spriteset_Map.prototype.update; Spriteset_Map.prototype.update = function () { _Spriteset_Map_update.call(this); if ($gameMap.isABS()) { this._setupAnimationABS(); this._updateAnimationABS(); this._setupPlayerTargetCircle(); } }; //?NEW Spriteset_Map.prototype.refreshAfterABS = function () { this._characterSprites.forEach(function (char) { this._tilemap.removeChild(char); }.bind(this)); this.createCharacters(); }; //PRIVATE Spriteset_Map.prototype._setupAnimationABS = function () { if ($gameMap.ABSParams().animationABS != null) { var anim = $dataAnimations[$gameMap.ABSParams().animationABS.id]; this._startAnimationABS($gameMap.ABSParams().animationABS.sprite, anim, false, 0); $gameMap.ABSParams().animationABS = null; } }; Spriteset_Map.prototype._setupPlayerTargetCircle = function () { if (!$gameMap.isABS()) return; if (!this._absParams) return; if (!this._absParams.spriteTargetCircle) { //LOG.p("MAP : Target sprite created!"); var targetCircleSprite; if (AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { targetCircleSprite = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_SpellSelectZoneImage(); } else { targetCircleSprite = AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.TargetCircle.bitmap; } this._absParams.spriteTargetCircle = new Sprite(targetCircleSprite); this.addChildAtLayer(this._absParams.spriteTargetCircle, -1); this._absParams.spriteTargetCircle.anchor.x = 0.5; this._absParams.spriteTargetCircle.anchor.y = 0.5; this._absParams.spriteTargetCircle.visible = false; } if ($gameMap.ABSParams().targetCircle != null) { if (!this._absParams.targetConfig) { var r = $gameMap.ABSParams().targetCircle.radius; this._absParams.spriteTargetCircle.scale.x = 0.5 * r; if (r > 3) this._absParams.spriteTargetCircle.scale.x += (r - 3) * 0.2; this._absParams.spriteTargetCircle.scale.y = this._absParams.spriteTargetCircle.scale.x; var t3 = SMouse.getMousePosition(); this._absParams.spriteTargetCircle.x = t3.x; this._absParams.spriteTargetCircle.y = t3.y; this._absParams.targetConfig = true; } var t = this._absParams.spriteTargetCircle; var t2 = SMouse.getMousePosition(); if ($gameMap.ABSParams().targetCircleNeedLock) { t2 = new AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX(TouchInput.x, TouchInput.y); } var color = Color.GREEN; var point2 = t2.clone().convertToMap(); var dist = AlphaABS.UTILS.distanceTo($gamePlayer, point2); if (dist > $gameMap.ABSParams().targetCircle.range) { color = Color.RED; } if (!$gamePlayer._absParams.currentAction.isIgnoreObstacles()) if (!AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.checkLineOfSight($gamePlayer.toPoint(), point2)) { color = Color.RED; } t.x = t2.x; t.y = t2.y; t.setBlendColor(color.ARR); t.visible = true; } else { this._absParams.spriteTargetCircle.visible = false; this._absParams.targetConfig = false; } }; Spriteset_Map.prototype.addChildAtLayer = function (sprite, layerIndex) { switch (layerIndex) { case 0: //HEAD this._tilemap.addChild(sprite); break; case 1: //CENTER if (this._tilemap._upperLayer) this._tilemap._upperLayer.addChild(sprite); else this._tilemap.addChild(sprite); //else // this._tilemap.upperLayer.children[0].addChild(sprite); break; case 2: //FEET sprite.z = 1; if (this._tilemap._lowerLayer) this._tilemap._lowerLayer.addChild(sprite); else this._tilemap.addChild(sprite); break; default: //SCREEN this.addChild(sprite); break; } }; Spriteset_Map.prototype._startAnimationABS = function (target, animation, mirror, delay) { var sprite = new Sprite_Animation(); sprite.setup(target, animation, mirror, delay); sprite.setABSModeMap(); if (animation) this.addChildAtLayer(sprite, animation.position); this._absParams.animationSprites.push(sprite); }; Spriteset_Map.prototype._updateAnimationABS = function () { if (!this._absParams) return; if (this._absParams.animationSprites.length > 0) { var sprites = this._absParams.animationSprites.clone(); this._absParams.animationSprites = []; for (var i = 0; i < sprites.length; i++) { var sprite = sprites[i]; if (sprite.isPlaying()) { this._absParams.animationSprites.push(sprite); } else { sprite.remove(); } } } }; //?[NEW] Spriteset_Map.prototype.createSpawnEventABS = function (id) { var event = $gameMap.event(id); var newChar = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_CharacterABS(event, 0); this._characterSprites.push(newChar); this._characterSpritesABS.push(newChar); this._tilemap.addChild(newChar); newChar.initABS(); newChar.update(); }; })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ SpriteSpellCast.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var SpriteSpellCast; SpriteSpellCast = class SpriteSpellCast extends AASprite { constructor() { super(); this._create(); } _create() { this._loadSettings(); this._createBackground(); this._createGauge(); this._createIcon(); this._createNameText(); this._createValue1Text(); return this._createValue2Text(); } _loadSettings() { this.settings = AA.JSON.getActorSpellCastSettings(); return this.moveByJson(this.settings); } _createBackground() { this._backgroundImg = AASprite.FromImg(this.settings.backgroundImg); return this.add(this._backgroundImg); } _createGauge() { this._gaugeSpr = new AA.LIBS.SpriteGauge(this.settings.gaugeName); return this.add(this._gaugeSpr); } _createIcon() { this._iconSpr = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.settings.iconSize, this.settings.iconSize); this._iconSpr.move(this.settings.iconMarginX, this.settings.iconMarginY); this.add(this._iconSpr); return this.setIcon(66); //TODO: test } _createNameText() { this._nameSpr = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.settings.textSkillName.textBoxWidth, this.settings.textSkillName.textBoxHeight); this.applyTextSettingsByExtraSettings(this._nameSpr, this.settings.textSkillName); this.add(this._nameSpr); return this.drawText('Lighting Strike'); //TODO: test } _createValue1Text() { this._value1Spr = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.settings.textValue1.textBoxWidth, this.settings.textValue1.textBoxHeight); this.applyTextSettingsByExtraSettings(this._value1Spr, this.settings.textValue1); this.add(this._value1Spr); return this.drawValue1('2.2'); } _createValue2Text() { this._value2Spr = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.settings.textValue2.textBoxWidth, this.settings.textValue2.textBoxHeight); this.applyTextSettingsByExtraSettings(this._value2Spr, this.settings.textValue2); this.add(this._value2Spr); return this.drawValue2('3'); } setIcon(iconIndex) { this._iconSpr.clear(); return this._iconSpr.drawIcon(0, 0, iconIndex, this.settings.iconSize); } drawText(text) { if (this._nameSpr == null) { return; } this._nameSpr.clear(); return this._nameSpr.drawTextFull(text, this.settings.textSkillName.position); } drawValue1(text) { if (this._value1Spr == null) { return; } this._value1Spr.clear(); return this._value1Spr.drawTextFull(text, this.settings.textValue1.position); } drawValue2(text) { if (this._value2Spr == null) { return; } this._value2Spr.clear(); text = this.settings.valuesSeparateSymbol + text + this.settings.secondsSymbol; return this._value2Spr.drawTextFull(text, this.settings.textValue2.position); } drawGauge(percent) { return this._gaugeSpr.drawGauge(percent); } }; AA.register(SpriteSpellCast); })(); // ■ END SpriteSpellCast.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ SpriteSpellCastEnemy.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var SpriteSpellCastEnemy; SpriteSpellCastEnemy = class SpriteSpellCastEnemy extends AA.LIBS.SpriteSpellCast { constructor() { super(); } //$[OVER BASE] _loadSettings() { this.settings = AA.JSON.getEnemySpellCastSettings(); return this.moveByJson(this.settings); } }; AA.register(SpriteSpellCastEnemy); })(); // ■ END SpriteSpellCastEnemy.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ SpriteSpellInfo.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var SpriteSpellInfo; SpriteSpellInfo = class SpriteSpellInfo extends AASprite { constructor(skill, isWeapon) { //TODO: Конструктор должен принимать AASkill super(); this.skill = skill; this.isWeapon = isWeapon; if (this.skill != null) { this._create(); } } //TODO: * isWeapon один раз только испльзуется, чтобы имя вывести правильно, может убрать? _create() { this.settings = AAJsonSettings.getUISpellInfoSettings(); this._PFL = this.settings.pixelsForLine; this.S = this.settings; this.SE = this.settings.elements; this.width = this.settings.width; this.height = 600; // * FLOATING VALUE this._loadResources(); this._createBackground(); this._drawTopBorder(); this._initDraw(); this._drawInfo(); this._drawBottomBorder(); this.background.height = this.realHeight(); return this.height = this.realHeight(); } _loadResources() { this._separatorBitmap = ImageManager.loadAA(this.settings.separatorImg); return this._borderBitmap = ImageManager.loadAA(this.settings.borderImg); } _createBackground() { this.background = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.width, this.height); this.add(this.background); this.background.fillAll(KDCore.Color.FromHex(this.settings.backgroundColor)); return this.background.opacity = this.settings.backgroundOpacity; } _drawTopBorder() { var topBorder; topBorder = new Sprite(this._borderBitmap); return this.add(topBorder); } _initDraw() { this.curX = 0; this.curY = 0; return this.commands = this.S.commands; } _drawInfo() { var args, cmd, e, i, j, method, ref, results; if (this.commands == null) { return; } results = []; for (i = j = 0, ref = this.commands.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { if (this.commands[i] == null) { continue; } cmd = this.commands[i]; method = "command" + cmd[0]; try { args = cmd[1]; this[method](args); if (method !== 'commandMoveX') { results.push(this.curX = 0); } else { results.push(void 0); } } catch (error) { e = error; results.push(AA.warning("Wrong Spell Info command in JSON", e)); } } return results; } _drawBottomBorder() { var bottomBorder; bottomBorder = new Sprite(this._borderBitmap); bottomBorder.move(0, this.curY); return this.add(bottomBorder); } _drawPair(settingsA, text1, settingsB, text2) { var pairOne, pairSpr, pairTwo; pairSpr = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.width, this._PFL); pairOne = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.width / 2, this._PFL); pairTwo = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.width / 2, this._PFL); pairOne.applyTextSettingsByExtraSettings(pairOne, settingsA); pairOne.drawTextFull(text1, settingsA.position); pairTwo.applyTextSettingsByExtraSettings(pairTwo, settingsB); pairTwo.drawTextFull(text2, settingsB.position); pairTwo.move(pairTwo.x + (this.width / 2), pairTwo.y); pairSpr.add(pairOne); pairSpr.add(pairTwo); pairSpr.move(this.curX, this.curY); return this.add(pairSpr); } _drawParamValPair(text1, text2) { return this._drawPair(this.SE.PARAM, text1, this.SE.VALUE, text2); } _drawParamValLongPair(text1, text2) { return this._drawPair(this.SE.PARAM, text1, this.SE.VALUE_LONG, text2); } _drawText(setting, text) { var spr; spr = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.width, this._PFL); spr.applyTextSettingsByExtraSettings(spr, setting); spr.drawTextFull(text, setting.position); spr.move(spr.x + this.curX, spr.y + this.curY); return this.add(spr); } _drawDescription(text) { this.description = new PIXI.Text(text, this.SE.DESCRIPTION); this.description.x = this.curX; this.description.y = this.curY; return this.add(this.description); } _getName() { var name, weaps; name = this.skill.name(); if (this.isWeapon) { weaps = $gamePlayer.battler().weapons(); if (weaps.length > 0) { name = weaps[0].name; } } return name; } _getTargetType() { var targetText; targetText = ''; if (this.skill == null) { return ''; } switch (this.skill.type) { case 0: if (this.skill.isNeedTarget()) { targetText = AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_ONTARGET; } else { targetText = AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_ONUSER; } break; case 1: if (this.skill.isVectorTypeR()) { targetText = AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_AREA; } else { targetText = AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_ONTARGET; } break; case 2: if (this.skill.isNeedTarget()) { targetText = AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_AREA; } else { targetText = AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_CIRCLE; } break; case 3: targetText = AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_ZONE; } return targetText; } _getCastTime() { return SDK.decimalAdjust('round', this.skill.getCastTime($gamePlayer.battler()) / AA.BattleManagerABS.TURN, -1) + AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_SEC; } _getDiscription() { var descriptionText, playerWeapon; descriptionText = this.skill.skill().description; if (this.skill.skillId === $gamePlayer.battler().attackSkillId() && descriptionText === '') { if ($gamePlayer.battler().weapons().length > 0) { playerWeapon = $gamePlayer.battler().weapons()[0]; descriptionText = playerWeapon.description; if (playerWeapon.meta.noDescription && playerWeapon.meta.noDescription === '1') { descriptionText = ''; } } } return descriptionText; } _getDamageTypeText() { var damage, damageTypeText; damage = this.skill.skill().damage; damageTypeText = AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_DAMAGE; switch (damage.type) { case 1: damageTypeText += TextManager.hpA; break; case 2: damageTypeText += TextManager.mpA; break; case 3: damageTypeText = AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RECOVER + TextManager.hpA; break; case 4: damageTypeText = AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RECOVER + TextManager.mpA; break; case 5: damageTypeText = AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_DRAIN + TextManager.hpA; break; case 6: damageTypeText = AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_DRAIN + TextManager.mpA; } return damageTypeText; } _getDamageValue() { var damage, damageValueText, isForUser, isNeedTarget, tempTarget; damageValueText = ""; damage = this.skill.skill().damage; isForUser = this.skill.type === 0 && !this.skill.isNeedTarget(); isNeedTarget = damage.formula.contains('b'); if (isNeedTarget) { if (isForUser) { tempTarget = $gamePlayer.battler(); } else { tempTarget = AA.BattleManagerABS.getPlayerTarget(); } if (tempTarget === null) { damageValueText = AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_TARGET; } else { damageValueText = this._getPotentialDamage(tempTarget.battler()); } } else { damageValueText = this._getPotentialDamage($gamePlayer.battler()); } return damageValueText; } _getPotentialDamage(target) { var action, damageValue, damageValueText, dm, e, max, min, percent; try { damageValueText = ''; action = new Game_Action($gamePlayer.battler()); if (this.skill.isItem()) { action.setItem(this.skill.skill().id); } else { action.setSkill(this.skill.skill().id); } damageValue = Math.abs(action.evalDamageFormula(target)); if (damageValue > 0 && this.skill.skill().damage.variance > 0) { dm = this.skill.skill().damage.variance; percent = Math.round(damageValue / 100 * dm); min = damageValue - percent; max = damageValue + percent; damageValueText = min + '-' + max; } else { damageValueText = damageValue; } return damageValueText; } catch (error) { e = error; AA.warning('when calculate potetial skill damage', e); return '?'; } } //REGION COMMANDS commandMoveX(dx = 0) { return this.curX += dx; } commandNextLine(dy) { this.curX = 0; if (dy == null) { dy = this._PFL; } return this.curY += dy; } commandName(dy) { var name; name = this._getName(); this._drawText(this.SE.NAME, name); return this.commandNextLine(dy); } commandCost(dy) { var mvSkill; if (this.skill.isItem()) { return; } mvSkill = this.skill.skill(); if (mvSkill.mpCost > 0) { this._drawPair(this.SE.COST_MP, TextManager.mpA, this.SE.VALUE_COST, mvSkill.mpCost); this.commandNextLine(dy); } if (mvSkill.tpCost > 0) { this._drawPair(this.SE.COST_TP, TextManager.tpA, this.SE.VALUE_COST, mvSkill.tpCost); return this.commandNextLine(dy); } } commandTargetType() { var tagetText; tagetText = this._getTargetType(); this._drawText(this.SE.TARGET, tagetText); return this.commandNextLine(); } commandRange(dy) { if (this.skill.isRadiusType() && !this.skill.isNeedTarget()) { return; } if (this.skill.range > 0) { this._drawParamValPair(AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RANGE, this.skill.range); return this.commandNextLine(dy); } else { if (this.skill.range === 0 && this.skill.isNeedTarget()) { this._drawParamValLongPair(AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RANGE, AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_MELEE); return this.commandNextLine(dy); } } } commandRadius(dy) { if (this.skill.isRadiusType() && !this.skill.isNeedTarget()) { this._drawParamValPair(AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RADIUS, this.skill.radius); return this.commandNextLine(dy); } else { if (this.skill.radius > 0) { this._drawParamValPair(AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RADIUS, this.skill.radius); return this.commandNextLine(dy); } } } commandRepeats(dy) { var repeats; repeats = this.skill.skill().repeats; if (repeats <= 1) { return; } this._drawParamValPair(AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_REPEATS, this.skill.repeats); return this.commandNextLine(dy); } commandCastTime(dy) { var val; if (!this.skill.isNeedCast()) { return; } val = this._getCastTime(); this._drawParamValLongPair(AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_CAST, val); return this.commandNextLine(dy); } commandReloadTime(dy) { var reloadTime; if (this.skill.getReloadTime() > 0 || this.skill.isNeedReloadParam()) { reloadTime = this.skill.getReloadTime(); if (this.skill.isNeedReloadParam()) { reloadTime += $gamePlayer.battler()._calculateABSSkillReloadParam(this.skill.reloadParam); } reloadTime = SDK.decimalAdjust('round', reloadTime / AA.BattleManagerABS.TURN, -1); this._drawParamValLongPair(AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_COOLDOWN, reloadTime + AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_SEC); return this.commandNextLine(dy); } } commandDescription(dy) { var text; text = this._getDiscription(); if (text == null) { return; } if (text === "") { return; } if (this.skill.noDescription === true) { return; } this._drawDescription(text); if (dy == null) { dy = 0; } return this.commandNextLine(this.description.height + dy); } commandAmmoName(dy) { var ammoName; if (!this.skill.isNeedAmmo()) { return; } ammoName = $dataItems[this.skill.ammo].name; this._drawParamValLongPair(AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_USE, ammoName); return this.commandNextLine(dy); } commandAmmoCount(dy) { var ammoCount; if (!this.skill.isNeedAmmo()) { return; } ammoCount = $gameParty.numItems($dataItems[this.skill.ammo]); this._drawParamValPair(AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_HAS, ammoCount); return this.commandNextLine(dy); } commandStackCount(dy) { var text; if (!this.skill.isStackType()) { return; } text = this.skill._currentStack + '/' + this.skill.stack; this._drawParamValLongPair(AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_CHARGES, text); return this.commandNextLine(dy); } commandStackReloadTime(dy) { var reloadStack; if (!this.skill.isStackType()) { return; } reloadStack = SDK.decimalAdjust('round', this.skill.stackTime / AA.BattleManagerABS.TURN, -1); this._drawParamValLongPair(AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RELOADCHR, reloadStack + AA.