-Fluttershy Aphrodisiac Effect - story by Colonist! ???: Base Command, this is Assistant Scientist - Base Command: We know, we know. Anyone can tell by your voice and lack of familiarity with proper radio transmission call signs and jargon. You’re not in the lab, professor. Your field role is “agent”, and your call sign is “Orange,” over. Orange: Seriously? Agent…Orange? You’re joking, right? Base Command: We were serious in the mission briefing, and you’re supposed to end all communications with an “over” by the way, over. Orange: You could’ve picked any other meathead bean counter for field duties. Pulling someone out of the scientific division is unprecedented - definitely a move from the higher-ups. Over. Base Command: You’re a lower ranked scientist, your note-taking abilities are better than our other rote field agents, and you’re probably easier to replace should you meet a dastardly end in the line of duty, over. Orange: That’s disconcerting…over. *The agent peers out from behind the small crack in the door.* Orange: Agent Orange reporting observations of the subject codenamed “Beast,” over. Base Command: Go ahead, over. Orange: I was too late to stop the subject from picking up the package, over. Base Command: What!? Stop her from drinking it then, damn it! *Orange jumps out from the closet that he was hiding in.* Orange: Don’t drink that! Fluttershy: Eeep! *Fluttershy was holding the opened bottle of Mare’s Moxie Mix in her hands when an unknown - and certainly unexpected - intruder burst out from her dresser closet. She loses her grip the opened bottle, and it falls harmlessly to the floor. The potion spills into a spattered puddle, and the intruder sidesteps it as he approaches her.* Orange: Are you okay, miss? Fluttershy: Huh? Y-yes, I think so, but what are you doing in my house, sir? Orange: That potion that you were just holding is dangerous, and I was trying to stop you from drinking it! Fluttershy: I didn’t drink any of it! Orange: That’s good then. Fluttershy: Who are you, and why did you know all that? Orange: The nature of my work and organization is classified. Rest assured though that I’m not here to harm you. How did you come across this potion, miss? Fluttershy: Do…I need to consult a lawyer or something before I answer that? Orange: I’m not that kind of agent, miss. Fluttershy: I just brought in a package in the mail. My name was on it, but the address was wrong. I figured the mailman already dealt with the address error and delivered it to me anyway, but when I looked closer at the address…it doesn’t even sound local. *Fluttershy manages to stop herself in a non-abrupt manner as she realizes that she was starting to stray into the “explaining Equestrian magic” territory. She didn’t sense anything malicious from this strange man, but with the with the circumstances and line of questioning she really wished she had a lawyer.* Orange: And that’s it? You were inspecting the package contents though. Fluttershy: I glanced at the instructions, and it didn’t sound like something that would be wise for me to d-drink. It sounds like it was formulated for horses. Orange: The bottle was opened… Fluttershy: I just…wanted to get a w-whiff… *Fluttershy was starting to feel herself get a little more lightheaded, and now her vision was starting go hazy along with it. The agent is alarmed as he observes the emerging symptoms.* Orange: You whiffed it!? How much? Fluttershy: Oh goodness…a d-deep inhale… *The agent had some flex cuffs in his field kit, but opted not to resort to them just yet.* Orange: Miss, I need you to take a seat and we’ll just - Fluttershy: I-I can’t stop it! Help me! *Fluttershy manages to take out her phone and to text the first person that she thinks can help her. The last fiber of restraint snaps upon tapping the send button, and she leaps at the agent. He manages to turn tail to run. Before he can take on step, he’s grabbed from behind and thrown to the ground.* Orange: Base Command, I’ve been compromised! Or…I’m about to be seriously compromised! In that sense, damn it! Over! *The agent grabs his PDA with a free hand and quickly inputs a coded message to auto-send to base command: 09-01-13_25-15-21 > DA073,2022. It’s all he can get out before his free hand become restrained be his captor. The PDA is thrown out the room and shatters at the bottom of the stairwell.