Chapter 5 — You Have a Waiver _December 29, 2002, Chicago, Illinois_ 🎤 Jesse {psc} "I'm sorry we had to be up so early," I said to Chung Cha when we went to the shower on Sunday morning. "It's OK!" she replied. "I'm sorry I didn't let you get very much sleep!" "I am NOT going to complain!" I said as we stepped under the spray. Only a complete moron would object to losing sleep to have hours of amazing sex with a gorgeous virgin girl, especially receiving her first-ever blowjob! We'd screwed five times — me on top, her on top, sitting, doggy-style, and me on top again, with a blowjob after her being on top, and sixty-nine before our last time. I'd cum seven times, and only managed about two hours of sleep, but as I'd thought, there was no way I was going to complain. "Do you think we could keep doing this," she asked. "I mean, I won't be able to spend the night, but maybe one afternoon a week after school?" I almost laughed because if things went the way they appeared to be going, I'd be back to the «filles du jour» situation I'd had during the previous school year. My only concern was what Zahra might think, but in the end, she wasn't going to become a Christian and I wasn't going to convert to Islam, so it had to eventually end. "I'd like that," I said. "Good!" she exclaimed. We finished in the shower, dried off, went back to my room to dress, and then went downstairs. My moms weren't up, so I wrote on the board that I was going to church, then went across the yard to the main house to get the keys to my dad's BMW. I saw Dad and Birgit cuddling, said 'hi', then left the house. Chung Cha and I got into the car and I drove her to her house, where we exchanged a kiss and said we'd see each other at school. Five minutes later, I picked up Luna at her house. She waited until I had turned the corner and stopped at a stop sign to give me a kiss. "I do not want my dad to be suspicious!" she declared as I pulled away from the stop sign. "Right, because getting up before 7:00am on Sunday to go to church with me doesn't imply anything at all!" Luna laughed, "I'm a pure, innocent girl who is going to church with a very faithful boy! What could possibly happen?" "And you think your parents actually believe that?" I asked with a grin. "Plausible deniability is all I need!" she declared. ————— 🎤 Birgit "Where is Kjell?" Dad asked as we cuddled on Sunday morning. "He's still in bed," I replied. "I might have worn him out last night!" "You are absolutely your mother's daughter," Dad chuckled. "How are things with Kjell besides the obvious 'horny teenager' activities?" "Good, actually. He and I had a good talk about our relationship, and I'll absolutely see him when I'm in Sweden, but I'm hoping to live in Gothenburg the same as you." "You can request that, but unless there's a family arranged, you more or less get the luck of the draw." "Would any of your friends be interested in hosting an exchange student?" "I honestly don't know, but I certainly can ask. And you know there's always Katt and Mikael." "True, but they live WAY up north and that would make it tough to see Kjell the way you saw Pia. What about her?" "She was the one I was going to call first," Dad said. "The others I'll speak to are Suzanne Fjällman, who has a son Ashley's age, or Suzana Jonsson, the daughter of the family I stayed with. She has a boy and a girl, who are ten and seven." "Well, that won't cramp my style!" I declared. Dad laughed, "Which is the major consideration! I assume you'd like to go to the same «gymnasiet»?" "Yes! And study the same natural sciences curriculum." "I'll make the calls and see what they all think. We have plenty of time. You won't even submit your application until September of next year. Will you survive a year without Dad cuddles?" "I'll have to, won't I?" I said. "Yes." "Of course, you could give me something to remember you by!" I teased. "I'll pick up a necklace or bracelet for you!" Dad teased back. "So long as it's a 'pearl necklace', yes!" "Birgit Elizabeth!" Dad exclaimed, but he was laughing. "Where did you learn THAT?" From Rachel, but there was no way I was going to tell Dad! "On advice of counsel, I exercise my Fifth Amendment right to remain silent, as the answer might tend to incriminate someone I care about!" "You can't take the Fifth for that reason!" Dad objected. "Says you! There is no way I'm going to tell you who told me about that! Well, that's not true! Give me one and I'll tell you!" "Pumpkin…" "Sorry," I said quickly. "You know I'm teasing." "You are, but you also aren't." "You know I love you, Dad." "I do. And I love you, Birgit Elizabeth." ————— 🎤 Steve After breakfast, I went to my study to place a call to Pia. "Steve?!" she exclaimed. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" "You know Birgit is planning to apply to the exchange program and this morning she told me she would like to live in Gothenburg and go to Schillerska. I wondered if you, Harry, and Marta could accept a temporary daughter and sister." "I'd love to, but Harry has a two-year assignment in London starting next June, so we'll be living there for two years." "How does that work for you?" "Volvo is accommodating, and I'll work for them in the UK for two years." "That sounds like fun. What does Marta think?" "She likes the idea," Pia replied. "You have to make sure you stop in London if you come to Europe in the next two years." "I'm not sure what my travel schedule looks like, but I'm sure Albert would be happy to visit when he's in England next Summer." "Still hooked on his Yorkshire girl?" "Very much so! Did you have a good Christmas?" "We did. You?" "Yes, and we had the usual circus on Boxing Day." "It's always pure crazy around you, Steve!" Pia exclaimed. "I know," I chuckled. We spoke for a few minutes, then ended the call. My next call was to Suzanne Fjällman. Her son Sven answered and called his mom to the phone. She was equally surprised by my call, but the answer I received to my question was the same as Pia's, but for a much different and depressing reason. "Jakob and I separated in August," she said. "And it's not likely we'll get back together. Right now, I can't say 'yes' because I'm not sure where Sven and I will be living once the divorce I'm sure is coming is final." "I'm sorry to hear that," I said. "It happens. You know my mom was divorced, and we did fine." "I know I'm 5,000 kilometers away, but if there's anything I can do to help, let me know." "I will. You should come visit." "I don't have any definitive plans, but I promise to let you know when I do. You and Sven are always welcome to visit us here if you need to get away." "Thanks." We chatted for a few more minutes, and after we ended the call, I placed a third call, which resulted in a different and positive answer. "It's too bad my son isn't older!" Suzana exclaimed. "Paying off bets is fun!" "You'll get no argument from me on that one!" "Between you and me, that was _the_ best day of my life, bar none! I say a silent 'thank you' to Viktor Tikhonov every time I think about it!" I chuckled, "If he'd pulled Tretiak, I might not have scored!" "And that would have been a travesty!" Suzana replied. "I'll speak to Karl, but I'm sure it'll be OK. I'll get in touch with the YFU office in Stockholm and find out what we need to do." "Thanks. Birgit will very much appreciate it." We spoke for another ten minutes, then I went to find Birgit to let her know. "Cool!" she exclaimed. "Thanks, Dad!" "It's not guaranteed, obviously, but I can't imagine there will be any problems." She gave me a hug, then I went to the Indian Room to join Kara and Suzanne. Jessica was working her usual Sunday shift, and the three of us had walked her to work before Suzanne, Birgit, and I had run, something we didn't always do on Sundays, but we'd missed a few days during the holidays, and the dojo was closed, so we needed the exercise. "Any luck?" Kara asked. "Yes, and some news. The good news is that Pia's husband Harry is being sent to London for two years, and she's arranged a transfer with Volvo to work in England. The bad news is that Suzanne Fjällman is separated and will likely divorce. The success was with Suzana Jonsson, who said that she and Karl would be happy to have Birgit. She also lamented that her son is too young to collect on bets!" Kara and Suzanne both laughed. "Changing subjects, is there anything we need for Tuesday?" Kara asked. "Not that I can think of. I don't recall if I mentioned we're having an impromptu, informal Philosophy Club meeting. Audrey, Nalani, and Emma are really interested, and enough people will be here that we can have a decent session." "I'll be very curious to hear what Dmitry has to say!" Kara declared. "They won't be here until around 4:00pm, and we'll be done about than. And I think Dmitry will have an immediate conversation with Jesse!" Kara and Suzane laughed again. "You have to watch out for those Russian girls," Kara declared. "Steve survived sleeping with the daughter of a KGB protective officer," Suzanne observed. "I think Jesse will manage with a retired general of tanks!" "I think Jesse is smart enough to not do anything that would cause Larisa to complain to her dad," I replied. "Have you considered saying anything to the kids about their Russian ancestry?" Kara asked quietly. I quickly shut the door to the Indian room. "Honey, please do not bring up that topic in any way." "Sorry," Kara replied. "I thought you were going to tell them." "At some point, but I don't want them to associate Steve Samet's visit with any new information about our family, and I'll need to find a way to tell them that doesn't implicate my dad in anything. The larger problem is how to keep them from asking my dad about it, because