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_SEC); return this.commandNextLine(dy); } commandDamage(dy) { var text, value; if (this.skill.skill().damage.type === 0) { return; } text = this._getDamageTypeText(); value = this._getDamageValue(); this._drawPair(this.SE.DAMAGE, text, this.SE.DAMAGE_VALUE, value); return this.commandNextLine(dy); } commandSeparator(offset) { var sep; sep = new Sprite(this._separatorBitmap); sep.move(this.curX + offset[0], this.curY + offset[1]); return this.add(sep); } //END REGION realHeight() { return this.curY; } }; AA.register(SpriteSpellInfo); })(); // ■ END SpriteSpellInfo.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ SpriteSpellPanel.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var SpriteSpellPanel; SpriteSpellPanel = class SpriteSpellPanel extends AASprite { constructor(maxItemCount) { super(); this.maxItemCount = maxItemCount; this._create(); } _create() { this._loadSettings(); this._createContainer(); return this._createItems(); } _loadSettings() { this.settings = AA.JSON.getUISpellPanelSettings(); this.moveByJson(this.settings); return this.visible = this.settings.visible; } _createContainer() { this._container = new AA.LIBS.SpriteUIContainer(this.settings.itemSize); this._applySettingsToContainer(); this._container.setItemsCount(8); // * Максимум 8 return this.add(this._container); } _createItems() { var i, j, ref, results; results = []; for (i = j = 0, ref = this.maxItemCount; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { results.push(this._container.addChild(new AA.LIBS.SpriteSpellPanelItem(i))); } return results; } _applySettingsToContainer() { this._container.setSpacing(this.settings.itemsMargin); if (this.settings.isVertical) { this._container.setVertical(); } if (this.settings.itemsAlign === 0) { this._container.setPivotToCenter(); } if (this.settings.itemsAlign === 1) { this._container.setPivotToLeft(); } if (this.settings.itemsAlign === 2) { return this._container.setPivotToRight(); } } getItemAt(index) { if (this._container == null) { return null; } return this._container.items[index]; } getIndexUnderTouch() { var i, item, j, ref; for (i = j = 0, ref = this.getItemsCount(); (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { item = this._container.items[i]; if (item.isUnderCursor()) { return i; } } return null; } getIndexUnderMouse() { var i, item, j, ref; for (i = j = 0, ref = this.getItemsCount(); (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { item = this._container.items[i]; if (item.isUnderMouse()) { return i; } } return null; } getItemsCount() { return this._container.items.length; } applyMenuPosition() { var pos; pos = AA.Utils.convertPositionPointFromJSON(this.settings.positionInMenu); return this.move(pos.x, pos.y); } }; AA.register(SpriteSpellPanel); })(); // ■ END SpriteSpellPanel.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ SpriteSpellPanelItem.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var SpriteSpellPanelItem; SpriteSpellPanelItem = class SpriteSpellPanelItem extends AASprite { constructor(index, settings) { super(); this.index = index; this.settings = settings; this._mouseIn = false; this._isPulsing = false; this._hoverColor = null; this._pulseSwing = null; this._canBeHovered = true; this._create(); } _create() { this._loadSettings(); this._createBackground(); this._createIconSprite(); this._createRechargeSprite(); this._createTextSprite(); return this._createText2Sprite(); } _loadSettings() { if (this.settings == null) { this.settings = AA.JSON.getUISpellItemSettings(); } this.visible = this.settings.visible; this._hoverColor = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this.settings.hover.color).OX; this._pulseColorA = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this.settings.pulse.colorA).OX; this._pulseColorB = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this.settings.pulse.colorB).OX; this._textDisabledColor = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this.settings.disabledTextColor); this._text2DisabledTextColor = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this.settings.disabledText2Color); return this._text2SpecialTextColor = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this.settings.specialText2Color); } _createBackground() { if (this.settings.backgroundImg != null) { this._background = AASprite.FromImg(this.settings.backgroundImg); this._background.onReady(() => { return this.setFrame(0, 0, 40, 40); }); return this.add(this._background); } else { return this.setFrame(this.settings.iconMarginX, this.settings.iconMarginY, this.settings.iconSize, this.settings.iconSize); } } _createIconSprite() { this._iconSprite = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.settings.iconSize); this._iconSprite.move(this.settings.iconMarginX, this.settings.iconMarginY); return this.add(this._iconSprite); } _createRechargeSprite() { this._recharge = new AA.LIBS.SpriteItemRecharge(this.settings.recharge); return this.add(this._recharge); } _createTextSprite() { this._textSpr = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.settings.textZoneWidth, this.settings.textZoneHeight); this.applyTextSettingsByJson(this._textSpr, this.settings); this._textSpr.setOutlineFilter(); return this.add(this._textSpr); } _createText2Sprite() { this._textSpr2 = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.settings.text2ZoneWidth, this.settings.text2ZoneHeight); this.applyTextSettingsByExtraSettings(this._textSpr2, this.settings.text2); this._textSpr2.setOutlineFilter(); return this.add(this._textSpr2); } clear() { return this.drawIcon(null); } drawIcon(iconIndex) { if (this._iconSprite == null) { return; } this._iconSprite.clear(); if (iconIndex != null) { return this._iconSprite.drawIcon(0, 0, iconIndex, this.settings.iconSize); } } drawTextDisabled(text) { return this.drawText(text, this._textDisabledColor); } drawText(text, color) { if (this._textSpr == null) { return; } return this._drawTextOnSprite(this._textSpr, text, this.settings.text.position, color); } _drawTextOnSprite(sprite, text, position, color) { var _defColor; if (sprite == null) { return; } sprite.clear(); if (color != null) { _defColor = sprite.b().textColor; sprite.b().textColor = color.CSS; } sprite.drawTextFull(text, position); if (_defColor != null) { return sprite.b().textColor = _defColor; } } drawText2Disabled(text) { return this.drawText2(text, this._text2DisabledTextColor); } drawText2(text, color) { if (this._textSpr2 == null) { return; } return this._drawTextOnSprite(this._textSpr2, text, this.settings.text2.position, color); } drawText2Special(text) { return this.drawText2(text, this._text2SpecialTextColor); } isUnderTouch() { return this.inPosition(TouchInput); } isUnderMouse() { return this.inPosition(SMouse.getMousePosition()); } isUnderCursor() { return this.isUnderMouse() || this.isUnderTouch(); } update() { super.update(); if (this._canBeHovered === true) { this._upateUnderCursor(); } if (this.isPulsing()) { return this.updatePulse(); } } _upateUnderCursor() { if (this.isUnderMouse()) { if (this._mouseIn === true) { return; } this._mouseIn = true; return this._onMouseEnter(); } else { if (this._mouseIn === false) { return; } this._mouseIn = false; return this._onMouseLeave(); } } _onMouseEnter() { return this.showSelectedFrame(); } _onMouseLeave() { if (!this.isPulsing()) { return this.clearFilter(); } } showSelectedFrame() { if (this._background == null) { return; } return this._background.setGlowFilter(this._hoverColor, this.settings.hover.power); } clearFilter() { if (this._background == null) { return; } return this._background.clearFilters(); } updatePulse() { if (this._pulseSwing == null) { return; } this._pulseSwing.update(); if (this._pulseSwing.isReady()) { return this.stopPulse(); } } startPulse(xcolor, isLoop = false) { if (this._isPulsing === true) { this.stopPulse(); } this._isPulsing = true; if (this._background == null) { return; } this._background.setGlowFilter(xcolor, this.settings.pulse.power); this._pulseSwing = new AA.LIBS.ValueSwing(this._background.filters[0], "outerStrength", this.settings.pulse.duration); if (isLoop) { this._pulseSwing.setRepeat(); } return this._pulseSwing.start(); } stopPulse() { this._pulseSwing = null; this._isPulsing = false; return this.clearFilter(); } isPulsing() { return this._isPulsing === true; } pulseOnceA() { return this.startPulse(this._pulseColorA); } pulseOnceB() { return this.startPulse(this._pulseColorB); } disableHover() { this._onMouseLeave(); return this._canBeHovered = false; } drawRecharge(percent = 1) { return this._recharge.drawRecharge(percent); } }; AA.register(SpriteSpellPanelItem); })(); // ■ END SpriteSpellPanelItem.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ SpriteUIContainer.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var SpriteUIContainer; SpriteUIContainer = class SpriteUIContainer extends AASprite { constructor(size) { super(new Bitmap(size, size)); this.size = size; this.items = []; this.orientation = "horizontal"; this.placePoint = "rigth"; this.itemsCount = 1; this.spacing = 0; } //?{PUBLIC} setItemsCount(itemsCount) { this.itemsCount = itemsCount; return this._refreshMain(); } _refreshMain() { var s; s = this._getSize() * this.itemsCount; this.bitmap = new Bitmap(s, s); this._rearrange(); return this._refreshPlace(); } _getSize() { return this.size + this.spacing; } //?{PUBLIC} setSpacing(spacing) { this.spacing = spacing; return this._refreshMain(); } //?{PUBLIC} addChild(sprite) { this._createItem(sprite); this._rearrange(); return this._refreshPlace(); } _createItem(sprite) { this._reCreatePlacer(sprite.visible); this.items.push(sprite); return this._placer.addChild(sprite); } _reCreatePlacer(isNew) { var pl, s, visLen; if (this._placer != null) { super.removeChild(this._placer); } visLen = this._visItemsLength(); if (isNew === true) { visLen += 1; } s = this._getSize() * visLen; s -= this.spacing; this._placer = new Sprite(new Bitmap(s, s)); super.addChild(this._placer); pl = this._placer; this.items.forEach(function(item) { if (item.visible === true) { return pl.addChild(item); } }); } _visItemsLength() { var count, i, j, ref; count = 0; for (i = j = 0, ref = this.items.length; (0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { if (this.items[i].visible === true) { count++; } } return count; } _rearrange() { var ref, ref1; if (this._placer == null) { return; } if ((ref = this._placer.children[0]) != null) { ref.x = 0; } if ((ref1 = this._placer.children[0]) != null) { ref1.y = 0; } if (this.isVertical()) { return this._rearrangeVertical(); } else { return this._rearrangeHorizontal(); } } _rearrangeVertical() { var i, items, j, ref, results, s; items = this._placer.children; s = this._getSize(); results = []; for (i = j = 1, ref = items.length; (1 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 1 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { results.push(items[i].y = items[0].y + (s * i)); } return results; } _rearrangeHorizontal() { var i, items, j, ref, results, s; items = this._placer.children; s = this._getSize(); results = []; for (i = j = 1, ref = items.length; (1 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref); i = 1 <= ref ? ++j : --j) { results.push(items[i].x = items[0].x + (s * i)); } return results; } _refreshPlace() { if (this._placer == null) { return; } if (this.isVertical()) { return this._refreshPlaceVertical(); } else { return this._refreshPlaceHorizontal(); } } _refreshPlaceVertical() { if (this.placePoint === "center") { this._placer.y = this.height / 2; this._placer.y = this._placer.y - (this._placer.height / 2); } if (this.placePoint === "left") { this._placer.y = this.height; return this._placer.y = this._placer.y - this._placer.height; } } _refreshPlaceHorizontal() { if (this.placePoint === "center") { this._placer.x = this.width / 2; this._placer.x = this._placer.x - (this._placer.width / 2); } if (this.placePoint === "left") { this._placer.x = this.width; return this._placer.x = this._placer.x - this._placer.width; } } //?{PUBLIC} refresh() { this._reCreatePlacer(false); this._rearrange(); return this._refreshPlace(); } //?{PUBLIC} setHorizontal() { this.orientation = "horizontal"; this._rearrange(); return this._refreshPlace(); } //?{PUBLIC} isHorizontal() { return this.orientation === "horizontal"; } //?{PUBLIC} setVertical() { this.orientation = "vertical"; this._rearrange(); return this._refreshPlace(); } //?{PUBLIC} isVertical() { return this.isHorizontal() === false; } //?{PUBLIC} setPivotToCenter() { this.placePoint = "center"; return this._refreshPlace(); } //?{PUBLIC} setPivotToLeft() { this.placePoint = "left"; return this._refreshPlace(); } //?{PUBLIC} setPivotToRight() { this.placePoint = "right"; return this._refreshPlace(); } }; AA.register(SpriteUIContainer); })(); // ■ END SpriteUIContainer.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ SpriteWeaponIcon.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var SpriteWeaponIcon; SpriteWeaponIcon = class SpriteWeaponIcon extends AA.LIBS.SpriteSpellPanelItem { constructor() { super(0, AA.JSON.getWeaponIconSettings()); } _create() { super._create(); this.moveByJson(this.settings); return this.disableHover(); } _createRechargeSprite() { super._createRechargeSprite(); return this._createForeground(); } _createForeground() { this._background = AASprite.FromImg(this.settings.foregroundImg); this._background.onReady(() => { return this.drawDefault(); }); return this.add(this._background); } drawDefault() { return this.drawIcon(this.settings.defaultIcon); } }; AA.register(SpriteWeaponIcon); })(); // ■ END SpriteWeaponIcon.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 (function() { var StringsLoader; StringsLoader = class StringsLoader { constructor(_parameters) { this._parameters = _parameters; } loadAllStrings(object) { var strings; strings = this._collect(object); this._writeNewString(object, strings); } _collect(object) { var properties, strings; properties = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object); strings = properties.filter(function(item) { return item.includes("STRING_"); }); return strings; } _writeNewString(object, strings) { var i, len, string; for (i = 0, len = strings.length; i < len; i++) { string = strings[i]; this._setStringFromPluginParametersToObject(object, string); } } _setStringFromPluginParametersToObject(object, stringName) { var newValue; newValue = this._parameters[stringName]; if (newValue) { object[stringName] = newValue; } } }; AlphaABS.register(StringsLoader); })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ User API.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //@[GLOBAL DEFINITION] var uAPI; uAPI = function() { throw new Error("This is a static class"); }; uAPI.putLine = function(text) { var ref; return (ref = AlphaABS.BattleUI) != null ? ref._pushOnPanel(null, text) : void 0; }; uAPI.putText = function(text) { var ui; if (AlphaABS.BattleUI != null) { ui = AlphaABS.BattleUI.getUI(); if (ui != null) { return ui.addPopUp(AlphaABS.PopInfoManagerABS.ALERT(text)); } } }; uAPI.putLineWithIcon = function(text, iconIndex) { var ref; return (ref = AlphaABS.BattleUI) != null ? ref.pushIconTextOnPanel({text, iconIndex}) : void 0; }; uAPI.findEnemy = function(id) { var ref; if (id == null) { return null; } return (ref = $gameTroop.membersABS()) != null ? ref.find(function(item) { return item.eventId() === id; }) : void 0; }; uAPI.activateE = function(id) { var ref; return (ref = uAPI.findEnemy(id)) != null ? ref.activate() : void 0; }; uAPI.deactivateE = function(id) { var ref; return (ref = uAPI.findEnemy(id)) != null ? ref.deactivate() : void 0; }; uAPI.reviveE = function(id, time) { var ref; return (ref = uAPI.findEnemy(id)) != null ? ref.setRevive(time) : void 0; }; uAPI.loot = function(id) { var ref; return (ref = uAPI.findEnemy(id)) != null ? ref.loot() : void 0; }; uAPI.spawn = function(id, regionOrX, region) { return Game_Interpreter.prototype._onABSSpawn(id, regionOrX, region); }; uAPI.setParamE = function(id, paramName, newValue) { var e; try { if (paramName == null) { return; } if (newValue == null) { newValue = 0; } e = uAPI.findEnemy(id); if (e == null) { return; } if (AlphaABS.LIBS.Game_AIBehavior.PARAMS.indexOf(paramName) > 0) { e.behaviorModel()[paramName] = newValue; e.LOG.p("New value " + newValue + " of " + paramName); if (e.inBattle()) { e.refreshBehavior(); } } return; } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while you call setParamE with uAPI'); } }; uAPI.UISetSkill = function(id, index) { var ref; if (id == null) { return; } if (index != null) { if (index > 0) { index = index - 1; } } return (ref = uAPI.actor) != null ? ref._setSkillOnPanelByID(id, index) : void 0; }; uAPI.UIRemoveSkill = function(id) { var ref; if (id != null) { return (ref = uAPI.actor) != null ? ref._removeSkillFromPanelByID(id) : void 0; } }; uAPI.UISetItem = function(id, index) { var ref; if (id == null) { return; } if (index != null) { if (index > 0) { index = index - 1; } } return (ref = uAPI.actor) != null ? ref._setItemOnPanelByID(id, index) : void 0; }; uAPI.UIRemoveItem = function(id) { var ref; if (id != null) { return (ref = uAPI.actor) != null ? ref._removeItemFromPanelByID(id) : void 0; } }; uAPI.UIRemoveByIndex = function(index) { var ref; if (index == null) { return; } if (index > 0) { index = index - 1; } return (ref = uAPI.actor) != null ? ref.setSkillOnPanel(null, index) : void 0; }; // * NAME, FRAMES, DELAY, NOT_MOVE?, OFFSET uAPI.playAMotionForPlayer = function(...params) { return uAPI._playAMotionForCharacter($gamePlayer, ...params); }; // * EVENT_ID, NAME, FRAMES, DELAY, NOT_MOVE?, OFFSET uAPI.playAMotionForEnemy = function(...params) { var enemy; if (params[0] == null) { return; } enemy = uAPI.findEnemy(params[0]); params.shift(); if (enemy != null) { uAPI._playAMotionForCharacter(enemy, ...params); } }; // ? [PRIVATE] // * CHARACTER, NAME, FRAMES, DELAY, NOT_MOVE?, OFFSET uAPI._playAMotionForCharacter = function(...params) { var data, e, offset; if (params[0] == null) { return; } if (params[1] == null) { return; } try { data = new AA.LIBS.ABSMotion2(); data.setType(AA.MotionType.Action); if (params[2] != null) { data.setFrames(params[2]); } if (params[3] != null) { data.setActionDelay(params[3]); } if (params[4] === true) { data.setWait(); } offset = 0; if (params[5] != null) { offset = params[5]; } data.setMotion(params[1], offset, params[0]); params[0].battler().performAAnimAction(data); } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while you call playAMotion with uAPI'); } }; Object.defineProperties(uAPI, { isABS: { get: function() { return AlphaABS.isABS(); // * Активирована ли ABS (мы на ABS карте?) } }, player: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer; } }, actor: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer.battler(); } }, party: { get: function() { return $gameParty.membersABS(); } }, pActor: { get: function() { return $gameParty.membersABS().map(function(item) { return item.battler(); }); } }, actorId: { get: function() { var ref; return (ref = uAPI.actor) != null ? ref.actorId() : void 0; } }, pActorId: { get: function() { return uAPI.pActor.map(function(item) { return item.actorId(); }); } }, isUI: { get: function() { return uAPI.isABS && AlphaABS.BattleUI.isUI() && AlphaABS.BattleUI.getUI().isVisible(); } }, hide: { get: function() { if (AlphaABS.BattleUI.isUI()) { return AlphaABS.BattleUI.hideUI(); } } }, show: { get: function() { if (AlphaABS.BattleUI.isUI()) { return AlphaABS.BattleUI.showUI(); } } }, isBattle: { get: function() { var ref; return (ref = uAPI.player) != null ? ref.inBattle() : void 0; } }, hideSkills: { get: function() { var ref; return (ref = AlphaABS.BattleUI.getUI()) != null ? ref.hideSkillPanel() : void 0; } }, hideControls: { get: function() { var ref; return (ref = AlphaABS.BattleUI.getUI()) != null ? ref.hideControlPanel() : void 0; } }, showSkills: { get: function() { var ref; return (ref = AlphaABS.BattleUI.getUI()) != null ? ref.showSkillPanel() : void 0; } }, showControls: { get: function() { var ref; return (ref = AlphaABS.BattleUI.getUI()) != null ? ref.showControlPanel() : void 0; } }, target: { get: function() { return uAPI.player.target(); } }, tActor: { get: function() { var ref; return (ref = uAPI.target) != null ? ref.battler() : void 0; } }, tId: { get: function() { var ref; return (ref = uAPI.target) != null ? ref.eventId() : void 0; } }, jumpOff: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer._absJumpOffByUAPI = true; } }, jumpOn: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer._absJumpOffByUAPI = false; } }, rotateOff: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer._absRotateOffByUAPI = true; } }, rotateOn: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer._absRotateOffByUAPI = false; } }, weaponsOff: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer._absWeapOffByUAPI = true; } }, weaponsOn: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer._absWeapOffByUAPI = false; } }, doJump: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer.touchControlAt(2); } }, doFollow: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer.touchControlAt(1); } }, doRotate: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer.touchControlAt(3); } }, doChangeWeapons: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer.touchControlAt(4); } }, doAttack: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer.touchControlAt(0); } }, isJumpAllowed: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer.isJumpAllowed(); } }, isFollowAllowed: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer.isFollowAllowed(); } }, isRotateAllowed: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer.isRotateAllowed(); } }, isWeaponsAllowed: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer.isWeaponsAllowed(); } }, isCanAttack: { get: function() { return true; } }, findNextTarget: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer.setNextTarget(); } }, findNearestTarget: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer.setNearestTarget(); } }, doReload: { get: function() { return $gamePlayer.reloadFirearm(); } }, UIClearSkills: { get: function() { var ref; return (ref = $gamePlayer.battler()) != null ? ref.uiPanelReset() : void 0; } }, UISavePanelState: { get: function() { var ref; return (ref = uAPI.actor) != null ? ref._saveUISkillPanelState() : void 0; } }, UIRestorePanelState: { get: function() { var ref; return (ref = uAPI.actor) != null ? ref._restoreUISkillPanelState() : void 0; } } }); (Object.freeze || Object)(uAPI); // ■ END User API.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ UI_Circle.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var UI_Circle; UI_Circle = class UI_Circle extends Sprite { constructor(segmentBitmap, iconSize) { super(new Bitmap(200, 200)); this.segmentBitmap = segmentBitmap; this.iconSize = iconSize; this.iconSize = SDK.check(this.iconSize, 36); this._initParameters(); this._createSegments(); this._moveSegments(this._maxRadius()); this._postConfigurate(); } _initParameters() { this.anchor.x = 0.5; return this.anchor.y = 0.5; } _createSegments() { this._segments = []; this._icons = []; this._helpers = []; this._inputs = []; this._createSegment(0, 0); this._createSegment(1, Math.PI / 2); this._createSegment(2, Math.PI); this._createSegment(3, -Math.PI / 2); this._segments.forEach((function(segment) { return this.addChild(segment); }).bind(this)); this._configurateSegmentsElements(); return this._createInputZones(); } _createSegment(index, rotation) { var helper, icon, segment; rotation = SDK.check(rotation, 0); segment = this._createSegmentElement(rotation); icon = this._createIconForSegment(rotation); helper = this._createHelperForSegment(); if (index === 2) { //down text upwards helper.rotation = -rotation; } segment.addChild(icon); segment.addChild(helper); this._segments[index] = segment; this._icons[index] = icon; this._helpers[index] = helper; } _createSegmentElement(rotation) { var segment; rotation = SDK.check(rotation, 0); segment = new Sprite(); segment.bitmap = this.segmentBitmap; segment.anchor.x = 0.5; segment.anchor.y = 0.5; segment.rotation = rotation; return segment; } _createIconForSegment(rotation) { var icon; rotation = SDK.check(rotation, 0); icon = new Sprite(new Bitmap(this.iconSize, this.iconSize)); icon.anchor.x = 0.5; icon.anchor.y = 0.5; icon.rotation = -rotation; return icon; } _createHelperForSegment() { var help; help = new Sprite(new Bitmap(this.segmentBitmap.width, this.segmentBitmap.height)); help.anchor.x = 0.5; help.anchor.y = 0.5; return help; } _configurateSegmentsElements() { var dy; dy = -this.segmentBitmap.height; this._helpers.forEach(function(item) { return item.move(0, dy); }); return this._icons.forEach(function(item) { return item.move(0, -5); }); } _createInputZones() { var down, left, raduis, right, top; raduis = this._maxRadius(); top = new Sprite_Button(); top.bitmap = new Bitmap(this.segmentBitmap.width, this.segmentBitmap.height); top.moveToCenter(0, -raduis); this._inputs.push(top); right = new Sprite_Button(); right.bitmap = new Bitmap(this.segmentBitmap.height, this.segmentBitmap.width); right.moveToCenter(raduis, 0); this._inputs.push(right); down = new Sprite_Button(); down.bitmap = top.bitmap; down.moveToCenter(0, raduis); this._inputs.push(down); left = new Sprite_Button(); left.bitmap = right.bitmap; left.moveToCenter(-raduis, 0); this._inputs.push(left); return this._inputs.forEach((function(item) { return this.addChild(item); }).bind(this)); } _moveSegments(radius) { if (radius == null) { radius = this._maxRadius(); } this._segments[0].move(0, -radius); //TOP this._segments[2].move(0, radius); //DOWN this._segments[3].move(-radius, 0); //LEFT return this._segments[1].move(radius, 0); //RIGHT } _maxRadius() { return Math.floor(this.segmentBitmap.height / 4 + this.segmentBitmap.width / 2); } _minRadius() { return Math.floor(this.segmentBitmap.width / 2); } _postConfigurate() {} //EMPTY }; if (window.KDCore !== void 0) { KDCore.register(UI_Circle); } })(); // ■ END UI_Circle.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ UI_Gauge.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function () { function UI_Gauge() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } AlphaABS.register(UI_Gauge); UI_Gauge.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); UI_Gauge.prototype.constructor = UI_Gauge; UI_Gauge.prototype.initialize = function (width, height) { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this, new Bitmap(width || 1, height || 1)); this.reset(); }; UI_Gauge.prototype.reset = function () { this._backgroundColor = '#000000'; this._startColor = '#FFFFFF'; this._endColor = '#FFFFFF'; this._currentValue = 0; this._maxValue = 0; this._centerText = null; this._leftText = null; this._rightText = null; this._gaugeWidth = 0; this._lastValue = -1; }; UI_Gauge.prototype.applyGeneratedGradient = function () { if (window.PLATFORM === undefined) return; var color = PLATFORM.Color.FromHex(this._startColor); this._endColor = color.getLightestColor(230).CSS; }; UI_Gauge.prototype.setFont = function (fontName) { this.bitmap.fontFace = fontName; }; UI_Gauge.prototype.setMaxValue = function (value) { this._maxValue = value; this._updateGaugeWidth(); }; UI_Gauge.prototype._updateGaugeWidth = function () { if (this._maxValue > 0 && this._currentValue < this._maxValue) this._gaugeWidth = Math.floor( (100 * this._currentValue / this._maxValue) * ((this.bitmap.width - 2) / 100)); else this._gaugeWidth = this.bitmap.width - 2; }; UI_Gauge.prototype.setValue = function (value) { this._currentValue = value; this._updateGaugeWidth(); }; UI_Gauge.prototype.setGaugeColors = function (startHexColor, endHexColor) { this._startColor = startHexColor; this._endColor = endHexColor || this._startColor; }; UI_Gauge.prototype.setBackgroundColor = function (hexColor) { this._backgroundColor = hexColor; }; UI_Gauge.prototype.setCenterText = function (text, color) { this._centerText = this._makeTextData(text, color); }; UI_Gauge.prototype._makeTextData = function (textValue, colorValue) { return { text: textValue || '', color: colorValue || '#FFFFFF' }; }; UI_Gauge.prototype.setRightText = function (text, color) { this._rightText = this._makeTextData(text, color); }; UI_Gauge.prototype.setLeftText = function (text, color) { this._leftText = this._makeTextData(text, color); }; UI_Gauge.prototype.update = function () { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); this._updateValues(); if (this._isValueChanged()) { this.refresh(); } }; UI_Gauge.prototype._updateValues = function () { //EMPTY }; UI_Gauge.prototype._isValueChanged = function () { return (this._currentValue != this._lastValue); }; UI_Gauge.prototype.refresh = function () { this._lastValue = this._currentValue; this._drawAll(); }; UI_Gauge.prototype._drawAll = function () { this._drawBackground(); this._drawGaugeLine(); this._drawTexts(); }; UI_Gauge.prototype._drawBackground = function () { this.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, this.bitmap.width, this.bitmap.height, this._backgroundColor); }; UI_Gauge.prototype._drawGaugeLine = function () { this.bitmap.gradientFillRect(1, 1, this._gaugeWidth, this.bitmap.height - 2, this._startColor, this._endColor, false); }; UI_Gauge.prototype._drawTexts = function () { this._setTextFontSize(); this._drawText(this._leftText, 'left'); this._drawText(this._centerText, 'center'); this._drawText(this._rightText, 'right'); }; UI_Gauge.prototype._setTextFontSize = function () { this.bitmap.fontSize = this.bitmap.height - 4; }; UI_Gauge.prototype._drawText = function (textData, position) { if (textData && textData.text != '') { var prevtextColor = this.bitmap.textColor; this.bitmap.textColor = textData.color; this.bitmap.drawText(textData.text, 4, 0, this.bitmap.width - 8, this.bitmap.height, position); this.bitmap.textColor = prevtextColor; } }; })(); //■ END UI_Gauge //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ UI_GaugeABS.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function () { function UI_GaugeABS() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } AlphaABS.register(UI_GaugeABS); var UI_Gauge = AlphaABS.LIBS.UI_Gauge; UI_GaugeABS.prototype = Object.create(UI_Gauge.prototype); UI_GaugeABS.prototype.constructor = UI_GaugeABS; UI_GaugeABS.prototype.initialize = function (width, height) { UI_Gauge.prototype.initialize.call(this, width, height); this._battler = null; this._isShowValue = true; }; UI_GaugeABS.prototype.setBattler = function (battler) { this._battler = battler; if (this._battler) { this._configGaugeForBattler(); } else { this.reset(); } this.refresh(); }; UI_GaugeABS.prototype._configGaugeForBattler = function () { //EMPTY }; //{Font Name, Color, Background Color, Visible, Show value} UI_GaugeABS.prototype.applyPluginParameters = function (pluginParams) { try { this._applyFont(pluginParams['Font Name']); this._applyColors(pluginParams); this._isShowValue = pluginParams['Show value']; this.visible = pluginParams.Visible; } catch (e) { //LOGW(AlphaABS.SYSTEM.) //TODO:: Лог что ошибка при применении console.log('ERROR while apply Plugin Parameters on UI_Gauge ' + e.name); this.reset(); } finally { this.refresh(); } }; UI_GaugeABS.prototype._applyFont = function (fontName) { if (fontName) this.setFont(fontName); }; UI_GaugeABS.prototype._applyColors = function (pluginParams) { this.setBackgroundColor(pluginParams['Background Color']); this._applyGaugeColors(pluginParams.Color); }; UI_GaugeABS.prototype._applyGaugeColors = function (colors) { if (colors) { var color1 = colors['Color 1']; var color2 = colors['Color 2']; this.setGaugeColors(color1, color2); if (color2 == '') this.applyGeneratedGradient(); } }; })(); //■ END UI_GaugeABS //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (function(){ function UI_GaugeABS_HP() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } AlphaABS.register(UI_GaugeABS_HP); var UI_GaugeABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.UI_GaugeABS; var Color = PLATFORM.Color; UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype = Object.create(UI_GaugeABS.prototype); UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype.constructor = UI_GaugeABS_HP; UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype.initialize = function(width, height) { UI_GaugeABS.prototype.initialize.call(this, width, height); this.setGaugeColors(this._mainGaugeHexColor()); this.applyGeneratedGradient(); }; UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype._mainGaugeHexColor = function() { return Color.RED.toHex(); }; //OVER UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype._configGaugeForBattler = function() { UI_GaugeABS.prototype._configGaugeForBattler.call(this); this.setLeftText(this._leftGaugeText()); }; UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype._leftGaugeText = function() { return TextManager.hpA; }; //OVER UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype._updateValues = function() { UI_GaugeABS.prototype._updateValues.call(this); if(this._battler) { this._updateMaxValue(); this.setValue(this._currentGaugeValue()); } }; UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype._updateMaxValue = function() { if(this._maxGaugeValue() != this._maxValue) { this.setMaxValue(this._maxGaugeValue()); this.refresh(); } }; UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype._maxGaugeValue = function() { return this._battler.mhp; }; UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype._currentGaugeValue = function() { return this._battler.hp; }; //OVER UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype.refresh = function() { if(this._isShowValue == true) this.setRightText(this._currentValue); UI_GaugeABS.prototype.refresh.call(this); }; function UI_GaugeABS_MP() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } AlphaABS.register(UI_GaugeABS_MP); var UI_GaugeABS_HP = AlphaABS.LIBS.UI_GaugeABS_HP; UI_GaugeABS_MP.prototype = Object.create(UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype); UI_GaugeABS_MP.prototype.constructor = UI_GaugeABS_MP; UI_GaugeABS_MP.prototype.initialize = function(width, height) { UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype.initialize.call(this, width, height); }; UI_GaugeABS_MP.prototype._mainGaugeHexColor = function() { return Color.BLUE.toHex(); }; UI_GaugeABS_MP.prototype._leftGaugeText = function() { return TextManager.mpA; }; UI_GaugeABS_MP.prototype._maxGaugeValue = function() { return this._battler.mmp; }; UI_GaugeABS_MP.prototype._currentGaugeValue = function() { return this._battler.mp; }; function UI_GaugeABS_TP() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } AlphaABS.register(UI_GaugeABS_TP); var UI_GaugeABS_HP = AlphaABS.LIBS.UI_GaugeABS_HP; UI_GaugeABS_TP.prototype = Object.create(UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype); UI_GaugeABS_TP.prototype.constructor = UI_GaugeABS_TP; UI_GaugeABS_TP.prototype.initialize = function(width, height) { UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype.initialize.call(this, width, height); }; UI_GaugeABS_TP.prototype._mainGaugeHexColor = function() { return Color.GREEN.toHex(); }; UI_GaugeABS_TP.prototype._leftGaugeText = function() { return TextManager.tpA; }; UI_GaugeABS_TP.prototype._maxGaugeValue = function() { return this._battler.maxTp(); }; UI_GaugeABS_TP.prototype._currentGaugeValue = function() { return this._battler.tp; }; function UI_GaugeABS_HPE() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } AlphaABS.register(UI_GaugeABS_HPE); var UI_GaugeABS_HP = AlphaABS.LIBS.UI_GaugeABS_HP; UI_GaugeABS_HPE.prototype = Object.create(UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype); UI_GaugeABS_HPE.prototype.constructor = UI_GaugeABS_HPE; UI_GaugeABS_HPE.prototype.initialize = function(width, height) { UI_GaugeABS_HP.prototype.initialize.call(this, width, height); this._isShowInPercent = true; }; UI_GaugeABS_HPE.prototype.setShowInPercent = function(bool) { this._isShowInPercent = bool; }; UI_GaugeABS_HPE.prototype._leftGaugeText = function() { return ''; }; //OVER UI_GaugeABS_HPE.prototype.refresh = function() { if(this._isShowValue == true && this._battler) this.setCenterText(this._textForValue()); UI_GaugeABS.prototype.refresh.call(this); }; UI_GaugeABS_HPE.prototype._textForValue = function() { if(this._isShowInPercent) { return this._getValueInPercent(); } else { return this._currentValue; } }; UI_GaugeABS_HPE.prototype._getValueInPercent = function() { var percent = Math.floor((this._currentValue * 100) / this._maxGaugeValue()); if(percent <= 0) percent = 1; return (percent + '%'); }; })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ UI_SelectCircle.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var Color, SDK, UI_Circle, UI_SelectCircle; UI_Circle = KDCore.LIBS.UI_Circle; Color = KDCore.Color; SDK = KDCore.SDK; UI_SelectCircle = (function() { class UI_SelectCircle extends UI_Circle { constructor(segmentBitmap, isOpen, iconSize) { super(segmentBitmap, SDK.check(iconSize, 36)); this._isOpen = SDK.check(isOpen, true); if (!this._isOpen) { this.opacity = 0; } } _initParameters() { UI_Circle.prototype._initParameters.call(this); this._clickedSegmentIndex = null; this._selectedSegmentIndex = null; this._isHelperVisible = false; this._isAnimated = false; this._clickTimer = new Game_TimerABS(); this._newRadius = this._maxRadius(); return this._disabledIndexes = []; } isOpen() { return this._isOpen === true; } isClicked() { return this._clickedSegmentIndex !== null; } isSelected() { return this._selectedSegmentIndex !