Ever since his trip to Africa, Freddie seemed to just keep winning. He got a massive raise at his job, massive house, and a smoking hot girlfriend.

You can’t help but be a bit jealous of him, even as he treats you to whatever your heart desires. He always lets you stay in one of his many guest rooms, buying whatever food you ask for with his infinite sums of money.

One day you’re alone in the living room, Freddie cooking up dinner with his girlfriend in the kitchen. You had a girl come over earlier in the day to hang out, but she didn’t seem too interested in you. It’s time like these that you can’t help but feel sad, yearning for a relationship like Freddie has.

Absent-mindedly, you pick up a book with Freddie’s and his parent’s names written across the cover, furrowing your brow as you open it to messy handwriting beneath fancy calligraphy.

The owner of this book shall possess…’” You read in a whisper, eyes scrolling down a small list of things Fred had presumably written down.

‘A loving girlfriend

A rich man’s job

A loyal friend

A giant house’

“This must be a goal book or something, and Freddie sure succeeded!” You laugh, feeling something poke out of the back of the book into your hand.

A pen? From where??

You start to feel a bit silly as you read the text on the page again, a smirk on your face as you cross out the word ‘loving’, and replace it with ‘busty’. So now it says ‘A busty girlfriend’, which makes you chuckle to yourself.  

An odd chill settles over the room, but you ignore it as someone comes from the kitchen.

“Dinner will just be another five minutes!” Freddie’s girlfriend calls out, walking into the room to let you know when the food will be ready.

“Huh?? Denise?

What’s up with your top???

Did you get breast implants or something??” You ask Freddie’s girlfriend, heart dropping as she gives you a quizzical look.

“Not funny.” She mutters under her breath as she goes back to the kitchen, seemingly used to her chest being commented about.

You smirk as realization pops into your mind, heart racing as you put a little arrow between the words ‘loyal’ and ‘friend’; then scribble in ‘boy’. Next, you cross out ‘girl’ from ‘girlfriend’, and write ‘slutty’ above it.

Now the book says that Freddie’s girlfriend is actually just his slutty friend, freeing up the now stacked Denise. You also turned his loyal friend into his boyfriend, which you hope would make him your girlfriend.


Your heart drops again as you come to a sudden realization- What if the book just turned you gay???

“Dinner’s almost ready, Freddie’s just finishing up!” Denise calls out, her voice dripping with arousal.

She then comes back into the living room, a look of pure seduction on her face as she approaches you. The feeling of an erection both excites and relieves you, though now you can’t help but wonder what on earth happened to Freddie after you changed the text in the book…

Are you bi now??

“Why am I just noticing how cute you are now?” Denise interrupts your thoughts with a cute giggle, “Did we ever go out? I would love to spend some time alone with you…”

She saunters over lustfully, inflated breasts creating immense cleavage as she stands over you.

“I’ve been like, really horny lately…” She whimpers, “I just wan-”

“Dinner’s ready!!” You suddenly hear from the kitchen, a melodic feminine voice with a sexy inflection.

You jump out of your seat, following Denise to the kitchen as you’re hit by the delightful sounds and smells of sautéing chicken. You happily grab a seat at the table, adorned by three perfectly placed ceramic plates topped with steaming fresh dinner.

“You always make amazing dinners!” You exclaim thankfully, only now turning to the chef working the stove top.

“Thanks!” A sweet voice replies, “Anything for you, babe!!”  

Your jaw is too agape to speak, your eyes wide open as you choke on a response. You were hoping for exactly this, but seeing Freddie as a tight blonde with a bubble butt is a bit surreal. She looks like a younger version of her mom, and you can’t even count the amount of times you’d teased Freddie for having a smoking hot milf mom!!

“Why is the fire still on?” You ask as you look around the table, flustered but trying to act casual.

“Oh right!

You get me so excited sometimes, I totally forgot what I was doing!” The woman you presume to be Freddie giggles as she bounces back to the stove, “I was finishing this last piece of chicken when I dropped my spatula, so let me just finish up here…”

You just nod absentmindedly, eyes fixated on Freddie’s ass as she bends over to open the drawer. You can’t help but feel a bit odd having transformed your best friend into a ditzy chick, but she doesn’t seem to even mind! 