that could quickly spiral out of control." "Your thinking seems to have changed a bit," Suzanne observed. "It's a fluid situation, and my thinking is evolving," I replied. "My next step, sometime next week, is to sign up for and do some research, though I'll be careful not to link anything, just gather information. Anyway, I'm going to get some tea. Would either of you like some?" "Yes, please," they both replied. ————— [Loveland, Ohio] 🎤 Matthew "You've never been to church with your brother?" Chelsea asked as we turned into the parking lot at Saint George Orthodox Church in Loveland. "No. We went a few times when I was little, but I barely remember. My dad used to go for their Easter celebrations, but I don't think he's been in years. He did help Jesse's church with their building project, and I know he's done some financial management seminars. But Dad is more in tune with Loki than Christianity. You stopped going when you moved to Chicago." "I knew you weren't interested and church was never important to me the way it was to Mom." Chelsea parked, we got out of the car, then walked to the front doors where Pavel greeted us. He led us into the church where we saw Larisa, Rachel, Viktoria, April, and Mark. We followed them into the worship hall, which Pavel called the 'nave' and sat in pews about halfway forward. I would have preferred to sit in the back, but the other kids were all Orthodox, so they wanted to be further forward. I had no real memory of being in church when I was little, and I found the service both interesting and tedious at the same time, and when it ended more than three hours after it had begun, I felt as if I was being released from custody. We left the worship hall and joined everyone in the parish hall for lunch. "What did you think?" Pavel asked. "It was long," I replied. "I agree," Chelsea said. "At my mom's church, the mass lasts less than an hour." The priest came over to us and Pavel introduced him. "This is my dad, Father Stephen; Dad, our friends Matthew and Chelsea, from Chicago." I shook hands with him, and he asked the usual polite questions, invited us back, then moved on to speak to other people. After we ate, Chelsea and I left the church to head to Batavia to see some of her High School friends. "What did you really think?" she asked once we'd pulled out of the parking lot. "That, in addition to being long, it was tedious! So much was repeated that you could probably cut the service in half if you took out all the repeated stuff!" Chelsea laughed softly, "That sounds just like you! Looking for the most efficient way to do something! I'm glad you don't do that in bed!" "I would think you'd be happy if I discovered an efficient way to bring you to orgasm!" "You brat!" Chelsea exclaimed. "You know it's about more than that!" "Says the girl who begs for more!" I teased. "Because I love you!" "And I love you, too!" ————— [Chicago, Illinois] 🎤 Steve My sister, Joel, Patty, and Davey walked into the house just after 10:00am, which was a surprise. "What are you doing here so early?" I asked. "We were next door and thought we'd drop in!" "Is something going on with Terry and Penny?" I asked, concerned. "Next door on the other side!" Stephanie replied. "The open house." "I didn't know you were into crime scene tours!" I teased. "We put in an offer," she said. "All cash." "I'd say we're paying you too much," I said with a smile, "but I know where that money came from!" "So sue me if I made a pile of cash at Spurgeon!" Stephanie exclaimed. "I don't recall giving permission for you to move next door, Squirt!" "As if I'd need my dumb brother's permission!" "What did you offer?" "The listing price; it's a bit lower than market given recent history, and we want it. I'm positive they'll accept given that it was only listed a week ago." "Contingent on selling your old place?" "No, but I don't think that'll be a problem. The houses on our street sell fairly quickly, and they're around the median price for Kenwood, unlike your house!" "Which would be tough to afford now, given the major increase in property values since Dad and I bought it!" "We're going to head home, but we'll be back for the family dinner," Stephanie said. She and I hugged, I shook hands with Joel, who had been quiet, as was his usual practice, then received hugs from my niece and nephew. Once they had left, I let Kara and Suzanne know the news. "I didn't see THAT coming!" Kara exclaimed. "But it's also not surprising that your sister would want to buy a bigger house than the one she and Ed bought together." "I agree," I said. "And the price is right, because they undervalued it by about ten percent due to it being the 'Murder House', as everyone in the neighborhood calls it." "It'll always have the moniker," Suzanne observed. "Well, for a generation, probably." "Did anything happen with the murder case