== null; } isAnimated() { return this._isAnimated === true; } isHelpersVisible() { return this._isHelperVisible === true; } showHelpers() { return this._isHelperVisible = true; } hideHelpers() { return this._isHelperVisible = false; } select(index) { this.deselectAll(); this._segments[index].setBlendColor(UI_SelectCircle.COLOR_SELECT.ARR); return this._selectedSegmentIndex = index; } deselectAll() { this._selectedSegmentIndex = null; return this._resetSegmentsColors(); } _resetSegmentsColors() { var index, j, len, ref, results, segment; ref = this._segments; results = []; for (index = j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; index = ++j) { segment = ref[index]; if (!this._disabledIndexes.includes(index)) { results.push(this._resetSegmentColor(segment)); } } return results; } _resetSegmentColor(segment) { return segment.setBlendColor(Color.NONE.ARR); } click(index) { this.deselectAll(); this._clickTimer.start(UI_SelectCircle.CLICK_TIME); this._clickedSegmentIndex = index; return this._segments[index].setBlendColor(UI_SelectCircle.COLOR_CLICK.ARR); } update() { UI_Circle.prototype.update.call(this); if (this.isClicked()) { this._updateClick(); } this._updateHelpers(); return this._updateAnimation(); } _updateClick() { this._clickTimer.update(); if (this._clickTimer.isReady()) { this._resetSegmentsColors(); return this._clickedSegmentIndex = null; } } _updateHelpers() { if (!this.isAnimated() && this.isOpen() && this.isHelpersVisible()) { return this._showHelpers(); } else { return this._hideHelpers(); } } _hideHelpers() { return this._helpers.forEach(function(item) { return item.visible = false; }); } _showHelpers() { return this._helpers.forEach(function(item) { return item.visible = true; }); } _updateAnimation() { if (!this.isAnimated()) { return; } this._moveSegments(this._newRadius); if (this.isOpen()) { return this._closeCircle(); } else { return this._openCircle(); } } _closeCircle() { var minRadius; minRadius = this._minRadius(); if (this.opacity > 30) { this.opacity -= 30; } if (this._newRadius > minRadius) { this._newRadius -= 2; } if (this._newRadius <= minRadius) { this._isOpen = false; this._isAnimated = false; return this.opacity = 0; } } _openCircle() { var maxRadius; maxRadius = this._maxRadius(); if (this.opacity <= 225) { this.opacity += 30; } if (this._newRadius < maxRadius) { this._newRadius += 2; } if (this._newRadius >= maxRadius) { this._isOpen = true; this._isAnimated = false; return this.opacity = 255; } } hideAllSegments() { return SDK.times(4, (function(i) { this.hideSegment(i); }).bind(this)); } hideSegment(index) { return this._segments[index].visible = false; } showAllSegments() { return SDK.times(4, (function(i) { this.showSegment(i); }).bind(this)); } showSegment(index) { return this._segments[index].visible = true; } disableAllSegments() { return SDK.times(4, (function(i) { this.disableSegment(i); }).bind(this)); } disableSegment(index) { this._segments[index].setBlendColor(UI_SelectCircle.COLOR_DISABLED.ARR); this._icons[index].setBlendColor(UI_SelectCircle.COLOR_DISABLED.ARR); return this._disabledIndexes.push(index); } enableAllSegments() { return SDK.times(4, (function(i) { this.enableSegment(i); }).bind(this)); } enableSegment(index) { this._disabledIndexes.delete(index); this._resetSegmentColor(this._segments[index]); return this._resetIconColor(this._icons[index]); } _resetIconColor(icon) { return icon.setBlendColor(Color.NONE.ARR); } resetAllSegments() { this.showAllSegments(); this.deselectAll(); return this.enableAllSegments(); } addClickListener(index, method) { return this._inputs[index].setClickHandler(method); } setIcons(iconsArray) { return iconsArray.forEach(this.setIcon.bind(this)); } setIcon(icon, index) { return this._drawIcon(icon, index); } _drawIcon(icon, index) { this._icons[index].bitmap.clear(); if (icon instanceof Bitmap) { return this._icons[index].bitmap.drawOnMe(icon, 0, 0, this.iconSize, this.iconSize); } else { return this._icons[index].bitmap.drawIcon(0, 0, icon, this.iconSize); } } setHelpers(textArray) { return textArray.forEach(this.setHelper.bind(this)); } setHelper(text, index) { return this._drawHelperText(text, index); } _drawHelperText(text, index) { var helper; helper = this._helpers[index].bitmap; helper.clear(); return helper.drawText(text, 0, 0, helper.width, helper.height, 'center'); } open() { if (this.isOpen()) { return; } return this._changeOpenClose(0, this._minRadius()); } _changeOpenClose(beginOpacity, newRadius) { if (this.isAnimated()) { return; } this._newRadius = newRadius; return this._isAnimated = true; } close() { if (!this.isOpen()) { return; } return this._changeOpenClose(255, this._maxRadius()); } _setOpacity(opacity) { var icon, j, len, ref, results; this.opacity = opacity; ref = this._icons; results = []; for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) { icon = ref[j]; results.push(icon.opacity = opacity); } return results; } }; UI_SelectCircle.COLOR_CLICK = new Color(98, 225, 236, 220); UI_SelectCircle.COLOR_SELECT = new Color(164, 255, 164, 220); UI_SelectCircle.COLOR_DISABLED = new Color(89, 89, 89, 120); UI_SelectCircle.CLICK_TIME = 5; return UI_SelectCircle; }).call(this); AlphaABS.register(UI_SelectCircle); })(); // ■ END UI_SelectCircle.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ UI_SelectCircleFW.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var UI_SelectCircleFW; UI_SelectCircleFW = class UI_SelectCircleFW extends AlphaABS.LIBS.UI_SelectCircle { constructor(battler, callHandler) { super(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.circleSegment.bitmap, false, 24); this.battler = battler; this.callHandler = callHandler; this.refresh(); this._setHelpers(); this.addClickListener(0, (function() { return this.callHandler(0); }).bind(this)); this.addClickListener(1, (function() { return this.callHandler(1); }).bind(this)); this.addClickListener(2, (function() { return this.callHandler(2); }).bind(this)); this.addClickListener(3, (function() { return this.callHandler(3); }).bind(this)); } refresh() { var index; this.setIcons(this.battler.getFavWeapIcons()); index = 0; this.enableAllSegments(); this.battler.ABSParams().favoriteWeapons.forEach((function(i) { var weap; if (i != null) { weap = $dataWeapons[i]; if (!$gameParty.hasItem(weap, true)) { this.disableSegment(index); } if (this.battler.hasWeapon(weap)) { this.disableSegment(index); } } return index++; }).bind(this)); } _setHelpers() { var x; x = AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey; this.setHelper(x.convertIKeyToLetter(x.SC_W()).toUpperCase(), 0); this.setHelper(x.convertIKeyToLetter(x.SC_D()).toUpperCase(), 1); this.setHelper(x.convertIKeyToLetter(x.SC_S()).toUpperCase(), 2); return this.setHelper(x.convertIKeyToLetter(x.SC_A()).toUpperCase(), 3); } isTouchedAny() { if (this.visible === true) { return this._inputs.some(function(i) { return i.isButtonTouched(); }); } else { return false; } } }; AlphaABS.register(UI_SelectCircleFW); })(); // ■ END UI_SelectCircleFW.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function () { //UIObject_ABSSkillInfo //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function UIObject_ABSSkillInfo() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype.constructor = UIObject_ABSSkillInfo; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype.initialize = function (absSkill, isWeaponMode) { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.width = 200; this.height = 600; this._skill = absSkill; this.bitmap = new Bitmap(this.width, this.height); this._descriptionText = null; isWeaponMode = SDK.check(isWeaponMode, false); this._weaponMode = isWeaponMode; this.refresh(); }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype.refresh = function () { this.bitmap.clear(); if (this._descriptionText) { this.removeChild(this._descriptionText); this._descriptionText.destroy(); this._descriptionText = null; } if (this._weaponMode) this._skill = $gamePlayer.battler().skillABS_attack(); this._deltaY = 0; this._deltaX = 0; this._textPosition = 'center'; if (this._skill == null) return; this._createBackground(); this._drawInfo(); this.height = this._deltaY + 8; }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._createBackground = function () { this.bitmap.fillAll(UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_BACKGROUND.CSS); }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._drawInfo = function () { this._nextLine(4); this._drawName(); this._drawLine(4, 4); this._setFontSize(16); this._deltaX = 8; this._drawCost(); this._nextLine(4); this._drawTargetType(); this._nextLine(10); this._drawABSInfo(); this._drawDescription(); this._drawRecharge(); this._drawDamageFormula(); }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._drawName = function () { try { this._setFontSize(24); this._setColor(Color.WHITE); this.bitmap.outlineWidth = 2; this.bitmap.outlineColor = Color.BLACK.CSS; var name = this._skill.name(); if (this._weaponMode) { if ($gamePlayer.battler().weapons().length > 0) { name = $gamePlayer.battler().weapons()[0].name; } } this._drawText(name, this.width, 32); this._nextLine(28); this.bitmap.outlineWidth = 1; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._drawCost = function () { try { if (this._skill.isItem()) return; var mvSkill = this._skill.skill(); if (mvSkill.mpCost > 0) { this._drawPair(UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_TEXT, TextManager.mpA + " ", UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_VALUE, mvSkill.mpCost, 'left'); this._nextLine(); } if (mvSkill.tpCost > 0) { this._drawPair(UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_TEXT, TextManager.tpA + " ", UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_VALUE, mvSkill.tpCost, 'left'); this._nextLine(); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._drawTargetType = function () { try { var targetText = this._extractTargetMode(); if (targetText != "") { var offset = 10; this._deltaX += offset; this._drawRectInner(this.width - (offset * 2), 30); this._textPosition = 'center'; this._setColor(UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_TEXT); this._drawText(targetText, this.width - (offset * 2) - this._deltaX, 24); this._nextLine(); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._drawABSInfo = function () { try { var text_color = new Color(128, 128, 255); var value_color = UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_VALUE.reAlpha(220); if (this._skill.isRadiusType() && !this._skill.isNeedTarget()) { this._drawPair(text_color, AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RADIUS, value_color, this._skill.radius, 'left'); this._nextLine(); } else { if (this._skill.range > 0) { if (this._skill.radius > 0) { this._drawPair(text_color, AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RANGE2, value_color, this._skill.range, 'left'); this._drawPair(text_color, AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RADIUS, value_color, this._skill.radius, 'right'); } else { this._drawPair(text_color, AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RANGE, value_color, this._skill.range, 'left'); } this._nextLine(); } else { if (this._skill.range == 0 && this._skill.isNeedTarget()) { this._drawPair(text_color, AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RANGE2, value_color, AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_MELEE, 'left'); this._nextLine(); } } } var repeats = this._skill.skill().repeats; if (repeats > 1) { this._drawPair(text_color, AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_REPEATS, value_color, repeats, 'left'); this._nextLine(); } if (this._skill.isNeedCast()) { this._drawPair(text_color, AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_CAST, value_color, SDK.decimalAdjust('round', this._skill.getCastTime($gamePlayer.battler()) / AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.TURN, -1) + AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_SEC, 'left'); this._nextLine(); } if (this._skill.getReloadTime() > 0 || this._skill.isNeedReloadParam()) { var reloadTime = this._skill.getReloadTime(); if (this._skill.isNeedReloadParam()) { reloadTime += $gamePlayer.battler()._calculateABSSkillReloadParam(this._skill.reloadParam); } reloadTime = SDK.decimalAdjust('round', reloadTime / AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.TURN, -1); this._drawPair(text_color, AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_COOLDOWN, value_color, reloadTime + AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_SEC, 'left'); this._nextLine(); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._drawDescription = function () { try { var descriptionText = this._skill.skill().description; if (this._skill.skillId == $gamePlayer.battler().attackSkillId() && descriptionText == "") { if ($gamePlayer.battler().weapons().length > 0) { var playerWeapon = $gamePlayer.battler().weapons()[0]; descriptionText = playerWeapon.description; if (playerWeapon.meta.noDescription && playerWeapon.meta.noDescription == "1") { descriptionText = ""; //used weapon instead } } } if (descriptionText == "") return; if (this._skill.noDescription == true) return; this._deltaX = 0; this._drawLine(4, 2); this._deltaX = 4; this._setColor(UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_TEXT); this._textPosition = 'center'; this._drawText(AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_DESCRIPTION, this.width - this._deltaX, 24); this._nextLine(26); this._descriptionTextWidth = this.width - (this._deltaX * 4); var style = this._getDescriptionStyle(this._descriptionTextWidth); this._descriptionText = new PIXI.Text(descriptionText, style); this._descriptionText.x = this._deltaX + 2; this._descriptionText.y = this._deltaY + 2; this.addChild(this._descriptionText); this._drawRectInner(this.width - this._deltaX, this._descriptionText.height + 8); this._nextLine(this._descriptionText.height + 12); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._drawDamageFormula = function () { try { var mvSkill = this._skill.skill(); var damage = mvSkill.damage; if (damage.type == 0) return; this._deltaX = 0; this._drawLine(4, 2); this._deltaX = 12; var damageTypeText = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_DAMAGE; switch (damage.type) { case 1: damageTypeText += TextManager.hpA; break; case 2: damageTypeText += TextManager.mpA; break; case 3: damageTypeText = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RECOVER + TextManager.hpA; break; case 4: damageTypeText = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RECOVER + TextManager.mpA; break; case 5: damageTypeText = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_DRAIN + TextManager.hpA; break; case 6: damageTypeText = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_DRAIN + TextManager.mpA; break; } var damageValueText = ''; var isForUser = (this._skill.type == 0 && !this._skill.isNeedTarget()); var isNeedTarget = damage.formula.contains('b'); var tempTarget = null; if (isNeedTarget) { if (isForUser) tempTarget = $gamePlayer.battler(); else tempTarget = AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.getPlayerTarget(); if (tempTarget == null) { damageValueText = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_TARGET; } else damageValueText = this._getPotentialDamage(tempTarget.battler()); } else { damageValueText = this._getPotentialDamage($gamePlayer.battler()); } this._drawPair(UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_TEXT, damageTypeText + " ", UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_VALUE, damageValueText, 'center'); this._nextLine(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._drawRecharge = function () { try { if (this._skill.isNeedAmmo() || this._skill.isStackType()) { this._deltaX = 0; this._drawLine(4, 2); this._deltaX = 12; } this._setFontSize(14); var value_color = new Color(252, 157, 101); if (this._skill.isNeedAmmo()) { var ammoName = $dataItems[this._skill.ammo].name; this._drawPair(value_color, AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_USE, UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_VALUE, ammoName, 'left'); this._drawPair(value_color, AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_HAS, UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_VALUE, $gameParty.numItems($dataItems[this._skill.ammo]), 'right'); this._nextLine(); } if (this._skill.isStackType()) { var stackText = this._skill._currentStack + '/' + this._skill.stack; this._drawPair(value_color, AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_CHARGES, UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_VALUE, stackText, 'left'); this._nextLine(); var reloadStack = SDK.decimalAdjust('round', this._skill.stackTime / AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.TURN, -1) + AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_SEC; this._drawPair(value_color, AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_RELOADCHR, UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_VALUE, reloadStack, 'left'); this._nextLine(); } this._setFontSize(18); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._setFontSize = function (size) { this.bitmap.fontSize = size; }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._setColor = function (color) { this.bitmap.textColor = color.CSS; }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._drawLine = function (offsetTop, offsetBottom) { offsetTop = SDK.check(offsetTop, 0); offsetBottom = SDK.check(offsetBottom, 0); this._deltaY += offsetTop; this._deltaX += this._lineOffsetX(); this._drawRect(this.width - (this._deltaX + this._lineOffsetX()), 1, Color.WHITE.reAlpha(50)); this._deltaX -= this._lineOffsetX(); this._deltaY += offsetBottom; }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._drawPair = function (color1, text1, color2, text2, position) { var textOffset = 12; var offset = 0; var dx = this._deltaX; var width = this.width - (this._deltaX * 2); if (position != 'center') { width = this.bitmap.measureTextWidth(text1) + this.bitmap.measureTextWidth(text2) + textOffset; } if (position == 'right') { this._deltaX = this.width - width - this._deltaX; } else { offset = this._deltaX - textOffset; } var oldColor = this.bitmap.textColor; this._textPosition = 'left'; this._setColor(color1); this._drawText(text1, width - offset); this._textPosition = 'right'; this._setColor(color2); this._drawText(text2, width - offset); this.bitmap.textColor = oldColor; this._textPosition = 'center'; if (position == 'right') this._deltaX = dx; }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._drawRect = function (width, height, color) { this.bitmap.fillRect(this._deltaX, this._deltaY, width, height, color.CSS); }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._drawRectInner = function (width, height) { this._deltaX -= 1; this._deltaY -= 1; this._drawRect(width - this._deltaX, 1, UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_BACKGROUND); this._drawRect(1, height + 1, UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_BACKGROUND); this._deltaX += 1; this._deltaY += 1; this._drawRect(width - this._deltaX, height, UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_BACKGROUND.getLightestColor(30)); }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._drawText = function (text, width, height) { height = SDK.check(height, 24); width = SDK.check(width, this.width); this.bitmap.drawText(text, this._deltaX, this._deltaY, width, height, this._textPosition); }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._nextLine = function (offset) { offset = SDK.check(offset, 24); this._deltaY += offset; }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._lineOffsetX = function () { return 18; }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._getDescriptionStyle = function (width) { var