“Rick! This doesn’t feel right!! Everything’s so… real!! Your perfume to turn Jessica into my girlfriend messed up, and turned me into a girl!!” Morty whined, strutting into the garage in a skimpy schoolgirl outfit.

“No Morty!! You messed up!!” Rick screamed back at him.

“No I didn't, I couldn’t! I made sure to spray Jessica and not get any on myself!” Morty protested.

“You idiot!!” Rick spat, “I told you to let Jessica spray herself!! The nanite shot was in the nozzle, not the liquid you dope!!”

“What?? Then why was it perfume?? That’s so confusing!!” Morty responded, annoyed.

“Stop being a dumbass Morty! You think airborne droplets are the best way to distribute experimental, mind altering nanites?? What if they floated somewhere else?!” Rick asked condescendingly. “You want Principle Phajina to become a bimbo??

“But then why was it perfume??” Morty demanded.

“You have a better thing for a girl to press her body into??” Rick asked sarcastically.

“A PEN!!!” Morty exclaimed, his eyes taking on a more sensual look as his hips swayed from side to side.

Rick stood with a blank look on his face, too narcissistic to admit fault. He remained silent, watching Morty’s hips swing back and forth as they warped into more real dimensions.

“Wait… you can't just be in this dimension like that morty!! I hope we didn’t tear the fabric of space and time!! I definitely did not intend to do this with those nanites Mordy!!

You look like some type of ultra realistic freako!!!” Rick shouted, putting a device together on the counter in rapid fashion.

“This should balance everything out…” Rick said, holding up a pink device.

“But Rick, I don’t think that’s gonna like, fix anything!” Morty said, his voice becoming even more slutty as his dancing picked up.

“That ass is amazing…” Rick trailed off, watching the underwear and skirt on Morty shrink as he pushed buttons on his device.

“OH shit!! No no no no no no!!!” Rick cried as the fabric of reality was sucked up into his device, changing the dimensions in which Rick and Morty occupied.

“This doesn’t feel right…” A hyper- realistic Rick said in a worried voice.

His lab coat instantly turned into a tight blouse, and his pants morphed into garters while his hair became blonde. He could see lumps begin to form under his shirt, and by the time he pulled them out over his top they were full C cup breasts.

“We have to go outside Morty! This enclosed space is accelerating the reality dilation!” Rick screamed, his voice taking on a more feminine tone as his neck slimmed.

Morty didn’t appear jaded, simply looking around the room as tools and electronics morphed from animated to real. “Like Rick, I feel so much better now that I totally have full depth and character!”

“No sexy morty! This might give us more depth and feeling, but you’re gonna hate it soon!! Being a cartoon is just better! Things matter less, food tastes less real… You *burp* you gotta believe me Morty! Why do you think those losers do so much heroin, Morty??” Rick said, his voice becoming more sultry as his shirt tightened and flipped his breasts back inside, flicking his nipples and making him moan erotically as a bra formed under his tight shirt.

“This is way too restricting, Morty! We like, have to strip if we wanna think better!! You could hear my dialect totally changing already, Morty!!” Rick said ditzily, pulling his shirt up to reveal a massive bra and bust.

“Like, I’m totes fine with that Rick, but my shirt’s totally more loose now anyway!” Morty giggled, skipping outside and pausing in the doorway.

Rick looked over and almost fainted, Morty’s boobs were massive now! And Rick salivated as he watched the puffy nipples fall out of Morty’s top. Marty’s thighs were much juicier now too, and his body seemed much curvier than before.

A heated arousal built up in Rick’s loins as he watched Morty play with his magnificent breasts, and he got lost in the sexual thoughts his mind swam in.

Then he felt long hair spill down his back, and realized his bra was now a tight tank top. Rick’s face and body grew even younger as his breasts and ass firmed up, and his lips became plump as they formed a pout on his face. Rick huffed ditzily as his squishy breasts bounced freely, his tight shirt becoming loose as his torso shrank. The way his bust now jiggled made Rick’s nipples grow hard as they rubbed against the soft material of his top, and his genius mind struggled for traction as girly thoughts exploded inside him. He could no longer keep track of his outfit’s changes, the overwhelming horniness building inside him pushed all other thoughts toward the recesses of his mind.

Rick looked up to his mom- err, Morty; she had plump lips like Rick’s and seemed even hornier than her daughter. Rick tried focusing on his old life as a genius scientist, but all his memories now involved being thrust into and penetrated. A giggle escaped his lips as he watched his mom’s boobies become even bigger, and Ricky’s hand traveled into her panties as they became a slutty mini thong.

Morty’s attention was elsewhere though, she was now looking in a mirror and posing sexily. At this point she felt older than Rick, and almost felt some type of responsibility toward him. Though her bubbly personality made her want to just party!

“Ricky, it’s not gonna be that bad! I think you’re totally gonna become my slutty daughter or something!” Morty giggled, trying to make Rick feel better.

“We’re like, totally becoming bimbos…” Rick said to himself, trailing off as his feminizing mind struggled to think critically. “I only know one writer that would like, do this…

FriedTwice!!” Rick screamed.

He looked over at Morty, expecting to see her terrified, but Mati was unphased.

“You totes don’t understand what’s happening!!” Rick screamed, his mind becoming consumed by the new slutty personality, Ricki. “She’ll like, do whatever she wa-“ Ricki was suddenly cut off as her boobs exploded with fat, taking all the breath out of her lungs.

Her hips began expanding, making Ricki’s back arch severely and forcing her to hold the wall for support. Her ass blew up behind her, becoming a jigging mass the size of two basketballs.

It took Ricki several seconds to get her hips and ass to stop shaking, feeling like her pussy would explode with orgasms once she stood still.

She looked over to Mati and her jaw dropped, Mati was now supporting GG cup breasts! Her panties were dripping with cum, and Mati let out a squeal as her nipples were stimulated by her silk bra.

She watched Ricki’s giant ass jiggle jealously, wishing her smaller ass could be half as wonderful.

“I totes see you looking at these buns, Morty…

Like, stop!!! FriedTwice’ll totally change you too!” Ricki warned.

“That would be like, totes awesome…” Morty giggled, distracted by her throbbing pussy.

She suddenly felt a tightness around her chest, and her vision faded to black as her ass began to grow behind her.

Mati opened her eyes what felt like several moments later, but realized she was on a plane, mid-flight. She looked down instinctually and almost shrieked, her body was fantastic!!

She saw a stewardess motion for her and felt her body move on its own, making sure to swing, jiggle, and bounce as much as it could.

“Like, mom, I totes wanted to stay home for the weekend!!

Frank is coming to town, and you know how thick his juicy cock is!!” Ricki whispered to her mom as she let her into the back cabin, giggling when her sensitive curves brushed against her mom’s.

Mati stared into Ricki’s eyes, realizing an emptiness that she felt herself; the two of them were trapped in those slutty sex traps.

“Like, look at the guy in row 24, he’s totally packing at least a foot!” Mati giggled as she felt herself walk into the stewardess cabin.

Ricki turned around and almost choked on her gasp, though she wanted to vomit. The dude was enormous and wearing basketball shorts, what a bulge Ricki’s mind shouted. She wanted to shake the thoughts away, but her body simply giggled as the well endowed man winked at her.

She felt for the pack of condoms she always flew with, and winked at the hunky man once she found them in her bra. Ricki never goes more than twelve hours without cock and had just finished a foursome with her mom and the two pilots, but her pussy gushed as she strutted over to the smirking hunk in row24.