against Pete Williams?" Kara asked. "No. I'm not sure what kind of plea bargain he could make, given there's a moratorium on the death penalty being carried out, and I don't see that ever being lifted. He's going to get life without parole, assuming what the detective said about the evidence being damning is true. The only surprising thing is that the kids put the house on the market so quickly." "Don't you think they had to?" Kara asked. "They're living with their grandmother and there's no way they'd move back into the house where their mom was murdered." "I don't disagree, it was just really fast." "The kids will be set, though, right?" Suzanne asked. "There was a mortgage on the house," I replied. "But given the appreciation in property values, even with the 'Murder House' discount, it'll pay off the note and leave them enough to cover a state school for both kids, though both of them are supposedly good enough to earn gridiron football scholarships." Kara laughed softly, "You've adopted your kids' view of what 'football' means!" "Given I have so many friends overseas and staff who follow European and South American football leagues, that shouldn't really be a surprise! Not to mention Eduardo calling it fútbol. Anyway, I need to change and walk over to Libby's house." I went upstairs, changed out of the sweatpants and rugby shirt I wore to lounge around the house, and put on khakis and a long-sleeve button-down shirt. I gargled with Listerine, then went downstairs to kiss my wives. That accomplished, I got my fedora, coat, and gloves from the foyer closet, put them on, and headed out the front door. I was leaving a bit early so I could take a leisurely, indirect walk, more to have some 'alone time' than anything else. With all my commitments to family, karate, and work, and friends, along with my dalliances, I didn't have a lot of time by myself. Of course, I didn't want too much time alone, but some was necessary. As I walked, I considered what I'd said to Emma, which echoed what I'd said to my wives as well. If the trip to Saint Martin happened, future dalliances with anyone under twenty would be rare exceptions, if they occurred at all. For one thing, the criminal penalties were becoming harsher and harsher, as people like my mom, Kent van der Meer, and Tim Sadler were winning the argument in a bizarre alliance with so-called progressives, who had abandoned their position of the 60s for free love, free expression, and treating teens as adults. That unholy partnership was pushing the idea that young adults in college were still 'children', in the sense that they needed to be 'protected' from 'adults'. The Republican Party had been captured by evangelical, fundamentalist prudes, and had, for the most part, rejected Ronald Reagan's views on government. If the creation of the Department of Homeland Security didn't prove that, FISA courts certainly did. People had, as they nearly always did, traded their freedom for security theatre. It was always a losing proposition, and sadly, the trend was continuing, to the point where an Orwellian surveillance state was being created, and Americans were fast approaching the point where denouncing your neighbor was an acceptable thing to do. The US and the East Bloc had, in effect, swapped positions, with the East Bloc — including Russia which was being led by Vladimir Putin, a man I had met when he held a different role — moving towards freedom and the US moving towards totalitarianism. As I walked up to the front door of Libby's house, I pushed those thoughts aside to focus on the seventeen-year-old — and legal — young woman who had chosen me for what she called her 'first fuck with an adult'. As I reached for the doorbell, the door was flung open and Libby grabbed my arm and pulled me inside, causing me to laugh. "Somebody is impatient!" I chucked. "Somebody doesn't want nosy neighbors seeing her with an older guy when her parents are out of town! The last thing I want to do is have trouble with my parents!" "Well, I'm all yours for the next six hours." "Six hours; six times! Or is age messing with your refractory period?" "I may not be a teenager, but I'm also not old enough to have encountered that problem; at least not yet!" "Let's go upstairs!" Libby exclaimed. I followed her up to her room, which was large and nicely appointed, with an en-suite bath. "Did you have a plan?" I asked as she shut the door. Libby licked her lips, winked, then said, "First, I'm going to give you an amazing blowjob. After that, you're going to lick me to a bunch of orgasms, then we fuck! You on top, followed by sixty-nine until you're ready again, then me on top. We break for some food, then sixty-nine and sex again, followed by a tit fuck where you cum on my face. Then sixty-nine so you can complete the 'around the world tour'. The last time is whatever you want, no limits, no