style = { fontStyle: 'italic', fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: '12px', fill: '#FFFFFF', stroke: '#000000', strokeThickness: 1, dropShadow: true, dropShadowColor: '#000000', dropShadowAngle: Math.PI / 6, dropShadowDistance: 2, wordWrap: true, wordWrapWidth: width }; return style; }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._extractTargetMode = function () { var targetText = ""; if (!this._skill) return ""; switch (this._skill.type) { case 0: if (this._skill.isNeedTarget()) { targetText = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_ONTARGET; } else { targetText = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_ONUSER; } break; case 1: if (this._skill.isVectorTypeR()) { targetText = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_AREA; } else { targetText = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_ONTARGET; } break; case 2: if (this._skill.isNeedTarget()) { targetText = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_AREA; } else { targetText = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_CIRCLE; } break; case 3: targetText = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_SKILL_INFO_ZONE; break; default: } return targetText; }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.prototype._getPotentialDamage = function (target) { try { var damageValueText = ''; var action = new Game_Action($gamePlayer.battler()); if (this._skill.isItem()) { action.setItem(this._skill.skill().id); } else { action.setSkill(this._skill.skill().id); } var damageValue = Math.abs(action.evalDamageFormula(target)); if (damageValue > 0 && this._skill.skill().damage.variance > 0) { var dm = this._skill.skill().damage.variance; var percent = Math.round((damageValue / 100) * dm); var min = damageValue - percent; var max = damageValue + percent; damageValueText = min + '-' + max; } else { damageValueText = damageValue; } return damageValueText; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return "?"; } }; UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_TEXT = Color.AQUA.reAlpha(200); UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_VALUE = Color.ORANGE.reAlpha(200); UIObject_ABSSkillInfo.COLOR_BACKGROUND = Color.BLACK.reAlpha(200); AlphaABS.register(UIObject_ABSSkillInfo); //END UIObject_ABSSkillInfo //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function () { class UIObject_BarAttackReload extends Sprite { constructor(width, height) { super(new Bitmap(width, height)); this._drawItem = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_ObjectWithMask(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.BarSmall.bitmap, AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.BarSmallMask.bitmap); this._drawItem.setParams(150, Color.AQUA); this._progressBar = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_CastProgress(110, 10); this._progressBar.setColor(Color.AQUA); this._drawItem.z = 10; this._drawItem.x = 28; this._progressBar.x = this._drawItem.x + 4; this._progressBar.y = 4; this.addChild(this._progressBar); this.addChild(this._drawItem); this.visible = false; this._timer = null; this._thread = AA.setInterval(function () { this._update(); }.bind(this), 10); } start() { if ($gamePlayer.ABSParams().isWeapRecharge) { var skill = $gamePlayer.battler().skillABS_attack(); if (skill && !skill.isReady() && skill.getReloadTime() > 30) { this.visible = true; var t = $gamePlayer.battler().weapons().first(); if (t && t.iconIndex > 0) { this.bitmap.drawIcon(0, 0, t.iconIndex, 24); } else { this.bitmap.drawIcon(0, 0, AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconNoWeapon.bitmap, 24); } this._timer = skill.timer; this._progressBar.start(skill.timer); } } else { if (!this._waitPulse) { this.visible = false; } } } finish() { this._timer = null; } pulse() { this._waitPulse = true; this._drawItem.pulse(10); } terminate() { this._progressBar.terminate(); AA.clearInterval(this._thread); } //PRIVATE _update() { this.start(); //Auto this._drawItem.update(); this._progressBar.update(); if (this._timer) { if (this._isChottoReady()) { this.pulse(); } if (this._timer.isReady()) { this.finish(); } } if (this._waitPulse) { if (this._drawItem.isReady()) { //LOG.p("Pulse ready"); this._waitPulse = false; if (this._timer == null) this.visible = false; } } } _isChottoReady() { var t = this._timer.getValue(); var t2 = this._timer.getMaxValue(); t = Math.abs(t2 - t); return (t == 1); } } AlphaABS.register(UIObject_BarAttackReload); })(); (function(){ class UIObject_BarUserCast extends Sprite { constructor(width, height) { super(new Bitmap(width, height)); this._drawItem = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_ObjectWithMask(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.Bar.bitmap, AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.BarMask.bitmap); this._progressBar = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_CastProgress(125, 18); this._progressBar.setText(); this._progressBar.setColor(Color.MAGENTA); this._drawItem.z = 10; this._drawItem.x = 28; this._progressBar.x = this._drawItem.x + 9; this._progressBar.y = 6; this.addChild(this._progressBar); this.addChild(this._drawItem); this.visible = false; this._timer = null; this._thread = AA.setInterval(function() { this._update(); }.bind(this), 10); } start(skill) { if(skill && !skill.isReady() && skill.isCasting()) { this.visible = true; var iconIndex = skill.skill().iconIndex; if(iconIndex > 0) this.bitmap.drawIcon(0, 2, iconIndex, 26); else this.bitmap.clear(); this._timer = skill.timer; this._progressBar.start(skill.timer); } } stop() { this._drawItem.setParams(150, Color.RED); this._waitPulse = true; this._drawItem.pulse(10); this.finish(); } finish() { this._timer = null; } pulse() { this._drawItem.setParams(150, Color.MAGENTA); this._waitPulse = true; this._drawItem.pulse(10); } terminate() { this._progressBar.terminate(); AA.clearInterval(this._thread); } //PRIVATE _update() { this._start(); //Auto this._drawItem.update(); this._progressBar.update(); if(this._timer){ if(this._isChottoReady()) { this.pulse(); } if(this._timer.isReady()) { this.finish(); } } if(this._waitPulse) { if(this._drawItem.isReady()) { //LOG.p("Pulse ready"); this._waitPulse = false; if(this._timer == null || this._timer.isReady()) this.visible = false; } } } _start() { if($gamePlayer.ABSParams().casting) { var skill = $gamePlayer.ABSParams().castingSkill; if(skill && !skill.isReady() && skill.isCasting()) { this.visible = true; var iconIndex = skill.skill().iconIndex; if(iconIndex > 0) this.bitmap.drawIcon(0, 2, iconIndex, 26); else this.bitmap.clear(); this._timer = skill.timer; this._progressBar.start(skill.timer); } } else { if($gamePlayer.ABSParams().castingError) { $gamePlayer.ABSParams().castingError = false; this.stop(); } if(!this._waitPulse) this.visible = false; } } _isChottoReady() { var t = this._timer.getValue(); var t2 = this._timer.getMaxValue(); t = Math.abs(t2 - t); return (t == 1); } } AlphaABS.register(UIObject_BarUserCast); })(); (function () { //UIObject_ClickIcon //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function UIObject_ClickIcon() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } UIObject_ClickIcon.prototype = Object.create(Sprite_Button.prototype); UIObject_ClickIcon.prototype.constructor = UIObject_ClickIcon; UIObject_ClickIcon.prototype.initialize = function (iconSymbol) { Sprite_Button.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.bitmap = new Bitmap(30, 30); this._hover = null; this.bitmap.addLoadListener(function () { this.bitmap.drawIcon(0, 0, iconSymbol); this._hover = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_HoverIcon(this.width, this.height, 18); this.addChild(this._hover); }.bind(this)); this._clicked = false; this._keySymbol = null; }; UIObject_ClickIcon.prototype.setClickHandler = function (handler) { this._handlerX = handler; Sprite_Button.prototype.setClickHandler.call(this, function () { //LOG.p("Clicked"); if (this.isClicked()) { this._clicked = false; this._hover.free(); this._handlerX(); } else { this._clicked = true; this._hover.freeze(); this._handlerX(); } }); }; UIObject_ClickIcon.prototype.update = function () { Sprite_Button.prototype.update.call(this); if (this._keySymbol != null) { if (this.visible && Input.isTriggered(this._keySymbol)) { this.callClickHandler(); } } }; UIObject_ClickIcon.prototype.drawIconText = function (text) { var spr = new Sprite(); spr.bitmap = new Bitmap(this.width, this.height); spr.bitmap.fontSize = 22; spr.bitmap.drawText(text, 0, 0, this.width - 2, this.height, 'right'); this.addChild(spr); }; UIObject_ClickIcon.prototype.setKeyHandler = function (symbol) { this._keySymbol = symbol; if (!Utils.isMobileDevice()) this.drawIconText(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.convertIKeyToLetter(this._keySymbol).toUpperCase()); }; UIObject_ClickIcon.prototype.isClicked = function () { return (this._clicked == true); }; //END UIObject_ClickIcon //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlphaABS.register(UIObject_ClickIcon); })(); (function () { var UIObject_ContainerButton; //UIObject_Container //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function UIObject_Container() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } UIObject_Container.prototype = Object.create(AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Ext.prototype); UIObject_Container.prototype.constructor = UIObject_Container; UIObject_Container.prototype.initialize = function (x, y, w, h) { AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Ext.prototype.initialize.call(this); UIObject_ContainerButton = AlphaABS.LIBS.UIObject_ContainerButton; this.setFrame(0, 0, w, h); this.x = x; this.y = y; this.backSprite = null; this.text = null; this.text_vis_always = false; this._uiElement = null; this._uiElementVisMode = true; this._specButton = null; this._specMode = false; }; UIObject_Container.prototype.update = function () { AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Ext.prototype.update.call(this); if(this._hover && !this._hover.isFree()) { if (this.backSprite) this._checkIsNeedDrawText(); } }; UIObject_Container.prototype.setText = function (text, always) { this.text = text; this.text_vis_always = always || false; }; UIObject_Container.prototype.addUI = function (element) { this._uiElement = element; this.addChild(element); }; UIObject_Container.prototype.onStartMove = function () { if (this._hover) this._hover.freeze(); }; UIObject_Container.prototype.onEndMove = function () { if (this._hover) this._hover.free(); this._updateButtonsPlacement(); }; UIObject_Container.prototype.onFree = function () { if (this.backSprite) { this.backSprite.visible = true; } else { this.backSprite = new Sprite(); this.backSprite.bitmap = new Bitmap(this.width, this.height); this.backSprite.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height, Color.BLACK.CSS); this.backSprite.opacity = 100; this.addChild(this.backSprite); this._checkIsNeedDrawText(); } this.visible = true; this.refreshVisButtons(); this._hover = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Hover(this.width, this.height); this.addChild(this._hover); }; UIObject_Container.prototype._checkIsNeedDrawText = function() { if (this.text) { if (this.text_vis_always) this._drawText(); else { if (this._uiElement && this._uiElement.visible == false) { this._drawText(); } } } }; UIObject_Container.prototype._drawText = function () { this.backSprite.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height, Color.BLACK.CSS); this.backSprite.opacity = 100; var text = this.text + ' (' + this.x + ',' + this.y + ')'; this.backSprite.bitmap.drawText(text, 4, this.height / 2, this.width-8, 0, 'center'); }; UIObject_Container.prototype.onFreeze = function () { if (this.backSprite) { this.backSprite.visible = false; } if (this._uiElementVisMode == false) this.visible = false; if (this._visibleButton) { this._visibleButton.visible = false; this._visibleButton2.visible = false; } }; UIObject_Container.prototype.setElementVisibility = function (isVis) { this._uiElementVisMode = isVis; if (this._uiElementVisMode == false && this._free == false) { this.visible = false; } this.refreshVisButtons(); }; UIObject_Container.prototype.setSpecialMode = function (value) { if (value == true) { this._specButton.callClickHandler(); } this._specMode = value; }; UIObject_Container.prototype.visibleMode = function () { return this._uiElementVisMode; }; UIObject_Container.prototype.specialMode = function () { return this._specMode; }; UIObject_Container.prototype.addSpecialButton = function (button_config) { this._specButton = new UIObject_ContainerButton(button_config.image); this._specButton.setClickHandler(function () { button_config.func(); this.removeChild(this._hover); this._hover = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Hover(this.width, this.height); this.addChild(this._hover); }.bind(this)); this._updateButtonsPlacement(); this.addChild(this._specButton); this._specButton.visible = false; }; //TODO: Надо создать отдельную кнопку (класс) от Sprite_Button UIObject_Container.prototype.addVisButtton = function () { //LOG.p("Visible buttons created"); this._visibleButton = new UIObject_ContainerButton(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOn.bitmap); this._visibleButton2 = new UIObject_ContainerButton(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconEyeOff.bitmap); this.refreshVisButtons(); this._visibleButton.setClickHandler(function () { this._visClickHandler(); }.bind(this)); this._visibleButton2.setClickHandler(function () { this._visClickHandler(); }.bind(this)); this._updateButtonsPlacement(); this.addChild(this._visibleButton); this.addChild(this._visibleButton2); }; UIObject_Container.prototype._updateButtonsPlacement = function () { if (!this._visibleButton) return; var _r = 0; var _u = 0; if (SDK.toGlobalCoord(this, 'x') < Graphics.width / 2) { _r = 1; } if (SDK.toGlobalCoord(this, 'y') < Graphics.height / 2) { _u = 1; } if (_r == 1) { this._visibleButton.x = this.width; if (this._specButton) this._specButton.x = this._visibleButton.x + 24; } else { this._visibleButton.x = -24; if (this._specButton) this._specButton.x = this._visibleButton.x - 24; } if (_u == 1) { this._visibleButton.y = this.height; if (this._specButton) this._specButton.y = this._visibleButton.y; } else { this._visibleButton.y = -24; if (this._specButton) this._specButton.y = this._visibleButton.y; } this._visibleButton2.x = this._visibleButton.x; this._visibleButton2.y = this._visibleButton.y; if (this.backSprite) { this.backSprite.bitmap.clear(); this.backSprite.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height, Color.BLACK.CSS); this.backSprite.opacity = 100; this._checkIsNeedDrawText(); } }; UIObject_Container.prototype.refreshVisButtons = function () { //LOG.p("Refresh visible buttons"); if (!this._visibleButton) return; if (this._uiElementVisMode == false) { this._visibleButton.visible = false; this._visibleButton2.visible = true; } else { this._visibleButton.visible = true; this._visibleButton2.visible = false; } if (this._specButton) this._specButton.visible = true; if (!this._free) { if (this._visibleButton) { this._visibleButton.visible = false; this._visibleButton2.visible = false; } if (this._specButton) this._specButton.visible = false; } }; UIObject_Container.prototype._visClickHandler = function () { //LOG.p("Visible button clicked"); this.setElementVisibility(!this._uiElementVisMode); $gameVariables.setUIParam('visX', this._uiElementVisMode); this.refreshVisButtons(); }; //END UIObject_Container //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlphaABS.register(UIObject_Container); })(); (function(){ //UIObject_ContainerButton //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class UIObject_ContainerButton extends Sprite_Button { constructor(iconBitmap) { super(); this.image = iconBitmap; this.refresh(); } refresh() { this.bitmap = new Bitmap(this.image.width, this.image.height); //this.bitmap.fillRect(0,0,this.image.width, this.image.height, Color.BLACK.CSS); //getLightestColor(250) this.bitmap.blt(this.image, 0, 0, this.image.width, this.image.height, 0, 0); } } //END UIObject_ContainerButton //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlphaABS.register(UIObject_ContainerButton); })(); (function(){ //UIObject_ControlPanel //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function UIObject_ControlPanel() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } UIObject_ControlPanel.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); UIObject_ControlPanel.prototype.constructor = UIObject_ControlPanel; UIObject_ControlPanel.prototype.initialize = function() { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.items = []; this._transfered = false; this._isVisible = true; this.setFrame(0,0,this._getY(1),this._getY(4)); this._iconParameters = []; /*if(AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { var parameters = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_UIE_PlayerHotBar(); this._isVisible = parameters.Visible; for(var i = 1; i<6; i++) this._iconParameters[i-1] = parameters['Item'+i]; } else {*/ this._iconParameters = [true,true,true,true,true]; ///} this.visible = this._isVisible; }; UIObject_ControlPanel.prototype.showPanel = function() { this.visible = this._isVisible; }; UIObject_ControlPanel.prototype.hidePanel = function() { this.visible = false; }; UIObject_ControlPanel.prototype.terminate = function() { this.items.forEach(function(item) { item.terminate(); }); }; UIObject_ControlPanel.prototype.checkTouch = function() { if(!this.visible) return null; if(this.parent) { if(this.parent.visible == false) return null; } for(var i = 0; i 1) { var prevItem = this.getPrevItem(); item.y = this.getPrevItem().y; } this._emptyItems += 1; this.addChild(item); return item; }; UIObject_ControlPanel.prototype.refreshWeaponIconAt = function(index) { if(!