-Mini story - Hot Spring Starlight and Trixie! - by Colonist - *Japony Isles: an offshore set of islands that was a half-day plane flight away from Canterlot City. Trixie wouldn’t have given it much thought as one of her hot vacation picks for a long weekend off, but when she won that all-expense paid trip for two to that exact place how could she say no? Years of buying and consuming those peanut butter crackers had finally paid off into winning a vacation sweepstakes, and she wasn’t even trying for prizes - the enjoyment of peanut butter crackers came first. Trixie thought about asking Sunset, but it didn’t seem right to include her without the rest of her close friends. As such, Starlight from the other world seemed to be the best choice, and when asked on her next visit across the portal, Starlight happily accepted. The long weekend came up very quickly, and the two were on a plane to their destination and immediately chauffeured over by a local charter driver to one of the reputable local cuisine joints. Things couldn’t look any better for the two winners…* Trixie: Japony Isles! Woo hoo! *The patrons of the small Japonese restaurant look up from their dishes and at the source of the loud exclamation. After a few mutters, they return to their meals without much fuss. Under the disapproving look from her friend, Starlight, Trixie does the same as well.* Starlight: One of the smaller ones at least…I hear the main one would have been almost double the cost of what this one was! Trixie: Oh Starlight, live a little! You only had to cough up a single ruby chip from that bag of other-worldly jewels of yours to cover the parts that the all-expense vouchers don’t cover. Starlight: I still like being wise with my currency. Trixie: Fine. If it makes you feel better, I’ll only order a single serving of udon for lunch. Starlight: You usually order a double!? Trixie: What? I need a lot of calories if I’m going to be in peak performing shape, and you’re nuts if you think I’m going to skimp on dessert! Starlight: We’re on vacation. There aren’t any impromptu magic shows that I should be aware of, are there? Trixie: Hehe, watch. Excuse me, sir? Sushi Chef: Yes? Trixie: If I can drop that cocktail cherry into that glass using nothing but this upside down glass then you get to pour me some free sake! Sushi Chef: Hmph. And if you can’t, then you and your friend have to work here for the whole day to make up for all the customers that you either drove away or made tip less due to your constant outbursts! *Trixie gulps down the last of her current sake before slamming her glass upside down on the table to signal her acceptance of the bet.* Trixie: You’re on! Starlight: Trixie, wait! Are you really going to risk our very first day on vacation for a free drink? Trixie: Trust me. Starlight: I really don’t here, but it doesn’t look like you’re giving me a choice! *Trixie shrugs as both Starlight and the Sushi Chef lean forward in earnest anticipation of her failure/success. Trapping the cherry under her upside down glass, Trixie starts to move both in a counterclockwise circles, moving faster with each revolution. By the time she’s gotten to a point where she can’t go any faster, Trixie lifts the upside glass with the cherry still spinning inside it and drops it into the other glass.* Trixie: Woo hoo! Pour me another sake, bartender! Err…chef. *The sushi chef gives Trixie a frown at her abrupt correction before pouring another serving of sake from the bottle.* Starlight: Impressive, but that wasn’t magic. Trixie: Oh well pardon me, miss unicorn, but we humans have to make due with conjuring and sleight of hand! Starlight: I meant that anyone with a basic knowledge of physics would know how you did that. *Trixie slumped back into her seat as she took another sip of sake from her glass.* Trixie: Well, at least you didn’t force me to explain my trick. I can deal with a member of the audience who’s about to give me the textbook definition of centrifugal force. Starlight: Centripetal force. Trixie: Augh, now you’re making me think about my physics coursework! We’re on vacation! Starlight: Right, sorry, sorry. *Starlight immediately reaches over to Trixie’s glass and gulps down the rest of the free sake.