restrictions. Is that wild enough?" "I'd say," I chuckled. "I thought about inviting a friend, but I decided I want you all to myself!" "That's probably best," I replied. "Am I correct in assuming this is a one-off?" "It think it has to be," Libby replied. "I really don't want anyone besides you, me, and Jesse to know!" "That makes complete sense." She went to her desk and extracted an envelope. "My permission slip!" she declared. I confirmed the recent date on the clean STI test and handed it back. Libby put the envelope back in the drawer, then turned to face me. "And now, for your viewing pleasure, a sexy seventeen-year-old body!" she exclaimed. I watched as she removed her jeans, T-shirt, bra, and panties, revealing large, firm breasts, a flat stomach, and a perfectly smooth mons, devoid of any hair. "Well, that answers _that_ question," I chuckled. "Do you prefer shaved, trimmed, or untamed?" "Trimmed," I replied. "Not that I'm dumb enough to reject the alternatives!" "Any pussy available to you is perfect?" Libby asked with a smirk. "The same as with any breasts I'm allowed to fondle, kiss, and suck are just fine!" "Most guys prefer big boobs and shaved pussies, or so the internet seems to indicate." "I'd take anything I read or saw on the internet about sex with a truckload of salt," I chuckled. "Obviously! Your turn!" I quickly removed my clothes and stood naked a few feet from Libby. "You're in really good shape!" she exclaimed. "For an old guy?" I asked with a smirk. "Oh, please! Thirty-nine is not old! Isn't Jesse's grandpa eighty-five?" "Yes." "That's old! And even he's in good shape, considering!" "He certainly is." "Get into my bed so I can give you an amazing blowjob!" "You realize that only a great fool would say a blowjob was 'bad' if the girl lets him cum in her mouth, right?" "And you're not a great fool?" "I clearly must choose the sexy teenager in front of me!" "Wise decision!" I climbed into the bed and propped myself with pillows so I could watch. Libby climbed in after me, sliding down and planting a kiss on the glans of my already erect dick. The vision of a girl fellating me made the experience all the more enjoyable, and Libby's promise of an amazing blowjob was fulfilled as she used her lips, tongue, mouth, and hands to pleasure me. With Libby being experienced, I held out for as long as I could, and she continued the enthusiastic, extremely pleasurable blowjob until I groaned deeply, and pulsed, filling her mouth with my cum as Libby lashed my glans with her tongue, stroked me, and gently squeezed my sack. When the pulses subsided, Libby released me and moved up so we could share our first kiss, which, unsurprisingly, was with her mouth still full of my cum. "Amazing?" Libby asked after she broke the fierce kiss two minutes later. "Amazing!" I agreed. "Your turn!" She moved to her back, and I began with her firm breast which were capped with large, brown nipples, licking and sucking for several minutes before I moved down between her legs, kissed her labia, then pressed my tongue between them, coating it with her coppery juices. Libby had a prominent clit, making it easy for me to bring her off multiple times. I wasn't sure how she defined 'a bunch', so after four orgasms from my tongue, I moved up, positioned myself, and slid smoothly into her silky tunnel. Libby hadn't specified _how_ she wanted to fuck, so I defaulted to my preference of slow thrusts, grinding against her every few thrusts, giving her five orgasms over the next twenty minutes before pushing as deeply into her as I could and pumping cum into her spasming pussy. "Totally NOT what I expected!" Libby declared when I stopped thrusting after our mutual orgasms had passed. "Believe it or not, that's my preferred way. I promise to pound you into the mattress later, if that's what you want." "That wasn't an objection, by the way, because I had five great orgasms! I just expected you to be more vigorous." I chuckled, "I promise the last time will be what I've called raw, animalistic, mattress-pounding, headboard-banging, multi-orgasmic fucking where I'll pound you as hard as I can, then pull out and cum in your mouth." Libby laughed, "Challenge: Accepted!" ————— 🎤 Jesse After church, Luna and I met Mikey, Nicole, Jerry, Mia, Birgit, and Kjell at Bacino's on Wacker Drive for pizza. "Bummer of the day," Nicole said, "my parents are coming to your dad's New Year's party!" I laughed, "It's not as if it's a Bacchanalian gathering! And besides, we'll spend most of our time at Amber's house with the teens and tweens. The youngest kids will be in the coach house with two chaperones. We won't have any, though Terry will check on us about once an hour just to keep the parents happy." "A lot can happen in an hour," Mikey smirked. "Graduation can't get here soon enough!" Nicole declared. "It's 2004 for Jesse, you, and