■B1 ・お…おいあんま顔近づけんなよ H-hey, don't get your face too close. ・触れてんだよ It's touching me. ・この潜入ルートの狭さだ仕方ないだぞう This undercover route is narrow so I can't do anything about it. ・つか理由があるにしても何で全裸で潜入しなきゃいけねぇんだよ… I mean, even if there's a reason, why'd we have to go naked undercover anyway... ■B2 ・そこでしゃべんな!息がかかってこそばゆいんだよ! Don't talk over there! Your breathing is tickling me. ・そ…そうは言ってもだな息をしないわけにもいかない… Even if you say that, there's no way I'd stop breathing. ・わかったから頭動かすな! I get it, so don't move your head! ■B3 ・おい…少し硬くなってきてないか Hey... aren't you getting a little hard? ・な…なってねぇし!つか誰のせいだよ!! N-no, I'm not! And whose fault is it anyway?! ・離れろっ Get off ■B4 ・完全に勃起してるじゃないか Now aren't you completely hard? ・く…っわかったからもうやめ… Khh... I get it, so stop alrea... ・嗅ぐな Don't sniff at It ・く…っやべぇ…すぐ出ちまいおう Kh... Damn it... I'm so close to cumming. ■B5 ・待て…離っ Wait... Get of.... ・ク…イ…く C-cumming!! ・あっ Aah ・あっ Aah ・擦っただけでこんなに…ミッションばっかであんまり抜いてなかったのか? Cumming so much just from getting rubbed... Have you been on missions all this time that you weren't able to get off? ■B6 ・ったく…気ぃ済んだかよ Geez... It's over, okay? ・あ…ああ Ah... Aaah ・ほんと何考えてんのかわかんねぇなお前 I really don't get what were you thinking. ・愛しい My dearest...