* Trixie: H-hey! Snatching the last swig of my hard-earned drink, what gives!? Starlight: Well, the “Edge Onsen” is our next stop on the itinerary. You don’t want to get too tipsy before you take a dip in the hot springs, do you? Trixie: Trixie’s a big girl and can handle her drink! I’ve snuck sips from my dad’s liquor cabinet before. Starlight: Enough to equal three servings of sake in one meal? Look, I know the drinking age in the Japony Isles is lesser than Canterlot City’s, but your tolerance definitely isn’t up there. Trixie: Nice of you to look out, but how would you know? Starlight: I’m a pony - mostly - and ponies take a lot more than people to even come close to tipsy. Trixie: Hmm, increased body mass makes sense then. Starlight: Yeah, basically. I love a dark stout lager after a long day at the School of Friend- Trixie: Fatty! Hehe. Starlight: …let’s just get out of here. *Starlight placed a ruby chip on the table and left with Trixie in tow. Their driver took them to the other side of the island to the best out-of-the-way hot springs mentioned in the sweepstakes travel guide. It was a half-hour drive, but one that offered breathtaking views of the ocean along the way. Stepping out from the car as it pulled away, the girls could see when it was the best hot springs on the island: looking out from where they were was like looking at the edge of the world: fitting for the name “Edge Onsen.”* Starlight: We can hang out and relax here until sundown while our driver drops off our luggage at the hotel and makes arrangements for dinner. Trixie: Good boy. *The girls walked into what looked like the front of the hot springs, but something looked a little off. There were no signs to indicate that it was a hot springs, and it didn’t look like anyone was around.* Starlight: Hello? Are we in the right place? Trixie: Of course we are! This is one of those out-of-the-way places, right? Did you really expect a big flashing sign and crowds of tourists? Come on, let’s just grab a towel and soak our troubles away! *Starlight couldn’t argue with that logic. She shrugs as she joins Trixie in disrobing by one of the open towel racks and grabbing a towel. There was just one big hot spring area with no dividers, and the girls opted for the section of water that was as close the edge overlooking the ocean as they could possibly get.* Starlight: Whoa there, Trixie. Already losing the towel? Trixie: Heh, well no one else is around! Think the itinerary accounted for this trip to be exclusively catered for just the two of us? Starlight: You know, I haven’t really looked that far ahead on the paper. Trixie: It can wait. Besides, we’ve got all - ???: *ahem* *The voice of a man clearing his throat gets their attention. Starlight is too surprised to reach back for her towel while Trixie tries to play it cool.* Trixie: Oh, hello! You must be the owner of this fine place. Hey, you’re Mr. Gladmane! My dad’s done some magic shows for your casino! Gladmane: Indeed. Are you aware that this is private property? Trixie: Wait, what? But our driver brought us here! Gladmane: I swear that you darn tourist girls think you can walk in anywhere you feel like! Starlight: Now sir, we’ll just get dressed and get going - Gladmane: Oh I’m afraid your clothes are the cost of trespassing, young lady. Starlight: Hey, you can’t - Trixie: Curse you peanut butter crackers and your faulty all-expense vacation sweepstakes! *The two girls run out of the private property with little more than their dignities.* Starlight: So we just wait for our driver as we are? With that hot spring screw up, he’s certainly not earning the view that he’ll be getting. Trixie: At least it looks like no one comes around here very often - oh hey, that’s a sightseeing bus! Hey, over here! Come give a couple naked gals a ride back to their hotel! *A sightseeing bus coasts slowly past the two without noticing them. Must be the tinted windows! Trixie runs after the bus as Starlight follows behind her. It would be at least a couple of miles before they catch up and are let on. Some vacation!* *Weeks earlier…* Gladmane: So I get my peanut butter cracker manufacturing plant to make a couple sweepstakes-winning snacks, and you’ll plant them in some sexy girls’ lunches? Doppy: Nothing boosts tourism like naked tourist gals, and you’ll be able to set up a local “museum” soon enough with the collection you’ll get from the “sightseeing bus"! Gladmane: Well that’s just a mighty grand fine idea, young man! Bringing revenue to the Japony Isles economy in the - how you kids say - “chaotic good” sort of way! Doppy: It’s good for me, and that’s all that matters! Gladmane: How much of a split are you thinking once that “museum” gets up and running? Doppy: Fifty-fifty sound fair? Gladmane: Sixty-Forty. I own the manufacturing plant and the hot springs, and I have maintenance costs. Forty is generous for just pitching the idea. Doppy: Tough, but fair. Rest assured, Mr. Gladmane, my first picks are some real lookers! *Doppy twirls a package of sweepstakes-winning peanut butter crackers as the duo grin.* Gladmane: Oh yeah, uh huh huh!