Mikey, right?" Mia asked. "Yes. I think Luna is a Senior." "I am," Luna said. "I'm going to Arizona State next Fall." That made me think of CeCe, and I wondered how she was doing. "Scholarship?" Nicole asked. "Partial," Luna replied. "It's tough to get a spot on a Division I team, because there are something like 300,000 High School softball players and only 5000 Div I roster spots." "Hockey is probably about the same," Nicole said. "Mikey and I are hoping to be scouted together, but that's going to be tough because there are so few girls' teams. All the schools with girls' teams have guys' teams, so if I am recruited, I'll let the scouts know they need to convince the men's team to recruit Mikey." "You guys are that serious?" Mia asked. "I'll marry the idiot if he ever asks!" Nicole declared. "You guys are sixteen, right?" Mia inquired. "Mikey turned seventeen in October; I turn seventeen in March. But I'm sure he's the right guy!" "And I have no way to support a wife," Mikey said. "So she's just going to have to wait. And it's not as if she's not getting the milk for free now!" We all laughed at Mikey turning around the usual comment about guys. "Will you face each other in the playoffs?" Luna asked. "Not until the finals, if we both make it," I replied. "The round-robin is two sets of four teams, and the winners play for the city championship. We'd play the suburban champs in the first round of the regionals, then the winner of the collar county champs. If we win THAT, we go to Springfield for the state championship, with three other regional winners." "How many teams are in the first round?" Luna asked. "Eight from the city, eight from the burbs. We play three other city teams in the round-robin stage. Our big advantage for winning is that our group includes four, six, and eight, while the other is two, three, five, and seven." "Who's in your group?" "Chicago Latin, Lane Tech, and Saint Patrick Catholic. We play the winner of the group with British International, Brother Rice, St. Rita, and De La Salle." "Our group is tougher," Nicole said. "We have Waubonsie Valley, Naperville Central, and Glenbard East. We beat Glenbard but lost to the two Naperville teams." "By one goal each," Mikey said. "And those were our only two losses to teams in the burbs. We only lost to Jesse's team and Brother Rice in the city." The waiter brought our pizza, and that was the end of the conversation as six hungry kids dug into the deep-dish pan pizza. ————— 🎤 Steve "Another surprise," Libby declared. "I never expected THAT, either!" I chuckled, "If I had no problem French kissing after the blowjob when you hadn't swallowed, and putting my tongue in your pussy after I'd cum there, I'm not sure how licking my cum off your face and chest is such a surprise!" "I guess I just didn't know what to expect from you. As much as I've flirted and teased, I had no idea what you liked or what you wanted to do. And I promised myself no comparisons." "Wise." "Now that I've crossed 'father and son' off my bucket list, have you had a mother and daughter?" "More than once," I chuckled. "And the opportunity for one I passed up." "OK, I have to ask — why?" "I was fifteen and was WAY more interested in my friend than her mom, and my friend would have objected." "Twins?" "Yes, together, even." "I'd ask about multiple partners, but you're married to three women, so I think that's a sure thing!" I chuckled, "I had my first foursome when I was fifteen. And for my twentieth birthday, there were five girls, but serially, not simultaneously." "How old were you your first time? Fourteen?" "Yes, and she was nine years older." "Jesse was my first, and only, guy; I've been with six different girls." "You're dating Lilibeth now, right?" "Yes, but it's temporary. She's going to BC when she graduates, and I'm going to Harvard. She also is like Mom One and wants nothing at all to do with a dick penetrating her. She's not even interested in experimenting." "Don't push that," I counseled. "I know. I spoke with Mom One about it and she gave me good advice. I want a situation like yours, with a guy and a girl, so Lilibeth isn't really an option. I suspect I'll meet the right guy and girl at Harvard." "What kind of law do you intend to practice?" "I'm not sure. Criminal defense is cool, but the lawyers I've spoken to, including Aunt Melanie, say it can be super frustrating." "I do like how you talk like a member of the family," I replied. "What's the saying? When in Rome? You know how much time Jesse and I have spent together and how close we are." "True." "Ready for the final stop on the round-the-world tour?" "As I'll ever be!" "Minus the erection you need, but sixty-nine will solve that! The lube is in the nightstand drawer." ————— 🎤 Ashley "Have fun with Libby, Dad?" I asked with a sly smile when he came into the house late on Sunday afternoon. "How