$gamePlayer.battler()) { this.setIconAt(index, AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconNoWeapon.bitmap); return; } var t = $gamePlayer.battler().weapons().first(); if(t && (t.iconIndex > 0)) { this.setIconAt(index, t.iconIndex); } else { this.setIconAt(index, AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconNoWeapon.bitmap); } this.items[index].setSkill($gamePlayer.battler().skillABS_attack()); }; UIObject_ControlPanel.prototype.getLastItemIndex = function() { return this.items.count() - 1; }; UIObject_ControlPanel.prototype.createBaseItems = function() { this._emptyItems = 0; //Attack var item = (this._iconParameters[0]) ? this.addItem() : this.addEmptyItem(); var index = this.getLastItemIndex(); this.refreshWeaponIconAt(index); item.setKey(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.CP_A()); //Follow item = (this._iconParameters[1]) ? this.addItem() : this.addEmptyItem(); item.setIcon(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconFollow.bitmap); item.setKey(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.CP_W()); //Jump item = (this._iconParameters[2]) ? this.addItem() : this.addEmptyItem(); item.setIcon(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconJump.bitmap); item.setKey(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.CP_S()); //Rotate item = (this._iconParameters[3]) ? this.addItem() : this.addEmptyItem(); item.setIcon(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconToMouse.bitmap); item.setKey(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.CP_D()); //SwitchWeapon item = (this._iconParameters[4]) ? this.addItem() : this.addEmptyItem(); item.setIcon(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconSwitchWeapon.bitmap); item.setKey(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.WC()); this._setFrame(); this._rearangeInVertical(); }; UIObject_ControlPanel.prototype.refresh = function() { for(var i = 0; i 0) { if(item.isEmpty()) { item.x = this.items[i-1].x; } else item.x = this.items[i-1].x + this._getY(1); } else { item.x = 0; } } }; UIObject_ControlPanel.prototype._rearangeInVertical = function() { for(var i = 0; i 0) { if(item.isEmpty()) { item.y = this.items[i-1].y; } else item.y = this.items[i-1].y + this._getY(1); } else { item.y = 0; } } }; AlphaABS.register(UIObject_ControlPanel); //END UIObject_ControlPanel //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function () { var ABSUtils = AlphaABS.UTILS; class UIObject_ControlPanelItem extends Sprite { constructor() { super(new Bitmap(40, 40)); this._iconIndex = null; //No icon this._createBorder(); this._createMask(); this._createOverlay(); this._createHover(); this._help = null; this._symbol = null; this._absSkill = null; this._thread = AA.setInterval(function () { this._updateABS(); }.bind(this), 10); } setEditMode() { this._hover.visible = false; if (this._help) { this._help.visible = false; } } setIcon(index) { this._iconIndex = index; this._drawIcon(); } setKey(symbol) { this._symbol = symbol; this._drawSymbol(); } setSkill(absSkill) { this._absSkill = absSkill; if (!this.spriteAmmoCount) { this.spriteAmmoCount = new Sprite(new Bitmap(this.bitmap.width, this.bitmap.height)); this.addChild(this.spriteAmmoCount); } else { if (this._absSkill == null) this.spriteAmmoCount.bitmap.clear(); } if (absSkill != null && this._help == null) { this._createHelp(); } } refresh() { this._drawSymbol(); } pulse() { this._spriteMask.setParams(140, Color.BLUE); this._spriteMask.showMaskOne(15); } isEmpty() { return (this._iconIndex == null); } setSelected(isSelect) { if (isSelect) { this.spriteOverlay.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, this.spriteOverlay.bitmap.width, this.spriteOverlay.bitmap.height, Color.RED.CSS); } else { this.spriteOverlay.bitmap.clear(); } } setDisabled(isDisabled) { if (isDisabled) { this.spriteOverlay.bitmap.fillRect(0, 0, this.spriteOverlay.bitmap.width, this.spriteOverlay.bitmap.height, Color.BLACK.CSS); } else { this.spriteOverlay.bitmap.clear(); } } isTouched() { return ABSUtils.SMath.inRect(new ABSUtils.PointX(TouchInput.x, TouchInput.y), this._getRectangle()); } terminate() { clearInterval(this._thread); } //PRIVATE _getRectangle() { return new Rectangle(ABSUtils.toGlobalCoord(this, 'x'), ABSUtils.toGlobalCoord(this, 'y'), this.width, this.height); } _updateABS() { this._spriteMask.update(); this._drawAmmoCount(); this._hover.update(); if (this._help) this._help.update(); } _drawSymbol() { if (!this.spriteText) { this.spriteText = new Sprite(new Bitmap(this.bitmap.width, this.bitmap.height)); this.spriteText.bitmap.fontSize = 16; this.addChild(this.spriteText); } this.spriteText.bitmap.clear(); if (this._symbol != null && !Utils.isMobileDevice()) { var x = AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey; var symb = x.convertIKeyToLetter(this._symbol); this.spriteText.bitmap.drawText(symb.toUpperCase(), 0, 0, this.spriteText.bitmap.width - 6, 24, 'right'); } } _drawAmmoCount() { if (this._absSkill == null) return; this.spriteAmmoCount.bitmap.clear(); if (this._absSkill.isNeedAmmo() && !this._absSkill.isFirearm()) { var b = this.spriteAmmoCount.bitmap; var count = $gameParty.numItems($dataItems[this._absSkill.ammo]); var c = b.textColor; if (count > 0) { b.textColor = Color.WHITE.CSS; } else b.textColor = Color.RED.CSS; var c2 = b.fontSize; b.fontSize = 14; b.drawText(count, 8, 2, 32, 24, 'left'); b.textColor = c; b.fontSize = c2; } } _drawIcon() { this.bitmap.clear(); if (this._iconIndex != null) { this.bitmap.drawIcon(4, 5, this._iconIndex, 30); } } _createBorder() { this.spriteBorder = new Sprite(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.ControlPanelItem.bitmap); this.spriteBorder.x = 2; this.spriteBorder.y = 3; //this.spriteBorder.opacity = 150; this.addChild(this.spriteBorder); } _createOverlay() { this.spriteOverlay = new Sprite(new Bitmap(30, 30)); this.spriteOverlay.x = 4; this.spriteOverlay.y = 5; this.spriteOverlay.opacity = 100; this.addChild(this.spriteOverlay); } _createMask() { this._spriteMask = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Mask(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.ItemMask.bitmap); this._spriteMask.x = 1; this._spriteMask.y = 2; this._spriteMask.scale.x = 0.85; this._spriteMask.scale.y = this._spriteMask.scale.x; this.addChild(this._spriteMask); } _createHover() { this._hover = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Hover(30, 30); this._hover.x = 4; this._hover.y = 5; this.addChild(this._hover); } _createHelp() { this._help = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UIObject_HelpHover(30, 30); this._help.move(4, 5); this._help.setHover(this._hover); this._help.setSkillABS(this._absSkill); this._help.setWeaponMode(); this.addChild(this._help); } } AlphaABS.register(UIObject_ControlPanelItem); })(); (function(){ //UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy.prototype = Object.create(AlphaABS.LIBS.UIObject_ControlPanelItem.prototype); UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy.prototype.constructor = UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy; UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy.prototype.initialize = function() { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); }; UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy.prototype.setEditMode = function() { //EMPTY }; UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy.prototype.setIcon = function(index) { //EMPTY }; UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy.prototype.setKey = function(symbol) { //EMPTY }; UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy.prototype.setSkill = function(absSkill) { //EMPTY }; UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy.prototype.refresh = function() { //EMPTY }; UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy.prototype.pulse = function() { //EMPTY }; UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy.prototype.isEmpty = function() { return true; }; UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy.prototype.setSelected = function(isSelect) { //EMPTY }; UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy.prototype.setDisabled = function(isDisabled) { //EMPTY }; UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy.prototype.isTouched = function() { return false; }; UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy.prototype.terminate = function() { //EMPTY }; //END UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlphaABS.register(UIObject_ControlPanelItemDummy); })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ UIObject_FirearmPanel.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var UIObject_FirearmPanel; UIObject_FirearmPanel = (function() { var Color; class UIObject_FirearmPanel extends Sprite { constructor() { super(); this._loadSettings(); this._createGlowFilter(); this._createGauge(); this._createWeaponNameText(); this._createAmmoInfo(); this.refresh(); } _loadSettings() { this.S = AlphaABS.jDATA.FirearmPanel; UIObject_FirearmPanel.WIDTH = this.S.width; UIObject_FirearmPanel.HEIGHT = this.S.height; if (this.S.fillColor != null) { UIObject_FirearmPanel.FILL = this.S.fillColor; } if (this.S.alertColor != null) { UIObject_FirearmPanel.ALERT = this.S.alertColor; } if (this.S.blackColor != null) { return UIObject_FirearmPanel.BLACK = this.S.blackColor; } } _createGlowFilter() { var glowColor; this.glow = new Sprite(new Bitmap(UIObject_FirearmPanel.WIDTH, UIObject_FirearmPanel.HEIGHT)); glowColor = null; if (this.S.glowColor != null) { glowColor = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this.S.glowColor); } if (glowColor == null) { glowColor = Color.GREEN; } this.glow.bitmap.fillAll(glowColor); this.glow.filters = [new PIXI.filters.GlowFilter(4, 4, 0, 0xFF0000, 0.5)]; this.glow.visible = false; return this.addChild(this.glow); } _createGauge() { this.gauge = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UI_Gauge(UIObject_FirearmPanel.WIDTH, UIObject_FirearmPanel.HEIGHT); this.gauge.setGaugeColors(UIObject_FirearmPanel.FILL, UIObject_FirearmPanel.BLACK); this.gauge.setBackgroundColor(this.S.backgroundColor); this.gauge.setValue(0); this.gauge.setMaxValue(100); this.gauge.opacity = this.S.backgroundOpacity; return this.addChild(this.gauge); } _createWeaponNameText() { this.weapText = AASprite.FromBitmap(this.S.weaponName.textBoxWidth, this.S.weaponName.textBoxHeight); //new Sprite(new Bitmap(60, UIObject_FirearmPanel.HEIGHT)) //colorB = Color.BLACK #.reAlpha(180) //@weapText.bitmap.gradientFillRect(0, 0, 60, UIObject_FirearmPanel.HEIGHT, // colorB.CSS, Color.NONE.CSS, false) this.weapText.applyTextSettingsByExtraSettings(this.weapText, this.S.weaponName); return this.addChild(this.weapText); } _createAmmoInfo() { var p; this.ammoInfo = new Sprite(); this.ammoInfo.move(this.S.ammoInfoPositionX, this.S.ammoInfoPositionY); this.ammoIcon = new Sprite(new Bitmap(this.S.ammoIconSize, this.S.ammoIconSize)); this.ammoIcon.move(this.S.ammoIconMarginX, this.S.ammoIconMarginY); this.ammoInfo.addChild(this.ammoIcon); p = this.S.ammoCountText; this.ammoCount = AASprite.FromBitmap(p.textBoxWidth, p.textBoxHeight); this.ammoCount.applyTextSettingsByExtraSettings(this.ammoCount, p); //new Sprite(new Bitmap(30, UIObject_FirearmPanel.HEIGHT)) //@ammoCount.move(10, 0) this.ammoInfo.addChild(this.ammoCount); this.addChild(this.ammoInfo); p = this.S.chargesText; this.charges = AASprite.FromBitmap(p.textBoxWidth, p.textBoxHeight); this.charges.applyTextSettingsByExtraSettings(this.charges, p); //new Sprite(new Bitmap(30, UIObject_FirearmPanel.HEIGHT)) //@charges.move(UIObject_FirearmPanel.WIDTH - 40, 4) return this.addChild(this.charges); } refresh() { var e, weapData; if (!$gamePlayer.battler()) { return; } try { weapData = $gamePlayer.battler().weapons()[0]; if (weapData != null) { this._drawWeaponText(weapData.name); } this._absSkill = $gamePlayer.battler()._firstBattleABSSkill(); if ((this._absSkill != null) && this._absSkill.isFirearm()) { return this._drawWeaponInfo(); } else { return this.hide(); } } catch (error) { e = error; AlphaABS.error(e, 'while refresh FirearmPanel'); return this.hide(); } } _drawWeaponText(text) { this.weapText.bitmap.clear(); return this.weapText.bitmap.drawTextFull(text, this.S.weaponName.position); } _drawWeaponInfo() { var ammoItem; ammoItem = $dataItems[this._absSkill.ammo]; if (ammoItem == null) { return; } this._drawIcon(ammoItem.iconIndex); this._drawAmmoCount($gameParty.numItems(ammoItem)); return this._drawChargesCount(this._absSkill._currentStack, this._absSkill.stack); } _drawIcon(index) { this.ammoIcon.bitmap.clear(); return this.ammoIcon.bitmap.drawIcon(0, 0, index, this.S.ammoIconSize - 2); } _drawAmmoCount(count) { var c; this.ammoCount.bitmap.clear(); if (count === 0) { c = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this.S.ammoCountText.textColorWhenEmpty); } else { c = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this.S.ammoCountText.textColor); } this.ammoCount.bitmap.textColor = c.CSS; return this.ammoCount.bitmap.drawTextFull(count, this.S.ammoCountText.position); } _drawChargesCount(current, max) { var c, text; this.charges.bitmap.clear(); //@charges.bitmap.fontSize = 12 if (current === 0) { c = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this.S.chargesText.textColorWhenEmpty); } else { c = KDCore.Color.FromHex(this.S.chargesText.textColor); } this.charges.bitmap.textColor = c.CSS; if (current == null) { //@charges.bitmap.textColor = Color.WHITE.CSS //@charges.bitmap.textColor = Color.RED.CSS if current == 0 current = 0; } text = current.toString() + '/' + max.toString(); return this.charges.bitmap.drawTextFull(text, this.S.chargesText.position); } hide() { return this.visible = false; } show() { return this.visible = true; } isTouched() { var isTouch, point; try { if (this.visible === false) { return false; } point = new AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX(TouchInput.x, TouchInput.y); return isTouch = AlphaABS.UTILS.SMath.inRect(point, this._getRectangle()); } catch (error) { return false; } } _getRectangle() { return new Rectangle(AlphaABS.UTILS.toGlobalCoord(this, 'x'), AlphaABS.UTILS.toGlobalCoord(this, 'y'), this.gauge.width, this.gauge.height); } update() { var ref; super.update(); if (this.visible === false) { return; } if (TouchInput.isLongPressed() && this.isTouched()) { if ((ref = $gamePlayer.battler()) != null) { ref.reloadFirearm(); } this._pulse(0x00FF00); TouchInput.clear(); } this.gauge.setMaxValue(this._absSkill.timer.getMaxValue()); if (AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByAmmo(this._absSkill)) { this.gauge.setGaugeColors(UIObject_FirearmPanel.FILL, UIObject_FirearmPanel.BLACK); this.gauge.setValue(this._absSkill.timer.getValue()); if (this._absSkill.timer.getMaxValue() === this._absSkill.timer.getValue()) { this.gauge.setValue(0); return this.refresh(); } } else { this._drawChargesCount(this._absSkill._currentStack, this._absSkill.stack); this.gauge.setGaugeColors(UIObject_FirearmPanel.ALERT, UIObject_FirearmPanel.BLACK); return this.gauge.setValue(this._absSkill.timer.getMaxValue()); } } _pulse(color) { var gl, tFunc, thread32, up; this.glow.filters[0].color = color; this.glow.opacity = 0; this.glow.visible = true; gl = this.glow; up = true; return thread32 = AA.setTimeout((tFunc = function() { if (up === true) { gl.opacity += 30; } if (gl.opacity >= 255) { up = false; } if (up === false) { gl.opacity -= 60; } if (gl.opacity > 0) { return AA.setTimeout(tFunc, 100); } }), 100); } }; Color = KDCore.Color; UIObject_FirearmPanel.WIDTH = 280; UIObject_FirearmPanel.HEIGHT = 20; UIObject_FirearmPanel.FILL = Color.GREEN.reAlpha(200).HEX; UIObject_FirearmPanel.ALERT = Color.RED.reAlpha(200).HEX; UIObject_FirearmPanel.BLACK = Color.BLACK.reAlpha(200).HEX; return UIObject_FirearmPanel; }).call(this); AlphaABS.register(UIObject_FirearmPanel); })(); // ■ END UIObject_FirearmPanel.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function(){ //UIObject_HelpHover //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function UIObject_HelpHover() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } UIObject_HelpHover.prototype = Object.create(Sprite.prototype); UIObject_HelpHover.prototype.constructor = UIObject_HelpHover; UIObject_HelpHover.prototype.initialize = function(width, height) { Sprite.prototype.initialize.call(this); this.setFrame(0,0,width, height); this._hoverHelp = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Ext2(120); this._hoverHelp.bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height); this._skillInfo = null; this._swing = null; this._skillABS = null; this._infoVisible = false; this._updateTimer = new Game_TimerABS(); this._updateTimer.start(60); this._weaponMode = false; this.addChild(this._hoverHelp); this._setup(); }; UIObject_HelpHover.prototype.terminate = function() { this._hoverHelp.terminate(); }; UIObject_HelpHover.prototype.update = function() { Sprite.prototype.update.call(this); this._hoverHelp.update(); if(this._swing) this._swing.update(); if(this._infoVisible === true) { this._updateTimer.update(); if(this._updateTimer.isReady()) { this._skillInfo.refresh(); this._updateTimer.reset(); } } }; UIObject_HelpHover.prototype.setHover = function(hover) { this._hover = hover; }; UIObject_HelpHover.prototype.setSkillIndex = function(index) { this._skillABS = $gamePlayer.battler().uiPanelSkills()[index]; }; UIObject_HelpHover.prototype.setSkillABS = function(skillABS) { this._skillABS = skillABS; }; UIObject_HelpHover.prototype.setWeaponMode = function() { this._weaponMode = true; }; //PRIVATE UIObject_HelpHover.prototype._setup = function() { this._hoverHelp.setReadyHandler(function(){ if(!this._isSkillExist()) return; this._createSkillInfo(); this._createSwing(); this._swing.start(); if(this._hover) this._hover.freeze(); this._infoVisible = true; }.bind(this)); this._hoverHelp.setOutHandler(function(){ if(!this._isSkillExist()) return; if(this._skillInfo) { this._skillInfo.visible = false; this.removeChild(this._skillInfo); this._skillInfo = null; } this._swing.stop(); if(this._hover) this._hover.free(); this._infoVisible = false; }.bind(this)); }; UIObject_HelpHover.prototype._createSkillInfo = function() { if(this._weaponMode) { this._skillABS = $gamePlayer.battler().skillABS_attack(); } this._skillInfo = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UIObject_ABSSkillInfo(this._skillABS, this._weaponMode); AlphaABS.UTILS.linkSprite(this._hoverHelp, this._skillInfo); this.addChild(this._skillInfo); }; UIObject_HelpHover.prototype._createSwing = function() { this._swing = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UIObject_OpacitySwing(this._skillInfo, 30); this._swing.setToUp(); }; UIObject_HelpHover.prototype._isSkillExist = function() { return (this._skillABS != null); }; //END UIObject_HelpHover //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlphaABS.register(UIObject_HelpHover); })(); (function () { //UIObject_OpacitySwing //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class UIObject_OpacitySwing { constructor(object, time) { //object with opacity, timer = Game_TimerABS this._main = object; this.mode = 1; this.repeat = false; this.ready = false; this._start = false; this.config = {}; this.config.start = object.opacity; this.config.step = Math.round(object.opacity / time); //timer.getMaxValue() this._refreshConfig(); } start() { this.ready = false; this._start = true; } reset() { this.ready = true; this._main.opacity = this.config.start; } stop() { this._start = false; } isStarted() { return (this._start == true); } isReady() { return (this.ready == true); } setToUp() { //LOG.p("toUP"); this.mode = 0; this._start = false; this._refreshConfig(); } setToDown() { //LOG.p("toDWN"); this.mode = 1; this._start = false; this._refreshConfig(); } setRepeat() { this.repeat = true; } isUp() { return (this.mode == 0); } update() { if (this._start == false) return; if (this.isUp()) this._updateUp(); else this._updateDown(); if (this.isReady() && this.repeat == true) { if (this.isUp()) { this.setToDown(); this.start(); } else { this.setToUp(); this.start(); } } } //PRIVATE _refreshConfig() { if (this.isUp()) { this.config.toV = this.config.start; this.config.from = 0; } else { this.config.toV = 0; this.config.from = this.config.start; } this._main.opacity = this.config.from; } _updateUp() { if (this.ready) return; if (this._main.opacity < (this.config.toV - this.config.step)) { this._main.opacity += this.config.step; } else { this._main.opacity = this.config.toV; this.ready = true; } } _updateDown() { if (this.ready) return; if (this._main.opacity > (this.config.toV + this.config.step)) { this._main.opacity -= this.config.step; } else { this._main.opacity = this.config.toV; this.ready = true; } } } AlphaABS.register(UIObject_OpacitySwing); //END UIObject_OpacitySwing //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function () { var PointX = AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX; // vscode-fold=# class UIObject_SkillPanelItem extends Sprite { constructor(index) { super(new Bitmap(40, 40)); this.index = index; this.item = null; this._thread = AA.setInterval(function () { this._updateABS(); }.bind(this), 10); this.bitmap.fontSize = 18; this.bitmap.outlineWidth = 3; this.bitmap.outlineColor = Color.BLACK.CSS; this._pulsed = true; this._createOverlay(); this._createHover(); this._createHelp(); this._createRecharge(); this._createMask(); this._updateABS(); } setEditMode() { this.removeChild(this._hover); this.removeChild(this._help); this._help.visible = false; } pulse() { this._spriteMask.setParams(120, Color.BLUE); this._spriteMask.showMaskOne(15); } pulseReady() { if (!this._pulsed) { this._spriteMask.setParams(120, Color.GREEN); this._spriteMask.showMaskOne(15); this._pulsed = true; } } isTouched() { return AlphaABS.UTILS.SMath.inRect(new PointX(TouchInput.x, TouchInput.y), this._getRectangle()); } terminate() { if (this.parent) this.parent.removeChild(this); AA.clearInterval(this._thread); this._help.terminate(); } //PRIVATE _getRectangle() { return new Rectangle(AlphaABS.UTILS.toGlobalCoord(this, 'x'), AlphaABS.UTILS.toGlobalCoord(this, 'y'), this.width, this.height); } _updateABS() { if (!this.bitmap) return; this.bitmap.clear(); if (this.spriteRecharge) this.spriteRecharge.bitmap.clear(); this.item = $gamePlayer.battler().uiPanelSkills()[this.index]; if (this.item !