* Orange: The Beast has bitten the Orange! I repeat - the Beast has bitten the Orange! *Said Beast releases her grip on the Orange and falls backward into a seated position. She doesn’t look like she’s in control though.* Fluttershy: I plan to do more than to just bite you, sir! *The agent notices that subject’s dress had fallen down halfway, and the bra was sliding down with it. Wait…was that a condom in her mouth? How!?* Fluttershy: You’re well prepared for an agent, hehe. What’s this doing in your wallet? Orange: I’m a committed man! I have a fiancé! Fluttershy: That’s such a sh ame, sir. Looks like I have to sample the merchandise for her. Don’t try to escape my grip this time: I have experience wrestling heavier animals than you, ehehe… *The agent comes up with one last attempt to appeal through the subject’s mental haze as rips the camera from his helmet.* Orange: Come any closer, and I’m going to forward this footage to the public! *The expression in Fluttershy’s eyes seem to change to their old form for a brief moment as she stops dead in her tracks. This doesn’t last very long though. Fluttershy trembles in a last show of resistance before she wickedly grins, tearing her own panties clean off by the waistband.* Fluttershy: Ohhhh yes, that’s exactly my fetish! Yes, yes, yes! *And as if the day couldn’t get any more strange or chaotic, and unknown man enters the doorway!* You: Fluttershy! What are you doing!? Who are you? Orange: Long story, man! Keep her off me! I gotta report to base! You: Report to base? What are you - *The agent leaps down the stairs and out the front door. You try to stop Fluttershy, but you only manage to grab onto her feet. She kicks you off, and you’re left with only her shoes in your hands.* Orange: Base Command, it looks as though the potion has the capability to exert its effect via olfactory route alone as well! What’s more is that it seems to have a heightened effect when appeals are made to the subject’s fetishes! I gotta hide - I can hear her heading my way! *The agent leaps behind into a grassy bush. He peers out from within it to observe his surroundings. Is he next to an animal shelter? The Beast runs past the bush and stops in front of it. She’s completely buck naked, and has attracted a small handful of people. What rotten luck would it be if she worked there!?* Fluttershy: I’m…being watched…by everyone! *Fluttershy backs into the front door of the shelter and sinks to her knees. Much to the people’s combined cheers and expressions of disgust, she lowers a hand between her legs and begins to rub herself. She’s rubbing herself as fast as her fingers can go when you turn the corner and witness the spectacle. Thank goodness you know where she keeps a spare key to the shelter, and you retrieve the key from the gutter before grabbing Fluttershy by the waist, unlocking the front door, and throwing her inside before closing the door behind her. You turn to face the shocked observers. It’s only smart to give an explanation on her behalf.* You: Um…Fluttershy hasn’t been feeling well. Her, uh, boyfriend just dumped her, and she just came down with an illness yesterday. Her fever really hasn’t broken yet, and I think it’s making her do…yeah… Random Woman: Goodness, talk about a fever dream then! Such lewd conduct in any other circumstances! Random Man: I gotta tell everyone to volunteer here! She’s so hot, I mean - figuratively speaking! I hope she gets well, sir, and I’m sure she’ll have more volunteers to help out too! *The observers disperse and murmur amongst themselves as they do so. You open the door to retreat into the animal shelter and you hear Fluttershy emit an audible sigh of pleasure. It looks like she managed to finish herself off, and she’s coming back to her senses.* Fluttershy: The potion…I didn’t even drink…I-I didn’t do anything too bad, did I? You: Some public masturbation, yes. Fluttershy: Eeep! You: I managed to explain it away. You shouldn’t have to worry about anything…except for a few more volunteers at the animal shelter. Fluttershy: Oh! I, um, guess I wouldn’t mind that then. That man though… You: I think he’s gone. I’ve got a lot of questions about this. Gosh, what a day! Fluttershy: I’ll say. Um, could you get me something to wear? *You’re about to, but your phone vibrates to a received text…Rarity!*