You excuse yourself for a quick moment as Denise plays with her jet black hair at the table, almost tripping over a chair as you hurry to the living room to grab the magic book. Seeing the two girls together made your imagination run wild, and increasingly erotic visions quickly destroy any willpower you have to not go all out with your sexy friends.

You smirk as you create a new line in the magic book, unfurling another wave of altered reality as you let your fantasies spill onto the page. You’re able to infer from what Freddie wrote how the book works, simply continuing the intro sentence of The owner of this book shall possess…:

‘A ditzy mind with the disposition of a sex obsessed bimbo

A bust that puts every woman around her to shame, plush and perky enough to send any man into an aroused stupor’

You walk back to the kitchen in a daze, ready but not fully prepared for the vision before you. Denise seems unfazed, perhaps even jealous??

Freddie just bounces and giggles by the counter, her voice now sweeter than candy as she licks her lips and undoes the button of her pants. She moves with a remarkably erotic grace, hand stroking her hair in a way that almost makes you cum on the spot!

“Like, my pussy’s totes empty and I feel like I totally have not fucked in like, so fucking long, and like, I’m just so horny and stuff right now!” Freddie mews, seductively faltering her voice as she looks deep into your eyes.

She then suddenly lunges forward, making your heart skip a beat as she grabs your collar. She pulls you in with a wide smile, talking dirty as she inhales your scent.

“I’m gonna like, do such naughty things to your cock…” Freddie whispers in your ear, licking it as you shiver with pleasure.

“I think Denise should get involved too!” You laugh, not really joking as you beckon for her with your hand.

“I don’t like, share cock like that, I need a man all too myself. I'm not really interested in Freddie- I mean, she’s totally hot and sexy, I just need a big fat cock all to myself…” Denise trails off with a far off look, licking her lips as she presses down on the wet spot forming between her legs.

So there’s only one thing left to do if you want a threeway…

You run back to the living room, all blood below your belt as your mind struggles to think critically. You quickly grab the book and pen, desperate for an easy way to transform Denise into-

“I got it!” You suddenly exclaim, a goofy smile across your face as you start a new line in the book.

‘An even sluttier identical twin, the biggest bimbo in town, ready and very much willing to sleep with every man and woman she meets’

You take a deep inhale, smiling as you feel the cold wave of warping reality come. You wait for it to quickly pass over like usual, but this time it crashes into you and washes over your unprepared body.

Your mind clouds as your vision is singed pink, the scent of flowers overpowering all other senses as a warm ooze flows through your head. The internal sludge slowly drips down your spine, spreading and turning your shoulders slender as your neck slims and feminizes. Your torso is pulled in as your ribs crack loudly, chest becoming tender as breast tissue develops amidst a cocktail of coursing hormones beneath increasingly sensitive nipples.

All the fat in your stomach defies gravity and logic, suddenly spurting into your chest as you’re forced to arch your back and let out increasingly pitched moans. Your shirt warps as you feel it tighten, vision blurry as your now slim tummy feminizes. Your hips flare out against your shrinking underwear, pelvis rearranging as a gush of mass explodes beneath you.

The erection you’ve been sporting since before dinner throbs with new aggression, though the blood flow seems to be going the opposite way…

You feel a new form of sexual pleasure build quickly, and then in an instant everything goes black. When you open your eyes you look down to a perfect set of breasts, squeezed into a stretched top right below your chin.

Heavy eyelashes flutter as you hazily stare at a wedgied slit between your legs, dark wet stain where a bulge used to be. You wiggle your hips in a bit of a daze, blushing as your jiggling bubble butt makes itself clear.

And that’s not the only thing to jiggle…

“Like, whoa…” You trail off, squeaky voice raspy as you let out a hushed whimper and gently squeeze your soft DD cups.

You can still remember everything, but it’s almost like a new personality’s trying to take control of your thoughts.

You need to change this back somehow!

You need- to seduce Denise already!! She’s totes sexy, and playing hard to get is so hot!

Fuck, it’s getting harder to not just undress and caress her exquisite body…

Maybe if you wait for the next guy to fuck her, then you could sneak in while she’s too aroused to say no!

And you know Freddie would probably wanna get involved too…

You rub your frothing pussy as you think about finally seducing Denise, no longer concerned with anything that happened in the past. You just need to put this weird book away, and then tell your twin the plan to get Denise in a threeway.