== null) { this._hover.update(); this._help.update(); this._hover.visible = true; var object = this.item.skill(); this.bitmap.drawIcon(6, 7, object.iconIndex, 32); if (AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.canUseABSSkillUI(this.item)) { this.bitmap.textColor = Color.WHITE.CSS; //this.spriteOverlay.visible = false; this.pulseReady(); } else { this.bitmap.textColor = Color.RED.CSS; if (AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.canUseSkillByTimer(this.item)) { //this.spriteOverlay.visible = true; if (!Utils.isMobileDevice()) this._drawKeySymbol(); } else { //this.bitmap.drawText(this._framesToTime(t.timer.getMaxValue() - t.timer.getValue()), 6,6, 32, 24, 'right'); this._pulsed = false; this._drawRecharge(this.item); } } if (!Utils.isMobileDevice()) this._drawKeySymbol(); if (this.item.isItem()) { var count = $gameParty.numItems(object); var c = this.bitmap.textColor; if (count > 0) { this.bitmap.textColor = Color.WHITE.CSS; } else this.bitmap.textColor = Color.RED.CSS; var c2 = this.bitmap.fontSize; this.bitmap.fontSize = 14; this.bitmap.drawText(count, 8, 22, 32, 24, 'left'); this.bitmap.textColor = c; this.bitmap.fontSize = c2; } if (this.item.isNeedAmmo()) { var count = $gameParty.numItems($dataItems[this.item.ammo]); var c = this.bitmap.textColor; if (count > 0) { this.bitmap.textColor = Color.WHITE.CSS; } else this.bitmap.textColor = Color.RED.CSS; var c2 = this.bitmap.fontSize; this.bitmap.fontSize = 14; this.bitmap.drawText(count, 8, 2, 32, 24, 'left'); this.bitmap.textColor = c; this.bitmap.fontSize = c2; } } else { this._hover.visible = false; } if (this._spriteMask) this._spriteMask.update(); } _drawKeySymbol() { var x = AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey; var symb = x['SP_' + (this.index + 1)](); symb = x.convertIKeyToLetter(symb); this.bitmap.drawText(symb.toUpperCase(), 6, 6, 32, 24, 'right'); } _calc_px_percent(current, max) { var c_inp = (100 * current) / max; return Math.floor((32 * c_inp) / 100); } _createMask() { this._spriteMask = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Mask(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.ItemMask.bitmap); this._spriteMask.x = -1; this._spriteMask.y = 1; this.addChild(this._spriteMask); } _drawRecharge(skill) { var height = this._calc_px_percent(skill.timer.getValue(), skill.timer.getMaxValue()); var color = (height < 32) ? ((height < 16) ? Color.RED : Color.YELLOW) : Color.GREEN; this.spriteRecharge.bitmap.fillRect(0, 32 - height, 32, height, color.CSS); } _createRecharge() { this.spriteRecharge = new Sprite(new Bitmap(32, 32)); this.spriteRecharge.x = 6; this.spriteRecharge.y = 7; this.spriteRecharge.opacity = 100; this.addChild(this.spriteRecharge); } _createHover() { this._hover = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Hover(32, 32); this._hover.x = 6; this._hover.y = 7; this.addChild(this._hover); } _createHelp() { if(this._help) this.removeChild(this._help); this._help = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UIObject_HelpHover(32, 32); this._help.move(6, 7); this._help.setHover(this._hover); this._help.setSkillIndex(this.index); this.addChild(this._help); } _createOverlay() { //EMPTY } } AlphaABS.register(UIObject_SkillPanelItem); })(); (function () { class UIObject_SkillPanelItem_L extends Sprite { constructor(index, actor) { super(new Bitmap(40, 40)); this.actor = actor; this.index = index; this.item = null; this.bitmap.fontSize = 18; this.bitmap.outlineWidth = 3; this.bitmap.outlineColor = Color.BLACK.CSS; this._pulsed = true; this._createMask(); this._update(); } pulse() { this._spriteMask.setParams(120, Color.BLUE); this._spriteMask.showMaskOne(15); } pulseReady() { if (!this._pulsed) { this._spriteMask.setParams(120, Color.GREEN); this._spriteMask.showMaskOne(15); this._pulsed = true; } } isTouched() { return AlphaABS.UTILS.SMath.inRect(new AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX(TouchInput.x, TouchInput.y), this._getRectangle()); } update() { //super(); this._update(); } terminate() { if (this.parent) this.parent.removeChild(this); } //PRIVATE _getRectangle() { return new Rectangle(AlphaABS.UTILS.toGlobalCoord(this, 'x'), AlphaABS.UTILS.toGlobalCoord(this, 'y'), this.width, this.height); } _update() { if (!this.bitmap) return; this.bitmap.clear(); if (this.actor && this.actor.uiPanelSkills()) { this.item = this.actor.uiPanelSkills()[this.index]; if (this.item !== null) { var object = this.item.skill(); this.bitmap.drawIcon(6, 7, object.iconIndex, 32); if (this.item.isItem()) { var count = $gameParty.numItems(object); var c = this.bitmap.textColor; if (count > 0) { this.bitmap.textColor = Color.WHITE.CSS; } else this.bitmap.textColor = Color.RED.CSS; var c2 = this.bitmap.fontSize; this.bitmap.fontSize = 14; this.bitmap.drawText(count, 8, 22, 32, 24, 'left'); this.bitmap.textColor = c; this.bitmap.fontSize = c2; } } this.bitmap.textColor = Color.WHITE.CSS; if (!Utils.isMobileDevice()) this._drawKeySymbol(); this._spriteMask.update(); } else { this.bitmap.textColor = Color.WHITE.CSS; if (!Utils.isMobileDevice()) this._drawKeySymbol(); } } _drawKeySymbol() { var x = AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey; var symb = x['SP_' + (this.index + 1)](); symb = x.convertIKeyToLetter(symb); this.bitmap.drawText(symb.toUpperCase(), 6, 6, 32, 24, 'right'); } _createMask() { this._spriteMask = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_Mask(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.ItemMask.bitmap); this._spriteMask.x = -1; this._spriteMask.y = 1; this.addChild(this._spriteMask); } } AlphaABS.register(UIObject_SkillPanelItem_L); })(); (function () { class UIObject_UserStatusBar extends Sprite { constructor(rowCount) { super(); this._rowCount = rowCount; this._lastXPos = 0; this._lastYPos = 0; this._items = []; this._lastCount = 0; this._firstItemX = 34 * rowCount; } update() { //super(); this._updateABS(); } terminate() { this._items.forEach(function (item) { item.forEach(function (i) { if (i) i.terminate(); }); }); } //PRIVATE _updateABS() { var items; try { items = $gamePlayer.battler().allIcons(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); items = []; } if (this._lastCount == items.length) return; this._lastCount = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var index = this._getIJForItem(i); var item = null; if (this._items[index.x]) { if (this._items[index.y]) { item = this._items[index.x][index.y]; } } if (item) { item.setIndex(i); } else { if (!this._items[index.x]) { this._items[index.x] = []; } this._items[index.x][index.y] = new AlphaABS.LIBS.Sprite_UserStatusIcon(); item = this._items[index.x][index.y]; item.setIndex(i); var position = this._getXYForIJ(index.x, index.y); item.x = position.x; item.y = position.y; this.addChild(item); } } } _getIJForItem(index) { var i = 0; var j = 0; i = this._rowCount - (this._rowCount - index); while (i >= this._rowCount) { j++; i = i - this._rowCount; } return new AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX(i, j); } _getXYForIJ(i, j) { return new AlphaABS.UTILS.PointX(this._firstItemX - (i * 34), j * 64); } } AlphaABS.register(UIObject_UserStatusBar); })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ ValueSwing.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var ValueSwing; ValueSwing = class ValueSwing { constructor(swingObject, fieldName, time) { this.swingObject = swingObject; this.fieldName = fieldName; this.mode = 1; this._repeat = false; this._ready = false; this._started = false; this._config = { start: this.getValue(), step: this.getValue() / time }; this._refreshConfig(); } getValue() { return this.swingObject[this.fieldName]; } _refreshConfig() { if (this.isIncrement()) { this._config.toValue = this._config.start; this._config.fromValue = 0; } else { this._config.toValue = 0; this._config.fromValue = this._config.start; } return this.setValue(this._config.fromValue); } isIncrement() { return this.mode === 0; } setValue(value) { return this.swingObject[this.fieldName] = value; } start() { this._ready = false; return this._started = true; } reset() { this._ready = true; return this.setValue(this._config.start); } stop() { return this._started = false; } isStarted() { return this._started === true; } isReady() { return this._ready === true; } setIncrementMode() { this.mode = 0; this.stop(); return this._refreshConfig(); } setDecrementMode() { this.mode = 1; this.stop(); return this._refreshConfig(); } setRepeat() { return this._repeat = true; } update() { if (!this.isStarted()) { return; } if (this.isIncrement()) { this._updateIncr(); } else { this._updateDecr(); } if (this.isReady() && this._repeat === true) { return this._changeMode(); } } _updateIncr() { var v; if (this.isReady()) { return; } v = this.getValue(); if (v < this._config.toValue - this._config.step) { return this.setValue(v + this._config.step); } else { return this._swingDone(); } } _swingDone() { this.setValue(this._config.toValue); return this._ready = true; } _updateDecr() { var v; if (this.isReady()) { return; } v = this.getValue(); if (v > this._config.toValue + this._config.step) { return this.setValue(v - this._config.step); } else { return this._swingDone(); } } _changeMode() { if (this.isIncrement()) { this.setDecrementMode(); } else { this.setIncrementMode(); } return this.start(); } }; AA.register(ValueSwing); })(); // ■ END ValueSwing.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 AlphaABS.getVersionInfo = function() { return AlphaABS.Version + " [Pro] build " + AlphaABS.Build + " on MV " + Utils.RPGMAKER_VERSION; }; (function () { //Window_EquipItem //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Window_EquipItem.prototype.onTouch = function (triggered) { if (this._sCircle) { if (this._sCircle.isOpen() && this._sCircle.isTouchedAny()) { return; } } Window_ItemList.prototype.onTouch.call(this, triggered); }; var _Window_EquipItem_setActor = Window_EquipItem.prototype.setActor; Window_EquipItem.prototype.setActor = function (actor) { _Window_EquipItem_setActor.call(this, actor); if (this._actor != null && AlphaABS.Parameters.isWeaponsAllowed() == true) { this._createFavWeapCircle(); this._createFavWeapButton(); } }; Window_EquipItem.prototype.update = function () { Window_ItemList.prototype.update.call(this); if (this._sCircle && this._sCircle.isOpen()) { var index = AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.isTriggeredWeapCircleIndex(); if (index != null) { this.touchWeaponAt(index); this.refresh(); return; } } }; Window_EquipItem.prototype.drawItemNumber = function (item, x, y, width) { Window_ItemList.prototype.drawItemNumber.call(this, item, x, y, width); try { if (!this._actor) { return; } if (!DataManager.isWeapon(item)) return; var symbol = this._actor.getFavWeapSymbol(item); if (symbol != null) { this.changeTextColor(Color.ORANGE.CSS); var spacer = '0000'; if (Imported.YEP_ItemCore == true) { spacer += '00'; } if (!Utils.isMobileDevice()) this.drawText('[' + symbol.toUpperCase() + ']', x, y, width - this.textWidth(spacer), 'right'); else this.drawText('■', x, y, width - this.textWidth(spacer), 'right'); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; //NEW Window_EquipItem.prototype.touchWeaponAt = function (index) { try { if (this._sCircle) { if (DataManager.isWeapon(this.item())) { this._sCircle.click(index); this._actor.setFavWeap(this.item(), index); SoundManager.playEquip(); this._sCircle.refresh(); this.refresh(); } else SoundManager.playBuzzer(); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; Window_EquipItem.prototype.refresh = function () { Window_ItemList.prototype.refresh.call(this); }; Window_EquipItem.prototype.activate = function () { Window_ItemList.prototype.activate.call(this); if (this._sCircleButton) { this._sCircleButton.visible = true; } }; Window_EquipItem.prototype.deactivate = function () { Window_ItemList.prototype.deactivate.call(this); try { if (this._sCircleButton) { this._sCircleButton.visible = false; if (this._sCircle && this._sCircle.isOpen()) this._sCircleButton.callClickHandler(); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; Window_EquipItem.prototype._createFavWeapCircle = function () { try { this._sCircleBackSprite = new Sprite(new Bitmap((this.width / 2) - 4, this.height - 8)); this._sCircleBackSprite.bitmap.addLoadListener(function () { this._sCircleBackSprite.bitmap.fillAll(Color.BLACK.reAlpha(200).CSS); }.bind(this)); this._sCircleBackSprite.visible = false; this.addChild(this._sCircleBackSprite); this._sCircle = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UI_SelectCircleFW(this._actor, function (index) { this.touchWeaponAt(index); }.bind(this)); this._sCircle.move(this._sCircleBackSprite.width / 2, this._sCircleBackSprite.height / 2); if (!Utils.isMobileDevice()) this._sCircle.showHelpers(); this._sCircleBackSprite.addChild(this._sCircle); } catch (e) { console.error(e); this._sCircle = null; } }; Window_EquipItem.prototype._createFavWeapButton = function () { this._sCircleButton = new AlphaABS.LIBS.UIObject_ClickIcon(AlphaABS.DATA.IMG.IconSwitchWeapon.bitmap); this._sCircleButton.move(this.width - 36, this.height - 36); this._sCircleButton.visible = false; this._sCircleButton.setClickHandler(function () { if (this._sCircleButton.isClicked()) { this._onEquipMode(); } else { this._offEquipMode(); } }.bind(this)); this._sCircleButton.setKeyHandler(AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.WC()); this.addChild(this._sCircleButton); }; Window_EquipItem.prototype.select = function (index) { Window_ItemList.prototype.select.call(this, index); try { if (!this._sCircle) return; if (this.maxCols() > 1) { this._placeFavWeapCircle(index % this.maxCols()); } else { this._placeFavWeapCircle(0); } if (this._sCircleButton) { this._sCircleButton.visible = DataManager.isWeapon(this.item()); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; Window_EquipItem.prototype._onEquipMode = function () { if (!this._sCircle) return; this._sCircle.open(); this._sCircleBackSprite.visible = true; }; Window_EquipItem.prototype._offEquipMode = function () { if (!this._sCircle) return; this._sCircle.close(); this._sCircleBackSprite.visible = false; }; Window_EquipItem.prototype._placeFavWeapCircle = function (place) { try { if (place <= 0) { //RIGHT this._sCircleBackSprite.move(this.width - 6, this.height - 4); this._sCircleBackSprite.setStaticAnchor(1, 1); } else { //LEFT this._sCircleBackSprite.move(6, this.height - 4); this._sCircleBackSprite.setStaticAnchor(0, 1); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; //END Window_EquipItem //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function () { var _Window_EquipSlot_drawItem = Window_EquipSlot.prototype.drawItem; Window_EquipSlot.prototype.drawItem = function (index) { _Window_EquipSlot_drawItem.call(this, index); try { if (index !== null || index !