the…" he asked, but had a smile. "I think and I know things!" I giggled. "And I watch and listen! Your secret is safe with me!" "And to think in the past I called Birgit the 'Neighborhood Watch'," Dad chuckled, shaking his head. "Aunt Stephanie said they're buying the house next door!" I said. "She told me this morning," Dad replied. "I need to find Kara Mom and Suzanne so we can walk to the hospital to get your mom." Dad left, and I went back to the kitchen to help Yuriko, Stephie, and Natalie with dinner. "Dad's home," I announced. "He, Kara Mom, and Suzanne are leaving to get Mom from the hospital." "Ashley-chan, would you stir the soup, please?" Yuriko asked. "Of course!" I replied. I went over to the stove, pushed the step-stool over, and climbed up. I picked up the wooden spoon, and stirred the pot, then tasted it. "I think it needs a bit more onion and garlic," I said. "Add small amounts, please," Yuriko instructed. "Then let it simmer a few minutes before you taste it again." I added two pinches of garlic powder and two of onion powder, stirred them in, and waited two minutes before I tasted it again. "Perfect!" I declared. "Thank you! Would you make sure Albert set the table, please?" "Yes!" I exclaimed, climbing down off the step-stool. I walked to the dining room where I saw all the places were properly set. I returned to the kitchen and let Yuriko know Albert had done his chore, which, had he not, would have been shocking. He was the most 'squared away' person in the house, and even had all his shirts lined up by color, facing the same way, and evenly spaced in his closet! ————— 🎤 Steve "How in the heck did Ashley know where I was?" I asked Kara as she, Suzanne, and I walked south on Woodlawn Avenue. "What happened?" Kara inquired. "She met me at the door and asked if I'd had fun with Libby! I did NOT say anything to her, and I'm sure none of you did, and Jesse didn't know it was going to be today, and he was out with his friends." "She thinks, and she knows things!" Suzanne repeated. "Don't ask me how, but _nothing_ takes her by surprise or gets past her!" "TELL me about it," I chuckled. "Birgit wishes she was half as clued in as Ashley is!" "They say it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for," Kara declared. "So, DID you have fun with Libby?" "Yes. And today was a one-time thing. It's something she's wanted to do for some time, but she's not interested in trying to have a secret relationship." "Was it as wild as she suggested?" "Absolutely! Lots of sixty-nine, with three screws — me on top my way, her riding me wildly, and a hardcore fuck at the end. There was also a tit fuck and, of course, she wanted the final stop on the 'round-the-world tour'." "So you're all worn out now after Emma and Libby?" "Invigorated," I countered. "But I'm going with my stated plan. Obviously I'll be with Avanti, but other than the potential Saint Martin trip, it'll wind down, and other than some rare exceptions, there won't be anyone under twenty-one." "You still plan to fulfill Kristin Jaeger's request, right?" Suzanne asked. "Yes, and her friend's as well. I mean new girls." "We'll see!" Kara declared. "What about when Natalie leaves?" "That's a few years in the future, and I'll worry about it then. And what do you mean by 'we'll see'?" "You need your dose of virgin blood!" Kara exclaimed. "And you need your voyeuristic fantasy fulfilled!" I chuckled. "He didn't say never, Kara," Suzanne observed, "just rare exceptions. And unless I've missed something, except for Kristin and her friend Erika, Steve hasn't been with anyone who is under the legal age of consent since his mistake with the cheerleader. Well, until Emma." "Correct," I replied. "Elin in Sweden, but fifteen is legal there, and she was sixteen." "If the trend I'm seeing with girls at UofC is representative," Suzanne continued, "there won't be a shortage of twenty-one-year-old virgins who'll need a mindfuck, along with the other kind." "Sadly," I replied. "Society is going to Hell in a handbasket." "You could always provide stress relief for future doctors, too," Suzanne suggested. "Jessica is positive at least four or five of them would avail themselves of that service!" I chuckled, "She's probably right about that, based on the flirting." We reached the hospital and Jessica, Allyson, and Lucy walked out together. "Hey, handsome!" Lucy said, surprising me with a kiss on the cheek. "Hi," I replied. "Can anyone do that?" Allyson asked. "It's a free country," Jessica declared. Allison stepped up and rather than a kiss on the cheek gave me a quick peck on the lips and winked. "Later, Jess!" Allyson said, and she and Lucy walked away. I hugged Jessica and gave her a kiss, then Kara and Suzanne hugged and kissed her, and the four of us began walking home. "They'll be at the New Year's Eve party," Jessica said. "And you have a waiver!"