== undefined) this._drawFavWeapSymbol(index); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; //NEW Window_EquipSlot.prototype._drawFavWeapSymbol = function (index) { if (this._actor) { var item = this._actor.equips()[index]; if (item) { var symbol = this._actor.getFavWeapSymbol(item); if (symbol != null) { this.changeTextColor(Color.ORANGE.CSS); var rect = this.itemRectForText(index); var drawSymbol = '[' + symbol.toUpperCase() + ']'; if (Utils.isMobileDevice()) { drawSymbol = '■'; } if (Imported.YEP_EquipCore == true) { this.contents.drawText(drawSymbol, rect.x + this._nameWidth, rect.y, rect.width - this._nameWidth, this.lineHeight(), 'right'); } else { var iconBowWidth = Window_Base._iconWidth + 8; this.contents.drawText(drawSymbol, rect.x + 138 + iconBowWidth, rect.y, 312 - iconBowWidth, this.lineHeight(), 'right'); } } } } }; })(); (function () { var Consts = AlphaABS.SYSTEM; //Window_ItemList //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var _Window_ItemList_isEnabled = Window_ItemList.prototype.isEnabled; Window_ItemList.prototype.isEnabled = function (item) { try { if (item && item.occasion == 1 && item.meta.ABS) { return false; } else return _Window_ItemList_isEnabled.call(this, item); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false; } }; var _Window_ItemList_update = Window_ItemList.prototype.update; Window_ItemList.prototype.update = function () { _Window_ItemList_update.call(this); if (this.active) { this._absItemToPanel(); } }; Window_ItemList.prototype._absItemToPanel = function () { try { for (var i = 1; i < 9; i++) { if (Input.isTriggered("" + i)) { if (this.item() && this.item().occasion == 1 && this.item().meta.ABS) { //LOG.p("Item " + this.item().name + " set to slot " + i); $gameParty.leader().setItemOnPanel(this.item().id, i - 1); SoundManager.playEquip(); this.refresh(); } else { LOGW.p(Consts.STRING_WARNING_SKILLOC); SoundManager.playBuzzer(); } } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; var _Window_ItemList_drawItemNumber = Window_ItemList.prototype.drawItemNumber; Window_ItemList.prototype.drawItemNumber = function (item, x, y, width) { _Window_ItemList_drawItemNumber.call(this, item, x, y, width); try { if (this._category != 'item') return; var index = $gameParty.leader().skillIndexOnUI(item.id, true); if (index >= 0) { this.changeTextColor(Color.ORANGE.CSS); this.drawText("[" + (index + 1) + "]", x + width - 60 - this.numberWidth(), y, 40, 'left'); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; var _Window_ItemList_initialize = Window_ItemList.prototype.initialize; Window_ItemList.prototype.initialize = function (x, y, width, height) { _Window_ItemList_initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height); this._absPanel = new AA.LIBS.AASpellPanelManagerMenu(); this._absPanel.getSprite().move(0, -y); this.addChild(this._absPanel.getSprite()); if ($gameParty.leader()) { this._absPanel.battler = $gameParty.leader(); this._absPanel.refresh(); } this._absPanel.hide(); this.addChild(this._absPanel.getSprite()); }; var _Window_ItemList_setCategory = Window_ItemList.prototype.setCategory; Window_ItemList.prototype.setCategory = function (category) { _Window_ItemList_setCategory.call(this, category); if (this._category == 'item') { this._absPanel.show(); } else { this._absPanel.hide(); } }; var _Window_ItemList_update_9090 = Window_ItemList.prototype.update; Window_ItemList.prototype.update = function () { _Window_ItemList_update_9090.call(this); try { if (this.active && this._absPanel.isVisible()) { if (TouchInput.isTriggered()) { var tI = this._absPanel.getIndexUnderTouch(); if (tI != null) { if (this.item() && this.item().occasion == 1 && this.item().meta.ABS) { this._absPanel.clickAt(tI); //LOG.p("Item " + this.item().name + " set to slot " + tI); $gameParty.leader().setItemOnPanel(this.item().id, tI); SoundManager.playEquip(); this.refresh(); } else { LOGW.p(Consts.STRING_WARNING_SKILLOC); SoundManager.playBuzzer(); } } } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Window_ItemList_refresh = Window_ItemList.prototype.refresh; Window_ItemList.prototype.refresh = function () { _alias_Window_ItemList_refresh.call(this); this._absPanel.refresh(); this._absPanel.hide(); }; //END Window_ItemList //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function () { //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Window_Message_isTriggered = Window_Message.prototype.isTriggered; Window_Message.prototype.isTriggered = function () { if (ButtonsProManager.isAnyButtonOverrideInput()) { return (Input.isRepeated('ok') || Input.isRepeated('cancel')); } else { return _alias_Window_Message_isTriggered.call(this); } }; })(); (function () { //Window_Options //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var _Window_Options_makeCommandList = Window_Options.prototype.makeCommandList; Window_Options.prototype.makeCommandList = function () { _Window_Options_makeCommandList.call(this); this._addUIOptions(); if (AlphaABS.SYSTEM.EXTENSIONS.KEY_BINDING && !Utils.isMobileDevice()) this._addBindingOptions(); }; Window_Options.prototype._addUIOptions = function () { if ($gameMap.isABS()) { var optionUIEditAllow = AlphaABS.Parameters.isUIEditorAllowed(); if (optionUIEditAllow == true && !Utils.isMobileDevice()) this.addCommand(AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_MENU_UIPOS, 'absEditUI'); } }; Window_Options.prototype._addBindingOptions = function () { this.addCommand(AlphaABS.SYSTEM.STRING_MENU_KEYBIND, 'absEditKeys'); }; Window_Options.prototype._isABSSymbol = function (symbol) { return symbol.contains('abs'); }; Window_Options.prototype._isABSSymbol2 = function (symbol) { return symbol.contains('absEdit'); }; var _Window_Options_statusText = Window_Options.prototype.statusText; Window_Options.prototype.statusText = function (index) { var symbol = this.commandSymbol(index); if (this._isABSSymbol2(symbol)) { return ''; } else { return _Window_Options_statusText.call(this, index); } }; var _Window_Options_changeValue = Window_Options.prototype.changeValue; Window_Options.prototype.changeValue = function (symbol, value) { if (this._isABSSymbol(symbol)) { if (this._isABSSymbol2(symbol)) { SoundManager.playCursor(); if (symbol.contains('UI')) { if (!AlphaABS.BattleUI.isVisible()) { SoundManager.playBuzzer(); } else SceneManager.push(AlphaABS.LIBS.Scene_InterfaceEdit); return; } if (symbol.contains('Keys')) { SceneManager.push(AlphaABS.LIBS.Scene_KeyBinder); return; } } else { var lastValue = this.getConfigValue(symbol); if (lastValue !== value) { if(AlphaABS.BattleUI.isUI()) AlphaABS.BattleUI.getUI().setShowUI(value); this.redrawItem(this.findSymbol(symbol)); SoundManager.playCursor(); } } } else { _Window_Options_changeValue.call(this, symbol, value); } }; var _Window_Options_getConfigValue = Window_Options.prototype.getConfigValue; Window_Options.prototype.getConfigValue = function (symbol) { if (this._isABSSymbol(symbol)) { if (this._isABSSymbol2(symbol)) { return true; } else { return AlphaABS.BattleUI.isVisible(); } } else { return _Window_Options_getConfigValue.call(this, symbol); } }; //END Window_Options //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ })(); (function () { var Consts = AlphaABS.SYSTEM; var LOG = new PLATFORM.DevLog("Window_SkillList"); var _Window_SkillList_update = Window_SkillList.prototype.update; Window_SkillList.prototype.update = function () { _Window_SkillList_update.call(this); if (this.active) { this._absSkillToPanel(); } }; Window_SkillList.prototype._absSkillToPanel = function () { try { for (var i = 1; i < 9; i++) { if (Input.isTriggered("" + i)) { if (this.checkABSItem(this.item())) { LOG.p("Skill " + this.item().name + " set to slot " + i); this._actor.setSkillOnPanel(this.item().id, i - 1); SoundManager.playEquip(); this.refresh(); } else { LOGW.p(Consts.STRING_WARNING_SKILLOC); SoundManager.playBuzzer(); } } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; var _Window_SkillList_isEnabled = Window_SkillList.prototype.isEnabled; Window_SkillList.prototype.isEnabled = function (item) { if (this.checkABSItem(item)) { return false; } else return _Window_SkillList_isEnabled.call(this, item); }; //NEW Window_SkillList.prototype.checkABSItem = function (item) { try { return (item && item.occasion == 1 && item.meta.ABS); } catch (e) { console.error(e); return false; } }; var _Window_SkillList_drawSkillCost = Window_SkillList.prototype.drawSkillCost; Window_SkillList.prototype.drawSkillCost = function (skill, x, y, width) { _Window_SkillList_drawSkillCost.call(this, skill, x, y, width); //Draw panel number of skill try { var index = this._actor.skillIndexOnUI(skill.id); if (index >= 0) { this.changeTextColor(Color.ORANGE.CSS); this.drawText("[" + (index + 1) + "]", x + width - 60 - this.costWidth(), y, 40, 'left'); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }; var _Window_SkillList_initialize = Window_SkillList.prototype.initialize; Window_SkillList.prototype.initialize = function (x, y, width, height) { _Window_SkillList_initialize.call(this, x, y, width, height); this._absPanel = new AA.LIBS.AASpellPanelManagerMenu(); this._absPanel.getSprite().move(0, -y); this.addChild(this._absPanel.getSprite()); }; var _Window_SkillList_setActor = Window_SkillList.prototype.setActor; Window_SkillList.prototype.setActor = function (actor) { try { if (this._actor !== actor) { this._absPanel.battler = actor; this._absPanel.refresh(); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } _Window_SkillList_setActor.call(this, actor); }; var _Window_SkillList_update_432 = Window_SkillList.prototype.update; Window_SkillList.prototype.update = function () { _Window_SkillList_update_432.call(this); if (this.active) { if (TouchInput.isTriggered()) { try { var tI = this._absPanel.getIndexUnderTouch(); if (tI != null) { if (this.checkABSItem(this.item())) { this._absPanel.clickAt(tI); LOG.p("Skill " + this.item().name + " set to slot " + tI); this._actor.setSkillOnPanel(this.item().id, tI); SoundManager.playEquip(); this.refresh(); } else { SoundManager.playBuzzer(); LOGW.p(Consts.STRING_WARNING_SKILLOC); } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } } }; //@[ALIAS] var _alias_Window_SkillList_refresh = Window_SkillList.prototype.refresh; Window_SkillList.prototype.refresh = function () { _alias_Window_SkillList_refresh.call(this); if(this._absPanel) this._absPanel.refresh(); }; })(); // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ AASpellPanelManagerMenu.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { var AASpellPanelManagerMenu; AASpellPanelManagerMenu = class AASpellPanelManagerMenu extends AA.LIBS.AASpelllPanelManager { constructor() { super(); } _createThread() {} //?EMPTY isVisibleWhenEmpty() { return true; } refresh() { super.refresh(); return this.newSpellPanelUIElement.applyMenuPosition(); } //$[OVER BASE] _drawItemInputSymbol(item, index, skill) { var sym; if (Utils.isMobileDevice()) { return; } sym = this._getKeySymbol(index); return item.drawText(sym); } }; AA.register(AASpellPanelManagerMenu); })(); // ■ END AASpellPanelManagerMenu.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ zAXUI_Sprite_StateIcon_PRO.coffee //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- (function() { AXUI.Sprite_StateIcon.prototype._loadProperStyleId = function() { var styleId; styleId = 0; if ((this.state != null) && (this.state.meta.uiStyleId != null)) { styleId = Number(this.state.meta.uiStyleId); } return styleId; }; })(); // ■ END zAXUI_Sprite_StateIcon_PRO.coffee //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generated by CoffeeScript 2.3.1 ButtonsProManager.loadCustom = function() { var customButtons, e; if (AlphaABS.jDATA.UIButtons == null) { return; } try { customButtons = AlphaABS.Parameters.get_CustomUIButtons(); return customButtons.forEach(function(item) { return ButtonsProManager.createButton(item); }); } catch (error) { e = error; return AlphaABS.error(e, ' while load Custom UI Buttons'); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ // ■ Extra.js //╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AlphaABS.ApplyExtraPluginsSupport = (function () { var ELOG = new KDCore.DevLog("Alpha ABS"); ELOG.on(); ELOG.setColors(KDCore.Color.GREEN, KDCore.Color.FromHex('#848400')); var printSupport = function (plName) { ELOG.p(plName + ' finded - supported'); }; //HIME_PartyManager support if (Imported.TH_PartyManager == 1) { printSupport('HIME_PartyManager'); try { var _alias_Party_switch_ABS = Party.switch; Party.switch = function (id) { var r = _alias_Party_switch_ABS.call(this, id); if (AlphaABS.isABS()) { AlphaABS.BattleManagerABS.updateABSSession(); } return r; }; } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } if (Imported.YEP_SmartJump == true) { printSupport('YEP_SmartJump'); //?{EMBEDDED SUPPORT} } if (Imported.TerraxLighting == true) { printSupport('TerraxLighting'); var _alias_Game_CharacterBase_TerraxL324 = Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setDirection; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.setDirection = function (d) { if (this._spawnEventId) { if (!this.isDirectionFixed() && d) { this._direction = d; } this.resetStopCount(); } else _alias_Game_CharacterBase_TerraxL324.call(this, d); }; var _alias_Game_CharacterBase_updateMoveTerrax4325 = Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updateMove; Game_CharacterBase.prototype.updateMove = function () { if (this._spawnEventId) { try { if (this._x < this._realX) { this._realX = Math.max(this._realX - this.distancePerFrame(), this._x); } if (this._x > this._realX) { this._realX = Math.min(this._realX + this.distancePerFrame(), this._x); } if (this._y < this._realY) { this._realY = Math.max(this._realY - this.distancePerFrame(), this._y); } if (this._y > this._realY) { this._realY = Math.min(this._realY + this.distancePerFrame(), this._y); } if (!this.isMoving()) { this.refreshBushDepth(); } } catch (e) { } } else _alias_Game_CharacterBase_updateMoveTerrax4325.call(this); }; } if (Imported.YEP_ItemCore == true) { printSupport('YEP_ItemCore'); try { var _Game_Party_gainIndependentItem_YEP = Game_Party.prototype.gainIndependentItem; Game_Party.prototype.gainIndependentItem = function (item, amount, includeEquip) { _Game_Party_gainIndependentItem_YEP.call(this, item, amount, includeEquip); if ($gameMap.isABS()) { if (amount > 0 && !this._noNotifyABS) { AudioManager.playSe({ name: 'Equip2', pan: 0, pitch: 140, volume: 90 }); AlphaABS.BattleUI.pushItemOnPanel(item); } if (DataManager.isWeapon(item)) { AlphaABS.BattleUI.refreshWeaponCircle(); } } }; } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } if (Imported.YEP_EquipCore == true) { printSupport('YEP_EquipCore'); try { var _Window_EquipSlot_drawItem_YEP = Window_EquipSlot.prototype.drawItem; Window_EquipSlot.prototype.drawItem = function (index) { _Window_EquipSlot_drawItem_YEP.call(this, index); this._drawFavWeapSymbol(index); }; } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } if (Imported.YEP_SaveCore == true) { printSupport('YEP_SaveCore'); try { var _Scene_File_performActionLoad_YEP = Scene_File.prototype.performActionLoad; Scene_File.prototype.performActionLoad = function () { if (AlphaABS.LIBS.BattleManagerABS._isABSMap == true) { AlphaABS.LIBS.BattleManagerABS.stopABS(); } _Scene_File_performActionLoad_YEP.call(this); }; } catch (error) { console.error(error); } } }); // ■ END Extra.js //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //========================================================================================================================================================== // Alpha ABS MAIN //========================================================================================================================================================== var SMouse = AlphaABS.UTILS.SMouse; (function () { //PLATFORM var SDK = PLATFORM.SDK; var LOGW = AlphaABS.SYSTEM.LOGW; var BattleManagerABS = AlphaABS.LIBS.BattleManagerABS; if (!Utils.isMobileDevice()) SMouse.initMouseTrack(); //Input //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Input.loadSchemeABS = function () { AlphaABS.LIBS.IKey.loadDefaultKeyConfig(); //AlphaABS.Parameters.loadBindingScheme(); }; //END Input //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand; Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function (command, args) { _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand.call(this, command, args); if (command === 'ABS') { switch (args[0]) { case 'revive': var revive = 5; if (args[1]) revive = parseInt(args[1]); if (args[2]) { var x = $gameMap.events().filter(function (ev) { return (ev.event().name == args[2]); }); if (x.length > 0) { x.first().setRevive(revive); } } else this.character(this._eventId).setRevive(revive); break; case 'loot': this.character(this._eventId).loot(); break; case 'showUI': AlphaABS.BattleUI.showUI(); break; case 'hideUI': AlphaABS.BattleUI.hideUI(); break; case 'activate': this._activateABSEnemy(args[1] || null); break; case 'deactivate': this._deactivateABSEnemy(args[1] || null); break; case 'param': this._onABSEnemyParam(args[1] || null, args[2] || null, args[3] || null); break; case 'spawn': //spawn EventId (x y | regionId) if (AlphaABS.Parameters.get_SpawnMapId() > 0) this._onABSSpawn(args[1], args[2], args[3] || null); break; case 'spawnV': //spawn EventId (x y | regionId) if (AlphaABS.Parameters.get_SpawnMapId() > 0) { try { var xx = $gameVariables.value(Number(args[2])); var yy = null; if (args[3] != null) yy = $gameVariables.value(Number(args[3])); this._onABSSpawn(args[1], xx, yy); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } break; } } }; //========================================================================================================================================================== //MV GAME OBJECTS //========================================================================================================================================================== //Game_Screen //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //OVER Game_Screen.prototype.realPictureId = function (pictureId) { return pictureId; }; //END Game_Screen //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Game_Variables //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Game_Variables.prototype.setUIParam = function (param, value) { if (!this._uiParams) { this._uiParams = {}; } this._uiParams[param] = value; }; Game_Variables.prototype.getUIParam = function (param) { if (this._uiParams) { return this._uiParams[param]; } return null; }; Game_Variables.prototype.setUIPosition = function (id, x, y, vis, extra) { if (!this._uiPositions) this._uiPositions = {}; vis = SDK.check(vis, null); extra = SDK.check(extra, null); this._uiPositions[id] = [x, y, vis, extra]; }; Game_Variables.prototype.getUIPosition = function (id) { try { if (this._uiPositions) { var p = this._uiPositions[id]; if (p) { return { x: p[0], y: p[1], vis: SDK.check(p[2], null), extra: SDK.check(p[3], null) }; } } } catch (e) { console.error(e); return null; } return null; }; //END Game_Variables //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //========================================================================================================================================================== //MV SCENES //========================================================================================================================================================== //Scene_Title //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var _Scene_Title_start = Scene_Title.prototype.start; Scene_Title.prototype.start = function () { BattleManagerABS.clearABS(); _Scene_Title_start.call(this); }; //END Scene_Title //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Scene_Gameover //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var _Scene_Gameover_create = Scene_Gameover.prototype.create; Scene_Gameover.prototype.create = function () { $gameMap.stopABS(); _Scene_Gameover_create.call(this); }; //END Scene_Gameover //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Scene_Title //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var _Scene_Title_create = Scene_Title.prototype.create; Scene_Title.prototype.create = function () { $gameMap.stopABS(); _Scene_Title_create.call(this); }; //END Scene_Title //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //Scene_Boot //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ var pkd_SceneBoot_start = Scene_Boot.prototype.start; Scene_Boot.prototype.start = function () { pkd_SceneBoot_start.call(this); LOGW.p(AlphaABS.getVersionInfo()); if (!AlphaABS.Parameters.isLoaded()) { LOGW.p("Warning! Plugin parameters not finded, used default settings"); } else { AlphaABS.Parameters.loadAllStrings(); } AlphaABS.ApplyExtraPluginsSupport(); BattleManagerABS.init(); SlowUpdateManager.init(); ButtonsProManager.init(); }; //END Scene_Boot //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AlphaABS.isABS = function () { var i1 = SceneManager._scene; if (i1) i1 = i1 instanceof Scene_Map; var i2 = $gameMap.isABS(); return i1 && i2; }; AlphaABS.error = function (error, message) { if (AlphaABS._errorLog == undefined) { AlphaABS._errorLog = new KDCore.DevLog('Alpha ABS Error'); AlphaABS._errorLog.setColors(KDCore.Color.RED, KDCore.Color.BLACK.getLightestColor(225)); AlphaABS._errorLog.on(); } if (message) AlphaABS._errorLog.p(message); console.error(error); }; AlphaABS.warning = function (error, message) { LOGW.p("Warning! " + message); console.warn(error); }; AlphaABS.criticalError = function (error, message) { AlphaABS.error(null, message); SceneManager.catchException(error); }; //?FROM 1.3 AlphaABS.isUseFonts = function () { return Utils.isNwjs(); }; })(); //Plugin Alpha_ABS automatic build by MVPluginBuilder 1.6.2 27.05.2019